The best varieties of cucumbers. Varieties of gherkins are the best Seeds of gherkin cucumbers are small

Some farmers doubt whether gherkins are a variety or unripe cucumbers. In fact, this is a miniature variety with a number of features:

  • length no more than 10 cm,
  • dense consistency without voids,
  • thin peel,
  • bright green color.

In cooking, gherkins are valued for their versatility and aesthetic appearance. They are suitable for marinating, decorating dishes, preparing salads and canapes, and eating fresh. Canned gherkins are crispy and not bitter. In addition, they are low in calories, contain iodine and minerals.

Parthenocarpic and self-pollinating varieties of gherkins

F1 - the designation of hybrid varieties of the first generation that carry best qualities crossed plants. It is not customary to collect their seeds, because the set of traits is achieved by selection.

  • can F1,
  • Thumbelina F1,
  • patty F1,
  • Nastya F1,
  • Altai Gherkin F1,
  • Gherkin-snack F1,
  • Children's F1,
  • Harmonist F1,
  • Filippok F1,
  • Primadonna F1,
  • Adam F1,
  • Meringue F1.

Parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers do not require pollination, so they are ideal for growing in a greenhouse. When growing on a balcony, the ability of the plant to self-pollinate is especially important.

High yielding varieties of gherkins

The highest yielding are:

  • Cucumber Moravian gherkin f1. Fruit weight - 95 g, yield: up to 15 kg per m². Pollinated by insects, grows up to 1.5 m. Short branches, immunity to mosaic viruses and powdery mildew.
  • Variety Perfection F1. Fruiting after 50 days, yield: up to 9 kg per m², belongs to superbeam varieties.
  • Cucumber variety Shorty F1. Ripens in 40 days, yield: up to 9 kg per m².
  • Cucumbers gherkins grade Canned f1. Ripens in 40 days, weight - 85 g, yield: 10 kg per m².
  • Grade Children's F1. Weight - 70 g, yield: 15 kg per m², ripening occurs on the 40th day.
  • Variety Friendly family F1. The onset of fruiting after 45 days, yield: 15 kg per m².

Of these, the universal and less whimsical are the Moravian gherkin variety and the Friendly family variety.

To get a good harvest, each stage of cultivation is carefully planned:

  • choose seeds from trusted manufacturers,
  • prepare the ground in autumn
  • sown on time
  • watered abundantly,
  • do not allow damage by pests,
  • do not use large doses of mineral fertilizers,
  • take measures to prevent disease.

Rules for planting in open ground by seed method

Seed preparation.

Season: spring, end of May.

Soak the seeds in a solution of salt and water. Those that went to the bottom are good planting material. The rest can be thrown away.

On a note! Varietal seeds are those that are bred by breeders. Not varietal seeds are collected independently.

Soil preparation.

Make furrows at a distance of 70 cm from each other. Dig holes 10 cm deep every 20 cm. Moisten the earth. Sprinkle with manure and peat.

Sowing seeds and mulching.

Temperature: +15 to +20 °C.

Place 4 seeds in each hole to a depth of 2 cm. Cover with soil and cover with foil. To improve soil fertility, mulch is used - inorganic and organic materials. Nettles, sawdust, compost and leaves will do. Cover with foil on top.

The benefits of mulching:

  • soil moisture is maintained
  • weed growth will be reduced,
  • the soil will not freeze and will not overheat,
  • fungal diseases will not be transferred from the soil to gherkins,
  • the root system will develop faster.

Care and watering.

Water every 3 days warm water, required volume: 10 l per m². Every 10 days, feed: 1 liter of manure, 10 g of urea and 10 liters of water.

After the sprouts appear, the gherkins are tied to pegs and pinched.

Important! The fruits must be harvested every day in the morning.

To control pests, spray with Actelik or Confidor. For the prevention of bacteriosis, the drug Champion is suitable.

Rules for planting gherkins in a greenhouse

Greenhouse disinfection.

Season: autumn.

For processing 20 m, a solution is enough: 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate and karbofos per 10 liters of water.

Soil preparation.

5 days before planting seedlings.

As a soil, use peat, humus, sawdust and wood ash. Bring the mixture into the greenhouse and make beds 80 cm wide at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Apply organic fertilizers to the soil. Then pour each bed with a hot solution: 500 ml of mullein, 1 teaspoon of blue vitriol and 5 liters of water. This is enough to water 1 m². Cover with cling film on top to retain natural moisture and warmth.

Stretch 2 wires over each bed at a height of 2 meters.

Important! Do not use the land in which cucurbits grew.

Seedling preparation.

After selecting low-quality material, the seeds should be hardened to make them more hardy. To do this, they are placed in the refrigerator for 9 hours, then heated by the battery for 6 hours. Then the seeds are placed in a warm place for germination. After 3 days, you can plant in the soil.

Gherkins have tender roots, so you need to sow seedlings in peat pots or paper cups. The diameter of the container is 8 cm. Required condition- hole for drainage.

Manure, sawdust and peat are suitable as soil. As a fertilizer - 1 g of magnesium sulfate and 3 g of urea.

In the soil, make depressions of 2 cm, place the seeds there, cover with earth on top. Pour abundantly and cover with foil to maintain the temperature of 25 ° C. After 3 days, the temperature can be lowered to 20 °C.

With the appearance of each new leaf in the gherkin, fertilizer should be added.

Planting seedlings.

Beginning of May.

After the appearance of 4 leaves, transfer the seedlings to the greenhouse. Dig holes, put in peat pot with gherkin and sprinkle with peat. To attract bees, spray the seedlings with sweet water and open the window.

Advice! To grow the Moravian gherkin in winter, you should put a heated greenhouse on the site and place a hive with bees there.

Formation of bushes.

5 days after planting, the seedlings are tied to supports. Pinch the main stem at the 6th leaf, and that's all side shoots delete.

Pest control and disease prevention.

To prevent bacteriosis, spray with preparations containing copper. Suitable fungicide Cuprostat. So that the larvae of the germ fly do not eat the gherkin, spray Actellik. From root rot, spray with Zaslon.

One of the most popular varieties gherkins.


  • does not require pollination
  • tall,
  • yield: 15 kg per m²,
  • with a female type of flowering.

Rules for planting in a greenhouse in a trellis way:

  • Greenhouse processing. Wipe the surface in autumn soapy water. Stretch 2 wires at a distance of 2 m above the ground, throw twine over them.
  • Soil preparation. Add to soil to reduce acidity dolomite flour or crushed chalk. The recommended soil temperature is 25 °C. Make beds at a distance of 70 cm from each other, drive in stakes. Dig holes every 30cm.
  • Planting seeds. Season: end of May. Put 4 germinated seeds in each hole with the point up, cover with soil 1.5 cm. Pour abundantly with warm water once a week. After the appearance of the first leaves, mulch the ground without manure. Fertilize every 10 days, water the seedlings every 3 days. Pick fruits daily.
  • Bush formation. When the leaves are 5 cm long, you can fasten the main stem to the twine. Pinch the side shoots at a distance of 50 cm from the ground, leaving 4 ovaries each.
  • Pest control and disease prevention.

From transferorosis and bacteriosis, spray plants with Kurzat and Alet preparations. From pests, use the insecticide Decis.

Rules for landing on the balcony:

  • Equipment preparation. On the glazed balcony, strengthen the wire and throw the twine tied to the stakes over it. Stick stakes into the ground with seedlings. It should be borne in mind that each gherkin requires 30 cm² and a container with a volume of at least 3 liters with a drainage hole.
  • Planting seedlings of gherkins. Sprouted seeds are placed in 3 pieces in a peat pot. After the appearance of 2 leaves, the seedlings are placed in the main container. Recommended temperature: 25 °C. As soil, use earth, humus and wood ash heated in the oven. Water in the morning and evening. Every 10 days, fertilize - an infusion of bird droppings.
  • Formation. When the sprouts rise 40 cm along the twine, cut off the top. To form lateral lashes, pinch off the shoots above the 10th leaf.
  • Pest control and disease prevention. At home, cucumbers are harmed by aphids, mites and whiteflies. To destroy them, spray the seedlings with a tobacco solution. To prevent diseases, mulch the soil with sawdust. During hot weather, close blinds or curtains.

As additional lighting and heat use lamps mounted above the plants.

These varieties are distinguished by their versatility and high yield. If you follow the recommendations for planting, you can collect 15 kg of cucumbers per m² even in winter.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Cucumber is a popular vegetable crop among residents of Russia and neighboring countries. The fruits of the plant are widely used in the preparation of hot and cold dishes, snacks, salads and even drinks. Cucumber seedlings are whimsical and require special care, so for a good harvest, you should take care of optimal growing conditions. Breeders are actively working to develop hybrids suitable for planting in local soil.

What variety of cucumbers is best for open ground

In crop production, there is a division of vegetable crops into varieties. The choice is determined by several factors: purpose (eating raw, seaming, adding to salads, etc.), growing method (seedling, regular), climatic conditions, soil type, and more. Varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground are very popular among summer residents and are actively grown on plots. There are the following popular classes suitable for landing in open ground:

  1. Zozulya is a class beloved by gardeners. The first gherkins appear within 1.5 months after planting. Partially self-pollinated vegetable crops are considered the best because they are resistant to sudden changes. temperature regime. Their feature is considered to be a good yield even in low light, while the need for pinching and pinching is eliminated. On initial stage fruiting yield is up to 16 kg per square meter of planting, but within a month continues to increase to 20. Cylindrical vegetables, on average up to 24 cm in length and weighing up to 300 g.
  2. Claudia is a self-pollinating species that does not need chemical treatment from insect pests. A medium-sized vegetable with a cylindrical shape, dark green skin with rare light stripes. On average, the weight of a ripe fruit is 80 g, and the size is up to 12 cm.
  3. Masha F1 is a parthenocarpic class capable of forming a vegetable without fertilization and pollination. The first harvest gives in a month. The plant is demanding on light, with insufficient lighting, a decrease in ovaries can be observed, therefore, if possible, it is necessary to turn on the backlight. The gherkin is cylindrical, of medium size with large bulges, tasty, not bitter, resistant to various diseases.
  4. Chinese climbing - class late ripening. The first harvest must be expected for almost two months. Bushes with a mixed type of flowering, pollinated by bees. Fruits on average reach a length of 13 cm, and weigh up to 130 g, the density is average. Its main advantage is resistance to powdery mildew and the ability to tolerate lower temperatures. The variety is versatile in use and has a good taste and appearance.

Ultra-early varieties

Species that are quick to ripen the crop are gaining popularity among gardeners, are resistant to changing climatic conditions and have good taste and yield. It has been proven that this category of plant is distinguished by its ability to fight diseases. Gherkins are distinguished by their versatility, they are suitable for eating raw, do not lose their taste when salted and pickled. Among the varieties of cucumbers popular for open ground, each summer resident chooses his favorite.


This subspecies represents a hybrid group of seeds. It has high commercial and taste qualities, productivity, is pollinated by bees, and is resistant to powdery mildew. The bushes are strongly branched, the type of flowering is mixed. Average length ripe vegetable 13 cm, weight 100-108 g. Rare tubercles are located on the surface. Planting is recommended from early spring to the first month of summer in warm soil. For good yields, frequent fertilizing, loosening of the soil and timely watering are necessary, the first crop appears on the fiftieth day.


This category is considered a hybrid, universal. Ripens early, the first harvest is harvested after 1.5-2 months. The hybrid is suitable for growing at home on the balcony, as it is compact, unpretentious to room temperature, and has a pleasant taste. The plant is productive, with proper care it can produce up to 13 kg of fruit per square meter. The gherkin has a cylindrical shape with small white spikes. Due to genetic features, it does not taste bitter, therefore it is popular among gardeners.

Medium maturity

It is recommended to alternate such cucumbers with early and late species in order to consume the fruits constantly, until the first frost. Mid-season ones are more resistant to diseases than early ones, and require much less fertilizer than late ones. Seedlings of an average ripening period have the ability to build up a powerful root system, which will ensure high level productivity.


This plant variety is one of the oldest, but no less popular, its name comes from the Ukrainian city. The average length of the whip is two meters. The vegetable belongs to bee-pollinated species and bears fruit in 1.5-2 months, they are suitable for eating raw, for conservation and pickling, since they have a very high level of quality. The pulp is juicy, with a characteristic crunch, the taste is sweetish. The peel is thin, with tubercles and small black spikes. Sprouts are disease-resistant, for which they are valued by experienced vegetable growers.

Nezhinsky is recommended to be planted in open ground, covering with a film. When planting in a greenhouse, you should not hope for a large harvest, since this type of plant needs natural pollination, and cucumber loops, due to their length, need a lot of space. Cultivation is possible seedling way and with seeds. Pre-soaked seeds are recommended to be planted in mid-May in warm soil. For achievement best result the culture is grown on ridges using trellises.

Far Eastern

The variety belongs to the class of mid-season, bee-pollinated. The first fruiting occurs 40-55 days after planting in the soil. Zelentsy of medium length, up to 15 cm, weighing 150-200 g. The peel of the cucumber is light green, covered with a slight wax coating. The application is universal, the vegetable is used raw and for pickling. The plant is able to develop a powerful root system, the foliage is not plentiful, shoots are resistant to drought.

late ripening

Bush plants of this class germinate well only in the third year. Late-ripening varieties for open ground are planted by vegetable growers for conservation or pickling. In total, there are more than 80 species of plants, including Dutch ones, with an average ripening time. You should be careful when buying seeds for planting; you need to purchase a small number of different items in order to independently evaluate their taste and external qualities after the fruits ripen. A few vegetables of the classes you like should be left to ripen for seeds.

Relay race

Hybrid class pollinated by bees. Collection is possible in 1.5-2 months. The dimensions of the gherkins are 16-20 cm, the average weight is 220 g, they are intended for making salads. The pulp is aromatic, the seeds are small. The skin is dark green, covered with tubercles with small spines. Suitable for cultivation in the winter-spring period and is characterized by the ability to high yields, an average of 30-35 kg per square meter. Greens have been proven to retain their freshness well, which is why they are often exported.


A versatile plant, used for pickling and salads. The fruit is oval cylindrical in shape, strong, large (weight up to 180 g), reaches a length of 16 cm. The surface is with large tubercles, there are white spikes. The type of ovary is bundle, the flowering is female, the stem is long, on average it reaches 3 meters. The species is resistant to some diseases, has a good taste and a dense structure. Fruiting occurs 60-65 days after planting.

high yielding

An experienced gardener achieves High Quality fruits. The main selection criterion seed material- taste qualities. Soil preparation and fertilization, loosening, weeding - mandatory procedures to guarantee a good harvest. Any variety of cucumbers greenhouse cultivation and open ground require careful maintenance. There are several popular classes of plants that guarantee proper care good harvest.


Cucumbers of this subspecies are one of the promising leaders of your group. The plant adapts well to adverse weather conditions, resistant to diseases. The fruits are cylindrical in shape, fragrant, not bitter, grow of medium length, 10 cm, and the weight does not exceed 80 g. Sowing is done in loosened and warmed up to 14 degrees soil. The first harvest is taken after two months of cultivation and care.


This variety is unpretentious for planting, it can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. The harvest ripens on the 36th day after planting, so the Dasha variety is early. Zelenets is slightly elongated, dark green in color, cylindrical in shape, the length of a ripe cucumber is 7-8 cm, weight is up to 80 g, it has a high yield and has good taste.


Previously, for planting in open ground, gardeners preferred varieties pollinated by bees. Recently, vegetable growers have been actively growing self-pollinating species, since they do not require special care. For active growth, cucumbers are provided with good air humidity, fertilize the soil and provide the necessary amount sunlight.


Gherkin variety of medium ripening period, resistant to deformation, overgrowth and some dangerous diseases. The fruits ripen on the 40th day after planting, have an elongated shape, there are small spikes and tubercles on the surface. Cucumbers of this species are juicy, grow up to 10 cm in length with a weight of 75-80 g, the seed chamber is small. Vegetables are suitable for pickling, fresh consumption.


Early ripe representative of cucumbers for greenhouses and open ground. Zelentsy cylindrical, short, green. They have a pleasant taste without bitterness. Productivity is 11-17 kg per square meter, a vegetable is 7-8 cm long, weight is up to 80 g. The hybrid is valued by gardeners for its resistance to certain diseases, early ripening of the crop and high presentation. The purpose is universal - gherkins are suitable for pickling and preservation, for fresh consumption.

disease resistant

Unfortunately, this vegetable crop is prone to viral and fungal infections, which can cause a decrease in yield and death of the plant. Thanks to the efforts of specialist breeders, varieties for open ground with resistance to diseases have been developed. They are unpretentious to the habitat, therefore they are grown in greenhouse conditions and open ground.


The plant of this class is hybrid, belongs to early maturing high-yielding varieties. Bushes are resistant to some dangerous diseases, such as powdery mildew, cladosporiosis, cucumber mosaic virus. ripe salad cucumbers have high commercial and taste qualities, are used by housewives for pickling and salting. Fruit of medium thickness, cylindrical shape with small tubercles. The length of the greens is 10-13 cm, the weight is up to 120 g. Benefit is a heat-loving vegetable, optimal temperature soil for seed germination - 25-30 degrees. The harvest ripening time is 1.5 months.


The representative of this variety of cucumbers for open ground belongs to the class of mid-season hybrids, growing season which ranges from 45 to 48 days. The fruits are saturated green in color, have the shape of a cylinder with large tubercles. The vegetable is resistant to olive blotch, cucumber mosaic, southern (powdery) mildew. The plant is high-yielding, suitable for salting, tolerates temperature rise well.

Ground cucumbers for pickling and canning

Not every type of vegetable crop is suitable for salting and conservation. In order for the processing result to please, it is necessary to responsibly approach the choice of seeds. The optimal cucumber for pickling and salting is considered to be one that has thin skin and elastic pulp, which does not lose its crunch under the influence of salt. If the goal of the gardener is to achieve the maximum good taste canned cucumber, then you should rely on popular varieties suitable for harvesting for the winter.

parisian gherkin

An early ripe bee-pollinated species, which is a leader for salting and preservation, since it does not taste bitter. The first harvest is taken at 41 days. The ripe fruit has a dense skin with large tubercles and black spikes. In length, the cucumber grows no more than 10 cm, and the weight is 100 g. The plant is resistant to variability in climatic conditions and dangerous diseases.


These hybrid gherkins are characterized by abundant yields. The variety requires pollination, can be grown in open ground or in greenhouse conditions. Fruit ripening occurs at 43-48 days. The vegetable is even, small in size, with thin skin, optimal for conservation. It differs in the beam arrangement of the ovaries, has a female type of flowering. Valued for resistance to diseases, lack of bitterness.

son of the regiment

The plant of this species is medium-sized with a green leaf of medium size, bee-pollinated. Zelenets oval, green, with medium-sized tubercles, rarely located. The length of the fruit is 7-9 cm, it has high taste qualities. The plant is resistant to scab. A ripened vegetable can be harvested after 40-45 days, it has a good yield, and for its small size actively used for canning and salting.

New varieties of cucumbers

The bunch variety is also called the bouquet variety. Seedlings take up little space and can bear fruit even on windowsills and balconies. Differs in the miniature size, but is the champion on productivity. From one branch of the plant, you can get up to 10 kg of vegetables. All bushes with a bundle ovary are hybrid; for their breeding, two subspecies are crossed that have the necessary characteristics.

Relatively recently, Chinese cucumbers began to be planted by gardeners. This plant is a kind of ordinary vegetable, has an elongated thin fruit. The taste qualities are brighter, the pulp is sweetish, with a slight watermelon aroma, the skin is not bitter. Almost all varieties of Chinese cucumbers are early ripening, so they easily adapt to weather conditions and temperatures.


The variety is an early self-pollinating hybrid. Harvest ripens on the 38th day. The leaves of the plant are medium in size, slow growing. The fruit is cylindrical in shape with medium-sized tubercles. Upon reaching a size of 6-8 cm, the cucumbers continue to grow in width, so they try to shoot them small. The main advantages are resistance to peronosporosis and other diseases, high yield, high taste. Unfortunately, cucumbers of this variety have a significant drawback - they are prone to the formation of voids in the middle of the fruit.


Good cucumber seeds for open ground - variety "Master". The gherkin of this class is a mid-season beam hybrid. Up to 6 ovaries are formed on the branch. Suitable for greenhouse planting and open ground. The skin is green, with tubercles and white spikes. The species is resistant to cladosporiosis, has good taste. On average, the mass of greenery is up to 110 g.

Chinese farmer

Seeds of Chinese vegetable species are popular among gardeners and vegetable lovers. This Farmer's Variety is a medium term bred hybrid with a highly branched stem that matures well in open ground. Harvest can be removed after 50 days. The fruits are even, smooth, about 40 cm long, resistant to diseases and bad weather.


This variety is actively used for making salads. The plant is a female type of flowering, medium-branched, resistant to some diseases. Zelenets is long, dark green in color with small tubercles and a white edge. bush gives high yield and perfectly adapts to weather conditions and temperatures. The pulp is juicy, not bitter, has a sweet aftertaste. The vegetable is thermophilic, requires a large amount of sunlight, landing is carried out in warm ground.

The best varieties of cucumbers for open ground near Moscow

Russian breeders decided to develop special types of vegetables adapted to the climate and soil characteristics of the Moscow region. Researchers are engaged in the active development and breeding of new hybrids to increase the yield and quality of the finished product. Among domestic hybrids, gardeners have identified some of the leading species suitable for outdoor cultivation.


Cucumbers of this species are considered early ripe bee-pollinated hybrids. It takes up to 47 days from germination to harvest. The mass of ripe greens is 90-110 g, the length is up to 11 cm. A high yield of the plant can be achieved when grown in open ground, under these conditions, the indicators reach 25-35 kg per square meter. Fruits with black and brown pubescence, cylindrical, dark green, tubercles of medium size, located on the surface.

state farm

A rare variety of vegetable that fully matures in two months. The weight of a ripe vegetable is approximately 150 g, the color is dark green, there are light tubercles on the surface of the skin. The species is one of the most successful for planting in the soil of the Moscow region, since it is adapted to certain climatic conditions. Cucumber is versatile, suitable for eating raw for salads and preservation.

How to bring down the temperature in an adult

There are products that can decorate any holiday table, for example, canned wild garlic, olives and, of course, gherkins. The latter can be bought in the market or in the store. But growing and preparing delicious, crispy mini-cucumbers on your own is not so difficult. This will allow you not to overpay, as well as enjoy delicious organic vegetables from the garden. Consider the features of gherkins in more detail.

What it is?

Gherkin is a group of cucumber varieties that are distinguished by their small fruit size. This type of cucumber was bred by selection in the 19th century in France. It took more than 300 years to bring it out. hard work breeders, but the effort was worth it, because such products are much safer than genetically modified ones.

At first, cucumbers were called "cornish", but at the beginning of the 20th century, a fashion for euphonious names began in France. So the "gherkin" was transformed into the "gherkin" familiar to us.

The fruits of this gherkin are derived not from cucumbers, but from pumpkin plants, so they are classified as false berries. The size of a quality gherkin should be no more than eight centimeters. Varieties of mini-gherkins are known, the fruits of which reach no more than six centimeters. Fruits less than four centimeters in size are often used in production. Such cucumbers are considered unripe, but this is acceptable for gherkins.

Sometimes in relation to canned gherkins you can hear the term "pickuli". This French word really applies to gherkins, as well as to any other preservation, since in France "piccouli" is the word for canned snacks.

Among the manufacturers of canned foods, there are unscrupulous firms that pass off ordinary cucumbers as gherkins that have not grown to a normal size. Therefore, when choosing gherkins in a store, it is important to make sure that this type of culture is in the bank. As for ordinary unripe cucumbers, they will not bring any benefit. To distinguish ordinary fruits from gherkins, you need to pay attention to the cost of the product. Real gherkins cannot be cheap, because their cultivation and production require large quantity labor costs.


There is an opinion among gardeners that it is almost impossible to grow gherkins in the Russian climate, and the seeds sold in the markets are suitable only for a greenhouse. Thanks to selection, this misconception is only partly true. Previously, gherkins really did not tolerate planting in the soil, but today there are several ideal options for open ground.

"Moravian F1"

The fruits of this variety are round in shape. They are fuller-bodied than other popular varieties. At the same time, the fruits have all the qualities of thin gherkins: they are elastic, crispy, juicy, the flesh is not too granular, not bitter. Cucumbers of this variety are great for harvesting for the winter, as well as for preparing salads and sauces. In addition, the fruits of this variety are distinguished by a beautiful, even shape, therefore they are considered the best for sales.

Mature fruits of the variety reach 9 centimeters, weigh no more than 90 grams. The average crop ripening period is 40-45 days from the date of planting. Variety "Moravian F1" is suitable for planting in greenhouses and in open ground. The variety is resistant to the most common diseases of cucumbers and gourds, tolerates light frosts and drought well.


Perhaps this is the most popular variety. He has good feedback both from experienced gardeners and beginners. The variety is easy to care for and brings a high yield. The fruits are perfectly stored in a refrigerator or cellar, tolerate transportation well, and are well suited for harvesting.

The fruit-bearing plant grows into a medium-tall branched bush. The fruits ripen already on the 40-45th day from the date of planting, so the variety is considered early or super-early. It is recommended for planting near apiaries - in such conditions, the yield increases several times. Bushes of this variety need timely pinching (breaking off extra branches), otherwise the plant juices are distributed incorrectly, and the yield decreases.

The fruits grow dense, elastic, with a bright green color. The size of such a cucumber does not exceed 6 centimeters, and its weight is no more than 80 grams. Pickled fruits of this variety retain their elasticity, appetizing crunch, bright color.

Variety "Paris" has a high resistance to diseases garden plants and fungi, he is not afraid of drought. However, do not forget about the advantages of greenhouse cultivation: in such conditions, gherkins are less exposed to viruses, temperature extremes and other adverse factors.

"Friendly family"

Experienced gardeners have long identified the best varieties gherkins for growing in a greenhouse. One of them is the high-yielding mid-early variety "Friendly Family". The variety bears this name because the fruits grow in "families" - in clusters. The peculiarity of this variety is also that 4-5 fruits can be found on the central branch of the bush, and up to 10 fruits on the side ones, therefore, bushes of this variety are in dire need of tying branches. In addition, it is important to pinch the plants in time and be sure to stepson them so that the juices do not go into the shoots.

The rate of fruit ripening is 45 days from the date of planting. The fruits of this variety are thin, similar to a spindle needle. In addition, they are quite small (the size is 4-5 centimeters, weight - no more than 50 grams). Cucumbers are great for canning. Such products give the impression of expensive and high-quality store-bought canned food.

"Sweet Crunch"

The fruits of the "Sweet Crunch" variety differ from traditional gherkins in their original color. These cucumbers are the owners of a pale green, almost white color. On the surface of the peel, pimples-thorns of dark green color are observed. The fruits are even and rounded, have an excellent presentation. They are great for both fresh eating and canning. The weight of a mature fruit is no more than 70 grams, and the size is no more than 4-6 centimeters.

Bushes of this variety suffer when they hit direct sun rays, therefore, they are only suitable for growing in greenhouse conditions, where sunlight is refracted and scattered. In addition, you should not get carried away with too frequent watering - the trunks of bushes of this variety are very tender, therefore they are prone to decay.

It is advisable to feed the plants even before flowering - this will significantly increase their yield.

"Envy F1"

Another interesting way growing gherkins in room conditions. Bushy varieties are suitable for this. From one such bush, you can harvest several crops per season, but in an apartment it is unlikely that you will be able to grow a sufficient number of cucumbers for harvesting. This variety is also used for home growing, and for planting in open ground, since it is resistant to sudden cold snaps and has a high immunity to diseases horticultural crops. Bushes do not need a lot of sunlight. In addition, the variety is characterized by cyclic fruiting. In open ground conditions, fruiting continues until the onset of frost, and in room conditions this process can be extended for several years.

It is worth considering that in the autumn-winter period, the bushes need additional feeding. The frequency of watering, on the contrary, is desirable to reduce to 1-2 times a week. The fruits of the "Envy All" variety are excellent for canning. In the process of growth, they reach 10-12 centimeters and weigh up to 100 grams. The pulp of the fruit is very juicy, the peel is elastic, with a bright color. After pickling, cucumbers remain crispy. They perfectly absorb the aromas of spices, so do not be too zealous with seasonings.

The disadvantages of this variety include the high cost of seedlings and seeds. The variety "Envy Everyone" was bred in a hybrid way, and all hybrids, as you know, are distinguished by a high price.

How to plant?

Planting gherkins both in open ground and in a greenhouse should begin with land preparation. The quality and quantity of the crop depends on the condition of the soil. High quality soil should contain high percent peat and be abundantly fed with humus. In order to prepare a site for planting a crop, you need to act according to a certain scheme.

  • IN autumn period, immediately after harvesting, it is necessary to carefully dig up desired area earth. The depth of digging should be at least 20 centimeters. The dug-up soil should be fine and loose, it is important to carefully break up all the clods of earth.
  • All roots and grass must be removed from the soil.
  • The prepared soil should be thoroughly watered with a 7% solution of potassium permanganate and air masses should be allowed to enter (in the greenhouse) so that the earth dries out and ventilates.
  • After a month, the soil needs to be fed. To do this, it is worth scattering on it (per cubic meter) 2 kg of potassium sulfate, 0.5 kg of saltpeter and 4.5 kg of superphosphate. Then you need to slightly loosen the soil with a rake. By spring, such soil will be of the highest quality and suitable for the germination of cucumbers, gherkins and other fruit crops.

The processes of sowing seeds in a greenhouse and in open ground include different nuances, since seeds for greenhouses and for soil differ in terms of resistance to temperature extremes. With planting seeds in open ground should not be particularly difficult. First you need to harden the seeds well. Two weeks before planting, they need to be wrapped in a gauze pocket, moistened with plenty of water and put in the refrigerator. During this time, the seeds will swell, be saturated with water, harden. After that, they need to be laid out in a warm place and dried.

The hole should not be too deep, no more than 1.5 cm. The earth must be poured with warm water. Then you should lay out the seeds, sprinkle them with earth and lightly compact. This completes the process of landing in open ground.

For planting crops in a greenhouse, it is better to use boxes with a good drainage system. Under such conditions, the most healthy bushes will grow that do not need to dive. Seeds should be planted in the same way as when planting in open ground. The boxes should be covered with a dense transparent, colorless film. This will create a greenhouse effect.

Under such conditions, additional watering is practically not needed, and the seeds germinate much faster. At this stage, the temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below 26 degrees. After seed germination, it must be reduced to 17 degrees during the day and 10 degrees at night, but not lower than 5 degrees. Such a decrease in temperature will allow hardening the seeds.


Growing gherkins is easy, you just need to know a few important secrets. The first thing to take care of is regular and proper watering. Gherkins need to be watered quite often, because their root system, with rare watering, cracks, expires with juices and rots. However, too frequent watering dangerous for plants. In hot weather, you need to water the bushes once a day.

Better do it in evening time- moisture will not evaporate too intensively and will not damage the leaves. The water must be heated to room temperature. In cool weather, you can reduce the frequency of watering to 1 time in 2-3 days.

It is important that after moistening the earth remains loose. To do this, you need to organize drip irrigation from a hose or through a watering can with a sprayer. When watering, avoid getting water on the leaves of plants. The earth in the places of irrigation must be periodically loosened as it is caking.

If the root system is exposed during the growing process, it should be sprinkled with earth with a layer of about 1.5 cm. To increase the yield of gherkins, it is important to fertilize them in a timely and high-quality manner. For the most effective feeding, you need to act according to the scheme.

  • Immediately after germination, you can fertilize the sprouts nitrogen fertilizer, it will accelerate the growth of greenery. It is undesirable to repeat such complementary foods, since excess nitrogen can harm cucumbers.
  • During the period of tying buds, even before flowering, it is necessary to feed the root system universal fertilizer with a complete set of batteries. Better choose water soluble fertilizers so that the food is more uniform and complete. You need to repeat this top dressing 3-4 more times (with a frequency of 1 time in 2 weeks).
  • When cucumbers begin to tie, it is advisable to feed the bushes with saltpeter. This will increase the yield and quality of the fruit.
  • In order to harvest a double crop from one bush, you can feed the plants with phosphate fertilizers.

On a note

There are several useful folk tricks, which will facilitate the cultivation of gherkins and avoid chemical fertilization.

  • For disinfection of the earth and root system, and also to prevent diseases of fruit crops, you can water the bushes with nettle infusion. To do this, you need to collect young nettle greens, chop it, put it in a plastic or enameled bucket, pour warm water over it and leave it for a week. Nettle infusion should replace one regular watering of gherkins.
  • To prepare land for growing gherkins you can use mustard powder and coffee grounds. In the autumn period, it is necessary to sprinkle abundantly the dug-up earth with mustard. It perfectly eliminates the remnants of the roots and loosens the soil. In addition, mustard is a good disinfectant. You can sprinkle coffee grounds on top of the mustard. Due to its rich composition, it will saturate the earth with minerals and other useful components. Coffee is an excellent plant growth activator.
  • Instead of fertilizer, you can use crackers. To do this, put breadcrumbs (preferably crusts) in a container, fill them with water and let stand for 1 day. The resulting mixture should be filtered through cheesecloth. Then it needs to be watered with gherkins.
  • In order to pollinate greenhouse gherkins, you need to attract insects. Sugar will help. Half a glass of sugar must be combined with a glass of water, mixed thoroughly, poured into a household sprayer and lightly sprinkled with this syrup on gherkin bushes during the flowering period. In addition, small bouquets of wild flowers will be an excellent bait for bees and pollinating insects. They can be hung around the perimeter of the greenhouse and at the entrance, but you should not make too many bouquets so that they do not distract the attention of insects from cucumbers.

Miniature pickled cucumbers are rightfully considered a real delicacy on our table. Exceptional taste and concentrated content of minerals makes this appetizer not only tasty, but also very healthy. How to grow gherkins on your own in open ground. What varieties are optimal for this, as well as some secrets of a successful harvest, our article will reveal to you.

What they are - varieties of gherkin cucumbers for open ground

The “fashion” for such vegetables was established by the French, who came up with a special classification for such pickles. The most common name is "piculi", which is mistakenly considered the designation of gherkins. In fact, pickles are a generalized name for pickled snack vegetables, but gherkins are something completely different than just cucumbers that have not grown to normal sizes.

Our gardeners, in full confidence, collect young cucumbers in the so-called "milk" ripeness, so that they can then preserve them for holiday table or for a special occasion. However, there is a separate gradation, according to which "normal" gherkins should not exceed 5 - 9 centimeters in length. Mini - gherkins usually grow from 5 to 7 centimeters, but smaller representatives are classified as pickles.


Miniature sizes are considered to be characteristic features of such varieties, but the composition of such cucumbers is slightly different from the usual salad or pickling options. There are no voids inside the gherkin, the pulp is quite dense and, when salted, has a crispy structure. Gherkins are considered a special subspecies of cucumber garden crops, so the growing conditions will be slightly different. After what crops you can plant cucumbers will tell.

Popular varieties of gherkins for open ground:

  • « parisian gherkin"- bee pollinated early ripe variety. The first crop can be harvested approximately 41 days after planting. The fruits reach an average length of 6 to 10 centimeters.
  • « Moravian Gherkin F1"- a variety of cucumbers similar in characteristics, intended for cultivation in open ground.
  • "Kai F1" and "Gerda F1"- varieties of gherkins close in parameters, suitable for growing in cold climates. Varieties are adapted to low temperatures and will give excellent harvest even in cold summer.
  • "Advance F1"- is considered one of the most precocious, the fruits reach 7 - 9 centimeters in length, they are distinguished by good taste characteristics.
  • "Thumbelina F1"- ultra-early variety. Treats partially pollinated hybrids with good productivity. Can be stored long time and tolerate transportation well.
  • "Harmonist F1"- an excellent variety of gherkins with a long fruiting period. Early maturing species, forms characteristic bundle ovaries.

Find out what parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers exist.

In addition to the above varieties, excellent results were shown by the cultivation of such gherkins as: "Suzdal", "Mademoiselle", "Quadrille", "Beaver", "Cappuccino", "Mumu" and others. All of them are marked "F1" in the marking of the variety, they belong to parthenocarpic species, which means that they perfectly form ovaries without the help of pollinating insects. This makes it also possible to grow them at home on the balcony.

Read reviews about the best varieties of cucumbers for open ground.

Mini-gherkins are considered fundamentally different from traditional cucumbers. characteristic feature there will be a possibility of harvesting already 2 - 3 days after flowering. However, it will be a full-fledged fruit. small size, but with all the characteristics of a full-fledged vegetable. This is a very important difference from cucumbers simply picked at the “infant” age. How seedlings are grown from seeds is indicated.

The best mini gherkins

  • « Child F1» - suitable for growing on a balcony. beautiful bush, small leaves and good performance.
  • « Marinade F1» - the fruits are very crisp, light green in color.
  • « Moth F1» - mid-season, the period before the first harvest is up to 50 days.
  • « Filipok F1"- an excellent hybrid, does not turn yellow and does not overripe, ideal for canning.
  • "Son of the F1 Regiment"- early ripe bee-pollinated variety, maturation period of 40 days.

To relatively less common varieties, but also with good performance gardeners include such varieties as: "Red mullet F1", "Tablecloth - self-assembly F1", "Mikado F1", "Red mullet F1", "Nastya F1", "Favorite son-in-law F1" and others.

on the video-seeds of gherkin cucumbers for open ground:

The main feature and secret of success will be the need for daily harvesting. This is done for a number of reasons, including fear that the vegetable will outgrow required dimensions, as well as deterioration in taste characteristics. At the same time, the bush itself will bear fruit much more actively and form new ovaries only under the condition of mandatory regular collection. You can divide the plot with plastic, so it will be easier to separate vegetable crops of different varieties.

Kira Stoletova

Gherkins - the best cucumbers for conservation. They fit easily into even the smallest jar with a narrow neck. It is worth noting the high taste qualities of pickled cucumbers. In this article we will talk about gherkins, about the characteristics of the most popular varieties of mini-cucumbers.

parisian gherkin

This is an early ripe hybrid of French selection, which can be grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Variety Description

A gherkin-type vegetable ripens in 45 days. In open ground, it is recommended for cultivation in middle lane Russia. Ripe fruits are cylindrical. Their length is on average 1-9 cm. On the surface of small cucumbers, pimples are pronounced, on the peel there are stripes of a light green color. The average weight of one fruit is 70 g. From 1 sq. m with proper care, 3-4 kg of fruits are harvested. During the fruiting period, cucumbers are harvested every day.

The Parisian gherkin is not a self-pollinating variety. This somewhat complicates its cultivation in a greenhouse. This variety is pollinated by insects, so during the flowering period it is necessary to ensure the presence of bees in the greenhouse.

Eat manual ways pollination, which require a considerable investment of time: they collect pollen from male flowers with a brush and carefully transfer it to female ones. It's almost like a piece of jewelry.

Gherkin cucumbers of this variety are valued for their high taste and good performance productivity. Another advantage of the variety is resistance to fungal diseases and high temperatures.

As for the shortcomings, cucumbers, when harvested untimely, take the form of barrels. Since the Parisian gherkin is a hybrid variety, its seeds do not produce good seedlings. Hybrids in the second generation are less productive and more prone to disease. Accordingly, the seeds will have to be purchased every year in specialized stores.

Micron F1

This early ripe variety was bred not so long ago. It is recommended to grow it in a greenhouse.

Variety Description

Under favorable conditions and proper care, Micron F1 produces a crop already 38 days after planting. Bushes are formed medium-sized and medium-branched. The variety is pollinated by bees. In shape, the fruits, the mass of which varies from 60 to 80 g, resemble an ellipse. Their length is, on average, 8 cm. You can also collect pickles, the length of which does not exceed 4 cm, or mini-cucumbers 5 cm long. The fruits have excellent taste. There are pronounced pimples on the green peel. From 1 sq. m collect up to 15 kg of cucumbers. Micron F1, due to the dense structure of the pulp, is suitable for canning and pickling.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

An important characteristic of Micron F1 is that it bears fruit throughout the summer. In addition, the gherkin is resistant to almost all diseases. Micron is not prone to overgrowing, which makes it easier to harvest.

There are no obvious shortcomings in the variety. The inconvenience of growing is associated with the need to pollinate vegetable crop and every year to buy seeds in the store.

Mels F1

This hybrid is perhaps the most popular today. Its popularity is due to such characteristics as precocity and productivity. You can grow gherkins of this variety both in greenhouses and in open ground.

Variety Description

Mels F1 - early ripe cucumber. It gives a massive harvest on the 35th day after planting, which is not typical even for early ripe varieties that begin to bear fruit closer to 38-39 days after planting. It is a self-pollinating plant, which makes it easy to grow in greenhouses.

This is a gherkin of a bouquet type of ovaries. During flowering, several nodes appear on each branch, each of which gives up to 6 ovaries. During the fruiting period, more than 200 fruits are harvested from one plant. But such results can be achieved subject to the norms of agricultural technology, which include:

  • timely landing in the ground;
  • culture nutrition;
  • watering and loosening.

The length of cucumbers is, on average, 9 cm. In shape, oblong gherkins resemble an elongated ellipse. The skin is dyed green color, pronounced pimples are covered with white fluff.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantage of the Mels F1 variety is that its fruits, dense in structure, are never bitter. Hybrid Mels F1 is resistant to various diseases and is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature. He, regardless of weather conditions gives high yields.

The disadvantages of this hybrid variety not detected.

Novosibirsk Gherkin F1

This is a mid-season hybrid that is suitable for outdoor cultivation.

Variety Description

The growing season of the plant is 45-49 days. The hybrid is bee pollinated. The medium-sized plant has long branches. The mass of cylindrical fruits is on average 75 g. The average length of cucumbers is 10 cm, weight is 70 g. The peel is colored dark green, there are tubercles with black small spikes. In ripe cucumbers, the peel on the back becomes yellow-green. From 1 sq. m collect about 5 kg. These are average yields. The yield of the usual variety Altai Falls, for example, is the same 5 kg.

Novosibirsk gherkins are suitable for cooking fresh salads and conservation. Crispy fruits with a dense pulp structure are unusually fragrant.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantage of the Novosibirsk gherkin is that it gives equally good yields in all weather conditions. The hybrid is resistant to fungal diseases, especially powdery and downy mildew.

Ripe fruits are prone to overripe, so they need to be harvested every day. This is the disadvantage of the hybrid.


This is a beam hybrid, the care of which requires the correct formation of the bush. To achieve maximum results, side shoots are removed, leaving one stem.

Variety Description

The growing season of the hybrid is 38-40 days. On the cucumber lashes of an early ripe hybrid, a lot of greens are formed. After ripening, the length of the cylindrical fruit is 9 cm, weight - 90 g. The peel is colored light green, there are white stripes. Fragrant and crispy flesh never bitter.

Cucumbers Perfection itself is used both for fresh salads and for preservation. They can be picked unripe. Pickles have the same taste qualities as ripened fruits.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantage of the hybrid is high yield. From 1 sq. m collect up to 30 kg of mini-cucumbers. The hybrid is resistant to changing climatic conditions, with good watering it easily tolerates high temperatures. As for the shortcomings, they include a tendency to overripe.

Moravian Gherkin F1

These are gherkins for open ground.

Variety Description

The growing season of the bee-pollinated hybrid is 45 days. The first ripe cucumbers appear after 41 days. Bushes tall, with short branches. In one internode, from 2 to 4 cucumbers are tied. Ripe fruits of cylindrical shape have a length of 9 cm and a weight of 75 g. The peel is colored dark green. The yield of the Moravian gherkin hybrid is 6-7 kg per 1 sq. m. Harvest daily. Most often, the Moravian gherkin is used for seaming.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The main advantages of the Moravian gherkin are resistance to diseases and independence from weather conditions. It gives an equally good harvest, both in hot and cold summers.


Self-pollinated hybrid Patti - a variety of work of breeders of the Moscow company Sedek. It can be grown not only personal plot but also on the balcony.

Variety Description

The growing season of a mid-season Patti hybrid varies from 40 to 45 days. The ovaries in the sinuses are formed in bundles. Productivity - 24 kg from 1 square. m, but this is an average. Subject to the norms of agricultural technology, the yield indicator reaches 37 kg per 1 sq. m.

The length of ripe cucumbers of a cylindrical shape is 10 cm, weight - 75 g. The peel is colored dark green, there is white pubescence, the thorns are prickly. The fruits have a sweetish aftertaste, the pulp is tender and moderately crispy.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

According to the description, one of the main advantages of Patti is the high density of the pulp. Another hybrid is valued for high yield and transportability.


This hybrid is adapted to the climatic conditions of Russia. It is suitable for cultivation even in the north of the country.

Variety Description

This early maturing hybrid is suitable for outdoor cultivation. The length of ripe fruits varies from 10 to 12 cm, weight - 90 g. Gherkins are covered with a dark green peel, there is practically no pubescence. As for taste, cucumbers have a sweetish aftertaste. The yield is 25 kg per sq. m. Despite the average density of the pulp, the Champion is used for various methods of preservation and preparation of pickles.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Cucumber gherkin Champion has excellent taste. It has a long fruiting period and is disease resistant.

Super Bundle Cucumbers (10-12 ovaries per knot(!) A cucumber avalanche will overwhelm you!

Varieties of gherkin cucumbers #urozhainye_gryadki

CUCUMBER SEEDS 🥒 Best bee pollinated cucumbers for outdoors and greenhouses 🥒 HitsadTV Review

Open ground cucumbers 29 06 2016 Care, varieties

Cucumbers. Gherkins and pickles

Noteworthy are the hybrids Belarusian and Ural gherkin, Friendly family, Moth and Marinadny. But they are less popular.

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