How to plant garlic before winter: do it right and get a large head. When to plant winter garlic and how to plant it correctly: advice from agronomists

If you plan to grow garlic on your plot, it is best to worry about this in the fall. Planting this bulbous plant before winter will provide excellent quality and big size heads and cloves of garlic.
It is no secret that the main conditions for obtaining a rich harvest of winter garlic are the correct determination of the place for planting and the observance of the technology for preparing the beds. We tell you how to plant garlic in the fall.

Planting dates for winter garlic
When to plant garlic before winter depends primarily on the planned planting depth.

1. Planting garlic before winter to a depth of 3-5 cm
Most often, garlic is buried by 3-5 cm. In this case, planting is carried out 2-3 weeks before the first frost.

In the middle lane, this period usually falls on the 20th of September - the 10th of October. In warmer regions with mild climates, this is November.

2. Planting winter garlic to a depth of 10-15 cm
Many gardeners prefer to plant garlic at a greater depth, with this method it takes root better and more easily tolerates winter frosts. When to plant winter garlic deep landing? In the middle lane - already from the last decade of August to the second decade of October.

How to distinguish winter garlic from spring
Naturally, the main difference is that winter garlic is planted before winter, and spring - in the spring.

In addition, they can be distinguished by external signs.

Then you can plant garlic before winter
It is better if tomatoes, cucumbers, and legumes grew in the garden before garlic. Also good predecessors garlic can be early cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin. In this case, the soil for garlic will be as saturated as possible with organic fertilizers.

In places that were occupied by potatoes or onions, planting garlic is not recommended. This is due to the fact that between these crops there is a high risk of "exchange" of diseases (nematode, fusarium, etc.).

You should also not plant winter garlic in areas where manure was applied this year: garlic will give abundant tops, loose heads and will be less resistant to fungal diseases.

Choosing a place for beds for winter garlic
Find in your area the most fertile soil with normal or low acidity. This is where the garlic should be planted. Make a bed on sunny side positioned from north to south.

How to prepare a bed for winter garlic?
Preparation for planting winter garlic begins in advance.

1. Prepare the soil for garlic
In late August - early September, it is necessary to fertilize the soil: 10 kg of humus, 1 glass of chalk and 2 glasses of ash are added for each square meter of area, 2 tablespoons are added. potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. superphosphate. Evenly distributing all the components on the soil, it needs to be dug up. The digging depth must be at least 20 cm.

2. We form a bed
An ideal bed for winter garlic will be up to 1 m wide and up to 25 cm high.

Some gardeners are in a hurry and plant garlic immediately after digging. This affects the growth and development of the plant: garlic cloves, when the soil settles, are deep in the ground, and in the spring, the germination time of the shoots increases and the crop yield decreases.

4. We cultivate the soil
In order to prevent garlic diseases, treat the land with a 1% solution blue vitriol(1 tbsp. Dilute the substance in 10 liters of water). With the resulting solution, use a watering can to pour the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beds. Then cover it with foil.

On average, 1 bucket of such a solution is required per 2 sq.m.

On the eve of planting garlic, scatter urea on the surface of the bed at the rate of 10-20 g per square meter and pour water over the soil.
How to prepare garlic for planting
How to prepare a bed for planting and when to plant winter garlic, we have already figured out, now it's time to decide how to prepare the planting material itself.

1. We disassemble the head into teeth
Firstly, it is important to carefully examine the garlic and disassemble the heads into separate cloves, from which the largest, healthiest ones need to be selected for planting.

If you are planting non-shooting garlic varieties, use only the outer tier cloves.

2. Disinfect garlic
Selected cloves must be soaked for a day in a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate or a 1% solution of copper sulphate.

Proper planting of winter garlic cloves
Now we proceed directly to the technology of planting garlic in the fall.

1. Making holes
On the bed prepared in advance, we outline the place for planting winter garlic. To do this, make holes in the ground with a stick at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The depth of the holes is from 3 to 15 cm, depending on the method and time of planting. We have already discussed this at the beginning of the article.

The distance between rows is 20-25 cm.

2. Bury the garlic cloves
Place the garlic cloves into the wells.

It is not worth pressing them into the ground, as this delays root formation.

3. We cultivate the land
If the earth is dry, you can shed it with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

4. Fall asleep holes
Holes should be covered with rotted compost.

5. Mulch the garden
The optimal layer of mulch is about 10 cm. For mulching, it is best to use peat, pine needles or spruce branches, fallen leaves.

In warm regions, mulching winter garlic is not necessary.

An alternative way to plant winter garlic
There is another, less familiar approach to preparing beds for winter garlic.

1. We apply fertilizer for planting garlic
At the end of August, it is necessary to apply fertilizer to the garden bed:

Potassium sulfate (2 tablespoons per sq.m);
superphosphate (1 tablespoon per sq.m);
wood ash (2 cups per sq.m);
chalk (1 glass per sq.m);
humus (10 kg per sq.m).
All fertilizers are applied dry and scattered on the soil surface.

2. Cultivate the soil
After that, the earth must be carefully dug up. Again, for early shrinkage, the soil is watered abundantly. If the weather turned out to be rainy, watering is optional.

3. We fill the garden
First of all, along the prepared bed, 35-45 cm from it, it is necessary to sow rows of peas, oats and white mustard.

4. We cultivate the soil before planting
Fertilize 1-2 days before planting garlic. To do this, urea is applied to the beds (10-20 g per sq.m). Then the earth is generously watered.

5. Planting winter garlic
In early October, when the sprouts of peas and oats reach 20 cm or more, it is time to plant garlic between their green rows.

This method of winter planting garlic is quite effective. The greenery will trap snow in the beds, so that in winter the garlic will be covered with a snow coat, and in the spring it will receive sufficient moisture.

Whatever technology of planting and growing winter garlic you choose, we hope that next summer you will be able to get good harvest. To do this, take advantage of our list The best varieties winter garlic.

Mid-season shooter high yielding variety winter garlic. Bulbs are dense, rounded, pink- purple. It is frost-resistant, but is affected by the yellow dwarf virus.

Early ripe shooter medium-yielding variety of winter garlic. The bulbs are dense, large, the scales are dirty white color With purple tint. Winter-hardy, slightly affected by bacterial rot.

Gribovsky anniversary
Mid-season shooter high-yielding variety of winter garlic. The bulbs are flat-round with a run up, purple scales, with dark purple streaks. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant, disease-resistant.

Mid-season shooter high-yielding variety of winter garlic. The bulbs are flat-round, the scales are white or pinkish with faint blue-violet streaks. Winter-hardy and drought-resistant, resistant to Fusarium.

Mid-season shooter high-yielding variety of winter garlic. The bulbs are large, flat-round with a run up, off-white scales with a purple tint. Winter hardy. Peronosporosis is moderately affected, stem nematode and bacterial rot are weakly affected.

Mid-season shooter high-yielding variety of winter garlic. The bulbs are flat-round, white scales with brown-violet strokes. Winter-hardy, disease-resistant.

Mid-season shooter high-yielding variety of winter garlic. The bulbs are large, flat-round, light purple scales. Frost-resistant, relatively resistant to nematodes.

Mid-season shooter high-yielding variety of winter garlic. Bulbs are round-oval, scales gray color with a red tint, as well as with streaks of rich purple. Frost-resistant, resistant to fusarium and nematode.

Winter garlic is planted before winter. It gives a harvest already in the middle of summer, while it requires practically no care. In order for garlic to successfully overwinter and take root, it is necessary to carefully select and disinfect planting material, prepare the soil and place for planting, and correctly determine the appropriate planting dates.

What garlic to plant before winter

In nature, there are two types of cultivated garlic:

  1. spring(with vegetation in the summer),
  2. winter(beginning its development in autumn, wintering and giving its crop in the middle of summer).

What is the difference between winter garlic and spring garlic?

  1. Landing dates: spring is planted in spring, and winter - before winter.
  2. Storage: spring garlic is stored better than winter garlic, which is better not to be stored.
  3. Number of teeth: heads of spring garlic consist of a large number small cloves (up to 25 pcs.), in winter varieties there are not too many (about 8) large cloves, tightly located around a dense rod.
  4. Taste: spring garlic is less pungent in taste, unlike winter garlic.
  5. Husk: the cover of spring cloves is thinner, and winter ones are “dressed” in a dense shell.

Usefulness and the nutritional value both types of garlic are unsurpassed. Therefore, the gardener should decide for himself how, when and what type of garlic to plant, depending on the purpose of cultivation, food preferences and the possibility of storing it.

Planting winter garlic

You can start landing without haste. Winter garlic is not afraid of either the first autumn frosts, or frosts, or spring cold snaps, because. its initial development it takes place deep enough in the soil. And the teeth planted in the fall do not need any care. The most important thing at this stage is proper preparation soil for planting.

Varieties of winter garlic for planting

There are two types of winter garlic:

  1. darting
  2. non-shooting.

They differ in head size, ripening time, taste. The most important difference: arrow varieties form an arrow with bulbs, which can serve as planting material in the fall. In such varieties, it is necessary to break off the arrows during growth when they reach 5 cm.

Shooting varieties of winter garlic:

  • Belorussian,
  • Lyubasha,
  • Gulliver
  • Alekseevsky,
  • Alcor,
  • Gribovsky,
  • Sail.

Non-shooting varieties of winter garlic:

  • Podmoskovny,
  • Novosibirsk,
  • Saki,
  • Broadleaf 220.

Photo: winter garlic variety Alekseevsky

Planting dates for winter garlic

Planted winter garlic in the fall. It is inappropriate to stipulate specific terms, because they depend on the climate zone.

  • Rare first frosts are not taken into account.
  • More early dates can lead to premature germination and freezing of garlic.
  • Late planting excludes the possibility of root germination and good rooting of teeth. In no case can not be planted in frozen ground.
  • During this period, the planted garlic should form and take root in the root system, but in no case the above-ground part!
  • The soil temperature for planting is optimal within + 10-12 ° С.

Based on long-term observations, in different regions the necessary conditions are formed on different calendar dates:

  1. For Middle lane- the end of September - the first half of October;
  2. Siberia, Ural, Far East- the end of September - the first decade of October;
  3. in the southern regions, these dates are shifted to the end of October - November.

Place for planting winter garlic

  • Garlic does not tolerate shaded areas, such as under trees or bushes.
  • Choose an open, well-lit area, preferably on a hill.
  • An excellent option is a high warm bed.
  • Lowered places are not suitable at all, tk. in spring, accumulation of precipitation or melted snow is possible here, which will lead to decay planting material.

Soil preparation for planting winter garlic

  • For planting garlic before winter, a sufficiently deep, at least 20-25 cm, digging of the soil is necessary.
  • Beds for garlic plantings should be placed from north to south.

    Garlic does not grow well in acidic soils. The best is neutral or slightly alkaline (pH 6.5-7.5). Therefore, if necessary, be sure to add a deoxidizer (chalk, dolomite flour).

    Try to avoid heavy clay soils. If there is no alternative, then add more peat and sand.

    It is advisable to prepare the site no later than a month before the planting time, because. the soil should settle well after digging, otherwise, compacting, the soil will drag the planted garlic cloves down with it. Having gone deep, they will lag behind with seedlings, grow weakened, and may die altogether.

    Before planting cloves, it is worth to shed future beds for reliability with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, 1% solution of copper sulfate or Fitosporin in accordance with the instructions.

  • Preliminarily, the necessary fertilizer is applied to the soil for planting - organic or mineral.

Fertilizing the soil for planting garlic

  1. Organic fertilizer: per 1 m² - 1 bucket of rotted manure or compost, 1 cup of chalk and 1-2 cups of ash.
  2. In the absence of organic matter, it will be replaced by mineral fertilizers: for 1 m² - 20-30 g of superphosphate and the same amount of potassium sulfate or potassium nitrate.
  3. With completely depleted soils, the joint application of these fertilizers is allowed. To the above organic composition, add another 2 tbsp. l. potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. superphosphate.

Crop rotation for planting garlic

Garlic will not give a high quality crop if planted in the garden after potatoes and all onion crops, because. they are damaged by the same diseases (nematode, fusarium).

Excellent predecessors for garlic:

  • tomatoes,
  • legumes,
  • early cabbage,
  • pumpkin,
  • zucchini,
  • cucumbers.

Preparing winter garlic for planting

The heads of winter garlic have fairly large cloves. It is believed that the larger the planted clove, the larger the garlic will grow from it.

  • Before disembarkation, each clove is carefully separated from the mother's head without damaging the outer shell.
  • Then they are all sorted, the best ones are selected.
  • The largest, healthy, intact teeth in a good dense shell are selected as planting material.
  • An accidentally infected specimen can form a weak, unhealthy head, and often infect the entire garden.

Disinfection of garlic

Before planting, soak the prepared teeth in any disinfectant solution:

  1. for 30 minutes in manganese, copper sulfate, and in Fitosporin, Fundazol or in the Maxim preparation according to the instructions.
  2. Many summer residents do the old fashioned way: they use a salt solution (2 tablespoons per liter of water).

Should I remove the outer shell of the garlic before planting?

There is no unanimous opinion here.

  • Someone regularly peels the cloves, claiming that this contributes to the accelerated germination of the roots.
  • Others, including myself, believe that this is not worth doing. Experience has proven that cleaned teeth soon begin to rot.

Planting depth of winter garlic

By this issue also there is no unanimous opinion. It depends on the severity of the winter season.

  • Some try not to deepen, planting to a depth of 3-5 cm. But this, I think, is more suitable for southern regions with warmer snowy winters.
  • In more severe conditions, incl. and in the Khabarovsk Territory, cold winters with little snow require a deeper planting to protect the teeth from freezing.
  • Sometimes, to determine the depth of planting, the height of the clove + 5 cm is used.
  • You can adhere to the classical calculation of this value: the planting depth is equal to the height of the garlic clove multiplied by 3. For example, the height of the clove is 3 cm, then you need to deepen it no less than 9 cm.

Landing pattern

  1. The best for garlic are the beds located from north to south, about 1 m wide and 25 cm high.
  2. The prepared planting material is planted in parallel rows (a stretched rope will help to make even rows) after 25 cm and a frequency of teeth in a row of up to 10-12 cm.
  3. Many gardeners prefer to plant garlic one by one, pointwise, sticking each clove separately into the prepared holes. This should be done very carefully, trying not to damage the delicate bottom.

Care after landing

  • If the ash was not applied with general fertilizer, then it is quite possible to pour it into rows or holes. From above, it remains only to fill the plantings with fertile loose soil.
  • If pre-planting soil disinfection has not been done, then now is the time to shed potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.
  • If the autumn days were dry, then for better rooting 1-2 waterings should be carried out.

Shelter plantings of winter garlic

  • In areas with harsh climate necessary condition preservation of garlic is mulching.
  • It is carried out immediately after the onset of stable frosts.
  • For mulching, sawdust, coniferous branches, straw are used.
  • From above it will not be superfluous to cover with roofing felt, film or other covering materials.

Immediately after the onset of positive temperatures in spring, the shelter must be removed, and the mulch can be left, unless it is too high. There are even ways to grow garlic in mulch.

spring care

The first step after the snow melts is to free the beds from covering materials.

  • As soon as the first seedlings come out to the surface, loosening should be carried out in order to destroy the soil crust and give air access to the roots.
  • Since the seedlings are still rather weak, feed them nitrogen fertilizers must be in liquid form.
  • One tablespoon of urea dissolved in a bucket of water will be quite sufficient. Pour 1/3 of a bucket for every square meter.
  • Humate works great in such a solution, contributing to the development of the root system.

Further care will consist in the usual field techniques, similar for all horticultural crops: weeding, loosening and top dressing. They are recommended to be done 2-3 with a break of 2 weeks.

  1. 1st top dressing in the phase of 3-4 leaves: complete mineral fertilizer with the addition of a tablespoon of urea. One bucket pours out on 3 sq.m.
  2. 2nd top dressing: The same composition, increasing the consumption. One bucket per 2 sq.
  3. 3rd top dressing: dilute in a bucket of water a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. This amount is enough for 2 square meters.

Before fertilizing plantings, it is imperative to irrigate plain water. Garlic is a moisture-loving crop. Therefore, each watering will be only for the good.

Do not apply fresh manure to the garlic beds. It can cause the formation of loose heads.

It is important for a farmer and a summer resident to know this: when to plant winter garlic - at what time, at what distance, to what depth. How to determine the exact time of planting, subtleties, nuances - agronomists advise, experienced farmers recommend.

When to plant garlic in the fall:

It takes 34-40 days for the root system to form from 12 to 18 roots 5-10 cm long. Planting time for winter garlic is 2-3 weeks before the onset of frost: the teeth should have time to take root, but not germinate.

The timing of planting garlic depends on three factors:

  • soil temperature +10…+7 °C;
  • absence of night frosts with t not lower than -10 °C;
  • the soil should not be too wet so that it is possible to plant garlic both manually in the country and in field conditions using mechanized equipment.

Late planting of garlic in late October-early November, adjusted for the region, is fraught with low germination: teeth that have not had time to take root die.

Advice! Winter garlic not planted in autumn can be planted in spring.

Depending on the variety, during spring sowing, the cloves will form a bulb that is not differentiated into cloves - the so-called. one-tooth bulb. More likely to get a bulb divided into cloves will give cold storage at t -5 ... + 5 ° C and early planting dates.

Soil preparation for planting winter garlic using a wide-row method.

Estimated timeframes vary by region. Winter garlic is planted in the Moscow region from September 15-20 to the first decade of October, in the Kostroma region - until mid-October inclusive, in the South Urals - until October 5-10. Given climate change and a warmer autumn, the timing may be shifted. If you ask the older generation, they will answer clearly: until the Intercession came, marking the arrival of winter - October 14th.

On personal plot possible planting pattern between rows is observed from 45-40 to 30-35 cm. In comparison with commercial areas, it is possible to reduce the distance between rows by increasing the distance in a row: 25 cm x 12 cm, 30 x 10 cm.

When to plant garlic before winter and how - agronomists advise.

The scheme of planting winter arching garlic with different weights of cloves for large areas next:

  • for large cloves weighing 6-9 g - 45 cm × 70-10 cm with a feeding area of ​​35-45 cm2;
  • for medium weight 5-7 g - 45 cm × 7 cm with a feeding area of ​​300-320 cm2;
  • for small 2-3 g - 45 x 5 (up to 220 cm2 per plant);
  • for very small ones up to 1.5 g 45 cm × 3 cm (up to 140 cm2).

Why all these numbers? For determining the right amount teeth in terms of weight per unit area.

So, when planting teeth of medium caliber with a feeding area of ​​320 cm2: 10,000 m2 divided by 0.0320 m2 and we get 312,500 pieces.

To determine the mass of garlic per 1 ha: multiply the average weight by the quantity: 312500 × 4-5 g = 1406 kg per hectare. The sowing rate of large cloves can be up to 2000 kg/ha.

Important! Taking into account the scales, the bottom and part of the arrows, the amount of garlic per 1 ha is increased by 5-7%.

The optimal planting scheme for industrial areas, farm plantings will be a two-row tape planting scheme - 45 cm between rows (double rows) and 20 cm between double rows, as well as a wide-row method - with a row spacing of 40-45 cm.

Planting density with the first method will be about 380,000, with the second - about 270,000 plants per 1 ha.

For mechanized care and cleaning on industrial areas, a four-row planting pattern is also practiced (with a width of the main row spacing of 54 cm, and 27 cm - four narrow ones). Good results will be given by row planting of winter garlic - with row spacing of 30-40 cm.

The nutritional area of ​​one plant is from 80-100 to 360 cm2, depending on the variety, the size of the clove, agricultural technology, soil climatic conditions.

Row spacing

The distance in a row depends on the size of the tooth. So, winter garlic is usually larger than spring garlic (up to 2-3 g), and require a greater distance: from 6-10 to 12 cm. With the wide-row method (45 × 7), the optimal feeding area will be up to 320 cm2.

Two-row scheme for planting winter garlic.

Important! An increase in planting density leads to a decrease in gross yield, while improving product quality due to a greater number of large bulbs.

At the same time, the sowing rate of air seeds (bulbs) of garlic per 1 linear meter of a row is 55-60 bulbs at a weight rate of about 50 kg/ha, depending on the caliber.

planting depth

At what depth to plant garlic - there are many opinions. The correct answer is that the depth depends on the size.

Winter garlic is sown to a depth of 7-8 cm and up to 10-12 cm, depending on the size of the bulbs: medium specimens are deepened by 7-8 cm, large ones by 10-12 cm, small ones by 3-5 cm. teeth should not be less than 3-4 cm.

Important! On sandy, light soils, it should be planted to a greater depth due to faster freezing of soils with light texture. At the same time, a decrease in t to -12 ... -14 ° C in the bottom zone can become critical, leading to freezing.

Collection of winter garlic.

Proper fit is a tricky one. It is worth noting a few nuances and bad advice.

About soaking. Before planting, the teeth are soaked in a solution of foundationazole, immersing for 2-3 minutes. Classical potassium permanganate can cause a burn in high concentration, and foundation is more effective.

Some sand. With a low agricultural background, it is recommended to sprinkle the bottom of the planting rows with sand so that the bottom does not come into contact with the soil in order to avoid root rot, etc.

Position. Teeth for better rooting should occupy strictly vertical position, which is not always possible with a mechanized planting: the teeth are laid at an angle, which affects productivity - it reduces by 10-15%.

Do not loosen the soil. The most common anti-advice is loosening before planting. The bottom should lie on a compacted bed: loose soil will not give a tight fit with an earthen lump, it will slow down germination.

Too loose soil on industrial plantings is rolled up; on light soils, rolling is practiced. Gardeners, on the other hand, simply mulch, raking a mound of earth from above.

About mulching. Do not mulch plantings with peat, tyrsa: these are heavy moisture-intensive materials, and in the spring they make it difficult to warm the soil.
About fertilizer. The introduction of organic matter before planting negatively affects the germination and phytosanitary quality of products, gives rise to green mass to the detriment of the bulb.

Let's hope that simple tips - when to plant garlic, where and how will be useful, and not helpful tips will not be used. Have a bountiful harvest!

Good day everyone!

On my agenda today important question for gardeners and amateur gardeners. Tell me, have you already prepared the garlic for the winter, I mean planted it in the ground in the fall, so that you can harvest it in the summer?

Let's figure out when and how to do this work correctly. What you need to know and be able to do, so that later your favorite fragrant and spicy vegetable will please us with a large harvest, because almost any or, for example, a real tasty rich

IN folk medicine it is used very often and is also a repellent to many soil dwellers.

And the benefit of this vegetable crop I think that I will not write in this note, because it seems to me that its benefits for all of us are obvious, and we know how? and where it can be used. Well, and to whom it has become unbearably interesting, you can always find any information on the Internet.

How and when to plant winter garlic with cloves?

This type of garlic should be planted in the ground in October, namely, if you look at the Lunar calendar, then the dates there are 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27 October 2019 .

You can also plant in November, but this is for certain regions where it is warm.

Interesting! If you look at the calendar, you can see such information for 2019, you can’t plant on such days of autumn: from October 1-15. For 2019, winter garlic should be planted on September 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27, or 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 23,24,25,26,27 October. For those who did not have time and for warm regions of Russia, you can land on such days of November 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25, and also December: 15-21, 23,27,28.

In general, it should be understood that the main rule for planting garlic is planting it before the arrival of cold weather, frost. The approximate limitation is that they will come in 30 to 45 days. In other words, if your temperature outside is two weeks +10 +12, then you should plant this crop in the soil, because stable cold will come soon.

Important! Pickup times will vary depending on where you live. Speaking generally for all territories of Russia, it is not earlier than mid-September, but not later than the first decade of December.

Remember that if you plant garlic early in the primer, it will sprout, and this is an early death ... And if you plant it too late, it will not take root and freeze, and nothing good will come of it either.

Important! Remember that garlic should be planted where annual vegetables such as cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, zucchini grew. In no case do not plant where root crops grew. Therefore, never plant garlic in the place where it grew onion, garlic, potatoes, and tomatoes. This contributes to the defeat of diseases, such as nematodes.

It is recommended to change the residence of garlic every two years. And also there are some tricks, nuances that absolutely everyone should know about. I strongly recommend watching this video, everything is very detailed in it, but at the same time everything is shown and told compactly:

Another note and condition for garlic to give a good harvest, it must be planted in the correct phases of the moon. As usual, on the full moon and new moon, no garden work cannot be produced. And also on the growing moon.

Stages of planting garlic:

1. Prepare the soil for planting in advance, walk with a cultivator or an ordinary shovel. And also you need to take planting material, I personally never process it.

2. As for the garlic, I have it of the Belarusian variety, as shown in this photo, it is white with a purple tint.

Important! The larger the planting material, the larger the crop will be. Ha, it is logical))).

Use the largest cloves, but periodically renew the garlic from the bulbs. It is preferable to use your own garlic than to buy it in stores or supermarkets, then it’s better to buy it from your grandmother in the market, where at least it’s homemade.

Break the garlic into cloves, and remember to do this just before planting.

Plant garlic so that you have enough for food, harvesting and planting.

3. So, start landing. There is a lot various options this activity.

Interesting! You can use various special patterns, etc., there are a lot of know-hows in our market for garden products.

I always prefer to do it easily and quickly, without any troubles. As I do this, you will need two tools - a rake and a shovel-shovel.

With the help of a rake, or rather its handle, make such a ruler so that it is even. And with the help of a scoop, make indentations, turn the scoop over and make holes in the ground with a pen. My bed is not very big, so I plant in three grooves, you can do more, at your discretion.

Important! The distance between the holes is 10-15 cm, do it by eye. And the depth of planting garlic is about 6-8 cm, you can make a mark on the handle of the scoop.

You can go with another option, take a plank and make notches on it for convenience, and recesses can be made with an ordinary peg.

4. Divide the head of garlic into cloves, prepare for work. I hope you know where the tops are on the garlic and where the roots are. Whoever forgot, be sure to look at this picture, because you definitely need to plant roots in the ground.

5. In our case, place one clove of garlic vertically in the recess you made, and in no case do not press it, but simply lay it carefully and cover it with earth. Watering is not necessary.

Important! So that the clove does not rot from heavy autumn rains, after you place it in the ground, add 1 teaspoon of sand into the hole, the sand will perform drainage work.

Interesting! For beginner gardeners, you can make recesses around the entire perimeter, and then, in order not to lose where you planted and where not, stick garlic.

6. When all the cloves are planted, sprinkle again well with earth, using a rake.

7. And of course compact, also with a rake.

That's how easy, fast and simple you can do this job!

How to plant garlic with bulbs before winter so that it grows large?

But as for garlic with bulbs, and not cloves, then this kind can be planted as early as April. Such garlic is called spring, not winter.

Remember that if you plant bulbs, they will bring a real harvest only after a year. In the first year, only a clove will grow from one bulb, and in the second year a whole head will grow from this clove.

All the same, bulbs sound cool, such small and funny things))).

I suggest watching the video and learning how to do this planting of garlic correctly:

Planting garlic in autumn before winter for different regions of Russia

As I said earlier, for each region, the approximate dates for sowing garlic are determined. Let's sort it out in order.

Planting garlic before winter for residents of the Moscow region Lunar calendar 2019

It is recommended to plant this crop on October 25-30. But, there is an opinion that the time before the Day of the Intercession is better for this area, and this is October 14th. According to signs, it is believed that garlic planted in this period will give a very large harvest.

Among the varieties especially loved by summer gardeners for this region are: Spas, Jubilee 07, Jubilee Gribovsky, Messidor, Kharkov, etc.

Planting garlic in autumn before winter in Siberia

Most best term landing for Siberian residents falls on the second mid-September, namely, to be more precise, in the period of September 23-30.

Separately, I would like to note Altai Territory Since I live here myself, these terms are correct.

Proper planting of garlic before winter in the Urals

For the population of the Urals, landing occurs on October 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, if this Southern Urals, if Medium, then October 25,26,27,28,29,30.

Here is such a useful article turned out, I hope now you understand and remember exactly how and when to plant garlic. I wish you a great harvest next year, and of course always good and positive mood. See you all, bye!

P.S I completely forgot, I want to remind you that with the onset of cold weather, symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections also come, you can fight them with garlic, hanging around your neck at home, and especially for children, beads from balloons with a surprise and breathe this aroma.

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Where and how to plant garlic before winter? The first part of the question concerns, first of all, the climatic conditions for planting garlic. The second - agrotechnical methods of working with winter garlic. After all, winter crops can successfully produce a crop only if the winter is mild enough and not very long. Where winter lasts 6 months, during which there are severe frosts, and even with winds, they usually do not think about winter crops.

Winter garlic and its distinctive features

Planting garlic in the winter may seem like a simple matter, not intricate. All the differences are to plant the bulbs not in the spring, but in the fall. However, not all so simple. If you do this with any variety that you usually plant in the spring, then you will be disappointed and a sad picture of dead and completely frozen bulbs.

The differences between winter garlic are as follows.

  1. Garlic planted in the fall has several large cloves arranged in one row. Their number varies greatly. The range of such variability is from 5 to 10 cloves. Spring garlic has an average of 25 small cloves arranged in several rows.
  2. All teeth are located around a rigid rod. Spring varieties do not have such a stem.
  3. The shell of each clove is not grayish-white, as is observed in spring varieties, but pinkish-purple.
  4. There are also taste differences. Spring garlic has a much milder taste than winter garlic.

There is another difference between these varietal groups. Winter garlic is poorly stored until spring. Perhaps for the reason that its genetic program contains the information of wintering in the soil at low temperatures.

Such garlic is harvested in the summer, eaten for several months or used in canning vegetables. If the gardener carries out a cycle of growing spring and winter garlic, then the need to store the winter form of this vegetable disappears by itself. On winter storage spring garlic is sent, and winter garlic is planted in the fall. Such a cycle will allow the owners suburban acres all year round be with your garlic, and the presence of winter varieties will still allow you to get very early fragrant leaves of this bulbous plant.

Winter garlic - planting material

Garlic planted before winter withstands twenty-degree frosts. Its shoots appear in early spring, allowing you to get the first greens even before the appearance of onions and other edible grass.

It is the cultivation of winter garlic that makes it possible to supply large garlic arrows to the markets. They represent a special food product. In addition, these arrows are often not so much harvested as a crop, but are eliminated as part of the plant that reduces the yield of the bulbs themselves. Arrows are left only on the largest bulbs to obtain seed.

Young arrows first curl into a spiral. As they grow, they straighten. At this point, garlic peduncles are harvested. Plants are dug up, tied into bunches and stored in a dry, dark and cool place for about a month.

After this period, the bulbs are separated, that is, the air bulbs, which are the seed. The main thing in this case is not to miss the time, since the air bulbs can spill out onto the ground, as a result of which the process of uncontrolled self-seeding can begin.

When to plant garlic for the winter? Those cloves that separate from the bulb are planted in the fall, and air bulbs are usually planted in the spring, as they can freeze in winter.

Obtaining planting material using aerial bulbs is considered very effective, since one bulb contains several cloves, while one arrow carries up to 100 bulbs.

In addition, each air bulb can produce a specific bulb, which consists of one round large clove. Such a bulb is called a single-tooth. This strange bulb can be used for food, or you can plant it in the ground again and grow a large head of garlic weighing more than 100 grams.

When to plant winter garlic

When to plant garlic before winter? Planting work is carried out in the fall, about a month before the onset of frost. Depending on the characteristics of the region, winter garlic should be planted from late September to mid-October. It is necessary to calculate the planting time so that the garlic would have time to grow roots, but at the same time would not have time to release green leaves in the autumn cold.

If you have to grow winter garlic in conditions severe frosts and a long winter, the beds must be covered plastic wrap, roofing felt and other material. This shelter must be removed very early, as soon as the snow melts.

Winter garlic starts active growth after the soil warms up to a stable temperature of about +8 degrees. A sign that the garlic is fully ripe are straight arrows and yellow leaves. This is the time to harvest. An earlier collection is fraught with poor division of the bulbs into cloves. If you start harvesting too late, the bulbs will begin to disintegrate into cloves right in the ground.

Preparing for landing

It is necessary to plant garlic in autumn on soils with good lighting And big amount organics. All bulbous plants, and garlic in particular, can quickly deplete the soil. For this reason, periodically you need to change the placement of the beds. If for some reason this is not possible, then the problem will have to be solved by regular feeding.

Future garlic beds need to be prepared in advance. After all, the soil should not only be well fertilized, it should settle and compact before planting. This will make it easier for the bulbs to endure the winter.

In preparation for digging, you need to make plenty of compost or humus. At acidic soil you can add ash.

If you plan to use a bed for winter garlic for a long time, then manure or humus can be buried in a separate layer to a depth of about 20 cm. To do this, you need to dig several trenches 30 cm deep, put a layer of manure (you can even fresh), close it top with a layer of dry organics (sawdust, dry leaves, peat, etc.), scatter a small amount over the organics mineral fertilizers. After that, the trenches can be covered from above with ordinary soil. This entire layer, located deeper than the garlic roots, will slowly decompose, providing plants with nutrients during several years.

If you have carried out such a thorough preparation of the beds, then top dressing should be carried out only in the first year. In the following years, 3 plants will not need additional nutrition.

Garlic can be planted after cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkins. Although this plant has large stock phytoncides, it cannot fully protect itself from pests. For this reason, this vegetable should not be planted in areas where for a long time potatoes were grown. Otherwise, infection with fusarium and nematode will occur.

In addition, it is not advisable to plant garlic before winter at the place of growth of any root crops, such as carrots or beets. The fact is that these crops are harvested, as a rule, before the first frost. So the gardener simply may not have time for good training soil for planting new culture. In addition, all root crops manage to take a lot of minerals from the soil during the season. So garlic after root crops can turn out weak and small.

Many gardeners believe that it is impossible to plant garlic in the same place for two consecutive seasons. Yes, indeed, this culture is able to actively exploit the soil. However, if you made a sufficient amount of organic matter on the eve of planting, then you can plant garlic on the same bed without damage to the crop for at least 3 years.

Planting winter garlic

How to plant garlic before winter? First of all, you need to prepare the seed well. It must be thoroughly dried and warmed up in the sun. After that, the bulb must be divided into cloves, without peeling off the scaly cover from them.

The best is selected for planting, so large, healthy, undamaged bulbs and cloves should be selected. If you are not sure about the safety of the future growth environment of the bulbs, then you can disinfect the planting material in a solution of copper sulphate or potassium permanganate. The concentration of the solutions must be weak, otherwise you can create a chemical burn.

The optimal landing pattern is as follows:

  • between rows the distance should not be less than 25 centimeters;
  • in each row, the distance between specimens should be about 15 centimeters;
  • too wide a bed needs to be divided by "clearings", that is, an increased distance between honey in two rows;
  • planting depth of cloves - 5-7 centimeters.

Since garlic does not like shading, it must be carefully weeded. Moreover, about two weeks before harvesting, the ground around the bulbs needs to be raked so that their upper part can be illuminated by the sun. So the bulbs will ripen faster and concentrate more useful substances.

In the spring, winter garlic is also planted, only bulbs, not cloves, are used as planting material. They are planted mainly in April.

Winter crops have a number of significant advantages. For a short autumn period they manage to grow root system, therefore, shoots grow much faster in spring than with spring planting. This fast start allows the plant to short term form a strong stem and extensive root. It is these advantages that make it possible to significantly increase the yield of winter crops compared to spring crops.

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