What should be the design of the veranda? Terrace attached to the house - practical, beautiful and comfortable Dimensions of the terrace to the house

The terrace, like the patio, is an open structure on a country plot. It is erected somewhat elevated above ground level or at the floor level of the main building and may have side railings. Sometimes the building is built in the form of an extended porch.

The main task of designing an extension is the harmonious arrangement of the terrace in landscape design suburban area. It is preferable that the terrace plan is included in common project site. In this case, it is built on a single foundation with the main building. During construction, you can use general materials And Constructive decisions. Thanks to the general design of the buildings, the terrace will organically fit into the architectural ensemble.

If it was planned after the construction of the main building, a separate project must be made for the extension.

When designing, one should take into account the climatic features of the area and the state of the soil of the suburban area. Since the structure is planned to be attached to a wooden or brick built house, the condition of its foundation and other structures that will adjoin the terrace is being investigated.

For the construction of an open terrace, registration of permits is not required. Such facilities are considered temporary by law. If a terrace is being built closed type with foundation equipment and glazing, it is defined as a veranda. Its construction must be formalized as redevelopment. To obtain permission, the extension project is submitted to the chief architect of the district. Then changes are made to the overall design of the suburban area.

Placement, shape and size of the terrace

The choice of the location of the extension will depend on the convenience of its use, the conformity of the terrace and its protection from atmospheric influences. More often, the terrace is attached to the front side of the house, simultaneously performing the functions of a porch, a vestibule and a place for relaxation and feasting.

If the structure is not tied to the main front door, it is equipped from the side of the kitchen or living room, equipping a separate exit from these rooms. This will allow serving dishes and inviting guests to a table laid on fresh air. In another version, it is located around the perimeter of the house with one or more entrances.

It is better to choose a place for a terrace in the shade of trees growing on the site. If the territory near the house is not shaded, preference is given to the eastern or north side main building. But such an arrangement is planned if suburban area refers to a region with hot summer weather.

The size of the terrace depends on the possibilities of the site and the nature of its use. For free movement along it, the width of the extension must be at least 120 cm. Area dining area is determined taking into account the number of residents and possible guests. Placing 6 people at a table on the terrace will require about 8 m 2 of equipped area. For extra space for relaxation, the placement of sun loungers or a sofa with free passage is taken into account.

The shape of the terrace is chosen based on the personal preferences of the owners and the free space near the house. Outdoor terrace may have different configuration- rectangular, rounded or with broken contours. For closed building the convenience of erecting a roof over it should be taken into account. For a non-standard shape of the structure, you can use modern glass elements roofs.

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Terrace materials

The main criterion for choosing a material for the construction of a structure is the harmonious appearance of the terrace in the landscape of the territory and compliance with the main architectural style. But at the same time, there is no need to use the same types of materials as when building a house.

Attaching supporting columns for the roof can be made of brick, and the balustrade and floor can be equipped with wood. If the house is wooden, the terrace elements are made of the same material. As an exception, roofing and enclosing elements using glass look neutral. They are harmonious against the background of wood, brick or stone. Forged fences fit well into the appearance of only a stone or brick house.

Choice floor covering site depends on the degree of its openness. If special requirements are imposed on the terrace floor - resistance to large temperature differences, high humidity and loads, porcelain stoneware or ceramic tile. The traditional preference is wooden floor. For open types structures, a terrace or deck board can serve as a finishing coating. massive board can only be used indoors. The tongue-and-groove connection of the boards prevents the normal runoff of rainwater.

If you plan to build a terrace yourself, you will need a set of the most necessary tools:

  • shovels, pit drill, mortar containers - when pouring the foundation;
  • circular saw, electric jigsaw and tape measure - for cutting and processing material;
  • drill, hammer, screwdriver - to secure it;
  • chisel, planer, ax - for fitting wooden elements;
  • level, building cord - for correct installation structures.

An important element country house is a separate room with a view of the garden, forest, river, etc. This is a veranda. The veranda can serve as a living room, a winter garden, a dining room, an office. Its main purpose is to serve as a transitional link between the surrounding nature and the interior of the house. How to place the veranda relative to the house will be discussed in this article.

Veranda location

It is important to choose such an arrangement of the veranda so that it opens beautiful view. Do not turn the veranda towards the street or the border with the neighboring site, fences, outbuildings. If the site is small, and it is surrounded by neighbors' houses, then trees can be planted opposite the windows of the veranda so that greenery is visible instead of other people's walls.

When choosing a place for a veranda, it is worth considering the location of the house relative to parts of the world. South and southwest will suit those who love the sun. Here you can put winter Garden. The southeast direction will make it pleasant to be on the veranda in the morning, in the afternoon there will be shade and coolness. With the western placement of the veranda, you can watch sunsets, it will be nice to sit here in the evening, have dinner, and receive guests. North and northwest for the veranda are good if it is used only by hot summer days, or the house is located in a warm climate zone, plants are unlikely to grow well on this side.

Types of verandas

Verandas should match the overall look of the house. They may have one or more common walls with the house, connect with other rooms by a passage, but at the same time be a separate room. The width of the veranda should not be less than 1.8 m. The most convenient for receiving guests will be a 4x5 m or 4x6 m veranda. The windows on the veranda are not higher than 40-60 cm from the floor.

In most cases, the entrance to the house can be through the veranda, but it may not have entrance doors from the street, but only a connection to the interior of the house. If, nevertheless, there is a door, then it should be arranged in such a way that there is more space on the veranda for placing furniture. If the size of the veranda is 3x4 m or less, it is better to place the door at the end.

One of the main elements of the veranda is the windows. They can be both deaf and opening, the builders advise them to alternate. It can be stained glass windows or windows standard sizes, but closely spaced. Veranda window frames are installed between window sill board and top harness (tying - see below).

Veranda in the corner of the house

You can make a small veranda 2x2 m in the very corner of the house with access to the garden, while the integrity of the building does not change. Since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is very small, such a veranda will be good for one person, a maximum of two. In order for at least 6 people to be seated on a veranda of this type, its area must be at least 8-9 m2.

Veranda attached to the wall of the house

The veranda is attached to the wall of the house, it is narrow and long (for example, 1.7x5 m). The long side is shared with the inner room of the house. On such a veranda, you can place a desk in one corner, a tea table with narrow chairs on the other. Exit in interior- through two doors. The exit to the garden is located in the middle of the veranda, thus dividing the room into two functional areas- working with desk and a guest room with a tea table. Opposite the front door, you can place a small sofa or a clothes hanger and a cabinet for shoes.

Veranda under the balcony

If the house has a balcony on the second floor, then on the first floor under the balcony you can install a veranda. A round veranda with a radius of, for example, 2 m can become both an entrance hall and a guest room. The entrance to the house is best placed at one of the edges of the wall adjacent to interior rooms. Access to the garden can be done in the middle.

square veranda

A square veranda, for example, with dimensions of 2.7x2.7 m, located at one of the walls of the house overlooking the garden. The front door to the veranda can be made from one of the sides, and the front door to the house is closer to the first one, so that there is more living space. On such a veranda will fit round table with chairs. If the size of such a veranda is 5x4 m, then here it is already possible to place not only a guest table with chairs, but also armchairs, a wardrobe.

Veranda with vestibule

Veranda with vestibule. For example, the long part can be 3.7 m, the narrow part - 2.5 m. In the narrow part of the veranda, in the brightest place, you can place children's Corner. Opposite the door, you can put a sofa and narrow cabinet for clothes.

Large veranda with vestibule

A large veranda with a vestibule adjoining the house with its long side (for example, 3x6m). On such a veranda it is good to receive a large number of guests; several chairs can also be placed here.

Veranda with grill

On the veranda, you can place the grill in the corner from the side outer wall. The dimensions of such a veranda can be 3.5x6.5m. Here you can place a dining room or living room.

Veranda adjoining the corner of the house

Veranda adjoining the corner of the house. The entrance door of the veranda divides the room into two zones. It is very convenient to place a table near the door leading to the house. Armchairs can be placed in another part of the veranda.

small veranda

On the veranda large sizes(for example, 2.5x3m) you can save space by placing the front door close to the front door inside the house.

The shape of the veranda can be rectangular, triangular (Fig.) Semicircular, etc. More traditional - a rectangular veranda. The traditional version of the form of the veranda is a room that adjoins the house with its wide side.

Option for the location of the triangular veranda in fig:

triangular veranda

Two adjacent walls can be fully glazed and separated by a corner mullion.

Another option - the veranda can be connected to the house with a narrow end and extend into the garden as an independent building. The fewer planes that are combined with the main house, the more independent the extension looks, as in the figure:

Veranda connected to the house by a narrow end

There are many architectural options for creating verandas - it all depends on your imagination and the ability of the designer and builders to bring it to life.

The veranda could be built-in or attached to the house

Built-in veranda

Built-in veranda

In this case, the veranda has a foundation in common with the main house and is actually another room. The design of the built-in veranda is considered even in the process of designing a house. Such a solution will exclude in the future distortions and other phenomena associated with subsidence and frost heaving of soils. If the house is under development, and you would like to make a solid veranda that could be heated and used as a living room, then you should immediately create a project with a common foundation.

Attached veranda

attached veranda

Most often, the veranda is attached to the main, already existing building. In order for the veranda to serve for a long time, many issues need to be taken into account, the main of which is how to avoid distortions and deformation of the extension.

Arrangement of attached verandas

Builders do not recommend rigidly connecting the attached veranda and the house. This means that the foundations of the veranda and the house are carried out separately and do not have common areas. Between the wall of the house and the mating wall of the veranda there should be a gap of 20-40 mm. In the process of sheathing, this gap is closed with a flashing (board). The floor on the attached veranda should be 60-80 mm lower than the floor level in the house, the level difference is covered with a plinth. The roof of the veranda should also only fit the roof of the main house with a gap that is closed with a steel apron. You can read about the design of the seam between the house and the veranda in the topic.

You can read about the main structures of the veranda and the materials for their construction in the article "Veranda in the house. Structures and materials for the veranda in the house."

The veranda allows you to profitably expand the usable space of a residential building. In a properly erected and well-equipped extension, you can comfortably spend time both in the warm and in the cold season.

An extension is best built so that it closes the front door to the main house. Therefore, you will not be able to build a veranda from any desired side of the already finished main building. Otherwise, the veranda will be torn off from the main building and you will have to enter it through the street.

Extension dimensions are selected individually. For a family of 3-6 people, a 3x4 m veranda is enough. It is also important to consider general form from the street. For example, if you live in a large two- or even three-story house, and the veranda is very small, the overall architectural ensemble will turn out to be inharmonious. For compact houses, you can safely attach verandas the width of the entire wall of the main building - it looks great.

Important note! Regardless of the chosen size and, in general, the features of the extension, its construction must first be legalized. To do this, you must have a project in hand. You can find it in open sources or order it from a specialized company.

With the finished project, go to the local architectural department. Employees of the department will study your project, make the necessary changes and issue a permit. Keep in mind that it takes on average about 2-3 months for the review and approval of the project, so the decision this issue It is best to do it in the winter, before the start of the construction season.

Construction site marking

We are starting to prepare our construction site.

First step. We remove about 150 mm of the top layer of soil along the perimeter of the future building and take it to the flower beds, to the garden or other place.

Second step. Align the resulting recess.

Third step. We do markup. First, focusing on the project, we drive in metal or wooden pins at the corners of the site, then in the same way we drive in intermediate pegs every 1-1.5 m, and then we pull the rope between the pins. We will be guided by it in the process of arranging the foundation.

We make the foundation

Most often, verandas are built on the bases of a columnar or tape type. The depth of the support is taken equal to the depth of the foundation of the main house. It is strongly not recommended to connect the main support with the foundation of the extension, because. these designs will have widely varying weights. Therefore, the degree of their shrinkage will also vary. So that a heavy house does not pull a relatively light extension, the latter must be erected on a separate foundation. To do this, leave between the foundations of approximately 3-4 cm gap.

Important point! When choosing the type of foundation, consider, first of all, the characteristics of the soil in your area and the total mass of the veranda. For the construction of heavy structures on heaving soils, monolithic ones are best suited. Lightweight structures, for example, made of wood, can be built on columnar supports.

Tape base

The tape type foundation is optimally suited for the further construction of a veranda on it from building blocks or bricks. The thickness of the base, as already noted, is maintained equal to the thickness of the foundation of the house. If this is a new building, we keep the thickness at the level of 70-80 cm.

First step. We dig a trench along the perimeter of the walls of the extension.

Second step. Align the bottom and walls of the trench, from wooden planks or shields according to the height of the future concrete support.

Third step. We successively fill the bottom of the trench with a 10-cm layer of sand and the same layer of gravel with the obligatory tamping of each ball of backfill.

Fourth step. We lay the reinforcing mesh of 10-12 mm bars. The recommended mesh size is 10x10 cm. So the base will be as strong as possible.

Fifth step. We pour concrete prepared from a portion of cement, three portions of sand, 4-5 portions of gravel and water.

Carefully level the fill and leave it to dry and gain strength for 3-4 weeks. In the heat, we pour concrete every day to prevent it from cracking.

columnar base

Perfect for a veranda made of timber or polycarbonate. Pits for poles are recommended to be made with a depth of 80-110 cm. If the veranda is small (up to about 3x4 m), it will be enough to install supports in the corners. However, professional builders recommend installing intermediate racks for any size of the veranda. We maintain the distance between the supports within 0.8-1 m.

First step. We dig holes in the places of future pouring of the pillars. The best way to do this is with a drill.

Second step. We fill the bottom of each recess with a 15-20 cm layer of sand. Additionally, it is recommended to pour about 10 cm of gravel. We compact each layer.

Third step. Pour the concrete to the ground level and let it harden.

Fourth step. Finished concrete supports are coated with bitumen.

Fifth step. We fill the cracks between the ground and the supports with sand.

Sixth step. We erect the above-ground part of the brick pillars. We make the height equal to the height of the foundation of the main house.

Making a subfloor

The floor can be wood or concrete. For example, in framed veranda from wooden beam a wooden floor would be more appropriate. Concrete pouring will best fit into an extension made of bricks.

We do the wooden draft floor like this:

  • fix the beam on the foundation bottom strapping. We use suitable fasteners, for example, anchors. To connect the beams directly, we first make samples at their joints and additionally fasten them with galvanized nails;
  • fasten to the bottom harness wooden logs. We maintain the step at the level of 50 cm - so the floor will definitely not fail. We use the connection option described above;
  • we fill the space between the lags with expanded clay;
  • make flooring from unedged board or plywood with a thickness of about 50 mm. We fasten the flooring elements to the logs with galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

We do the concrete screed like this:

  • we fill the base with a 10-centimeter layer of sand;
  • pour a layer on top;
  • laying reinforcing mesh. For the floor of the veranda, a grid of bars with a diameter of 6-8 mm with cells of 25x25 cm is enough;
  • pour concrete.

Important! The screed should be as even as possible. We carry out the work with the obligatory use of the level.

We build a wooden veranda

Basic material properties

Wood is one of the most popular and ancient building materials. Even after the appearance on the market of all kinds of blocks and other budget and easy-to-arrange elements, wood practically did not lose ground.

With the construction of a simple frame wooden veranda, almost everyone can handle it. It is only necessary to properly mount the frame racks and sew them up with shields, clapboard or other suitable material.

The indisputable advantage of wood is its environmental friendliness, beautiful appearance and comparatively not big weight. The latter property allows you to abandon the arrangement of expensive and difficult to build foundations.

The main disadvantage of a wooden veranda is its fire hazard - installing a brazier in such an extension or in its immediate vicinity is a very important undertaking that requires taking into account many nuances and trifles. Therefore, it is better to take the source of fire somewhere far away from the wooden veranda.

Another significant disadvantage of wood is its poor tolerance to high humidity, which is why the material needs serious pretreatment special . Without such preparation, the wood will rot very quickly.

Construction order

For the construction of the frame we use a wooden beam High Quality section 100x100 mm. We already have the lower harness and the subfloor, so we continue to work, adhering to the instructions below.

First step. We cut grooves in the beam of the lower strapping for the installation of vertical supports. We maintain a half-meter step.

Second step. We install vertical racks. To fasten the frame elements, we use staples and screws or nails.

Important! The roof of our veranda, as noted, will be sloping. That's why vertical bar installed in lowest point slope, we do 50 cm below the opposite racks.

Third step. We mount the beam of the upper trim. On higher racks, no questions will arise - we perform the connections in the same way as in the previous stages.

When installing the strapping of lower supports, we do the following: first we connect the posts longitudinally with a strapping beam, and then we fix the transverse crossbars connecting the high and low racks at the height of the low racks. We fasten the crossbars with high racks using pre-created samples and nails.

Fourth step. The top harness is ready. The resulting slope will allow us to lay the rafters for the roof. Additionally, we nail a girder near the roof slope. To fasten the beam with all supports, we use anchor bolts. For greater reliability, it is recommended to fasten the strapping beam with transverse boards or beams, if possible and necessary (we focus on the weight of the future roofing material). We will attach racks and struts to them for greater strength. truss system.

Fifth step. We mount in increments of 50 cm. To do this, we use a wooden bar with a section of 100x200 mm. We perform the connection of structural elements by any of the previously discussed methods.

Sixth step. We sew the frame. For inner lining lining is perfect, for outdoor - siding or other material. Between the materials of the outer and inner skin we lay layers of hydro- and thermal insulation. We attach the film to the frame. The position of the insulation is fixed by transverse rails. The material is also attached to them. finishing. When sheathing, do not forget to leave openings for windows and doors.

Prices for various types of timber

brick verandas

Basic information about building material

Brick is great for building capital verandas. In a building made of this material, it will be cool in summer and, if properly insulated, warm in winter. Brickwork durable, fireproof and unpretentious in care.

The main disadvantage of a brick building is a lot of weight. Such structures are built exclusively on what is not in the best way affects the total cost of construction.

The order of the construction of the veranda

The foundation is ready and waterproofed, the screed is poured, the base is even and no additional preparatory activities does not require. Let's start laying out the walls.

Preselect suitable look masonry. Most simple options, perfect for self erection verandas are as follows:

  • spoon masonry. The final wall thickness will be 120 mm;
  • poke masonry. Wall thickness - 250 mm;
  • chain laying. Allows you to get walls with a thickness of 380 mm.

First step. We attach a mooring cord at two opposite ends of the foundation with a coupler. It should run along the edge of the base.

Second step. We expose the corner bricks along the cord, and then fill the space between them in accordance with the chosen masonry method. To fasten building elements, we use a standard cement mortar.

Third step. We check the evenness of the first row and similarly lay out the walls to the desired height, not forgetting to leave openings for doors and windows.

Important! will be inclined, therefore, the wall falling on the bottom of the slope, as well as the side walls adjacent to it, are made a row lower compared to the wall supporting the top of the roof.

Having laid out the last row of walls, we equip the armored belt. To do this, we fix a formwork about 70 mm high on each wall on the upper surface of the walls, put anchor bolts in the corners, lay reinforcing bars and pour concrete.

Let the concrete harden and then fix it to anchor bolts strapping from a wooden beam with a section of 10x10 cm. The further procedure for arranging the truss system remains similar to the situation with

If the veranda is planned to be used throughout the year, the walls can be laid in two rows, filling the gap between the rows. heat-insulating material. With a single laying, insulation, moisture insulation and interior decoration perform by analogy with wooden veranda. Exterior finish remains at your discretion. You can simply gently embroider the seams and finish it.

Masonry sizeLength, L
Width, VHeight, HNumber of bricks
thickness not included
mortar joint,
Number of bricks
taking into account the thickness
mortar joint 10 mm,
1 m3 single brick laying250 120 65 512 394
1 m3 thickened brickwork250 120 88 378 302
250 120 65 61 51
1 sq. m of masonry in half a brick (masonry thickness 120 mm)250 120 88 45 39
1 sq. m of masonry in one brick (masonry thickness 250 mm)250 120 65 128 102
250 120 65 189 153
1 sq. m of masonry in one and a half bricks (masonry thickness 380 mm)250 120 88 140 117
250 120 65 256 204
1 sq. m of laying in two bricks (masonry thickness 510 mm)250 120 88 190 156

250 250 65 317 255

1 sq. m of masonry in two and a half bricks (masonry thickness 640 mm)
250 250 88 235 195

Prices for building and facing bricks

Building and facing bricks

We make the roof of the veranda

And the rafters have been installed. It remains to make the crate, mount the insulating layers and lay the finishing roofing material.

The crate can be continuous (for roll materials) and sparse (for sheet roofing). We make a continuous crate from OSB boards. To do this, we attach them to the rafters with a 1-centimeter gap. We fasten the bars of the sparse lathing with a step recommended by the manufacturer of the selected roofing material. On average, it is 30-35 cm. To attach the battens to the rafters, we use galvanized nails or self-tapping screws.

We fill the cells between the bars of the crate mineral wool for thermal insulation. We lay a waterproofing film on top and attach it to the crate using a stapler with staples. In the case of arranging a continuous crate, we fix the thermal insulation from the inside of the room. We fix the insulation plates with the help of transverse rails, nailing them to the crate.

In conclusion, it remains to mount. It is better that it matches the roof covering of the main house. Otherwise, we focus on our preferences and available budget.

Finishing the floor

If the draft floor is wooden, we put a heater in the space between them and stuff the flooring from edged boards. Boards are painted and varnished.

over concrete screed you can also equip the boardwalk, similar to the previous method, or lay another material of your choice, such as linoleum.

At the end, the doors remain, furnish at your discretion and connect lighting if necessary. We will not pull the wire. It is enough to take the extension cord out of the house and turn on the necessary lighting fixtures.

Successful work!

Video - Do-it-yourself veranda

Today there is great demand projects on one-story houses with terrace, which is open or glazed. In addition, both summer and winter terraces are popular. Usually, project country house with attic looks great with a covered veranda, allowing you to significantly increase the flow of light into the room. It is not necessary to glaze all sides of the terrace. You can decorate one or two of its sides climbing plants and then the veranda will certainly become one of the cozy and attractive places in your home.


One of the important factors in the comfort of the terrace is reliable protection from sun rays especially in the afternoon. To do this, you can organize both temporary and stationary roofs, or use the shadow of a large tree (if possible).

Regarding the size, even cheap house project able to be cozy if the terrace is spacious and comfortable. In this regard, it is quite difficult to determine the optimal area of ​​the terrace in finished project country house. In addition, equipping it must take into account its purpose. Indeed, for a small table with a couple of chairs and a passage to them, a square of 2x2 meters is quite enough. However, it would be much more convenient to put a large table on the terrace, and replace the chairs with comfortable armchairs. Also, sun loungers will be a very right solution, which will allow you to take sunbaths in comfort. Exactly because of this reason optimal size for the terrace, if implemented turnkey house projects, will become an area varying within 10-15 sq.m. This is provided that the width of the site is not less than two meters. Regarding the roof, the lowest place should not be less than 2.3 meters.

Very handy if project of a country house with a terrace provides a cozy fireplace or barbecue. However, their arrangement requires quite a lot of space. Remember that you can place the table to the source of fire no closer than 1.4 meters.

Also, when arranging the terrace, you should pay attention to the level of its floor. It is recommended that it be below the floor level by an average of 5-15 cm. If the basement of your house is low, then the terrace should be 3-10 cm above ground level. If the base is quite high, then it is better not to make steps, but rather to raise the terrace. For these purposes, use pillars or sprinkle soil.

So, trusting professionals in design and construction turnkey cottages, you can also consult with them on the issue of the optimal terrace area with them. Their considerable experience, combined with your ideas, will create the most comfortable housing with a place to relax.

Owners of private houses and summer cottages are very fond of equipping such a place on their estate, where one could have a pleasant and comfortable rest, eat food and even work in the fresh air.

Such a place can be a terrace attached directly to the house. And if you still don't have it, it's time to start building.

The most important thing you need to do before an extension terraces to the house, this is its design, taking into account the purpose, location, shape, size and, of course, the material that will be needed for construction. Let's deal with all these points in order.

Purpose - what do you plan to use the summer terrace for

Before you build a terrace, think about how and why you will use it. If a terrace is needed in the country for family vacation, then enough small building with a roof that provides protection from the sun and rain. In case you have a private Vacation home, where you often receive guests, arrange parties, then you should also plan a place to install a charcoal or electric grill, in the fresh air. In this case, it would be advisable to build a structure made of brick or stone, paved, for example,.

How to choose the right terrace location

Choosing a place where it will be attached terrace to the house, there are several factors to consider:

  1. Where the sun rises

If you often relax on the summer terrace in the morning, for example, at breakfast before work, then it is better to attach the terrace to the house on the east side - the sun, rising in the morning, will flood it with its light and cheer you up for the whole day.

On the other hand, if you manage to allocate more time for relaxing in the evening, then the western side, where the sun shines the longest, will be a great place to add a terrace to the house.

Are you planning to hide in the shade of the summer terrace in the sun? Then determine the place where the day is most shady.

  1. Away from the road.

Roads are not only extra noise, but also exhaust gases, which are very harmful to breathe. In such conditions, the rest will not be complete, so it is better to build a terrace in the country house or on the site of a country house on the side where there is no roadway.

  1. Conveniently next to the entrance.

It is good if there is direct access to the terrace from the house - from the front door or from the kitchen. Thus, having attached a veranda, it will be convenient for you to set the table for breakfast, lunch, dinner or receiving guests.

What is the best size for a summer terrace?

For a family of 3-4 people, a summer terrace of 10-12 m² is enough. but if you want to put a rocking chair on it or hang it, maybe even make a small play area for children, then you should make a bigger terrace project.

In addition, the size of the terrace depends on the size of the house itself and the surrounding area. Too small a veranda will look ridiculous against the background big house, a large terrace near little house also won't get rave reviews.

Summer terrace shape

The terrace attached to the house will look most beautiful in rectangular shape. Its straight lines, combined with the lines of the house, will look harmonious. In addition, this form will facilitate the construction process itself.

To make the terrace look more original, several levels should be provided during its construction. So, a stone summer terrace can easily take arbitrary shapes. If you build it from wood, you can give it originality by cutting off the edges with a jigsaw.

Country wooden terraces photo

In any case, the most important thing is that the terrace attached to the house was in harmony with its architecture or the style of other buildings on the site.

Of course, the project itself does not end there, and then the stage of adding a terrace to the house follows. But more on that in the next article.

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Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties AND human health
The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.