Garden jasmine (mock orange) - leaving in the fall and preparing for winter. Proper pruning of jasmine in spring Autumn pruning of mock orange

Chubushnik ( garden jasmine) is a beautiful ornamental shrub that grows well and quickly, blooms actively, and its crown is very lush and sprawling. Therefore, it should be cut off - so that the crown does not thicken. The features of autumn pruning, planting and a set of agrotechnical measures to prepare garden jasmine for winter will be discussed below.

Mock orange (garden jasmine) is a beautiful ornamental shrub that grows well and quickly, blooms actively

This perennial shrub can be planted outdoors in both spring and autumn. Seedlings can be purchased in specialized stores - they are usually sold there with a closed root system. A mock orange with an open root system is usually taken either from neighbors in garden plot, or propagated independently (most often by cuttings). root system well holds an earthen clod during transplantation, they tolerate acclimatization in a new place well, quickly take root in new conditions.

  • The area where this perennial ornamental shrub will grow should be well lit, without stagnant moisture in the soil.
  • In the planting holes, a layer of drainage material should be placed on the bottom, consisting of crushed stone with river sand (its height is 12-15 cm), and then a layer of soil mixture. It is composed as follows: 3 parts are mixed leaf ground, 2 parts of humus and one part of sand.
  • IN group landings the distance between jasmine bushes should be at least 0.6 to 1.4 m, and when planting these perennials in a single-row hedge, the distance between seedlings should be 0.7-0.8 m.
  • The planting depth of young bushes should be no more than 0.5-0.6 m, and root neck- be at ground level, when buried in the soil, it rots.

How to propagate mock orange (video)

How mock orange is propagated by cuttings in autumn

Usually this shrub is propagated by cuttings, and cuttings can be rooted both in spring and autumn. The technology of these processes is not much different from each other.

Rooting cuttings of garden jasmine in autumn is usually carried out in greenhouses or specially prepared cuttings. Previously, in the middle or end of summer, cuttings are cut from green shoots. You can also cut cuttings from lignified shoots, in which case they are immediately rooted in open field. The length of the cut cuttings of this perennial should be no more than 5-6 cm, with a pair of internodes and 5-6 leaves.

Usually mock orange is propagated by cuttings.

The main nuances of cutting cuttings and their rooting:

  • the shoots from which the cuttings will be cut should not bloom this season, and also be too thick or overgrown;
  • the best shoots for cuttings are small in size, which do not bloom in this season and have at least a couple of internodes;
  • cuttings are carried out by a special sharp knife, all other similar tools crush bark and wood, therefore they are not suitable for this type of work;
  • 5 mm below the internode, the cutting is cut at an acute angle, and the upper cut must be straight (the distance from the node is at least 1.5 cm);
  • the two lower leaves are removed completely, and the rest of the foliage is cut off at least half;
  • in the stalk, in which future seedlings will be planted, the soil should consist of: a mixture of turf and river sand, and another layer of sand 3-4 cm thick is poured on top. Before planting, this substrate must be well watered;
  • the cuttings of this shrub cannot be simply stuck into the ground. First, with a thick stick, a hole is made in the soil with a depth of no more than 1.5 cm, and a cutting is inserted there into vertical position and gently compress the soil around;
  • plantings should be carefully watered, can be sprayed, and covered with foil or plastic bottles with a cut bottom;
  • spraying and airing seedlings should be carried out at least once a day. In this case, they will take root faster.

After 2-3 weeks, the seedlings will take root, then the shelter can be removed.

The best shoots for cuttings are small in size, which do not bloom in this season and have at least a couple of internodes.

Preparing the mock orange for winter

Preparing this perennial shrub consists in pruning old, broken and damaged shoots, removing faded inflorescences, autumn top dressing.

But most varieties of this ornamental shrub does not require special preparation for winter cold, as this perennial is unpretentious and does not require special care.

How to cut mock orange (video)

Scheme and timing of pruning mock orange in the fall

Usually the main pruning of the mock orange is carried out in early spring when buds have not yet begun to swell on the shoots. At the same time, all frozen branches are removed to healthy wood, and a formative pruning of the crown is carried out to give the shrub correct form. And here thinning out the shrub, as well as carrying out sanitary pruning of the shrub should be done only in the fall.

Exactly at autumn period shrub thinning is carried out, which contributes to the active growth of new shoots, which in the next season will actively increase the vegetative mass, and will also be covered beautiful flowers with a pleasant aroma.

After the end of flowering (still in the middle of summer), all old shoots that are more than 5 years old should be cut out, and already a few weeks before the onset of cold weather, all damaged, dried or broken shoots are removed. And here side shoots that have grown during the season should not be actively cut out - after all, next season buds will appear on them.

Experienced flower growers say that if you do not prune this perennial annually, then in a couple of years the bush will lose its decorative form, and also practically will not bloom.

In the autumn, thinning is carried out, which contributes to the active growth of new shoots.

Autumn top dressing of mock orange

Usually, the last dressing of garden jasmine is carried out after the end of flowering - this happens even in summer period. But you can feed the shrub in the fall- either before pruning, or two weeks after it, so that the bushes have time to recover after removing the shoots.

For this last top dressing, use 15 tablespoons of superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate (or any other potassium salt) per 1 m2, or add 1 cup wood ash.

These mineral fertilizers accelerate the maturation of young shoots, restore the strength of a perennial shrub after abundant flowering, and also allow the root system to gain strength in order to become more resistant to the impending cold.

Shelter for the winter

Mock orange is highly frost-resistant, so it does not need shelter for the winter. The only thing that can be done is in late autumn (two weeks before frost) to add a layer of mulch up to 15-20 cm thick to the trunk circle of garden jasmine to prevent the perennial root system from freezing. As a mulching material, you can use peat, humus or rotted foliage (or straw).

Mock orange is highly frost-resistant, so it does not need shelter for the winter

Transplanting mock orange in the fall to a new place

One of the important positive qualities This perennial shrub is a quick adaptation after planting or transplanting. You can transplant this shrub at any time, except for the moment when the jasmine blooms. If the mock orange is transplanted in early spring, then flowers will appear on it only in the next season.

The nuances of transplanting this shrub:

  • a large amount of water should be poured into the trunk circle (at least two to three buckets) so that you can easily dig it out along with a clod of earth;
  • while moisture is absorbed, you need to spend sanitary pruning- remove all damaged branches, as well as old ones, shorten young shoots by one third;
  • and only then the shrub is dug up and transferred to a new hole.

Before planting, at least 20 liters of water are poured into the prepared pit, then a bush is placed and covered with a nutrient mixture. From above, sprinkle the near-trunk circle with mulch (humus can be used).

How to care for a mock orange (video)

Or a mock-up unpretentious plant. Minimal care is enough to please it with lush flowering every year.

For the growth and development of the bush, watering, top dressing and pruning are necessary. Pruning is one of the most important mandatory procedures. There are several types of pruning that need to be done regularly. Without this, the flowering of jasmine will be poor, and then completely stop.

In this article, we will look at when you can prune jasmine and how to do it correctly.

The need for timely pruning

Garden jasmine is valued for decorative look shrubs and fragrant flowers. A properly shaped plant can decorate any garden or home garden. But in order to give it the necessary shape and make it bloom profusely, formative pruning is needed. After all, the mock orange is characterized by fairly rapid and uneven growth. Without crown correction, it grows one-sidedly and asymmetrically. Prune plants older than 5 years.

In the spring, sanitary pruning of the plant is carried out. At the same time, all unviable, dry or frost-damaged branches are removed. You can not leave them, as they are a breeding ground for fungi and even harmful insects.

Particular attention should be paid to pruning the bush after flowering. This procedure is necessary to give the bush a compact and neat appearance. It also contributes to the formation of a beautiful and evenly developed crown.

Very old plants or shrubs severely damaged by frost need rejuvenating pruning. This is a radical pruning of the plant, which stimulates the rapid growth of young shoots. Old bushes with bare branches after such pruning quickly acquire an attractive appearance and bloom violently.

crown formation

With the help of forming pruning, the crown of garden jasmine is given the desired shape. Rapidly growing specimens are limited in height, and their crowns are thinned out. This pruning is carried out at the end of March. It is carried out as needed. If the plant gives a relatively small increase and retains a decorative appearance for a long time, crown formation is carried out 1 time in 3-4 years.

With a high crown density, 3-4 oldest branches should be cut from the middle of the bush. They give a small increase and interfere with the development of the whole plant. Remove them by sawing at ground level. Thick branches that go inside the crown also need to be removed.

Very tall bushes jasmine in the garden does not look aesthetically pleasing. To limit their growth, you need to halve all the branches pointing up. The lateral shoots that grow after such pruning will form many buds in the upper part of the bush.

Ugly jasmine outlines are also easy to fix. To give the plant a uniform and regular shape, you need to shorten the largest and longest branches, cutting them in half. The remaining shoots should not be shortened in order to get a profusely flowering bush this year.

Spring sanitary pruning

Every spring, garden jasmine must be pruned. Spring sanitary pruning improves appearance plants. During this procedure, branches frozen after winter are removed. They are cut to living wood, but if the bush is very thick, they can be cut out completely.

Usually spring pruning is carried out in mid-March, when the buds have not yet blossomed.. However, you can remove dead branches later, before the bush blooms.

All broken branches of the plant are also cut off. They often break as a result of heavy snowfalls. They are not cut at ground level, but only shortened. But we must remember that when shortening a large number of branches, the intensity of summer flowering decreases.

When pruning in spring, you need to evaluate the density and shape of the crown of the plant. Too dense crown is undesirable - for intensive flowering it is necessary that it is well lit and ventilated inside. Therefore, for very dense plants irregular shape sanitary pruning can be combined with shaping.

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Pruning jasmine after flowering

Jasmine blooms until mid-summer, and then all its flowers fade. After that, the bush needs to be put in order, since a lot of wilted inflorescences look ugly on it. Pruning after flowering is carried out in the middle or at the end of summer. This is an easy pruning of the bush to preserve the decorative effect.

Properly grown jasmine blooms profusely, so there are a lot of dry inflorescences on it. During summer pruning with sharp scissors or secateurs, cut off all wilted and dry inflorescences.

During the summer pruning of jasmine, the sections are not treated with anything.

After the inflorescences are removed, you need to inspect the bush. If some shoots have grown so much that they are knocked out of the general crown shape, they can be cut off a little. This stimulates the growth of side shoots from mature branches, which will give buds in the future. But only the longest shoots are shortened to correct the shape of the bush. More careful pruning should be carried out in the spring during the formation of the crown.

During summer pruning, you can also remove all dry and broken branches, if any.. They are not needed for the development of the bush, so they can be cut without waiting for sanitary pruning in the spring.

Radical anti-aging pruning

Sometimes jasmine needs rejuvenating pruning. This procedure is necessary if the bush has a lot of old and bare branches. They do not look aesthetically pleasing, almost do not give growth, few buds form on them. Radical anti-aging pruning of plants not younger than 12 years of age is carried out in early spring once every 6-7 years.

To rejuvenate the jasmine bush, remove all branches older than 10 years. They are cut at ground level. Also remove all dry and thin, poorly developed shoots.

Of the young branches, 4-5 of the strongest are left and shortened to a length of 30-40 cm, and the rest are also cut out. Slices are covered with garden pitch.

During the spring-summer season, the main branches will give rise to many new shoots. The following spring, they are thinned out, leaving 3-4 shoots on each main branch, which are also shortened to 30-40 cm. Over the summer, young shoots grow on the basis of the bush, on which buds appear a year later.

Care and fertilizer after pruning

Now you know how to prune jasmine after flowering, sanitary pruning and rejuvenate the plant. But after pruning, the garden jasmine bush needs careful care. It is regularly watered and fed.

After pruning, the land around the jasmine bush should not dry out.. It is necessary to carefully monitor this, watering the plant as needed. Usually in May and during the summer, weekly watering is sufficient. 1-2 buckets of water are poured under each bush. If the summer turned out to be hot, water the jasmine twice a week.

Jasmine bush after pruning needs. In addition to regular feeding throughout the season, it is advisable to feed the cut plant 2-3 times a season with slurry. This will ensure rapid growth and abundant flowering in future.

You can learn more about caring for jasmine at home.

One of the most important points of shrub care is pruning, which has a positive effect on health, growth, flowering quality and longevity. Gradually growing, shrubs become sloppy, become too thick, old branches inhibit the growth of young shoots, which significantly reduces the life of the plant. Both fruit and ornamental shrubs need pruning. However, you need to know when and how to prune certain shrubs, because incorrect or untimely pruning can lead to illness and even death of plants. About what shrubs are pruned in the fall, how and when exactly you need to do this, and the conversation will go.

Trimming ornamental shrubs

Autumn is the best time for pruning shrubs, because at the end growing season you are not pressed for time, as is usually the case at its beginning, when the time interval between the onset of spring and the beginning of sap flow in plants is too short, during which it is too late to prune. The only precaution that must be taken when pruning shrubs in the fall is not to carry out the procedure at temperatures below -10 ºC, so as not to injure the wood that is too fragile from frost.

Here is a rough list of tools you may need to trim:

  • sharpened pruner with two blades. Ideally, the blades of this tool should be of such length that, when they are fully diluted, a branch with a thickness of one and a half to two centimeters is placed between them. It is not bad if the tool is equipped with such improvements as a gear amplifier, a turning handle and ratchet, with which you can cut old thick branches in three steps;
  • lopper - a type of secateurs with long handles, which is used to trim large branches in hard-to-reach areas of the thick crown. A lopper is also much more convenient to trim thorny shrubs and make cuts below ground level. The more the blades taper towards the ends, the more versatile the tool;
  • saws and hacksaws for removing large branches;
  • putty to protect sections from infection and drying out. You can use garden pitch or modern drugs factory-made, containing physiologically active and disinfecting substances that contribute to the rapid healing of wounds.

There are two types of pruning flower shrubs: shortening and thinning. Shoot shortening helps shape the bush, regulates flowering and limits overgrowth, while thinning is the sanitary or anti-aging pruning needed to prolong the life of the bush. autumn pruning shrubs serve in most cases for sanitary purposes, and if the plant has reached an advanced age, pruning of branches is also carried out in order to rejuvenate it. True, there are shrubs that form better in autumn and not in the spring.

rose pruning

When to prune roses

Thinning autumn pruning of rose bushes is carried out in order to ensure access of light and air to the middle of the bush, so that all buds and stems are supplied with them in sufficient quantities. In addition, pruning branches that have given flowers for more than one year stimulates the laying of new buds and the formation of new, stronger branches. Pruning is carried out in October, towards the end of the month, and if the autumn is long and warm, then pruning in November is also quite acceptable.

Pruning roses in autumn

Pruning roses after flowering is not particularly difficult. They cut not only adult roses, but also those planted this year. All diseased, dry and weak shoots, buds and flowers are removed from the bushes, leaving them on rose bush no more than five strong, developed young branches growing approximately equidistant from each other - the bush should look, if not symmetrical, then harmonious. Do not leave young shoots on the bushes that do not have time to mature before the cold weather, because under cover they can rot, infecting the entire bush with a fungal disease. The remaining shoots are shortened by 20-30 cm. Hybrid tea, polyanthus and floribunda roses are cut short, leaving only four well-developed buds on each stem. rose shoots remontant varieties and grandiflora roses are cut in half, leaving no more than five developed buds on them. Shoots on Old English and shrub roses are cut to three-quarters or two-thirds of the length. At climbing roses With small flowers only slightly cut off the ends of the shoots, and those with large flowers, shoots are shortened by a third. Plant residues after pruning are best burned.

Pruning clematis

When to Prune Clematis

Sanitary pruning - the release of clematis from broken and dried shoots - is carried out throughout the growing season. But pruning in November, and it is at this time that professionals recommend pruning clematis, is an important and complex agrotechnical event: the fact is that there are three groups of pruning clematis, and each of them has its own pruning method.

Pruning clematis in autumn

We offer you a classification of clematis in terms of the method of autumn pruning of the plant:

  • the first pruning group (No. 1 or A): it includes clematis of the Florida groups (for example, flowery clematis) and Patens (for example, spreading clematis), which bloom only on the shoots of the second year, so all non-lignified and weak shoots are removed for the winter, the rest shortened by a third so that the length of the shoot does not exceed one and a half meters;
  • the second pruning group (No. 2 or B) includes woolly clematis, several varieties of the Patens and Florida groups, and varieties of the Lanuginosa group. These clematis bloom in spring on overwintered shoots, and by the end of summer, young shoots also enter the flowering process. In these clematis, the bush is cut to a height of 50-100 cm from the surface of the site, but if the bush needs rejuvenation, then you can cut it even lower - to the first true leaf;
  • the third pruning group (No. 3 or C) includes all clematis of the Vititsella and Jacqueman groups that bloom only on the shoots of the current year. These clematis are cut off entirely, leaving only segments of shoots with 2-3 nodes.

Hydrangea pruning

When to Prune Hydrangeas

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Northern nature does not indulge too much with lush flowering plants. But as soon as the fragrant lilac brushes fade, it blooms with snow-white flowers exuding pleasant aroma Another ornamental plant- Chubushnik. Consider how jasmine pruning is done in autumn and spring. Take care of this plant personal plot a pleasure, because the shrub is not picky about the soil and requires almost no attention. It is easy to care for, but occasionally you need to trim the mock orange, watering, rare top dressing.


In nature, mock orange can be found in Asia, Europe and America in regions with mild, temperate climate. We used to call mock orange jasmine, and in Latin the name of this shrub is Philadelphus. Philadelphus is called mock orange due to the fact that earlier shank pipes for smoking were made from the hollow stems of the plant.

In total, a little more than 50 species of mock orange are grown in culture. All species are spreading shrubs. All species are very similar to each other, and differ only in the shape of flowers or leaves. In cold regions, this shrub does not grow, as in tropical ones. Most of the varieties that we grow in our gardens are bred precisely from the types of mock orange growing in wild nature in warm climates. Once upon a time, a lot of mock orange grew in southern Europe, in Central Europe, in North America. This plant is not winter-hardy, and needs warmth.

In regions with a harsher climate, mock orange freezes every winter. Many gardeners notice in the spring that there are too many frozen, dry branches on the shrub. Frozen shoots become brittle. If the air temperature in winter drops to -25 degrees, then it is already considered dangerous for many types of mock orange, and even more so for ornamental varieties. Most gardeners cut the mock orange after winter.

It happens that during a harsh winter, the mock orange freezes almost to the root, and gardeners have to grow shrubs again from scratch, cutting off the entire bush. It takes two to three years to restore the shoots of garden jasmine after a too harsh winter. How to cut the mock orange correctly so that it looks decorative and blooms luxuriantly?

For cutting, use only a sharp tool. Great if you have a quality secateurs. Make a cut of the branches at an angle of 45 degrees. The cut must be oblique. All cut places must be treated with garden pitch.
The first pruning is done immediately after planting. Initially, all shoots that are located incorrectly are cut off on the shrub. Leave two or three branches on the bush with a pair of strong buds. Everything else is cut out.

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pruning in spring

Even before the awakening of the kidneys, in early spring, adult jasmine bushes must be thinned out. Regular pruning and thinning of the shrub will promote the active growth of young shoots and more lush flowering. Do not spare a sharp pruner for the mock orange - cut the shrub more boldly in early spring, otherwise it may simply not bloom in summer.
In order for the crown of the shrub to be beautiful, during spring pruning, all branches older than 10 years should be removed from the base, as well as shoots that strongly thicken the bush. As a general rule, when pruning in the spring, very mature branches are removed to give living space to young shoots. Such pruning causes the shrub to release many young shoots in the spring, which will bloom magnificently the next year. Best time For spring pruning bushes - the end of March, the beginning of April.

If the plant is still young, and it is about two or three years old, then in the spring all branches that darken the crown should be removed. Usually such pruning is done a year after planting.
In the spring, sanitary pruning is also carried out. The purpose of sanitary pruning is to remove all dead, dry shoots that have not survived the winter cold. During sanitary pruning, all diseased and damaged branches that the wind has broken are also cut out. Sick shoots are cut to a healthy part.

Pruning after flowering

Be sure to prune garden jasmine after flowering. Firstly, pruning the entire mock orange after flowering helps maintain the decorativeness of the shrubs, because its purpose is to remove wilted inflorescences. Secondly, pruning after flowering helps to form a beautiful, lush bush, since all mock oranges, especially vigorous ones, grow somewhat one-sidedly. During pruning after flowering, withered flowers are cut with a sharp tool. In this case, it is not necessary to process the cut points. Also, simultaneously with the removal of flowers, too long shoots are cut off, which spoil the decorative effect of the crown of the shrub. In the same period, one more sanitary pruning can be carried out - inspect the shrub, remove all diseased and weak shoots, all broken branches.

The formation of the mock orange bush is carried out using pruning. Formative pruning should be done regularly, starting in spring and ending in autumn.

Throughout the growing season, shrubs must be cut. Begin forming pruning and as a sanitary spring. Too long branches are cut a little to give the bush a neat shape. Weak and too thin shoots are shortened by a third or half. The purpose of formative pruning is to give the desired shape to the bushes, but it also causes the growth of new shoots, which will have many flowers next year. The mock orange, due to its high growth, very often suffers from unevenly developing bushes, and therefore it needs shaping pruning regularly.

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Over time, the shrubs grow, the branches become bare, they begin to drown out the plant. This usually happens with old bushes. If the bushes have become old, it is necessary to carry out anti-aging pruning, which can be done throughout the season, but better in spring.

To rejuvenate jasmine bushes, 4-5 trunks should be cut to half a meter, and all other shoots should be removed to the soil level, that is, to the base. So that the plant does not become infected with a fungal disease, the bare places of the cuts must be processed. The best tool for processing slices is a garden pitch. After rejuvenating pruning, the shrub is mulched and spilled with a solution of mullein. Throughout the summer, the trimmed bush should be watered abundantly so that the plant gains weight faster.
New shoots will appear from sleeping buds, which must be completely removed. Experienced gardeners on jasmine after rejuvenating pruning leave only two or three strong branches on the stump. This will be the basis for the new bush. A year later, the jasmine will gain mass, and after two or three years it will be possible to enjoy the lush flowering of a new, dense bush.

pruning in autumn

In autumn, sanitary pruning is carried out again, and too long shoots are also shortened. In autumn, the mock orange begins to prepare for the winter.

Types of mock orange

Mock orange or garden jasmine has many species and varieties bred by breeders. If you want to grow this highly decorative plant on your site, then you should pay attention to the most unpretentious varieties.

Mock orange crown

This type of mock orange is also called ordinary. The species is most often grown in our gardens. The coronal mock orange is distinguished by unpretentiousness, lush flowering, and a delicate aroma of flowers. This species is very popular with landscape designers, as they can perfectly decorate the background of any flower garden, lawn. The mock orange of this variety reaches a height of 3-3.5 m, and in diameter it can be more than 2 m.

The coronal mock orange begins its flowering in May. Cream-colored flowers completely cover the shrub, and fill the air with a heady, slightly sugary aroma. The species blooms for a little over a month.
Crown mock orange is especially common in the southern regions of Europe. This species, due to its varietal qualities, tolerates winter very well, which is why it sought the love of domestic flower growers. Also, the coronal mock orange can endure the period of strong winds in winter almost without damage. The view is not demanding on the composition of the soil and lighting - it can even put up with a shadow. Distinctive features coronal mock orange - these are pointed light green leaves and shoots with a reddish bark.

Jasmine virginiana

As a result of crossing the coronal and small-leaved species, the Virginian species was obtained. This species reaches a height of 3 meters, has a very dense crown of brown shoots. The foliage of Virginia jasmine has an oval shape, the leaves reach 8 cm in length.
This species begins to bloom in the middle of summer, dissolving large inflorescences of double, snow-white flowers, exuding a very pleasant armature. In diameter, the Virginian jasmine flower can reach 5 cm. Sometimes this species also blooms in September under favorable conditions.

Preparing for winter and literate autumn care- responsible measures that allow jasmine to easily endure frosts and winters with little snow.

Preparation for winter and competent autumn care are responsible measures that allow jasmine to easily endure frosts and snowy winters.

Garden mock orange immediately after flowering must be properly prepared for the upcoming winter cold. Despite the relative unpretentiousness, a flowering garden crop in autumn needs to perform sanitary and thinning pruning of bushes, as well as phosphorus-potassium top dressing. Fertilizing a horticultural crop is necessary to increase the level of winter hardiness and improve natural immunity.

Among other things, it is very desirable to mulch the soil around the plants with a thick layer of peat chips or ordinary sawdust. Mock oranges overwinter, as a rule, without the use of shelter, but in too frosty and little snow, damage to the apical part of young shoots can sometimes be noted. This situation is not dangerous for ornamental shrubs, since after pruning in the spring, garden jasmine actively starts to grow.

Gallery: jasmine (25 photos)

How to cut jasmine (video)

Schemes and timing of pruning jasmine in the fall for beginners

With regular thinning of the bush garden mock orange, the crown is effectively rejuvenated, since such a timely and correctly performed event causes the active growth of young and well-leafed, as well as abundant and long-blooming shoots. To make autumn pruning correctly, There are a few very important guidelines to follow:

  • the first pruning of the plant should be done no earlier than three or four years after planting the ornamental plant in a permanent place. Only a three-year bush is able to form flower-bearing branches, and also has a sufficient number of well-developed crown-forming processes;
  • parts of the root system that have come to the surface of the soil must be cut out in a timely and thorough manner;
  • sanitary pruning of diseased and old branches should not be carried out in the fall, but in spring period, until the moment of active sap flow in the plant. As a result of such pruning, all frost-bitten parts of the shoots, dried and diseased branches should be completely removed;

With regular thinning of the bush garden mock orange, the crown is effectively rejuvenated

  • it is forbidden to cut off the apical part of two-year-old shoots, from which the crown of an ornamental plant is formed and the process of root formation is supported;
  • when forming pruning, you need to focus on optimal height plants a couple of meters, which contributes to uniform illumination of the crown;
  • it is impossible to perform too short pruning on strong shoots, and leave weak branches long, since in this case the plant may turn out to be one-sided;
  • on a shrub older than seven years, anti-aging pruning is performed, in which about five of the strongest shoots remain, which are cut at a height of a quarter meter. All other branches are cut at the root, after which the sections of the cuts are processed with garden pitch;
  • shoots that appear at the base of the plant can adversely affect the decorative qualities of the bush, so they must be cut at the very root without fail.

Pruning is done with a clean and sharp garden pruner. It is necessary to take into account not only the aesthetic characteristics of the size and shape of the crown, but also the sanitary conditions of cultivation. garden culture, since only in this case it is possible to achieve a long and annual flowering.

Sanitary pruning of diseased and old branches should not be done in the fall, but in the spring

Autumn top dressing of jasmine

In order to autumn dressing had an effect, it is necessary to adhere to the feeding regimen at all stages of growth and development of garden decorative culture. The ideal solution will be the best combination organic fertilizers and integrated mineral compositions. The best thing flowering shrub responds to the introduction of liquid dressings. At the stage of active growth processes, preference should be given to high-quality potash fertilizers. It is not recommended to fertilize the plant more than once a decade.

So that the garden mock orange annually has a violent and lush bloom, every year it is imperative to feed the ornamental plant with well-proven organic fertilizers.

Features of jasmine propagation by cuttings (video)

Fermented slurry, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:10, is excellent for top dressing. About a couple of years after planting, it is very important to use for top dressing flowering culture mineral fertilizers.

The first top dressing of the garden mock orange is carried out, as a rule, in the spring. around the middle of May. For this purpose, a nutrient solution is introduced under the plants, based on a mixture of 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of urea and 15 g of potassium sulfate, diluted in a bucket of warm and pure water. When preparing a mock orange for winter period, Special attention should be given proper feeding decorative shrub. Only with proper application can you count on easy overwintering of the crop. After flowering for each square meter the landing area is required to be top dressed, the composition of which is 25 g of superphosphate, 100 g of wood ash and 15 g of potassium sulfate.

When preparing mock orange for the winter period, special attention should be paid to the correct feeding of ornamental shrubs.

Through proper pruning, the number of flowering buds effectively increases, therefore, it is necessary to remove only branches that do not have peduncles and are older than three years, as well as those affected by diseases or thickening the crown. Adult jasmine bushes do not need application additional training, since they are quite well and easily able to endure low-temperature regimes.

However, young plants and newly planted ornamental seedlings can not tolerate severe winter frosts, so it is advisable to use when autumn preparation plants shelter of the above-ground part, as well as mulching trunk circles using garden compost, well-rotted manure or coniferous needles. Such preparation will prevent the freezing of the root system.

It is advisable to use mulching of tree trunks with coniferous needles during the autumn preparation of jasmine.

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