Hungarian lilac care. Hungarian lilac, planting and care. Brief botanical information

One of the main symbols of the end of spring is lilac; its bright and fragrant inflorescences are known to everyone. Hungarian lilac, the description of which is presented below, is one of the most unpretentious and hardy species of this shrub.

Hungarian lilac is the most compact species in its family. IN wildlife it grows up to 3-4 meters in height, and the crown diameter is always less than the length of the bush. It is worth noting that growth stops after the size of the lilac reaches its maximum. The annual growth of this species is 25-30 centimeters.

The Hungarian common lilac the natural round shape of the crown, thanks to which it does not require constant shaping pruning. The shoots of this species grow upward and create a noble openwork effect. Also worth noting unusual color young wood, she colored violet-purple.

It is worth noting that Hungarian lilac does not produce offspring, so it can be propagated by cuttings or seeds.

The leaves of this shrub grow up to 12 centimeters in length. and have the shape of a wide ellipse with light jagged edges. The color of the leaves is rich green, shiny, inside characterized by a gray-green tint and the presence of slight pubescence.

A special feature of Hungarian lilac is the pyramidal arrangement of inflorescences, which consist of small, soft purple flowers. Each individual flower does not exceed 1 centimeter in diameter and has the shape of an elongated tube.. The size of the entire fragrant bunch can reach 30-35 centimeters. Flowering of this shrub occurs 15-20 days later than other species and lasts for 3-4 weeks.

In addition to its beautiful appearance and spectacular flowering, Hungarian has the following advantages:

  • unpretentiousness to climate and care;
  • high frost resistance and drought resistance;
  • durability bush, which is 90 years.

This shrub is common not only in Europe and middle lane Russia, but also in regions such as Siberia, the Urals and the Arctic. This fact indicates that it can easily endure even the harshest winters.

One of the main decorative properties This shrub has a variety of shades during flowering. They can change depending on the weather, soil quality and simply over time.

What is the best time to plant?

Experienced gardeners argue that the best time for the shrub to adapt to new conditions and plant it accordingly will be the period from mid-July to early September.

Best time for planting Hungarian lilac - late summer

Do not plant Hungarian lilacs in frozen soil, because in this case the seedlings most likely will not take root and will die. Based on this rule, we can conclude that spring planting not suitable for this type of lilac, because the earth has not yet had time to warm up, but in autumn, because it will already be cold. Before the onset of the first frost, the bush must have time to strengthen and take root; therefore, the colder the climate in the region, the earlier the planting should be carried out.

Selection of planting material

Wild varieties of Hungarian lilac can be planted directly from seeds, which first undergo two months of stratification at a temperature of 2-5 degrees.

As for varietal species, then in order to get a new seedling you will have to use the cutting method, while you can root both young and lignified branches. They produce new roots very quickly even without pre-treatment.

The finished seedling should have a powerful and well-developed root system 20-30 centimeters long. Before planting, the crown of the bush is shortened by 2-3 buds., but too long roots cut to the required size.

Rules for planting in open ground

When choosing a place for lilacs, you need to take into account the fact that it does not tolerate stagnant moisture, so you should not plant it in areas with high lying areas groundwater and in the lowlands where precipitation and melted snow accumulate.

A planting hole for such a shrub is dug with steep walls; on average, its dimensions will be 1 meter in depth, length and width. When creating massive lilac plantings, it is worth remembering that the crown of the bush grows up to 3-4 meters in width, therefore the distance between seedlings should be at least 2 meters. After the planting hole is ready, it is filled with a fertile mixture:

  • 15-20 kilograms humus;
  • 10-15 kilograms compost;
  • 300 grams wood ash;
  • 50 grams superphosphate.

After everything preparatory work will be finished, you can proceed to the main part:

  1. The best way to plant lilacs is carry out in evening time when the bright afternoon sun disappears;
  2. The seedling is installed in landing pit and carefully straighten the roots, and then cover them with earth;
  3. Around the lilac trunk the soil is lightly compacted, watered and mulched A 7-centimeter layer of humus or rotted leaves.

Planting Hungarian lilacs is enough easy process, which is not much different from rooting other types of shrubs.

Caring for Hungarian lilacs

Caring for the Hungarian lilac bush is very simple and understandable even for a novice gardener.

During the flowering period, the plant is watered frequently and abundantly, this is necessary to maintain viability. bright colors. In summer, the soil should be moistened only on hot days.

In the first year of life, before the onset of the first frost, the soil is loosened 5-6 times, then this procedure is repeated three times per season.:

  • once in the spring, immediately after the soil dries;
  • the remaining two times are distributed over the summer period and carried out in conjunction with weed removal.

Considering that the Hungarian woman is naturally endowed correct form crown, it will not need to be further formed, but starting from 3-4 years of life, it will be necessary to help the plant distinguish skeletal branches. For this purpose, over the course of 2-3 years, in early spring From the entire crown, 5-10 of the most powerful and healthy branches are selected, and the rest are cut out.

This shrub also needs regular anti-aging and sanitary pruning.:

  1. In the first case work should be carried out in early spring, while the buds have not yet swelled. During rejuvenation, old branches that interfere with the growth of new shoots are removed. Shoots that grow in the wrong direction and branches that stand out from the overall composition are also pruned;
  2. In the fall, after the foliage has fallen off, sanitary pruning , removing damaged, dry and diseased branches.

Lilacs are fed according to the following scheme:

  1. In the active growth phase, the shrub needs nitrogen fertilizers, therefore, starting from the second year of life, under the bush add 50 grams of urea or 65 grams of ammonium nitrate. Organic fertilizers are also popular, for example, cow manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. It is poured 50 centimeters from the lilac trunk;
  2. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers begin to apply 1-2 years after ammonia. For such purposes, use 40 grams of superphosphate and 30 grams of potassium nitrate per adult bush. They are buried to a depth of 6-8 centimeters and watered immediately. As complex fertilizer take wood ash, 200 grams of which are diluted in 8 liters of water and watered over the bushes.

Autumn fertilizing is carried out once every 2-3 years.


Hungarian can withstand even the most severe cold weather, therefore does not need shelter for the winter period. In addition, a pleasant bonus is that it quickly recovers from return frosts and quickly adapts to any weather.

Application in landscape design

Considering such positive sides Hungarian lilac, like the compactness of the crown and lush flowering we can say that this shrub will look advantageous in garden compositions and will not overshadow neighboring plants. Typically this shrub is used for the following purposes.

Life Form: Bush
Dimensions (height), m: Up to 5
Crown diameter, m: Up to 4
Crown shape: Wide. Bark brownish-gray, shoots green
Growth pattern: Grows fast
Annual height gain: 35 cm
Annual increase in width:
Leaf Shape: Widely elliptical, 6-12 cm long, ciliated at the edges
Summer color: Dark green on the upper side, bluish-green below
Autumn color: Yellow
Flowers (color): Bright purple, fragrant, about 0.7 cm in diameter, collected in pyramidal apical inflorescences 10-15 (20) cm long
Beginning and end of flowering: In May-June
Fruit: Fruit capsules, 1-1.7 cm long
Decorative: Very beautiful when in bloom
Application: Single plantings, groups, edges, hedges
Relation to light: Photophilous, but tolerates light shading
Relation to moisture: Does not grow on wet soils
Relation to soil: Prefers deep, well-drained loams with an admixture of lime, does not grow on heavy soils
Frost resistance: Frost-resistant
Note: Smoke and gas resistant

Shrub or tree up to 4-5 m high with brownish or grayish-brown branches. Young shoots are brownish, reddish or reddish-brown, with scattered light lenticels, densely pubescent with short dark hairs. Older shoots are bare and ribbed.

Hungarian lilac differs from ordinary lilac in its leaf shape. The leaves are broadly elliptical, up to 6-12 cm long, dark green above, shiny, glabrous, gray-green below, sometimes pubescent along the midrib. The lilac fragrant flowers are collected in erect narrow inflorescences, tiered in the lower part.

It blooms 10-15 days later than other types of lilac.

The fruit is a cylindrical, bare, initially green and then reddish or brown capsule up to 1 cm long. The fruits sometimes stay on the bushes all winter.

Distributed in the Urals, in the southern and middle parts of Western Siberia, in Hungary and Yugoslavia.

Grows quickly, undemanding soil conditions, frost-resistant and gas-resistant. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. Decorates gardens, parks, squares and boulevards. Planted singly and in groups, it is used to create hedges, as it lends itself well to cutting and retains its given shape for a long time. Good for landscaping industrial areas.

You can buy seedlings in Krasnoyarsk from us!

Lilac is flowering bush, which is universally loved.

After all, people associate their delicious aroma and lush inflorescences with the transition from spring to summer.

Lilacs are usually perceived as a homogeneous group of plants, but they have quite a lot various types and varieties.

And one of the varieties of lilac that is deprived of the interest of gardeners, although it is capable of surprising with its flowering, later than other species, and other advantages, is the Hungarian lilac.

It is a small shrub, suitable even for very small gardens and has aesthetics, versatility and ease of care, as well as unpretentiousness.


The Hungarian began its spread from the countries Balkan Peninsula and Hungary, where its name comes from. IN Soviet time It was even listed in the Red Book.

Hungarian lilac can exist and survive in climates with significant temperature changes, and even in large cities. It is quite easy to reproduce, and its stability makes it possible to preserve the species characteristic.

Hungarian lilac (syringe josikaea - Latin) is a shrub with a fairly dense deciduous crown, ovoid in shape.

It can reach a height of up to 4 meters, and the crown diameter can also be up to 4 meters. But the crown is always formed in proportion to the growth of the bush, and the lilac always looks elegant. At the same time, the crown is formed naturally and accurately, which allows you to avoid wasting time on shaping it.


Height. The growth of the bush per year is approximately 30 centimeters, which allows it to quickly reach its maximum size.

Escapes The shrubs are erect, distinguished by their beauty and density, point straight up and create the effect of an openwork crown. The color of young shoots differs from old ones, and ranges from violet to purple. This allows the Hungarian lilac not to lose its attractiveness even in winter.

Leaves wide elliptical in shape, grow up to 12 centimeters in length and have cilia along the edges. In spring and summer periods the leaves are a dark, rich green color, and in the fall they turn yellow tones. On the reverse side, the leaves are gray-green in color and have pubescence in the middle.

Flowers lilacs are tubular in shape, collected in narrow paniculate inflorescences, having a pyramidal shape, bright lilac color. They grow about 1 centimeter in size, and the entire inflorescence can reach 35 centimeters in length.

Inflorescences differ in a tiered arrangement, and this distinguishes the Hungarian lilac from other species.

Bloom begins 3 weeks after the flowering of common lilac in June, and lasts up to 25 days. The ripening of the fruit - the capsule - occurs in August. The cylindrical box is red in color.

Shrubs of this species live up to 90 years and longer.

Varieties of Hungarian lilac

The varietal diversity of Hungarian is not so great, in garden culture Only a few of its forms have been developed. and the following types are especially popular.

Lilac Hungarian pale (Syringa josikaea f. pallida) is distinguished by its gentle lilac color inflorescences that seem a little faded.

Red-flowered form (Syringa josikaea f. rubra) with beautiful purple, red-tinged flowers.

White-flowered form (Syringa josikaea f. monstrosa) It has white shade colors.

Rosaceae (Syringa josikaea f. rosea) stands out for its pastel pink flowers with a lilac tint.

Growing lilacs

In order for the Hungarian lilac to grow favorably, all planting conditions must be taken into account: lighting, soil, humidity and weather conditions.

Creating favorable conditions


Hungarian lilac is suitable for growing in urban environments, and heavily polluted air and soil.

It develops well even next to highways and on the sides of the roadway, without suffering from exhaust gases and dust. In this case, it is better that the planting area is protected from the wind.


Lilac is a light-loving shrub, and it is better to plant it in a brightly lit place. But at the same time it can be placed in partial shade.

The soil

Lilac does not make high demands on the composition of the soil. But if you plant it in a wetland that is flooded in spring and autumn period s, this can lead to rotting and death of its roots.

They are sensitive to dampness. The ideal location would be to plant on fertile, moderately moist soils with a good drainage layer. In terms of acidity, slightly acidic and neutral soils are suitable for it.

It must be remembered that it is better to plant lilacs at the end of July and August. When planted in frost-damaged soil, it will not take root.


It is best to plant shrubs in late August or early September. Since if you plant it in early spring, then this year the growth of lilacs will be very slow. In this case, it is better to plan planting in the evening, without open sun.

Before planting, the soil must be loosened well. Planting holes are dug deep, with steep walls.

Their size should be 50 by 50 centimeters per fertile soils, and one meter by one meter on poor sandy soils. The pit is filled with a substrate of mineral and organic fertilizers, although you can do without them.

Between bushes it is necessary to maintain a distance of about 3 meters.

When planting a seedling in a hole, it must be positioned exactly in the center, and so that the roots point down and the stem vertically. Immediately after planting, the shrub must be shortened to a distance of two or three buds, watered abundantly and mulched with humus or last year’s leaves.

Then the soil must be loosened at the roots, about 4 times per season.


Additional watering of the bush is necessary only at the growth and flowering stage. If the dry weather lasts for quite a long time, then additional moisture will also be necessary. The shrub tolerates periods of drought and summer heat well.


Lilacs can easily tolerate transplantation at any age. At the same time, it can be replanted at any time, although it is better to prefer the usual timing, standard for all shrubs.


In the first two years after planting lilacs, they need to be fertilized. nitrogen contained in urea and saltpeter.

After that she needs to be fed manure solution and water, in a ratio of one to five.

In this case, you need to fertilize carefully, at a distance of 50 centimeters from the trunk, to avoid rotting.

In autumn, lilacs are fed with fertilizers potassium and phosphorus composition, approximately once every three years.

Fertilizers are applied 6-8 centimeters deep.


The shape of the lilac crown is quite strict and does not require significant adjustments. Annual pruning is carried out in order to maintain the shape of the crown and in order to thin out the branches, allowing sunlight inside the bush.

In the first years after planting, lilacs do not need pruning, and therefore the formation of the skeleton and sanitary pruning begin 3-4 years after planting.

It is best to prune in the spring, before the buds swell. You also need to carefully examine the branches and not cut off those that will produce flowers this year.

It is better to prune the branches inside the bush and allow young branches to develop.

Wintering of Hungarian lilac

This shrub tolerates well winter cold, even in the most northern regions. Lilac quickly recovers from cold winters, and its shoots develop until the frosts.

It does not require any preparation for winter and shelter, even after planting at a young age.


If lilacs have no offspring, reproduction becomes more difficult. But at the same time, about 90% of its cuttings take root, with the most minimal care.

Therefore, when using the cutting technique, you can get new shrubs without much difficulty. You can root both green shoots and already lignified branches.

You can also get new shrubs by propagating by seeds. Sowing is carried out after the seeds are kept for two months at an ambient temperature of about 5 degrees.

Sow better in spring or in the fall on beds that are prepared in advance. You can buy seeds at any flower shop.

Use of Hungarian lilac

Beautiful shape and long flowering indispensable for decoration landscape compositions in combination with other flowering shrubs.

It looks good in compositions of a regular nature, it is quite predictable and strict, it looks festive and elegant. The shrub can be planted in close proximity to other plants. It adds an interesting high accent to groups and flower beds.

The main uses of Hungarian steel lilac:

  • living decorative hedges;
  • group compositions with various trees and shrubs;
  • groups of different types of lilacs, selected according to flowering time and colors;
  • arrays;
  • flower bed compositions, various in size and composition;
  • mixborders and discounts;
  • vertical accentuation in compositions.

The most interesting combinations obtained from lilacs with decorative viburnums, hydrangeas, phlox, lupins, spirea, sage, speedwell, catnip and many others.

Also interesting options are combinations of evergreens in hedges and groups, such as junipers, spruces and maples.

Almost everyone knows the Hungarian lilac by sight, but not everyone knows it by name. Whatever they call her! This familiar shrub, which has firmly taken its place in urban landscaping, belongs to the hairy, or shaggy, species of lilac. They received this name for the hairs located along the veins and along the edges of the leaves.
The unpretentiousness of the Hungarian lilac is worthy of admiration. She is not afraid of frost, drought, or even waterlogging of the soil. Hungarian lilac grows very quickly and is successfully developing even in the northern regions of the European part of Russia. It tolerates city conditions well: it tolerates shading and gas pollution, is unpretentious to soil conditions, is perfectly shaped, and holds its shape well.
Thanks to these properties, it is grown everywhere and is widely used in urban landscaping: in single, group and complex plantings, and hedges. The homeland of Hungarian lilac is considered to be mountainous or elevated areas in Hungary, Yugoslavia, and the Carpathians. In culture since 1830.
Hungarian lilac, up to 5-7 m high, has erect branches. Its young shoots are purplish-violet, and the leaves can be up to 13 cm long, ranging from broadly elliptic to elongated elliptic, sometimes with depressed veins. In summer, the leaves of Hungarian lilac are dark green, and in autumn they become purple on top and yellowish below.

Lilac inflorescences

Hungarian lilac has inflorescences with distinct tiers that reach a length of up to 30 cm, and flowers up to 1 cm in diameter are lilac-violet, fragrant, and have long tubular legs. By the layering of inflorescences it is easily distinguished from related species.
It blooms 2 weeks later than common lilac. Blooms profusely for 20-25 days.

Lilac buds

The apical buds of lilacs, as a rule, are absent due to the death of the shoot tip and are replaced by a pair of lateral ones. In adult plants that have entered the flowering period, the upper pair, and sometimes two to four underlying lateral buds, form into flower buds. They are much larger than the growth buds located lower along the shoot. Flowers, leaves, bark of young branches and buds of common lilac and Hungarian lilac are often used for medicinal purposes. The buds are harvested in early spring during their swelling. Dry in the shade or dryer at a temperature of 40-60°C, spreading in a thin layer. Lilac buds are used for allergic skin diseases. They lower blood sugar levels. The shelf life of raw materials is 2 years.

Lilac seedlings

Seedlings (that is, planting material obtained from seeds) are not suitable for growing certain varieties. In this case, you need to purchase seedlings obtained by vegetative methods - grafting, cuttings, layering, separation of shoots from native bushes, or even tissue culture.
Grafted seedlings are traditional lilac planting material. Grafted lilacs, as a rule, grow and bloom faster than other seedlings, since the root system of the rootstock is already well developed, and the scion is taken from adult flowering bushes. Large grafted lilacs are expensive. Young people are cheaper.
Grafted lilac seedlings require more attention than rooted ones. It is necessary to promptly remove shoots on the rootstock part of the plant. When pruning or even bending a branch, special care is required to avoid accidentally breaking off the entire scion.
When purchasing grafted lilacs, you should pay attention to the grafting site to ensure the strength of the fusion.
It is also important to know which rootstock it is grafted onto. In lilac, fusion occurs more reliably, the closer the relationship between the rootstock and scion. The best rootstock is seedlings of the same species, since Hungarian lilac and even privet, often used for rootstock, can have the disadvantage of late incompatibility between the rootstock and scion. It can appear either immediately or after a couple of decades, but in any case, the durability of these plants is much lower. Small seedlings will have to be grown on their own somewhere in the garden before being planted in a permanent place. At the small planting material has its advantages. First of all, this is the price. In addition, young plants are easier to shape. Other useful property– they are relatively easy to propagate by green cuttings.
And, of course, good seedlings must be strong, healthy and viable.

Lilac propagation

Hungarian lilac is easily propagated both by seeds and vegetatively. Unlike common lilac, it does not produce root shoots.
It is better to propagate lilacs by cuttings.
Well-developed leafy, semi-lignified shoots are taken for cuttings, leaf blades reduced by half. The lower cut is made obliquely, directly under the internode, the upper one above the leaf node.
For rooting, cuttings are planted in coarse sand, sprinkled in a layer of 3 - 5 cm on the nutritious soil of the greenhouse. Plants are provided with diffused light, temperature +25 - 30 degrees and humidity.
Rooted cuttings can be left in a greenhouse for the winter, covered with spruce branches, or buried in the basement. In spring they are planted in garden beds. At one time, Hungarian lilac was considered a good rootstock for common lilac varieties, but over time, many varieties show incompatibility, which must be taken into account when grafting.

Lilac seeds

The fruit of the Hungarian lilac is a flat, oval, two-lobed, short-pointed capsule with 2-4 flat, winged seeds. Lilac sets seeds well due to its abundant annual flowering. Mass flowering and fruiting occurs in the sixth year. Propagates well by seeds.

Pruning lilacs in autumn

Pruning Hungarian lilac is mandatory, since flower buds form only on summer shoots. Therefore, it is worth removing faded lilac clusters almost immediately after flowering. At autumn pruning lilacs will not bloom next spring.

All other types of pruning are carried out in exceptional cases, depending on the condition of the tree.

Lilac is one of the most popular types of shrubs. Gardeners are especially fond of one of the compact varieties of this plant - Hungarian lilac. The natural habitat of the Hungarian lilac is the Carpathian regions and Hungary; the plant is considered a relict and is protected at the legislative level. This type of shrub has practically not been selected and it has well preserved its natural characteristics. excellent for keeping in the northern regions and is considered one of the most resistant species

bush. It is notable for the shape of its leaves. They are similar in shape to the leaves of other shrub species, but the main difference is the presence of pubescence on the back side

. The leaf shape greatly depends on the conditions of maintenance and soil composition; in adult plants they can reach a length of thirteen centimeters. In the wild, the shrub reaches four meters in height, the average annual growth of the plant is thirty centimeters. Due to the lack of selective work with the species, the Hungarian lilac is not particularly decorative in its flowers or leaves, but with proper care it can still become a decoration for a soda garden.

Popular varieties The vast majority of subspecies are cultivated from ordinary lilacs and even nurseries cannot boast of a wide variety of varieties. Wide use

  • Only a few varieties have been cultivated. Pale
  • . It is distinguished by a light lilac color close to the natural shade of fading lilac. Red-flowered
  • . The species is notable for its purple or reddish hue. White-flowered
  • Rosaceae. A common variety, it gets its name from its snow-white flowers.

. It has flowers of a soft pink color with a slight lilac tint.

Planting Hungarian lilacs and further care The Hungarian plant is not very picky about the soil composition; the main condition is not to choose swampy or frequently flooded areas. very bushy sensitive to waterlogging, in conditions high humidity The roots of the plant are more susceptible to rotting and dying. The most preferred location is nutritious, well-drained soil with a neutral or slightly acidic composition.

Landing dates

Most favorable time The period for planting is from mid-summer to early September. This is due to the fact that this period marks the peak of biological activity in the plant. In mid-spring or closer to October, the soil is very wet, and this can have an impact Negative influence on the root system of the bush. Experienced gardeners recommend plant in the afternoon or on cloudy days weather conditions. This is due to the fact that after planting the plant needs to acclimatize and survive the stress after planting in new soil. The bright sun in this case acts as a negative factor.

Planting technology

The shrub takes root quite well and is able to produce growth in the first season. Bushes are planted at a distance of two or three meters from each other. The planting holes are not made too large, half is enough. cubic meter. The root system should feel free, the roots are evenly distributed in a hole and sprinkled with soil. The base for the soil is compost, slightly diluted with wood ash.

Shrub care after planting

Hungarian lilac is notable for its hardiness and ability to winter comfortably even in the northern regions. Even young plants do not require special preparation for winter; the species tolerates frost well and does not need shelter.

Propagation of Hungarian lilac

The most effective way propagation is considered to be cuttings. This is due to the ease of collection and high rooting of cuttings. Both woody and young green cuttings are suitable. You can propagate the plant by seeds, but this method is complicated and will require more time. For propagation by seeds, imitation is necessary winter period To do this, the seeds are stored at a low temperature for a couple of months and only then sown in specially prepared soil.

Using plants in garden design

Various subspecies of shrubs complement well decorative compositions using most garden plants. Hungarian lilac simultaneously combines elegant appearance and the rigor of individual elements. This allows the shrub not only to stand out from the background of other plants, but also to emphasize them. decorative advantages. The description of the color of the species can be considered conditional, since lilac is capable of producing flowers of various shades every season.

Advantages of the bush:

  • suitable for decorating hedges;
  • goes well with other types of shrubs and trees;
  • can be grown in flower beds of any size;
  • is able to add zest to the design of any landscape.

Hungarian lilac will good option even for a novice landscape designer. In addition to its decorative appeal, the plant has a number of advantages - the Hungarian plant is highly resistant to drought and frost, and with proper care it can reach an age of more than eighty years. The shrub will rejoice in its flowering already next season and will decorate any garden.

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