How to plant a sports lawn in the country. How to sow lawn grass correctly to get the perfect green lawn. Grass varieties for planting

On my own garden plot, you can proceed to the direct sowing of the selected grass mixture. But even the best planting material won't show good results without proper preparation of the site for the lawn.

Site preparation

From the place under the lawn, it is necessary to remove construction and household debris, uproot tree stumps and rhizomes of bushes. Wood debris left in the ground can cause toadstools to appear on your future lawn.

The turf is removed from the site using a shovel or a special machine for cutting the turf layer. ON THE PICTURE: The easiest way to remove sod from an old lawn is to cut it with a shovel. But he needs good physical training and some effort.

ON THE PICTURE: But cutting the turf with a special machine will greatly facilitate the work and reduce the time for preparing the site for the lawn.

The area overgrown with weeds is treated with a roundup herbicide, after which the dead plants are removed.

ON THE PICTURE: Dandelions and creeping clover in large areas should be removed with herbicides. With manual weeding, the roots and rhizomes of weeds often remain in the ground and give new "tops".

Leveling the surface of the site

Before sowing the lawn, the area must be leveled as perfectly as possible. Masters of English lawns use a building level at this and at the tamping stage, and this is quite justified if you want to get a perfectly even green carpet. Relief planning is carried out in clear weather, when the soil is dry and loose. It is not necessary to remove the bias, if any. On the contrary, it will provide rainwater runoff, which is especially important in recent years. summer seasons rich in abundant rainfall. However, this bias must also be leveled.

Pits and lowlands on the site are leveled in one of two ways: remove soil from hills (bumps) and move it to pits, or fill low-lying places with fertile soil from other parts of the garden. If the site is fresh and there is no fertile layer on it yet, it is replaced with purchased peat soil. Heavy clay soil is mixed with sand to make it more permeable to air and water.

ON THE PICTURE: For holes on the site it is better to use purchased soil based on peat.

Ideal lawn soil:

  • pH: 5.5–6.5;
  • humus: 2.5 to 3.5 percent;
  • nitrogen and its compounds: 10 mg. per 100 g of soil;
  • phosphorus: 15–25 mg. per 100 g of soil;
  • potassium: 20–30 mg. per 100 g of soil;
  • trace elements: control of the content of copper and zinc.

Drainage (if necessary)

Any manual on how to plant lawn grass properly includes drainage instructions. If the site is in good location, not flooded by rains and rising spring water, then it is enough just to dig it up, lime and fertilize it. In other cases, you need to create drainage system, which is produced in conjunction with terrain leveling.

ON THE PICTURE: If there is stagnant rainwater on the site, then drainage is simply necessary.

To do this, the fertile layer removed during the leveling is laid on top of two drainage layers, the lower of which includes coarse gravel or broken bricks, and the upper one consists of small stones or sand. Thus, a three-layer base is formed on the site:

  • top 15–20 cm of the fertile layer;
  • below 10–15 cm of sand (fine gravel fraction);
  • at the base of 10–15 cm large stones.

Each layer is carefully compacted as it is laid.

ON THE PICTURE: General form site immediately after laying the drainage under the lawn and garden path.

Which type of drainage to choose for the lawn depends on the size of the area, proximity ground water, already laid communications and a host of other factors that we will definitely touch on in our separate article on drainage.

ON THE PICTURE: In some cases, in particular in the immediate vicinity of the foundation, it is possible to lay French drainage under the lawn. Such drainage can be easily done on your own, especially if the area is small.

Tillage, shredding and final cleaning

Location on small size, in the country or in the garden, processing can be done using a pitchfork or a shovel. Digging depth - 20–25 cm. or less (with a thin layer of humus). At the same time, they close up the soil organic fertilizers and sand, since planting a lawn on depleted soil is a futile exercise.

If, before planting a lawn in a country house or in a garden, you do not break earthen clods, then even and smooth surface, as in the photo below, cannot be obtained, since the earth will settle unevenly.

  • It is easy to get rid of clods with your own hands, breaking them with a heavy rake or pitchfork; in the course of this work, stones, weed rhizomes, and debris are removed from the ground.
  • Large areas are more convenient to handle with a motor cultivator.
  • If planned spring sowing, and the site is being prepared in the fall, then the remaining clods on it can be left until the sowing period (for better drainage of the site) and leveled immediately before sowing lawn grass in the spring.
  • Before ramming (the next stage), pegs are driven in around the perimeter of the site and a rope is pulled through them. Moving from one corner of the site to another, you need to knock out the pegs and tighten the rope until a perfectly straight line is formed, that is, 180 °. It is desirable to have a building level to achieve this result.

ON THE PICTURE: Walk-behind tractor, forks, rakes and a garbage collection cart (rhizomes, etc.) - a minimum set for processing the site before planting the lawn.


  • Compacting the soil has one important goal: it removes voids from the thickness of the soil so that subsequently there are no bumps on the already grown lawn.
  • Ramming is done with feet and a garden roller. Any heavy, rounded (but even over the entire surface) material is also suitable, for example, a log with a radius of at least 20 cm, a large metal or concrete pipe. The soil is trampled down on a dry day.
  • Traces of shoes after finishing work are leveled with a rake.
  • Periodically with different angles it is necessary to look at the level of driven wedges with a rope. If it seems that somewhere the corner is distorted, a hill has formed, or vice versa, a void, then it’s better to walk along this part with a skating rink, add soil or remove excess.

ON THE PICTURE: Guests from Central Asia together they roll the soil under the lawn at someone's dacha near Moscow. Notice they do it right.

Plot fallow

This stage is often skipped, because. it takes extra time and effort. However, it has obvious advantages:

  • The meaning of fallowing (exposure under steam) is to rid the site of weed seeds and wheatgrass rhizomes.
  • If the lawn will be sown with seeds, it is better not to skip this stage. If the turf will be laid ( rolled lawn), then keeping the ground fallow is not necessary.
  • The term of steaming is one and a half months. The method consists in regular removal of germinating weeds and treatment with herbicides immediately before final stage preparation.

IN last years instead of standing fallow, sowing it with green manure herbs is successfully practiced: sweet clover, white mustard, vetch, and the like. They are sown 1.5 months before the creation of the lawn, and before laying the turf or planting lawn seeds, the green mass is plowed (they dig up the soil directly with the plants). This improves the structure of the soil and enriches it with nitrogen and other substances in a more easily digestible form.

Pre-sowing preparation

  • 7-10 days before sowing the lawn on the surface of the site, it is necessary scatter mineral supplement: 40–60 g. per square meter.
  • These fertilizers are embedded into the soil with a rake to a depth up to 5 cm.
  • The final loosening is carried out, after which lumps should not exceed the size of a wheat grain.

A tip for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to plant lawn grass with their own hands: before planting a lawn on the site, it is better to stand the prepared soil for a three-month period for it to shrink. This is a classic working method used by gardening professionals all over the world. Of course, due to the short growing season in our country, this method is relevant only for the southern regions.

Just before sowing lawn grass, the most suitable day is selected. Choose a dry, clear day when upper layer the soil is already dry, while the lower ones remain moist. It is also necessary to pay attention to sowing characteristics in autumn, spring and summer:

  • When and how to sow lawn grass in the fall? Seeds are sown on the prepared site from mid-August to mid-September. This period is favorable for middle lane Russia, in other regions it shifts somewhat.
  • Spring sowing can be done in late April - early June.
  • A lawn sown in the summer months requires watering, which is not so easy to implement: young grass is prone to drying out and erosion. It is not recommended to sow a large area in summer due to the laboriousness of care activities.

Many cannot decide when it is best to sow lawn grass so that the work spent is not in vain. In principle, this can be done from early spring to late autumn. The main thing is that the grass has time to germinate before the arrival of frost.

How to sow a lawn?

Now directly about , how to sow lawn grass with your own hands. Let's say you already have a package with the right . Getting Started:

  • loosen the surface of the earth with a fan rake so that small grooves remain on it. Mix the seeds in the package thoroughly - if the package is large, then roll up the sleeve, and with your hand from the bottom of the bag to the surface, move the seeds several times. When sowing, keep in mind that on each side you need to go beyond the edge of the lawn by about 8 cm. That is, you will need a little more seeds than planned for the plot itself;
  • if there are no instructions on the package, expect that 30–60 g of seeds must be sown per square meter of soil. If you sow less often, weeds will break through the lawn grasses and ugly bald spots will be visible;
  • divide the entire prepared volume of seeds into 4 parts and sow a quarter of the area with each of them. If there is a seeder, sow half of the seeds along the grooves, half across. Close up the planting material from above with a fan rake, without stepping on the place of sowing.

ON THE PICTURE: fan rake- one of the mandatory tools for preparing the lawn for sowing.

First lawn watering

Seedling emergence is observed on average after 7–21 days. During this period, the lawn is watered every few days, provided there is no rain. Watering must be done carefully - a watering can with a small sprinkler or a sprinkler that sprays thin jets of water will do. When the young grass reaches a height of 8-10 cm, it's time for the first haircut.

Attention: avoid strong water pressure when watering - strong jets can wash the seeds to the surface.

Knowing how to sow lawn grass (see video of the main steps of the process below), you can create a flawless lawn on the site that will delight all season, without requiring special care.

The lawn is an important part of any landscape composition, an element that emphasizes and accentuates the style of a particular section of the garden. Creating it with your own hands is a rather laborious task, but at the same time extremely exciting. The main features and timing of planting lawn grass are important rules in organizing a thick and beautiful background on the site.

There are several basic types of turf, varying in appearance, resistance to trampling, and purpose. They differ in the composition of the grass mixture, in relation to shading, and mechanical loads. One condition unites all types of lawns -.

Parterre or English classic lawn

Bright green, silky in appearance, the most attractive, but also the most difficult to care for, requires regular shearing, watering, combing and fertilizing. This one does not need additional details and decorations. It consists of 80% meadow grass meadow, the remaining 20% ​​- red fescue. Such a lawn is not intended for active movement on its surface.

Moorish or meadow lawn

The least difficult to care for, as it does not require a haircut, forms a flowering lawn, painted bright colors and herbs all season. Effect continuous flowering is achieved by selecting the seed composition, which includes almost 90% lawn cereal perennial grasses as a base. They are supplemented by seeds of wild-growing flowering annuals (poppy-seed, cornflower, escholzia, calendula, etc.). All these plants have different dates flowering, which allows you to get blooming carpet throughout the season.

Universal or garden lawn

Second class after the English parterre lawn. It is resistant to drought, trampling, not so demanding on regular haircuts. With careful care for several seasons, it approaches the parterre as close as possible, taking on an even, bright green color and thick, dense herbage, characteristic of it. The composition of the grass mixture includes fescue and pasture ryegrass, so this type of lawn is not suitable for arranging sports fields and parking lots for cars. Most often used for arranging picnic areas, playgrounds and in the urban park landscape.

sports turf

The most expensive grass mixture, consisting of oak bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and red fescue in a ratio of 3:2:3 or meadow bluegrass, sheep fescue, red fescue and perennial ryegrass 3:1:1:1. Such a lawn has an increased resistance to trampling, has a very attractive appearance. It is used to create sports surfaces for football and golf fields, tennis courts.

Non-grass or ground cover lawn

Very beautiful, requiring no maintenance other than a longer time to get a carpet fit. It contains absolutely no lawn cereal grasses. Composed entirely of ground cover perennials, can be used as a separate composition, and as a frame, inserts between slabs of paths, background planting for ornamental shrubs. The choice of plants depends solely on the purpose and location. Yasnotka, yaskolka, creeping thyme, carnation grass, tenacious, dusheney - the list can be continued indefinitely, it is only important to understand what function the green carpet will perform. The main difference from all previous species is that the ground cover lawn is not sown, but grown with seedlings, which is why it takes about three years to achieve maximum decorativeness.

Lawn planting terms, advantages and disadvantages

When to plant lawn grass? You can sow a lawn at almost any time of the year. The choice of sowing dates depends on certain factors that must be taken into account: the composition and condition of the soil, the possibility of providing full-fledged irrigation, and the climatic features of the region. Therefore, the question "When to sow lawn grass?" has no clear answer.


Lawn grass sown in the spring with their own hands, from the point of view of landscape designers, is considered the most good decision. This is due to the fact that during the entire subsequent season there is the possibility of processing, feeding and, if necessary, overseeding grass. By the end of summer, a full-fledged lawn is already in place.

It should be noted that the spring arrangement of the lawn has its drawbacks, which must be taken into account when deciding to sow in the spring:

  • Without fail, it provides for additional labor costs associated primarily with watering during the hot season of a young, fragile grass stand.
  • Weeds in the spring grow no less actively than all other plants, weeding the unformed turf of the lawn will have to be done quite carefully.
  • Young grass needs a large amount nutrients for full development, it is necessary to regularly fertilize, ensuring the mineral balance of the soil.


Summer sowing has proven itself well in the southern regions, where a long warm autumn makes it possible for plants to prepare for winter, get stronger and gain the volume of the root system necessary for successful wintering. Several factors can be attributed to the obvious advantages of summer sowing. First of all, it is warm soil, in which seed germination is not a problem. In addition, and this is important, when preparing a plot for a lawn, it is easier to remove weeds, since in the bulk they have all grown, but the seeds did not have time to ripen. Herbicide treatment gives excellent results.


Planting lawn grass in the fall has a number of advantages due to the ability to vary the timing. When to sow lawn grass in the fall? Sowing can be done at the very beginning of autumn, when humid warm weather sets in, the heat subsides, morning dew will help provide additional soil moisture, and weeds will lose their aggressive activity. The lawn sown at this time has time to sprout and get stronger before the onset of stable cold weather, and in the spring a young and bright herbage emerges from under the snow.

The main disadvantage of such a term for sowing a lawn is the possibility of early soil frosts, which are unlikely to benefit young seedlings. Sowing lawn grass in the fall in terms of timing must necessarily provide for this risk based on climatic conditions region.

Avoidance negative impact planting grass before winter, in late autumn, on frozen ground gives seedlings during autumn sowing. The site is prepared in advance, according to the heat, and the sowing itself is done in November - December, in cold soil. Seeds in this case do not germinate, but wait for heat directly in the soil, undergoing natural stratification, which has beneficial effect not only for germination, but also for the health of the future lawn.

Seedlings will sprout together in the spring, will be strong and resistant to various kinds of diseases. One thing to remember important rule: sowing on slopes in late autumn is unacceptable, we sow only on horizontal surfaces. This is due to the likelihood of washing the seeds with melt water. Autumn sowing of the lawn will allow you to get in the spring not only an excellent lawn, which will begin to sprout almost immediately after the snow melts, but also free up time for more important ones.

Lawn improvement

First and most importantly, regardless of the timing of sowing, before planting lawn grass, the site should be carefully prepared and the following set of measures should be carried out:

  • markup;
  • weed removal;
  • leveling the site, removing stones and debris;
  • careful digging;
  • giving the soil a balanced composition;
  • fertilization.

When marking out a site for a lawn, it is necessary to immediately take into account its intended shape, the plants that will be located on it solitary, flower beds and rabatki. If a track is planned, it must be made or outlined in advance.

Removing weeds in a lawn area is best done with herbicides such as Roundup. The area planned for the lawn is processed from the sprayer on the surface of the plants. It should be remembered that herbicides have the same effect on both weeds and cultivated plants. If there are any plantings nearby, be sure to cover them with polyethylene to avoid getting the solution on them.

Leveling the site, removing stones and possible construction debris is necessary for the future decorative state of the lawn. A green meadow dotted with pits and bumps will not look very presentable.

Lawn leveling

Digging the site is carried out on a bayonet, the earth should be loose, light and fertile. In addition, deep digging contributes to additional purification of the soil from weed roots, stones, etc. As a rule, this process is combined with the introduction additional elements depending on the composition of the soil (sand, humus, manure, peat), giving it a balanced composition.

After carrying out the above activities, the earth is rammed with a skating rink weighing up to 100 kg and left fallow for two weeks. The application of mineral fertilizers is carried out a day before sowing. In spring and summer sowing, nitrogen-containing complexes are used, in autumn - with a minimum nitrogen content.

In general, the preparation of the site for the lawn takes about a month.

Approaching the lawn, we sometimes see scattered multi-colored beads on it. And only up close we discover that it is ...

lawn seeding

Before sowing lawn grass, a prepared area with fertilizers is passed with a rake, slightly loosening and harrowing the granules. The area is divided into conditional squares, and the prepared seeds are divided into the same amount. The consumption of lawn grass seeds can be calculated according to the formula, but if we take it approximately, it is 4-5 kilograms per hundred square meters. Sowing is done squarely, in two perpendicular directions. This will allow the seeds to evenly spread over the surface of the soil, and the lawn will turn out to be thick, even, without bald spots. In conclusion, the crops are carefully watered, preventing soil erosion. Then it remains only to wait for the shoots and enjoy the man-made beauty.

Lawn seeders

Except manual method planting grass, you can use special seeders. A lawn grass seeder is a device for sowing seeds into the ground and spreading fertilizer granules. With this device, you can sow evenly, accurately and most importantly quickly.

Lawn seeders are divided into several types:

- universal,

- special,

- combined.

Mechanical or manual seeder is a reliable agricultural tool for sowing lawn grass, which can significantly reduce sowing time, and provide a good, evenly planted and beautiful lawn on the site.

Owners summer cottages very often the question related to the period of time when lawn grass should be planted is of interest: when to sow and at what time to lay the lawn. Sowing can be done both in spring and autumn. There are no special restrictions when choosing the term for planting lawn grass.

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    When is the best time to plant grass?

    It is sometimes possible to plant grass on the lawn in the spring immediately after the snow melts. The choice of time for planting grass is always left to the owner suburban area and is determined by the following factors:

    1. 1 Level of soil preparation.
    2. 2 Regional climate.
    3. 3 Plant species for planting.
    4. 4 The regularity of watering the lawn.

    If you plan to plant plants in spring period time, then you should not wait for the hot summer days. It is very difficult for young shoots to withstand the test of the sun, which is important for the southern regions.

    The grass will grow on the lawn the best way with moist soil and heating spring sun, which is not yet baked like on hot summer days. In such conditions, more intensive plant growth can be ensured. This is facilitated by the use of feed.

    The main disadvantage of planting in the spring is a profusely growing weed that requires regular weeding. In autumn, grass grows less intensively than in spring, so there are no problems with weeds. After analyzing all the factors mentioned above, you can come to the right choice of the period when to plant lawn grass.

    Features of planting greenery on the lawn in spring and autumn

    Having decided on the question of when to sow grass on the lawn, you should plan its shape and location. rectangular shape a lawn that has clearly defined corners will look most advantageous. The disadvantages of this form are associated with the need for regular maintenance, which allows you to maintain the lawn in good condition.

    If there is no time for careful care of the grass area in the country, then the owner of the site can use a simpler option, which involves choosing a form that has slightly blurred borders. It is possible to grow a quality lawn only if there is high-quality drainage in an area where normal lighting is provided and there is no shade.

    Having chosen the most suitable place, they begin to prepare the land for sowing plants. If you start preparing the site for the lawn in the fall, you can solve the problem not only with weeds, but also treat the soil with herbicides in advance. The earth is dug up and nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied to it.

    It is necessary to sow grass for the lawn in the second decade of April. There is little rain at this time, so the site must be moistened before sowing. To loosen the surface of the earth, you can use a rake.

    Seeds for sowing should be divided into 4 parts and start laying them in the prepared soil. For creating necessary conditions the soil should be compacted with a roller, which will prevent its erosion and weathering. You can wait for the first shoots to appear in a few weeks.

    When the time comes for the appearance of a full-fledged lawn, it will need to be properly maintained. During the whole season, it will be necessary to perform such types of work as: mowing, feeding and watering.

    The first mowing can be carried out in dry weather after the grass reaches a height of 15 - 18 cm. Each new mowing can be carried out by lowering the mower blades below the previous level. This will give you the desired lawn height.

    What herbal mixture to use?

    The lawn should be planted in the spring, taking into account the conditions of the regional climate. Despite the fact that the composition of the grass mixture from which lawn grass should grow contains different varieties of plants, their requirements for climate conditions are the same. Having planned the time of sowing, they usually adhere to general rules for all types of herbs. The main one comes down to sowing seeds no later than 40 days before the onset of frost. It is during this time that the seeds sprout, and then grow into a full-fledged grass.

    As a rule, a grass mixture for seeding a lawn contains about 5 types of seeds, which are selected depending on the type of lawn:

    1. 1 Decorative parterre, requiring the planting of grass with narrow leaves, forming a dense and rather tender cover, not intended for walking on it.
    2. 2 Meadow turf, which is the most cost-effective of all types because wild grass is added to the turf grass mixture.
    3. 3 Garden or park for walking on it, active games, with grasses that are most resistant to frequent mowing.
    4. 4 A shady lawn that needs to be planted with sufficiently resistant grass varieties that can resist weeds or moss, they do not tend to respond to light in insufficient quantities.

    Careful selection of grass varieties, taking into account its external features, soil type and climatic conditions, allows you to create an even lawn cover.

    Rules for sowing an autumn lawn

    The completion of lawn laying in central Russia should coincide with the end of the first week of September. Otherwise fragile root system plants will not be able to cope with the onset of the first frost.

    Planting lawn grass in September is convenient for those who cannot prepare a lawn area for spring. It will take a lot of time to clean up the area from excess debris, compact and level the soil. It is desirable that the soil rest for at least a month. Only then can plants be planted on it. Usually, having managed to prepare the land for the beginning of summer, the owners of country plots postpone sowing seeds for the fall, which implies more favorable conditions for grass growth.

    Planting plants is necessary when performing successive stages, allowing you to grow a full-fledged lawn grass. In summer, the soil is prepared, including cleaning the area, removing weeds, fertilizing and leveling the soil.

    Sowing of seeds is carried out on dry days, scattering them along and across the plot with a fan. Care must be taken to ensure that their penetration into the soil is uniform. After planting lawn seeds, the ground is sprinkled with a rake a few cm, covered with a layer of peat, rolled with a roller so that they cannot be blown away by the wind or washed away during irrigation. The laying of seeds is completed by moistening the finished lawn.

    Many experienced gardeners believe that a more acceptable way to plant grass seeds is to mix them with sand.

    Uniform sowing can be done with a special seeder. If this device is not on the farm, then you can plant the seeds manually, first along the lawn, and then across it.

    A lawn area of ​​1 m² can be sown with 30-40 g of seeds, which are buried with a rake into the ground and sprinkled with a layer of peat mixture, the height of which is 1.5 cm.

    Provide necessary care behind the lawn allow the following actions:

    1. 1 Mowing allows you to give the lawn an attractive appearance.
    2. 2 Watering is required during the entire period of grass growth.
    3. 3 Hand weeding to kill weeds and prevent further growth.
    4. 4 Fertilizing is required regularly for normal plant growth and development.
    5. 5 Cleaning associated with the cleaning of dry grass and foliage in autumn period time.

    Crops must be thoroughly watered every day for a week using fine-drip irrigation. Due to this, moisture will flow to the sprouts, which will not be able to erode the earth.

    What are the benefits of winter sowing?

    Since frosts sometimes occur in autumn, for insurance, some site owners plant seeds after the soil freezes. This type of landing is called winter. It involves planting seeds on days when the temperature is above zero. The sowing period is postponed to November, when stable snow cover is not yet expected. After planting the seeds, they are mulched with peat chips.

    As a result of winter sowing in the spring, one can expect friendly active shoots, since freezing the seeds adds strength to their growth. When the snow has already melted, the soil is enriched with more moisture, which is required for plant growth.

    In this case, it will not be necessary to postpone the planting of grass seeds until the earth is completely warmed up in summer period. Podzimny sowing will provide a strong dense lawn by the summer. Plants with frost and heat resistance will be less susceptible to various diseases and destruction by pests.

    Podzimny landing has a number of disadvantages:

    1. 1 Not suitable for a site with a steep slope because melt water in the spring, the top layer of soil is washed off along with the seeds.
    2. 2 In autumn, the above-zero temperature cannot last long, so the hatched seeds will die immediately after the first frost.

    To increase the chances, the seeding rate should be increased in the autumn period of time, and in the spring grass should be sown exactly where seedlings were not found. The best result can be obtained after planting a grass mixture, which includes 5 types of different herbs.

    Lawns are considered the best way to design suburban areas. They allow you to make the territory not only attractive, but also able to have a therapeutic effect on the owners of the site. The choice of seed varieties for the grass mixture should be based on the place where the lawn is planned to be organized. This will produce stronger grasses and keep weed growth to a minimum.

    To give any building, whether it is an industrial building or a residential building, a well-groomed and noble appearance, it is necessary to bring the area around it into proper condition. One way is to create a lawn.

    This process includes three main steps:

    Landing site preparation;

    The choice of material for planting;

    Direct planting of the lawn.

    How to properly prepare a site intended for planting lawn grass.

    Preparatory work for planting a lawn

    A very important and responsible process. From him to more the durability and condition of the planted grass will depend.

    The first step is to clear the site of debris, unnecessary stumps and shrubs. If it is planned to plant trees on the lawn, then it must be done at this stage. Before starting soil preparation, it is necessary to lay all engineering networks, if any, will pass through the territory of the future lawn.

    If water stagnates in the area intended for the lawn after heavy rainfall or during the melting of snow in the spring, then it is necessary to carry out work on the installation of a drainage system.

    The sequence of work when installing drainage:

    Release of drains from the fertile soil layer;

    Backfilling a layer of gravel with a thickness of 12 - 15 centimeters, gravel can be replaced with broken bricks;

    Laying sand in a layer of 8 - 10 centimeters;

    Work on the device of the top layer: pour about 15 centimeters of fertile soil and lightly compact it.

    The preparation of the site for planting the lawn is completed by the removal of weeds. These works are carried out either using chemicals(herbicides), or through mechanical action on weeds - weeding and mowing.

    Usage chemical method tillage allows you to start planting lawn grass only after 3 to 4 weeks.

    The choice of material for planting a lawn

    One of the most expensive lawn materials is rolled lawn grass. The result is visible immediately after installation.

    Do-it-yourself lawn will allow you to get aesthetic pleasure and see the real result of labor. For planting such a lawn, grass mixtures are used.

    It is the use of a mixture of seeds that makes it possible to achieve a higher resistance of the lawn to weather conditions. The appearance and intensity of growth of the lawn depends on the quality of the selected grasses.

    Typically, up to five types of seeds are used in an herbal mixture. The varieties used must match the type of turf chosen:

    Parterre decorative lawn requires planting grass, which forms a fairly dense and very delicate cover. Grass should be narrow-leaved, such as bentgrass or fescue. Such a lawn is not suitable for walking on it.

    On the lawn, intended for a garden or park, you can not only walk, but play active games(football, badminton). The grasses used to plant this lawn are highly resistant to frequent mowing and constant exposure. They are tougher and more durable.

    A meadow-type lawn is the most cost-effective of all existing ones. A mixture of lawn grass is sown to wild grasses.

    A lawn located in the shade requires the planting of special very resistant grasses that do not respond to a lack of light. Such varieties successfully resist the spread of weeds or moss.

    For creating even coverage a lawn with a uniform grass structure must be selected according to outward signs. It is necessary to take into account the width of the sheet, and the growth rate, and the shade of color. An important condition planting a beautiful and durable lawn is to use a mixture of grasses designed specifically for the type of soil and those climatic conditions in which it is supposed to be planted.

    The most commonly used grasses in lawn mixtures are fescue, ryegrass, and bent grass. These herbs are the most resistant to sub-zero temperatures, diseases and various pests.

    Planting a lawn can be done at almost any time, but there are some peculiarities for each region. The most optimal for sowing seeds is warm, but not hot weather, moderate rainfall. If sowing is carried out in autumn, it is necessary to ensure that at least 45-50 days remain before the first temperature drops. Summer sowing is possible only in regions with temperate climate, and is by no means applicable in arid areas.

    Sowing of lawn grass is carried out on a previously prepared site. The next step after pre-training is the leveling of the earth. All lumps must be crushed, for which you can use a hoe, and then level the dug up area with a rake.

    The ground must be compacted with a special roller or trampled down using improvised means, such as boards.

    To loosen the earth, it is necessary to walk around the site with a large rake at a depth of about 2 centimeters. Carefully break up the smallest clods of earth, making the surface almost flat, without recesses and mounds.

    After completing all the above steps, you can proceed directly to sowing seeds.

    Sowing seeds

    In order for the sowing to take place more evenly and uniformly, it is necessary to carry it out using a special lawn seeder. If there is no such device, you can use a special canister.

    Sowing seeds with its help occurs with the use of water. Of course, manual sowing remains the most affordable.

    Grass seeds are sown to a depth of about 2 millimeters, about 50 grams per 1 sq. meter. In the process of sowing, special fertilizers are used, which include potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. To obtain an even grass cover in the future, half of the seeds are sown along the plot, and the second - across.

    Planting seeds and fertilizer must be done very carefully, using a rake. To compact the soil over the seeds, you need to walk with a roller.

    In no case should the soil be compacted too hard.

    The soil should remain moist until germination. To do this, it is necessary to water it daily. Water should be evenly sprayed throughout the lawn, and not poured with a stream. This condition is mandatory!

    The length of time until the first shoots appear ranges from a week to 20 days. You can step on the lawn grass after another two weeks of patient waiting.

    Subject to all the rules and conditions for planting and caring for lawn grass, the green carpet will for a long time looks nice.

    You can realize fantasies about a green well-groomed lawn only in the country or by changing city ​​apartment for a country house.

    If everything is in order with this, then you can start looking for answers to questions regarding the purpose of the lawn, based on which already, choose the lawn itself.

    • Parterre. Composed of elite herbal varieties, mostly native to Canada;
    • Mauritanian. Formed by annual flowering plants, planted in open areas and places where cultivated plants cannot grow;
    • Lugovoi. Similar to Mauritanian, except that it is planted in park areas;
    • Ordinary.Formated from domestic grasses with strong stems and stable root system.

    Planting and caring for each of these lawns has its own characteristics.

    Considering the fact that planting an ordinary lawn is most often practiced, using its example, we will consider the features of planting grass with our own hands.

    Landing site preparation steps

    Before you start planting an ordinary lawn, you need to do a number of preparatory work.

    The first is the choice of a place for the lawn

    Be sure to think about how the lawn will fit in with the rest of the garden.

    At this stage, it is important to determine the places where the lawn sowing with area measurements. This is important in order to determine the amount of seeds, fertilizers and soil needed for planting a lawn.

    When choosing a place for a lawn, it is important to think about how the site is linked to the rest of the garden with strict adherence to boundaries that prevent lawn grass from spreading to flower beds and shrubs on the site.

    The level of the lawn must be higher than the level of the path or area. Between the retaining wall and the lawn, it is important to leave a strip of gravel or sand with a width of 10 cm, which will prevent damage to the lawn mower during the mowing process.

    The second is site preparation.

    At the site where the lawn will be planted, all construction works, laid - required condition for areas with high humidity.

    Drainage laying technology involves the removal of the top layer of soil with the laying of gravel, broken brick or stone on an infertile soil layer with a layer of 10-15 cm, then a layer of sand and fertile soil layers of the same thickness, followed by compaction with a roller.

    A prerequisite is the removal of garbage from the territory, the removal of weeds with rhizomes.

    In particularly large areas, a herbicide can be used to remove weeds with strict adherence to safety regulations.

    It is important to consider that in order for the drug to work, it will be necessary to wait a few weeks and only then begin the preparation of the fertile layer.

    We create .

    Would you like to plant cotoneaster in your garden? we have an article about it.

    The third is the preparation of the fertile layer

    A lawn roller will make it easier to compact the earth

    Mixing components soil mixture carried out manually in small areas and with the use of specialized equipment in large areas. It is important to remove the dead parts of herbicide-treated plants and root systems.

    Large clods of earth are broken with a shovel, after which they pass across the entire territory crosswise with a garden rake.

    At this stage, it is important to take care of leveling the soil: filling holes, removing mounds. Uneven ground will eventually lead to defects during lawn mowing and breakage of the mower legs.

    For leveling the soil, a roller is most often used. With it, you can almost perfectly level the soil, if necessary, the procedure is carried out several times.

    The ideal option is to leave the prepared soil alone for several months for fallowing. During this time, natural shrinkage will occur, as a result of which it will be possible to determine all surface irregularities.

    In addition, in this case, it will be possible to remove newly appeared weeds on the prepared land, which will help facilitate future lawn care.

    Planting lawn grass

    The best time to plant a lawn is autumn. During this period, there is a sufficient amount of dew and rain, so there will be no need for frequent watering.

    The ideal option is the beginning of September.

    • Lawn grass seeds should be scattered over the surface of the prepared soil light short hand movements.
    • It would be best to divide the seeds into two parts and sow the first part along the lawn, and the second across.
    • You can sow thickly, in this case, the formation of sod will occur faster, but at the same time observe the measure, not exceeding allowable rate twice, since in this case the grass bushes will be closely together and they will often get sick.
    • When the seeds are sown, it is necessary, using a cultivator or a simple rake, to mix them with the ground in order to protect them from birds.

    An alternative to this method of protection will be a peat layer, which will also create suitable conditions for seed germination. The final stage of sowing will be the rolling of the soil with a roller.

    If weather will be suitable the first shoots can be expected after 10 days.

    Do not be alarmed if the seedlings are uneven, this is normal, as the bushes can germinate at different speeds.

    You should wait at least another 20 days to assess the situation and determine the need for seeding. Remember that the young shoots of lawn grass are very tender, so at first it is better not to walk on it.

    Lawn grass care

    When the lawn takes root, the only thing left to do is take care of its health and appearance regardless of time of year and weather. Care includes several stages, each of which is discussed in more detail below.

    lawn weeding

    The first weeding is carried out a few weeks after sowing the lawn, while the roots of the weeds are not sufficiently developed.

    Perennial weeds are dug up along with the roots, the most "tenacious" of them are removed with a knife or a narrow scoop.

    Manual weeding is difficult and time-consuming, but it is this method that is the most effective. After manual weeding is completed, the soil with lawn grass is compacted and moistened.

    lawn mowing

    Lawn mower blades

    A rooted lawn simply needs to be ennobled with a haircut, which, by the way, is also effective method for weed control. To do this, you will need to buy or rent a lawn mower.

    When choosing a lawn mower, it is important to take into account the size of the area, the presence (absence) of a grass catcher.

    The most accurate haircut is obtained when using a rotary lawn mower.

    Cylindrical lawn mowers are suitable for maintaining even lawns, and for large areas ideal option will be tractor and gasoline-powered lawn mowers.

    Keep in mind that you need to change the cutting vector regularly, as constant cutting in one direction will compact the bud too much, as a result of which the grass will grow at an angle.

    Edges with overseeding of the lawn

    Lawn edges cannot be cut with a lawn mower.

    It will be possible to ennoble them with the help of scissors or an electric trimmer - a device for processing edges.

    To change the shape of the edges, you can use a sickle, to restore the damaged area, you will need to cut out a part of the turf with damage, and then deploy it with a defective area to the center of the lawn.

    Lawn leveling

    The depressions formed in the lawn can be easily leveled with the help of a filler consisting of sand and garden soil.

    For leveling, the mixture is distributed over the area with a shovel, after which it is leveled with the back side of a garden rake to obtain a layer no more than 1 cm thick.

    The grass after the procedure will need to be gently cleaned with a broom.

    How best to apply on the site?

    We select ornamental shrubs.

    Top dressing: lawn fertilizers

    TerraSol is one of the brands of lawn fertilizers

    Forever green and bright grass on the lawn will remain throughout the season only if it receives full complex fertilizers. In the spring, you can feed the grass nitrogen fertilizers for growth, in the fall - phosphorus-potassium autumn mix fertilizer to prepare for winter.

    Small lawn areas are fertilized manually with granular fertilizers and using a watering can in case of using liquid fertilizers.

    For large territories it is better to use wheeled sprayers and granular fertilizers.

    Fertilize the soil only in dry weather, and the earth should not be too dry, so if necessary, you will need to moisten it.

    It is better to pour fertilizer into the sprayer away from the lawn, thus eliminating leakage and spillage. Distribute fertilizer over the lawn as evenly as possible.

    Lawn verticulation

    When the lawn is 3 to 5 years old, its turf will become too dense, which will lead to a delay in the flow of moisture, nutrients with oxygen to the root system of plants. As a result, the lawn fades, gets sick, loses its presentable appearance.

    In this state, verticulation is simply necessary, when the knives of the verticulators are deepened by 2-4 mm with the removal of excess sod. After that, you will need to fertilize the grass again and water it abundantly.

    It will take only 4-6 weeks for the lawn to be updated and take on a fresh look again. It is better to carry out the procedure in mid-August, during a period that is not characterized by temperature changes.

    Watch a video about verticulation to better understand the meaning

    Lawn cleaning

    To ensure access of light, water and nutrients to the root system of the grass, the lawn should be cleaned of moss and dried grass. To do this, you can use a simple garden rake.

    Lawn watering

    Such a timer is built into the system of watering hoses.

    Water the lawn in the evening or in the early morning, when the sun does not scorch, so that the top layer of soil is moistened by at least 6-8 centimeters. It is imperative to water the grass after cutting, weeding, during the period of tillering and growth.

    Stagnation of water can be avoided by piercing the soil with a pitchfork.

    It is best to use a sprinkler system with a timer for watering, which will automatically turn on at night, when the grass absorbs the most moisture.

    A couple of videos on how to plant lawn grass

    Instructions from a Canadian gardener

    Follow the instructions for planting and caring for lawn areas, be patient in the process of landscaping the territory and you will definitely succeed!

    Nov 1, 2013 Viktor Sergeev

    Article Information


    Lawn grass planting and maintenance

    Viktor Sergeev

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