What are the ways to insulate the extension to the house. Insulation of the veranda in a wooden house We insulate the veranda with penoplex with our own hands

Verandas (terraces) of private dachas and country houses are usually not heated. For this reason, it is impossible to use them as living quarters in winter. This situation is easy to change if the veranda is insulated.

Thermal insulation of the terrace from the outside and from the inside - choose the appropriate option

If desired, any owner of a private house can make a veranda out of an unused winter warm room, hallway or corridor, greenhouse. An additional room for year-round use will not hurt anyone. To do this, you just need to competently insulate the veranda in compliance with certain requirements in order to make it suitable for winter residence. Thermal insulation of terraces is carried out from the outside or from the inside. External insulation is characterized by the following advantages:

  • work is carried out outside the home, all garbage remains outside;
  • repair measures do not make serious changes in the lifestyle of the inhabitants of the house;
  • the area of ​​the terrace is not reduced;
  • walls finished with special materials accumulate heat well, do not dampen, which increases the life of the veranda.

In one approach, it is quite realistic to protect all surfaces of the veranda (floor, ceiling, wall) from heat loss. At the same time, the home craftsman has free access to the indicated bases at any height. But when executing internal works you need to immediately prepare for changes in everyday life (especially when the insulation is delayed for a long time) and the existing interior. The thermal insulation of the terrace from the inside implies the mandatory dismantling of old coatings. Not every home owner is ready to tackle such large-scale tasks.

How to insulate - we will deal with the proposed materials

The choice of heat insulators is currently huge. On sale are both time-tested materials and completely new products that provide high-quality protection of the verandas from the cold. The choice of a specific insulation depends on the financial capabilities of the owner of the cottage or house, the complexity of working with the material, the features of the exterior and interior of the home. In addition, any heat insulator must have the following properties:

  • non-toxicity;
  • resistance to fire;
  • resistance to mechanical wear and natural factors.

Most often, terraces are insulated with foam plastic, penofol, expanded polystyrene, basalt and mineral wool, polyurethane foam, expanded clay, cork sheet products, special vacuum panels, tow, moss. Pick up suitable material it will be easy.

Mineral wool has been used to keep warm for a very long time. It is non-combustible, has low thermal conductivity, is resistant to deformations caused by temperature changes, to biological and chemical influences, guarantees a high level of noise protection, and is known for its tensile and compressive strength. The cost of mineral wool is affordable. Its installation is easy to perform without the help of specialists. But over time, this material loses its thermal insulation potential (its density decreases). Basalt wool has similar pros and cons. Its main advantage is absolute ecological cleanliness.

An excellent alternative to mineral wool is expanded polystyrene. Durable and easy to use insulation affordable price. It is advisable to use extruded polystyrene foam. It more effectively protects buildings from heat loss. The disadvantage of the described material is high flammability. When ignited, it releases hazardous toxic compounds into the atmosphere.

Styrofoam is also characterized by increased fire hazard. It also attracts the attention of rodents. Polyfoam can be mounted using frameless and frame methods. The heat-shielding properties of the material remain unchanged throughout the entire period of its operation. An important advantage of polystyrene is low vapor permeability and hygroscopicity. This means that there is no need to additionally cover it with a hydrofilm.

Penofol is used in combination with other heat insulators or independently. The indicator of its vapor permeability is minimal, and its environmental friendliness is high. An important plus of penofol is incombustibility. Cork sheets are described as environmentally friendly. They perfectly protect the veranda from heat loss. But the cost of such products is objectively high. Expanded clay, produced from baked clay in the form of porous granules, is used exclusively for insulation ceilings and floor bases.

Having decided on suitable thermal insulation materials, you can start warming the terrace from the outside. With your own hands, such events are best performed at positive temperatures outside. The pros advise thermal insulation of the ceiling with mineral wool slabs. It is important to take care of the quality protection of this material from steam (for example, roofing material or special vapor-tight membranes). It is even better to insulate the ceiling with penofol with an additional layer of foil. Then you do not need to install additional moisture protection.

Wall surfaces from the outside are most often lined with polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool boards. They can later be closed by almost any finishing material starting from PVC panels, log products and ending metal cladding.Installation of heat-shielding plates on walls made of concrete or brick is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • install the selected insulation (usually glue is used to fix it);
  • on thermal insulation material install reinforcing mesh;
  • paint, plaster heat-shielding panels or install the selected cladding on them (siding, lining, and so on).

After such work, the terrace will not be afraid winter cold. You will receive a full-fledged room at your disposal. There it will be possible to equip a hallway or a chic winter garden.

On wooden walls, heat-shielding products are installed on a previously prepared crate - slats, to which insulation is attached with dowel umbrellas, then the structure is covered with a waterproofing membrane. The latter is fixed with brackets (a construction stapler is required).

Note! If you plan to really insulate the terrace with high quality and make a living room there, it is imperative to carry out thermal insulation of window and doorways. Doors are protected from the penetration of cold foam rubber. It is attached to the structure, and then covered with dermantine. Windows are insulated from the outside with a simple polyethylene film. You need to stuff on frames wooden slats, then attach a heat insulator to them.

Internal thermal protection of the veranda - it's simple!

Terraces are installed on a frame made of wooden or metal slats. The heat-insulating material mounted on it must be covered with a film that protects against steam, and the structure is covered with drywall sheets from above. This technique reduces the height of the room. Not everyone likes it. It is not difficult to solve the problem if the terrace and veranda are insulated from the inside with the help of special vacuum panels. They are mounted using a frameless method and do not eat up the space of the room.

From the inside, the walls are easiest to insulate with mineral wool or polystyrene foam. The heat insulator is mounted on the frame (it is created from metal guides). A vapor barrier must be installed on top. It is covered with drywall, which is then puttied and processed. in a suitable way. It can also be done. This technique is now quite popular.

With minimal time and labor costs, they are performed with expanded clay. Simply install over existing floor base wooden logs. Fill the space between them with expanded clay and cover the structure with a new finishing floor.

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How to insulate a veranda: 2 least expensive ways

August 28, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outdoor decoration(plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works.

If you have a house or cottage outside the city, then you probably had to think about how to insulate the veranda for winter living. This is far from an idle question - and even if you don’t sleep there, a warm room in front of the main building significantly saves energy costs for heating.

Today I want to tell you how to make insulation in a private house with minimal cost, going two ways separately, or combining them with each other.

Two directions in insulation

I will make a reservation that it is customary to call a veranda an open or glazed room, attached or built into the main building. It is noteworthy that we are not talking about heating here, therefore, it is possible to insulate both a plank and a stone extension only in other ways.

Option 1: double-glazed windows

Since we are talking about the insulation of the veranda in wooden house(brick, stone), then, of course, this does not mean an open, but a glazed room:

  • main source cold temperatures in this case are windows, of which, of course, there are a lot here, but this, alas, is an integral part of such a room;
  • therefore, we can argue like this - if we cannot reduce the number of windows in a given room, which are the main source of cold, then we need to somehow reduce the conductivity of this bridge;
  • the only thing we can do in this case is to install frames (plastic, aluminum, wooden) with double-glazed windows (single, double, triple);
  • of course, with such glazing, the price of windows will increase significantly, but you get high-quality products that will not worsen the interior or exterior of the room, but even improve it;

  • of course, the frames themselves cannot be neglected, especially if they are made of aluminum, which is an excellent thermal conductor;
  • if the stained-glass windows are made of this material, then make sure that it is “warm” aluminum, for example, as in the upper schematic image.

No matter how you increase the power of thermal insulation of the ceiling, walls and floor with your own hands, all your efforts will come to naught with single stained-glass windows. It will be the same as if you put on a hat and boots, but at the same time remained in your underwear in the cold.

Option 2: floor, ceiling, walls

One of the most powerful sources of cold in a room can be a floor that lacks hydro and thermal insulation, especially if the building is located in the northern regions of our country. Let's start with waterproofing.

Any damp substance is an excellent conductor of cold, not to mention such problems as dampness and decay. Therefore, if the cut-off waterproofing was not laid during construction, then it must be installed now.

It can be roofing material or dense polyethylene film(I'm not talking about breathable film - it's too expensive, and you can completely do without it).

And now - about the materials for insulation. For example, mineral wool, polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam and, of course, expanded clay - the cheapest and most reliable component of suburban construction.

I also want to talk about the sand pillow, if you, of course, add it. Waterproofing should not be laid on it, but under it - this way we will minimize the amount of moisture from below.

The ceiling can be insulated, both from the inside and outside - it all depends on what kind of roof is on your veranda and, of course, on your desire. Regarding the material, the same thing can be said here as for the floor, but it all depends on its location - from below, of course, it is much more convenient to use foam plastic or mineral wool.

But, given that the verandas mostly have a shed roof, then there is no attic there, therefore, in 99% of cases, the insulation has to be hemmed from below, that is, to do internal installation.

To do internal insulation, you will have to mount one of suspended ceilings, for example, such as in the photo above, for . But warming the veranda from the inside with your own hands in this way may not always work out for the most banal reason - low ceilings, which, well, it’s simply impossible to lower another 5-6 cm.

In this case, there is only one thing left - to install some kind of insulation under roofing material with good waterproofing. And this will be more difficult, since you will have to dismantle, and then mount the roof again.

Well, finally, let's look at how to insulate cold veranda under the living space inside or outside along the walls. Note that there is nothing new to say here. In such cases, as a rule, mineral (preferably basalt) wool or polystyrene is used.

The thickness of the material already directly depends on the need, that is, on the thickness and climate of the region. There is one here little nuance- if the insulation is installed outside, then it will bring more benefits than from the inside, and you can see its effectiveness in the diagram above.

Another point - insulating the room from the outside with foam, you get the opportunity to "wet finish". That is, you can clad the veranda decorative plaster directly on the foam (of course, with a reinforcing plaster mesh).


Insulation of the veranda both from boards from the inside and from any other materials from the outside is beneficial only if there are no drafts and there are windows with packages. Have questions or suggestions? Write about it in the comments.

August 28, 2016

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Insulation of the veranda in a wooden house is a crucial and difficult stage in the arrangement of the internal space of auxiliary premises of a country house.

In this regard, the developer has a question - what material is best used for insulation? In order to answer this question, you need to study the advantages and disadvantages of existing materials, and then decide on their choice.

For insulation are used: penofol, polystyrene, expanded polystyrene, mineral wool, polyurethane foam, natural (flax, tow, moss) and synthetic heaters.

All of the listed types heat-insulating materials inherent in them are the pros and cons that determine the possibility of performing work with their use, as well as the terms and conditions of their operation.

Advantages of various types of heaters

Penofol is a multilayer material consisting of polyethylene foam and a foil layer, the advantages of its use are:

  • versatility of application;
  • the possibility of using without installing an additional layer of vapor barrier;
  • high degree of noise reduction;
  • ease of installation and use;
  • environmental friendliness and fire safety;
  • there is no possibility for rodents and other living organisms to live in the internal space of the material.

Polyfoam is a material having a foamed structure, its advantages are:

  • relatively low cost;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low specific gravity;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to microorganisms, mold and fungus;

Expanded polystyrene is a gas-filled material obtained from polystyrene and its derivatives, its advantages are:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • low specific gravity;
  • water resistance;
  • resistance to various types of deformations;
  • the ability to operate in a wide temperature range;
  • ease of installation work;
  • relatively low cost.

Mineral wool is a non-organic fiber structure insulation, produced in several modifications (glass wool, stone wool, slag), the advantages are:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • strength, under mechanical stress;
  • resistance to temperature extremes and impact chemical substances, as well as living organisms;
  • ease of installation work.

Polyurethane foam (PPU) - is a foamed plastic made on the basis of polyurethane, the advantages this material are:

  • high level of adhesion;
  • the possibility of applying by spraying;
  • low specific gravity;
  • wide operating temperature range (-150 to +150 *С);
  • long periods of operation.

Linen, tow, moss - natural types of insulation used in construction, their advantages are:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • high bactericidal activity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low risk of fungal growth.

Synthetic insulation for construction - polymeric materials used in a similar way natural species insulation. They are produced in the form of sealant and foam compositions, they have all the qualities inherent in natural analogues and do not have the disadvantages inherent in them.

Disadvantages of different types of insulation

  • softness of the material, limits the scope of its use (cannot be laid under wallpaper and plaster);
  • special glue or mastic is required to fix it on building structures;
  • when insulating external walls, can be used as additional material V common system insulation.
  • when heated, release harmful substances to human health;
  • has the ability to accumulate moisture on its surface;
  • under influence sun rays and chemically active substances are destroyed;
  • not resistant to mechanical stress;
  • damaged by rodents.


  • Low sound absorption capacity;
  • Inability to withstand exposure to chemicals and substances;
  • Fire hazard of the material;
  • The ability to destroy under the influence of sunlight;
  • Low vapor permeability;
  • Damaged by rodents.

Mineral wool:

  • when interacting with the respiratory organs, eyes and skin of a person, their damage is possible;
  • shorter service life than analogues.

Polyurethane foam (PPU):

Flax, tow, moss:

  • Moss and tow sold in bales are taken away by birds.

How to insulate a wooden veranda?

When the question arises of the need to insulate the veranda, the first step is to choose the material with which the insulation will be performed. When choosing a material, the selection criteria are used, which are:

  • Thermal conductivity of the material.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Fire safety.
  • Terms of operation.
  • The complexity of the installation work.
  • Price.

Having decided on the material, you should prepare a tool that will be used when installing the insulation.

For work of this type, you will need: carpentry and metalwork tool, stapler, construction knife, screwdriver or electric drill, hacksaws, paint brushes and building level.

Options for the device of insulation elements

For various building elements of the veranda, such as: floor, ceiling, walls - insulation work can be performed different ways, using various materials. This choice must correspond to the ability of the material to be mounted in one or another plane of the space in which the insulation is laid, as well as the technology for performing work.

Floor insulation

Floor insulation works depend on its design and the material that was used in its construction.

If it is a concrete floor, then it can be insulated by using:

  • Expanded clay - which is poured on concrete base, after which logs are laid - for laying a fine wooden floor, or spilled liquid solution with the subsequent laying of a reinforcing mesh and pouring with concrete - with a concrete version of the floor device.
  • Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene - which are laid on a concrete base between the lags. After that, the finishing flooring is carried out. Mineral wool and rigid type polyurethane foam can be used in the same way.
  • Polyurethane foam of an elastic, liquid type, is poured over a concrete base between pre-laid lags and after it has hardened, it can be performed fine finish floor surface.

If the floor is made of lumber, then all of the above methods of insulation can be used, with the only difference being that the insulation is laid on the surface of the "subfloor".

Wall insulation

The choice of material for wall insulation depends on their design. If the veranda is built using frame technology, then the insulation is laid in the internal space of the frame. In this case, mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam are used.

If the walls are built of brick and concrete, then insulation can be done using penofol, and if timber or logs - use different kinds natural insulation (flax, tow, moss), which are laid in the grooves between the log crowns.

Ceiling insulation

Ceiling insulation can be done in the same way as wall insulation. The only feature of performing such work is that it is almost impossible to do the work alone, because. they are carried out overhead.

One of the options for performing such work, which somewhat simplifies their implementation, is the laying of penofol on the surface of the ceiling from the inside of the veranda, and outside, in the attic, insulation is performed, as in the variant of work on the floor of the insulated room.

Insulation mounting options

When performing work on the insulation of the veranda, the developer faces another question that needs to be addressed: from which side should the veranda be insulated - from the inside or from the outside?

Each insulation option has its advantages and disadvantages, having studied which you can make the right decision for each specific case of work.

The advantages of warming the veranda from the inside are:

  • The ability to perform work at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions.
  • All elements can be insulated building structures in one period of installation work.
  • To lay the insulation, it is necessary to dismantle the existing decoration of the veranda room.
  • The line of demarcation of warm and cold zones shifts to the inner space of the wall, which can lead to the destruction of the latter.

When laying insulation from the outside, the advantages of this installation method are:

  • The volume and area of ​​the veranda do not decrease, but remain in their geometric dimensions.
  • The performance of the work does not affect the use usable area verandas.
  • Construction waste is left outside.
  • The use of new materials in the subsequent exterior decoration of the veranda will give it a new look.

The disadvantages of this version of the work will be:

  • The dependence of the work on the season and the presence of precipitation.

Heating of the veranda

To insulate the veranda, various types of heat sources can be used, such as: electric heaters and underfloor heating systems, infrared emitters or heating furnaces various designs.

The easiest and most economical way is to use energy-saving electric heaters, which include: fan heaters, oil coolers, convector type heaters, infrared heaters and decorative electric heaters - fireplaces.

The advantages of such sources of thermal energy are:

  • the ability to work in automatic mode, maintaining the specified parameters of the ambient temperature;
  • small electric power, allowing to provide heating of the premises, without significant material costs, expressed in the payment of bills for the used electrical energy;
  • ease of connection to the electrical network and maintenance during operation.

How and with what materials to insulate the veranda is decided by each developer - the user, purely individually, while relying on the criteria for choosing a heater, personal preferences and financial capabilities, as well as in accordance with the design of the veranda and the types of materials that were used during its construction.

When building verandas, they rarely think about their heating. The extension to the house is more used in the warm season. To change the situation, it is most effective to insulate the veranda. And it can be done with my own hands. If you do not know how to insulate the veranda, this article will help you understand the important nuances.

Suitable materials

On sale there are various resources for warming. Decades of proven products are presented, as well as new ones that also provide reliable protection rooms from the cold. Which particular insulation to choose depends on the budget, features of the terrace, design, etc.

The room insulation must be based on a natural composition, resistant to fire, mechanical stress and environment. In most cases, use:

  • Styrofoam;
  • penofol;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • basalt, mineral wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • OSB boards;
  • block house.

Very often, mineral wool is used for insulation. It is resistant to fire, has a low thermal conductivity, is not afraid of deformation. The material provides good noise protection, is quite durable. At the same time, mineral wool is inexpensive, and the installation of the material can be performed by the user even with minimal building skills. Among the disadvantages of mineral wool is a short working life. The basalt analogue has approximately the same performance indicators, but it is more natural in composition.

Many types of heaters

Expanded polystyrene is also used for insulation. Durable and easy to use material available at reasonable price. It perfectly protects the room from heat loss. The main disadvantage of expanded polystyrene is high flammability. Contact with fire releases dangerous toxic substances.

Classics of the genre - foam. The material is chosen for its durability, low vapor permeability and hygroscopicity. There is no need to additionally mount a hydrofilm on it. The material is universal, easy to install. But it quickly ignites, attracts the attention of rodents. Styrofoam is mounted according to different methods, the main thing is to do it correctly.

Penofol is used in combination with other heaters or independently. It is characterized by low vapor permeability, environmentally friendly. Penofol is non-flammable. It is modern and effective material, which is perfect for warming outbuildings in a private house, in the country.

You can also consider expanded clay. The fired clay material is presented in the form of porous granules. It is used only for insulation of ceilings, floors.

Video "How to attach a veranda to the house"

In this video, a specialist will tell you how to attach a veranda to a house with your own hands.

Thermal insulation technology

Without outstanding building skills, you can make a warm living porch. This will allow you to comfortably stay indoors during the winter period. You just need to stick to the proven technology.

Thermal insulation of terraces is carried out from inside and outside. External insulation has the following advantages:

  • garbage remains on the street, since the main work is carried out outside the room;
  • no need to move during the renovation;
  • the area of ​​the terrace remains the same;
  • Finished walls perfectly retain heat, do not dampen.

A different situation with internal thermal insulation. You can perform it in any weather conditions because you are indoors. Bases at any height are freely available. But on the other hand, you need to prepare for the construction, leave the room for a certain time. To better sheathe the structure, the dismantling of old coatings is required.

Regardless of the insulation technique, you will need a set of tools. Usually use:

  • stapler;
  • construction knife;
  • roller;
  • hacksaw;
  • brushes;
  • screwdriver

In addition to the main material, you need to purchase mounting foam, special film, fixing components. When the workflow comes to an end, it's time to start decorating the interior.


To insulate flooring, we need expanded clay or crushed stone. We fill the floor with them, add a layer of sand on top, ram. Next, you need to draw a reinforcing mesh. Adhere to the dimensions indicated in the insulation project. From above it remains to fill everything with a solution of concrete. As the floor dries, you need to install waterproofing, often roofing material is used for this. On top of it, you can put wooden logs, which are best pre-treated protective equipment. Between the lags will thermal insulation layer. When the floor on the veranda is installed, laying the final coating is to be done.

Don't forget to get rid of old stuff

Do not forget that before warming old material need to be removed.

If we divide the process into stages:

  1. Removed floor covering. We put jumpers between the open lags. The floor will turn out to be divided into cells, we fill them with insulation.
  2. Use Styrofoam or mineral wool as the main resource. The material must be cut correctly so that it matches the size of the cells. Make sure that there are no gaps at the joints of the pieces.
  3. If you use mineral wool, waterproofing is needed from below. So loose material will not pull moisture from the ground. On top of the thermal insulation there will be a vapor barrier.
  4. Soft rock wool is great for filling in voids. If you use foam, gaps may appear. You can eliminate them with the help of mounting foam.
  5. Regardless of what kind of insulation you have at your disposal, its thickness should be less height lag.

When the flooring is ready, there will be a gap - ventilation. Free access of cold air will exclude dampness under the floors. This will extend the life of the wooden components.

From the basement

There are times when the veranda is equipped with a basement. In this case, it is easier to insulate the floor, since it will not be necessary to dismantle the old flooring.

Action algorithm:

  1. By beam ceilings and the back side of the flooring, using a stapler or mounting glue, a vapor barrier layer is attached.
  2. If the distance between the beams is significantly higher than the width of the insulation plate, the side faces are supplemented with slats, bars.
  3. Thermal insulation installation.
  4. Vapor barrier lining.
  5. Draft ceiling installation.

It will be useful to perform a decorative finish.


Roof insulation depends on the characteristics of the roof. If it is shed, and there is no attic, you will not be able to move along it on your own. That is why it is better to insulate the coating at the construction stage or from the side of the ceiling. Let's look into the nuances further.


Most of the heat escapes through the roof. It is not recommended to save on the insulation of this zone. All work will be carried out from the inside, since the insulation of the ceiling from the outside is possible only with the direct construction of the building.

In order:

  1. We remove the old coating, apply a waterproofing film.
  2. Insulation on the ceiling is mounted on a frame made of wooden or iron slats.
  3. The heat-insulating material must be covered with a film that will protect against steam.
  4. The top structure is covered with drywall.

This makes the height of the room smaller. If this option does not suit you, carry out insulation from the inside using vacuum panels. Their installation does not require a frame, so that the space of the room will remain the same.

In general, the insulation of the ceiling according to the method is almost identical to the walls. The only inconvenience is the work on weight. In this case, you can’t cope without an extra pair of hands.

Do not forget to follow the instructions for warming the veranda


We recommend treating the wall surface from the outside with polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam or mineral wool boards. Subsequently, the coating can be decorated with almost any finishing material. The end result is functional and beautiful.

Installation of insulation on concrete or brick walls carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. We make and install a frame made of metal or wood. For this, slats and bars or a galvanized profile are suitable.
  2. Treat the timber with an antiseptic in advance, which will protect it from decay.
  3. We fix the frame with self-tapping screws, a puncher and a screwdriver.
  4. We install the selected insulation. Usually glue is used for this.
  5. We attach a reinforcing mesh to the installed material.
  6. We carry out coloring, plaster panels or mount the selected cladding.

If done correctly using quality material, in winter the terrace will be reliably protected from the cold. You can decorate a room for a hallway or equip a compact winter garden.

When insulating, you will need a building level. Make sure that there are no cracks or gaps on the frame. Mount the insulation in a single layer, eliminating unnecessary parts.

Warming process wooden walls is different. Rails are first installed on the native coating. The insulation is mounted to them with the help of dowel umbrellas. The structure is covered with a waterproofing film. Staples are used to fix it. To protect the heat-insulating layer from moisture, use metallized tape.

If high-quality insulation is a priority, and you consider the terrace as a living room, you will definitely need thermal insulation of windows and doors.

Windows and doors

Can be used for insulation different materials. Modern and best optiondouble glazing pvc. But there are cases when you have to insulate wooden frames.

First of all, preparation: we seal the windows and doors. This stage optional if double-glazed windows are installed on the veranda. If we work with ordinary windows, it is necessary to process glass sheets, joints between frames. An energy-saving film is glued. Scotch tape is applied along the edge of the glass sheet, on top - protective film. The joints of the frames are sealed with a solution of chalk and gypsum. Add a little water to the dry mixture, stir until it thickens. The resulting composition is applied with a spatula.

Now let's take care of the doors. The main thing is to seal the joints so that cold air does not enter the room. We take the batting, remove the structure from the hinges and fill it from above, from below - protruding rollers. Then we upholster tightly, fasten with a stapler or nails.

We still recommend using double or triple glazing. They retain heat very well and provide good sound insulation. Make sure that the joining points of windows and walls are sealed with glue or foam.

"Warm Seam"

Using modern techniques, it will be possible to reliably insulate the room. The technology is widely used warm seam”, but it is relevant only for buildings made of wood.

We will need:

  • tourniquet;
  • tow;
  • felt;
  • sealant.

Insulation can be done both inside and outside. Before work, remove dirt from the seam, drive a tourniquet or tow into it, seal it with sealant. The “warm seam” technology is actively used, since it can be used to save a significant amount of heat.

Do not forget to remove dirt from the seam

Additional heating

The main way to maintain comfortable conditions in the room is its insulation. As additional measures, various equipment and technologies can be used:

  1. Fireplace, stove. The best option, if there is no desire to lay pipes, is to set up an electrician. Plus, it's economical. You just need to constantly monitor the maintenance of heat. To prevent fires, you need to additionally protect the floor and walls.
  2. Heaters. Devices for every taste are on sale. They put them on the floor, hang them. For a veranda, 1-2 devices will be enough, depending on the area. The equipment is easy to use and easy to set up.
  3. Climate control. Complex systems not only maintain heat in the terrace, but can also cool the air. Climate control cannot be considered as a full-fledged source of heating.

The best combination is an insulated room and an additional source of heating. Create comfortable conditions for living you can independently by installing thermal insulation on the veranda.

The veranda is an excellent place where you can have a tea party with family or friends, or just relax. In hot weather, it turns into the most demanded area of ​​the house, but when the temperature drops, the situation changes dramatically, because no one wants to sit in the cold.

But from this provision there is a way out. You just need to find out how to insulate the veranda and carry out the necessary processes. Properly done insulation will help preserve the well-established comfort and prevent the occurrence of black spots that form when the temperature drops.

The amount of materials that can be used for insulation is simply huge. But of them, one can single out those that are given the greatest preference among consumers, because they have proven themselves well with their positive qualities.

Mineral wool

  • The material allows air to pass through, due to which the humidity inside the room decreases.
  • The insulation is fireproof and is perfect for verandas of wooden buildings.
  • It has excellent water resistance, repelling moisture and allowing you to maintain a favorable microclimate indoors.
  • Minvata perfectly suppresses sounds. A veranda using this material eliminates the noise from the street, adding additional amenities.
  • The heater is environmentally friendly. It does not contain any harmful substances and has no odor.

Mineral wool is used for insulation of floors, ceilings, walls and ceilings. There is a huge range on the market, which allows you to choose the perfect suitable look from the number various manufacturers. It is suitable for covering the veranda, and for the complete insulation of the house.


  • Styrofoam without special efforts warming is done. Sheets are fastened using special glue or mechanical fasteners.
  • The structure of the material allows you to keep warm inside the terrace in winter, and create coolness in summer.
  • The product does not contain any toxic substances. It does not start mold and various kinds of insects. It is quite often used behind drywall or under floor screed.
  • It is used as a heater for the ceiling, walls and flooring.


  • The insulation is suitable for both independent and combined use with other similar products.
  • Installation is carried out without difficulty. The material is fire resistant, and is ideal as a heater for houses with wooden verandas.
  • Penofol does not emit and does not contain any substances hazardous to health.
  • The product has a foil layer, thanks to which the veranda receives additional level protection from winter frosts.
  • The material perfectly resists the flow of cold street air.


The product is very similar in its characteristics to foam. It has high strength and can be easily finished. Perfectly suited as a heater for the terrace.

polyurethane foam

This product is distributed in 3 different types: flexible plates, rough panels and inflatable. The advantages include easy installation and low weight. The disadvantages are the poor tolerance of mechanical stress and significantly high cost.

Styrofoam and mineral wool are leaders in demand among consumers. They are profitable and excellent heaters for the veranda, which have a number of positive properties, and allow you to save a decent amount of money.

The process of warming the veranda

Insulating the veranda with your own hands is quite simple, if you understand well all the stages of the work being done. Basically, the terrace is built on the same foundation as the house. Usually this concrete plates or monolithically poured concrete base. IN winter period 20% of heat leaks through it, therefore, before the insulation of the veranda, it is necessary to insulate the foundation of the structure. This process is carried out without much difficulty. Styrofoam boards are required to be glued to the surface of the base.


First of all, when insulating the terrace, the floor is insulated. Some people don't care much this process, limiting themselves only to the processing of ceilings and walls, believing that it is not necessary to insulate floor surfaces and are deeply mistaken. IN wooden verandas often the floor is laid as follows: logs are laid on the ground or a concrete base, on which boards are then placed and installed. For warming it is necessary to perform the following steps:

  • remove boards;
  • between the installed lags, it is required to fix the wooden beams with screws;
  • insulation is placed in the formed compartments - mineral wool, foam plastic or foam boards;
  • when settling mineral wool, additional insulation is required when using foil or film, which will eliminate the possibility of getting wet;
  • the remaining empty spaces are sealed with mounting foam;
  • Now you can lay the floorboards back.

Sheathing inside

Isolation of the veranda can be performed both from the street and from inside. With insulation from 2 sides, it will be possible to achieve an exorbitant level of protection for the terrace during winter frosts, retaining much more heat.

  1. Initially, all existing gaps are closed.
  2. Then it is necessary to build from wooden beam frame.
  3. Further, a special waterproofing film is attached to the timber. It is better to install it from the inside with a construction stapler, thanks to which the process will take less time and will be much more convenient.
  4. After these procedures, a frame is constructed from a bar or metal profile, which is filled with foam or other similar material. It is desirable that the distance between the metal profiles correspond to the width of the insulation itself.
  5. Drywall is installed on top of the frame.
  6. The final stage is plastering, painting or installation of artificial coating on the surface of the walls.

Ceiling insulation

For achievement effective level insulation of the veranda must be insulated and the ceiling of the room. This procedure is quite labor intensive. For high-quality work done, you should initially decide on the insulation and the technology of application or installation.

The thermal insulation of the ceiling in the attic is mainly produced during the construction of the terrace, but if it was not there initially, then it can be built some time later. Sheets of foam or other insulating material and vapor barrier are laid in the rafter frame.

From the inside, insulating the terrace will be a little more difficult. The process of thermal insulation can be done in one of several ways.

First way:

  1. First, a frame of 3 × 3 cm bars is built on the ceiling.
  2. Insulating material with a similar thickness is settled into the formed cells.
  3. After that, the ceiling is sheathed with plasterboard.
  4. The final step is painting or plastering the surface.

Second way:

  1. Instead of the old ceiling covering, OSB or plywood is covered.
  2. Behind this, a film for waterproofing is fixed.
  3. A frame is constructed from beams, in which mineral wool, polystyrene or another type of insulation is placed.
  4. At the end, the structure made of beams is covered with a film, on top of which the lining is clogged.

Third way

  • The third method is the easiest. Frameless insulation is made only with the help of solid material.
  • Foam sheets are fixed on the ceiling itself without any specially equipped facilities.
  • Further, a construction mesh is placed on the ceiling, which is covered with putty.

External wall insulation

For hand-made insulation of the veranda, you will need polyurethane foam in liquid form or foam. But when placed on moving soils, the second one may crack, after which it will be necessary to carry out a waterproofing procedure from the inside, because it will begin to draw moisture from the ground. Polyurethane foam is in liquid state. It is sprayed onto the base, and when hardened, it forms a fairly hard coating.

wooden walls

The outer part of the terrace is insulated in different ways, depending on the base material. The surface of the tree is processed as follows:

  • All existing gaps are filled.
  • The crate is constructed in a vertical position. It is advisable to make it in accordance with the dimensions of the insulation, especially if it is sheet, due to which, during installation, a tight fit to the frame will occur.
  • Mineral wool is placed in the formed compartments, which is fastened with dowels.
  • A waterproofing film is stretched from above, which is fixed with a construction stapler.
  • The final stage is lining or wall cladding.

Brick walls

Styrofoam sheets are glued to the walls built from a block or bricks, which are fixed with dowels. On top of the plate are also covered adhesive mixture and are covered construction grid. After drying, the surface is plastered and painted in the desired color.

Having learned how to insulate the veranda, many will be able to independently carry out the listed actions without involving specialists from outside. Having done all the steps correctly, you can not worry about a comfortable and cozy stay on the terrace even in winter, when a terrible frost reigns outside the window.

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