Planting and caring for verbena - photo instructions. Verbena ampelnaya

Verbena is a plant that is very popular with gardeners, and is also widely used in medicine. Its beautiful flowers adorn not only home gardens - located in hanging planters and flowerpots, they perfectly decorate terraces, balconies and loggias. The plant has a very long history existence, originating from the time of ancient civilizations. In India, Egypt, Greece, verbena was considered a sacred culture that was used in religious ceremonies, medicine. She is shrouded in a mystical halo to this day, she is the guardian of the hearth, well-being and well-being.

Main types

the birthplace of this wonderful plant is South America, but it is widely distributed throughout Eurasia and North America, cultivated as an annual. To date, there are about 200 of its species, but not all of them are popular in floriculture - preference is given to hybrid varieties.

Fragrant verbena (lemon)

This name was given to one of the species due to the ability of its leaves to emit a lemon smell when rubbed. If you taste them, you can feel a slightly sour taste, similar to lemon basil. The bush itself is quite large and lush - its height reaches 2 m. Snow-white flowering can be observed from mid-summer to mid-autumn.

Another advantage of this species is its stunning medicinal properties, due to which the culture is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Extracted from the leaves essential oil, which serves as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent, which helps well with colds, neuroses, problems with digestive system as well as in the fight against skin diseases.

This is a hybrid species that differs sharply big size flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. Color palette includes many shades of purple, snow-white, blue, lilac tones. The yellow-green center with a white border, located in the middle of each bud, gives a special beauty, therefore this species belongs to the most decorative. Large-flowered verbena begins to bloom in spherical inflorescences in early July and stops blooming only by the onset of frost. Here we can distinguish two of the most popular varieties, namely:

"Tuscany" - small bushes up to 25 cm high. It blooms all summer until late autumn with white, lilac, purple color;
"Ideal" - has straight stems up to 30 cm, blooms with a large color spectrum.

This type is widely used in open areas where lush flower beds are arranged.

This species has thin straight stems branching at the top. Although the length reaches 1.5 m, the culture does not need a garter or supports. It has sparse foliage, concentrated in the lower part, and small inflorescences, gathering in complex umbrellas. Buds initially have purple hue, which turns into lilac when opened. Flowering continues enough long period, ending only in late autumn with the formation of a fruit with seeds. The plant is absolutely not demanding in care - it is enough to settle it in a sunny place.

Indeed, this variety has a completely fair name. The leaves are very beautiful, have dissected edges and noticeable bizarre veins, and small flowers boast a rich palette: white, blue, lilac, cherry and lavender. The most popular representative of the species is the Moon River variety, which has excellent aesthetic performance. Its small bush (up to 30 cm) has branching stems that form a lush rug of purple flowers with a white center. Such beauty can be observed throughout the summer and autumn.

It cannot be called the most beautiful, but the benefits of this type are undeniable. It is also called "witch grass", "holy grass", "juno's tear". It has very small flowers of lilac color, and after flowering it forms nuts-fruits. The value of the plant is that it contains many useful substances- essential oil, vitamin C, steroids, trace elements, etc. An interesting fact is that the plant can often be found in nature as a weed. IN home cultivation it is also unpretentious in care, able to propagate by self-sowing.

Also quite popular is verbena hybrid, which has various forms plants - tall, dwarf, ground cover, ampelous. Coloring different varieties is also able to surprise with a huge colors, including shades such as peach and orange.

Proper care of verbena

Proper care of the plant is an important component of its healthy development. Having paid due attention to the culture, you can create a whole lush-flowering greenhouse on your site, which by the middle of summer will shine with a riot of various colors and will delight you with flowering until mid-autumn.


Culture loves good lighting. It equally well tolerates both bright Sun rays, and penumbra. Nevertheless, if there is a desire to achieve the most violent flowering, it is necessary to plant it in a sunny area. At home, flowerpots are preferably installed on windows or balconies facing south.


Verbena belongs to thermophilic plants, although it is able to tolerate frosts down to -3C. Best of all, it develops and blooms in the temperature range of + 16 ... + 25C. On hot days, hydration helps.


Verbena loves moisture, but in moderation. Increased soil dampness can lead to the appearance of fungal diseases of the root system, so areas where water stagnation can be observed must be equipped drainage system. Ampel verbena is especially sensitive to waterlogged soil.


The culture needs especially thorough regular watering in the first half of summer. By autumn, the frequency of watering is reduced, and closer to winter period- stop altogether. To provide the plant comfortable conditions, in dry weather, you need to regularly loosen the ground under it, providing air access to the roots. Young seedlings of the plant also need active watering.

Fertilizers and top dressing

An important component of proper care is plant nutrition. For this, both mineral and organic fertilizers are used. Complexes of mineral components are applied to the soil 3-4 times per season, and organic ones - only once, so as not to increase the level of nitrogen in the soil. With more frequent feeding, verbena will have lush greenery, but flowering will disappear. In hot weather, it is necessary to place mulch on the soil that will retain moisture.

Pests and diseases

Verbena does not belong to the category of plants prone to various kinds of diseases. Diseases that can develop are most often associated with improper or poor-quality care. These include:

— « powdery mildew”, manifested by the appearance of whitish spots. The cause of the disease is excessive watering, high humidity. The diseased culture is most often removed, but you can try to cure it with foundationazole. To prevent the disease, spraying with bitertanol can be used.

- "Black leg" is also a consequence of waterlogging. Its course is accompanied by the appearance of a fungus, which is quite difficult to get rid of. It is important to properly organize watering.

In addition to these diseases, the plant may suffer from pest attacks, the most dangerous of which are aphids, mites and thrips. They are so small that it is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye. The plant fades very quickly, becomes stained, dies. Treatment requires insecticide treatment.

For transfer to open ground location needs to be determined first. Since the culture is completely picky, it can be “settled” in any corner, but the best conditions will be sunny areas with fertile soil. It is desirable that there is no stagnant water - drainage from crushed stone, expanded clay or removal of excess moisture can be provided.

The transplant process is carried out at the end of spring, with the establishment of warm weather. IN autumn period it is better not to do this, as a prolonged cold snap can be fatal. The soil needs to be dug up by adding complex mineral fertilizers (2 tablespoons per 1 sq.m) and humus (5 kg / 1 sq.m). Then holes are formed according to the size of the root system with an earthen clod and watered. The shrub is "seated" in a hole, sprinkled with earth and lightly tamped. Good watering is required immediately after planting. The distance between the holes is from 20 to 50 cm, depending on the compactness of the bushes.

Reproduction at home

Verbena can be propagated in two ways - seeds and cuttings. Growing seedlings from seeds allows you to see lush inflorescences earlier, so this method is more common among flower growers. If it is necessary to obtain valuable and highly decorative varieties, the cutting method is used.

The process of sowing seeds for seedlings begins in early spring. To do this, the material must be soaked for several days in warm water. Soil mixed with sand and peat is poured into pre-prepared boxes. Seeds are immersed to a depth of half a centimeter, lightly sprinkled, moistened. The container must be covered with glass or film, creating a mini-greenhouse. The box should be in a warm, lit place. Optimal temperature regime for germination - + 18 ... + 20С.

Every day, the greenhouse is ventilated, removing condensate, and the soil is sprayed. The first shoots appear after 3-4 weeks - then the container is transferred to a cooler place. After another month, the sprouts can be transplanted into separate pots, and the culture is planted in open ground with the establishment of warm weather.

Reproduction of verbena cuttings

To propagate the species you like in this way, you need to dig out an adult bush in the fall and move it to a room (basement) with a fairly low positive temperature. With the onset of spring, cuttings are separated from the tops of the shoots, each of which should have 4-5 pairs of leaves. At the same time, only the upper ones are left, and the rest are removed. Prepared branches should be planted in sandy-peat soil to the existing first bud, watered.

It is necessary to provide high humidity, so the pot must be covered with a film ( plastic bag). Rooting takes place within a few weeks, after which the kidneys will begin to develop. Transplantation into open ground is carried out in May-June.

Verbena - herbaceous and semi-shrub ornamental culture, which is popularly called "pigeon grass". Verbena includes approximately 120 species and varieties. Among the wide variety there are both annual and perennial representatives.

The main advantage of the plant is its unpretentiousness. It endures cold, can withstand frosts down to -4 degrees.

What it looks like: photo of verbena and its flowers in a flower bed

The height of the bush can reach 1-1.2 m. Stems can be of the following types:

  • creeping, erect and prostrate;
  • smooth or drooping.

Verbena leaves, as well as their location, can be:

  1. whole, dissected or feathery incised;
  2. serrated or oval-elongated;
  3. rarely whorled.

As for the flowers, they are also full of variety:

  • in the form of a 5-toothed cup;
  • in the form of a 5-bladed corolla;
  • collected with a brush, spikes or paniculate inflorescences.

Flower color can be:

  1. dark blue and light blue;
  2. yellow;
  3. white;
  4. dark red;
  5. salmon;
  6. pink.

Below is a photo of perennial verbena flowers.

Varieties of flowers

The high popularity of verbena in floriculture is due to the unpretentiousness, attractiveness of the flower and its wide variety of species. Below are the titles and descriptions various kinds verbena flower, as well as their photo:

Important! The main advantage of verbena over other types of decorative flowering crops in that it blooms for a long time and has a high seed germination even if they are stored for 2 years.

Where does it grow?

This decorative culture arose on two continents at about the same time. These are American (from Chile to Canada) and Eurasian (Caucasus, middle Asia). Today you can see some types of verbena even in countries Far East and throughout Europe.

For many varieties of culture the subtropical or tropical climate of South and Central America remains favorable. It is worth mentioning here wild plant. But in Russia, the plant grows only in the southern regions, where it is warm and quite humid.

But due to long-term cultivation, it was possible to develop stronger, frost-resistant varieties that do not need to be closely looked after, while they give a lot of positive and good mood its appearance and unpretentiousness in care.

Where can I buy a plant and what is the price?

You can buy verbena seeds at any specialized store. the cost of packaging is approximately 30 rubles.

What does verbena smell like?

The smell of verbena is mainly similar to a delicate lemon aroma, which is very attractive. At the same time, soft-fruity and sweet-tart blotches are added to the lemon note in different varieties.

Care rules

Growing verbena is absolutely easy, so this is a unique opportunity for those who are just about to start growing an ornamental flower at home. Care is reduced to the following activities:

Reproduction methods


The seed method of reproduction is suitable even for the most inexperienced grower. March is considered the best time for planting. In winter, the germination process is slow, and as soon as spring comes, the plants come to life faster. You can see the first shoots in 2 weeks.

Just before planting, verbena seeds should be soaked in a biostimulator in advance. It allows the plant to grow and develop faster. In an already prepared container filled with a moist substrate, evenly lay planting material. Cover the container with glass and film to create a greenhouse effect.

REFERENCE! The seed container should be in a dark room where the temperature is 25 degrees. If the indicated temperature was observed, then after 3 days the first sprouts will hatch.

After their formation, set the container with seedlings in a cooler climate.

Irrigation is carried out by spraying. Excessive soil moisture is unacceptable. When planting seeds in separate cups, picking is not required. If you grow seedlings in large containers, then as soon as the first leaf is formed, you have to pick.

After transplanting young plants into separate containers, you need to wait 2 weeks so that they can take root. After that, you can make nitrogen-containing top dressing. In tall plants for the formation lush bush it is necessary to pinch the top at the initial stages of development.

It is worth transplanting seedlings into open ground in early June. Just before these, pre-harden it. To do this, take the seedlings outside, increasing the time of such a “walk” every day. During planting, keep a distance between plants of 20-30 cm.


Performed in the spring. For this, it is necessary to use upper shoots. Cut them off as carefully as possible, leaving a stalk with 4 pairs of leaves. The lower part of the cutting should be cleared of foliage and deepened into the ground.

For planting vervain, how beautiful herbaceous plant for open ground, a substrate consisting of sand and peat is best suited. Until the cuttings are fully formed root system then keep them under a transparent film.

Diseases and pests

At proper care for verbena, it is possible to avoid the appearance of various diseases, because the immunity of the plant is quite stable. Problems can arise if gardeners water the flowers excessively or if the weather is too hot outside.

Then there is a possibility of developing powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease in which the leaves begin to dry. You can cure it with cheese, using Saprol or Fundazol.

The plant may be affected by aphids or mites. To get rid of them, you should use insecticides. Excessive moisture can lead to the development of blackleg, spotting and rot.

NOTE! To fight with molds and nematodes that lead to the development of these diseases is quite difficult, so it is necessary to pay Special attention prevention.


Verbena is a popular ornamental crop that has excellent reviews and is in high demand among flower growers for its wide palette of shades and not picky in terms of care. You can use these flowers by planting them singly or in combination with other plants. In any case, the flower bed will be original and unique.

Watch a video about growing and caring for verbena:

Verbena is one of my favorites flowering plants. Due to long and abundant flowering, unpretentiousness, variety of species and varieties, resistance to diseases and pests, verbena is widely used to decorate balconies and gardens, planted in flower beds of city streets and parks.

Vervain flowers have a subtle, pleasant aroma. The aroma of verbena is most intense in a sunny and hot place, where this plant fully manifests its best qualities. Due to its unobtrusive and delicate aroma, verbena is often planted near recreational areas.

The sprawling form of verbena bushes with drooping stems makes it possible to grow it in quality.
Verbena is often planted in, and balcony and wall planters are also used.
And are considered classic companions for verbena in compilation.

Propagation of verbena seeds

In the climatic conditions of central Russia, it is customary to grow verbena of any kind from seeds in seedlings to ensure early and long flowering for many months.

Verbena seeds are sown for seedlings already in winter (in January-February) or in early March, since they germinate rather slowly and unfriendly.
Practice shows that it is better to store purchased verbena seeds in a cold place to increase germination. I advise you to keep them in the refrigerator until the time of sowing. And immediately the day before sowing verbena, completely freeze the seeds - place them overnight in the freezer.

Verbena seedlings are characterized by a long juvenile period. From the moment of sowing seeds to the beginning of flowering of young plants, usually at least 100 days pass.

Verbena seeds are not very small, so when sowing, it is easy to place them at the desired distance from each other. I sow them in shallow bowls and boxes; I use loose permeable soil mixed with sand.
When sowing, cover the verbena seeds with a thin layer of soil. Otherwise, if applied surface sowing, then some of the verbena seedlings will not be able to get rid of the seed coat (such seedlings usually die).

When growing seedlings, observe moderation in watering. Verbena seedlings can face the most common and dangerous disease - "". Then lodging of verbena seedlings occurs as a result of waterlogging of the soil or due to excessive thickening of seedlings.

I dive verbena seedlings into separate containers after the formation of the second or third pair of true leaves.
After a successful pick, when the verbena seedlings take root in a new place and start to grow, I pinch the tops of the resulting shoots. This causes them to have additional branching, and dense vervain bushes look better and bloom much more abundantly.

Reproduction of verbena cuttings

Not all flower growers know that verbena is well cut - it is quite possible to propagate adult plants by cuttings.

If you want to keep your favorite varieties or hybrids of verbena and increase the amount of valuable planting material, use vegetative reproduction. For these purposes, both apical cuttings and middle cuttings (taken from the middle of the shoots) are suitable.

Chopped cuttings of verbena are easily rooted in a glass of water for 10-15 days. After the formation of the rudiments of the roots, the cuttings are planted in individual containers. Further, they are looked after in the same way as for the speared seedlings.

Cultivation of verbena

Verbena prefers a sunny, warm place. It should be well ventilated, but without drafts. Raw and wet places should be avoided.
Verbena can also grow in light shade, but at the same time, the intensity of flowering drops noticeably, and its shoots become more elongated.

Verbena is thermophilic, but cold-resistant. young plants spring frosts do not tolerate, and adult verbena bushes at the end of the garden season become resistant to small autumn frosts.

Prefers vervain fertile soil, not too dense and not heavy, with a small admixture of sand and clay.

Verbena does not require spraying and does not tolerate prolonged waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, when planting seedlings in a container with enough drain holes, but it is desirable to lay a layer of drainage on the bottom of the tank.
Verbena loves abundant and regular morning watering. warm water, which must be carried out as the top layer of the soil dries up. With a constant lack of moisture in the soil, verbena leaves turn yellow and dry out, although this phenomenon does not cause serious damage directly to flowers and buds. But with a significant loss of decorativeness, it is better to cut the bare stems of a bush affected by drought, then young shoots with leaves and flowers will soon grow in it.

Adult verbena is resistant to. This plant is practically not attacked by pests - insects are not attracted by pubescent, hard leaves of vervain, covered with secretions that are oily to the touch.

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in the garden - a great addition to any landscape design. bright flowers, saturated color leaves - all this is verbena. A plant native to the tropical regions of America, a member of the Verbena family, which has more than 200 species of various flowers. At different peoples verbena is called differently: "grass of Hercules", "veins of Venus" or "blood of Mercury".

Sowing verbena seeds for seedlings

Verbena can be propagated in several ways: seeds or cuttings. The flower is becoming very popular in gardening, and knowing how to properly plant vervain seedlings is very important.

Verbena seeds, depending on the species, can be "wrapped" with a thick shell, which significantly slows down the process of their germination.

You can collect verbena seeds after the flower has faded, use the extracted seed material, or buy seeds.

Did you know?If you decide to use your own seeds, remember that varietal characteristics may be lost, and if you decide to use purchased ones, make sure that they do not have the F1 mark on them - this is how hybrid varieties are usually designated.

So, before planting seeds, you need to stratify them in order to improve the quality of seedlings.

Seed stratification - Very simple procedure, implies processing seed material cold. Stratify the seeds in the refrigerator, in the vegetable section. They are laid out on a damp cloth, covered with another piece of damp cloth, wrapped in polyethylene or placed in a container and refrigerated for several days.

After the seeds have been stratified, they can be sown either in open ground immediately (seedless method), or planted as seedlings.

It is best to sow seeds for seedlings in March (second decade). They are placed in shallow containers with humus, perlite or sand: the soil should not be too fertilized. Seeds are sown without deepening into the ground. The container with the seeded material must be covered with a transparent lid, polyethylene or glass is suitable for this.

You will notice the first shoots in a couple of days. After that, the container must be moved to a cooler place and very well lit. After 2-3 mature leaves appear, the shelter is removed.

Important!During the period when the seeds are just germinating, the film (glass) must be constantly removed for ventilation, and watering at this time is best done with a spray bottle.

After removing the shelter, young verbena can be planted in separate pots, deepening the seedlings to the cotyledon leaves. After 2 weeks, the first top dressing is carried out, and the plant can be planted in a new place. In the northern strip, verbena is grown as an annual.

Planting seedlings in open ground

After warm weather is established, and there are no more frosts, verbena can be planted in open ground. IN middle lane landing is carried out in mid-May. It is better to choose a place for verbena well-lit and protected from cold winds and drafts.

If direct sunlight hits the plant - it's not scary, vervain will do just fine with this. Any soil is suitable for vervain, but it should be loose and preferably loamy. It will not be superfluous to have a layer of drainage that will prevent stagnant water, and you should not use soil with a high content of humus.

Did you know?If the soil is "sour", it can be mixed with ash or dolomite flour and this will reduce the acidity.

The verbena planting algorithm itself is very simple:

The distance between the bushes should be 20-25 cm so that the plants do not interfere with each other.

The combination of verbena with other plants

Verbena flower beds - the perfect solution for those who want to decorate their garden. Given the fact that verbena comes in thousands of color options, it can be paired with just about anything. garden flowers, or arrange a lawn with it, where it will stand out with a bright colored spot.

Verbena goes well with daisies, together they form a sweet and fragrant composition. In combination with marigolds, the composition will turn out to be touching in a childish way. An impressive ensemble is vervain with roses.

She also looks beautiful with such simple and familiar plants as rudbeckia, cosmos, delphinium. Together they form a composition with a very exotic appearance. Verbena can grow not only in a flower bed, but also in pots, and looks very good in them.

By itself, the process of caring for vervain is simple, however, it must be carried out in a complex manner. Verbena requires abundant watering, but does not tolerate stagnant water. It should be especially carefully watered during the period of active growth and reduce the dose of water in the second half of summer.

Important!If you notice that the soil has begun to dry out, it is necessary to loosen the soil.

If your verbena grows in group landing, you need to remove weeds only before the bushes grow, but if you grow vervain singly, you need to clear it of weeds all season. There is one secret: if you mulch the soil with foliage or any other material, then you do not need to weed the flower.

Top dressing of vervain must be carried out in a complex manner. organic fertilizers it is allowed to apply only once, because otherwise the land may be overloaded with nitrogen substances. To make complex mineral fertilizers There are no restrictions, and you can make them 1-2 times a month. Particularly good effect on the growth of "Agricolor".

Care also consists in ridding the plant of dried inflorescences. If you properly cared for verbena, it will delight you not only with beautiful flowering, but also with a pleasant aroma.

Collection and storage of seeds

Usually in our area verbena is used as annual plant, and after flowering it is cut off, and the soil where the flower grew is dug up. D In order to collect seeds from your own plants, you need to use inflorescences when most of the flower pods have already begun to dry.

Did you know?You can determine the readiness of seeds by color: the box will turn brown.

The inflorescence selected for "extraction" of seeds must be placed on a flat, flat surface and dried. During the drying period, the material must be turned over so that the raw material does not begin to dampen.

When the inflorescence dries, the seeds must be extracted from the nuts and poured into a paper bag. Do not forget to sign it, indicating the date of collection and variety. If you decide to breed verbena on your own, do not forget that homemade seeds lose their varietal characteristics and may differ from their "parents".

How verbena is used in landscape design

Verbena in landscape design is becoming increasingly popular. It looks very beautiful in plantings, which among designers have the name "bouquet effect" - it looks especially attractive with large flowers roses and scrubs. In landscape design, the flower is used in both group and single plantings.

Currently, botanists distinguish more than two hundred and fifty varieties of the colorful verbena plant, which are distinguished by their unique features and properties.

Different species belong to two groups: creeping and bush. Let's deal with each of them separately.

Creeping (ampel) verbenas are grown in hanging planters, boxes on balconies and other similar structures, due to which they are used to form colorful flower carpets.

Perennial verbena plant. Growing and caring for a flower

The plant is characterized by low growth and beautiful creeping stems. If you grow it in a flower pot, then the stems can hang down 60 centimeters, and when preparing flower carpets on the soil, the flower grows up to 5 square meters. Among the wide variety ampel varieties perennial verbena should be distinguished as follows:

Other varieties belong to the group of bush plants and are only suitable for outdoor cultivation. Let's take a closer look at them.

This variety of perennial verbena is in great demand and is of interest to many flower growers. It is distinguished by a medium size, very branched shrub with 60-centimeter stems, fleecy leaves of a rounded shape, as well as a number of interesting shades. A hybrid variety can become an indispensable decoration for every landscape design. Conventionally, the variety is divided into compact and large-flowered. The following varieties belong to the compact group:

  • Amethyst. It is a long plant with tiny inflorescences. of blue color;
  • Dazler. It stands out with bright red flowers and can grow up to 25 centimeters in height. Flowering begins in June;
  • Crystal. It belongs to compact shrubs with highly branched stems. The inflorescences are painted in white tones and form a beautiful composition. Height adult reaches 25 centimeters;
  • Pink Delight- a tiny bush, covered with luxurious inflorescences Pink colour. Blooms in mid-summer, depending on climatic conditions and compliance with the rules of care;

Among the popular varieties of large-flowered verbena flower:

  • Etna. Blooms earlier than all other varieties, because. the first bright inflorescences cover the stem at the end of spring. The flowers are painted in bright red tones and have characteristic white eyes inside. The shrub grows up to 50 centimeters in height, due to which it is considered of great value for creation. beautiful compositions in flowerbeds and flower beds;
  • Defiance. Belongs to the group of creeping bushes with medium height and large bright red flowers. In their middle are tiny cream-colored eyes;
  • Julia. A very popular hybrid variety of the verbena flower. If you look at the photo of representatives of the variety, you can see most beautiful creation with bright violet-purple hues and a height of 40 centimeters. The flowering period begins in June;
  • Cardinal. Belongs to a group perennial shrubs, 40 centimeters high. It has 4-5 cm inflorescences of bright red color;

Other popular varieties

  • . The plant is a low-growing flower growing up to 20 centimeters. The tetrahedral stem is covered with beautiful openwork leaves and inflorescences collected in bunches. Their color can be lilac, white or pink, which looks very elegant;
  • hard verbena. It is characterized by the presence of beautiful creeping stems and small inflorescences, painted in lilac or pale blue colors. In most cases, small inflorescences are located at the ends of the shoots. The height of an adult rarely exceeds 30-35 centimeters;
  • Verbena Buenos Aires. Belongs to category tall varieties. Individual varieties calmly grow up to one meter in height, provided that the basic features of care are observed exactly as established. Verbena leaves have a pointed oblong shape. The flowers are distinguished by purple-pink hues, which can be seen in the many available photos;

Growing a perennial flower at home. Reproduction methods

Due to the amazing appearance, relatively unpretentious nature and affordable cost, many flower growers sooner or later think about buying a vervain flower for their flower bed. To this end, they ask questions of plant propagation by independent efforts.

Reproduction of such a flower occurs in several ways. Among them:

  • seminal;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;

Let's stop at seed method reproduction, because it is distinguished by special efficiency and a high percentage of germination. When the inflorescences on the shrub finally fade, small seed boxes will appear near them. You can collect ready-made planting material with your own hands, but its dimensions remain tiny, so it is not easy to implement such an action. The easiest way to get good product for planting vervain, is a purchase in a specialized store.

Many flower growers love to grow verbena from seeds. This method is considered the most common, and this is not at all strange. In a short period of time you can get healthy early seedlings, which will soon develop into mature plants with a good root system and abundant flowering. Planting seeds is carried out in late March or early April, using special boxes in which the finished substrate is placed, which consists of sand and a drainage layer.

On initial stage seeds are scattered on the surface of the soil, without sprinkling them with earth. After that, the box is covered with a film or glass, which will create the greenhouse effect necessary for rapid germination. Then, it is better to install the box near the battery and hold it there for about 2-3 days. This will improve the swelling procedure of seeds and make them of better quality. In the future, the container can be moved to a cooler place where healthy seed germination will be carried out. After the picking activities, it remains to apply fertilizer, resulting in a healthy and strong seedlings plants.

Propagation with cuttings

Growing a verbena flower can be done in another way. It involves the use of cut young cuttings from an adult plant. Cuttings can be started as early as the end of February, for which you need to cut off the crown with 4-6 paired leaves. The cut site is diligently treated with charcoal to ensure more productive wound healing. It is important to clean the cuttings from lower leaves and leave only the top.

The next stage consists of placing the prepared cuttings in the soil. In its quality, you can use both sand and sand-peat mixture in equal proportions. The cuttings are immersed in the soil to the lower node, and the box is covered with a film. It won't even be two weeks later the root system will begin to develop intensively.

If you are going to start growing perennials from cuttings, be extra careful and use sharp tools to minimize damage to the crop. Be extremely careful not to hurt the healthy part of the plant and not harm it. In this case, you will be able to successfully remove the finished planting material and transplant it into the prepared container. With proper care, the cuttings will quickly take root and will be ready for further planting in open ground in a flower bed.

As for propagation by dividing the bush, it is carried out only for rare varieties, including medicinal vervain with many healing properties.

Features of planting a plant in open ground

If you have carried out a picking of seedlings planted in separate pots, they can be transplanted into open ground. The success of such a procedure will be maximum if it is carried out in the complete absence of frost. This is due to the fact that verbena has a low threshold of frost resistance, and any contact with sub-zero temperatures can lead to the death of the plant. Given this feature, before landing, you need to look at the weather forecast and make sure that there will be no frost in the near future.

Features of landing in open ground are as follows:

Verbena flower. Plant care at home

Florists love and respect verbena because of picky behavior when kept at home. Landing and further care behind the plant does not require much effort. True, if you ignore the basic features of the correct maintenance of the flower, this can cause a lack of flowering. Therefore, consider a number of important subtleties, and in the end you will be pleasantly surprised.

Verbena care includes:

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Pasta with tuna in creamy sauce Pasta with fresh tuna in creamy sauce
Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
Spring rolls with vegetables Vegetable rolls at home
Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties AND human health
The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.