Interesting about shrub jasmine, its types and varieties. Jasmine, planting and care

Jasmine. White simple or double-shaped flowers emit a pleasant aroma that resembles the smell of strawberries. It is especially strong at sunset.

Jasmine is a shrub that pleases with its beautiful flowering for two whole months: July and June. There are many varieties of this plant. This allows you to choose exactly what will look perfect in your garden. If you want to make a hedge, then it is better to use a low-growing plant, whose height is from 1 to 1.5 meters. If the jasmine should become a tapeworm, then it is worth planting a bush that reaches more than two meters in height. It is worth noting that the cultivation of such plants does not cause much trouble. Jasmine grows quite quickly and is not picky about the soil, it tolerates shade and winter frosts perfectly. The plant does not get sick after transplantation.

How jasmine reproduces

So, do your neighbors have this plant? Today, several methods are known that allow you to breed a plant without buying cuttings in a store. You can grow jasmine from:

  • cutting, layering,
  • root offspring,
  • seed,
  • as well as by dividing the bush.

With the help of seeds

Species plants are usually grown from seeds. In other words, only those that nature itself has worked hard on, but not breeders. Sowing is usually carried out in early spring or in winter. Seeds should not be stratified.

If you decide to grow jasmine at home from seeds, then you should know some rules for sowing. This shrub should be planted in winter only in calm weather. In this case, the air temperature should be below -10°C. Sowing is carried out directly on the snow cover, making recesses no more than 30 centimeters. The place where the seeds are planted must be covered with twigs or straw, and then pressed with large branches. In the spring, such a shelter should be removed, and the sprouted plants should be hidden in the shade.


Jasmine is a shrub that can be grown from a simple twig. Cuttings can be taken still green or already lignified. It is better to propagate in this way jasmine, the varieties of which were bred by breeders. But those who grew up in natural conditions are also bred in a similar way. Woody cuttings are usually prepared in late autumn.

The blanks must be planted in open ground until spring, or plant in wet sand and place the box in the basement. The room temperature should be close to zero.

Most perfect time to strengthen jasmine cuttings - this is early spring. The plant is very fond of sandy loamy soils permeable to water and air. The blanks are planted in an inclined form into holes in the ground made with a sharp peg.

When is the best time to plant jasmine

At the moment there are different kinds jasmine. You can plant its cuttings or seeds in May, September and, as we have already described, in winter time. It is worth noting that those sprouts that are planted in the spring take root much faster and better. spring sowing best exercise in cloudy weather evening time days.

Where is the best place to plant

To choose the perfect place for jasmine, it is worth remembering that the shrub grows best in the same place for 10 years. After that, it needs to be transplanted. The plant tolerates shade well. However, a shrub planted on sunny side and on open space, blooms much more abundantly and longer. Jasmine bloom depends directly on the chosen location. Do not plant a plant in places where there is stagnant water or close occurrence ground water.

What should be the soil

Jasmine is unpretentious shrub and does not impose special requirements on the soil. Of course, like any plant, he likes fertile soil. The planting pit should be prepared about a few days before planting. The recess should be cylindrical, with a depth of 0.5 to 0.7 meters. In this case, the diameter of the pit should be 0.6 meters. The bottom of the recess should be made loose. If necessary, make drainage from sand and gravel with a layer of 15 to 20 centimeters. The landing site should warm up well in the sun.

As for the soil, it can be prepared. For this, a bucket of humus is mixed with a kilogram of black soil and a kilogram of ash.

If several plants are planted at once, then the bushes are placed at a certain distance from each other, which can be from 0.5 to 1.5 meters. It all depends on the purpose for which the planting is done: for a hedge or for large bushes.

How to plant

A mixture of humus, black soil and ash is laid in the recess prepared for planting. The roots of each seedling are carefully examined. This allows you to exclude the planting of damaged or diseased plants. All damaged roots should be removed. Gently place the plant in the recess, fill it with the prepared mixture and press it to the ground. When landing, be careful to root neck was at ground level or buried three centimeters, but no more. Otherwise, it will just start to rot. After the shrub is planted and sprinkled with soil, it should be watered abundantly. One seedling needs about two buckets of water. To prevent moisture from leaving quickly, you can sprinkle the near-stem circle with dry peat, needles or humus. The layer should be no more than 4 centimeters. It is worth forming a bush only after planting, removing those branches that grow inward.

Jasmine is a shrub that loves abundant watering. Only when proper care the plant will bloom and grow well. Annual pruning, regular loosening of the soil and fertilization are also important.

How to water

As already mentioned, jasmine is very fond of moisture. If the plant lacks moisture, then its leaves lose their attractiveness. You can restore the beauty of the bush, but only abundant watering. It is worth noting that rain moisture is not enough for jasmine. After and during flowering, it is necessary to ensure that the soil near the bush was moist. For one square meter when watering, at least 35 liters of water are consumed.


For abundant flowering of jasmine, regular top dressing is very important. Shrubs should be watered every spring special composition. For its manufacture, it is necessary to dilute one part of slurry in 10 parts of water.

A few years after planting, jasmine should be fed mineral fertilizers. Around the middle of May, up to 15 grams of urea, the same amount of potassium sulfate, 30 grams of superphosphate should be added to the soil. All these components for feeding should be diluted in 10 liters of water. After the plant has faded, 100 to 150 grams of ash per square meter should be applied.

How to loosen the soil

During the summer, approximately 4 loosening should be done. In this case, its depth should be from 5 to 8 centimeters. During the process, all weeds must be removed. After loosening trunk circle should be sprinkled again with dry peat or needles.


Jasmine is not a particularly whimsical shrub. However, it also needs to be taken care of. After all, its bushes do not grow quite evenly, and sometimes one-sidedly. It is for this reason that pruning should be done. Remove branches carefully. Otherwise, a heavily pruned plant will bloom only a year later.

The strongest branches should be cut at the very beginning of May. Throughout the summer, young shoots appear on them. As for the flowers, they usually grow on the branches of the second year. When caring for jasmine, you should carefully monitor the health of the shrub. If weak and diseased shoots appear, then they must be removed completely.

About once every four years, you need to completely remove the old branches. After all, pruning accelerates the growth of new shoots and leads to abundant flowering. If the bush is very old, then three large trunks should be shortened, leaving stumps from 30 to 40 centimeters high, and cut the rest to the ground. Of course, after such rejuvenation, you should take care of the plant, watering and feeding abundantly throughout the summer. Do not forget about the processing of all sections with garden pitch.

If you follow all the rules for caring for a plant, then it can become a real decoration of your summer cottage. And its aroma will delight you for a long time. The jasmine hedge also looks great. The main thing is to properly plant and feed the plant.

If you have jasmine at home (room flower), then at the end of its flowering, all dried inflorescences should be removed.

A neighbor promised to give me a jasmine seedling when she planted her bushes in the spring. Been dreaming of getting this for a long time fragrant plant And now I'm looking forward to when it warms up. Tell me how to plant jasmine in the spring? Where is the best place for him?

Garden jasmine is loved not only by bees, whom it attracts with its sweet smell. The shrub is often used for landscaping the site due to the wide spreading crown and abundant flowering. Particularly popular are terry varieties, attracting the eye with an abundance of stuffed buds. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to plant jasmine in the spring - in this case, before the onset of frost, young seedlings will have time to get stronger and gain strength for the future wintering, and survival rate spring planting higher than in autumn.

Before talking about how to plant jasmine in the spring, it is worth mentioning the time of planting. It is best to do this at the end of April - at the beginning of May, when a stable temperature is established outside and the soil warms up enough.

Where to plant?

In principle, it is able to grow and develop equally well both in the sun and in the shade. But if the goal is to get abundant and long flowering, it is worth taking the brightest place on the site for the plant.

Places where water stagnates are not suitable for jasmine - he does not like waterlogged soil, and will get sick.

What kind of soil does jasmine prefer?

The shrub can survive in almost any soil, but grows best in fertile black soil. Heavy clay soil should be diluted with sand to make it more airy. In light sandy soil, add a little clay and a nutrient mixture of black soil and organic matter.

Seedling preparation

For planting, it is necessary to purchase or select from your material only the strongest and absolutely healthy seedlings. The root system is subject to a thorough inspection: all damaged and diseased roots must be cut off.

How to plant a seedling?

It is better to start landing in the evening. In the prepared landing pit up to a depth of 50 cm, it is necessary to lay drainage, for example, gravel. Then the earth that has been dug out needs to be filled with nutrients, because they start full-fledged feeding of jasmine only the next year. To do this, mix it with organic matter at the rate of 1 kg per 5 kg of soil:

  • wood ash;
  • humus.

You can add a little more, but not more than 30 g.

It is impossible to deepen the root neck strongly - it must remain at ground level, otherwise there is a great risk of decay.

Planted jasmine should be watered abundantly. You can mulch the near-trunk circle with leaves - so the moisture under the spring rays of the sun will evaporate more slowly.

Video about planting and caring for jasmine

Garden jasmine (Philadelfus) of the hydrangea family, or the so-called mock orange (earlier they made chibouks from it for smoking pipes, flutes, pipes due to the unusual hollow structure of the core of the trunk), refers to rather tall ornamental shrubs: The plant can grow to a height of 1 to 4 meters. Jasmine itself (Jasminum), which grows more often in the tropics and subtropics in the form of vines, has nothing to do with garden jasmine, except perhaps for a somewhat similar aroma. This is a different family of plants.

Garden jasmine - plant description

Before planting a jasmine bush, take care of choosing a suitable location. Make sure that there is no stagnation of groundwater at the landing sites, and the composition of the soil is not of particular importance for jasmine, the main thing is that it is not saline and swampy.

It is still better to give an open, well-lit area under jasmine, although plantings can also be placed in the shade, but the flowering will be less lush and the leaves of the plant will be thinner.

How to care for jasmine so that the bushes look well-groomed? To do this, you need to regularly inspect them and remove old branches, sick, dried up.

In the spring, during the growth period, garden jasmine bushes respond well to the introduction of nitrophoska and wood ash. They fertilize mock orange and infusion of mullein, once a year the bush is poured with slurry.

Shelter on winter period jasmine is not required, it tolerates frost well, although some varieties in middle lane Russia can freeze slightly in frosts, but quickly recover after.

Jasmine bushes rarely get sick, unless they can be affected by aphids. In summer, loosen the soil two or three times, remove weeds and add peat. In a dry, hot season, the shrub should be plentifully irrigated, otherwise the trunk and branches dry out.

Jasmine in your garden

Jasmine with flowers of a simple form looks very good in mass plantings, especially in the vicinity of lilac, which blooms before it. But bushes with terry flowers look more profitable when they are located alone against the background of other plants.

Mass plantings of garden jasmine are planted and how hedge. Its spicy fragrant flowers attract bees. In addition, mock orange flowers are used in the production of perfumes and in the food industry.

Essential oil from flowers has proven itself in aromatherapy for the treatment of neuroses, and even delicious green tea with jasmine fell in love with many. And the best part - jasmine will delight you and your loved ones with the aroma and white veil of flowers for many years.

Probably, many of you have heard about jasmine in your life. Basically, this flower adorns home window sills of apartments and houses. But this shrub likes to grow in the wild. In particular, many gardeners grow it on their plots. It happens that some people confuse jasmine and mock orange. Plant care is the same, but there are differences in appearance and origin. In the first, the flowers are much larger and more fragrant. So, let's look at how to plant jasmine in the spring, and also learn all the subtleties of caring for it.

Briefly about the main

First, let's take a closer look at information about jasmine. This shrub came to us from the Mediterranean countries. Grown for decoration, and also used for medicinal purposes. A bush grows with a large branched crown. very white or yellow flowers. They have a sharp, but pleasant and sweet smell. To date, there are many subspecies of this plant, so the shape and size of the buds depend on this. The plant is unpretentious in care and adapts to any weather conditions. Easily coexists in the shade or in the sun, in the south or in the north. The plant is able to withstand severe drought and heavy rains. This one is loved by bees. They collect pollen and nectar from the buds. Jasmine has its own unique features that you should also be aware of.

Jasmine varieties

On your site you can grow the following types of shrubs:

  1. Small-leaved. The shrub grows small. Its height reaches only 1 m. The branches are large, curved, with double leaves. Flowers have a pronounced aroma of strawberries.
  2. Crown ordinary. This is a large shrub. Its height can reach three meters. White large flowers have a sweet aroma. Will delight you with its beauty from the beginning of June. The leaves are green with yellow-gold coloring.
  3. Fluffy. Ideal for areas big size or city park. Among all representatives of jasmine, this is the highest. Its length can reach 4 meters. Has no smell at all. Also this variety is the latest. It can bloom for a month.
  4. Ermine mantle. This bush does not even reach one meter in height. Flowers are located along the entire length of the branches and can delight you for two long months.

These varieties are considered the most popular. They are in high demand. The plant can be chosen for every taste. Everything will depend on your preferences.

Proper planting of jasmine

In order for the shrub to grow well, you need to plant it correctly and continue to make constant care in the future. All varieties of jasmine are planted the same way. Let's take a look at what is necessary for the favorable growth of a shrub.

  1. You need to choose the right place. Since jasmine is an unpretentious plant, it will take root anywhere. The main thing is that there are no strong drafts. They prevent the bush from growing in the first 2 years of its life. It is better if you choose a sunny place for it, then the jasmine will be fragrant and bloom for your joy.
  2. The plant will look good in a flower bed next to blue and, for example, delphiniums or lavender.
  3. Jasmine gets along well with neighbors such as hydrangea or spirea.
  4. It can only be planted in autumn or spring.

We are interested in planting jasmine in the spring. Let's examine this issue more specifically.

What should be the soil?

As we said earlier, jasmine is an unpretentious plant, so it does not have any special preferences in the ground. But it is better if the land is fertile. Jasmine roots do not tolerate excessive moisture. It is better to plant the plant on higher ground. Before planting, drainage should be provided, which will consist of sand and small stones. In order for the planting of jasmine in the spring to be successful, it is worth adding about 50 grams of nitrophoska to the hole. As soon as the shrub is planted, the soil should be well tamped and spilled with water. Now you should carry out permanent jasmine fertilizers.

Fertilizer rules

How to plant jasmine in the spring, we sorted it out. Now let's pay attention to plant nutrition. There are some tips here:

Tip 1. The first fertilizer should be made only one year after planting the plant in open ground.

Advice 2. Jasmine should receive One of these is prepared according to the following recipe: in 10 liters of water you need to stir 50 grams of superphosphate, 25 grams of urea, 25 grams of potassium sulfide. The fertilizer is thoroughly mixed and the bush is watered with it.

Tip 3. Jasmine should get in the right amount And organic fertilizers. These include manure or humus. One rule should be observed here: so that the roots of the plant do not burn out, the manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15.

Following such simple tips, you will get an amazing garden in your garden that will delight you with its pleasant aroma. Now we know not only how to plant jasmine in the spring, but also how to properly fertilize it. But the care of the plant does not end there.

Rules for the formation of the crown of a shrub

As in spring, every owner of this should know wonderful plant. In order for the bush to have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance, you need to form the correct crown.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with some basic pruning rules:

  1. Prune in the spring when the plant is in the vegetative stage. Long branches are removed completely, short ones - half.
  2. To ensure that the branches are always filled with flowers, it is worth carrying out anti-aging pruning. All unnecessary and empty branches are removed.
  3. In an adult shrub, the main trunks should be shortened to 50 cm, the rest completely.
  4. Every year, be sure to sanitize the bush, in which remove excess and diseased branches.

Having figured out how to cut jasmine in the spring, you should learn how to prepare it for the winter.


Home jasmine needs the same care as outdoor jasmine. However, the latter must be constantly, every year, prepared for winter. If this is not done, then the plant may die from low temperatures.

To prevent this from happening, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Adult seedlings tolerate the cold season better and do not require additional preparation.
  • The same cannot be said about young bushes. After the jasmine has faded, it is covered with a special material or straw. So the plant will endure the harsh winter well.
  • To preserve the roots of jasmine, before wintering, the soil near the trunk of the plant is dug up with the addition of compost.

If after long winter you decide that the jasmine needs to grow in another place, then you can arrange for it to move.

Jasmine transplant

Jasmine is transplanted in the spring. To do this, prepare the soil in a new place in a way known to you and plant a bush. You need to dig a hole the size of root system plants. Everything else must be done in accordance with all the rules and advice. The plant can also be propagated. There are several ways to do this.


Jasmine is a plant that can be grown on its own plot. This can be done in several ways:

  • Seeds. They can be planted immediately in open ground or seedlings.
  • cuttings. They are prepared in June. Then planted in a greenhouse or immediately in open ground.
  • Shoots. In the spring, shoots begin to prepare. They are cut from the main trunk. Escape choose the strongest. They let him spend the winter, and on next year put in the place allotted for him.
  • division of the root system. This method is used extremely rarely. This method is used only when they want to quickly grow another jasmine bush. This method is appropriate only in the autumn period.

In the article, we looked at how to plant jasmine in the spring. Use this information as a desktop reminder and you will be able to grow a jasmine garden. The main thing is not to confuse absolutely two different plants- jasmine house and garden. They are completely different from each other and require a different approach to themselves. Remember, jasmine is not only beautiful, but also useful. Do you want to improve your health? Then you simply have to start this miracle plant on your site.

Love the gentle sweetish-refreshing jasmine fragrance and would like to observe the development and abundant flowering this plant? Then we suggest considering the option of planting a jasmine bush near the entrance or on suburban area. Can you shelter homemade jasmine in the apartment - on the windowsill.

Jasmine is a large genus of shrubs belonging to the olive family. They can be climbing or erect. Some botanists have identified them in a separate family with the name "Jasmine". The conditions in which such real jasmine successfully develops are subtropics and tropics. The following types of jasmine are suitable for keeping in rooms: large-flowered, many-flowered, royal, unflowered, Indian (Sambac). In Asia (its warm zone), Australia and Africa, 90 species of this plant are found, and only two species grow in Europe. There are plants on which the leaves are arranged oppositely on the branches, there are also species with the next arrangement of leaf plates. The leaves of jasmine are different - simple, entire, trifoliate (with three lobes) or pinnate. Stipules are absent. Large, beautiful flower jasmine is represented by a small five-notched calyx, from which a tubular corolla emerges, expanding towards the end of the saucer type and slightly notched into eight or five lobes. The color may be yellowish, white or reddish. Inside the tube, two stamens are placed on short strings. When ripe, the ovary turns into a berry (skinny, membranous or fleshy). Usually flowers can be seen at the ends of twigs, much less often they are collected in developed inflorescences. In Russia (on the territory of the Crimea and the Caucasus), two species grow wildly and are cultivated, let's call them:

  1. Jasmine yellow - these small shrubs have trifoliate leaves, at the ends of the branches there are 2 or four yellow flowers. If it is bred in the temperate zone of European countries, then it must be protected before winter.
  2. White jasmine (otherwise - real or medicinal) - this climbing shrub has pinnate leaves, fragrant flowers have white color, and they are collected in "panicles". It is bred on the territory of Transcaucasia, in the southern European countries and in the East Indies. The soils of this species need fertile, with a margin nutrients. The site must certainly be well lit and warmed up by the sun's rays. Before winter in southern Europe, all good strong branches are cut off, after which they are dug into the ground. In the spring, they land again, after which they start up new branches. This species has two more varieties, which have leaves with yellow spots or white along the edge.

Gardeners also grow hololithous jasmine - indian look, his yellow flowers are located one by one.

But the most popular among Russian gardeners living in the middle lane is the so-called garden jasmine. Its other names are philadelphus, mock orange. There is evidence that the first seedlings were brought to Russia and presented to the Romanovs by ambassadors from Germany. Further, shrubs began to bloom in the front gardens of those who were close to the royal court. Gradually, they spread to the gardens of the common people. Garden jasmine belongs to the hydrangea family. The height of such a multi-stemmed bush is from 80 centimeters to three meters. First, green shoots grow in it, then they are covered with bark, the color of which is gray-brown or brownish. The leaves are intense green, oval or ovate. The root system of a fibrous bush is located in the surface layer of the earth.

The size of its white, yellowish or cream-colored flowers is from 3 to 5 centimeters, they sit on the tips of the branches one by one or are collected in three to five pieces in a brush (or seven to ten). The corolla is usually represented by four petals, rarely five or six. The shape of the flower is similar to a cross or a square. Such jasmine is easy to care for, because it is unpretentious, can quickly adapt to the environmental conditions in which it finds itself, and shows winter hardiness.

Now there are about 30 cultivated species, a huge number of varieties have been created. Some can be selected for placement on the lawn, others - near the wall of the house, bench, hammock, veranda, others - for a "hedge" or a low curb. There are varieties whose flower aroma is intense. There are those varieties that give a subtle smell. Allergy sufferers can recommend garden jasmine, whose elegant flowers do not smell at all.

On early varieties flowers open in late May, others a little later - in June, and late flowering can be enjoyed in July.

We list only a few varieties and types of jasmine that are especially popular and found in the gardens of Russians:

  • Coronal (otherwise called ordinary) - a long-standing winter-hardy species, in adulthood reaching a height of 200 centimeters. Its leaves are under the influence of bright sun rays acquire a noticeable golden hue. The flowers form a few, they are simple, their color is cream. Can plant forms with variegated leaves("Variegata") or with lemon-yellowish (this is "Aurea").
  • Shrenka is a sprawling bush, up to three meters high, its flowering begins in early June.
  • "Gletcher" - the height of this sprawling bush is not more than 200 centimeters. There are an abundance of large flowers on the branches that they even droop slightly. They are terry or semi-double, with a sweetish jasmine aroma, the color is white and cream.
  • "White Bouquet" - on a bush, whose height is up to 250 centimeters, large double snow-white flowers flaunt, collected seven pieces in a brush.
  • "Ballet of moths" - on a bush, whose height is about 200 centimeters, they look unusual large flowers(semi-double or terry), in which a certain part of the petals is slightly turned inside out. It looks like creamy-white butterfly wings are fluttering like that.
  • "Airborne assault" - straight shoots of a bush reach a height of 150-200 centimeters. The flowers are white-cream, simple, their corolla droops down, so they are compared with miniature parachutes. From them comes a wonderful strawberry aroma.
  • "Avalanche" - this bush, whose height is 120 centimeters, has small leaves. Its flowers are small, only a centimeter in diameter, but there are a lot of them, and they exude a strawberry aroma. In winter, its branches may freeze slightly. This variety was obtained by the Frenchman Lemoine. Our compatriot N. Vekhov managed to improve the variety, resulting in " snow avalanche”, which shows great winter hardiness and blooms early.
  • "Yunnat" - on this bush are lush double flowers stellate forms open within 30 days. In some conditions, the flowers smell like vanilla, in others - strawberries.
  • "Snowstorm" - during amazing flowering, this low bush (about 110 centimeters) has so many snow-white flowers that green foliage is not even visible. Terry flowers are charming, although they do not smell - the outer petals are broadly oval, slightly turned down, and in the middle there are many narrow petals wrapped inside.
  • "Kazbek" - a bush consists of powerful shoots, reaching a height of 170 centimeters. Long inflorescences consist of 15 lush double flowers that have a pure white color. Their aroma is barely perceptible. Inside the flower are wide petals, and outside - narrow.
  • "Elbrus" - the bush reaches a height of 110 centimeters, it is covered with leaves painted in dark green, their edge is strongly jagged. During flowering, the bush looks like a mountain top covered with pure snow, because complex dense inflorescences consisting of 15-21 flowers keep on it for 25 days, their color is white, they are thick, terry, the aroma is very weak.
  • "Gnome" - the "sprout" of this spherical bush is only 50 centimeters. Its leaves are small, their color is yellowish-green, it does not give flowers. It is very appropriate for the design of borders and rockeries.

If you need undersized varieties, then we can recommend the following: "Charm", "Dwarf", "Gnome", "Young Nat", "White Bouquet", "Moonlight", "Ermine Mantle".

Want a double jasmine that has extra rows of petals? Then pay attention to the varieties: "Moonlight", "Arctic", "Komsomolets", "Alabaster", "Snowstorm", "Charm", "Kazbek", "Obelisk", "Salute", "Pompon".

Planting garden jasmine

Jasmine shrubs look great in the garden with hydrangeas, lilacs, action, spireas, weigels, barberries, and dogwoods. And nearby it would be nice to place delphiniums, peonies, phloxes, daylilies.

We have already mentioned that one of the advantages of garden jasmine is its unpretentiousness. These bushes will grow even in a shady place, but then there will be much less flowers on them. And it is likely that after several years of growth in such a place, its lower zone will be exposed near the bush. In all its glory, the bush will show itself if it is placed in a spacious place where a lot of sunlight. If the jasmine bush lives near the northern wall of the building, then it is likely that there will be fewer flowers on it. The soil is desirable light loamy, fertile, moist. It’s great if nearby buildings protect the bush from fierce northern winds.

Jasmine grows much worse on heavy clay, where ground water also comes close to the roots, or the soil is sandy, completely dry, infertile. A new "tenant" can be placed in the garden in spring or autumn.

Dig a hole with a diameter of 60 centimeters and a depth of about 50 centimeters. Engage in the preparation of the substrate to fill it in advance by mixing humus (1 hour), sod land(2 hours) and river sand (1 hour). Make a "hill" of this substrate at the bottom of the hole, moisten it, straighten the roots of your seedling and cover them with the remaining substrate so that the root neck does not deepen. Now generously water your new pet. And it is also recommended to form the foot of the bush as a funnel-shaped depression. Moreover, the slope to the base of the bush should be small. Then moisture during rains will linger near the root zone. A garden jasmine I really like it if the layer of earth with the roots is constantly moistened. The shoots of the seedling can be shortened so that he first gives all his strength to the growth of the roots. In nutrient-rich soil, jasmine branches take more than ten years to produce flowers. If you have several jasmine plants, then in order for them to be comfortable in the future, leave a distance of at least a meter between them. Only dwarf forms can be planted a little closer to each other.

After planting jasmine, you will see flowers on a developed bush only for the third season.

Further care for the jasmine shrub

Usually jasmine is enough rainfall. But if there is no rain, and you see that the layer of soil near the bush is drying up, and the leaves on the branches are withering, then be sure to water it. To keep moisture longer in the soil, cover the trunk circle with organic mulch - compost, humus or peat. The layer of mulching material should be about 5-7 centimeters.

For the season, spend three top dressing of the bush, using a divorced mullein. If not, then a mineral complex will do. By the way, when landing, you can throw 30 grams of Nitrophoska into the pit. In the first days of May, 10 liters of water can be poured annually under a bush, in which you must first stir urea and potassium sulfate (take them 15 grams each), as well as superphosphate (its amount is 30 grams).

During the three summer months, try to make shallow loosening at least three times, during which you pull out all the weeds near the bush.

When flowering is completed, then all drying inflorescences must be removed. Then pour a large glass of ash evenly under the bush.

In order for the crown to look neat, not to spread, the shoots must be periodically pruned when the jasmine is already four years old. So you will also carry out the gradual rejuvenation of your bush. Shoots that are less than seven years old bloom best and most abundantly. Therefore, cut off old branches at their very base. Then replacement shoots will grow from the root. The crown can be made oval, mushroom-shaped, round or low, it all depends on the description of the variety. Every year, cut out broken or diseased shoots. Do not let the bush thicken.

The old bush is rejuvenated using a radical method. With the advent of spring, shorten four trunks to 30 centimeters. All the rest - sawdust near the soil.

Many varieties of Philadelphus winter well without any shelter. Even if the tops of the branches freeze a little, then after their spring pruning, new shoots quickly grow. To insulate the root system, in the fall, throw a bucket of earth from compost pit. But young jasmine should be covered with a “non-woven fabric” in late autumn and diligently spud.

Pests can attack garden jasmine:

  • aphid - she loves young leaves;
  • leaf weevil - he wants to drink juice from leaf plates;
  • spider mite - braids parts of the plant with its cobweb.

If on the bush only individual leaves or twigs are damaged by pests, then try to wash them off with a thick soapy water. If the damage is significant, then you can not do without insecticidal agents.

Jasmine propagation

Another advantage of this fragrant garden dweller is the ability to easily and quickly propagate the bush. There are several ways:

  • division in September of an overgrown adult bush;
  • basal shoots;
  • cuttings;
  • dropping twigs (layering);
  • seeds.

The most valuable varieties or giving double flowers are best propagated by cuttings. The lignified ones are cut in the fall, and then they are added dropwise to the site or placed in a box with sand, which is placed in a room where the temperature will be around zero degrees in winter. When spring comes, make a hole in the soil layer with a stick, place a cutting there at an angle to the level of the upper pair of buds and squeeze it with soil. Rooting will occur in about five weeks.

It is customary to propagate jasmine with green cuttings at the time of its flowering. After cutting (it is better to do this in the morning), they can be put in a jar of water for several hours (about ten), to which root is added. Then send them to a wet substrate (you can just sand) and cover with a cap made from a plastic bottle. Look under the cover often to spray the cuttings and moisten the substrate.

Jasmine at home

To begin with, we will characterize the types of jasmine that flower growers successfully cultivate at home:

  1. Sambac (Indian, Arabic, Arabian) - the plant forms long flexible shoots. To make it look like a neat bush, these shoots are often trimmed. White double flowers open on it almost all year round. They exude fragrance and turn slightly red at the final stage of flowering. Flowers of this particular species in India are added to green tea.
  2. Multi-flowered is a liana prone to rapid growth wrapping around the support offered to her. on its shoots grow complex small leaves. Gives pink buds that open in spring and turn into small white "stars". The branches of this species must be pruned annually.
  3. Medicinal (large-flowered) - a shrub that gives long shoots covered with small elliptical leaves. Star-shaped flowers form on it from spring until September.
  4. Hollow-flowered (winter) - is a small bush with drooping shoots. In winter, the plant loses some of its foliage, but in January and February, bright yellow flowers appear on it.
  5. Royal is the owner of long oval leaves and gives very large flowers (up to seven centimeters) in winter, but they are odorless.

So if you have purchased indoor jasmine, then make up the substrate for it from equal parts of hardwood, clay-turf and fine sand.

If possible, place the pot of your jasmine on the windowsill of an east or west facing window. When located on the south window, jasmine will have to be shaded in bright sun. On a north window, many jasmines produce few or no flowers. In the winter months, it is desirable that the temperature in the room does not rise above 20 degrees. Therefore, the premises where jasmine stands are often aired in winter. If the room is as warm as in summer, then do not change the watering regime.

Home jasmine care includes the following elements:

  1. Watering - it is carried out after upper layer the substrate in the pot is dry. For him, be sure to take settled water and slightly acidified. In the summer months, and if the flower is in the winter in a hot room, then it is necessary to moisten the soil often. If the room is cool, then the amount of watering is reduced.
  2. Spraying green mass - if the room is hot and dry air.
  3. Transplant - it is carried out annually if the plant is young. As adults, jasmine can be moved to larger vessels after three years.
  4. Pruning - for indoor jasmine, it is very important, because they grow long lashes. By trimming the shoots, flower growers get a jasmine shrub. If the vine grows along a support, then pruning helps to avoid exposing the lower part of the plants. Thanks to pruning, young ones are formed on jasmine. side shoots on which the buds will soon appear. If the plant is small, then it is not cut off, but only the tops of the shoots are pinched - for tillering and increasing the number of fragrant flowers. Sambac needs to be cut more often than other jasmines - at least three times in a year.
  5. Top dressing - carried out during the period of bud formation and flowering twice a month. At the same time, it is advisable to alternate mineral complexes with organic matter.

If homemade jasmine is kept in a hot room where the air is dry, then pests such as aphids, red spider mites or whiteflies can appear on it.

You can propagate the existing indoor jasmine by cuttings and layering. Cuttings should be cut during the period when the jasmine is actively growing. Cut them off from the top of the shoots. The length of the segment is from 10 to 15 centimeters. The main thing is that at least two internodes are present on it. Rooting cuttings can be placed in water, which needs to be changed more often. Or immediately send them to a moist substrate made up of equal parts of river sand and leafy soil. After a month and a half, roots should grow at the cutting.

If you want to carry out rooting by layering, then select one or two shoots and pins (or wire brackets) press them to the ground to the surface of the earth of a pot placed side by side. From mother plant at the same time, do not cut off the escape. And in the place where the shoot will adhere to the ground, make a few scratches with a sharp object. Continue caring for the mature plant and keep the soil moist in the pot where the cuttings are attached. If everything succeeds, then young shoots will appear on the layering. When she grows up a little, the layers can be cut off from the "mother".

Blooming jasmine causes not only admiration and other positive emotions. Its flowers are able to ionize the room in which the plant stands. The gentle aroma exuded by flowers has a positive effect on the well-being of those who are in the room. This smell can relieve nervous tension, calms, pacifies, suppresses anger and aggression, removes depression. To sleep was serene, calm, in Eastern countries small pillows are filled with jasmine flowers and placed next to the main pillow.

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