How to clean a frying pan from black soot inside and out. How to clean the frying pan from soot and not damage it? We clean pans from different materials - removing carbon deposits and caring for dishes

Sometimes the dishes lose their beauty and luster as a result of long-term use, and sometimes it happens that cleaning is needed due to our carelessness - when the pan is burnt and the bottom is covered with burning, which cannot be washed in the usual way.

  • As a rule, before cleaning a burnt, old or simply very dirty pan, we soak it in soapy water, and then try to clean it with brushes and hard sponges. Often this procedure solves the problem. But what to do in especially difficult cases, when soaking does not help or when you just want to deal with the routine as quickly as possible? In this article, you will learn 8 tricks on how to clean pots as quickly and efficiently as possible. minimal effort improvised and special means.

Before you get to work, try to understand what material your pan is made of. After all, metals react differently to cleaning products. So, salt is harmful to stainless steel, acid is harmful to enamel, soda is harmful to aluminum, any abrasives are harmful to all types of non-stick coatings. Read more about the rules for caring for pots depending on the type of material at the end of the article.

Method 1. First aid for a dirty / burnt pan - boiling with soapy water

To remove most mild to moderate soiling, this simple but effective method is often sufficient.

  1. Fill the pot hot water and add a few drops of dishwashing liquid to it. Then put the utensils on the stove and bring the solution to a boil.
  1. cook soap solution over low heat for another 15 minutes or more (depending on the amount of soot).
  2. Use a spatula to scrape off the remaining soot from the pan. And what remains on the walls and bottom, wipe with the hard side of the sponge.

Method 2. How to clean the pan with baking soda and vinegar

This simple but working method will work on all types of pots (enamelled, cast iron, Teflon, and steel), but will NOT work on aluminum cookware without non-stick coating or enamel.


  1. Dilute water and 9% vinegar in a 1:1 ratio in a dirty saucepan so that the solution covers the dirt, then bring it to a boil.
  2. Remove the boiled solution from the fire (!) And add 2-3 tablespoons of soda to it - the mixture should foam and hiss! Let it stand for another 10-20 minutes (you can put it back on low heat). As the burn softens, scrape it off with a spatula.

  1. Wash and rinse the pot in the usual way.
  • It is important to remove the pan from the heat as soon as the vinegar solution boils and only then add the soda. If this is not done, then along with the dishes you will have to wash the stove. At the same time, do not hesitate to add soda.
  • Baking soda and vinegar work well on their own.
  • You can strengthen the soda-vinegar solution by adding a third of the bar to it. laundry soap (72%).
  • Local pollution can be rubbed with a hard sponge with soda paste (soda + water in a ratio of 1: 1).
  • Stubborn deposits and fat on the outside and inside can be removed by boiling the pan for 30-120 minutes in a large container.

Method 3. How to clean burnt or very old pots

This Soviet trick with laundry soap and silicate glue is suitable for the most neglected cases, when the pan is covered with multi-layered black soot and fat inside and out.

You will need: For 4 liters of water you will need a household. soap 72% (1/3 or ½ bar), 1 cup silicate glue. Also prepare a medium grater and a large saucepan or metal bucket (for example, 10 liters).


  1. Immerse the dirty pan into the bucket/pot bigger size, fill him/her with water and bring to a boil.
  2. While the water is heating, grate laundry soap on a medium grater.
  3. Add soap shavings, silicate glue, and soda (optional) to boiled water.

  1. Boil the resulting mixture for 30 minutes or more, depending on the degree of contamination, then wash the dishes as usual. Black burn and greasy deposits will easily come off.

Tip: to enhance the effect, baking soda or soda ash can be added to the solution at the rate of 1/3 package per 4 liters of water (except for uncoated aluminum pans).

Method 4. How to clean the pan from fat and soot with salt

The best way to clean a cast iron pot or cauldron, as well as enameled utensils, is with salt. It absorbs fat very well. In addition, being a soft abrasive, it cleans well and burns.

  1. Pour a few handfuls of salt on the bottom (the more fat, the more salt you need to use) and rub paper towel with the addition of a couple of drops of dishwashing liquid.
  2. Just rinse the pan under water (you can not use dishwashing liquid).

  • It is better to clean a burnt cast-iron pan with coarse coarse salt.
  • Any pan, except for steel, can be easily cleaned of scale and soot by boiling a steep saline solution in it (5-6 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water) for 30-40 minutes over low heat.

Method 5. How to clean a burnt pan with vinegar

Vinegar is a powerful anti-burn and limescale remover. However, it is undesirable to use it for cleaning an enamel pan.


  1. Fill the bottom of the pan with vinegar (9%) and soak for 1-3 hours. As the burn softens, carefully scrape it off with a spatula. You can reduce the smell of vinegar by packing the pot in a bag or wrapping it in cling film. And of course don't forget to open the window!
  2. Wash dishes in the usual way.

Method 6. Cleaning with citric acid

If vinegar is not at home, clean the burnt pot or utensils with limescale with help citric acid. Like vinegar, citric acid is contraindicated for enamelware.


  1. To clean the pan, boil water in it (you don’t need much, the main thing is that the water covers the burn), add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of citric acid and boil the resulting solution for another 15 minutes.
  2. As the burn softens, scrape it off with a spatula. Finally, wash the burnt bottom in the usual way.

Method 7. How to clean the pan from soot and fat using grease removers

Special grease removers come to the rescue in the most hopeless cases when you need to wash very old and burnt pans with minimal effort. It is important to clean with rubber gloves and open windows, and then thoroughly rinse off the remnants of the product itself. Keep in mind that most grease removers are not recommended for cleaning aluminum and Teflon pans.

  • Here are some super-effective remedies: Shumanit (Bugs), Oven Cleaner (Amway), Chister, Sparkling Kazan, Giant (Bugs).

General instruction:

  1. Treat problem areas with the agent inside the pan or outside.
  2. Pack the pan in a bag or wrap it in cling film (!) - this trick will reduce the spread of a pungent smell around the apartment. Let the product work for 10-40 minutes.
  3. Wash the dishes as usual, then rinse thoroughly several times.
  • To be safe, the remains of the chemical inside the pan can be removed with table vinegar (9%).
  • If you have children or pets, it is better to use the Amway Oven Cleaner (oven cleaner). It is sold only through the company's online store and dealers, it is quite expensive, but it works more efficiently and faster than its counterparts, it is economically spent, and most importantly, it almost does not smell.

Method 8. How to clean the pan with Whiteness or other chlorine bleach

Perfectly cleans pans and the usual "Whiteness" or any other of its analogues.


  1. Fill a saucepan with water and add Whiteness to it at the rate of 1 tablespoon / 3 liters of water (approximately).
  2. Bring the resulting solution to a boil and cook for another 15-30 minutes.
  3. After boiling, wash the pan in the usual way, and then boil the dishes again with clean water to completely remove bleach residue.
  4. For fidelity, you can wipe the pan inside with a vinegar solution.

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Saucepan from of stainless steel Enameled utensils Cast iron pot/cauldron Aluminum cookware WITHOUT non-stick coating Teflon pan (cookware with any non-stick coating)
Contraindications Does not tolerate the use of salt (the pan may darken and lose its luster) Acids and harsh abrasives are contraindicated Do not soak for a long time, otherwise the dishes may become rusty. For the same reason, cast iron cauldrons and pans cannot be washed in the dishwasher. Do not use soda to clean aluminum utensils, use alkali-based products - this can be harmful both to utensils and to humans. It is undesirable to wash aluminum pan in the dishwasher. Abrasives (including soda), hard brushes and sponges, and even more so scrapers, are unacceptable
Recommendations You can restore the shine of a stainless steel pan with special cleaners for stainless steel utensils. It is good to use vinegar or salt - they can remove dark deposits or burns inside the dishes Carbon deposits, grease and rust cast iron pan easily removed with salt It is good to use funds based on ammonia, special cleaners for porcelain or glassware Manufacturers recommend cleaning a pan with a non-stick coating by boiling a soapy solution for 20 minutes.

In this article, we will talk about how you can simply and effectively clean any frying pan (including cast iron) from soot, chronic fat and rust at home.

Frying pans are made from various materials, therefore, the methods for each of them also differ. And if you do not know the features of each, then it can easily be spoiled.

How to clean the pan:

How to clean a cast iron skillet:
1 way.
2 way.
3 way.
4 way.
5 way.
6 way.

Cleaning an aluminum pan

Aluminum pans are now rare guests on modern kitchens, but still, they are still preserved and some use them with pleasure.

If the metal is thin, then such pans quickly lose their shape and it is simply impossible to fry on them, everything burns and sticks. Although thick pans made in the USSR are very good (at least according to our grandmothers).

Soot on them is formed as quickly as on cast iron. And it also makes sense to lubricate them with oil and ignite them. But they need to be cleaned in different ways, since metals have different densities and structures.

It is better to wash aluminum with store chemicals, you can also safely use sandblasting. But it’s not worth burning them at the stake, the bottom may be deformed.

Also, you can not use a drill with an iron brush, as the metal will be badly scratched and it will become impossible to cook in a pan. Aluminum, after all, is very soft. And after severe damage, no calcination will save him.

Cleaning a Teflon-Coated Pan

It is generally not recommended to clean frying pans with a non-stick Teflon coating from soot, we mean inside. Of course, you can clean the outside as you like, but it’s better not to touch or destroy the inner surface.

Whatever method you use, it will cause damage to the coating, moreover, Teflon will fall behind much faster than old soot. And, believe me, soot is much less dangerous than scratched teflon pan. Here is a good video.

The only thing you can try is to soak the pan in Coca-Cola, and even then, you should not keep it for a long time.

In general, just try not to bring your Teflon pans to the formation of a strong film of fat or soot.

Cleaning ceramic pans

Ceramic frying pans are not made from a single piece of ceramics. It's just as subtle non-stick coating like teflon. And you can’t clean such pans either with abrasives or strong chemicals, as the coating will be damaged, or even completely erased.

And if you lose it, then all the convenience of such a frying pan will disappear: food will stick and when cooking you will need as much oil as for a regular, cast-iron one.

But how then to clean this pan from fat?

If alcohol did not help, then you can use special, melamine sponges, they will cope with pollution in any case. But…

If your goal is to remove soot, because it is harmful, then think three times before rubbing the pan with this miracle sponge from Beijing. It consists of the purest melamine, which is a hundred times more harmful than the worst, hundred-year-old soot.

The manufacturer, of course, assures the buyer that the product is safe, since, when it enters the body, it is not absorbed. And most importantly, the effect of melamine is greatly enhanced by heating.

It is unlikely that the drug will be completely washed off, because if you have a plaque, then the ceramic layer is already damaged. A melamine sponge acts like an eraser: it rubs the surface, while erasing itself, which means filling all the microcracks with poison.

So choose one of two evils: either soot or melamine, the action of which has not yet been studied and not tested by time.

For soot on cast iron, you can say for sure: a lot of grandmothers used such pans, not really caring about perfect cleanliness and nothing, they lived up to 80 years on average.

Cleaning copper pans

Copper utensils are now very rare and are not used for their intended purpose, but simply for decorating the room, since cooking in it is completely inconvenient.

In general, if you find a dirty copper pan in your grandmother's attic, then it is not so difficult to clean it. Nagar is cleaned off mechanically with copper, you should not heat it up.

And the soot layer on copper is usually quite small. Remains of dirt are easily removed with an iron washcloth.

But a strong coating, the so-called patina, is easy to remove with lemon juice and salt. Apply juice to the surface, sprinkle salt on top and rub well. The pan will shine like new!

How to clean the outside of a frying pan?

We have reviewed common methods when the whole pan is being cleaned. But in this case, internal, useful carbon deposits are removed (on cast iron) or there is a risk of damaging the protective coating (on Teflon and ceramic).

Therefore, if the pan inside is clean, then it is better to try to wipe it only from above. How do you clean the outside of a pan?

The simplest and most effective way- this is soaking in warm water for a long time, at least two days.

And when the layer is sufficiently softened, then you need to thoroughly rub it with an iron brush. If it is very thick, then peel it off with a knife, gradually.

How to clean a cast iron skillet

Not a single type of metal from which dishes are made has passed such a centuries-old test of time as cast iron.

It is used, no less, and from the 6th century BC, it is popular to this day and is not going to lose ground at all. It is interesting that the Chinese were the first to discover it, but in Russia the first cast-iron smelters appeared only by the end of the 16th century, and it became a popular material for casting dishes even later, only under Peter the Great.

Probably, almost everyone in the house has a good old cast-iron frying pan, on which fried potatoes comes out amazingly delicious.

Why it is in such dishes that an excellent result comes out is not very clear, but the fact remains: there are no analogues to such pans and modern ones are not even suitable for grandmothers.

It has been noticed that a cast-iron pan that is too clean will lose its wonderful properties, food will start to stick to it and the walls will rust

One trouble, they are too prone to accumulation of soot on the walls, which is not so easy to get rid of, but it would be necessary.

Firstly, it looks completely unaesthetic, and secondly, soot is not so harmless.

It is believed that the old soot, which is chipped off during cooking and gets into food, is the strongest carcinogen.

Of course, it gets very little and the concentration of harmful substances there is not so high, but in our technological age, when absolutely everything is harmful, it’s better to take care of yourself as much as possible, at least in such trifles.

So what's the easiest way to clean a cast iron skillet?

There are several ways, but before you choose something, we will remind you of one thing: a cast-iron pan that is too clean will lose its wonderful properties, food will start to stick to it and the walls will rust.

Therefore, after you have achieved that the dishes began to look like new, you will need to lubricate them with oil and bake for 20 minutes

That is, create a fresh soot on it! Otherwise, it will simply be unusable. But, this soot will no longer break off and will be invisible in appearance.

More important note : cast iron metal is strong, but at the same time brittle. It does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature at all. Therefore, such the pan can not be heated, and then cooled under running cold water otherwise it will just burst.

Now let's get down to business and consider all the available methods.

Household chemicals

The best remedy for these purposes is Shumanit. It is both inexpensive and effective. You can also use toilet or pipe cleaners.

But, in our opinion, it is better not to get carried away with such chemistry, since it has a detrimental effect on the structure of porous cast iron and makes it brittle. For him, burning at the stake is much less destructive than modern strong remedies.

Digestion in soap and silicate glue

The method came to us from the USSR. Then these components were available and people invented recipes from improvised means.

Now, soap is not at all the same, and you can’t find silicate glue with fire during the day, but we’ll still give a method, just in case you suddenly have these substances in stock.

Here is the prescription:

  • 400 grams of silicate glue
  • 1 bar of laundry soap or 500 grams of soda ash
  • 5 liters of water

Rub the soap on a grater, add to water, dissolve. There is also glue or soda ash. Then immerse in the solution dirty dishes and boil for about 2 hours.

According to the reviews of those who used this method, the effect is simply amazing.

In addition, I would like to tell you how rust is removed from a cast-iron pan, in case you forgot to ignite it, and it became stained.

Rust is cleaned off exclusively with sandpaper or a metal score, since there is no point in washing it off, it will not work.

Cleaning by firing on a gas burner or in a fire

Pretty good way, known for many centuries.

If you put the pan on the fire and forget about it for two hours, then all the soot will burn out, dry out and just fall off by itself. But the burning will be simply unreal!

Therefore, if you are not ready for such a turn of events, it is better not to conduct this experiment in an apartment, but use a street fire.

True, in this case, it will not work to get rid of soot at a time, since the fire will burn out much faster than the soot will “give up” and it will be necessary to repeat the process one or two more times, until the end.

After the walls are clean, do not forget to ignite the dishes so that a natural protective film forms on it again.

Cleaning by Soaking in Coca-Cola or Citric Acid

This method will help if the soot layer is very small. Let's say you recently thoroughly cleaned a pan, and after a month or two a film has formed on it, which is no longer washed off with ordinary dishwashing detergent.

The method is simple: pour Coca-Cola or a strong solution of citric acid into any container, immerse the pan in it and leave it overnight. In the morning, rub it well with a stiff brush, and then be sure to bake it.

With the help of a sandblaster

Of course, not quite the way at home, but we consider it necessary to talk about it first of all, since it is the most effective!

The service is inexpensive, and the result will please you, without any torment and long manipulations.

The only problem this procedure is that old crockery may not withstand such a pressure of a sand jet and microcracks will appear inside it, which will lead to a subsequent split of the pan.

Therefore, if you have an old one, it’s better not to take risks and use more gentle methods.

Cleaning with a drill with a wire brush

This is already a home method, but as you understand, there should be a drill in the house.

Scrape the surface well, then wash the pan and be sure to heat it again with oil.

Since such a radical removal of the top layer will expose the porous structure of the cast iron and, as we wrote above, it will begin to rust, and the food will burn. Moreover, the finished dish will give off metal.

Our article has come to an end, and we have shared all the methods that we considered convenient and suitable for use. We hope that now the issue has been resolved for you and you know how to clean the pan from soot.

How do you clean your favorite frying pan? Share your experience with us!

Hello my friends and blog readers! Any hostess who respects herself and her loved ones must know how to clean the pan from soot. It ruins the aesthetics appearance favorite frying pan, carries great harm to health.

We all love to eat delicious food - this is an indisputable truth. The same truth is our dislike of washing dishes after a meal. Especially outside. As a result, we live by the principle “and eat the fish and do not wash the pan” 🙂 But soot can be the main cause of stomach cancer. Due to the high content of benzspirenes (carcinogens that cause cancer), adherent cinders are quite dangerous. Let's take a look at what carbon deposits are all about.

Burnt fat plus metal scales look like a black sponge under a microscope. Such a "sponge" is a wonderful home for various bacteria and their metabolic products.

This "living dirt" is always present on uncleaned pans in between cooking. Carcinogens, bacteria, scales and oxides different metals is a wonderful cocktail for the slow destruction of our health.

Ways to effectively deal with soot

Cleaning methods vary depending on the metal of the pan and how neglected it is. Main ways:

  • mechanical;
  • thermal;
  • chemical.

Mechanical cleaning methods

The oldest of the existing and without chemistry. In ancient times, metal dishes were cleaned with sand and water. Today it can be easily replaced sandblasting.

Frying pan even with the most terrible years of soot easy to clean this way. If you do not know what it is, then any auto mechanic will be happy to explain. This unit uses sand and compressed air to remove any layer of rust or paint in minutes. In almost any tire shop, for inexpensive, you will quickly clean the cast-iron frying pan.

But this method has a significant disadvantage. Yes, sandblasting can clean everything. Only in this way will the original surface of the cast iron be disturbed.

It is also easy to clean the fumes with grinders. In this case, ask your husband for help 🙂 Tell him only that the tool needs a petal end circle. In this way, a large frying pan with a thick layer of soot will be cleaned in 5 minutes. And the husband will be shocked that you know such instrumental terms 😀

It will also help to clean with metal brushes rubber based. Such a brush can be found in a hypermarket, a hardware store and building materials. But this is already a more laborious procedure.

thermal method

Also very effective and without chemicals, but not always available and not suitable for cast iron pans. For this cleaning method, you will need a gas burner or a blowtorch. Also needed:

  • well-ventilated area;
  • wire washcloth;
  • brick;
  • basin with cold water.

It is also better to entrust this procedure to the husband and carry it out on the street. It is necessary to put the brick on a small edge (vertically) and put the pan upside down on it. Burn the bottom with a burner until it smokes. Here is an example of this method in a video:

This usually takes 15-20 minutes. When the smoke stops, put the pan into a bowl of cold water. Steam must go. Due to the temperature difference, any burning will move away from the surface and be completely cleaned with a metal washcloth.

It is worth recalling that this cleaning method is not suitable for cast iron pans. There is a high risk that cast iron will burst due to temperature differences

Chemical methods

The most common option. Plus, chemistry is easier to use at home.

How to clean the pan from soot and what chemicals to use depends on the level of contamination of the dishes. Always use rubber gloves, study the method of application and precautions.

Oven cleaners

Old frying pans: Schumanite is best cleaned. The product is quite toxic, so gloves are required. "Shumanit" will succumb to even the strongest soot, if the time of its use is extended to 1-2 hours. Several cleaning procedures can be performed in a row if the burnt layer is really thick. As practice has shown, "Shumanit" copes with any degree of pollution.

Fat remover Bagi "Shumanit", 750 ml

480 rub.

To the store

To the store

To the store

Relatively new and not very dirty pans are cleaned with Pemolux and Mr. Cleaner. There is also a good product for ovens from Amway. My mother in law uses it. It is almost as good as Shumanit and smells less, but it will be more expensive.

Also in hardware stores you can find an even stronger product based on hydrochloric acid. This product is used to clean metal surfaces from rust. Don't use it on a cast iron skillet as the acid will "eat" the cast iron.

Lye for cleaning sewer pipes

Another option is cleaning with a non-kitchen product 🙂 In this case, it is better to use a cleaner sewer pipes- alkali (aka sodium hydroxide).

Fill a large plastic bucket with grout (as instructed) and dip the pan into it. Just make sure the product you are buying is pure lye. 500 g of alkali is enough for 5 liters of water.

Please note: you must add lye to water, not pour water on lye. Otherwise, it may cause a violent chemical reaction.

To work with such a tool, durable rubber gloves are needed. Not our kitchens. Take an ordinary sponge and start washing the pan after it soaks in this solution.

A bucket with such a solution is dangerous. Keep away from children and animals. And put the lid on the bucket.

This method is good for cleaning from burning, but rust may remain.

Vinegar rust removal

After you have removed all the old deposits of carbon deposits, the next step is to clean the rust. This is necessary if your frying pan is quite old. In addition to table acetic acid, nothing is required here.

Of course, it is better to soak the entire pan in vinegar for several hours. But if there are any microdamages, it is better to limit yourself to simple wiping. Take a sponge, dip it in vinegar and wipe the pan with it. Work with gloves, take care of your hands.

Safe chemistry

There is also an absolutely harmless way to clean the frying pan from burning. It is suitable for any cookware, especially good for cast iron.

Take hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, mix them so that you get the consistency of gruel. Spread the mixture evenly over the preheated skillet. Leave to cool for 5-10 minutes. After that, you can safely start cleaning with a rough sponge or brush. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

The most inexpensive chemistry

Soda, vinegar, table salt and citric acid are the main fighters against burning at home. All of the cleaning methods below are great for cast iron pans. To help get rid of soot from the outside, we will have a steel basin. It must be of a suitable diameter for the pan to fit.

Put the pan and water in a bowl so that it hides the entire pan. In 2 liters of water, add a glass of acetic acid and half a glass of citric acid. When the liquid boils, transfer to a slow fire. After 15 minutes, the hateful raid will begin to succumb. Take out the pan and clean the soot as best you can. Our task at this stage is only to break the integrity of the soot so that the vinegar penetrates deeper. Put the skillet back. You can add a couple of tablespoons of soda to the solution. Let it simmer for another 15-20 minutes. Rinse everything with hot water and use a steel sponge to clean off the softened layer. This is a fairly strong remedy, if necessary, can be repeated. Work carefully and wear gloves.

If the metal utensils are not yet very “overgrown” with a burnt layer, salt and soda will help us. Heat the pan slightly, lightly wet the surface with water. Sprinkle the cleaning area with table salt or soda in an even layer. Leave for an hour over a cooling burner.

If you are cleaning the outside of the cookware from carbon deposits, cover the burner with an inverted frying pan. The cinder will soften and give in to cleaning. In this method, you do not have to endure the smell of vinegar.

Only for strong men - clean the pan with electrolysis!

For those who want to get rid of carbon deposits and rust at the same time, an electrolysis unit can be used. It is unlikely that you have such a device at home 😉 But motorists always have a charger at hand. Therefore, this method is more suitable for men and lovers of experiments.

Dip the pan into a plastic container filled with 4.5 liters of water with 1 tbsp. soda. There is also a steel baking sheet or a suitable plate.

Attach the red clip to the steel pan and the negative black clip to the pan. Turn on 10 amps. In the photo, only part of the pan is submerged in water. It is this part that faces the steel plate that will be cleaned. Therefore, turn the pan with the dirty surface towards it. The closer the pan is to the steel plate, the better the reaction will be. But you can’t touch these surfaces, otherwise it won’t work.

You will know that the process has started when cloudy bubbles appear between the steel plate and the cast iron.

Once the job is done, scrape off all the carbon and rust. All is ready!

  1. A new pan is always easier to clean than an old one. Don't leave dirty dishes for tomorrow. It will take a lot more time to wipe it off.
  2. Use laundry soap - it perfectly removes grease.
  3. After washing, get in the habit of wiping the dishes with a waffle towel, thereby removing any remaining grease.
  4. Cast iron pans stay cleaner longer if they are well seasoned before each use. So, cooking food burns less, and dishes are easier to clean.
  5. Specialists of restaurant cleaning companies strongly do not recommend cleaning cast iron cookware in dishwashers.
  6. Teflon pans are afraid of abrasive cleaners. Wash them with laundry soap and use wooden spatulas in frying and stewing.
  7. Try to change your Teflon-coated cookware every six months. A thin Teflon layer is a good marketing ploy, as it deteriorates quickly. In such a pan, it is recommended to use only plastic or wooden spatulas.
  8. Aluminum utensils cleaned with sandpaper or steel wool are hazardous to health. The surface of aluminum after such cleaning is strongly oxidized. Such oxide, getting into our body with food, accumulates in the bones. It replaces calcium, making bones brittle.
  9. After cleaning with abrasives, generously lubricate aluminum cookware soapy water and leave overnight. By morning, a useful film of aluminum dioxide forms on the surface. It perfectly protects the dishes from the formation of harmful substances. Finish by washing in hot water and rubbing dry with a towel.
  10. If you are a neat housewife, then get yourself ceramic dishes. It is the easiest to wash off. But it's easy to damage it.

What pans do you prefer to use for cooking your favorite dishes? What do you think, from what metal, dishes are best? Any restaurant chef will tell you that this is a heavy-bottomed cast-iron skillet. Such dishes are recognized as professional all over the world. It combines a number of remarkable properties:

  • does not emit substances harmful to health in food;
  • with appropriate care, does not lose its original appearance for many years;
  • keeps the heat for a long time (especially appreciated by professional chefs).

So, if you inherited a good cast-iron nurse from your grandmother, take care of her. It is very good that in the former Soviet Union such dishes were produced in abundance.

In fact, cast iron has 2 big disadvantages:

  • heavy weight - such a frying pan is inconvenient to carry around the kitchen and wash;
  • very demanding in care, which is inconvenient in our fast time.

Therefore, I believe that let those same professionals work with them. And for practical housewives there is good frying pans made of aluminum with a reinforced thick bottom and a good non-stick coating. This one is lighter and easy to wash and I often fry even without oil!

Sooner or later, even the best housewife has to face such a problem as cleaning the pan from burnt food. Often, cleaning pans is not so good. a simple matter like washing other dishes.

So how to quickly and easily clean the frying pan from carbon deposits? The choice of how to clean the pan directly depends on what type of material it is made of.

As a rule, this is not very difficult to do, because even if food burns on it, a special non-stick coating will prevent it from sticking to the surface of the pan. To clean the pan, you just need to soak it in warm water, then rinse.

Remember that Teflon-coated pans cannot be cleaned with aggressive abrasives, hard wire scourers, and so on. All this can lead to damage to the coating.

How to clean an aluminum frying pan?

This is a little more difficult to do, since aluminum is a very sensitive material to mechanical stress. In addition, he is afraid of alkalis and acids. That is why many detergents can easily damage the pan.

The same applies to wire metal washcloths and abrasive products. How to clean an aluminum frying pan? You can try using the most common baking soda.

How to clean a stainless steel pan?

You can use table salt. Take 1/2 cup of salt, pour into the pan, spread evenly over the bottom and leave for a couple of hours. Wash the pan afterwards. burnt food after similar procedure should be easy to wash off.

In addition, you can use activated carbon. You need to take a few tablets of coal, crush them into powder and sprinkle all the burnt places with the resulting powder. Pour some water on top. Leave the pan for ten to fifteen minutes, then wash it thoroughly.

How to clean the pan from fat?

If the pan has a thick old layer of fat, then you can try cleaning the pan with laundry soap. For this purpose, you need to take a third or half of a bar of soap (this directly depends on the size of the pan) and grate it on a coarse grater. The resulting soap shavings should be filled with a frying pan and pour boiling water over it.

To enhance the effect, you need to put the pan on the fire and boil its contents for fifteen minutes. In addition, you can try to clean the pan with vinegar or citric acid. Simply pour a little water into the pan and add citric acid or vinegar.

After that, put it on the fire, bring the water to a boil and boil for ten to twenty minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the pan well. This method is not suitable for aluminum pans!

How to clean pans made of cast iron?

If it so happens that you have burnt food in a cast-iron skillet, then you need to clean it immediately, while it has not yet had time to cool. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to remove the pollution. How to clean the frying pan from soot?

You can use the following method. Pour one or two tablespoons into the pan. table salt and fill them with vinegar so that the bottom is completely covered. After that, bring the contents of the pan over high heat to a boil, pour a quarter cup baking soda and reduce heat to medium. When most of the liquid has boiled away, remove the pan from the heat and rinse well with water.

It is necessary to clean cast iron pans without fanaticism, since the thinnest layer of fat that forms on such a pan acts as a non-stick natural coating. If you cleaned the pan to a shine, then after the first cooking, ignite the pan with vegetable oil.

So that you do not have to try to clean the pan every time, you need proper care. When the dishes are dry, remove any remaining oil from them. Wash it immediately after cooking in hot water with a nylon washcloth.

After washing, it must be wiped dry. In such a situation, there is no need to use special detergents. Remember that cast iron pans should not be soaked in the dishwasher.

How to clean an old frying pan from stubborn fat?

Very simple. Put two or three drops of any dish detergent into a cold pan. Next, pour into the pan. hot water and wash it with a nylon sponge. After that rinse it warm water, wipe dry and spray oven cleaner onto the surface.

After this procedure, wrap the pan in a plastic bag and leave it overnight. In the morning, rinse off the product and wash the pan with dishwashing detergent.

How to clean pans from a thick layer of soot?

If your pan has a thick soot, then you should know that during the heating process, it releases very harmful substances which can lead to cancer and other diseases.

In order to give the pan its former appearance, you need to place it in a container filled with 10 liters of water with silicate glue (eighty grams) and washing soda (one hundred grams). Boil for ten minutes. You can replace soda and glue with grated laundry soap.

After the solution has cooled, it is necessary to wipe the dishes with an iron washcloth.

How to clean a ceramic coated pan?

A characteristic feature of this type of dishes is that during heat treatment, food does not burn, retains almost all minerals and vitamins. These pans must be washed very carefully.

Before first use, the ceramic-coated pan should be thoroughly washed and dried with a soft towel. After that, put 4-5 tablespoons (tablespoons) of salt into it and warm it up well.

To prevent the formation of microcracks in the coating, do not wash the pan in cold water to tolerate sudden changes in temperature. Wash such pans with a soft sponge in warm water with the addition of non-abrasive detergents.

Achieve perfect cleanliness and shine kitchen utensils not always easy. A frying pan is one of the most necessary items in the kitchen, and it is necessary to keep it clean. It is known that black deposits on frying utensils contain carcinogens that are not in the best way affecting health. To clean carbon deposits, fat from the bottom and walls of these kitchen utensils, housewives resort to special means, because simple washing is not enough. It is important to choose an effective and efficient way so as not to spoil the accessory and not harm your health.

Ways to clean a frying pan

Each type of pollution requires different kind cleaning. The pan is often spattered with fat, which gradually turns into a dense layer of soot. It is easier to clean it if you wash the dishes immediately after stains appear on them. Otherwise, you can use one of two methods to eliminate scale - mechanical or impact method chemicals.

mechanical cleaning

You can clean the pans from soot and fat with a knife, scraper, steel wool, sandpaper. Rules:

  • Cleaning movements should be made away from you, and you need to scrape the dishes with a washcloth in a clockwise direction.
  • This method is only suitable for cast iron or metal products. Accessories with a Teflon, ceramic coating cannot be scraped in this way - the non-stick surface can be damaged.
  • From the outside, the utensils are sometimes covered with enamel or paint - in this case, it is undesirable to clean it from the outside with a knife.

Chemical cleaning

A little easier, but not always safer for dishes, to proceed with special means. There are mass folk recipes, according to which you can prepare a composition for cleaning kitchen utensils. These methods are easy to use, time-tested, and all components can be found in pharmacies, supermarkets, grocery stores. If you don’t want to prepare the mixture yourself, you can buy funds at the hardware store. household chemicals for cleaning pans. Some of them are universal - these are gels for cleaning grills, barbecues, gas stoves, hoods.

How to wash the pan from soot and fat

Household chemicals intended for cleaning soot are made on the basis of acid, alkali with the addition of auxiliary ingredients. Alkaline compounds are softer, they do not always cope with old scale, grease. Acid-based products "work" more efficiently, but they can damage the delicate coating of the product, burn the skin of the hands. On the same principle, you can prepare a tool for cleaning the pan at home - on an acid or alkaline base.

Household cleaning products

In the household departments of supermarkets, you can find a huge range of cleaning products for kitchen utensils - Mr. Muscle clean, Frosch, Master Cleaner, etc. To choose the right product, it is important to pay attention not only to the cost, but also to the composition, purpose:

  • Bugs Shumanit. Quickly removes stubborn, burnt traces of grease. They can wash the stove (gas and electric), grill, barbecue, pots and pans. In the composition - a complexing agent, surfactants, solvents, sodium hydroxide (alkali), flavors. Advantages - equipped with a sprayer, there are different volumes - 0.4, 0.75, 3 liters. Cons - refers to aggressive substances, if it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause a burn.
  • L.O.C. Plus from AmWay metal cleaner. A drop of concentrate will quickly and effectively help to wash off the remnants of burnt food, grease, and polish the surface. The tube contains 200 ml of a thick creamy mass, which is easy to apply with a dispenser. Advantages - in the composition of less than 5% anionic surfactants, which guarantees the absence of irritation of the hands. Disadvantages - small volume (200 ml).
  • Helper liquid for cleaning grills (deep fryers, pots, ovens, etc.). The product belongs to professional cleaning products, in the composition - alkali, surfactants, water. It copes well with burnt food residues, soot. Alkali dissolves fat, a complex of surfactants activates the washing ability of the concentrate. Its validity period is 40-60 minutes, and when the treated surface is heated - only 15-20. Plus - it's inexpensive. Minus - not the most environmentally friendly product.
  • Oxyday. Unique Formula chemical composition based on the action of probiotics that break down fat and dirt. Oxyday is an eco-friendly product that can gently clean any surface. In addition to the probiotic components in the composition of sodium lauryl sulfate, alcohol. Advantages - the liquid not only cleans carbon deposits, grease and works in microcracks, but also destroys harmful types of bacteria. Disadvantages - not suitable for advanced cases.
  • Carbon cleaner Dr. Beckmann. This product will effectively clean kitchen utensils from fatty layers, containing less than 5% of surfactants, flavorings (hexyl cinnamal, limonene). Plus - the gel is environmentally friendly, almost completely harmless. The downside is it's not cheap at all.

Prices for dishwashing detergents depend on the composition, volume of the container, brand. The cost of popular products in Moscow, which can be used to wash grease and scale from pans:

The product's name

Volume, ml

Price, rubles

Bugs Shumanit

Helper for grill cleaning fryers, pans, ovens

Oxyday for cleaning soot and soot

Carbon cleaner Dr. Beckmann

L.O.C. Plus from AmWay for metal products

Mr Muscle Kitchen Expert

Improvised means and folk

It is not always possible to purchase a special tool for removing scale. Folk methods will come to the rescue, helping to wash off soot and fat. Methods that are still relevant today:

  • Laundry soap. This universal remedy, and its main property is the dissolution of fat. Soot on kitchen utensils is 90% burnt oil, animal fat, and when certain conditions soap shavings can soften it. The mixture is activated by heating, adding glue or soda to the composition.
  • Salt. Our grandmothers used table salt to clean the pan and give it non-stick properties. White crystals, when heated, react with fat and other organic layers, soften them. After calcining with salt, kitchen utensils can be easily washed.
  • Food and caustic soda. Alkalis perfectly destroy a dense layer of burnt splashes of fat. To enhance the effectiveness, soda is diluted with water, the contaminated product is immersed in the solution for a certain time. Another way to stimulate the "work" of alkali is to add hydrogen peroxide to the mixture. The effervescent substance will make the carbon layer porous - this will help soda solution deeper penetration.
  • Acids. Acetic essence and citric acid have strong destructive properties. Aggressive substances quickly penetrate into microcracks on the scale, partially dissolve layers, “undermine” entire layers of burnt fat.
  • Two-step cleansing - using alkali to soften the layers, then acid. Interacting, these components contribute to the loosening of caked areas of soot, the dissolution of fat. launder metal product after exposure to these substances will become easier.

Precautions and safety rules

Regardless of what tool is used to wash off carbon deposits, it is important to observe safety measures when working. Work with aggressive substances should be according to the rules:

  1. Protect the skin of the hands. The most effective household remedy protection against acids, alkalis are rubber gloves. It is advisable to use dense products with cuffs that cover the hands and part of the forearm.
  2. When working with boiling water, boiling dishes, you must remove them from the kitchen, and preferably from the apartment of children and pets.
  3. Using ready-made formulations for cleaning, it is worth preparing even more carefully - put on a respirator or gauze mask, open the window. Volatile substances of aggressive products can cause intoxication of the body, dizziness and vomiting.
  4. The rest of the concentrates, even those that the manufacturer positions as harmless, must be thoroughly washed off so that their components do not get into food. Recommended to keep under running water product with a detergent composition for at least 20 seconds.
  5. When grinding dishes with sandpaper it is necessary to ensure that small fractions of soot do not get into the eyes. It is advisable to use safety goggles for this.

How to clean a frying pan at home

Cookware for frying on the stove is made of different materials - stainless steel, aluminum, cast iron. In addition, there are various types of coatings that provide the product with non-stick properties. It is necessary to clean kitchen utensils, taking into account the material of manufacture, the presence additional elements- plastic or wooden handle, teflon, ceramic coating.

Cleaning a cast iron skillet

A heavy, thick-walled cast iron pan, which our grandmothers used, can be washed from plaque in several ways. It is important to check if it has a non-stick coating, the presence of which implies some limitations. A good way to clean carbon-metal alloy dishes from carbon deposits is to ignite them on fire for 40 minutes, after pouring 2 cm of table salt or sand on the bottom.

Cast iron pans can be mechanically cleaned using sand, a knife or steel wool. Such utensils are well cleaned by heat treatment: the product can be ignited over an open fire - gas burner, take it to a picnic and heat it over a fire. In some cases, it is effective to use blowtorch. Reliable helpers will be less extreme means of cleaning cast iron - household chemicals.

Non-stick frying pan with teflon coating

Aluminum or steel products (and sometimes cast iron) may have a non-stick coating. Most often it is made from a polymer that has special properties- Teflon or PTFE. Teflon is afraid of mechanical impact and all kinds of abrasive particles. In this regard, during cooking, it is recommended to use silicone or wooden spatulas.

You can wash a frying pan coated with soot using special products for the care of products with Teflon. The dishes can be washed by boiling soda, vinegar in it or wiping with mustard powder. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a nylon washcloth or dishwashing sponge with polymer coated. The outer side is cleaned mechanically if there is no paint or enamel on the product.

Cleaning aluminum cookware

Inexpensive and convenient pans made of aluminum "live" in many modern kitchens. It is not recommended to clean dishes from this metal mechanically - scrape with a knife, clean with a metal washcloth. The walls and bottom can be deformed, scratches, dents will appear on the surface. Do not use soda for cleaning - light metal is not "friendly" with alkali.

Oily stains from the walls can be washed with citric acid, vinegar, salt, laundry soap. Aluminum products can be treated with household chemicals. A delicate and effective cleaning method is water with the addition of grated laundry soap. It is necessary to lower the pan into a concentrated soapy solution, bring to a boil and remove from heat after an hour.

Folk remedies

If you have time, you can use improvised means for cleaning kitchen utensils. Since it is not always possible to wash the pan from soot and fat, laundry soap, soda, salt, dish detergents, non-traditional ingredients - Coca-Cola, and medications are used. Folk methods softening scale on the walls of dishes is economical, almost harmless, but not always effective. Many of them work only when the utensils are heated, therefore, they require compliance with safety rules.

Laundry soap

To prepare a detergent, you will need a bar of 72% laundry soap, a large pot of water, and 100 g of PVA glue. It is necessary to boil water (about 5 liters), add grated soap to boiling water, pour in glue. Lower the pan into the boiling composition, turn off the burner after an hour. After the concentrate has cooled, you can start cleaning. Wash the softened soot:

  • hard brush;
  • scraper;
  • metal washcloth.

Using stationery glue

A mixture of soda ash (300 g) and silicate glue (65 g) gives a good effect. Add the ingredients to boiling water (4-5 liters), stirring, wait until the soda granules are completely dissolved. Then place the dirty pan in the pan and boil for at least an hour. After the procedure, fat and soot will begin to peel off from the dishes and can be easily washed off with a metal washcloth. The mixture of glue and soda can be reused for other dishes - the cleaning efficiency will remain high.

Salt and soda

A simple and unpretentious method of thermal cleaning is extremely effective. For him, it is necessary to pour a layer of baking soda with salt into the pan and ignite it on fire for 2-3 hours. After that, the dishes need to be cooled and the soot should be washed with a brush under running water - fragments of soot will fall off before our eyes. This method cleans well, gives a shine to the product from the inside, but it is impossible to remove corrosion near the handle and wash off the carbon from the outside of the pan.

Soda and vinegar

For this recipe, you will need a large saucepan in which you need to boil water. Then add 1 cup of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and place the pan in the solution. Boil for half an hour, pour in 1 cup of 9% vinegar, turn off the burner. Leave for 1-2 hours, let the soot sour, then wash it off with a hard washcloth or brush. Such cleaning is effective for small contaminants - a multi-year layer of fat may not succumb.

Citric acid with baking powder

This method is suitable for any cookware, including those with an anti-stick coating. You will need one bag of baking powder and citric acid (20 g each), which must be poured into the pan, add 1 tbsp. l. dishwashing liquids (Fairy). Pour the resulting mixture with water and put the dishes on the stove, turning on the heat for half an hour. After that, wait until the metal cools down and wash the carbon deposits with a dishcloth or scrape it off with a knife.

hydrogen peroxide

You can wash the layer of burning and fat from the outside of the dishes with a self-made paste. Work order:

  1. You need to take half a glass of baking soda and add hydrogen peroxide to it, mix, achieving the consistency of thick sour cream.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the walls and bottom of the dishes, leave to soak for half an hour, covering plastic wrap.
  3. Wash the softened soot with a brush and sponge under running water.
  4. The procedure can be repeated if the first time it was not possible to eliminate all stains.

How to restore the non-stick properties of a frying pan after cleaning

Sometimes a frying pan acquires an external shine after cleaning, but loses its non-stick properties. In such dishes it is difficult to fry even scrambled eggs - the products strive to stick to the bottom. You can get rid of this trouble if you ignite the utensils on fire with the addition of table salt for 1-2 hours. After that, you need to pour the salt, pour half a glass into the dishes vegetable oil and warm up again (5-7 minutes). Cool the pan, rinse the oil with warm water with neutral detergent then wipe the sides and bottom with a paper towel.

A ceramic-coated pan can be heated on the stove by pouring a couple of tablespoons of vinegar into it. Another way to regenerate ceramics is to apply a thin layer of vegetable oil. It must be rubbed into the surface, and the dishes left for several days in order for the fat to be absorbed. After such manipulations, the dishes will not only become shiny, but will also restore their non-stick qualities.


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