Attractive indoor monstera creeper. Monstera flower care

At the dawn of my floriculture youth, I had a desire to urgently get myself many, many large, very large plants, so that everyone could immediately see how much I love plants. Of the big, big ones, only ficuses, hibiscuses, and palm trees were almost available.

Only after some time, through trial and error, I came to the conclusion that it is not at all necessary to start immediately with a large and complex plant. It is quite possible to take a small cutting of an unpretentious one and grow your indoor monster out of it.

Try it yourself, and very soon there will be no place left for you in your apartment.

The monstera genus belongs to the family aroid, including approximately 110 genera and more than 1,800 species, distributed mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of both hemispheres.

About 50 species of monstera delicacy are known. This plant is native to Central America. Monstera grows in tropical forests, this vine wraps around the trunk of the host tree and forms powerful aerial roots.

In a room where there is never sun, you will never see large luxurious leaves with many holes, and the leaf blade can be completely whole, so the best option- place the monstera in a bright place without direct sunlight. In summer, the optimum temperature is not lower than + 21 ° С, and during the dormant period, from October to March, it is somewhat cooler (+16 - + 19 ° С, but not lower than + 15 ° С).

Monstera, a child of tropical rainforests, also requires you to maintain high humidity around it. Spray, bathe, water. The soil should be constantly moist, but not wet.

In the tropics, some of the aroids are used in economic purposes. The culture of the vegetable plant taro has been known to the peoples of Southeast Asia and West Africa for several thousand years. Flour, alcohol are obtained from the tubers, after heat treatment, boiled and fried, they are eaten, like we are potatoes. Monstera Adanson and monstera dubious within their distribution are used by the local population as medicinal. And Monstera dainty is cultivated in its homeland not for its decorative qualities, but for obtaining tasty, fragrant, juicy fruits that taste like pineapple.

From April to August, flower fertilizers are applied once every one to two weeks, and the rest of the time they are not fed.

To choose the right first flower pot, you need to decide what to transplant: a young rooted stem cutting or a medium-sized plant purchased commercially?

The stem cutting is placed in a flower pot with a capacity of approximately 3-4 liters. From ready land mixtures better than others, the soil mixture "Palm" is suitable. Good drainage is a must. The transplanted stem cutting grows and turns into a pretty monstera in three or four years, and sometimes even earlier.

According to some literary data, the name of the genus "Monstera" comes from the Latin monstrotus, i.e. amazing, bizarre. According to other sources - from the Latin monstrum - a monster, and is probably associated with the appearance created by large plants - bulks, completely intertwining 30-40-meter trees with their shoots. If you carefully look at the appearance of an adult plant, you can say this: "Amazing monster."

Second option. If you have purchased a Dutch monstera on a moss tube, then you should not rush to transplant, especially if the purchase did not fall on the spring-summer period. For the first time, proper watering and top dressing is enough.

Don't commit following error, guided by the information of some publications: monstera requires an annual transplant. Indeed, most aroids do well with frequent transplantation, but for tender aerial roots, fragile stem frequent transplant - stress.

So, if a plant is grown from a small stem cutting, then one intermediate transplant into a flower container “for growth” is necessary, and the second is final. mature plant(with at least five or six leaves) are placed immediately in a large flower tub with a pallet.

It turns out that Monstera improves the microclimate of the room and enriches it with oxygen, ozone, air ions. Humidifies the air very well. In addition, monstera absorbs formaldehyde, a colorless gas found in chipboard, foam, etc. Good for people with disabilities nervous system, relieves headaches and heart rhythm disturbances. Monster is good to have where the situation is extremely random. It absorbs the vibrations of disorder.

An adult monstera plant, in addition to spraying, needs regular washing of the leaves with warm boiled water. If this procedure is neglected, then troubles cannot be avoided: dusty, unkempt leaves are a favorite object of pests. With age, the lower leaves lose their former attractiveness, and they should be removed.

If you cut off the top of the shoot for rooting, then do not immediately expect “perforated” leaves. The first leaf after cutting will always be with a solid leaf blade.

For 6-7 years of cultivation, subject to good light, humidity, additional nutrition in the form of regularly applied fertilizer and, finally, a large planting capacity, your monstera will be able to bloom, contrary to the established belief that monsteras do not bloom outside greenhouses and greenhouses.

Problems and difficulties encountered when growing monstera

The leaves are crying.

The reason is too wet soil. Let the soil dry out and increase the intervals between waterings.

The stems are rotting.

The reason is stem rot. Usually this disease manifests itself in winter, when favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of the fungus in conditions of excess moisture and low temperature. Repot the plant in another pot, raise the room temperature, and limit watering.

The leaves turn yellow.

If a lot of leaves turn yellow, which also rot and wither, then the most likely reason is waterlogging of the soil. If there are no signs of decay or wilting, then a possible reason is a lack of nutrition. If only the lower leaves turn yellow, pay attention to whether there are brown spots on them and how the new leaves look - if they are small and dark, then this is a sign of a lack of moisture. Pale leaves with yellow spots indicate an excess of sunlight.

Falling leaves.

The lower leaves always fall off with age. If several leaves suddenly die off at once, then a serious error in care may be the cause. Check the condition of the top leaves. If the leaves become dry and brown before falling, then the reason is too high temperature air. This is a common nuisance in winter time when plants are placed too close to the batteries.

Bare bottom trunk, small pale leaves.

The reason is that the plant does not have enough light. Monstera does not grow in deep shade.

Brown dots on the underside of the leaf.

The reason is the red spider mite.

Brown, papery tops of the lobes and leaf margins.

The reason is dry air. Spray the leaves or place the pot in damp peat moss. Similar symptoms may appear if the pot is too cramped. Brown tops are an indicator of waterlogging of the soil, however, in this case, the leaves also turn yellow.

There is no amateur grower who has never dreamed of growing a luxurious monstera. Another question is that not everyone can afford it for reasons of further placement of an adult plant, because. the climbing stem exceeds 6 m, and the diameter of the leaf blade reaches 60–100 cm.

A favorite of designers in the preparation of exquisite bouquets. Charming, unique, wonderful! And it's all about her - the beautiful monster.

Photos for the article provided by users

Aug 24 2017

Monstera - caring for a beauty with a terrible name

Monstera is one of the most popular indoor plants. A beautiful evergreen vine with aerial roots and huge openwork dark green leaves on long petioles is grown by flower growers at home as landscaping and interior decoration not only in apartments and houses, but also in offices of reputable institutions and lobbies of various administrative buildings. In this article you will find useful tips for caring for the monstera and breeding in various ways.

Monstera belongs to the Aroid family. The plant is native to the tropical forests of South America and the West Indies. Now it can be found in the tropical jungle in the south of Brazil, in Mexico, in India, where it grows, twisting around some tall tree - the owner. Under natural conditions, it reaches enormous sizes - up to 50 m in length, its carved leaves reach a meter width. To climb tall trees in wild nature Monstera grows strong and long aerial roots, which, descending from the branches, reach the ground. If the liana loses contact with the ground - it's okay - thanks to the air roots, it will be fixed to the tree trunk and become a plant without roots - an epiphyte.

Even at home, the vine grows up to 6 meters in height (length) within four to five years.

Monstera amazes with its beauty

Monstera looks spectacular. Huge fans of dissected dark green leaves and cords of aerial roots are its hallmarks. The young leaves of Monstera have whole leaf plates, over time they become full of holes, and in an adult specimen the leaves are completely cut. The leaves do not lag behind the stem and grow up to a meter in length and up to 50 cm in width. Interesting not only appearance leaf, but also its internal structure. The lateral veins of the leaf plate are equipped with special organs - hydiators. When the air humidity increases, they release droplets of a transparent liquid. It looks like the plant is crying. It has been noticed for a long time that Monstera usually cries a day before the rain, i.e. is a natural barometer.

Types of Monstera

About fifty species of monstera are known worldwide. But only some of them are grown at home. We will introduce you to them.

The leaves of Monstera Delicious reach half a meter in width.

Monstera Delicious or Attractive (Monstera deliciosa) is the most popular type of plant. It is a fast-growing vine with dark green pinnately dissected leaves in the shape of an elongated heart. In height, this vine can grow in the wild up to 12 meters, in room conditions it is less - three meters. Thick cylindrical stems are up to 7 cm in diameter. The leaves are leathery, also of impressive size - up to half a meter in width. In countries with a tropical climate, it is grown for the fruits that are eaten there. Under favorable conditions for its maintenance, Monstera can also bloom in our apartments, giving its owner a fruit that is very similar in taste to a ripe pineapple. Basically, Monstera Delicious is used for decorating and landscaping indoor spaces.

Currently, breeders have bred variegated forms of this species:

Alba (white-and-white)

  • The variegated white-and-white form of Monstera, also called Alba, does not grow quickly and is rather capricious in content. But she has incredible beautiful leaves. They are the same openwork, but are also painted with white patterns that diverge into half of the sheet. With age, these white marks become more and more. The stem of such Monstera is also multi-colored.
  • Monstera marble - variegated form of Monstera (Monstera variegata), combines green and beige (yellow) color of leaves and stems.
  • Monstera Borsig (Monstera deliciosa borsigiana) is a compact vine with smaller leaves (up to 30 cm) and thin shoots. Convenient form for indoor cultivation. Propagated by seeds.

Punched (perforated)
Oblique (unequal)

  • Monstera adansonii (Monstera adansonii) is a long liana, up to 8 m, with large thin ovate leaves up to 50 cm long, on which there are many chaotic small holes. It is just beginning to gain popularity with flower growers, although it grows successfully at home.
  • Monstera punched or holey (Monstera pertusa) - this vine is large, with odd-sided, asymmetrically holey lanceolate leaves up to 1 meter in length and 25 cm in width, expanding at the bottom.
  • Monstera obliqae (Monstera obliqae) is a climbing vine with small (up to 20 cm long and 5 cm wide) asymmetrical oval leaves on short, up to 12 cm, petioles. It is found in amateur apartments, but is more often grown in greenhouses. It does not need a support, it can be grown in an ampelous way.

Dubia (doubtful)

  • Monstera doubtful (dubia) is a rare variety of Monstera in the form of a miniature liana. Leaves her in young age they have solid plates with a silvery ornament along the veins and are similar to the leaves of the scindapsus. With age, the leaves become green and perforated. It is possible to grow without support, in the form of an ampelous plant.
  • Monstera pointed (Monstera acuminata) - this is a compact indoor vine reaches three meters. Dense leaves are first whole, with a sharp end. In an adult plant, small cuts appear on the leaves.
  • Monstera thin is a rare vine. She is not big. Its leaves are delicate and openwork. A young creeper has heart-shaped leaves, without cuts. In adult plants, they are pinnately dissected. Grows very slowly. Does not need support, grows like an ampelous plant.

Flowering Monstera

Monstera blooms in the wild

Under natural living conditions, the vine blooms with a large, up to 30 cm in height, yellowish or cream-colored inflorescence, similar to a corn cob, covered with a petal-blanket. After flowering, a fruit ripens for about a year - a berry. Monstera Delicacy has an edible fruit. The pulp inside is juicy, reminiscent of pineapple in taste.

Edible Monstera fruit

In captivity, Monsters bloom extremely rarely and do not bear fruit. Perhaps the liana needs more humid air to bloom. In addition, top dressing contains nitrogen, which stimulates the formation of green mass of the plant at the expense of flowering. But you should not be upset - the flowers of the vine are not as good as the leaves. And not everyone has the patience to wait for the fruit to ripen - it would be possible to taste the Monstera berry only in a year.

The benefits and harms of the plant

Superstitious people are afraid to grow Monstera at home. No wonder, they say, her name is from the word monster, monster. In the 18th century, when Europeans were just beginning to settle latin america, there were rumors that giant killer plants live in the jungle. The pioneers found the remains of people and animals, penetrated by the stems and roots of these vines. They believed that plants attack the living and kill them. But the truth was that this creeper easily sprouts through anyone who gets lost and died in the jungle. It is believed that it was because of these tales that the innocent vine was called Monstera (monstrum), which means monster in Latin.

In other sources, the name of the plant comes from another Latin word (monstrosus), which means bizarre or amazing. And it's more fair. Knowledgeable people And experienced growers love this miracle of nature. Monstera has a large number of useful properties that favorably affect the microclimate in the room. During the day, its large leaves emit a lot of oxygen and contribute to the evaporation of moisture, thereby moisturizing the air.

It has been proven that this tropical beauty-liana well absorbs harmful electromagnetic waves, absorbs formaldehyde fumes and contributes to the ionization of indoor air. On energy level Monstera helps people in making any important decisions. It puts thoughts in order, develops the intellectual abilities of a person, strengthens his immunity. Helps to calm down, focus on work. Thanks to these properties, Monstera can often be found in offices and institutions, in home living rooms and libraries. But in the bedroom it should not be placed. At night, the plant's photosynthesis process stops, so it begins to absorb a large amount of oxygen - this is unacceptable for a bedroom. In other cases, Monstera creates comfort and harmony around him. Yes, and there is no hassle with its cultivation, it is an extremely unpretentious plant.

Monstera and Philodendron. Similarity and difference.

Monstera is often confused with Philodendron with dissected leaves. They are close relatives, both from the Aroid family. Philodendron leaves are more elongated and pointed at the end. But the main difference is that these plants have different juice. In Monstera it is transparent, and in Philodendron it is milky. To make sure which plant is in front of you is simple - break off a piece of a leaf or cut a shoot.

Care for Monstera at home

Caring for the plant will not cause any difficulties even for beginners. Helpful Hints, which we will now offer you, will help you take care of Monstera on your own and keep it healthy and attractive all year round.


Monstera prefers bright but diffused light.

Monstera prefers moderation in everything. It does not grow well in heavily shaded places, but a direct sunny place will not last long. Prefers bright, but diffused light and partial shade. The best place for a pot with a plant - on a stand next to the east or west windows. In the southern directions, the monstera should be set aside from the window deep into the room or shaded, especially at noon. The leaves can get burned, become pale, covered with yellow spots and lose their attractiveness. North windows may not have enough natural light. You will notice this from the leaves - they will become smaller and without the openwork cuts that are so characteristic of Monstera. Move the flower to a more lighted place or purchase a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp to organize additional lighting for the creeper.

flower location

Keep in mind that Monstera does not like to be moved from place to place. Immediately think about where it is best for her to grow. If you put the pot right in front of the windows, you will soon stop seeing anything behind the window pane. The leaves will unfold so that they will close most of the window, and the room will no longer flow sunlight. It is better if you put a pot with a vine at a distance of one and a half meters from the window near the wall on some table, and behind it on the wall you organize an additional, better fluorescent, backlight, which you will turn on if necessary.

Monstera takes up a lot of space

For an adult plant, for sure, you will need a support or fasteners to the wall. In nature, the liana finds its own support. She braids the trunks of trees, climbing them with the help of aerial roots higher towards the sun. At home, you yourself must take care of the support for a powerful pet. Otherwise, under the weight of its shoots and leaves, it will bend and break. Without support, it will not be possible to grow a harmonious and healthy plant. Usually, Monstera, up to half a meter in height, can easily do without support, but as soon as you notice that the stem of the plant has begun to deviate from the vertical, it's time to put a support.

Flower shops sell sticks wrapped in coconut fiber. In the first couple, they are suitable for young Monstera, but for adult specimens, the fiber layer is too thin and will not allow the air roots of the vine to grow into the support. Often, a tropical guest is allowed to lean on pieces of furniture in the room, they arrange for her fastenings directly on the wall (a wooden lattice or a strong twine along which she weaves). But then it becomes more difficult to care for the plant, and you can forget about transplants.


For successful cultivation Monstera will suit moderately hot temperatures. At 20 - 25 °C, the plant will grow quickly and look wonderful. At low temperatures, growth will slow down, and at 15 ° C the flower will stop growing altogether. Monstera does not tolerate drafts and sharp fluctuations in temperature - window frames must be airtight. In winter, it is worth protecting the plant from the hot air of heating appliances. And it is desirable to maintain the temperature in winter within 18 - 20 ° C, since at a higher temperature it grows rapidly. In summer, when the temperature rises above 26 ° C, the vine and the surrounding air should be sprayed with clean settled water. To maintain a constant comfortable temperature in the room, you can use a split system, just make sure that the air flow is not directed at the plant.

Bathing Monstera

Don't forget to wear gloves

Large carved Monstera leaves must be kept clean. Wipe them regularly with a damp cloth or sponge to remove dust. This should be done for several reasons:

  • dust closes the pores on the leaves and disrupts the gas exchange of the plant with the environment;
  • dust forms a film on the surface of the leaves, which slows down the processes of photosynthesis;
  • dust can accumulate substances harmful to the plant;
  • dust can hide traces of insect pests.

In addition, if you spray dusty leaves, she will really look like a spotted monster. So wipe Monstera leaves regularly, preferably in the morning. For greater beauty, you can give the foliage a gloss. Specialized stores have different means for polishing indoor plants. Take better in an aerosol can. But you can also polish with folk remedies. To do this, use beer, a weak solution of vinegar, or add a little milk to the water to wash the leaves. Do not touch the young foliage, and boldly, but carefully, without pressure, polish the adult leaves with a cloth with the agent of your choice. Liana will shine with beauty and health.

Watering and humidity

Monstera loves abundant watering from spring to autumn, moderate in winter. It is unacceptable to overdry the earthen room. The plant also does not like overflow and stagnation of water in the pan - the root system can rot. Water with settled warm water.

For Monstera, it is desirable to maintain the humidity in the room above average - this guest is of tropical origin. But moderate humidity in the room, at least 60%, will suit her. Only, the hotter the air in the room, the more often you need to carry out water procedures for the vine.

soil and pot

The soil for room Monstera should be sufficiently loose, well-retaining moisture, nutritious. Soil acidity should be neutral. The composition of the soil should be approximately as follows: 3 hours of sod land, 1 hour of leafy soil, peat, humus and sand. You can buy ready-made mixtures for decorative leafy (Aroid) houseplants, where a little perlite or coconut fiber is added.

The pot should be about the same width and height.

Choose a pot approximately the same in height and width. For a young plant, the pot should be medium. For an older plant, the pot is chosen wider, since air roots will grow from each node of the plant and go into the soil. Lay a layer of drainage material of 2–3 cm at the bottom. It can be expanded clay, gravel, perlite, foam plastic crumbs.

Top dressings and fertilizers

From March to September, Monstera can be fed with complex mineral fertilizer for ornamental deciduous plants every 2-3 weeks. It is better to reduce the dosage by 2 times, relative to what is indicated in the instructions - if the vine is actively developing, you should not overfeed the plant unnecessarily. Adult plants once a summer can be added to upper layer soil humus or pour them with infusion of mullein. If you cannot stand the smell of these fertilizers, limit yourself to ready-made top dressings. In winter, it is not necessary to feed the plant.

Monstera transplant

Young Monsters for the first four years need an annual transplant into a new pot, 3-4 cm larger than before. After five years, an adult vine is transplanted less often, once every 3 to 4 years, but the topsoil must be replaced in those years when transplantation is not performed.

Transplant a young plant like this. Monstera needs to be transplanted by the method of transshipment of the plant. Remove the flower from the old pot with an earthy clod, being careful not to scatter it. Inspect the roots, damaged - remove. Place the earth ball in a new larger pot in the center. Place a support nearby. Pour the new soil carefully, lightly tamping it. Water the vine, spray. Then take it to a permanent place.

Mature plants are more difficult to transplant. The older the vine, the more land it needs. The pot has to be taken for growth - about one and a half - two buckets. It can be 6 - 10 cm larger than before. It is better to use ceramic pots - they are heavier and more stable, a powerful plant will not turn over in them. The width of the pot should be sufficient so that Monstera's aerial roots can reach the soil. Do not forget to immediately install a strong support for the vine. Be sure to make a transplant with an assistant - you can’t do it alone.

Before transplanting, water the plant so that the soil is completely wet - then the roots will become elastic. Try to separate the soil in the pot from the walls with a knife or spatula. If roots are sticking out of the drainage holes, cut them off. Now the most difficult thing is to get a huge plant out of the pot. You may have to climb onto a chair and drag the Monstera by holding on to its thick stem, while your assistant removes the pot from the bottom of the plant. A new pot, drainage and soil should be prepared in advance.

Transfer the removed plant to a new pot, set it in the center and fill it with a new one. nutrient soil so that there are no voids in the pot. Don't forget to install the support. Water the soil. If the earth settles, add it. But not to the very top - otherwise, it will be difficult to change the top layer every year, and when watering, the water will overflow over the edges. Each time it will become more and more difficult to transplant Monstera. Over time, you will only change the top layer of earth in the pot and add humus and other nutrients to it.

Caring for Monstera in the winter

Monstera does not have a pronounced dormant period. She doesn't shed her leaves. Only with a decrease in the duration of daylight hours and a decrease in temperature below 20 gr. stops its growth. Monstera is able to hold winter period at a temperature of 16 - 18 ° C with poor watering and the absence of any top dressing. It would be nice to give the plant such a break for at least a month. With an increase in temperature and an increase in daylight hours, even with the help of artificial lighting, Monstera will come to life again and begin to grow actively.

Pruning Monstera

The regrown aerial roots of the vine do not always have a decorative appearance, they want to be cut off. But this should not be done - they serve to nourish and moisturize the plant. When spraying a vine, be sure to spray its aerial roots as well. Sometimes they are simply masked, gathered in bunches, wrapped in moss or tied to the stem. Sometimes the roots themselves cling to the supports and grow into them.

Over time, an adult liana slows down the pace of its development. To rejuvenate it and stimulate further development, in early spring, when the plant has not yet begun to grow, the top of the Monstera is cut off with two to three internodes, the cut is treated with crushed activated carbon. They are waiting for the awakening of the lateral kidneys. And the top is used for reproduction by Monstera by rooting it.

Flower arrangements with Monstera

Monstera gets along well with other vines. Philodendron and Scindapsus can grow in the same pot with it - you get an original ensemble. Their conditions are similar. Next to the beautiful Monstera, such popular decorative leafy plants as Benjamin's ficus, Marginata palm-shaped dracaena or yucca with long leaves look good. , or blooming next to Monstera will also be a good decoration for your interior.

Reproduction Monstera

There are several ways to breed a tropical beauty.


The seed method is rarely used. At home, Monsters rarely bloom, and it can be impossible to get your own seeds. If you nevertheless become the owner of tropical liana seeds, then sow them in containers with a mixture of sand and peat in equal proportions, germinate under a film in a warm, bright place at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C. Ventilate the greenhouse, if necessary, moisten the substrate. Shoots will appear in three to four weeks. Seedlings first appear not dissected, juvenile leaves, only in the fifth - eighth month will grow real adult leaves. After their appearance, pick the seedlings. A well-developed root system in plants grown from seeds is formed only after two years. At this age they will have 3-5 juvenile leaves and 2-4 adults. Now you can transplant young Monsters into suitable pots and put in a permanent place.

With side shoots

Propagation of Monstera using side shoots is the easiest and most reliable way. It is used all spring to summer. Plants grow at the base of the stem side shoots. They are carefully separated, the sections are dried and powdered with crushed activated or charcoal. The shoot prepared in this way is planted in a pot with a drainage layer at the bottom and suitable soil. Cover the pot with a plastic bag and put in a bright, warm place for rooting. If necessary, the substrate is moistened, and the greenhouse is ventilated. About successful rooting you will know due to the appearance of new sprouts on the shoots.

Reproduction by cuttings

You can propagate Monstera cuttings with aerial roots. This method is used when the trunk of the vine is bald and it has lost its attractiveness. It's time for the monster to rejuvenate and get new plants at the same time.

To do this, choose a shoot with aerial roots and at least one mature leaf. Without cutting the shoot, the aerial roots of the plant are lowered into a container of water to obtain normal small roots. When a washcloth of roots sufficient to separate from the mother plant appears, the upper part of the stem below the roots is cut off and planted in a pot prepared for the young Monstera, while deepening all the roots into the soil entirely. Sometimes a new bush is planted in an old pot so that its leaves cover the bare trunk of the mother plant.

Another way: the apical cutting with several leaves and an eye-bud is cut from the mother plant and put to root in a container with wet sand or a mixture of sand and peat, under a film. About a month later, when the roots grow, the cuttings are transplanted into pots with soil and take care of them according to all the rules. Wherein, mother plant continues to grow further. New shoots grow from dormant buds.

You can cut cuttings from the middle of the shoot. Make the upper cut 2 cm above the kidney, straight, and the lower cut oblique. Slightly dry the slices and powder with crushed charcoal. After that, the cuttings are planted in a substrate of peat and sand in equal proportions. To maintain constant humidity, cover the container with a transparent bag. Ventilate, if necessary - spray the substrate and cuttings. When planting, make sure that the node from which the air roots appear is half submerged in the soil.

We do not recommend rooting cuttings in water, since the roots that grow in it will adapt for a long time in the ground, for some time they will not be able to choose from it useful material and moisture. Until new roots grow, the plant will hurt.

Be aware that Monstera juice is poisonous. It can cause skin dermatitis and irritation of mucous membranes. Use gloves while working with the plant.

Diseases and pests Monstera

At proper care Monstera is not affected by pests and rarely gets sick.

But, sometimes, such sucking insects as scale insects, spider mites, mealybugs and thrips still appear on the vine.

If the leaves began to turn yellow, and on them reverse side a cobweb appeared - a spider mite attacked Monstera. This means that the room is too dry and hot. It is necessary to correct the situation - increase humidity, spray the plant and the surrounding air more often. And with the spider mite, you need to start the fight. Bathe the plant if possible. Water will wash away most of the pests. Treat Monstera with acaricides - Fitoverm, Akarin or Aktellik. Read the instructions. Repeat the treatment as many times as indicated in it and at the desired interval. Otherwise, you will not cope with the tick.

In hot and dry air, thrips multiply rapidly. The leaves affected by them become grayish-brown from above. Insecticides are used again - Aktara, Iskra, Biotlin and others. And in the room, increase the humidity of the air in all ways.

Of the diseases, root rot can be distinguished. There is a problem due to excessive or improper watering of the plant. Perhaps you have too big pot, the soil in which does not dry out and sour. The root system suffers from a lack of oxygen and begins to rot. More often this happens in the autumn-winter period at a reduced room temperature. The plant loses its elasticity, the leaves fall, turn yellow and fall off. To save him, take the flower out of the pot, set it free root system from the ground, inspect the roots. Rotten and damaged - remove. Treat the cuts with a solution of manganese, sprinkle them with crushed coal and plant Monstera in another smaller pot with a large drainage layer.

At malnutrition Monstera leaves will fade, turn yellow and dry out. Feed the flower with fertilizer for decorative foliage plants, but in slightly smaller doses than indicated in the instructions.

If Monstera began to cry, i.e. drops of water began to drain from the leaves, perhaps the soil in the pot is too wet. Thus, the plant gets rid of excess moisture. This process is also characteristic of other plants from the tropics, it is called guttation. Keep this in mind and next time water only when the soil in the pot dries out by half the volume.

If only the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, and the new ones become darker and smaller, then you are not watering the plant enough. He lacks moisture.

If Monstera has stopped growing, its leaves have become whole and small, which means that it lacks lighting. Perhaps you blocked her light with other flowers or set the pot in the far corner. In order for dissected large leaves to reappear, the flower should be placed in a brighter place or artificial lighting should be arranged for it.

With age, the leaves on the Monster begin to fall off - this is natural. If the plant is young, and the leaves are brown and dry, the reason may be too dry and hot air in the room.

If the aerial roots of Monstera have become thin and soft, then the plant lacks moisture. Adjust the frequency and amount of watering, wrap the aerial roots with wet moss, increase the humidity in the room.

If the leaves of a flower first turn light green, then turn yellow, become colorless and finally transparent, there can be two reasons: an excess of light or, much worse, the disease chlorosis. Chlorosis is treated with the drug "iron chelate", which is sold in stores.

If Monstera leaves feel like brownish paper to the touch, the flower may have become cramped in its pot, it must be urgently transplanted into a larger pot with a nutrient mixture.


We introduced you to a beautiful houseplant, a creeper named Monstera. The rules for caring for her are not complicated. This process is fascinating and requires a creative approach to choosing a place for a powerful flower. If you want, then, for sure, you can create in your apartment with the help of an exotic pet a cozy tropical corner with a clean and fresh air, in which you will be pleased to relax, admiring its unusual luxurious leaves.

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Tropical evergreen Monstera, or Philodendron, belongs to the Aroid family. Monstera's homeland is Equatorial America, in the 19th century the liana was brought to South East Asia, where she successfully settled down. There are fifty species of this plant in the world.

Thanks to large carved leaves, up to half a meter long and unpretentious home growing, monstera holds a leading position in popularity among indoor flowers.


In the wild, monstera can grow up to ten meters, clinging to large trees and rocks with a flexible and powerful stem. When grown indoors, the flower reaches 2 - 4 m in height, and it needs a reliable support.

Long aerial roots grow on the stem, resembling the tentacles of an ancient monster. The eerie appearance of the plant doomed it to a muffled name - monstera (monster), and associated many myths and legends with the flower.

Shiny dark green leathery leaves sit on long petioles. They are covered with oblong slits. Often, drops of moisture appear on the leaf plate, which makes it seem that the plant is “crying”.

Monstera blooms with inconspicuous grayish flowers, collected in an inflorescence - a thick cob, surrounded by a creamy veil.

In indoor floriculture, Monstera Attractive (Delicious) has become very popular. The plant grows up to 200 cm in height, has large leaves with holes, in the shape of a heart.

On a note. Fruits with seeds of Monstera Delicious are tied and ripen at home extremely rarely. But, if this happens, they can be eaten. They taste like pineapple.

Below are photos of a flower, various varieties of monstera.

Types of monstera for growing in pot culture:


To accommodate indoor flower, choose a spacious and bright room, because the monstera needs good lighting and sufficient ceiling height to grow up.

The flower does not withstand the direct rays of the sun, tender foliage gets serious burns in the sun. But you should not keep a tropical vine in the shade either. A good place for planting a tub with a flower - not far from the east or west windows, ideally - in a spacious and bright hall, winter garden. Often, a flower is placed in the dining room or in the kitchen, as its positive effect on air purification has been proven.

Comfortable ambient temperature for creepers, about +18 degrees. An increase in temperature to 24 and above leads to the active growth of monstera, which is undesirable at home.

The soil

Monstera prefers to grow in loose and fertile land. The composition of the mixture should include: 1 part of coarse sand (vermiculite), peat, humus and 3 parts of good soddy soil.

The flower needs large volumes of soil. Young plants are placed in 8 - 10 liters of soil, after 4 years the flower needs about 30 liters of soil. At the bottom of the tub, a layer of expanded clay or broken bricks must be poured as drainage. Availability drain holes in the bottom of the pot is necessary.


Among indoor plants brought from the tropics, monstera is known for its love of moisture. In the spring and summer, it is necessary to water the flower often and plentifully, but without allowing moisture to stagnate in the pan. Water for the plant should be at room temperature, not hard. At home, tap water is defended or filtered. good effect gives irrigation with rain or melt water. In the cold season, monstera is watered less often, once a week is enough.

The wide leaves of the plant must be regularly wiped from dust with a damp sponge or cloth. It is useful to spray the whole plant with warm water. When does it work central heating and the air in the apartment becomes too dry, wide vessels filled with water are placed near the plant. A small decorative fountain looks aesthetically pleasing.

A large plant needs a strong support. A decorative but strong lattice or trellis is attached to the pot or wall near the flower tub.

An adult monster, in the spring-summer season, is fed twice a month. Organic fertilizers (a solution of chicken manure or mullein in a low concentration) alternate with mineral complexes.

When the plant reaches the height required by the grower, the top of the flower can be cut off. This operation will give impetus to the development of lateral branches, the monstera will become more magnificent.

Important! Monstera aerial roots cannot be cut! They are either lowered into a flower pot so that the plant receives additional nutrition, or lowered into jars of water suspended from branches. Sometimes the roots are dipped into small plastic tubes filled with a mixture of peat and soddy soil. The tubes are stuck into the pot.

Young plants, up to 4 years of age, are transplanted into new large containers annually. Adult specimens only change the top layer of soil to fresh soil.

At ideal conditions starting at the age of two, monstera can bloom. Its inflorescences are similar to calla flowers, only much larger. After flowering, many small fruits filled with seeds ripen on the cob.

Pests, diseases

Despite the unpretentiousness of the plant, the grower needs to know what problems he may face when growing a monstera. The flower can be affected by pests such as mealybugs. As a rule, the spread of pests is promoted by too dry indoor air.

Pests are fought with a cool shower, wiping foliage and branches with a sponge dipped in soapy water, tincture of garlic or tobacco. With a strong reproduction of the pest, use Actellik (2 ml per liter), Fitoverm, Decis, Inta-Vir.

Important! Spraying the plant chemicals, it is necessary to take care of protection by working in a respirator and gloves. It is better to cover the flower with a piece of film so that the poison does not enter the air of the room.

Often the grower notices that monstera leaves turn yellow and dry out. There may be several reasons for this:

  • excess moisture in the soil at low air temperature (too frequent watering in winter);
  • lack of moisture and too dry air;
  • leaflet received sunburn(as a rule, these are local yellowed and drying spots).

Correct the situation by eliminating the causes of the disease. At the same time, the drying and falling off of the old lower foliage is a natural process if the foliage does not dry en masse.


The plant can be propagated by seeds and vegetatively. Monstera seeds are sown in loose and fertile soil (sand, peat, humus), only slightly sprinkled with soil. Pots with crops are left at +25 degrees in a bright room. Shoots will appear in a month.

Seedlings are taken care of in a standard way: watered, loosened the soil, protected from drafts, transplanted.

On a note. The first leaves of the monstera are not dissected. The real perforated leaves characteristic of the plant will appear only by the 5th month of the flower's life.

In the spring (until June), monstera can be propagated:

  1. side branches with leaves;
  2. the top of the stem, left over from pruning the flower;
  3. cuttings (part of a stem with a pair of leaves).

Slices of monstera branches are sprinkled with crushed charcoal, and dried a little in the air. The cuttings are planted in separate pots with light soil (peat and humus + sand), covered with plastic bottles, glass jars or a simple transparent package.

Plants are aired and watered daily. Contain them in diffused lighting and a temperature of +22 +24 degrees. When the seedlings take root, the monstera is transplanted into another dish with more greasy soil (the proportion of humus increases).


Creepy monstera appearance for a long time deterred flower lovers from placing the plant in living quarters. Monstera settled in greenhouses, winter gardens, hospitals and offices. There are enough superstitions about the supposedly heavy energy of the plant. Monstera is called a flower - an energy vampire. Cacti, ivy, ficuses also got into the same company with her. It was believed that these flowers, being in the bedroom or other rooms, provoke quarrels in the family.

Fortunately, in modern world, superstition remains everything less space. Monstera is confidently becoming one of the most indoor plants. A large, bright green plant cleans the air or microorganisms in the room, the sight of large spreading foliage is soothing.

Monstera pots are set on the floor or low stands, be sure to provide support for the winding stem. The flower looks impressive on the background light wall, Indoors Minimalist Design.

Monstera can be included in the composition from tropical plants with different foliage textures: large ficuses, the main thing is to correlate the sizes of partners, the giant monstera visually “crushes” delicate orchids or small-leaved ivy.

See also video

To the question Why is the monster called a crybaby? How is this vine taken care of? given by the author Coconut the best answer is With sufficiently humid air and abundant watering, the monstera begins to work as a "barometer": with a sharp change in air pressure, in cloudy weather, the monstera "cries". This happens when, due to moist air, there is little evaporation from the leaves, and at the same time the roots of the monstera absorb a lot of moisture from the soil. In dry air, this moisture simply evaporates from the leaves of the monstera, and in humid air, the water released (from the water stomata of the leaf) rolls off the leaves in drops.
In a room with relatively humid air, to reduce "crying", you can reduce the watering of the monstera, since it will extract more of the necessary moisture from the air itself.
Temperature: Moderate, in winter optimum temperature 10-14°C, at higher temperatures monstera grows rapidly.
Lighting: Cannot stand direct Sun rays. Many people believe that the monstera is shade-loving and put it in the darkest corner - this is not correct. In fact, the monstera is shade-tolerant, and the best place for it is where there is bright but diffused light or light partial shade.
Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn, watered in winter so that the soil does not dry out, but is not waterlogged.

Answer from Teenager[guru]
Forgive me, for God's sake, for offtopic, and even a personal question ... Aren't you bored of being so right? Your efficiency is more than 50%, your questions are of an exclusively cognitive nature, stability, thoroughness, all things ... Or is there a catch?

Answer from User deleted[guru]
onstera is one of magnificent lianas that grow in room culture. In favorable conditions, especially in winter gardens, it reaches 3-5 m in height. The leaves are dark green, large, up to 0.5 m in diameter. In young plants - whole, heart-shaped, over time they change and become pinnate and perforated. At the ends of the lateral veins of monstera leaves, there are special organs - hydathodes, through which drops of water are released at high humidity, which gives the impression that the plant is crying. From the nodes of the main stem, thick, cord-like aerial roots grow down, which should not be removed. They are sent to the pot and then rooted. Thanks to them, the plant receives additional moisture and nutrition, at the same time they serve as an auxiliary support for the vine.
Monstera rarely blooms indoors. After flowering, a seed-cob is formed with sweet and sour berries tightly sitting on it with the smell of pineapple.
The word "monstera" apparently comes from the Latin word monstrosus, i.e. e. amazing, bizarre. Sometimes it is called a philodendron or simply "crybaby". In cloudy weather, and especially in damp apartments, large drops of water fall from the leaves. According to the behavior of the monstera, it is possible to predict the onset of rainy weather in a day.

Answer from Ўliya Krivushenko[master]
Although about 50 species of plants belong to the genus Monstera (Monstera), lovers of indoor floriculture associate this name with the huge leaves of Monstera delicacy (M. deliciosa). This is not surprising, since this genus owes its very name to this particular plant. Monstera comes from the Latin word "monstrum" - a monster.
The choice of such a gloomy word is explained by the fact that by the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th century in “enlightened” Europe, legends about vampire plants, allegedly living in the wilds of South American forests, were widespread. And they were born thanks to the imagination of travelers who visited those parts and often met the remains of not only various animals, but also their less fortunate predecessors under the leaves of these particular plants. The impression was intensified by the large number of large aerial roots that literally permeated the skeletons of the unfortunate.
It is clear that neither monsters nor any other plants are able to kill and eat their victims. The thing is that any wounded or sick creature instinctively seeks some kind of shelter, shelter. Huge (up to 2 meters in diameter), monstera leaves hanging to the very ground and were an ideal shelter for them. Often he was the last one. The skeletons were whitewashed by insects and small animals. Aerial roots, trying to reach the ground, sprouted through them much later. But ... rumor is rumor.
By the way, she did not prevent these plants from becoming one of the most popular decorative indoor plants. The only downside is their sheer size. And although in artificial conditions they do not reach such a size as at home, yet an adult monstera is unlikely to fit in an ordinary room. Her place is in the big hall, and even better - in the winter garden.
By the way, over the many years of cultivation of these plants, flower growers have created a lot garden forms, having not only acceptable sizes, but also a bizarre leaf color. One of these options is shown in the picture.
But the specific name of this plant deliciosa - translated as delicacy, that is, tasty, evokes completely different feelings. Behind this word are the properties of the fruits of this monstera, the taste and smell are very reminiscent of pineapples. But this applies only to fully ripened fruits. Having bitten at least a little unripe fruit immediately recalls the nettle. It is this burning sensation that is caused by the calcium oxalate crystals contained in them.
The inflorescences of the monster are traditional for Aroids - a veil and an ear. As you can see, the bedspreads of the inflorescences of the monster do not differ in special beauty.
Growing a monstera in an apartment is not at all difficult. It is easily propagated by division of the stem. The separated parts must be dried for several hours, after sprinkling the cut points with crushed charcoal (you can use tablets activated carbon) . After that, they are rooted in a mixture of equal parts of peat and coarse sand. Rooted plants, depending on their size, are planted in 3-5 liter pots. IN suitable conditions monsters grow very fast. After a few months, a transplant will be required. A plant that has developed from a cutting is best planted in wooden box rectangular shape. A box measuring about 100 by 40 cm monstera will last for the next 2-3 years. The height of the box should be no more than 30 cm, since the roots of the monster do not penetrate deep into the ground. Mandatory holes in the bottom and a sufficiently high (about 10 cm) drainage layer of small stones or expanded clay. For planting, use a light fertile earthen mixture consisting of equal parts of compost soil, peat and sand.
When landing in such an elongated box young plant should be placed at one of its short sides, pointing the top to the opposite. Such a planting will allow the monstera to develop horizontally for some time, and all new aerial roots will quickly reach the ground and provide additional growth opportunities. Upon reaching

Monstera is one of the most popular colors in interior design today. In order to occupy a high niche in the hierarchy of indoor species, the plant had to go through a difficult path. Possessing a gigantic size, this tropical liana actively inhabited the South American jungle, densely braiding trees. The first travelers who studied the flora of South America, faced with the wild world of the tropics, spread the most incredible legends around the world.

Some of them could see such a picture: a powerful liana, biting its tentacles into the skeleton of a person or animal lying under a tree. So old light learned about the existence of a terrible killer plant. Much later, scientists found out that the terrible tentacles were just aerial roots of a plant that tried to take root in the ground, passing through everything that lay in their path. But the deed was done, and the vine was dubbed "monstrum". However, in Latin, the derivative of this word, “monstosus”, means bizarre, amazing, which is more in line with the monstera flower that adorns our interiors.

In the Aroid family, the genus Monstera Adans is represented by 50 species of large vines, with different lengths, from 25 to 60 cm, carved leaves. They wrap around tree trunks, stretching up to 12 meters in height. In the photo, the monstera is completely different from the liana, but this is not her fault, this is the merit of the flower growers, who provided the plant with props and forbade it to curl. Paradoxically, thanks to a little trick, we got indoor "monsters" of amazing beauty.

Tip: use special tubes glued with artificial moss to support the plant. They organically fit the monstera, without violating its decorative effect.

Proper care of the monstera

To cope with a beauty accustomed to climbing, it is necessary to scrupulously follow all the rules for caring for a monstera at home, recommended by plant experts.


Despite the natural thermophilicity, the flower calmly refers to + 20-25 degrees. If you want your pet to grow actively, add heat, that is, provide it with a temperature of +25 degrees during the growing season. In winter, when frost and cold reign in the temperate zone, make sure that the thermometer next to the plant does not fall below +10.

Important: do not allow the plant to be in a draft, especially in the autumn-winter period.


Monstera loves bright but diffused light. With its deficiency, the leaves become smaller and lose their external attractiveness. When breeding at home, place your pet on an east or west window, protect from direct sunlight.

The soil

The choice of substrate is very important point for proper plant development. A young monster needs soil with neutral acidity (Ph 5.5), consisting of two parts of humus, and one part of sand, peat and sod land. For an adult creeper, acidity is increased to 6.5-7.0, three parts of soddy land and one part of humus, sand, peat and hardwood are introduced into the substrate.


Watering should be plentiful from spring to autumn. We noticed that the top layer of the earth has dried up, urgently water the plant. Closer to winter, reduce the frequency of watering, let's drink to the pet two or three days after the soil has dried up. Spraying for monstera is a must. Even better, if you regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.


The frequency of transplants depends on the age of the plant. The first years of the monster's life are transplanted annually, at the age of 3-4 they do this with an interval of two years. After 5 years, transfer to a new pot is carried out every 3-4 years. Monsters prefer wide and deep containers.

Tip: Given the long breaks in transplanting adult plants, periodically add soil to the pot where your pet lives.

How to propagate monstera

Propagation of monstera is not difficult for most gardeners. Most often, apical or stem cuttings formed after pruning are used for propagation. They take root easily and form new shoots from dormant buds.

For propagation, you can also use side shoots that have formed on the stem from the buds and have already formed several aerial roots. This method is the easiest, but not often used, because. when the shoots are removed, the trunk is exposed and the plant loses its decorative effect. You can try to propagate the monster with a leaf, rooting success using this method is much lower, but there is still a chance of getting a new plant.

With home maintenance, it is almost impossible to make a plant bloom, therefore, propagation by seeds is possible only if it is possible to meet them on sale. It is not difficult to get seedlings, but it should be borne in mind that the seeds lose their germination capacity very quickly.

Monster pests and diseases

Monstera has no outright enemies, eager to feast on a plant. Sometimes she can get attacked spider mite, but can be easily controlled with insecticides. Improper care of the monstera affects the plant much more negatively.

Brown and drying leaves - the pet lacks moisture.

When waterlogged, the monstera cries, and its roots rot.

By the way, if everything is in order with the soil, and the monstera is “crying”, then it will rain soon or in your apartment high humidity. For this unusual property, the plant is sometimes called a "crybaby".

Myths and facts about the character of monstera

Even though the monstera is easy to care for, many are afraid to bring it into the house. Of course, no one considers her a killer plant, but some of the creeper's negative abilities are often voiced. We will also figure out whether it is possible to keep the monstera at home and what her “bad” behavior is expressed in.

There is a prejudice that the amazing tropical liana - energetic vampire. And indeed it is. The only difference is that the monstera does not pull vitality from a person, on the contrary, she absorbs him negative emotions, purifying and ionizing the air.

It is also true that such a large plant absorbs a lot of oxygen. Due to the fact that she does this at night, idle people accuse the liana of being able to "strangle" the owner. The process of photosynthesis refutes this myth. During the day, the monstera gives off so much oxygen that it is enough for ten people.

Girls are not advised to start a monstera. There is an opinion that she destroys the aura, changes fate, and the young mistress cannot get married while the liana grows in her house. And who counted how many single girls got married after getting rid of an innocent plant? And again a mystery.

All the assumptions about why it is impossible to keep the monstera at home have been expressed by the people, and now let's see what science tells about the amazing properties of the plant.

Monstera is able to absorb formaldehydes harmful to the human body, which are contained in some building materials.

It releases biologically active substances that destroy viruses and bacteria.

Monstera leaves effectively trap dust particles, making the air in the room cleaner.

The plant, releasing special substances, helps its owner to endure stressful situations more easily and provides him with a restful sleep.

Whom to believe, folk speculation or scientifically based facts, is up to you. What there is no doubt about is the natural attractiveness of the South American creeper, which is only to blame for the fact that it was born so beautiful.

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