Tomato seedlings outdoors plus 10. Growing tomato seedlings at home. Adviсe. Picking tomato seedlings: is it necessary

To get a rich harvest of tomatoes on suburban area, you need to know how to grow tomato seedlings at home. Some gardeners prefer to buy bushes on the market, but this has many disadvantages. There is no certainty that you are purchasing the exact variety that you need. In addition, such seedlings often get sick and do not take root well in open ground.

Seed preparation

Pledge good harvest- properly selected seeds. You can acquire them yourself by selecting from the best fruits grown last year. In order for them to germinate, they must be thoroughly dried and stored properly.

When buying seeds, carefully read the data on the package, which allows you to determine the percentage of germination, fruit ripening time, frost resistance and much more. Choose varieties that suit your climatic conditions, and be sure to check the expiration date so as not to purchase an expired product.

Having decided on the variety, you need to prepare the seeds for sowing. This is an important condition for how to grow strong tomato seedlings.

  • Pour the seeds onto a sheet of white paper and carefully sort through.
  • Discard deformed and small ones.
  • Pour in the rest of the material salt water. Good seeds will sink to the bottom, and empty ones will float up.
  • Collect quality seeds, wash them running water and dry.

The selected planting material must be disinfected. A weak solution of manganese is suitable for processing. Stir a few crystals in warm water. You should get a light pink liquid. Soak the seeds in it for 15 minutes. This time is enough for pathogenic bacteria to die, and future seedlings to become resistant to diseases.

Many summer residents germinate seeds before planting. This greatly increases germination and makes seedlings stronger. It is useful to use aloe juice, an excellent natural growth stimulant. It increases productivity and conducts additional disinfection of seeds.

You will need the leaves of an adult plant. Rinse them with water, grind and squeeze the juice. Mix it with boiled water in the same proportion. Put the seeds in cheesecloth, tie tightly and dip into the solution. After a day, take it out, wrap it in cellophane and place it in a warm place. Check seeds periodically. When they hatch, proceed to landing.

You can plant seeds without germination, but then the germination rate will decrease, and the seedlings will grow longer.

Landing dates

Novice gardeners are interested in how to properly grow tomato seedlings. It is important to accurately calculate the landing time. Remember that seedlings should not be in the apartment for more than 60 days. If she outgrows, it will be difficult for her to take root in the garden, and planted in open ground freezing too early.

To get good tomato seedlings, consider your climate. When warm weather usually sets in early May, count back 55 days from that time. This will be the time when you need to start preparing seeds and planting.

If you listen to lunar calendar, sowing tomatoes can not be done on the full moon and new moon. This impairs their development. It is recommended to plant seeds in the second phase of the growing moon, which improves the growth of tops, makes seedlings stronger and stronger.

Soil selection

Experienced summer residents are advised to prepare soil for planting in the fall. You should collect soil from the garden, combine in the same proportion with fine sand and humus. Stir, add a couple of tablespoons of powdered chalk and wood ash to each bucket of the mixture. The soil should be airy and loose in order to quickly pass moisture and oxygen.

When it is not possible to prepare the ground in advance, you can use another recipe. Take:

  • 70% soddy soil;
  • 15% humus;
  • 15% ash, chalk and peat, mixing the ingredients together.

Any substrate before sowing must be disinfected to remove pathogens. There are several proven methods.

  • Ignite the soil in the oven for a quarter of an hour, setting the temperature to 200 degrees.
  • Pour the earth with boiling water.
  • Put the mixture in the microwave and turn on the unit for 2 minutes.
  • Pour the soil with a strong solution of manganese.

Choose an appropriate method, decontaminate, moisten the soil if it is dry, and put it in a warm place for 2 weeks before planting.

If you don’t have time to work with the soil, purchase potting mix from the store. High-quality products go through all stages of purification, so they do not need additional processing.

Sowing seeds

Choose a suitable container for seedlings. It can be:

  • plastic cups;
  • cardboard boxes for yogurt or milk;
  • small pots.

Can be built wooden boxes or buy special trays with cassettes. The main thing is that the container has good drainage. In cups, boxes, pots and boxes, several holes must be made to let water out.

Fill in the prepared earth, dig holes 3 cm deep and place the seeds at a distance of about 3 cm from each other. Water gently warm water, cover the seeds with earth, cover the container with glass or stretch the film. It is needed to create the greenhouse effect. When mass shoots appear, the coating can be removed.

  • If you need a way to grow healthy tomato seedlings, purchase peat seed pots from a specialty store.
  • These are small round containers.
  • Seedlings grown in them do not need to be removed for transplantation.
  • This significantly reduces the damage to the root system and the death of the plant in the open field.

The cups are made of peat with the addition of paper and humus. They need to make holes in them, pour beaten on the bottom eggshell for drainage, put on top nutrient soil, water and sow seeds. When the seedlings grow and are ready for rooting in the garden, you need to transfer it there along with the pot. Peat will quickly begin to decompose, fertilizing the land and increasing the yield of tomatoes.

Growing seedlings in peat pots, do not forget that it needs to be watered much more often than the one that sits in plastic trays and cups. The moisture in this container evaporates quickly.

Temperature regime

Until the seedlings appear, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature at about 27-30 C. Usually, seedlings peck for 4-5 days. Then the degree must be reduced so that the seedlings do not begin to stretch upwards. Optimum temperature- 16 C.

During this period, tomatoes need good lighting. Put them on the windowsill. If there is not enough natural light, you need to make additional lighting. At first, it is desirable to leave it on around the clock.

Remove the airing film daily, otherwise mold may appear on the seedlings. When most of the bushes germinate, remove the protection and increase the temperature in the daytime to 22 C. At night it should be 4-5 C less. Protect the seedlings from drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Watering and feeding

Needed for irrigation pure water room temperature. It must be passed through a filter or defended in a bank. Moisturize the seedlings should be carefully, from an excess of moisture, it can rot the roots. Lack is also dangerous and can destroy the plant.

  • Check the soil regularly and water it as it dries out.
  • Watering should be done every 5-6 days.
  • Spray water under each root from a spray bottle.
  • When the seedlings begin to grow and they have more than 5 leaves, it is recommended to increase watering and carry out every 3-4 days.

Whether it is necessary to fertilize seedlings can be seen from its appearance. We feed plants when there are not enough nutrients. In this case, the leaves turn yellow, the trunk looks stunted. To know how to feed the sprouts, you need to understand what trace elements are missing.

  • Fragile yellowish leaves signal a lack of nitrogen.
  • The purple shade of the seedlings indicates a lack of phosphorus.
  • Leaf curl is a sign of a lack of potassium.
  • White spots on tops form when there is no iron in the soil.

For the first time, seedlings can be fed two weeks after they have sprouted. The frequency of fertilizer application is once every 10 days. It is best to use purchased complex preparations. Agricola Vegeta, Kornerost and Effekton-O have proven themselves well for tomatoes. Use them according to the instructions and try not to get liquid on the trunk and leaves during processing.

Seedling picking

How to grow good tomato seedlings? At a certain stage of development, you will need to dive the plant. This means that it needs to be transplanted into a new container. The procedure is necessary for the development of the root system. It can be avoided if you initially plant the seeds in peat cups.

When three full-fledged formed leaves appear on the sprouts, you can start diving.

  • Prepare containers with a volume of 500 ml, make holes in them and pour some earth inside.
  • Water the seedlings, carefully remove them from the soil and pinch the main root a third of the length.
  • Put in the prepared pot, sprinkle with soil, lightly tamp it with your fingers and pour over with water.
  • Take the pickled seedlings to a brightly lit place and increase the temperature in the room to 25 C.
  • After two days temperature regime must be lowered again to 22 C.

Some summer residents use an interesting way to get strong seedlings seed tomato. To do this, they dive and plant 2 pieces in one pot next to each other. The trunks are tied together with a nylon thread. Plants grow quickly. Then, at a weaker trunk, pinch the top, and remove the thread. The result is a powerful seedling with developed roots.

Landing in open ground

Landing on the garden occurs when warm weather is firmly established on the street, excluding night frosts. It is impossible to keep tomato seedlings in the apartment. When she is one and a half months old, you need to prepare for a transplant. Plants need to be hardened off.

  • To do this, gradually reduce the temperature of the air in the room.
  • Lower it daily by 2-3 degrees and bring it up to 14-16 C.
  • When 4-5 days remain before transplanting, start taking seedlings to the balcony.
  • On the first day, leave the plants outside for 2 hours.
  • Secondly, for 4 hours, and then do not bring the sprouts home around the clock so that they fully adapt to the new temperature conditions.

A seedling is considered ready to root into the ground when it grows to about 30 cm. It has at least 7 leaves, a strong stem 1 cm wide and produces a flower cluster.

Each person can get a strong healthy seedlings tomatoes, but how to grow it is up to you. You can use any accessible way and provide yourself with powerful seedlings that will give a generous harvest.

Tomatoes are readily grown by most gardeners. To maximize the yield, it is important to properly grow seedlings. It is its quality that further ensures the abundant fruiting of the bushes. Tomato seedlings can be bought, but this is undesirable, since there are no guarantees that the plants are grown according to all the rules, and not just pumped up with stimulants to temporarily give a presentation. Learn how to properly grow tomato seedlings at home.

Planting tomatoes for seedlings on the new moon and full moon is not recommended. It is generally accepted that during this period the plants will not develop correctly and will be stunted.

Varieties that will continue to grow in greenhouses, depending on the region, are sown from February 15 to March 15. Tomato seedlings are planted in the soil after 2 months.

Tomatoes for outdoor cultivation are sown later - from March 15 to March 31, depending on the region. Landing in the ground is carried out after 2.5 months. For the first 2-3 weeks, a light greenhouse on arcs should be made above the garden bed. It is required for plants to more easily acclimatize to new temperature conditions.

If late return frosts are noted in the region, then the landing is postponed until the moment of stable onset of heat. Seedlings for hardening are simply regularly taken out into the street, taking them into the heat at the time of a cold snap. Seedling containers are required larger for normal long-term root development.

It is necessary to plant tomatoes for seedlings strictly taking into account weather conditions in a specific region. Correctly observed terms and rules for planting seeds are important for obtaining a high-quality tomato crop.

Sowing tomato seedlings at home

Planting seedlings consists of several stages. It is important to avoid mistakes in each of them: properly prepare the soil and seeds, choose the containers in which the planting will be carried out, etc. Let's consider each stage in more detail.

Soil and tank preparation

Quality soil for tomato seedlings is the key to its proper development. You also need to pre-select high-quality containers for planting.

The most simple, but not always good option- This is the purchase of ready-made land for seedlings of tomatoes. The advantage of such a soil is its optimal balance of nutrients and mineral components. The disadvantage of the finished soil is the high risk of its infection with pest larvae and pathogenic bacteria, which will be detrimental to seedlings. Because of this, if purchased soil is selected, it should be completely disinfected.

Most gardeners recommend sowing tomatoes for seedlings in soil prepared on their own. The soil should be harvested in the fall. It should be light and fluffy. The acid-base balance of the soil should be in the range of 5.6-6 units. There are 2 optimal recipes for planting tomato seeds. The first one:

  • sod land - 1 part;
  • peat - 2 parts;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • wood ash - 2 cups per 10-liter bucket of soil;
  • superphosphate - 2 matchboxes per bucket of 10 liters.

You can prepare the land for seedlings of tomatoes and according to the second recipe:

  • sod land - 1 part;
  • compost (or black peat) - 1 part;
  • coarse sand - 1 part;
  • urea solution - 10 g per 10 liters of soil;
  • potassium sulfate solution - 20 g per 10 liters of soil;
  • superphosphate - 30 g per 10 liters of soil.

When using peat to reduce the acidity of the soil, crushed chalk is used, in the amount of 3 tablespoons per 10 liter bucket. Without this, the composition of the land for seedlings of tomatoes can hardly be called high-quality.

The prepared soil must be left in the cold for freezing so that pathogenic bacteria, fungi and pest larvae that may be in it die. Further, 2-3 weeks before planting seedlings, the soil is brought into the room and its heat treatment is carried out.

You can bake the soil in the oven. The soil in a metal trough is slightly moistened with boiling water and, after mixing well, spread on a baking sheet, which is placed in the oven. There, the soil is left for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C.

In addition to calcining, you can spill the soil with boiling water.

The final stage of soil preparation is its disinfection. The soil is shed with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), for which 3 g of the substance is taken per 10-liter bucket of water.

All disinfecting procedures lead to the complete destruction of microflora in the soil. Such sterility is not useful for seedlings, and before planting, the land must be reanimated by populating it with beneficial bacteria.

In order to restore the useful microflora of the soil, biohumus is added to it - 1/20 of the total volume of soil. In its absence, you can use the super-compost "Pixa". You can also make humus based on manure. You can populate the soil with beneficial bacteria by watering the soil with a solution of biological products, the most common of which are Baikal and Radiance. Such resuscitation is carried out no later than 2 weeks before planting the seeds. It is necessary to use a 1% solution for irrigation. After that, the container with soil is closed black film, since anaerobic conditions are optimal for the development of bacteria.

Disinfection purchased soil carried out in a similar way. Even if it is noted on the package that the soil has passed all the necessary processing, it is better to play it safe.

Boxes for seedlings can be anything, but it is especially convenient to plant immediately in plastic pots with a removable bottom. It's very easy to get out of them. large bush into the ground. A tomato immediately planted in an individual container will not experience stress due to a dive. Containers must be disinfected, even if they are new. To do this, they are washed and rinsed with a solution of manganese.

Seed selection and preparation

When choosing seeds, you need to decide in advance for what purposes tomatoes are required. It is important to take into account such indicators of a variety or hybrid as:

  • ripening period;
  • the volume of the crop from the bush;
  • intended for open or closed ground;
  • keeping quality.

Seed packaging must not have any defects or signs of water intrusion. You should not buy seeds, the expiration date of which is running out. You can't get good germination from them. It is optimal if the variety is zoned for a particular growing region.

Properly preparing tomato seeds for planting seedlings is very important. First of all, they are checked for germination. To do this, planting material is poured into salted water (10 g table salt 1 glass of water) and leave for 10 minutes. Empty seeds will float on the surface, while high-quality and suitable for planting will settle to the bottom.

  • in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, which is prepared at the rate of 100 ml of water and 3 ml of an antiseptic. After that, they are poured with tomato seeds for seedlings for 10 minutes.
  • in a one percent solution of potassium permanganate, in which the seed is placed for 15-20 minutes.

For germination, the seed material is laid out on a soft cotton cloth (preferably white), which is moistened with settled water. From above, the seeds are also covered with a damp cloth. It is then transferred to Plastic container, leaving only a small gap for air to enter, and close plastic bag, which is completely removed for ventilation 4 times a day for 10 minutes. Seeds hatch in 4-5 days, and they are immediately planted in the ground.

Sowing in ordinary containers or cups

Sprouted seeds can be planted by the classical method in a common box or more conveniently - in individual cups to eliminate the dive stage. When planting in cups, seedlings will take more space. Growing tomato seedlings by one method or another depends only on personal preferences.

When planting in a common container, it is filled with soil by 2/3. After that, parallel grooves are made at a distance of 4-5 cm and watered with settled water. Next, the seeds are placed in the grooves at a distance of 2.5-3 cm from each other. With a closer landing, difficulties will arise at the time of the dive.

When planting in cups, they are also filled to 2/3. A recess is made in the center, in which 1 seed is planted. In the future, pots with weak sprouts are removed, leaving only strong plants. According to gardeners, this method home cultivation most convenient and efficient. If they land early varieties, then the container must be taken with a volume of at least 500 ml, since even before planting in the ground, the seedlings form a powerful root. Planting tomato seeds for seedlings in this way is less troublesome.

In peat tablets

Peat tablets are a replacement for individual pots. When using them, diving is also not required. For tomatoes, tablets with a diameter of 4 cm are taken. At the beginning, they are poured with settled water at room temperature to swell. Then, giving excess water drain from the tablets, they are placed in a tray with cells slightly larger than the tablet. The pallet is placed in a transparent container 10 cm high. 2-4 seeds are planted in a tablet if the quality of the planting material is doubtful, or 1 each if the seeds are of high quality. A seed well is made 1 cm deep in the center of the tablet. Cover the seeds with soil. The top of the box with pills is covered with a transparent lid. After the appearance of sprouts, the lid is removed.

In special cassettes with a pallet

It is convenient to grow tomato seedlings in cassettes with pallets. With this method, watering is simplified, since it is carried out through the pan. Also, the cassettes are beneficial in terms of saving space on the windowsills and reusable use. Picking with this cultivation of seedlings is not required.

Due to the small volume of cells for growing seedlings, agroperlite is used with top layer from peat. The soil is disinfected and enriched with nutrients, and peat is mixed with chalk before use.

Make holes 1-1.5 cm deep in the soil laid out in the cassette, put the seeds in them that have passed pre-processing before planting, and close the holes.

Seedling care at home

Competent care for seedlings of tomatoes, the key to obtaining strong bushes for planting in a greenhouse or open ground. Often it is the mistakes in its cultivation that reduce all efforts to zero, preventing a high-quality crop from being obtained. To grow tomato seedlings at home, it is important to follow a number of rules.

Temperature regime

The temperature regime for tomato seedlings at home is very important. In order for the planting material to germinate unanimously, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at a level of +23 to +28 o C. When the seedlings are a week old, the air temperature is reduced to +20 o C. After another 14 days, the temperature can be lowered by another 2-3 o WITH.

In the presence of a capital greenhouse, seedlings from mid-April are taken out into it for hardening for several hours a day. It is important that the tomatoes do not freeze or overcool, therefore, when taking them out for hardening, one should not be distracted.

Drafts should not be allowed to affect the seedlings. For young plants, they are detrimental and lead to damage in short term.


Tomato seedlings require the maximum amount of light. Proper care of tomato seedlings without lighting is impossible. With a lack of light, it stretches and withers. In addition to natural daylight, tomatoes also need additional lighting with special lamps. In the first 3 days after germination, seedlings require round-the-clock lighting. Further daylight hours should last 16 hours. It is useful to use phytolamps. They provide plants with the most useful light spectrum.


Before germination, soil moisture should be checked daily. In case of its insufficiency, spraying with settled water is carried out using a spray gun.

After germination, the tomato seedlings are watered with warm water and with extreme caution. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is sufficiently moist, otherwise the sprouts will dry out in a short time. The next watering is usually required in 5-7 days. Water is poured under the sprouts and only under the stem, getting it on the leaves is unacceptable. When growing in cassettes with a pallet, watering is greatly simplified. Water is simply poured into the pan and left for 2 hours. After that, the excess is poured out.

The grown seedlings are moistened as needed, using a watering can to indoor plants. Starting from the moment 5 true leaves appear, the plants should be watered once every 3-4 days.

top dressing

Top dressing of tomato seedlings is mandatory, as it does not have enough nutrients in a limited portion of soil in a pot. The first time fertilizers are applied 2 weeks after germination in phase 1 of this leaflet. Further top dressing is carried out every week. Good results gives the use of the drug "Effect" with strict observance of the instructions.

When using any fertilizer, care must be taken to prevent it from getting on the leaves and stems. If this happens, carefully dry the leaves with a piece of toilet paper. Caring for tomato seedlings must be done with special care.


Seedling diving is required if it is grown in a common box. Seating of tomatoes is carried out in phase 3 of these leaves. The volume of cups for diving should be from 500 ml so that the plant can fully develop. If the cups are smaller, then a second transplant will be required in the future, which is harmful.

Seedlings are carefully removed from the box using a wooden stick. After that, the main root is pinched 1/3 of its length. However, such injury to the root of tomato seedlings is a rather controversial method, and not all gardeners adhere to it. Often picking is carried out without pinching. The roots of the plant should be loose and vertical in the pot. After filling the soil and pressing it around the stem, water it with warm water. After transplanting for 4-5 days, the seedlings are left at an elevated temperature.

It is possible to carry out picks in polyethylene. In this case, the plant is in a state of stress, which further activates its fruiting and increases productivity. Pieces of film 20 by 30 cm are taken. Soil is poured into the upper left corner in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., after which the seedling is placed on the soil, without pinching the root, and covered with the same volume of soil. Next, the film is wrapped to make a pot. All bags with seedlings are drawn up close to the pallet. In the phase of 5 real leaves, the bags are unfolded and 1 more spoonful of soil is added to them. Water the plants from a teapot, combining watering with top dressing. Before transportation, the plants are not watered for 2-3 days. Such tomato seedlings grown at home are particularly productive.

Maria Vlasova


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Proper cultivation of tomato seedlings provides high yield. Observing the rules of the process, even a novice gardener can get his own seedlings.

Growing tomato seedlings at home requires certain knowledge and skills. Following the sequence of necessary manipulations and applying (data in the article) tips for growing and caring for tomato seedlings, you will receive high-quality, healthy and strong seedlings, which in the future will delight you with a rich harvest.

In the first 20 days after the appearance seedlings of tomatoes leaves grow slowly. In the next 15-20 days, growth becomes more noticeable.

To prevent tomato seedlings from stretching, lighting should be sufficient, it is important to monitor the temperature and carry out hardening. Within 7 days after germination, the temperature is maintained during the day (16-18°C) and at night (13-15°C). Then it is increased to (18-20°C) during the day and to (15-16°C) at night. This mode is observed until the second and third true leaves appear on the sprout. This usually happens 30-35 days after germination.

During this time tomato seedlings watered and fed 3 times, which allows even in the period of low light (March) to get strong seedlings.

For the first time, the seedlings that have appeared are watered sparingly. The second time is watered after 1-2 weeks, combining watering with top dressing, in the phase of one true leaflet. The last time watered 3 hours before picking and transplanting seedlings.

Water for watering tomato seedlings should be at room temperature (20 ° C) and must be settled. It is preferable to water young seedlings under the root so that water does not fall on the leaves and they do not rot. Boxes or boxes should be turned daily with the other side to the window glass - this will prevent the seedlings from pulling in one direction.

It is impossible to put the box directly on the windowsill; it is better to use some kind of stand so that air access to the root system is not limited.

When the seedlings have 1 true leaf, make the first root dressing tomato seedlings: dilute 1 teaspoon in 1 liter of water liquid fertilizer Agricola Fornard. This top dressing enhances the development of seedlings and strengthens the root system.

The second top dressing is done when the third true leaf appears: 1 tablespoon of the preparation "Barrier" is diluted in 1 liter of water. Water with solutions very carefully. Seedlings with 2-3 true leaves dive into pots measuring 8 x 8 or 10 x 10 cm, in which they will grow for only 22-25 days. To do this, the pots are filled with one of the soil mixtures recommended above and watered with a solution of potassium permanganate - 0.5 g per 10 liters of water (22-24 ° C). When picking seedlings, sick and weak plants are culled.

Rice. 1. Picking tomato seedlings into pots: a - planting an unstretched plant; b - planting an elongated plant;

If the seedlings are slightly extended, then the stems, when picking into pots, can be buried halfway, but not to the cotyledon leaves (Fig. 1).

After picking tomato seedlings into pots for three days, the temperature is maintained during the day (20-22 ° C), and at night (16-18 ° C).

As soon as the seedlings take root, the temperature is reduced during the day to (18-20 ° C), at night to (15-16 ° C). Watering seedlings in pots 1 time per week until the soil is completely wet. By the next watering, the soil should dry out a little, but at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there are no long breaks in watering.

12 days after picking, seedlings are fed: for 10 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska or nitroammophoska. Use about 1 cup for 2 pots. After 22-25 days, the seedlings are transplanted from small pots to large ones (12 x 12 or 15 x 15 cm in size). When transplanting, try not to bury the plants (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Transplanting tomato seedlings from small pots to large ones: 1 - small pot; 2- large pot; 3 - soil layer;

After planting, the seedlings are watered with warm (22 ° C) water, trying to moisten the soil well. In the future, moderate watering is needed (once a week) as the soil dries. This inhibits the growth and stretching of seedlings.

Why do you need to dive seedlings first into small pots, and then plant them into large ones?

Firstly , each transplant inhibits growth, and seedlings do not stretch.

Secondly , in small pots, plants with regular watering develop a good root system, since water in such pots does not linger and there is more air access.

If the seedlings dive immediately into large pots, it will be difficult to regulate watering and the water will begin to stagnate. With excessive moisture, there is a lack of air and root system slows down growth, which, in turn, negatively affects the development of seedlings (it stretches).

15 days after transplanting into large pots, seedlings are fed.

At first feeding tomato seedlings for 10 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate or 1 tablespoon of dry fertilizer "Signor Tomato", stir well and water the seedlings at the rate of 1 cup for each pot.

After 15 days do second dressing: in 10 liters of water dissolve 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska or dry Fertility fertilizer and spend 1 glass per plant. Top dressing is combined with watering. If during the period of growing seedlings the soil in the pots has compacted, they make backfilling.

When strong pulling seedlings tomatoes plant stems can be cut into two parts at the level of the 5th or 6th leaf. Put the top cut parts of the plants in a jar of water. After 8-10 days, roots up to 1-1.5 cm in size will grow on the lower sections of the stems, and these plants can be planted in pots measuring 10 x 10 cm or in a box with nutrient soil at a distance of 10 × 10 or 12 x 12 cm each from friend. Then they will continue to grow, like ordinary seedlings, which are formed into one stem.

From the axils of the five lower leaves of the cut plant remaining in the pot, new shoots (stepsons) will soon appear. When they reach a length of 5 cm, two upper escape(stepson) must be left, and the lower ones removed. The result is a good standard seedling. It is advisable to do this operation 20-25 days before planting seedlings in a permanent place.

When planting such tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, they continue to form it in two shoots. Each shoot is tied separately with twine to a trellis (wire) and 3-4 fruit clusters are formed.

If tomato seedlings stretched out and turned pale green , need to do top dressing(For 10 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of urea or Ideal liquid concentrated fertilizer), spending 0.5 cups for each pot. Then for 5-6 days put the pots in a room with an air temperature of 8-10 ° C day and night and do not water for several days. Plants will stop growing, turn green and even turn purple. After that, transfer them back to normal conditions.

If the seedling develops rapidly at the expense of flowering , do root dressing: for 10 liters of water, take 3 tablespoons of superphosphate and spend a glass of this solution for each pot. A day after feeding, the seedlings are moved to a warm place with an air temperature of 926 ° C during the day, and at night (20-22 ° C) and also do not water for several days in order to dry the soil a little. Under such conditions, the seedlings are normalized, and after a week they are transferred to normal conditions. In sunny weather, the temperature is kept during the day (22-23°C), at night (16-17°C), and in cloudy weather during the day it is reduced to (17-18°C), at night to (15-16°C).

Many gardeners complain about slow growth tomato seedlings , in this case, it is fed with a solution of the sodium humate growth stimulator at the rate of 1 glass per plant. The irrigation solution should be the color of beer or tea.

In April - May, the seedlings are hardened, that is, they open the window both day and night. On warm days (from 12 ° C and above), the seedlings are taken out to the balcony and opened for 2-3 hours for 2-3 days, and then they are taken out for the whole day and even left overnight, but they must be covered with a film on top.

In the event of a decrease in temperature (below 8 ° C), seedlings must be brought into the room. Well hardened seedlings have a bluish purple hue. During the hardening period, the soil must be watered, otherwise the plants will wither.

To save flower buds on tomato seedlings on the first flower brush, it is necessary to spray the seedlings with a solution (1 g of boric acid per 1 liter of water) 4-5 days before planting in the garden or in the greenhouse. Processing is carried out in the morning in cloudy weather.

In sunny weather, plants are NOT treated, otherwise burns will appear on the leaves. Seedlings should reach a height of 15-35 cm, have 8-12 well-developed leaves and well-formed inflorescences (one or two).

Often, gardeners buy seedlings on the market that are grown without observing the rules of agricultural technology, that is, densely sown at a later date. The plants themselves will tell you this: they are pale green in color, with large internodes, thin, elongated and without flower buds. Such thin, loose, easily broken seedlings always give a late and meager harvest, as a rule, they are affected by fungal diseases, especially late blight.

2-3 days before transplanting seedlings to a permanent place, it is recommended to cut off 2-3 lower true leaves. This is necessary to reduce the likelihood of diseases, better ventilation, lighting, which, in turn, will contribute to better development first flower brush. The leaves are cut so that stumps 1.5-2 cm long remain, which will gradually dry out and fall off themselves.

Great( 5 ) Badly( 2 )

It stands on the same step with crops such as cucumber and pepper - almost all gardeners grow these vegetables on their plot. But to get decent harvest tomatoes, it is necessary to provide for the cultivation of tomato seedlings at home. Our climate most often does not allow the planting of seeds of this native of the south directly into open ground.

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings?

For central Russia, tomato seedlings are planted at home mid-February to end of March- depending on where the crop will subsequently be grown, in open ground or in a greenhouse. To decide when to sow tomatoes for seedlings, you should adhere to the following time intervals:

  • February 15 - March 15- sow a crop if it is planned to plant seedlings of tomato (tomatoes) in a greenhouse;
  • 1 – 20 March- carry out planting of tomatoes for seedlings when grown in open ground using spunbond or other covering material;
  • 15 – 31 March- plan to plant seedlings of tomatoes for open ground.

Preparation of tomato seeds for sowing seedlings


In the question of how to properly plant tomatoes for seedlings, you need to start with the preparation of seeds. The first stage is culling. Growing tomato seedlings at home is possible only from healthy, strong seeds with a dense shell. Separating unsuitable seeds is quite simple - just place the planting material in salt water (1 tsp of salt per half liter of water) and empty low-quality seeds will float themselves.

ON THE PICTURE: "Empty" tomato seeds float in water and are easy to separate from suitable planting material.


If growing tomato seedlings at home is planned from seeds from your garden, you need to disinfect them in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. planting material in gauze bags, immersed in liquid for 20 minutes, then washed twice with water. fresh seeds well-known manufacturers no such procedure is required.

On a note! Too concentrated potassium permanganate solution reduces seed germination. Those who are afraid to overdo it can use (8 drops per half liter of water). This biological product perfectly copes with many diseases of fungal and bacterial origin.


Preparing tomato seeds at home also involves pre-soaking them. This is done a few days before landing. Seeds are placed in warm water (about + 25 ° C) and kept in it for about 18–20 hours, then dried with paper towels.

In principle, usually old seeds that have been stored for 3–4 years are usually soaked. Young planting material sprouts well even when dry!

Instead of water for soaking, you can use growth stimulants (1-2 drops per 100 ml. warm water), for example epin-extra, zircon. In this case, caring for tomato seedlings at home will be simplified - these growth stimulants help increase germination and planting resistance to diseases.


Another possible stage of seed preparation is hardening, which accelerates the emergence of seedlings. Planting material immediately after soaking is placed in wet gauze in the refrigerator, kept there for about a day and dried. After that, the seeds are immediately planted in the prepared soil.

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings?

Soil preparation

The easiest way is to take ready ground designed for growing seedlings of vegetables. Coconut substrate and peat tablets with a diameter of 30–40 mm are also suitable. The advantage of the last option is that you do not need to dive tomato seedlings.
ON THE PICTURE: Peat tablets are successful in growing seedlings, the main advantages are the absence of the need to prepare the soil for seedlings and picks.

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings using garden soil? There are no special requirements. Suitable mixture sod land and sand, with the addition of sawdust or peat. Before use, such soil must be steamed or calcined in an oven to get rid of pathogens.

Capacity selection

How to plant tomatoes for seedlings - in a common container or individual cups? There is not much difference, except that the seeds planted in separate pots are easier to dive. It is even more convenient to use cassettes - containers with cells, each of which contains one seedling - and it is convenient to carry and replant.


In small pre-moistened holes 1–1.5 cm deep, 1–2 seeds are planted (the distance between the holes is 3–5 cm), sprinkled with earth on top and tamped a little. Plantings before the appearance of seedlings are covered with polyethylene or glass and placed in a warm place (+ 22–25 ° С). Ventilate periodically.

Caring for tomato seedlings at home

The first shoots of tomatoes appear already on the 4-7th day. The main condition for caring for them from this period is a lot of diffused light (that is, without a direct hit sun rays). The light day for young seedlings should last about 16 hours, so it is advisable to illuminate the seedlings in the first few weeks with fluorescent or fitolamps.
ON THE PICTURE: Illumination of seedlings accelerates its growth and makes seedlings stronger.

A couple of days after the emergence of seedlings, the containers must be moved to a well-ventilated room, the temperature for tomato seedlings is + 14–16 ° C. After a week, the growing temperature should be brought to + 18 ° С, and the night temperature should be kept at the same level of + 14–16 ° С. To do this, it is enough to leave the window open at night, avoiding drafts. Maintain this temperature for a month.

How to water tomato seedlings?

Before the first true leaf appears, the seedlings are not watered, but only lightly irrigate the soil. Then the soil is moistened on average once every five days. Fortified plants after picking are watered under the root as the top layer of soil dries up.

How to dive tomato seedlings?

Caring for tomato seedlings at home includes the obligatory picking of grown seedlings with two or three true leaves into separate containers with a volume of about 0.5 liters. Two days before picking tomato seedlings, the soil is watered so that the tender roots are not damaged during extraction.

When transplanting, the tip of the root of each plant must be pinched to stimulate the growth of lateral roots. The seedling itself is deepened to the cotyledon leaves, after which the soil is spilled with water at room temperature.

ON THE PICTURE: From such cassettes, seedlings can simply be transferred to larger containers.

If seedlings are grown in peat tablets, there is no need to dive. Tablets with seedlings are simply placed in containers and covered with soil.

How to feed tomato seedlings?

In the question of how to feed seedlings of tomato and pepper (the principles of growing seedlings of these crops are generally similar), the main thing is not to overdo it. If the seedlings are strong with dark green leaves, then additional fertilization can be omitted. Otherwise, feeding tomato seedlings involves adding nitrogen fertilizers. The most commonly used scheme is:

  • The first feeding - 2 weeks after picking. It is best at this stage to feed with a solution of urea on the leaf and under the root (1 tablespoon / 10 liters of water). It is also permissible to use potassium nitrate, Agricola-3 fertilizer according to the instructions for tomato seedlings;
  • The second feeding - 1-2 weeks after the first. During this period, Nitrofoska is suitable (1 tablespoon / 1 liter of water per watering of 25-30 plants). With an overly elongated stem, you can use a solution of superphosphate (1 tablespoon / 3 liters of water);
  • Further, "Nitrofoska" can be applied every 10 days, completing all top dressing at least a week before planting seedlings in the ground.

TO folk methods ecological top dressing of seedlings of tomatoes and peppers includes top dressing with yeast. According to the reviews of amateur gardeners, yeast helps to significantly increase the immunity of seedlings, accelerate root formation and increase the vegetative mass. We recommend conducting such experiments on a separate batch of seedlings, which is not a pity to lose.

Fertilizer is prepared very simply:

  • Based on live yeast: dilute 1 kilogram of yeast (usually sold in briquettes) in 5 liters of slightly warmed water, let it brew for about a day. Before watering, the solution is additionally diluted with water, the ratio is 1:10;
  • With dry granulated yeast: Dissolve 50 g of dry yeast in 5 liters of warm water and add 1 tablespoon of sugar. After insisting (several hours), add more water to the solution, the ratio is 1:5.

ON THE PICTURE: "Penny" yeast is a good stimulant for the growth and development of tomato seedlings.

It is not enough to know how to feed tomato seedlings after picking, you need to know how to do it. It is best to add fertilizer in the morning, in pre-moistened soil. After feeding, it is advisable to lightly spray the plants with water so that traces of fertilizer do not remain on the leaves.

Hardening off tomato seedlings

How to grow tomato seedlings so that they do not die in the open field due to a sharp change in growing conditions? The hardening of young plants, which begin For two weeks before the expected landing. The temperature at which the seedlings are kept is gradually reduced from + 20 ° C to + 14 ° C, opening the windows and vents in the room for this. You can take seedlings to the balcony for a day, provided that the temperature does not fall below + 10 ° C. At the very beginning of hardening, seedlings are shaded; from the fourth day, they will no longer be afraid of sunlight.

ON THE PICTURE: Seedling hardening - compulsory procedure when growing tomatoes, otherwise young plants planted in open ground may die at the slightest cold snap.

When to plant tomatoes?

You can visually determine whether tomato seedlings are ready for cultivation in open ground. Plants can be planted if:

  1. Seedlings acquired six or seven leaves with short internodes;
  2. The stems are thickened, reached a height of 30 cm;
  3. One or two flower clusters appeared on the tomatoes.

For Middle lane In Russia and the Moscow region, seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse from May 1 to May 10, when using film shelter - from May 15 to May 25, immediately in open ground - from May 25 to June 15.

In the Urals and Siberia, it is advisable to plant seedlings of tomatoes no earlier than mid-June, but a lot depends on the variety.

ON THE PICTURE: When planting tomato seedlings, only the "soil" cup is deepened.

Diseases of tomato seedlings and their treatment with a photo

Although the tomato is not considered the most whimsical crop, there are problems with its cultivation. And difficulties can begin already with young seedlings. How plants signal malaise, why tomato seedlings die - consider below the most common diseases of tomato seedlings and their treatment with a photo.

Black leg in tomato seedlings

Darkening in the lower part of the stem, lodging of seedlings - signs. The main causes of this disease of fungal origin are excessive moisture of immature plants, coupled with a lack of lighting. It is necessary to remove the affected specimens, sprinkle the soil under them with ash, and cover the rest of the soil surface with sand. In the future, overflow should be avoided and plants should be provided with good lighting.

ON THE PICTURE:Thinning, blackening of the base of the stem of the seedling is a sure sign of the "black leg".

Leaves are curling

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings curl? There may be several reasons:

  • Increased room temperature;
  • Insufficient watering;
  • Low humidity;
  • There is not enough space for the plant - the volume of the container for seedlings is incorrectly selected;
  • Too dense soil;
  • Too much nitrogen fertilizer.

All these reasons are related to the care of plants and are most often eliminated.

ON THE PICTURE: Twisted leaves in grown seedlings may indicate the need to transplant the seedling into a more spacious container.

Spots on the leaves of tomato seedlings

With spots on the leaves, not everything is so simple. They can manifest themselves both as a result of improper care, and as a result of a fungal or viral disease.

Whitish spots on leaves:

  1. Most often they indicate white (septoria), a disease of fungal origin. This is facilitated by high humidity and high temperatures. Such plants should be removed and the remaining seedlings treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture. Similarly, with brown spotting - in this case, the spots on the leaves are initially gray, gradually the entire leaf turns brown and dies.
  2. Whitening of the leaves may be due to sunburn if the seedlings were put in a lit place for a long time without preparation. Young plants should be accustomed to the sun gradually.

ON THE PICTURE: Tomato leaves damaged by septoria.

ON THE PICTURE: Brown spotting of tomatoes.

Dark spots on lower leaves:

They can cause a chemical burn when droplets of liquid fertilizer fall on the leaf blades during root dressing.

Variegated leaves:

light and dark spots causes mosaic virus on leaves. The reason is infected seed material. There is no cure for this type of disease yet; affected plants must be burned.

ON THE PICTURE: Mosaic on tomato leaves.

Yellowing leaves of tomato seedlings

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow? Depending on the nature of the yellowing of the leaves, the reasons may be different. If, for example, they turn yellow lower leaves the seedlings have a tomato, which means the plants are most likely lacking nitrogen fertilizers. Urea will help correct the situation - 20 g (tablespoon) is diluted in 10 liters. water and applied to the soil with seedlings, and the leaves are sprayed with a solution.

Also, yellowing of the leaves can be caused by excessive watering and lack of lighting. It is enough to rearrange the tomato seedlings closer to the window, adjust the watering and the problem will be eliminated.

ON THE PICTURE: The leaves of tomato seedlings have turned yellow, the plant is likely to overflow.

As you can see, there should not be any particular difficulties with growing tomatoes. More clearly on how to sow tomatoes for seedlings, you can see the video below.

A bountiful harvest of tomatoes is guaranteed by seedlings that were strong and healthy. Planting tomatoes for seedlings is not very difficult, but beginner gardeners make mistakes when they plant seeds and grow seedlings. Which, in turn, will affect the fruits of an adult plant. In such cases, there are no trifles!

Let us consider in more detail all the stages of growing tomatoes for seedlings from seeds. It is important to study all the stages, starting with the calculations of the sowing date, and before planting the bushes in boxes (if the tomatoes will grow on the balcony or in the greenhouse) or open ground(if the cultivation of tomatoes is planned in open ground).

After 30 minutes, the seed coat will turn brown. Then the seeds must be pulled out of the solution, and rinsed under water.

After that, they prepare the solution: water (1 l) + boric acid powder (1 g). In such a solution for 24 hours, tomato seeds should stay for some time.

Attention! tap water, is not suitable for these purposes! Chlorine, even in small doses, can harm fetuses.

3. The next step is hardening the seeds. It is this process that causes a lot of controversy among gardeners.

4. The last step is seed germination. It is necessary to wet gauze or cotton fabric, and wrap tomato seeds in it. Lay on a flat surface (such as a tray) and place in a warm place.

Attention! You can not put on the battery!

After 4 days, the tomato seeds will begin to germinate. By day 5, the container needed for planting and the soil for growing seedlings should be prepared.

How to plant tomato seeds for seedlings

Tomato seedlings are planted in those containers that the gardener has at hand. Some are planted in boxes, others in plastic cups. They are also used for these purposes: cut plastic containers, cassettes from the store, etc.

Be sure to disinfect the container, from the inside, with a cool solution of manganese.

Using a weak solution of potassium permanganate, it will also be necessary to disinfect the covered substrate. It is rammed first. After that, it is necessary to water the soil and loosen it.

How to grow seedlings in tablets

If you use peat plates, then you will not have to dive tomato seedlings, because this procedure is very painful for them. Seeds are under stress.

To grow tomato seedlings, tablets with a diameter of 4 cm are suitable. They must be filled with water in advance so that they swell (the water must be warm). As soon as excess water drains, it is necessary to arrange in cells. They should be larger than the plates in diameter. Then they need to be placed in a transparent container, 10 cm high, no less.

In one such plate, 2-4 seeds can be sown. In the event that the gardener is confident in the high quality of the material for sowing, he can (at his own peril and risk) sow 1 seed. There is a “plus” here - it will not be necessary to deal with thinning seedlings.

In the middle of each peat plate, a depression is made from 1 to 1.5 cm. A tomato seed is placed there. Sprinkle with earth. You can use vermiculite. From above, it is desirable to cover with either glass, or a translucent lid, or cellophane.

Placed in the place where they are created, for the germination of seeds, all the necessary conditions. After the emergence of seedlings of young plants, the shelter can be removed.

Features of growing tomato seedlings in cassettes

Most gardeners use cassettes with a pallet to grow tomato seedlings. What are the "pros" of this?
IN this case the procedure is easier, since the “bottom watering” method is used when the pallet is involved.

Cassettes can be used more than once. They are made from polystyrene. High Quality. Wash and clean them easily.
Cassettes with seedlings do not take up much space. On one windowsill, all seedlings intended for planting in open ground can easily fit.

With this growing method, tomato seedlings will not be stressed, as there is no need for picking, and this procedure, in most cases, harms the roots of the seedlings.

Cassettes are sold in the following sizes:

  • 180 x 135 x 60 mm for 4 cells. Each of them has the following size: 80 x 60 mm, and a volume of 240 ml.

Some people buy the same size cassette so that there are more cells, but smaller. For example, so that the cells are 60x55 mm, and their volume is 155 ml.

In stores there are cassettes for 9 and 12 plants. Experienced gardeners prefer a cassette with large cells. It is better for growing young seedlings to choose the cassette that is in the box.

In such a cassette, the pallet is made of plastic dark color, and the cover is translucent. It is the cover that does not allow moisture to evaporate, creating the effect of a greenhouse, and light passes through it well.

How to grow tomato seedlings using cassettes? When cassettes are preferred as a container, certain nuances must be taken into account.

Since the cells are small in volume, the soil in them quickly becomes dry, and immediately begins to need nutrients.

That is why experts advise, as a substrate, to use agroperlite + high-moor peat, in a ratio of 1:3. It is necessary to deoxidize peat in advance. To do this, ten buckets of peat are mixed with chalk (1000g), ammonium nitrate (50g), magnesium sulfate (30g), potassium nitrate (100g), superphosphate (150g).

Do not forget! Disinfect the resulting soil mixture before fertilizing it.

If the cassettes are disposable, then they do not need to be sterilized. If you use those cassettes that have already been in use, then disinfection is needed.

After the disinfection procedure, it is necessary to put a cassette on the pallet, pour wet soil mixture into the cells. Tamp her down. Make holes. Their depth should be from 1 to 1.5 cm. Arrange the processed, in advance, seeds in them. Fill with soil.

It is easiest to use peat plates to grow seedlings. First, they must swell in water. After that, they need to be decomposed into cells. After that, as in the previous case, seeds are sown.

Tomato seedlings in a greenhouse

No more than 1 time in 7 days, it is necessary to water the seedlings. It is permissible to water more often than after 3 or 4 days, when 5 leaves have already appeared on the plants.

If the seeds were planted in a store-bought substrate, you may not need to fertilize. As a rule, fertilizers containing all necessary components, contribute 2 times.

The first feeding should be done after 10 days. The second is carried out after 14 days. They also use a solution that is made by hand, and complex products containing trace elements for growth.

How to pick tomato seedlings

As soon as two true leaves appear on the plant, the seedlings should be watered abundantly. After that, it must be dived into containers, previously prepared. These are pots or plastic cups. Cover vegetables for cotyledon leaves with soil.

Many are interested in learning about the rules of picking after germination. The containers that were dairy products, not suitable for planting tomatoes. The fact is that in them, very quickly, the development of lactic acid bacteria - pests of the root system.

As soon as the transplantation of seedlings is completed, it is allowed to move it from a lighted place. After 3-4 days, you can put the plant back in its place.

Planting seedlings in open ground

First, the soil is inspected to determine the degree of readiness of seedlings for planting. Ready seedlings should have a strong stem. Its height should be 30 cm, no more. Leaves should be 6 or 7. Seedlings should have short internodes, a flower brush.

Somewhere 7 days before the upcoming process, hardening is carried out. To do this, you need to take out, for 5-7 hours, the grown seedlings of tomatoes in a room in which it is cool. It can be both a balcony and a street. Planting tomatoes should only be done when there is no risk of night frosts.

As a rule, the last days of May and the first days of June are suitable dates. It is necessary to take into account the region and the climate. Before planting in open soil, it is necessary to form beds. They are made by observing a distance of 35 to 45 cm in each row.

An innovative plant growth stimulator!

Increase seed germination by 50% in just one application. Customer reviews: Svetlana, 52 years old. Just an incredible treat. We heard a lot about it, but when we tried it, we were surprised ourselves and surprised our neighbors. From 90 to 140 tomatoes grew on tomato bushes. It’s not worth talking about zucchini and cucumbers: the crop was harvested in wheelbarrows. We have been gardening all our lives, and there has never been such a harvest ....

Before planting, for 1.5 hours, the plant is watered abundantly. This will make it possible to preserve the root system during the transplant process. A clod of earth will not have time to crumble.

It is necessary that the seedlings be placed in the holes, vertically. Then you need to sprinkle with earth to the cotyledon leaves. After that, the soil should be compressed, watered abundantly.

Near the recesses it is necessary to dig in pegs, the height of which is 50 cm (not less). This is necessary so that after 14 days, it is possible to tie up the culture. If seedlings are planted - overgrowth, then they are planted "lying", and the pits are made deeper.

Buy tomato seedlings - is it worth it?

If the gardener, due to certain circumstances, did not have time to grow tomato seedlings, he will need to buy it. It makes sense for him to go to a kennel with a good reputation.

There the risk of fraud is minimized. You don't have to worry about purchasing the wrong variety. There you can also consult about the nuances of growing seedlings.

They can deceive in the market, and sell low-quality goods, then it will not work to grow healthy and strong tomato seedlings. If, nevertheless, there is a purchase on the market, then you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to give preference to seedlings whose age is from 45 to 60 days. They should be 30 cm in height, no less. If seedlings undersized varieties, then it should have from 6 to 8 leaves, if tall - from 11 to 12 leaves.
  • The stem of the seedlings should be strong, and in thickness - like a pencil. The color of the leaves should be bright green. The roots must be fully formed, and not have mechanical damage.
  • It is necessary to examine the leaves, especially them inside. It is necessary that there are no pests or their eggs. If the leaves of grown seedlings look damaged or shriveled, this may be a signal of an infectious disease.
  • The stems of the seedlings also deserve attention. You cannot buy a product if: they have black or brown spots, at least one plant shows signs of disease, pests or signs of their vital activity are visible.
  • In the case when the seedlings are outwardly healthy, but the edges of the green leaves are tucked down, this is a signal: the seedlings were grown at a fast pace, and there is a lot of nitrogen fertilizer in the soil. This tomato seedling is also not worth buying.
  • Fresh healthy seedlings are usually sold in boxes with soil.

It doesn’t matter what seedlings of tomatoes a person buys on the market, seedlings grown at home - the best option.

Diseases of tomato seedlings and their treatment

Tomato seedlings turn yellow

This phenomenon may have different causes. The leaves turn yellow because the room is cold, or there is a lack of soil in the box, or poor lighting. It happens that in the process of transplanting the roots formed a dense lump. Then the seedling cannot eat normally.

It happens that the leaves turn yellow after the transplant process, or because the roots have been injured. Even if just a little bit. Seedlings may turn yellow due to lack of nutrients in the soil. Perhaps she needs nitrogen, or maybe other elements. Yellowness may also appear due to spotting or black legs.

Tomato seedling rots

Often, the fact is that seedlings rot due to excessive watering of the soil. Especially in cases where there is no drainage. Do not allow to violate the rules of watering.

If the process of decay is detected, it is necessary to eliminate diseased plants, loosen the soil, and pour wood ash on top. The most important thing is to start watering properly. Seedlings begin to rot and from diseases.

On a note! In order to make it easier to remove or separate diseased plants, it is advisable to grow them using separate containers: cups, cassettes, pots. And the boxes must be abandoned.

Diseases of tomato seedlings

Black leg, brown and white spot, black bacterial spot are considered diseases that most often affect tomatoes. More often, tomatoes suffer from late blight, bacterial cancer, mosaic.

  • What is a black leg?

This - fungal disease. It is transmitted through the soil. Occurs due to high air temperature, and high humidity.

If the plant is affected by this disease, it will first darken, and then the base of the stem will turn black. A constriction appears on it. As a result, the seedling tends to the ground, and the root system begins to rot.

How to help the plant? It is necessary to add wood ash to the soil with tomato seedlings. It is impossible to forget about preventive measures in the process of growing.

Before sowing tomato seeds, the soil mixture must be disinfected and the soil moisture should be monitored. Plants that are affected by the disease must be eliminated.

  • White leaf spot

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How is it defined? A dark border appears at the lower leaves, and dirty white spots with black dots appear on them.

Then the leaves will begin to darken, dry out, and fall off. The infection comes from contaminated soil. As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, all affected seedlings are removed.

Treatment and prevention: The soil is watered with a solution of manganese, and sprinkled wood ash. The remaining healthy specimens are treated with Bordeaux liquid, or a copper-containing fungicide.

  • How to identify brown spot

On the upper side of the leaves, you can see the appearance of yellowish spots, and the lower leaves are covered with bloom. olive shade. As the plant grows, the spots will darken and spread all over the leaf. The plaque will turn dark brown. Infected leaves dry up and fall off.

The infection is removed by treating the seedlings with a fungicidal solution. Diseased plants must be removed.

  • late blight

Another name for this disease is phytophthora. This is a fungus. The method of transmission is through contaminated soil, and by airborne droplets.

Seedlings that suffer from a lack of such substances as: potassium, iodine, manganese, copper fall ill with this disease. You can get rid of this problem using a fungicidal solution.

But you have to repeat the processing, because, the first time, it may not work out.

  • How to recognize bacterial black spot

Its causes are in non-sterile soil or seeds. Black spots appear on the ground organs of the plant. As soon as the disease is detected, the affected seedlings are urgently disposed of.

The soil is disinfected with a manganese solution, and sprinkled with wood ash on top. It is necessary to treat the seedlings with a fungicide, which includes copper.

  • What is bacterial cancer?

This ailment hits vascular system plants. As a result, they wither. It is recognized by the appearance of rounded spots, the center of which gradually darkens. It becomes like the eye of a pizza.

As soon as the disease is detected, the affected specimens are destroyed. The remaining seedlings need to be treated with a fungicide.

  • Streak (streak)

Flawless lawn at your dacha all summer long!

Nadezhda Nikolaevna, 49 years old. I have been planting grass near my house for many years. Therefore, even experience is available in this area. But my lawn has never looked as gorgeous as after using Aquagrazz! Like heaven and earth. The lawn is juicy, dark green even in the heat. Requires minimal watering.

The cause of the illness is a virus. This means that there is no cure for this disease. From the affected specimens, the virus passes to healthy ones. If the seedlings are sick, strokes, stripes, and brown-red dots appear on them. Leaves gradually die. Petioles become brittle.

  • Mosaic

The cause is a virus. The disease affects the fruits, and all plants, in general. Often, the mosaic is transmitted through non-sterile seeds.

This means that it is very important not to ignore the process of seed dressing in a manganese (1%) solution.

You can diagnose the disease by pale spots on leaf plates and fruits. The leaf can change its shape, the ovary stops. The plant begins to turn yellow and dry. It is pointless to treat the mosaic. Sick tomatoes from the garden, urgently, must be removed and then burned.

For preventive purposes, seedlings should be watered with a manganese solution (1%). The procedure is carried out twice a day. After 21 days, repeat.

Effective method- Spray the seedlings using low-fat milk. It is necessary to add 1 tsp to it. urea per liter of milk. Every 10 days, it is necessary to process the tomatoes.

Video: We sow tomatoes for seedlings in the "snail". Stratification of tomato seeds by freezing

Baranova Oksana, especially for

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