Tamarind cultivation. Tamarind: growing a tree at home. Scientific facts: what is tamarind

Features of growing tamarind fruit

Tamarind, the second name is Indian date, is a plant of the legume family. A tropical inhabitant grows in Africa, on the island of Madagascar, cultivated in a hot climate. Pod fruits are used in cooking, carpentry And traditional medicine.

Growing tamarind at home

IN natural environment the tree grows up to 30 m. The crown is round and hangs down to the ground. Tree bark with rounded contours Brown with a grayish tint. The fruits are brown pods with a thick skin.

Source: Depositphotos

Tamarind is a tropical plant in the legume family.

It will not work to grow such a giant in a room, but the bonsai technique will help decorate the apartment with a tropical plant. You can plant tamarind at home from seeds, for this you need:

  • pick up a pot;
  • use a fertile and slightly acidic soil mixture;
  • leave the bone in the water for 2 hours before planting;
  • rub the seeds to scarify sandpaper;
  • planting material is buried to a depth of 1 cm;
  • cover with a film and put in a lighted place with a temperature of 20–25 ° C;
  • periodically spray the soil to moisten.

Sprouts will appear in 3 weeks. The appearance of pinnate leaves is a signal for transplanting into a flower pot.

Growing conditions

Having transplanted the sprout to a permanent place, the pot is covered with a bottle or film. When the tree started to grow, the shelter is removed. Requirements for growing conditions:

  • place the plant on the south side, darken at noon;
  • tamarind needs warmth, keep the temperature between 22-27°C. In winter, not lower than 10 °C;
  • dry air is detrimental to the plant. Spray or place a container of water.

Tamarind fruit is not expected until 6–7 years after planting under recommended conditions.

plant care

An exotic plant is whimsical and requires proper care, which is as follows:

  • Water regularly and keep the soil in the pot moist. Use warm and settled water.
  • Spray tamarind twice a day in summer.
  • Avoid drafts.
  • Fertilize every 2-3 weeks from April to October. Top dressing with a full mineral composition in liquid form is suitable, add 20 ml of fertilizer to 1 liter of water.
  • Prune regularly for a symmetrical and dense crown.
  • Rotate the pot, substituting the sides of the plant under Sun rays. Lack of light leads to cessation of growth, the tree is sick.

Tamarind - evergreen from tropical forests. You can grow an Indian date if you follow the recommendations. The plant will decorate the interior and benefit from the fruits.

Oct 16 2017

Tamarind ( Indian date) - growing at home

The tamarind tree, little known to us, is also called the Indian date. On the African continent, the tree grows in Sudan, on the Arabian Peninsula, on the island of Madagascar. In Asia, it can be found in India, China, the islands of Oceania. In the era of the development of navigation, the seeds of the Indian date came to the American continent, where the tree successfully acclimatized in the tropics. Currently in industrial scale tamarind is grown in India, where the beans are used in the food and cosmetic industries. We will talk about growing tamarind at home.

In its appearance, tamarind is similar to the common date. Its feathery leaves are very similar to those of the acacia, which is related to tamarind. IN natural environment the tree grows up to thirty meters, but grows slowly. In a tropical climate, the tree is evergreen, with a lush, rounded crown. The flowers are collected in apical inflorescences, the petals differ in shades from white-pink to reddish.

The plant is valued for its fruits, which are used in the confectionery industry for the preparation of sweets and drinks. The fruits are beans growing up to twenty centimeters. In thickness, they reach three centimeters.

Brown pods after drying become dense and crispy. Under the skin is the fleshy part (pericarp), which has pleasant taste and brownish red. The pericarp is used as food for making sauces, seasonings, and has a sweet and sour taste. The pulp contains chocolate-colored seeds of an angular-rounded shape.

Tamarind fruits are used to make condiments and sauces.

Tamarind can be grown at home if you create conditions close to natural for it. In an apartment, the plant will not grow tall. To prevent growth in height, its crown is constantly trimmed using the bonsai technique.

Useful properties of tamarind

In countries where tamarind grows, its beans are used in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine. The pulp is used to prepare various dishes. There is one subtlety here: for sauces, the pulp is taken from unripe fruits, which has a sour taste, and for sweet dishes - ripe pulp, which has a sweet taste and aroma. Beans are used fresh, frozen, dried.

From the seeds, an "amber" oil is obtained, which is used to make paints and paint wood products.

In folk medicine, seeds, flowers, leaves, tree bark are used. The pulp of beans, due to the presence of pectins, tannins, is used for constipation, diarrhea. The components of the pulp of beans are able to bind toxins, protect the intestines from negative impact. Tamarind leaves are applied to wounds, joints. And a decoction of flowers traditional healers reduce pressure.

Indian date is used in the cosmetics industry as a fragrance. Seed decoctions are used as a moisturizing, skin rejuvenating agent.

Reproduction and transplant

To grow tamarind at home, you need to purchase seeds. They are hard in Indian dates, irregular shape, chocolate brown. Before planting, they are soaked for two hours in warm water then wipe and dry. In order for the seed to germinate, it must be scarified, that is, rub the shell with sandpaper. This procedure promotes the fastest germination of sprouts.

Indian date seeds

In a pot for planting, it is necessary to pour prepared soil, consisting of peat and perlite. Seeds are deepened into the ground to a depth of not more than one centimeter, sprinkled with sand or soil. The soil is moistened with a spray gun, cover the container with a transparent bag or jar. The pot is placed in a warm bright place, but not under direct sunlight. The soil in the pot must be moistened periodically, preventing drying out.

One month after planting

Within a month, after two to four weeks, the first sprouts appear. When the first true leaves grow, you can start transplanting to a permanent place. Cook first new land. Loose, breathable earth with neutral acidity is suitable for tamarind. You can buy a ready-made universal mixture or prepare the ground yourself. To do this, you need to take in equal parts the following components:

  • humus;
  • peat;
  • soil for a greenhouse;
  • baking powder (sand or perlite).

A new pot must have holes for leakage excess water. A layer of expanded clay is poured at the bottom, and an earthen mixture is poured on top. A sprout with a clod of earth is carefully planted in a new pot. The transplanted sprout is covered on top with a jar or bag, cut plastic bottle. The soil is regularly moistened with a sprayer so as not to damage young plant. As new leaves appear, they begin to accustom the room to air, arranging ventilation, removing the jar for a short time. When the sprout adds a few leaves, you can remove the coating.

The same earthen mixture is used for spring plant transplantation. Young plants are transplanted annually, and adults - once every two to three years. Flowering of a young tamarind occurs in the sixth year, subject to good maintenance.

Care in an apartment

The difficulty of growing tamarind in an apartment is to create conditions close to tropical. Although the plant has good adaptability, a number of care conditions must be punctually followed.


A tropical plant needs enough light. It will feel good on the south window. Window sills of the southwest or southeast side are suitable for him. But in hot summer days He needs sun protection light curtain. With a lack of lighting, the plant stretches, growth slows down. There is a high probability of tamarind disease.

For uniform growth of foliage on all sides, the pot with the tree must be periodically rotated 90-120 degrees.

Temperature regime

Tamarind grows well at temperatures of 23-25 ​​degrees, but tolerates higher summer temperatures. In winter, the tree needs a slight decrease in temperature. The main thing is that the pot does not stand in a draft, but winter temperature did not fall below ten degrees. Ideal Temperature for maintenance in winter is sixteen to eighteen degrees.

Watering and feeding

Particular attention should be paid to watering, moisturizing. A tropical plant needs to keep the soil moist. It is necessary to maintain a balance of watering, avoiding waterlogging and, especially, stagnation of water in the pot.

The frequency of watering in summer is three days, in winter - a little less. In winter, as well as in summer, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Water for irrigation should be settled, warm, otherwise rotting of the roots may occur.

Feed the plant during the growing season (from spring to autumn) organic fertilizers twice a month.

Air humidity

In addition to regular watering, tamarind needs high humidity. It must be sprayed twice a day. To increase the humidity of the surrounding air, you can use the following methods:

  • place the pot with the plant in a tray with wet expanded clay;
  • use humidifiers;
  • spray plants regularly.

crown formation

Although in natural conditions, the Indian date can reach a height of thirty meters, at home, its height rarely reaches two meters. To get a compact plant with a beautiful crown, pruning and crown formation are carried out in early spring. The cultivation of tamarind using the bonsai technique is widespread, which allows you to get a beautiful bonsai tree.

Video: tamarind pruning

Diseases and pests

Tamarind diseases are most often caused by violations in maintenance and care. Consider the main content errors.

Among the pests that are dangerous to the plant are spider mite, shield and mealybug. They can be found on the leaves, especially on the underside. To combat them with a small degree of damage, you can try spraying soapy water. If this method does not help, then you will have to resort to treatment with Actillik or another pest control drug.


Despite the fact that growing tamarind at home requires time and effort, with good care you will be able to decorate the house with a rare exotic plant. And perhaps you will even be able to achieve fruition and get useful fruits. All in your hands! And we invite you to see how tamarind grows from a seed in 10 days.

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Tamarind is an evergreen fruit tree. Under natural conditions, it grows up to 20 meters. In the room - up to 2. The flowers are pink, small, collected in brushes. The value of tamarind for growing at home is not in flowering, but in openwork decorative greenery, similar to acacia foliage. Leaves fold from touch and into dark time days. The root system of the plant is small, not requiring massive pots. The tree is easy to shape, allowing you to grow unusual, very decorative houseplants.

Growing from seed

Tamarind is an unpretentious plant, but for it successful cultivation the following conditions must be created:

Air temperature 25 - 30 °C;
- Lighting for at least 14 hours;
- Constant moderate humidity;
- Slightly acidic nutrient soil;
- Protection against drafts.

Fresh tamarind seeds have a high germination rate, up to 100%. The surface of the seeds is quite hard, but it does not require mandatory scarification (damage). You can soak the seeds before sowing for a day in water with a temperature of 60 ° C. For soaking it is recommended to use a thermos.

For normal growth, tamarind seedlings need good lighting. If it is not possible to provide additional lighting with the help of special lamps, germination begins no earlier than mid-April and no later than mid-August.

Despite the fact that tamarind tolerates transplanting with damage and pruning of roots well, it is better to grow seedlings in separate containers. The root system of tamarind is superficial, growing seedlings in one dish leads to the fact that the roots are strongly intertwined and it becomes problematic to separate the plants. An exception is the pre-planned cultivation of several plants in one composition, without subsequent separation. In this case, the required number of seeds is planted in one container, adding 2 - 3 seeds. After the emergence of shoots, pinch off the excess.

For sowing choose slightly acidic, nutrient soil. If preference is given to purchased, you should choose soil labeled "For citrus plants". Homemade earth mix includes:

Garden land - 1 part;
- Deciduous humus - 2 parts;
- Lowland peat - 1 part;
- Sand - 0.5 parts;
- Perlite - 0.2 parts.

All components are cleaned of debris and large fractions, then thoroughly mixed. It is necessary to sterilize the substrate to avoid infection of young plants. The safest sterilization is with high temperatures. If this is not possible, apply chemical, using fungicides and insecticides.

Seeds are sown to a depth of about a centimeter, sprinkled wet ground covered with transparent film. A place for germination is chosen warm, protected from drafts and midday sun rays. It is desirable that the sun's rays fall on the plants only in the morning. Growing tamarind on a windowsill should be done carefully: drafts can lower the soil temperature and the seeds can rot. During germination, condensation forms on the surface of the film. This is a normal occurrence and does not pose a danger to sprouts.

The first shoots will appear in 7-10 days. From this time hardening begins. The seedlings are ventilated, daily reducing the time spent under the film. After a week, they are left without shelter for the night.

In a container of about 500 ml, the plant can be up to six months, during which time tamarind can grow up to 50 - 60 cm. Then it is necessary to transplant the plant into a larger pot and make a crown.

Transplanting seedlings

Tamarind should be grown in a shallow, wide container with drainage holes. The volume is selected in accordance with the root system: too small or too large pots use is not recommended. The soil used is the same as for growing seedlings.

Drainage must be added to the prepared pot, you can use:

Expanded clay;
- broken tiles;
- Styrofoam;
- small stones.

The material is thoroughly washed, processed disinfectants. Care must be taken when reusing materials as they may have absorbed salts and other substances that may adversely affect plant growth. It is advisable to soak the material for a week, changing the water daily. The height of the drainage layer is about 5 cm.

Plants are transferred to a new pot, trying to keep an earthen lump. So that it does not crumble, watering is stopped 3 days before transplantation.

Tamarind after transplantation requires high humidity. Plants are covered with a transparent bag and sprayed several times a day. Remove the package after 5 days. If the room temperature is above 25 °C, continue spraying.

Reproduction by cuttings

In addition to seed, it is used vegetative reproduction tamarind. For germination, healthy cuttings 10–15 cm in size are taken. The foliage is removed from the bottom, leaving 2–3 leaves at the top of the cutting.

For each cutting, a separate container with a volume of up to 0.3 liters is used. Sand (1 part) and soil (2 parts) are added to the slightly acidic nutrient soil.

Plants are placed in the ground vertically to a depth of 4 cm, sprayed and covered with a transparent bag. Germination takes about a month, during the entire period it is necessary to provide the plant with high humidity.

If mold has formed on the surface of the soil, the shelter is removed, upper layer soil must dry out. You can spray the soil with a weak solution of soda, 0.5 tsp. to a glass of warm water.

crown formation

To increase the decorative effect, tamarind is formed using pruning and pinching. After these manipulations, dormant buds are activated, the crown of the plant becomes more lush and dense. The first pruning is carried out after the tamarind reaches 60 cm. This usually happens six months after sowing. Form only healthy tree. The crown is given a natural or palm-like appearance.

The natural appearance of the crown is a straight trunk with numerous branches. It is necessary to pinch the top so that the tree begins to branch. If you plan to grow a compact form of tamarind, the trunk is cut at a level of 40 cm from the soil. Often, after pruning, a bare trunk without foliage remains, this is not scary. If the tamarind is healthy, the formation of branches and foliage occurs quickly, within a month.

If you regularly remove the branches on the trunk, leaving only the top 4 - 5 and pinching the top, you can get a tree in the shape of a palm tree. The upper branches after reaching the required length can be pinched.

For the formation of the trunk use: braiding, twisting and bending.

Tamarind stems are often shaped into braid shape, braiding young plants. Use from 3 to 6 plants planted in one pot. Woven trunks are fixed with wire, adhesive tape or other materials. Further shaping consists in the timely removal of excess branches from the trunks and pinching the crown for better branching. The height of the plant is determined by personal preference. If a low plant is planned, the top must be pinched. Without pinching, the plants stretch upward; in the process of development, it is necessary to form new turns of the braid.

Formed by twisting thick, ribbed stems. Plants are carefully twisted, securing each turn with a wire. You can bend plants by attaching them to a pot or using a special design. In this case, you get a curved trunk, characteristic of trees growing in the mountains. Extra branches along the trunk are removed throughout the entire process of plant formation.

Flexion allows you to grow bizarre tree, the complexity of which depends on the imagination of the grower. The plant is fixed with a wire wound along the entire trunk, tilting in those places where the fold is planned. In the process, care must be taken not to leave depressed marks. To do this, the mount is removed and, if necessary, rubber or other material is placed under the wire, after which it is returned to its place.

Tamarind Bonsai

Many flower growers hesitate to grow bonsai, considering this activity too complicated and burdensome. In fact, growing bonsai is no more difficult than caring for the usual forms of plants. The main difficulty is to create conditions for the plant that are as comfortable as possible for its development. For example, conifers need a dormant period with an air temperature of about 3 - 4 ° C, tropical plants- high humidity. Growing bonsai from tamarind can be recommended for beginners, as it is unpretentious and grows well in an apartment.

At the beginning of development, bonsai care is almost the same as usual. The only difference is that the amount of nitrogen in fertilizers should be 2 times lower. Can be used complex fertilizers labeled "For Bonsai" or use half the manufacturer's recommended dose of regular fertilizer. At the age of 6 - 8 months, after the plant grows to 50 - 60 cm, the top is cut off, leaving 35 - 40 cm. They begin to form the trunk using bending, twisting and other techniques. The root system is not disturbed, care is carried out as usual.

At the age of about a year, preferably in April or early May, a defoliation procedure is carried out - removal of foliage. After this procedure, the leaves grow much smaller, retaining their shape and color. If necessary, if the earthen ball in the pot is completely covered with roots, the plant is transplanted into a pot. bigger size. The difference in volume is no more than a liter.

When the plant is 2 years old, the first pruning of the roots is carried out. The roots are straightened, damaged ones are removed. Cut off by about a third, be sure to carefully process the places of cuts. Planting is carried out in fresh soil, the volume of the pot corresponds to the previous one. Use special pots for bonsai - shallow, wide. The roots are gently spread over the surface, covered with soil, slightly crushed. You can mulch the surface with decorative stone chips.

The next year, the root system is not disturbed, they are transshipped into a larger pot. The cycle is repeated every 2 years.

Adult plant care

The grown tamarind does not require special care, it easily tolerates temperature changes, short-term interruptions in watering. But if the earthy clod dries out, it can shed its leaves. When regular watering is resumed, new foliage is formed fairly quickly, within 2 to 3 weeks.

At home, tamarind behaves like a deciduous tree. This is due to the natural decrease in lighting in autumn and winter period s, as well as dry air. When daylight hours increase, the tree comes out of dormancy and resumes growth. When supplemented with phytolamps and regular spraying, the foliage is preserved.

Watering is necessary regular, moderate. In hot weather, increase the amount of watering. The surface of the soil must be dry. At rest, watering is limited, but the earthen clod around the root system is not allowed to dry out completely.

Fertilizers are applied regularly, excluding the winter period, if the tree is at rest. Tamarind is suitable for complex fertilizers labeled "For citrus" or "Universal". The amount is determined in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.

Loosening the soil is carried out carefully so as not to damage the roots. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil surface. Substances that are contained in water and soil react with each other, forming compounds - salts. Some of them are neutral, while some can be toxic to plants. If on the surface of the soil after drying is formed white coating, it must be removed and filled with fresh soil.

Every year, tamarind is transplanted into a larger pot. The difference should be about 2 liters. It is advisable to use transshipment - transplantation with the preservation of an earthen clod.

Tamarind is a very responsive plant, simple care allows you to get a decorative, unusual tree in my house. And although tamarind rarely blooms at home, try to grow it, you may be lucky.

Tamarind (Tamarindus)

Tamarind (Tamarindus) - evergreen, tropical, long-lived, slow-growing tree belonging to the legume family. Tamarind is native to Africa and Madagascar. Tamarind can reach up to twenty meters in length.

Its roots are large and superficial. Cone-shaped straight trunk. Heartwood has a dark red color. Tamarind compound leaf is ten to forty small leaves, has an oval shape. At night, the leaves on the tree curl up.

The inflorescence is presented in the form of flowers collected in a bunch. Flowers consist of five petals, yellow or pink with red stains. The fruit of Tamarind is a bean up to seventeen cm long and up to three cm in diameter.

The brown bean is pod-shaped and consists of a soft coat and many seeds. Tamarind seeds are a spice with a sweet and sour taste and a pleasant smell. Due to the fact that the tree is quite tall, it is difficult to grow it indoors.

However, with the help of the bonsai technique, many flower growers practice and grow Tamarind at home with pleasure. Tamarind fruits are widely used in cooking.

TEMPERATURE FOR TAMARIND Tamarind is very sensitive to drafts, the tree should be kept away from this. Temperatures of twenty-two to twenty-five degrees are preferred in summer, and sixteen to eighteen degrees in winter.

It should be noted that in winter the temperature should not fall below ten degrees. LIGHTING FOR TAMARIND If you are growing Tamarind on a windowsill, then South side home is the perfect place for a tree.

Tamarind is very fond of bright lighting, and the more it is, the better the plant will feel. In low light, the plant will stretch out a lot. WATERING TAMARIND Before watering Tamarind, you need to make sure that the water is not cold.

It is desirable that the water is settled. Water Tamarind after the soil has dried out, but not completely. Reduce watering in winter. And you also need to ensure that there is no waterlogging, which can lead to rotting of the root system.

HUMIDITY FOR TAMARIND The ideal air humidity is considered to be about sixty percent. The tree is recommended to be sprayed more often, as well as to humidify the air as needed.

Sometimes the plant can adapt to the relative dryness of the air, but this happens very rarely. Dry air is permissible only during the period of fruit ripening.

FEEDING TAMARIND Fertilizer for Tamarind is taken preferably organic, and applied in liquid form. In winter and autumn, it is advisable to save the tree from top dressing. In general, the plant is not demanding and can perfectly do without top dressing.

TRANSPLANT TAMARIND Young trees are transplanted in the spring, as needed. If Tamarind is more mature, then it is transplanted less often, because with age the plant tolerates this procedure worse.

It is advisable to choose a slightly acidic Tamarind, fertile soil. If you are going to grow Tamarind in a room, then the pot for it should be wide and not high.

REPRODUCTION OF TAMARIND Tamarind air layers and petioles are grown at a temperature of twenty-eight to thirty-two degrees. It is easier to grow Tamarind from seeds. To do this, they are sown in the ground with the addition of peat and sprinkled with sand.

After that, you need to create conditions for their growth by covering the soil with a film. Seedlings germinate in a lighted and warm place. After the appearance of leaves on the seedlings, they are seated in separate containers or flower pots.

TAMARIND PESTS Tamarind is harmed by insects such as mealy worm, scale insect, spider mite. SOME THINGS In the spring, you need to prune for the correct formation of the crown.

In the sixth year of life proper care Tamarind may release color. Maximum tree height: 30 m Average life expectancy: 20 years.

Landing: seeds. Manila tamarind is an evergreen bush or tree 5-8 m high. natural conditions reaches 30 m. The crown is sprawling, rounded, dense, with branches hanging down to the ground. The leaves are oval, oblong, 4 cm long.

The sheet plate consists of two double sheets. At the base of the leaves and on the branches there are thorns 2-10 mm long. The flowers are greenish-white, fragrant, 1 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences. Flowering occurs in late February - early March.

The fruit is a curved bean 12 cm long, 1.5 cm wide. Contains small, black seeds. The pulp is edible and tastes sweet.

Outwardly, the beans resemble pods with a thick, pink-green skin, which, after drying, becomes brown. Manila tamarind is cultivated in countries South-East Asia, in tropical regions of East Africa, in the Caribbean, in the USA, on Guam. Sometimes it is found near water bodies, where it forms whole thickets. This plant is drought-resistant, because its powerful root system extracts moisture even at great depths. Manila tamarind is thermophilic.

Can't stand low temperatures. At air temperatures below 0 ° C, it dies. The fruits are eaten fresh, used in the confectionery industry and in the manufacture of soft drinks. In many countries, this plant is used to create hedges.

The tree is planted in the streets major cities. Its spreading crown creates a shadow in which the townspeople take shelter from the rays of the scorching sun.

Growing Manila Tamarind

Manila tamarind is suitable for growing at home, however, for conservation small size trees use the bonsai technique. This plant is very whimsical, therefore, in order for it to develop well, it is necessary to create conditions close to tropical.

It should be provided with high humidity, regular watering, bright lighting, top dressing. Tamarind is undemanding to soils, but does not tolerate stagnant moisture. For its cultivation, a light, nutritious soil with drainage is suitable.

The tree should be watered with soft, settled water. room temperature. The main thing is to prevent excess moisture in the soil. From spring to autumn, once every 3 weeks, top dressing is applied with liquid mineral and organic fertilizers. In winter, tamarind enters a state of dormancy.

During this period, it is kept at a temperature of 15-17 ° C. The number of irrigations is reduced. Monitor the condition of the soil.

It should be moderately moist, but not overdried.

Photo gallery: Manila tamarind (click on the picture to enlarge):

Growing tamarind from seed at home is quite simple. The germination of seeds is 95%, for example, all 100% of the seeds in my case sprouted in a week.

In addition, after reading a lot of information on Russian-speaking and English-speaking forums, I came to the conclusion that tamarind seeds (seeds) do not lose their germination capacity very much. long time. One woman germinated tamarind seeds 8 years after taking the seed from the fruit.

Tamarind is an evergreen, slow growing plant. In nature, the tamarind tree reaches a height of 20-30 meters, at home, the tamarind reaches a height of more than 2 meters, but, as a rule, everyone pinches it at a height of 1 meter and forms a bonsai from it.

Location: light, preferably a south window. Earth: subacid fertile soil.Air humidity: normal, likes spraying, but it is impossible to spray during the ripening period of the fetus.

Watering: temperate from spring to autumn, limited in winter. Reproduction: seeds. Description of Tamarind: leaves alternate, pinnate. The leaves are oval, very delicate, light green in color.

Surprisingly, every evening the tamarind leaves roll up for the night. At home, tamarind blooms in 6-7 years. Tamarind flowers are pink or yellow with red stripes.

The flowers have five petals, which are collected in racemose inflorescences. Whether tamarind bears fruit at home is not exactly known. Some authors write that they bear fruit, but no one has seen it and does not know for sure.

The fruits of tamarind are brown non-expanding beans. Location: bright light. Tamarinds love south-facing windows.

Naturally, this applies to an already mature enough plant for direct sunlight. For the first months after your tamarinds sprout from seed, it is best to shade them.

Optimal temperature: For indoor tamarind, a moderate temperature or slightly above moderate is most favorable. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 16-18 C. Watering: For irrigation, you need to use soft settled water, at room temperature.

Watering, moderate from spring to autumn, limited in winter, only as the topsoil dries up. Experienced owners of indoor tamarinds advise letting the top layer of soil dry by 2-3 cm.

Since tamarind is a tropical plant, such small shakes are only good for it. In winter, it is especially important not to overmoisten the tamarind, as this can lead to root rot.

Earth (soil): tamarind is not demanding on the soil, but it is better to use slightly acidic fertile soil. From ready mixes suitable soil for citrus plants. Well, in general, tamarind tolerates even the salinity of the substrate.

The root system of tamarind is superficial, so it is better to use shallow and wide pots. maintenance appearance: Tamarind does not require special care. He just needs to get a haircut.

The formation of the crown in young plants is carried out before the formation of 3-5 skeletal branches. After that, the tamarind is trimmed, as anyone wants. Those. carry out sanitary pruning. Top dressing: tamarind practically does not need top dressing. Fertilizer is applied every 3 months.

In autumn and winter, the plant is not fertilized. Transfer: transplant in the spring as needed. Don't forget a good layer of drainage. Pests and diseases: As a rule, tamarind is affected by thrips and whitefly.

How to grow tamarind from seeds: Bones (seeds) of tamarind fell into my hands thanks to my parents, they brought from Thailand a wonderful and tasty fruit of this tree. There were a lot of seeds, and without hesitation I decided to germinate them.

There is not much information on the Internet, so I read both Russian-language and English-language sites and forums on the topic of growing this tree. Seed preparation: Stratification is not required for seeds. From the pulp, the bones are cleaned quite easily.

It is advisable to pre-soak them in water for 2 hours. But I did not soak them. I just stuck them in the ground. Soil (soil) for seeds: As I said, experts advise using slightly acidic soil.

I used universal earth for flower plants because it was the only one available. I sprinkled the seeds with earth, literally by 1 centimeter.

To do this, cover the container with seeds with glass or a bag and put in a warm place. I covered the glass with a bag, tied everything with an elastic band.

The ideal temperature for seed germination is 20-25 C. Daily airing for 10-15 minutes is a must, and don't forget to moisten the soil with a water sprayer. Moisturizing the soil is necessary, since seedlings require high humidity.

My tamarinds raised their heads already 5 days after planting. As I wrote at the beginning of the article, the germination of my tamarind seeds turned out to be 100%. Seedlings appeared within 3 weeks.

While the first tamarinds were already strong and tall, it was difficult to create greenhouse conditions for seeds in one container. Therefore, it is better to plant 1 tamarind in a separate pot. Exactly 1 month after planting, we look like this: Tamarinds 1 month after planting P.

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Sent on 29.08.2006 - 15:54 The story of one tamarind. About 8 years ago, I bought the pulp of the tamarind fruit from the Hare Krishnas, there were 2 seeds. I lost one, and the second moved around in cosmetic bags for 6 years, then I somehow found it and planted it in the ground (2 years ago).

Tamarind, or Indian date, is a tree from the legume family, the only species of the Tamarind genus. From East Africa it has spread throughout the tropics. In favorable conditions, tamarind grows up to 20-30 m. It has light green pinnate oval leaves, which eventually acquire a rich dark green color. In the evening they add up. Tamarind flowers have five petals of pink or yellow color with red stripes. Petals are collected in racemose inflorescences. The fruits are like long beans with indehiscent brown pods. Hidden under the peel is a red-brown pulp (pulp), which is used in the preparation of sour and spicy dishes, snacks and sauces, a ripe pulp with a sweet taste is good for desserts and healthy drinks. The pulp hides several smooth, hard, irregularly shaped seeds.

How to grow tamarind away from the tropics?

More severe conditions are not an obstacle for those who want to grow exotic tree. For its growth, it is necessary to simulate a warm tropical climate with an abundance of light and moisture. The easiest way to equip a greenhouse in the house, because growing tamarind at home is a simple matter. In the room it grows to two s extra meters, but with a lack of space and ceiling height, a bonsai is formed from it, pinching at the desired height.

Seeds or seedlings?

It is not necessary to look for seedlings: tamarind grows from a stone that is simply pulled out of the fruit. Seeds have a germination capacity of over 95%, which lasts up to several years.

Naturally, the bones are cleaned of pulp and washed, which is done easily and simply. No other preparation is required to increase germination and accelerate germination. There are recommendations to soak the bones in water for a couple of hours, dry them and even cut or rub them with sandpaper, but there is a high probability that they will sprout even without this. The plant is not whimsical to the soil, it even tolerates its salinity. The optimal soil is slightly acidic soil with good fertility, friability, moisture and air conductivity. Meets all conditions soil mix for citrus fruits, however, cases are known good growth trees in normal flower soil. Tamarind is best planted in wide pots of shallow depth - this will be better for its roots of the surface system.

A mini-greenhouse contributes to the early emergence of seeds. To do this, simply cover the pot plastic bag or glass. Seeds germinate at high temperature: + 20-25 ° C, but pots with planted seeds must be ventilated daily for 10-15 minutes. Growth requires high humidity, so the soil must be moistened with water using a spray bottle. Sprouts will appear in 1-3 weeks. After the appearance of pinnate leaves, the sprouts are transplanted into separate pots.

Home greenhouse - it's not scary

In the first months after the emergence of Indian dates, you should not put them in direct sunlight. The best place- shady. Adult tamarinds, on the contrary, need bright light, so the pot with the tree should be rearranged to a window facing south, southeast or southwest. For uniform development of the crown, it is recommended to rotate the plant a third of a turn. Lack of light leads to cessation of leaf growth and tree diseases. But in the heat, especially in the midday heat, you should not leave it.

The temperature in the room should not fall below +16-18°C. Intense heat is not necessary, moderate temperatures are most favorable. You have to be careful when airing - tamarind is afraid of a draft. Extremely high humidity is not required, but excessive dryness should be avoided. Indian date loves spraying. It is recommended to carry out this procedure twice a day. During fruit ripening, spraying should be stopped, however, it is not known for certain about cases of tamarind fruiting in an apartment or house.

The plant needs soft settled water at room temperature, cold water it doesn't love. It is not required to fill it, the accumulation of water in the pan should be avoided (this requires soil drainage). Moderate watering is optimal for the tree. In winter, waterlogging can cause root rot.

It is recommended to fertilize tamarind in spring and summer every 3 months with any liquid top dressing for indoor plants or organic. In the spring, if necessary, a transplant is possible. Tamarind needs sanitary pruning: the crown is formed until the formation of 3-5 largest branches and cut to your liking. It is necessary to protect the tree from thrips and whiteflies.

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