We warm the balcony with penoplex. Loggia insulation technology foam. Useful video: how to insulate a balcony

Many people try to increase the living space of their apartment by adding a balcony to the room. But in order to use it as a living space, it is necessary to properly insulate. If you wish, you can insulate the room with your own hands, without spending money on paying for the work of professionals. Before that, you should choose the right material.

Is it worth using penoplex

For the insulation of houses and apartments, many materials are used that have similar characteristics. But more and more often it happens with penoplex. This is due to the fact that it has several advantages when compared with other heaters. The advantages include:

The described material is often used to insulate rooms from the inside with their own hands. But it is worth noting that it also has disadvantages. Penoplex refers to flammable materials, so it can not be used in conditions where it can cause the spread of fire.

To remedy this shortcoming, manufacturers this material often used special additives. This reduces the risk of fire. Penoplex is recommended to be laid under non-combustible material. To reduce the risk of ignition, it is enough to lay foam between layers of non-combustible material.

Other heaters are used less frequently, since during the insulation of the balcony you want to save every centimeter of space. If no foam is used, less remains on the balcony free space, which does not allow it to be used for a comfortable stay.

What should be the thickness of the foam

To determine optimal thickness, it is worth determining for what purpose the described material will be used. In some cases, the balcony is planned to be used for food storage. in this case, it is enough to install single-chamber windows on the balcony window profiles. This will not only create conditions for storing food, but also make the room warmer. In this case, foam plastic with a thickness of 20 to 30 mm is sufficient.

Most often, the loggia is insulated for use in winter time year, so the material is popular, the thickness of which is 40-50 mm.

The thickness of the material for floor and ceiling insulation depends on the insulation below and above the balconies. If these rooms are insulated, thin materials can be fixed on the balcony. If the neighbors from above and below did not insulate the balcony, it is worth using plates, the thickness of which should not be less than those with which the walls were insulated.

To save money, many apartment owners use the remains of different heaters. But it is worth remembering that foam plastic 3 cm thick has the same thermal insulation characteristics as foam plastic about 10 cm thick. This suggests that it is foam plastic that is best used when insulating rooms such as balconies and loggias.

Carrying out preparatory work

Preparatory work is carried out as follows:

  1. First, all things are removed from the balcony. It is worth remembering that you need to immediately remove everything from the room, since a phased relocation will significantly increase the period of insulation of the balcony.
  2. After that, all hangers and other similar elements, if any, must be unscrewed from the walls. It is also necessary to eliminate all protruding nails and other objects.
  3. Then all materials that flake off the surface are removed. An example is plaster or wallpaper that is not firmly attached to the surface of the walls.
  4. If the windows have not yet been installed, at this stage it is worth fixing them on a previously created metal frame. When choosing windows, you should pay attention only to models with double or triple glazing, since they can reliably protect the balcony from the cold.
  5. Prior to the start of insulation, it is necessary to make wiring and install communications. All wires should be placed in a corrugated pipe.
  6. It is worth remembering that a balcony and a loggia are rooms where a large amount of moisture accumulates. That is why, before starting work, it is necessary to treat all surfaces with a special primer that contains antifungal additives. Such compositions dry within 5-6 hours after application.

Warming the loggia with foam plastic is a fairly simple task, since during the whole process it is only necessary to properly fix the material, and then veneer the coatings with the selected materials.

Following the guide described above, you can quickly prepare a balcony for the installation of insulation without wasting money on the services of professional builders.

To carry out the insulation of the loggia with penoplex with your own hands, you must use the following materials and tools:

  1. Mounting foam. It is necessary to seal the cracks.
  2. waterproofing material. The most commonly used polyethylene foam, which has a foil side.
  3. Penoplex.
  4. Glue, which is necessary for the installation of penoplex.
  5. fasteners. Such elements are selected depending on what material the walls are made of. For brickwork dowel nails are used. Self-tapping screws are used to fix materials on wooden slats.
  6. A primer that contains antifungal ingredients.
  7. aluminum profile or wooden slats, which are used to create the wireframe.
  8. Reinforced tape.
  9. Perforator required for mounting the crate.
  10. Stationery knife.
  11. Building level and ladder.

How is the installation of penoplex

If, in addition to insulating the walls of the loggia, you want to fix the finishing material on the walls, you need to install fasteners for guide profiles. Therefore, first, fasteners are installed on the surface of the walls, after which the foam is laid. At the same time, holes of the desired size are cut out in the insulation.

If the surface of the ceiling is even, fixing occurs with the help of polystyrene foam glue. Dowel fungi are also used, which are used as additional fasteners.

If the insulation will be covered with putty, it is necessary to put them on glue. If, after insulation, the installation of panels will take place, it is worth using dowels. A construction knife is used to cut foam boards.

After the first foam slab is fixed with glue, the second one is attached to it. If you press this material tightly, there will be no cold bridges even without the use of mounting foam. The gaps between the corners of the plates are closed with foam.

Floor insulation is different in that during such a process it is not necessary to use glue. Penoplex plates are laid on the surface and pressed against each other. During such work, you can step on the material without fear that it will deform. The gaps between the plates are blown out mounting foam. The last step it becomes laying boards or slabs directly on the foam.

The walls of the balcony are insulated with mounting foam and dowels. First, the foam is applied between the insulation plate on the floor and the wall. After that, the first panel is laid. When the foam hardens, the next slab is installed. Installation of plates should be carried out in a checkerboard pattern. This will prevent the formation of cold bridges.

If necessary, you can install two layers of insulation. This may be necessary if severe frosts are observed in the region in winter.

Insulation of the loggia from the outside

It is worth noting that only the walls of the balcony can be insulated from the outside, since the ceiling and floor are insulated from the inside. All work is carried out as follows:

  1. First, the surface of the walls is cleaned of dirt and old coatings. If the balcony is wooden, it is necessary to remove the entire crate, leaving only steel bars.
  2. After that, a primer for facades is applied to the walls. It is best to perform such actions using a roller with a telescopic handle.
  3. Then the waterproofing composition is applied.
  4. To fix the penoplex, a crate is created. It can also be fixed with glue. Choice certain type fastening depends on which method is more convenient to use in a particular situation.
  5. Before fixing, the walls are marked and the foam boards are cut, which cannot be installed due to their large size.
  6. After that, the glue is applied, to which the foam plexus plates are then tightly pressed. After completion of such work, it is necessary to leave the insulation until the adhesive is completely dry. If the installation was carried out on the crate, after the completion of the described work, you can proceed to the next step.
  7. The gaps at the seams are closed with mounting foam. After it hardens, the excess can be cut off with a knife.
  8. If the insulation will be covered with plaster, first a reinforcing mesh is fixed on it.

Most often, finishing occurs when using plastic panels. This is due to the fact that they have a low cost and are not affected by weather conditions. Following the described step-by-step instructions, you can do all the work yourself, without involving assistants.

Thermal insulation of the outer surfaces of the apartment gives a lot of advantages: additional usable area, warmth, the ability to implement relevant design ideas, to create an aesthetic and cozy look of the room. You can use the "formed footage" for every taste - equip a playground for children's games, a winter garden, a cozy office or even original bedroom. Therefore, to the question of whether it makes sense to insulate the loggia with penoplex, the answer is unequivocal. This is not at all difficult to do, just read a few tips.

Among the people who insulated any room, the majority used foam. However, among the advantages of this material can not be called a high density.

That's why Russian market building materials is rapidly gaining an improved analogue, known as penoplex (sometimes it is also called penoflex). The name, which has become a household name, he received from the name trademark. Scientists call this substance extruded polystyrene foam. Occasionally you can find the name technoplex.

It is produced in plates with a thickness of 2-12 cm. Standard sizes they are as follows: the width is 60 cm, the length varies from 12 to 240 cm. The insulator has proved the effectiveness of years of faithful service to man as a cold protection for airfields, heating mains, oil pipelines and other important economic facilities. This is one of the few heaters successfully used in regions with high atmospheric humidity and in the conditions of the Far North.

Rice. 1. The versatility of foam

Its obvious advantages are:

  • universality;
  • almost zero moisture permeability, which ensures the durability of the heat insulator;
  • lightness along with high strength and density;
  • possibility of use at any temperature;
  • optimal compression ratio (the plate can be bent almost like rubber);
  • environmental safety of the thermal insulator;
  • non-toxicity;
  • optimal thermal conductivity compared to polystyrene and mineral wool, which allows achieving efficiency with significant space savings.

Masters also appreciate the simplicity of working with the technoplex. Cold protection is easy to cut stationery knife while not crumbling. If there are doubts about fire safety, the choice should be made on the package marked C. The presence of this letter means the presence of special flame retardants in the composition, which make the material resistant to fire.

Thanks to the listed qualities, do-it-yourself insulation of a balcony with penoplex becomes an easy process. However, the heater is not without its drawbacks:

  1. When working with it, it is necessary to avoid contact with certain solvents, as well as paints on oil based, gasoline, polyesters. It is worth carefully choosing glue, mounting foam for thermal insulation. Choosing ancillary and Decoration Materials, stop at lime, water-dispersion paints, gypsum and cement, butane and ammonia.
  2. Also, extruded polystyrene foam is "afraid" of exposure to direct sun rays.
  3. Cold protection still lets sound through. A house insulated with this material is not protected from street noise even with the windows closed.
  4. The thermal insulator costs a little more than foam plastic, but the price is this case matches the quality.

Choosing the right thermal insulation

The technology of warming the loggia with penoplex is quite simple. However, for everything to go smoothly, you need to understand exactly which particular type should be applied in your case.

To begin with, determine where the cold-protective blocks will be fixed relative to the balcony railing. For internal thermal insulation well suited those that are up to 5 cm wide, allowing ergonomic use of space. To insulate the loggia from the outside, it is recommended to take plates of maximum thickness.

Penoplex for balcony insulation is divided by the manufacturer into the following categories:

  1. For thermal insulation vertical surfaces take the Wall category. It has a high density (up to 33 kg / m 3).
  2. "Roof" is taken to isolate slopes or flat roofs. If the task is to insulate the loggia, this class is indispensable for the ceiling.
  3. Insulation of the floor of the balcony, especially attached to the apartment on the ground floor, it makes sense to carry out using the "foundation" class. This is a dense and durable composition, suitable for thermal protection of building foundations and plinths.
  4. The universal category is called "comfort". Its density is 35 kg / m 3, which allows you to achieve the maximum effect when carrying out thermal insulation work.
  5. An even denser, but also more expensive, type is “45”. The characteristics of the insulation allow it to be used even for airfields.

Rice. 2. Foam boards

  1. If the goal is only to maintain a comfortable temperature for drying clothes in the cold season, you do not need to choose a cold protection of great “depth” and density. 2-3 cm blocks of the appropriate type are quite suitable.
  2. If there is a need to create "additional" residential meters to the apartment, the thickness of the thermal insulator should be 40-50 cm.
  3. The insulation of the floor on the loggia, as well as the ceiling, depends on how warm the floors and ceilings of similar rooms are installed by the upper and lower neighbors. If they are thoroughly “insulated”, you can safely take thinner heat-insulating plates. Otherwise, take thick ones.

Technology work plan

How to properly insulate a balcony with penoplex? This procedure is divided into the following steps:

  1. Preparation.
  2. Balcony floor insulation.
  3. Thermal insulation of vertical surfaces.
  4. Cold protection ceiling.

How to prepare?

In advance, you need to prepare such tools and tools as:

Rice. 3. Penofol waterproofing in a roll

  • waterproofing (for example, penofol);
  • mounting foam;
  • composition to glue the panels;
  • fasteners (the choice of which depends on the material of the walls);
  • primer with antifungal composition;
  • aluminum profile or wooden slats for the frame;
  • reinforced tape;
  • power tools for crates;
  • tape measure, level, stepladder.

The technology for insulating a balcony with foam plastic requires the following preparatory work:

Rice. 4. Balcony ceiling insulation

  1. Cleaning things (including nails), if possible, remove old coatings (wallpaper, plaster, etc.).
  2. To insulate the balcony with penoplex, already installed double-glazed windows are required.
  3. It is also necessary to carry out all communications ahead of time; the wires "hide" at the same time in a corrugated pipe.
  4. Before insulating the floor on the balcony, as well as the walls and ceiling, the surfaces must be treated with antifungal and moisture-repellent primers.

The insulation of the loggia with foam plastic is completed with thermal insulation of the ceiling. Particular attention should be paid to moisture insulation if the room is located on the top floor. To make further finishing easy, it is recommended to fix the thermal insulator with glue or special nails.

Loggia insulation has gained well-deserved popularity as a way to expand the space of an apartment. The advantage is the fact that in most cases the work can be carried out independently.

How the insulation works, how to plan your actions step by step, what materials to use - all these questions must be answered before starting work.

Types of insulation

Depending on which side of the loggia the work is being carried out, there are 2 methods of insulation:

  1. Outer.
  2. Interior.

The main advantage of external insulation is that the contact of cold and warm air flows occurs outside the apartment. That is, you do not have to worry about condensation and dampness inside, there is no risk of mold, so there is no need for waterproofing. In addition, such thermal insulation saves space indoors and improves appearance loggias, subject to the choice of suitable finishing materials.

The disadvantage of this type of work is the complexity of installation. You can independently carry out work only on the first, in extreme cases - on the second floor.

Since the execution of the external is not always possible, work inside the loggia remains a common option. At right choice material and following the instructions for its use, interior decoration is the simplest and most cheap way thermal insulation of the room. Performing this type of work is available without the involvement of expensive services of craftsmen.

Material selection

Without exaggeration, the most important step in the process of warming the loggia is the choice heat-insulating material. Penoplex is the best and most common option today, so let's dwell on it in more detail.

Using penoplex, both external and interior work. It is easy to work with even for a non-professional, as it is sold in the form of plates that are easy to cut and fit. Differs in moisture resistance, durability, does not decay, does not cause formation of a mold. The service life of foam plastic is 50 years. Material is released different types and thickness, suitable for the floor, and the walls of the loggia, with the exception of inner wall(it is not insulated, only finishing material is used here).

Other materials and their features:

  1. Styrofoam. This insulation has a low thermal conductivity, i.e. it will be good to keep warm. The pluses include moisture resistance and durability of the foam, the minuses are the combustibility of the material. He also needs additional vapor barrier.
  2. Styrofoam. The production technology is similar to foam, but this material is more modern. Expanded polystyrene has a smaller thickness without loss of thermal conductivity, but its price is higher.
  3. Mineral wool. Among the advantages can be distinguished low price, high sound insulation and fire safety. You'll have to pay for this big amount a place that will require mineral wool, and additionally install a moisture-proof layer. You need to know that some mineral wool dangerous to health if released into the air, so additional protective measures will be required.
  4. polyurethane foam. The insulation is applied by spraying, its use allows you to do without fasteners and on any curved surfaces. Not afraid of fire and water, durable. The use of polyurethane foam requires contact with specialists.
  5. Penofol. Very thin insulation (several mm thick), covered with foil on one side. Possesses good properties water and vapor barriers. Due to the small thickness, it is advantageous to use penofol in combination with other materials.

Work order

Consider general course work. We conditionally divide the process into preparatory, main and finishing stages.

Preparatory stage

Volume preliminary work depends on the condition of the loggia. It is necessary to assess whether it is necessary to strengthen the parapet, refill the floor. The second step is the installation of plastic windows.

Installation of double-glazed windows is recommended with expansion profiles at the top and sides of the frame. Such a condition is necessary so that the insulation does not cover the glass itself, but adjoins the frame. Next, we cover all the cracks. If you have planned the presence of outlets on the loggia, take care of the wiring to hide the latter under the insulation.

Take note: choose a double-glazed window, it will retain heat more reliably and prevent moisture from entering the room. At this stage, it is better to trust professionals.

main stage

You need to start from the floor and ceiling, finish with walls and parapet. Before starting work, waterproofing is installed on the floor. The insulation is attached to the surface with glue or dowels. Which way to choose is up to you, you can combine both types.

Note: glue, mounting foam and others auxiliary materials must not contain toluene.

Toluene is a toxin that destroys the function of hematopoiesis in the human body. Has a mild narcotic effect. Prolonged exposure may lead to irreversible damage to the central nervous system.

After laying the insulation, mount a layer of vapor barrier over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe loggia.

Finishing stage

Interior decoration performed according to the taste of the owners. For cladding, you can use moisture-resistant drywall, MDF panels or lining.

An insulated loggia will add another separate room to your apartment, which will keep you warm all winter and get rid of drafts.

At the request of the owners can be equipped workplace or a small playground. But do not forget: insulation will save the already existing temperature of the room, but will not make it warmer.

How to insulate the loggia with penoplex, see the video:

Many apartment owners want to effectively use the entire area that is available in the house. Insulation of the loggia with penoplex - good way expand the living space, make it truly cozy and comfortable.

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of the balcony with foam plastic

You need to stock up on tools and materials, as well as know simple rules installation.

Characteristics and advantages of the material

The foam plastic manufacturing process was invented over 50 years ago by American technologists. The structure of the material consists of many small granules (0.2 mm), which form flat surface. A blowing agent is introduced into these cells. Under high pressure and when heated to a certain temperature, these granules are combined.

The resulting mass is passed through an extruder. During the manufacturing process, all auxiliary additives are replaced by air.

Having insulated the balcony with penoplex, you can enjoy comfort not only in summer

This structure of the material provides high specifications- strength and excellent heat-saving properties. Other advantages of penoplex:

From disadvantages of penoplex one can note its ability to melt and release toxic substances during combustion. The low sound insulation characteristics lead to the fact that the material does not retain sound well. It does not withstand prolonged exposure to the sun, it must be covered with a cladding.

How to properly insulate a loggia modern material penoplex, you will learn from this video:

Do-it-yourself balcony cladding

You can insulate the loggia with penoplex on your own without the involvement of specialists, but mistakes should not be made in this work. It is necessary to go through all the steps and securely fix the material, otherwise there will be no benefit from the insulation. Most often, only the balcony wall is sheathed, but if the floor and ceiling are insulated, the effect of thermal insulation will be maximum.

The main advantage of penoplex is the excellent tolerance of moisture and any temperature.

For finishing the balcony with foam You will need the following tools and materials:

  • insulation boards;
  • foil polyethylene;
  • beam 40 × 25 mm;
  • level;
  • dowels, self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • special construction tape;
  • polyurethane foam in cylinders;
  • primer;
  • polymer glue;
  • cement mortar;
  • finishing materials.

It is important to carefully prepare the surface, because the quality of the insulation directly depends on this. Any errors will lead to a loose fit of the material, gaps at the joints. This significantly reduces the effectiveness of thermal insulation.

External thermal insulation

Allows you to save inner space and simplifies the whole process. If the balcony is located on the 1st and 2nd floors, the insulation can be installed without special tools, for this you need a strong and reliable stepladder.

For outdoor insulation high altitude will have to resort to the services of specialists

The process of warming the balcony with penoplex with your own hands:

  1. Surface preparation. The walls of the balcony must be prepared before installing the insulation. In order to level the brickwork, it must be poured cement mortar, after pre-treating the surface with a primer. Especially carefully close all the cracks between the parapet and the floor. Small holes in the walls are treated with polyurethane sealant or mastic. If the walls of the balcony are made of metal gratings, they must be sheathed with plastic or moisture resistant drywall. The sheets are pre-treated with an antiseptic, the seams are sealed with a sealant. All defects that appear on the material during operation are treated with foam.
  2. Installation of a heat insulator. Laying material starts from the corner of the balcony. Glue is applied pointwise to the surface, then a foam plate is applied and pressed as tightly as possible. In the corners, the insulation must be fixed with dowels. The remaining sheets are mounted in the same way. Penoplex must be laid as tightly as possible. Possible gaps in the joints are sealed with mounting foam.
  3. Fixing foil polyethylene. It is also laid on glue. It is important that the polyethylene joints do not coincide with the seams between the foam sheets. Individual elements of the foil material are fastened with construction tape. It should be laid evenly without folds and gaps and completely bury the insulation.
  4. Lathing installation. Before finishing must be completely closed thermal insulation layer. For this, a crate is mounted. It is installed from bars, which are impregnated with an antiseptic before work and completely dried. First, the bars are fixed around the perimeter of the balcony, and then the bars are screwed to them with self-tapping screws after 45 cm, to which the siding is then attached.
  5. Finishing. Most often, siding is used for decoration, it is more practical and attractive. Mount it on the crate, Special attention must be given to corners and joints. Everything must be carefully secured. Small cracks are treated with foam.

Interior decoration

Balconies in apartments located on the upper floors are insulated inside. This work takes more time, and material costs also increase significantly, since it is necessary to mount the insulation not only directly on the walls of the balcony, but also on the floor and ceiling.

The loggia, turned into a cozy and warm continuation of the apartment, not only provides additional living space, but also creates cozy atmosphere. A properly insulated room can be a great place to relax with winter garden or a solitary workplace. But in order to make these dreams come true, you first need to properly insulate it and conduct heating. Everything is important here - from the "pie" of the walls to the double-glazed windows. The article will give step-by-step instructions for warming the loggia with penoplex with your own hands.

What is penoplex

This is a modern heat-insulating material that has replaced the foam. Due to its high waterproof qualities and good density, which ordinary polystyrene foam cannot boast of, it quickly took a leading position in the Russian construction market. Penoplex is just the name of a brand that produces extruded polystyrene foam. But since he was one of the first, over time he became a household name. Its use is universal and acceptable in all temperatures and weather conditions, which is especially appreciated in harsh climates.

Advantages of penoplex over other heaters:

  • has low water permeability, does not absorb moisture and does not lose its properties even in a humid environment;
  • low weight and high strength of even a thin plate makes it extremely easy to work with;
  • durable in operation, does not crumble and mice do not gnaw it (which cannot be said about polystyrene);
  • a high compression ratio allows it not to break even when warming rounded surfaces;
  • environmentally friendly and non-toxic;
  • the manufacturer claims a service life of 50 years, but in fact it will be much longer;
  • and the main advantage is low thermal conductivity, which is achieved by a large number of cells evenly spaced and isolated from each other with a diameter of up to 0.2 mm.

Separately, it is worth adding about water resistance, since this moment is extremely important when warming the loggia. Especially if the work will be done outside. You can conduct an experiment: lower a piece of foam into a bucket of water and press it down with something so that it is completely immersed in water, and leave it for 10 days. During this entire period, no more than 0.5% of the liquid will be absorbed, which means that it is negligible.

When working with extruded polystyrene foam, there are a number of materials that can destroy its structure. These are acetone and other solvents, oil paints, gasoline and polyester compounds. This list is not so big, so it will not be difficult to take it away when insulating the loggia with penoplex with your own hands.

But there are many more compounds with which he does not react, which means that they are completely harmless to him. These include water-dispersion paints, lime and alkaline mortars, cement and gypsum plasters, ammonia, butane.

Penoplex disadvantages

  • Despite the seeming ideality of this thermal insulation material, he also has a number of shortcomings, which often become the reason for finding an alternative to him.
  • Penoplex, although it does not support ignition, smolders, melts and at the same time emits acrid and toxic smoke.
  • Destroyed by prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Therefore, when warming, they are recommended to immediately cover it with a facing coating.
  • Like polystyrene, it has low sound insulation performance. The loggia insulated by him will let in all the sounds from the street even with the windows closed.

How to choose penoplex for warming a loggia

  • It goes on sale in the form of plates with cut edges, so that during installation a single canvas is created. Their thickness varies from 2 to 12 cm. The width is always standard - 60 cm, and the length is 120-240 cm.

  • If it is planned to insulate the loggia or balcony from the inside, then slabs 2-5 cm thick are quite suitable, since you want to leave as much living space as possible. For outdoor work, it is recommended to use a 10 cm thick insulation.
  • Cut them with a simple clerical knife. If you do not need an even cut, then it is allowed to cut it a little and break it.

To facilitate the selection of the right plates, the manufacturer has released a whole line of products with speaking names. So, on sale you can find:

  • penoplex "wall". Suitable for thermal insulation of walls both inside and outside. Its density is 25-33 kg / m3, which guarantees significant energy savings during heating;
  • penoplex "roof". It has a lower density than wall. Great for insulating roof slopes or flat roof. In the case of a loggia, it is suitable for thermal insulation of the ceiling;
  • penoplex "comfort". It is he who is most often chosen for thermal insulation of apartments, balconies and loggias. Its density is 35 kg/m3;

  • penoplex "foundation". Thicker and stronger than the wall. Sometimes closed loggia completed by the owners of apartments on the ground floor. In this case, this type of insulation will be appropriate for the insulation of the foundation and basement;
  • penoplex "45". This is the densest existing species but also the most expensive. It is so strong that it is used even in the construction of runways.

Penoplex is sold in packs, but its prices are set in cubes or sheets and depend on the thickness. On average, a sheet of extruded polystyrene foam 30 mm thick will cost 110 rubles, and 50 mm 160 rubles.

When buying it in a store, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and the plates themselves so that there are no chips or other defects. It is recommended to purchase it with a small margin, in case of marriage during operation (for example, if a piece was cut off incorrectly).

What thickness to choose penoplex for warming the loggia

First you need to set the task for what purpose the warming of the loggia or balcony is done.

  • Sometimes it is enough to create comfortable temperature only for storing food in the winter season or for drying clothes. In addition, even warming the balcony with a thin layer of heat-insulating material will make the room adjacent to it warmer. In this case, the cheapest window profiles are installed - single-chamber. For such purposes, the thinnest foam 20-30 mm is sufficient.

  • But it is becoming more and more popular to make a loggia an additional living space designed for year-round use. The best choice there will be plates with a thickness of 40-50 mm.
  • Insulation of the floor and ceiling directly depends on the lower or higher loggias. If they are already insulated, then it is quite possible to save money and buy the thinnest of the options presented. But if the balcony does not have warm "neighbors", then the material should be no thinner than wall sheets.

Tip: sometimes, in order to save money, the remains of different heaters are used for insulation. But we must remember that 3 cm of foam plastic in its own way thermal insulation characteristics correspond to 10 cm of foam.

Loggia insulation technology foam

Preparatory work

  • At the time of insulation and cladding, all things and objects are removed from the loggia. It will not work, do it in stages, shifting them from one corner to another.
  • All hangers or shelves are twisted from the walls and all protruding nails are removed.

  • Then, if possible, the old coating is removed, which may fall off. For example, peeling plaster or peeling wallpaper.
  • Windows should already be installed. Preference is given to models with double or triple glazing, since the purpose of all work is to insulate the loggia room.
  • Also, even before insulation, wiring is done and necessary communications. All wires must be placed in a corrugated pipe of the appropriate size.
  • Since the loggia is a room subject to high humidity, it is advisable to treat all brick or token walls from the inside with special primers in antifungal additives. They dry no more than 5-6 hours in dry weather at room temperature.
  • The process of foam insulation is quite simple and any man who knows how to handle power tools can handle it. It consists in covering the walls, floor and ceiling with extruded polystyrene, on top of which a decorative cladding is mounted.

For work, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • waterproofing material, it is best to use polyethylene foam with a foil side. One of the most common types is penofol;
  • the right amount of foam boards;
  • mounting foam;
  • glue for foam;
  • fasteners are selected depending on the material of the walls. So, for loggias made of brickwork, dowel-nails are needed, and self-tapping screws are suitable for wooden slats of the balcony. But in both cases, they should have wide mushroom caps for better pressing of the material;
  • primer with antifungal additives or any other impregnation;
  • for the frame, an aluminum profile or wooden slats is bought;
  • reinforced tape;
  • puncher or screwdriver for mounting the crate;
  • stationery or construction knife for cutting foam;
  • level, stepladder and tape measure.

Step-by-step instructions for warming the loggia with penoplex

  • When the loggia is fully prepared for insulation, all items are removed and the old lining is removed, the process of insulation begins.
  • First of all, all the cracks are filled with mounting foam. When it completely hardens (and this is usually at least a day), it is carefully cut with a knife flush with the wall or floor.

  • The floor is insulated first. Regardless, work is being carried out on the balcony or on the loggia, the floor is always done concrete screed. Over time, it could become unusable, crumble or expose the reinforcement. So that the foam slabs do not deform in the future, and the floor remains flat, in such cases it is recommended to make a leveling layer of the screed. If expanded clay is added to it, then additional insulation will be obtained and foam sheets can be taken thinner.

Tip: when leveling the floor, you must remember that even with insulation and flooring, its level should be lower than in the apartment.

  • It is not necessary to equip the crate on the floor under the penoplex. But with its presence it will be easier to fix flooring, since the wooden slats will act as a log. If you omit this step, then it is enough to lay it out right on the floor and adjust the plates under the right dimensions and attach it to a special glue that resembles tile. If the penoplex does not have a groove-comb connection, then the joints between the sheets and with the walls pass with mounting foam. After the solution has set and the foam has dried, its excess is cut off exactly according to the level.

  • The most effective insulation of the loggia with penoplex and penofol in combination. This waterproofing material will provide vapor barrier and additional insulation. But it is laid on top of the foam plastic with the foil side out. If there are joints, then they are glued with reinforced tape.
  • This concludes the insulation of the floor of the loggia. Next comes a layer of subfloor and flooring.

Tip: Laminate cannot be laid on top of the foam, as it is too soft and the laminate panels will quickly become unusable due to breaking locking joints.

  • Walls are insulated next. All cracks on them are also foamed. Then the entire surface of the walls (including those bordering the apartment) is treated waterproofing material. It is most convenient to use a liquid and ready-to-use primer, it is applied with a simple brush.
  • One of the two insulation options includes a crate device. It does not matter whether it will be made of wood or metal, the main thing is that the slats are even and of sufficient thickness. Due to the rigidity of the plates, it is enough to make only vertical guides with a distance of 60 cm, which is equal to standard width penoplex.

Do-it-yourself warming of the loggia with penoplex video

Tip: choosing metallic profile it must be borne in mind that it does not have a high thermal conductivity, which means that cold bridges will inevitably form. For a room intended for year-round use, this is unacceptable.

  • When the frame is mounted, insulation boards are inserted into it. Neither should be placed tightly in it. But it is impossible for them to stick out, the material must fit snugly against the wall with its entire surface. If depressions have formed due to the stepped edge, they are again filled with foam. This also applies to all joints where the material does not fit tightly to each other. Thus, the penoplex is held on the wall, additional fixation is no longer required. The frame of the crate is suitable for fastening facing material such as drywall.

Thermal insulation of the loggia with penoplex photo

  • The second way is to glue the foam on the glue without crates. The composition is evenly applied with a notched trowel on the surface of the plate (and preferably on the wall) and it is attached to the base. Then tightly fixed for a minute. Glue can be replaced with nails with special mushroom caps. Each sheet is fixed with them in 5 places, it is additionally recommended to fix the corner joints with them. Experienced Builders it is recommended to glue the seams with reinforced tape, in addition to foaming.
  • From within waterproofing layer made from styrofoam. The main rule in working with him is the absence of gaps or overlaps. Particular attention is paid to the junction between the floor and walls.

  • The final stage will be the insulation of the ceiling of the loggia with penoplex. As in the case of the floor and walls, the ceiling is first prepared, including sealing possible gaps and treating with antifungal agents.
  • If the loggia or balcony is located on the top floor, you need to take care of waterproofing separately. It is recommended to replace the liquid composition with a more reliable roll.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam on the ceiling is most often attached to glue or special nails. In the future, this facilitates the task of finishing puttying and plastering. But if you plan to sheathe the ceiling with drywall or other sheet or lath materials, then it is better to make a crate.

  • When attaching to glue, it is necessary to coat the entire surface of the sheet and the ceiling, and only then press the sheet tightly. For reliability, you need to hold it in this position a little longer than it was done when insulating the walls.
  • When mounted on nails, their caps should be slightly pressed into the heat-insulating material.
  • Regardless of the method chosen, when gaps are formed, they are again filled with foam. It is recommended to buy a universal one suitable for all-weather work.
  • When insulating with foam plastic, it is important to equip the vapor barrier from the side of the room. Therefore, the ceiling is covered with penofol. To fix it, self-tapping screws are used, and the joints are glued with adhesive tape. But in this case, it will no longer be possible to putty the ceiling directly on top of the insulation. It is necessary to make a crate fastened with a dowel with nails. Therefore, fasteners must be of sufficient length to pass through the entire thickness of the insulation and firmly enter into concrete base. This is important, since GKL sheets weigh a lot, and several layers of putty mixture are also applied on top of them.

Insulation of the loggia with penoplex video

  • But in such a crate on top of the foam there is an advantage. An air space is formed between it and the skin, which allows you to hide the wiring.

Insulation of the loggia with foam plasterboard video

  • As a result, the entire loggia should be like a box, which is monolithically closed on all surfaces with foam foam. This will put there heating appliances or put underfloor heating, which will create the same cozy atmosphere as in the apartment itself. But, of course, this method will take up quite a lot of living space of the loggia, especially considering its initial small size. An alternative may be more complex, but no less effective insulation foam outside. Doing it yourself is not recommended (except for the balconies on the first floor), as special high-altitude equipment is required.

Insulation of the loggia with foam plastic from the outside

  • From the side of the street, only walls can be insulated, the ceiling and floor will be insulated from the inside.
  • If necessary, clean the outer walls of the loggia from the old coating. At wooden balcony need to remove all wooden crate, leaving some steel bars.
  • A primer for facades is applied to the surface. It is convenient to do this with a roller with a telescopic handle.
  • With the same roller (with a short pile), a liquid waterproofing composition is spread in two layers.
  • To fix foam sheets, you can mount the crate, use glue or nails. All three methods are suitable for outdoor work, it all depends on how convenient it will be to perform this work in specific conditions.

  • Here it will be difficult to make a preliminary fitting of the slabs themselves, so it is especially important to make measurements accurately and pre-calculate everything. The insulation is pre-cut to the desired size.
  • Next, glue is applied and the foam is pressed tightly against the wall. If the hands do not reach, it is necessary to come up with an improvised device to tightly press the bottom edge of the sheet. At the end of the work, everything is left to dry completely, for about a day or more. If the installation was carried out on a crate or nails, immediately proceed to the next step.
  • The resulting gaps at the seams are foamed and, after hardening, cut flush with the plates.
  • As already mentioned above, the ceiling and floor will be insulated from the inside using the technology described above.
  • If the insulation on the outside is covered decorative plaster, then the reinforcing facade mesh is attached to the sheets with the help of fungal nails. On top without a primer, a starting cement putty is immediately applied.
  • But more often balconies and loggias get off plastic panels. Although they look less aesthetically pleasing, they are quickly mounted, unpretentious to weather conditions, durable and cheap. Therefore, when insulating, it is better to immediately lay foam in the crate so as not to do it additionally after thermal insulation work.
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