Bell pepper - growing and care in open ground. Pepper, proper cultivation and care in open ground

Many people spend the summer months in their summer cottages, growing the most different cultures. Fruits and vegetables grown on your own have a completely natural composition; they will only benefit your health and help you prepare for a long winter. One of the most common crops is sweet pepper. This vegetable is a source of a huge amount of vitamins; it can be used to prepare a wide variety of dishes and preparations for the winter. It is especially useful when you grow it yourself. Let’s remember, and if you don’t know, then find out how to grow a crop such as sweet pepper on your “patch of land”; we’ll look at growing and caring for it for this purpose.


Sweet pepper seeds must be sown to obtain seedlings. They germinate within one and a half to two weeks, and fifty-five to sixty-five days are considered the optimal age for planting young plants in the ground. It is necessary to prepare seeds for planting in the early stages, somewhere from the twenty-fifth of January to the tenth of February. First, they are pickled in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then washed and kept for eleven hours in a growth stimulator. Further planting material should be rinsed and kept damp for a couple of days.

Planting sweet pepper seeds for seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are planted in one box, deepened by a centimeter, with an interval of a couple of centimeters from each other. The container should be covered with polyethylene or glass and stored in a warm place. The soil should be fairly moist, but not soggy.

The best temperature for growing seedlings is twenty-five degrees during the day and twenty-two to twenty-four at night. In cloudy times, in the evenings and mornings, it is worth illuminating it using LED or fluorescent light bulbs. Watering is carried out warm water.
After a couple of leaves appear on the seedlings, transplant them into separate containers.

Planting in open ground

In May, the grown seedlings can be taken to the greenhouse for hardening. Plants are planted in open ground after the danger of frost has completely passed. Planting is carried out with an interval of twenty to thirty centimeters between individual plants, and sixty to seventy centimeters between rows. Shortly before planting, water the seedlings generously to prevent them from wilting. It is advisable to spill the prepared holes with water heated in the sun before planting - a liter or two for each hole. Having carefully freed the seedlings from the pot, place them vertically in the hole and bury them a little deeper than they were placed in the pot. After all, on the stem, which will be underground, additional roots will form, which will be able to provide the pepper with additional supply. nutrients.

Features of growing in open ground

Pepper feels best in areas protected from the wind and covered with fertile soil. You should not grow it for several years in a row in the same place. Tall crops that you plant a little earlier in a neighboring bed can provide excellent protection from the wind. It is worth remembering that pepper is a light-loving crop. It should be placed on well-drained soil that can retain moisture.
It is better to prepare a site for planting peppers in the fall.

Caring for sweet peppers in open ground


Of course, to get decent harvest Peppers need to be watered systematically. After planting, the soil should be moistened every two to three days, using a liter of water for each plant. If the weather is hot, then watering can be done every day. Keep in mind that excessive moisture can harm plants and cause their death.
Over time, watering is reduced and carried out only when necessary. When harvesting, watering should be done more frequently.


Bell peppers especially love loose soil; under no circumstances should you allow a crust to form on the surface of the soil. Systematic loosening will help ensure access of water to the roots of plants, prevent the appearance of weeds and increase yield.
However, keep in mind that in the first couple of weeks after planting, the pepper hardly grows; at this time there is no need to loosen it.

Top dressing

During the entire growing season, peppers can be fed three or four times. The first time such manipulation is carried out in parallel with the first loosening (one and a half to two weeks after planting). To do this, you can use a solution of slurry or bird droppings in combination with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers or wood ash. Also, fertilizing is needed immediately before the start of fruiting and at its peak. Sprinkling the soil with ash will also be beneficial: one or two glasses of ash per square meter of soil.

To get a really beautiful bush with strong side shoots, you should pinch off the top from the main stem. Carry out this manipulation when the height of the pepper reaches twenty to twenty-five centimeters. After this, the plant will begin to actively branch, but you should leave only four or five upper stepsons, they will give you a harvest. Each bush can produce about twenty to twenty-five fruits.

If you are growing high grades sweet peppers, they must be tied up. Therefore, even while planting seedlings, install a special support near each bush and fix the trunk to it.

Thus, growing sweet peppers in open ground is not such a difficult task for a responsible and patient gardener. If desired, even a novice lover of his vegetables and fruits without special skills can handle it.


P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

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​In mid-May, peppers are planted in a greenhouse or greenhouse, and in early June in open ground. One of the problems that a gardener may encounter is overgrowth. To avoid this, when picking seedlings, you should cut off the roots and do not overuse fertilizing, especially nitrogen. If the plants do overgrow, you should reduce watering and lower the ambient temperature.​

Features of growing pepper

​As the seedlings appear, they begin to be illuminated, initially this is done around the clock using fluorescent lamps. To ensure sufficient lighting for the seedlings, it is necessary to keep the windows clean and make screens for light reflection using foil. As it grows, the green mass is illuminated in the morning and evening, so that the total length of the day is 12-18 hours.​

  • ​Soil with the addition of hydrogel. Adding hydrogel to the soil will help retain moisture in the soil longer. To do this, the balls, already swollen in water, are added directly to the soil. If you add dry granules, when they swell, they can displace the soil from the bowl.​
  • ​Pepper is very picky about soil moisture and cannot tolerate even short-term drying out. Plants especially need moisture within 8-10 days after planting, during the flowering period of the first and second clusters, before loosening the soil, after adding dry fertilizers to the soil. mineral fertilizers. Lack of moisture in the soil can lead to lignification of the stems, falling off of the ovary and leaves, as in eggplants. Pepper also reacts negatively to excess moisture in the soil.​
  • ​the greenhouse must have enough light for the growth and development of plants;​
  • ​Many people do not dare to plant bell peppers in their garden, because the conditions for growing in open ground are not suitable for everyone due to the climate, and it is either expensive to build a greenhouse on the plot, or there is not enough space. But those who still want to enjoy the tasty and healthy fruits of pepper need to know about the features of caring for this crop.​

​It happens that you need to plant with the addition of mineral fertilizers to organic fertilizers, but the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you may lose the fruit. You need to take a closer look at the plant, monitor its behavior and fertilize gradually. Innovations and new fertilizers should be added in small proportions.​

Fertilizer technology is as follows:

Peppers definitely need moist soil and air, care and watering are important, otherwise the atmosphere for growing pepper seedlings will be bad. Pepper is a moisture-loving plant that loves watering. After planting the seedlings, they need regular watering; you must monitor the humidity and prevent the seedlings from drying out.​

Leave for a day, drain the water, and leave the seeds in the sediment for ½ day.

  • What's a garden without pepper? Pepper is an indispensable ingredient for borscht, adjika, salads and many other dishes. Caring for peppers in a greenhouse is very interesting and exciting process not only for experienced gardeners, but also for amateurs. The main thing is to follow simple rules for caring for vegetables, and then successful harvest secured.​
  • ​The area for the pepper should:​

​You can feed the plants every 10 days after the first leaves appear using ammonium nitrate.​

  • ​Proper preparation for planting seedlings largely determines its future quality and harvest, so the process requires close attention.​
  • ​The amount of water per irrigation depends not only on the weather and soil, but also on the planting pattern and variety. It is advisable that the water be rainwater. If it is not available, water only with water that has settled in the tank and heated to a temperature not lower than 24-26°C. Therefore, water storage tanks should be installed in a well-lit place (preferably in a greenhouse), painted black...​

Regular watering is necessary, preferably before lunch;

Features of pepper seed germination

Caring for peppers grown outdoors in the garden is similar to the same measures that are used in caring for tomatoes. Pepper requires watering, weeding, timely fertilizing, loosening the soil, protection from pests and diseases. In addition to such simple manipulations, it will be necessary to remove the stepsons from the pepper bushes.​

If the leaves on the plant turn blue-green and then brown-red, then these are symptoms of phosphorus deficiency and watering will not help. Special fertilizing with phosphates can correct this situation.​

​Mineral fertilizers​

Pepper roots are small, especially if the seedlings have been picked, so watering is necessary in large quantities. This is especially evident during the period when peppers bloom.

​The second scheme, which takes less time:​

​“Correct” pepper seedlings two weeks before planting. It remains to collect the first bud.

​Be well lit.​

Caring for peppers in a greenhouse or greenhouse

​Complex fertilizing with nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus fertilizers must be carried out before planting in open ground. Pepper seedlings are quite capricious and in order to grow strong seedlings, you need to put in a lot of effort and follow all the rules.​

In order to properly grow pepper seedlings, you need to pay attention to all growth factors:

​Pepper came to us from the shores of Mexico. Since this is a southern plant lovers summer cottages wondering how to properly grow pepper seedlings. It can be sweet or bitter, but the main points are the same for all varieties.​

​After watering, loosen the soil;​

During the planting procedure, the peppers are watered, then watering again must be done 4-5 days after planting. If the weather does not spoil with rain, then you regularly need to water the pepper plantings every 8-10 days. This watering regime will be maintained until the first fruits appear on the bushes. If not so many fruits are produced, then you can remove them from the bushes before the bulk of them.

​It is imperative to monitor the temperature in the greenhouse. If the temperature drops below +10 degrees, then phosphates will not work. The temperature should be above 20 degrees Celsius.​

Fertilizing peppers (features)

​Phosphorus is a chemical element that the plant needs in order to produce good large pepper fruits. And this one the process is underway from planting a plant in a greenhouse until the moment when the fruit is ready for consumption.​

  • Peppers in the greenhouse should be watered every other day, avoiding overwatering of both seedlings and adult peppers. Everything should be in moderation. One seedling in a greenhouse requires the following watering:
  • ​2 tbsp. dilute spoons boiled water(1 l);​
  • Sowing pepper seeds can be done directly into the ground, or you can first carry out the process of disinfecting them:
  • ​Have loose soil.​

​There will be controversy among gardeners regarding picking young shoots. Opponents argue that after it the pepper slows down its growth, wasting energy on restoring the root system. Supporters say that after picking, plants better increase their vegetative mass and receive more nutrients.​


Preparation of pepper seedlings begins from February to mid-May. Pepper seeds lose their viability after three years of storage. Before planting, they must be sorted out and damaged and darkened ones removed.

  1. ​create sufficient air humidity inside the greenhouse, otherwise, if its level is low, flowers will fall off, and, accordingly, there will be no harvest;​
  2. After the mass ripening of the peppers, they take a short break in watering, which is resumed and made regular when flowers appear on the plants again.
  3. If the pepper has stopped growing, the leaves fall off, dry out, and the fruits do not ripen, then the reason for this is a lack of potassium. Excessive watering will not save the plants, since the reason is not a lack of water, but a lack of necessary substances.​
  4. ​Nitrogen is necessary for plant growth and for the formation of peppers.​

​- 2 liters of water per day at normal temperature. If the greenhouse is cooler, then less, depending on how the plant behaves.​

Leave for 24 hours, drain the water and leave in the sediment for 3 hours.

​prepare a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of manganese per 100 ml of water);​

  1. ​Be protected from drafts and wind.​
  2. Pepper seedlings are picked when the first true leaves appear, about three weeks after the start of cultivation.
  3. ​Humidity.​

In order to check whether the seed is suitable for planting, it must be placed in a 3% salt solution (30 grams per 1 liter).

​Feeding with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as microelements - manganese, iodine, boron and zinc, is important;

​You will need to fertilize peppers with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus (especially the last two) at least three times during the summer season.​

​For good development pepper plants still in initial period one lower bud should be removed.

​Potassium is necessary for the fetus from the beginning to the end, that is, when it is already fully formed.​

​If straw is used as biofuel in a greenhouse, then watering the seedlings should be more intensive. The water temperature varies depending on the time of year. It is warmer in spring, cooler in summer, the process of growing pepper seedlings is not the same everywhere.​

​For effective cultivation of pepper, in addition to ash, other schemes are used, but in all of them, after stimulation, the seeds must be squeezed out and planted moist in the ground.​

Features of ventilation in a greenhouse

​wrap the seeds of each type in gauze;​​Have a pH of no more than 6.​

​The seedling is carefully removed from the well-moistened soil, holding it by the upper leaves by one third, the main root is removed and transferred to separate containers with a volume of approximately 200 milliliters. There is no need for large dishes, since the roots can rot or build up excess green mass. Try to ensure that the root does not bend upward and is well spread out. The stem is buried almost to the first leaves, soil is added, compacted and watered.

How to care for peppers in open ground and in a greenhouse


​Seeds that float to the surface after 7 minutes can be thrown away. The seeds that have settled to the bottom are removed, washed with water, dried and prepared for sowing.

​If pests are detected, it is necessary to destroy them as soon as possible so as not to harm all plantings.​

Features of caring for peppers in open ground

​It is recommended to fertilize for the first time approximately two weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground. The second is carried out during the period of mass fruit set, and the third feeding is carried out approximately 15-20 days after the second application of fertilizers.​

Watering peppers in open ground

If the leaves become stained, turn yellow, and the fruits also spoil, then this looks like a lack of magnesium. In this case, you can feed the plant with a solution of magnesium sulfate. The solution should have 10% magnesium and 30% potassium.​

​Calcium is needed for growth from the moment of planting until the completion of pepper ripening, that is, for the entire period of growing plants.​

Fertilizing peppers in open ground

​You can water at any time, in the morning, afternoon or evening, but the main thing is that the tops are dry by nightfall. To do this, you can ventilate the greenhouse, observing the necessary care.​

Germination is necessary in order to be sure of the number of seeds suitable for planting in the greenhouse. If the seeds germinate, they are more likely to produce fruit. If you plant seeds with a reserve, then it is not a fact that they will all germinate in the greenhouse or, on the contrary, they will germinate, but there will be much more seedlings than necessary, and you will have to throw them away.​

​dip the fabric with the seeds in the form of a bag into boiled water (45 degrees) for 2 hours;​

Before transplanting, the boxes with seedlings are thoroughly watered to carefully remove the plants. The seedlings are transferred from the pots along with the earthen lump. Pepper is sensitive to damage to the root system. The seedlings are carefully transferred to the holes, covered with soil and mulch, then the beds are watered abundantly.

Features of caring for peppers when grown in a greenhouse


Basic measures for caring for peppers in a greenhouse

The seed, pre-pickled in potassium permanganate and treated with a growth stimulant, is soaked in warm water. The seeds are laid out on a cloth and placed in a warm place, for example, next to a radiator. It is important to ensure that the seeds are kept in a moist environment. Pepper seeds germinate in 1.5 to 2 weeks. You can put the soaked seeds in a thermos with water at a temperature of 40 degrees for 2 hours.​

  • With both growing methods, peppers are affected by the same pests and diseases.
  • ​It is better to feed peppers by spraying microfertilizers, so they are better absorbed by plants, the fruits grow evenly and even in shape.​
  • ​Lack of calcium is manifested by rotting of the plant, but overdoing it with calcium means losing the harvest, since with an excess of calcium, chemical processes occur, alkaline reactions occur and the plant begins to lack elements such as iron, boron, nitrogen, potassium.​
  • ​Growing peppers without any of the listed mineral fertilizers in a greenhouse will be difficult.​
  • ​In order to grow the perfect pepper in a greenhouse, the following fertilizers are needed:​
  • ​Growing seeds (growing seedlings) saves time. Without germination, planting in a greenhouse will look like a “blind” job. The seeds are placed in a pot and covered with film. There should be space between the film and the seeds, that is, the seeds do not need to be placed all the way to the top, but rather on the bottom. Then the pot is placed in a warm place, the temperature should be room temperature, after germination (about a day), the sprouted seeds should be placed in the refrigerator.​
  • ​immerse in manganese solution for 20 minutes.​

Pests and diseases of pepper

​The distance between the rows is 50-79 centimeters, in the row between the peppers 40 cm. If the distance between the plants is less, they will feel uncomfortable and stretch out. The depth of embedding is approximately the same as it was before replanting.​

​Picking is also convenient because plants planted in separate cups are easy to move apart. Pepper does not like to touch its neighbor's foliage and begins to stretch upward, wasting growth energy.​

​For growing pepper seedlings, special boxes are used, peat pots, plastic cups.​

Caring for peppers in a greenhouse

For proper cultivation of pepper seedlings, the following types of substrates are used:

Among the most common pests are spider mites and aphids. If they are found on plants, it is necessary to treat them as quickly as possible with special insecticides that fight harmful insects.​

​It is better to loosen the soil after rain to break up the earthen crust on the surface of the beds. Weeds are pulled out when they become clearly visible. In hot climates, peppers will require the construction of a shelter over the beds.​

​We must not forget about ventilating the greenhouse, as due to a sharp change in temperature, the plants can wither, rot and jeopardize the entire harvest. ​

​All pepper flowers are bisexual, and therefore they can easily self-pollinate themselves. But if insects get into the greenhouse through the window, cross-pollination can occur.

Little tricks for growing pepper seedlings


Preparing seeds and soil

Peculiarities of sowing pepper seeds

​After this, the seeds need to be washed with water so that the water becomes clean and there is no manganese left on the seeds. If the seeds turn red after disinfection, this does not mean that they have spoiled. They will still germinate as they should.​

​Sweet and bitter peppers are planted in different places to prevent cross-pollination.​

​Get powerful seedlings resistant to external factors environment allows hardening.​

​Craftsmen suggest planting seeds even in mayonnaise bags. The most important thing is to ensure good drainage in the container using sand and small pebbles, and don’t forget to punch holes in the bottom. This will avoid stagnation of water during watering and rotting of the roots.​

  • ​Ready soils. Soil mixtures prepared specifically for peppers are the most reliable option for planting. They will help avoid damage from infections and pests.​
  • ​With a lack of watering and humidity, some parts of the pepper fruits can sink in and darken, eventually becoming covered with gray rot, which affects both their external attractiveness and taste. It is unlikely that anyone would want to eat such unsightly and damaged fruits. This is why it is so important to provide the plants with regular and sufficient watering.​
  • ​Even in a greenhouse, it is better to grow peppers using the seedling method. Our latitudes are still not as warm as we would like; even in a greenhouse in early spring, the soil has not yet warmed up enough to prevent the plantings from dying. In greenhouses with organized heating, seedlings can be planted as early as March, but in ordinary greenhouses - no earlier than the second half of April. At a minimum, the soil should be warmed to +18 degrees.​
  • ​Due to climatic conditions, different regions require different conditions for a greenhouse. At the beginning of summer, when the threat of frost has passed, it is worth opening the greenhouse early in the morning and ventilating it. Since the air temperature is low at night and high during the day, a sharp drop is harmful. Morning ventilation will slow down the process of sudden heating of the air. Before going to bed, the greenhouse also needs to be ventilated by blowing warm air into it.​
  • ​Organic fertilizers:​


Planting seeds and caring for seedlings

​Two weeks before planting in the ground, you need to start hardening the pepper seedlings.​

  • ​Then it is necessary to carry out the process of stimulating seed growth. It is carried out in two ways.​
  • If there is a possibility of night frosts, the transplanted peppers must be covered. To protect against exposure to bright sun rays for the first time after transplantation, covering materials are also used.​
  • About a month before planting, planting material begins to be exposed to open sunlight, gradually increasing the exposure time.
  • The soil is shed with a warm, weak solution of potassium permanganate. Pepper seeds prepared for sowing are placed at a distance of 2 centimeters in small grooves, covered with 1 centimeter of soil and lightly compacted. To provide seedlings with maximum comfortable temperature(25-30 degrees) and humidity, the boxes with them are covered with film or a sheet of glass and placed in a warm place.​

​Soil prepared independently. Experienced summer residents prepare a substrate based on soil, humus and peat. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, do not take the soil from the area where nightshades were grown the previous year and water it thoroughly with a solution of potassium permanganate.​

​To obtain a good pepper harvest, temperature is important throughout the growing period. As you know, at air temperatures above 30-32 degrees, pepper flowers are not pollinated and fall off. But pepper fruits do not set even at average daytime temperatures below 15-16°C.​

​The soil for peppers must be selected carefully: it must be fertile, rich in humus, and loose. It will be good to add compost and humus to it, and dig up the beds well. Pepper grows very well in soils where cucumbers, beans, and zucchini grew before.

​If you follow all the planting rules, then you should not be afraid of growing peppers. With proper care, you can grow sweet peppers in a greenhouse, as well as any other variety that will be tasty, large and beautiful. The saying is relevant: the devil is not as scary as he is painted. Pepper, like any other vegetable, requires proper planting, care, watering, temperature conditions, knowledge of how to plant peppers correctly, when to harvest, as well as other living conditions.​

​Cow dung. The fertilizer is prepared as follows: manure is diluted with water 3:1. Place in a greenhouse for 3 days to infuse. Then it is diluted with water, for 1 liter of liquid 9 liters of water. This makes a bucket (10 l). After a 10-day life in the greenhouse, a liter of fertilizer is poured onto each bush to feed it.​

In order for the seeds to take root in the greenhouse and in the garden in the future, they need proper care; the soil must be the same or at least similar everywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to fertilize both the land in which the seeds are planted and the land in which the seedlings are planted.​

​Bad predecessors for peppers: potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, physalis and eggplant.​

The main troubles when growing peppers await summer residents at the stage of growing seedlings. After transfer to open ground, basic care comes down to timely watering, protection from pests and subsequent harvesting.​

Picking and hardening

To do this, the boxes are taken out onto the balcony or a window is opened. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not fall under drafts that affect them. negative impact and did not experience a lack of moisture. The described actions are not necessary, but their use allows you to grow good seedlings and produce a bountiful harvest.​

​When good conditions The first shoots will appear within 10 days. When they appear, the boxes are moved to the light and the covering material is lifted to avoid the accumulation of condensation. The glass is removed when the bulk of the seedlings have leveled off and the first pairs of leaves begin to appear. If after two weeks not a single seedling has appeared, then the seedlings have failed.​

​Coconut substrate. Good for growing peppers

Therefore, in hot sunny weather, the greenhouse must be ventilated, while avoiding drafts. When the air temperature rises above 30-32°C, plants must be protected from direct sunlight. To do this, most often the glass roof is sprayed with a chalk solution or shaded with light wooden shields. And in film greenhouses, the film is lifted up from the sides, twisting it onto the spools.​

Pepper seedlings will appear in 7-12 days if the temperature under the film is 24-26°C or higher. If it stays below these values, then seedlings will appear later.

Pepper seeds will not germinate at all if the room temperature is below 20°C; the optimal temperature is 25°C. If the seeds have not sprouted from the ground through certain period, they will have to be thrown away. The control period for pepper is 12-13 days.

Every three days you need to open the plantings for a short time for ventilation. With the emergence of seedlings, the seedling boxes must be immediately moved to a lighted place where the temperature is slightly lowered, and the film must be removed. Such a place could be a window sill. Since the pepper does not stretch, a temperature of 20-22°C will be optimal for it. Seedlings need to be ventilated regularly, but avoid drafts.

Pepper seedlings that sprouted in February need to be additionally illuminated from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. During other hours, it is advisable to cover young seedlings up to 30 days of age with light-proof material. This technique helps to increase its resistance to low temperatures. In addition, the seedlings will enter the fruiting phase earlier.

If you sow seeds closer to mid-March, you will have to artificially illuminate the grown seedlings for a whole month from the moment the first shoots appear until they are planted in pots. During the first three days after the emergence of seedlings, it is better to illuminate them around the clock, and then you should switch to a regime of 16-18 hours a day, in the morning and in the evening. Conventional incandescent electric lamps are hung at a distance of 60 cm or more from the sprouts to avoid burns. For illumination, it is best to take economical (fluorescent or energy-saving) fluorescent lamps; they illuminate the seedlings well, but do not overheat the seedlings, so they can be placed close to the plants. Fluorescent lamps (40 or 80 W) should be hung horizontally, so that they are located approximately 8-9 cm above the plants. On a cloudy day, the lamps are turned on from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. On a clear day, use depending on the light conditions in the room.

It is advisable to keep the seedlings in a bright window: pepper is a light-loving plant, and it will develop worse in the shade. For better lighting you can use mirrors or foil; You should also wash the windows as often as possible, then the plants will be better lit.

This light and temperature regime is maintained for 6-7 days so that the seedlings produce strong roots. Then the temperature is gradually increased: during the day in sunny weather - up to 23-25°C, in cloudy weather - up to 19-22°C, at night - up to 16-17°C.

It is important to turn the boxes with seedlings every 2-3 days, first one side or the other, towards the window frame. Then the illumination of the seedlings will be uniform.

The root system of pepper is located superficially, so it needs frequent and abundant watering. You need to water the plant especially often during flowering: when the soil and air are dry, the flowers and ovaries may fall off.

At first, there is no need to water the seedlings; just lightly sprinkle the dried soil. Irrigation of pepper is carried out once every 3-4 days, only in the morning. For irrigation, use warm, settled water. Watering seedlings with magnetized water is very effective. To do this, water for irrigation must be passed three times through magnetic nozzles, which can be bought in the store.

Pepper seedlings can grow in a box until they have two true leaves. This usually occurs at the age of seedlings 30-35 days. During this time, the seedlings should be watered moderately, no more than once a week. Excessive moisture can cause plants to suffer from blackleg. For irrigation, use only warm, settled water with a temperature of 26-28°C.

Picking pepper seedlings

Pepper seedlings are ready for picking, that is, transplanting from a small container to a large one, as soon as they have 2-3 true leaves. At this age, seedlings take root more easily. When picking, each pepper plant can be transplanted into an individual box or container.

Before picking, the seedlings need to be fed once with a solution of calcium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), and be sure to water them 2-3 hours before picking. When transplanting dry seedlings, the soil will crumble from the roots, which is very harmful.

Seedlings can be planted in any suitable container - hollow peat pots or plastic cups of any size. Optimal size pots - 10 x 10 cm.

The selected container is filled with the same soil mixture that was used for sowing, then watered with a solution of the nutrient mixture of your choice:

1 tsp wood ash or potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water;

1 tbsp. l. liquid fertilizer"Effecton", or "Agricola Forward", or sodium humate per 10 liters of water.

If after watering the soil has noticeably dropped, then you need to add more soil mixture, make a depression in the middle of the pot and plant the plant to be planted to the cotyledons, i.e. to the two lowest leaves. There should be no bare stem between the soil surface and these leaves. After 3 weeks, the picked plants need to be fed again.

By the way, many gardeners believe that pepper seedlings do not need to be planted; they can grow before being planted in the ground where they were first planted.

Pepper does not tolerate picking very well due to the fact that its roots are located close to the soil surface. They are weak and easily break off, so it is advisable to grow pepper seedlings without picking. It is better to immediately plant it in individual pots. Since pepper roots grow slowly, you can use pots 8 cm in diameter.

Caring for pickled pepper seedlings

After planting, it is preferable to place seedlings in pots on a windowsill, but it is better to cover the window glass for 1-2 days with paper, which will provide moderate lighting.

The entire complex of caring for pickled seedlings consists of watering, fertilizing, hardening and maintaining the correct temperature regime.

At this time, the plants need regular watering: once every 5-6 days they need to be moistened so that all soil mixture the pot was well moistened, but the water did not stagnate. To prevent water stagnation, there should be holes in the bottom of the pot. If pepper seedlings are accidentally overwatered, growth may stop. The plants are usually watered for the first time after picking six days later, using settled water at a temperature of 25°C.

For better rooting After picking plants, you need to provide them with moderately warm air for 3-4 days: temperature 20-22°C during the day and not lower than 14°C at night. In the following days, you need to maintain a daytime temperature of 23-25°C during the day and not lower than 18-20°C at night.

Feeding pepper seedlings

When growing pepper seedlings, you need to combine watering with fertilizing. As a light feeding you can use this accessible remedy, like stale tea leaves (black tea). To do this, you need to pour 1 glass of this tea leaves into 3 liters. hot water, leave for 5-6 days, then strain the infusion and water the seedlings with it. You can also prepare fertilizing from eggshells: pour crushed shells from 10 eggs with hot water and leave for 5-6 days; During infusion, you need to stir the product regularly, then strain and water the plants. Excellent result gives feeding of pepper seedlings with nettle infusion in a ratio of 1:10.

Since peppers have a great need for potassium-phosphorus nutrition, the seedlings can be watered with water and ash infusion every other time. To prepare it you need 1 tbsp. l. wood ash pour 1 liter of hot water, leave for 24 hours and strain. When the seedlings reach two weeks of age, you can feed them with a solution of complex fertilizer.

It is better to apply mineral fertilizers under pepper seedlings. It is best to fertilize seedlings for the first time when they have 1-2 true leaves. To feed, dilute 0.5 g of ammonium nitrate, 3 g of superphosphate and 1 g of potassium fertilizers in 1 liter of water. After 14 days, carry out a second feeding, doubling the dose of mineral fertilizers.

The last feeding is carried out 2 days before planting the seedlings in a permanent place. At the same time, the dose of potassium fertilizers should be increased to 8 g per 1 liter of water.

In cases where seedlings develop slowly and the color of the leaves is light green, the plants need fertilizing that is more effective than nutrient solutions from improvised means. Then you can apply a fertilizer solution made from the following components: 1 tbsp. fertilizer "Leaf" in combination with 2 tbsp. l. Dilute Effekton fertilizers in 10 liters of water.

If beautiful green pepper plants have poor root development, it means they need feeding. In this case, 1 tbsp can be diluted in 10 liters of water. superphosphate or 1 tsp. potassium sulfate. You can prepare a fertilizer from a mixture of Agricola Forward and Effekton-U fertilizers: take 1 tbsp. each product and dilute in 10 liters of water. All liquid fertilizers should be included in the general water norm when watering seedlings, so that there is no excess liquid.

❧ It is advisable to carry out all watering and fertilizing of pepper seedlings only in the morning. This routine will help prevent seedlings from getting blackleg disease. If you water the seedlings in the afternoon, the young plants will not have time to absorb moisture.

Pepper seedlings respond very well to wood ash: it can be poured 1-2 times into pots at the rate of 1 tsp. for 2-3 pots. But you need to add ash so that it does not get on the stems and leaves of plants.

Hardening off pepper seedlings

The temperature in the room where pepper seedlings are grown must be maintained at the following level: during the day - 25-27°C, at night - not lower than 11-13°C. Before planting seedlings in a permanent place, they should be hardened off.

Hardening off pepper seedlings should begin no later than 2-4 weeks before planting them in a permanent place in the ground - it all depends on local weather and climatic conditions. The hardening process is expressed in the gradual accustoming of seedlings to natural weather conditions, sunlight, relatively low temperatures (compared to room temperature) and fresh air. Hardening can only begin at positive temperatures, when outside air already warms up to 15°C. Conducting This procedure, it is important to carefully monitor weather conditions so that the seedlings do not fall under frost or a drop in temperature to 13°C, which is biological zero for pepper.

First, you need to open a window or window frame in the room where the seedlings are located, depending on the air temperature outside.

As the air temperature outside the window rises, on clear days you can take the plants to the balcony, veranda, or even outside.

The time spent by seedlings in the fresh air should be gradually increased, starting from 20 minutes a day. According to experienced gardeners, hardening seedlings gives better results compared to hardening pepper seeds heated in warm water.

However, hardening in any form (at home or when taken outside) can only be carried out when there are no drafts in the room and there is no strong, gusty wind outside.

Wind and drafts are detrimental to young plants. A weak warm breeze will only benefit sufficiently grown seedlings.

Signs of good pepper seedlings

Good seedlings can be distinguished by many external signs which indicate the health of young plants. First of all, an indicator of healthy, strong plants is large leaves of rich green color. The total volume of the leaves should visually exceed the volume of the stem, and this difference should be significant.

The stem should be thick, not woody, and fit well into the circle. It should not have a bend in the area of ​​the root collar. U healthy plant the stem is always strong, consisting of compact internodes.

There should be no stains, any plaque or deformation on the leaves and stems, as well as signs of starvation or excess of certain nutrients.

When the plant is ready for planting, you can carefully remove it by turning the pot over and inspect it without harming the roots. In healthy seedlings, before planting in the soil, the roots branch well and have healthy white tips, and also entwine a lump of soil in the pot. If the plant has small and weak roots, the soil easily falls off from them, so you will have to wait before planting it in a permanent place.

At the time of planting seedlings, plants should have approximately 8-12 leaves and single buds. If you expect to receive early harvest pepper, then the seedlings should have 9-12 leaves and buds ready to open. If the pepper harvest is needed in the second half of summer, you can use young seedlings with 7-9 leaves.

Planting seedlings in open ground

Under normal conditions in the middle zone, peppers ripen normally only in a greenhouse or under a film in open ground. Without the membrane, it can only reach maturity in very hot summers.

The greenhouse where the pepper is planted must be ventilated regularly, but remember that the plant does not tolerate drafts. The best greenhouse neighbor of pepper is the cucumber.

A clear sign that the pepper is ready for planting in a permanent place is the presence of 16-17 true leaves, or at least 10-15, and single buds. The optimal age of seedlings is 55-65 days. Seedlings at two months of age should be at least 20-30 cm tall.

If the deadline for planting in the ground is missed, the overgrown seedlings get sick for a long time. The leaves on it often turn yellow and even fall off, along with them the flowers and first ovaries may fall off.

If the seedlings ready for planting have bloomed, then it is better to remove the first flowers, otherwise not enough ovaries will form on the bush. It happens that plants transplanted into soil do not bloom at all. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that, being in a cramped space in a pot and a small volume of soil, the seedling devoted all its strength to the formation of flowers and ovaries. When the plant, transplanted into open ground, received a large area for nutrition, it directed all its forces to the formation of the underground part, i.e., roots. But there was a delay with the further formation of above-ground organs.

When to plant pepper seedlings in open ground

Peppers that are supposed to be grown in a greenhouse can be planted starting May 10. It is recommended to plant seedlings in open ground from June 1 to June 5. It is quite dangerous to start planting earlier than these dates; it would be wiser to wait until the last frost has passed. Usually this is the beginning of June. Many years of experience in growing peppers shows that open ground is intended only for the southern regions of Russia, since the plant develops well at 27°C.

Pepper practically does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, wind and direct sunlight - these are arguments against growing peppers in open ground. In addition, the required air humidity can only be maintained in a greenhouse.

However, if necessary, you can plant pepper seedlings after May 25, only with the obligatory covering of the plants with film - this is a compromise option. In hot weather, temporary film shelters must be opened slightly. But still, it is better to plant peppers even under film after frost.

Soil preparation

Sweet peppers are very demanding. It prefers light and rich soils. Therefore, the intended place for planting seedlings must be well fertilized in the fall with organic matter (compost, peat, humus) and a complex mineral fertilizer must be added. It is advisable to add 5-10 kg of organic matter per 1 m2. It is best if it is introduced under the predecessor of pepper. In the fall, during deep digging, 60 g of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are added to the same area. In the spring, when preparing the soil, add 40 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m 2 in upper layer soil.

If in the fall it is not possible to prepare the soil intended for planting peppers, in the spring you can dig it up and add a small amount of organic matter in the form of humus and superphosphate. However, before planting the pepper, the soil will need to be dug up again.

Pepper planting technique

The best time to plant sweet peppers is cool weather, preferably evening. To do this, you need to dig holes that are suitable in size, pour a little peat or compost into them, mixed in advance with the fertile layer of soil, and water them with settled warm water.

Immediately before planting, the seedlings need to be well watered so that when they are removed from the pots, the soil lump is preserved. Some gardeners water pepper seedlings with melt water room temperature, which is specially frozen outside or in the freezer. When removing seedlings from boxes, do not shake off the soil so as not to damage the root system.

When planting pepper seedlings in a permanent place, the plant is not deeply buried - deep planting is not suitable for it. But at the same time, peppers do not tolerate shallow planting - their roots die off. Ideal option the peppers will be buried in the ground by half the stem, i.e. from the roots to the first true leaves.

Between plants of medium-sized peppers in a row, you need to maintain a gap of 20-30 cm - in rare plantings, peppers grow and develop poorly. The optimal distance between the beds should be 50-60 cm. When planting peppers in a greenhouse, you should immediately install pegs for garter, so as not to injure delicate plants later.

Experienced vegetable growers believe that to increase the yield when planting on plants, it is necessary to remove the central flower growing from the first branch.

❧ Pepper leaves and stems are fragile and brittle, so special care should be taken when planting seedlings, caring for plants and harvesting. Pepper flowers are located in the fork of the branches, one at a time or in a bouquet, and therefore they are not pruned or pruned.

Caring for planted seedlings

During the growth process, the roots of planted seedlings must receive a sufficient amount of air. Wide row spacing, which should be periodically loosened along with the beds, will help provide the roots with air. However, the roots of the pepper are located close enough to the surface of the earth, so you can loosen the soil to a depth of no more than 7 cm.

Peppers are plants that are very demanding of moisture. They prefer fairly frequent, but not too abundant watering. At any stage of plant growth, watering should be done only at the root and only with warm water.

After watering, the soil surface should be mulched to ensure the desired level of moisture. Therefore, peat or straw, or any other mulching material that will not allow moisture to easily evaporate from the soil, can be poured around the pepper stem.

It is advisable to fertilize the planted seedlings once a week or every 10 days with complex and organic fertilizers. It is optimal to apply fertilizing along with watering. If there are few plants in the garden, you can add fertilizing to the planted pepper seedlings through spraying.

Pepper is a real treasure useful substances and vitamins and one of the most favorite vegetables in the whole world. However, if at the height of the summer season it can be bought at any market for literally pennies, then by the beginning of autumn sellers are asking much more for it. more money. It is for this reason that all those summer residents and gardeners who have already managed to grow in their own greenhouses delicious cucumbers and juicy tomatoes, they begin to eat with great pleasure. Moreover, there is nothing complicated in this lesson. Of course, planting and caring for peppers has its own characteristics, but after reading the recommendations below, you can easily grow tasty and healthy sweet peppers yourself.

Pepper contains a huge amount useful vitamins, which is why it is so often found in the gardens of summer residents.

Secrets of growing sweet peppers: choosing a variety

Growing peppers is not such a difficult task as it may seem to unprepared summer residents. However, before you start, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the variety and characteristics of the varieties of this vegetable.

Different varieties of pepper differ quite significantly in color and shape of the fruit.

Thus, pepper fruits can be elongated or wide, cuboid, cone-shaped, prism-shaped, curved or spherical. The weight of the fruit can also vary (usually from 0.5 to 200 g), as well as the length (usually from 1 to 30 cm). The color of peppers can change depending on the ripeness of the fruit: from light green to purple shades, and already ripe fruits can be colored red, brown, yellow and other colors.

Most often, the following varieties of pepper are chosen for growing in a greenhouse:

Before planting peppers in the ground, it should be watered so as not to damage the roots during transplantation.

  • "Orange Miracle" is an early ripening hybrid. Characterized by cube-shaped fruits, bright yellow;
  • "Alyonushka" is a mid-early hybrid. It has truncated pyramidal red fruits;
  • "Winnie the Pooh" is one of the early ripening varieties of pepper. The fruits are red in color and have a short, cone-shaped shape;
  • "Pinocchio" is an early ripening hybrid. The fruits are smooth, slightly ribbed, distinguished by their elongated cone-shaped shape and red color;
  • “Swallow” is a mid-early pepper variety. The fruits are red, cone-shaped;
  • “California miracle” - refers to mid-early varieties with prismatic, large bright red fruits;
  • “Tenderness” is an early ripening variety of pepper with very tender flesh. The fruits are red, truncated pyramidal in shape;
  • "Negociant" is an early ripening hybrid. The fruits are red and prism-shaped;
  • “Nochka” is a mid-season pepper hybrid. The fruits are bright red, truncated pyramidal;
  • “Elephant trunk” is a mid-season variety of pepper. Trunk-shaped and elongated cone-shaped fruits;
  • "Astrakhan" - refers to mid-season varieties. It has drooping, cone-shaped fruits with rough pulp.

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Growing and caring for pepper seedlings

Seeds for growing pepper seedlings must be sown at the end of February. Before sowing in prepared soil, pepper seeds must undergo the following treatment:

  • disinfection in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for about 30 minutes, then rinsing with water;
  • treatment with special growth stimulants, which can be bought in gardening stores;
  • treatment with an appropriate antifungal agent to protect future pepper seedlings from fungus.

After the seeds have been processed, they are sown in small separate pots to a depth of 6-12 mm. It is necessary to germinate seeds at a temperature of about +25-30°C. The shoots themselves usually appear on the 4th day. After this, it will be possible to lower the temperature to +15-18°C for a whole week. This is done to prevent the plants from stretching out. A week later, the temperature rises again to +22-28°C.

As for feeding, peppers grown in a greenhouse need to be fed for the first time only when 3 true leaves appear on the seedlings. To do this, you need to take the following: 30 g of potassium salt, 125 g of superphosphate and 50 g of urea. Mix all ingredients and dissolve in 10 liters of water. After feeding, immediately water the seedlings with clean water.

Experienced gardeners recommend that after the seedlings have 2-5 true leaves, they begin to additionally highlight them so that the plants are exposed to radiation with a large share of the blue spectrum. The duration of such illumination is 12 hours a day.

The second feeding should be done after the pepper has 4 true leaves. And when the seedlings already have 7-8 leaves, their nutrition and care should be especially good - it is at this stage that the flower organs develop, invisible to the human eye, on which the quality of the entire future harvest directly depends. In total, during the growing of seedlings, soil will need to be added to the pots 2 times.

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Growing greenhouse peppers involves performing a procedure such as hardening. Pepper seedlings are hardened off 2 weeks before they are planted in the ground. To do this, if the weather is warm outside, you need to take the pots with seedlings to the terrace or balcony. At night, the seedlings are brought indoors again.

7-8 days before planting, for greater stability, seedlings can be fed with potassium salt. Experienced gardeners recommend spraying the seedlings with a solution of a natural plant growth stimulator a day before planting. This will allow the pepper to produce its own hormones that are necessary for one or another growth phase. Such care will make the plant more resistant to various diseases. Pepper treated with a special solution is much more resistant to various adverse factors and has better fruiting. As a result, the yield of peppers increases by approximately 40%, and the nitrate content is reduced by more than 2 times.

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Planting and growing peppers in a greenhouse

Pepper seedlings can be considered ready for planting in greenhouse soil if they already have 12-14 leaves and bud development is observed in the leaf axils. As a result healthy seedlings has a fairly thick stem about 25 cm high and a characteristic smooth green color. Moreover, it is necessary to plant pepper seedlings in an unheated film greenhouse when the soil in it warms up to +15°C - usually not earlier than mid-May. Moreover, the age of the pepper seedlings itself must be at least 55 days.

The soil itself in which pepper will be grown must be properly prepared. For this purpose, phosphorus and potash fertilizers, 40 g/m², as well as nitrogen fertilizers 30 g/m². Do not fertilize the soil for peppers with fresh manure. Such treatment can lead to strong growth of bushes and falling off of flowers. It is better to use compost or humus - 1 bucket for every 1 m² is enough.

It is necessary to plant seedlings in a greenhouse on ridges 1 m wide with a row spacing of 50 cm. Planting density in the case of pepper depends on the characteristics of the selected variety. So, for vigorous varieties of peppers and hybrids, the distance between plants in 1 row is usually 35 cm, and for medium-growing varieties - 25 cm. For early-ripening low-growing varieties - every 15 cm, that is, there will be 10 plants on every 1 m². Seedlings must be grown in holes pre-watered with water - 2 liters of water per hole. After planting, the soil must be thoroughly compacted by hand and mulched with humus or peat.

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​warm water​

​At the end of summer, when the nights become cold, the pepper should be covered again with film.​

​The following solution will help get rid of aphids: take 200-250 g of wood ash in a bucket and fill it with water, the temperature of which is + 50°C.​

​Manure activates the growth of stems and leaves, which occurs to the detriment of fruiting, so it is applied under the previous crop.​

​The roots of pepper are located in the surface layer, so loosening is carried out to a shallow depth (up to 5 cm) simultaneously with earthing up the plants and weeding.​

​During the flowering period, the following solution is used as a top dressing. For a 100 liter barrel take:​

​The next technique is stepsoning. Leave no more than 5 on the plant upper shoots, on which the harvest is subsequently formed. The remaining stepsons are removed.​

​– indoor pepper, also called Mexican. Its fruits are incredibly hot, and the green parts of the plant are completely poisonous, so it is better not to keep such a plant in an apartment where small children live. If there is no one in your house who accidentally eats the bright, hot fruits, be sure to have capsicum on your windowsill, because it looks very impressive!​

Then transplanted into open ground.

  1. ​To avoid pepper diseases, provide plants with calcium and potassium when planting in open ground.​
  2. ​Sweet bell pepper- one of the most popular and healthy vegetables, which is used both fresh and stewed, boiled, pickled and canned. Growing sweet peppers at home is a painstaking, but completely doable task. If you want to get a completely natural product, peppers are grown from seeds.​
  3. ​temperature is about 25 - 30°C. When watering cold water pepper may stop growing, and fruiting time will be delayed.
  4. After planting pepper seedlings in the ground, it requires some
  5. ​Protect plants from spider mite You can use an infusion of chopped garlic or onion (200 g) and dandelion leaves (200 g) in a bucket of water.​
  6. ​Good neighbors of pepper include basil, okra, coriander, onions, and marigolds. The last three plants are good as protection against aphids. But nasturtium can serve as a trap for aphids. Okra helps protect against the wind.​

​And remember about mulching, which will provide additional protection against drying out of the soil and inhibit the growth of weeds. It is only recommended to mulch peppers after the soil has warmed up, since this crop is heat-loving.​

Where is the best place to grow peppers - at home, in a greenhouse or in open ground?

​5-6 kg of chopped leaves of nettle, coltsfoot, woodlice, dandelion, plantain;​

Original solutions

​You can do without pinching the main shoot, but pinching is a must, especially in a hot, rainy summer.​

​A compact bush with dense foliage is completely covered with small waxy peppers of bright red and orange color. Varieties with multi-colored fruits are especially valued - yellow, red, burgundy, purple and orange peppers grow on one bush. In addition, fruits can vary in size and shape: pointed, blunt-nosed, round, conical, pear-shaped, cylindrical, curved, even short and long. Add beauty and flowers different colors, which appear not only in May, but throughout the summer, along with bright fruits, adding beauty to the plant.​

​However, further cultivation in a greenhouse it is best suited for peppers, since this vegetable crop does not like ventilated areas and feels more comfortable in a windless, warm place, besides, temperatures below +18 degrees are undesirable for peppers.​

​Effective protection of the soil and preservation of nutrients in it - mulching.​

  • ​Selecting seeds and preparing them for sowing​
  • After each watering the soil needs
  • ​time to adapt​

​The solutions are infused for at least a day. They must be mixed and strained before use. To increase the effectiveness of the solution, it is recommended to add up to 30-40 g liquid soap, but in this case it is better to look for organic soap, which contains a minimum chemical substances. These solutions are safe for plants and humans, so pepper can be sprayed at any stage of vegetable growth and development.​ Pepper's bad neighbor is beans. It is advisable to avoid their proximity, as they have general illness- anthracnose (with this disease, soft black spots form on the fruits).​

Growing peppers at home to mature seedlings

​Additional flower pollination​

​10 liters of rotted cow manure;​

​Growing peppers outdoors requires some care. Pepper care involves creating the following conditions:​

What to choose: growing peppers in a greenhouse or in beds?

​Video about growing hot peppers​

​Video about growing peppers​

​Adjust the thickness of the film in the greenhouse depending on the temperature conditions and create conditions for ventilation of the greenhouse.​

​To select more viable seeds, pour them into lightly salted water and select those that are at the bottom of the container. To disinfect, you should soak them for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, and then 12 hours in aloe juice. Seeds are sown in February in boxes with prepared soil.​

Spectacular, but burning “Mexican”

​loose​​. Usually pepper adapts to new living conditions within 10 - 12 days. During this period, the seedlings look sickly and sluggish, and practically do not grow. This is fine. The pepper root system, damaged during the process of transplanting seedlings, is restored and takes root in a new location. To help pepper seedlings adapt to new conditions, it is necessary to slightly loosen the soil in the hole. Such shallow (3 - 5 cm), surface loosening provides an influx of fresh air to the roots, as a result of which the seedlings take root faster in a new place. Regular loosening and treatment of the soil with dry mustard or red pepper (1 teaspoon per 1 m2) will prevent the appearance of naked slugs. Straw mulch also helps because it is tough.​

​Pepper can be affected by the same diseases as others vegetable crops Solanaceae family: tobacco mosaic, late blight, powdery mildew, various rots, etc. The causative agents of diseases are bacteria, fungi, viruses.​ ​Carry out in dry, windless weather by easy shaking trellises with flowering plants.​

​10 tbsp. spoons of ash.​ ​Temperature​ Popular among Russian vegetable growers

​If you decide to plant pepper seeds yourself, instead of spending money on ready-made seedlings grown by breeders, stock up on bags of seeds different varieties, prepared soil and suitable containers or boxes. Growing pepper seedlings includes hardening and germination of seeds, sowing them in the soil, daily spraying with warm water from a spray bottle and fertilizing (2-3 times before picking). Sufficiently strong seedlings dive from a common container into small pots.

Growing peppers in open ground

​Peppers, like eggplants and tomatoes, are planted in a new place every year.​

How to sow peppers correctly? Planting seedlings in the ground

​to destroy the soil crust. If this is not done, there is a danger that the pepper root system will die as a result of insufficient oxygen supply.​

​Water the seedlings​​Perhaps that's all. Now, dear readers, it’s time to consolidate the acquired knowledge about growing peppers in open ground in practice.​

​The most common diseases of pepper are: damping off (“black leg”) and wilting disease.​


Pepper needs care

The barrel is filled with water. The contents of the barrel are mixed, infused for a week and used for watering (1 liter per 1 plant). The remaining solution can be fed to other crops.​

​The optimal temperature for growing pepper is +20...+25°C.​​indoor pepper Ogonyok​

​In cold regions, seed planting should begin in late February-early March. Because at this time sunlight plants are not enough, you need to provide additional artificial lighting and thus extend daylight hours for seedlings. After 12 weeks from the moment the seeds are sowed, the pepper seedlings will be ready to be planted in the greenhouse.​

​That's all the recommendations on how and when to plant peppers. By following them, you can get a good harvest at the end of the season.​ ​The bottom of a plastic or cardboard box is covered with film and crushed eggshells, and covered with soil made from peat, turf and humus mixed in equal parts. Small rows are formed, the distance between which should be 4-5 centimeters, and the seeds are sown to a depth of 1-2 cm. Plants need freedom, so gaps of 1-1.5 centimeters are left between the seeds. The emerging seedlings must be provided with light and protection from direct sunlight. When the first leaf appears, you should pick the plants into the prepared container. After this, you need to water the planting with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, cover it and place it in a darkened room. After a couple of days, expose the seedlings to the light again, providing moderate watering without fertilizing. In good weather, you can begin to harden the seedlings by taking them out into the fresh air during the day.​

  • ​Pepper plants need to be very careful in the first days after planting in the ground so as not to overdo it with watering. Frail roots may not cope with big amount water and rot. At the same time, the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The best option– daily, but gradually moisten the soil in the area of ​​the stem, pouring 100–150 ml of water under each plant. The first real watering of pepper seedlings is carried out no earlier than a week after planting in the ground. ​
  • ​Details Created: March 31, 2014​

Blackleg mainly affects pepper seedlings. To combat it, it is usually enough to adjust the temperature and humidity. Bell peppers have fragile shoots that break easily, so they are tied to pegs. And tall crops are planted around the beds, which create scenes and protect the plantings from the wind.​

  • ​During the fruiting period, a different solution is used. For a 100 liter barrel take:​
  • ​At +13°C and below, the pepper is covered with film or special material. Appearance lilac shades on the fruits indicates a violation of the temperature regime.
  • ​, known for its high yield. A bush strewn with red peppers can often be found on kitchen windowsills - its fruits are used in food as a hot seasoning.​

​The photo shows growing pepper seedlings​

​In the past, vegetable peppers did not require any care, quietly growing as weeds in Central and South America. Perennial pepper bushes, called “false berries” by scientists, are still found in their historical homeland. It was from them that, through long selection experiments, the familiar bell pepper was obtained, very whimsical plant with delicious, aromatic fruits.​

  • Pepper - planting in the ground. When and how to do this?​
  • ​If in advance​

​Before flowering​

​After planting pepper seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to provide them with proper care, otherwise all your efforts to prepare the seeds for sowing

Wilting disease is observed in mature plants. It comes in three types: bacterial wilt, verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt. The disease manifests itself in changes in the color of leaf blades, shedding of leaves and browning of stem vessels, which ultimately leads to the death of the plant.​

​Problems when growing peppers​​5 liters of bird droppings;​


Why indoor pepper is convenient - caring for it is quite simple. In summer, it is enough to provide the plant with abundant watering and regular feeding, but in winter it will need to be placed in a cool room with a temperature of about +20 degrees and watering reduced. After harvesting in the fall, capsicum needs to be transplanted into new land, trying not to damage the root system, with the onset of spring the bush is carefully pruned to stimulate its further growth.​ ​Since peppers grow well and bear fruit only in mild climates in the absence of strong winds, and also love more high temperature and humidity than tomatoes, growing peppers in open ground is undesirable. You will be more likely to achieve a greater yield and harmonious taste by leaving the peppers in the greenhouse all summer. In addition, in such favorable conditions, it is not necessary to pick the peppers, as soon as they ripen - you can wait a little longer until the fruits acquire a rich color and bright taste.​

​Growing peppers at home is a labor-intensive process.​ Planting in open ground takes place at the end of May. By this time, the plant has more than 10 leaves and several flowers. If the spring turns out to be cold, it is better to install a greenhouse made of metal arcs and rods, securing them with twine and covering them with a film that can be adjusted depending on the temperature - pepper responds well to ventilation. Planting is done in prepared soil, compost and nitroammophosphate are added to it. Peppers are planted in holes measuring 30x60, generously watered with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, which are then mulched with peat.​

​mulch​​Pepper should be watered once a week at the rate of 10 - 12 liters of water per 1m2 of soil. In hot weather, peppers need to be watered twice a week.​

  1. ​Measures for the prevention and control of diseases consist primarily of purchasing high-quality seeds and seedlings, controlling pests and weeds, maintaining crop rotation, and removing diseased plants.​
  2. ​The main problems that gardeners face when growing peppers are:​

​10 liters of rotted cow manure.​

It is advisable to water with rain or settled warm water using the sprinkling method. The temperature of the water used for irrigation should be +24...+26°C.​

​Hello, dear readers! So, the pepper seedlings have been grown, planted in the ground and have even grown. What's next? I suggest you learn more about the features of growing peppers in open ground, as well as what kind of care peppers need to provide to obtain a rich harvest.​

​You can also grow pepper seeds in a greenhouse if you provide them suitable conditions: prepare wet compost for planting, maintain the temperature at +21+24 degrees and optimal humidity, equip additional lighting to create 14 hours of daylight for the seedlings. Caring for seedlings is carried out in the same way as at home - with light watering, fertilizing with fertilizers (preferably liquid) and picking into separate pots.​

Pepper diseases and pests

​Beginner vegetable growers will have to be patient and hardworking in order to achieve a good harvest from their seedlings. But where is the best place to grow peppers: in the garden, in a greenhouse or on a windowsill at home?​

​the surface of the earth is covered with film, peat or sawdust, which retain moisture for a long time; watering will not cause over-compaction of the soil, and it will be required less often. ​

​During flowering and fruiting​

​planting seeds and growing seedlings will go down the drain. ​

Aphids, mites and slugs are lignification of stems, falling of leaves, flowers and ovaries. Possible reasons: increased air temperature (above +32°C), lack of moisture in the soil, as well as lack of light. The barrel is also filled with water, the contents are mixed and infused for 4-5 days. Peppers are fed with the resulting solution (5-6 liters per 1 m2).​

​The watering scheme depends on the stage of plant development:​

​First, about the specific requirements. Pepper (both sweet and hot) is an exceptionally light-loving and heat-loving crop, very demanding on soil moisture. Pepper does not tolerate either drying out or waterlogging of the soil.​

​What varieties of peppers are best suited for greenhouses? Choose early ripening varieties 80-120 cm high, then on one square meter You can plant three to five compact bushes and get a lot of fruit. Low growing varieties peppers begin to bear fruit early - from mid-July, and continue to produce a good harvest until mid-September. In Russian climatic conditions, the following early ripening varieties take root well: Victoria, Zdorovye, Nezhnost, Lastochka, Winnie the Pooh, Kolobok. New F1 varieties are suitable for film greenhouses: Snow White, Chanterelle, Buratino, and for glazed greenhouses - Ilya Muromets, Red Bull, Othello, Yellow Bull, Elephant.​

Peppers in the photo

During the period of growth and flowering, which occurs at the end of June, it is necessary to feed the peppers. Two weeks after planting, they should be fertilized with mullein, during flowering - with diluted ash, and after 3 weeks of fertilization with fertilizers containing calcium and potassium. After the ovaries have formed, the number of fruits should be adjusted by cutting off small fruits to reduce the load on the plant. Peppers are harvested in July-September.

During the period of flowering, setting and filling of fruits, pepper needs additional feeding. From June to August, peppers are given several root feedings every two weeks, using alternately weak solutions of organic and complex mineral fertilizers. In May and August, spraying pepper with sodium humate is effective. ​

Caring for peppers after planting seedlings in the ground and before harvesting

​Pepper is watered at the root 1 - 2 times a week depending on weather conditions at the rate of 12 - 14 liters of water per 1 m2 of soil. If you have the opportunity to come to the site only on weekends, it is better to water the pepper at the rate of 16 liters of water per 1 m2 of soil and divide this norm into 2 days (8 liters per day).​

​Usually pepper seedlings are planted in the ground on May 10 - 30, when the threat has passed spring frosts. However, you can never rule out the possibility of frost and you must always be on alert, since pepper seedlings are very sensitive to them. If there is a threat of a sharp drop in temperature, it is necessary to water the soil with warm water (temperature about 35 - 38°C) and ​main pests of pepper​​Stopping growth and flowering, lack of ovary. Possible reasons: low air temperature (below +13°C), watering with cold water, lack of light.​

Caring for pepper seedlings in the first days after planting in the ground

During the season, 4-5 root dressings are carried out, which are carried out on moist soil. The interval between them should be at least 10 days. Before flowering - once a week, in hot weather - 2 times. The watering rate is up to 12 liters per 1 m2. Soils are most suitable for growing peppers in open ground following types: sandy loam, medium loamy, floodplain and chernozem with light mechanical composition and a slightly acidic or neutral environment. Acidic soils doesn't like pepper.​

​Russian climate conditions cannot be called ideal for heat-loving vegetable plants, so pepper is usually grown in three stages:​

Pepper - planting in the ground and care. Tips for gardeners A couple of days before fertilizing, water the peppers a little, because root dressings must be done on damp soil. Fertilizer solutions should be warm (about 25 - 30°C). ​With insufficient watering​

​cover the seedlings with film​.​

Watering peppers in the garden

​Formation of crooked fruits. Reason: incomplete pollination of flowers.​ In addition, during the flowering and fruiting period, dry fertilizing with wood ash is carried out, using 1-2 cups of ash per 1 m2 of soil.

​during the flowering and fruiting period - 2-3 times a week. Irrigation rate – up to 14 liters per 1 m2.​​Pepper Formation​

​Do you want peppers to grow on your windowsill all year round as an ornamental houseplant? Then you should choose to sow seeds and grow seedlings at home,

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