Homemade date palm from the stone at room conditions. Date palm from the stone at home - photo, video

A bright representative of the Arekov family. His homeland is considered India and Africa. How decorative culture exotic became popular in the early 19th century. It is quite unpretentious and perfectly decorates any room. The leaves are pinnate, large in size, which densely cover the hard leaves, with small notches along the edges.

The palm tree prefers bright and long lighting, but preferably without direct sunlight on the foliage. Watering should be moderate, it differs depending on the season, it is better to replace spraying with wiping the foliage with a damp cloth.

A strong tree with a powerful trunk is a long-liver and can please more than one generation with its beauty.. The inflorescence is paniculate, located in the axils of the foliage. Flowers are small, yellow. The fruits are edible. Often used in folk medicine.

Growing and caring for a plant

Lighting and temperature

Under natural conditions, this representative of the flora feels great under the scorching sun. But pot culture is not adapted for such extreme conditions. She needs space near windows facing south, east or west. Direct sunlight is best avoided. otherwise the leaves will get severely burned. They constantly reach up - to the rays. Therefore, the flowerpot is regularly rotated around its axis. So the crown will grow correctly and evenly. In winter, you can not do without additional lighting. You can use fluorescent lamps. Otherwise, the lack of ultraviolet light will make the foliage fragile and lethargic.

The optimal indicators of the thermometer are 21-22. Permissible and +30, with the proper level of humidity. You can also arrange "summer holidays". If the air warms up to +15, then a loggia, terrace or part of the garden protected from the sun will be an ideal place for a date palm. But the “move” begins with gradually increasing “walks” in the fresh air. Bring the container into the room with the onset of cool nights, when the temperature drops below 17 degrees. In winter, the room is ventilated daily, avoiding drafts. At the same time, there is peace. The temperature regime should drop to +15.

Soil for palm trees

The palm is not very demanding. It develops well, both in neutral and in slightly acidic conditions.. It is better to choose loose, soft and nutritious. It must pass water and air perfectly. You can buy it in a specialized store - palm soil.

If you want to cook it yourself, then you need:

  • sand;
  • humus;
  • soddy soil in equal parts.

Superphosphate is added in a small amount. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

Pot selection

The pot is preferably narrow and rather long

Experienced gardeners prefer high and deep to easily accommodate a very long root system. It is preferable to choose ceramics or clay. There are times when a palm tree becomes so large and heavy that it is almost impossible to remove it from the vessel. In this case, the pot is broken.

Watering and moisturizing as it should be

From mid-spring to early autumn, frequent and plentiful watering is required. The water that flows into the pan is drained only after 2-3 hours. During this time, the roots will absorb enough liquid. The humidity schedule changes from September to March. It is significantly reduced and occurs only after the top layer of the soil dries up. Makes an impact and temperature regime: the lower it is, the less often water is required and vice versa.

Overwatering is just as bad as overdrying. Water is required settled or purified, room temperature. Spraying is carried out every day. In the summer - twice a day. To keep the humidity stable, a pallet with expanded clay is used. A vessel is placed on it and water is poured into it. This protects the plant from decay and saturates with a sufficient amount of moisture.

Cleaning of dust occurs every 3 days, using a damp cloth.

plant pruning

Only dry branches and leaves need to be pruned.

It is worth taking the process seriously and knowing all the rules and features in advance. If the molding is incorrect, the pet may die. Only dead, dried and dead branches are removed. For supporting decorative look cut side shoots.

Only one central trunk guarantees normal growth and development. Do not remove freshly yellowed leaves ( exotic beauty sucks from them necessary elements). Don't get rid of more twigs than appeared on the plant in a year.

Fertilizers - what, when and how much

Organic matter is required at the peak of active growth and development - from April to September. They are submitted every week. Once a month there is an alternation with another element - potassium nitrate. It is enough 10 grams per bucket of water. With the onset of cold weather, top dressing is applied 3 times per quarter.

Transplant - the nuances of work

This is a lot of stress for the pet, during it most often root system is damaged. Therefore, the change of the pot occurs exclusively on good reason. best time- spring. The transfer method is used.

Young specimens have to be transplanted every year, they grow very quickly. Adult representatives need to change their “place of residence” as needed (approximately every 3 years). The new container is slightly different from the previous one in size. At the bottom, a drainage layer (7-8 cm) is necessarily poured. Use pebbles, brick fragments, expanded clay or charcoal with sand.

For adult plants, soil renewal is carried out once a year. The upper layer (3-5 cm) is carefully removed and fresh soil is covered.

Pests and Diseases - Treatment and Prevention

Change in appearance

trunk softening, brown spots on foliage and appearance bad smell- signs of waterlogging. You can help the plant by completely stopping watering. As soon as the soil dries enough, the problem will disappear. But, if the situation has not changed, then an inspection of the roots is required. Too soft testify to the death of the exotic. If there are living fragments, then you can try to transplant them. Yellow foliage - disadvantage useful substances or too hard water.

It feeds on palm sap. Signs of an unexpected guest are brown dots on the surface of the green mass. If you do not respond in time, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off.

It appears if the mode of moistening and watering is systematically violated. This insect is a dangerous and insidious enemy of dates. The first target of his attacks is the stem. This can be understood by the characteristic spots of gray or yellow.

palm tree reproduction

Planting a date palm seed

Reproduction is very simple if the bone has not been treated with high temperature. Can be used not only planting material from a flower shop, but also ordinary dates from a supermarket. Most auspicious time end of February or beginning of March.

The bone is pre-soaked to avoid mold. When the remnants of the fruit pulp are cleared, then it is placed in a separate bowl with a loose substrate. After abundantly water and place in a room with good lighting.

When the sprout will appear is unknown. Be sure to ventilate and moisturize. If the growth of a young pet has reached 12 cm, then it is moved to a permanent flowerpot.

As a rule, it takes from 3 to 6 months.

Leaves may appear only after 3-4, and sometimes 5 years. In no case should you cut it off, since the growth point is located at the very top. In order for the crown to form correctly, and evenly, the flowerpot is rotated around its axis every month.

Inspection before buying in the store - choose a healthy plant

Date palm able to decorate any interior. But, if there is no desire to raise a pet from a bone for years, then you can buy it at a flower market. But it is important to choose the right plant in the store. You should not do this in unintended places (subway, roadside, ad on the street or on the Internet).

Proven nurseries are the key to a healthy beauty. Before buying, a thorough inspection of the entire representative of the flora is carried out. It should be free from stains, yellowing, damage or signs of insects. Drooping, drooping stems or a soft central trunk are signs of disease or improper care. Do not give preference to such an instance.

Species and varieties

The most popular and decorative date palms:

  • Canarian. Its fruits are poisonous, on the branches there are long sharp thorns;
  • Finger. The most famous species in the world. The fruits of this tree are exactly those dried fruits that we buy in ordinary stores;
  • Robelin. It has 2 central stems. The crown is dense and lush. Black bones. The species belongs to the shade-tolerant representatives.

Many people love dates. But many have tried them only as dried fruits, and not everyone has seen and tasted this exotic fruit fresh. The date tree can be grown on garden plot or in an apartment. True, it will not be possible to wait for fruits from it, but the plant is very decorative.

Dates in the natural environment

The natural distribution area of ​​the date palm is the deserts of Asia and North Africa. The deep root system of these plants is able to extract water from great depths. IN natural environment the palm tree has a height of up to 20 m and is able to bear fruit for about 100 years.

The date palm is also called the phoenix. Its name is consonant with the name of the legendary mythological bird, which was able to burn itself, and then be reborn from the ashes.

Palm plantations today are an important means of combating desertification

Date palm - sacred tree for the peoples inhabiting the desert territories. Its fruits are called the bread of the desert, as they are the most important food for the local population. Dates have an oblong shape with a hard seed inside. Since ancient times, they were dried and taken with them to long way Egyptian and Phoenician merchants. IN dried dates contains a huge supply of nutrients, they are able not to deteriorate and retain their taste even in the strongest heat.

It is believed that a person can live for several years, eating only dates and water.

Popular varieties of dates

IN temperate climate date palm is grown as ornamental plant. She is incapable of bearing fruit. IN open ground the date will not survive the winter. Even a good heated shelter will not save the situation. At temperatures around 0 o C, the plant needs low humidity, otherwise its root system will get wet. As a houseplant, the date palm is very popular, as it has a number of positive characteristics:

  • decorative, suitable for any interior;
  • differs in unpretentiousness to growing conditions;
  • shows the greatest resistance to pests and diseases.

WITH early XIX centuries, palm trees began to be grown in greenhouses, as well as indoor plants

Of the existing many types of date palms for growing at home, 3 types are most often chosen:

The people sometimes call dates some other plants and their fruits. For example, Zizifikus real, belonging to the buckthorn family, is often called the Chinese date. But this is not true from a botanical point of view.

Growing conditions

Inside the fruit of the date palm is a large and hard oblong bone. She retains her viability for a very long time. The seeds of even dried dates can be used as seed material.

When propagating dates with seeds, one cannot talk about preserving the varietal characteristics of the plant.

Ideal and affordable seed material are the bones of dried or dried dates

Preparing dates for planting

For germination, the bones of dates that have not undergone heat treatment are suitable. You can simply stick them into the ground, in most cases shoots appear, but sometimes you have to wait 5-6 months. You can speed up this process as follows:

Even if you plan to grow only one palm tree, take several seeds for sprouting. This will insure you against the death of seedlings due to disease or unsuccessful experiments when transplanting a plant.

Date palm soil

For planting a seed, a universal flower soil or a ready-made soil mixture for palm trees, which are sold in specialized stores, is suitable.

Soil for palm trees is produced on the basis of middle peat and biohumus with the addition of sapropel, sand and vermiculite

The soil mixture can be prepared independently. The composition will be optimal:

  • light loam (2 parts);
  • leaf compost (2 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • rotted mullein (1 part);
  • sand (1 part);
  • some charcoal.

At the bottom of the landing tank, a drainage layer of expanded clay or river pebbles should be placed. It will prevent stagnant water, which is harmful to the roots of the plant.

date planting

Planting a date seed is a simple process and consists of the following steps:

To maintain humidity and retain heat, the planting container can be covered cling film, but daily it should be slightly opened for ventilation.

Date seedling care

Most of the problems with growing dates are due to improper care. Restoring the health and beautiful appearance of a plant can be difficult.

How to transplant a date

The date palm does not like transplants. But it is impossible to do without them, because for young plant you should choose a small planting capacity corresponding to the size of the root system. When landing in big pot it is difficult to prevent waterlogging, and this leads to palm diseases. The plant quickly picks up from the ground nutrients, exhausts it. Roots fill the empty space. If you do not transplant, then the palm will stop its growth.

Untransplanted date palms do not fluff well, they grow for a long time with one narrow leaf.

It is best to replant the date palm in April. This is the beginning of plant activity, so fresh soil and free space for root growth will help. rapid development date. The first 4 years the plant requires an annual transplant, then it can be carried out once every 2-3 years.

When transplanting a palm tree, the transshipment method is preferred, in which the plant is taken out of the old pot along with a clod of earth, transferred to another pot (it should be a few centimeters wider than the previous one). After that, all the voids are covered with a new soil mixture.

Transshipment of palms is carried out carefully, trying not to damage the sensitive roots of the plant.

Optimal lighting and temperature conditions

It is preferable to place a palm tree in a well-lit place, but in the hottest time, it is recommended to shade the plant for a short time to prevent sunburn.

In order for the date palm to evenly form leaves, it is periodically turned, directing the apical part of the plant into the room.

The optimum temperature during the period of active growth (spring and summer months) is 20–25 ° C. During the dormant period (autumn and winter months), the recommended temperature regime is 15–18 ° C. At this time, the date palm will easily endure a short drop in temperature (up to 8 o C), it reacts much worse to drafts.

When placing the pot, keep in mind that the cold of a marble floor or window sill can adversely affect the sensitive root system of a palm tree. In this case, it is recommended to use a variety of stands that will not only protect the roots of the plant, but also organically fit into the interior of the room.

Watering and feeding

In summer, the date palm should be watered often and quite plentifully. When the soil is completely dry, the leaves can wilt and it is very difficult to restore their previous position. The plant will need garters and supports to avoid leaf injury and maintain an attractive appearance. appearance. In winter, the palm tree is watered much less often - high humidity at low temperatures is detrimental to the plant.

For irrigation, it is recommended to use water at room temperature that does not contain chlorine. Palm does not like calcium-mineralized (hard) water. The leaves will look well-groomed if they are wiped weekly with a dampened sponge. The plant responds well to spraying. In the summer they are carried out daily, and once a week a shower is recommended for the palm tree. When spraying and showering procedures, the earth lump must be reliably protected from an excess of moisture.

In spring and summer, daily spraying of the crown of a palm tree with warm settled water is carried out.

To fertilize dates, it is recommended to use special preparations for palm trees or deciduous ornamental plants. During the period of active growth, palm trees are fed every 2 weeks. IN winter period- 2 times less. Fertilizers should be applied in liquid form to pre-watered soil.

Flower growers give valuable advice that will help you grow a beautiful exotic plant in a few years:

  • placing a date palm near appliances central heating may cause plant death.
  • in summer, a tub with a palm tree is recommended to be taken out to the balcony or garden. Be sure to make sure that there are no drafts that are detrimental to the plant in the new place;
  • straight Sun rays useful for the normal growth and development of only an adult palm tree;
  • the grown plant can tolerate short periods of complete drought;
  • The lifespan of palm leaves is approximately 1 year. Then they turn yellow, dry out, they must be removed. Pruning is done with a sharp instrument, leaving a few centimeters from the petiole;
  • date palm is a single-stemmed plant. If it loses its apical part, it will stop growing.

Video: date palm cultivation

Growing problems

Problems can arise if not properly cared for. A diseased plant looks unsightly: dark yellowed leaves, a soft trunk, the smell of decay.

Table: date palm problems, their causes and solutions

Problem signs The reasons for their occurrence Solutions
Leaf tips turn yellow
  • insufficient soil and air moisture;
  • there are few nutrients in the soil.
  • at high temperature air carry out frequent spraying of palm trees;
  • organize a normal irrigation regime with settled water at room temperature;
  • to feed the plant;
  • carefully cut off the dried edges, without touching the living part of the leaf plate.
Darkening of the leaves, softness of the trunk, the appearance of a putrid odor Overmoistening of the soil.
  • stop watering;
  • dry the soil;
  • ventilate the root system (for this, the plant must be removed from the pot). Dark, softened roots indicate the death of the plant.
The ends of the leaves turned dark
  • lack of watering;
  • dry air in the room;
  • draft;
  • sudden changes in temperature.
Systematize the modes of spraying and watering the plant.
The leaves of the plant fall down Lack of moisture. Normalize the mode of watering and spraying, install a support for the leaves.
Yellowing leaves Irrigation with hard water. Use settled water at room temperature for irrigation and spraying.
pale leaves
  • excessive lighting;
  • defeat by a red spider mite.
Plant shading.
Drying of young shoots, rotting of their bases
  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • spraying water stagnates in palm rosettes;
  • insufficient illumination.
  • reduce the number of watering and spraying;
  • provide the plant with normal light;
  • Sprinkle places of decay of stems and leaves with tetracycline or foundationazole.
The palm has stopped its growth during the period of activity
  • soil depletion;
  • small landing capacity.
  • to feed the plant;
  • if the root system is cramped in a pot, then transplant.
Darkening, twisting and falling of leaves, brown spots on the surface of leaf plates Damage by pests (spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs).
  • processing of sheet plates with a solution of laundry soap;
  • spraying with garlic extract;
  • treatment with Actellik (according to the instructions).

Darkening lower leaves plants are normal. Such sheet plates are carefully removed with a sharp instrument.

All types of palms are very popular among lovers of indoor plants. Palm trees are ornamental-deciduous focal plants. Such plants are used for landscaping residential and office space, winter gardens, greenhouses. Due to their large size (some palm trees with good care at home, they reach a height of up to 2 meters), such plants can fill an empty space in a room or divide a room into zones.

All indoor palms are divided into four types: reed palms (, chrysalilocarpus), pinnate palms (, coconut, date), fan palms (chamerops, patching,) and sago palms.

Palm trees are in great demand among indoor plant lovers, despite the fact that adult specimens are very expensive. But such a palm tree as a date palm can be grown by yourself from a date bone bought on the market. But first, let's get acquainted with the secrets of caring for a palm tree.

Date palm: cultivation and care at home

Phoenix - pretty much not capricious plant, if you follow the simple recommendations for his care, he will delight you with his beauty.


The date palm is a light-loving plant, so choose a corner in your house for it where there will be enough light, but try not to get direct sunlight on its leaves, especially in summer time otherwise burns cannot be avoided.

And do not be discouraged if the room where you want to put your pet has windows facing north side. The palm tree also tolerates a little shading. Therefore, if your palm tree lives in a room whose windows face north, put it closer to the window, this will be enough for it.

In the summer, if you live in your house, it is best to take the palm tree outside when the night temperature is at least 12 degrees. Choose a quiet place for her in partial shade. If you live in an apartment, then a palm tree on the balcony will also be nice. The only thing is, if the balcony is too "sunny", shade the windows with curtains so that the leaves do not get burned.


The air temperature in winter in the room where the palm tree will live should not exceed 16 degrees (maximum 18 degrees), but not lower than 12 degrees Celsius. If your room temperature exceeds 18 degrees in winter, try to put the palm pot in the coolest place (or closer to balcony door or window, or to the north wall).

Air humidity

Watering a palm tree

The most important condition for the active growth of a date palm is that there is good drainage in the pot with the plant, palm trees do not like stagnant water. In winter, watering should be moderate, preventing the soil from drying out and waterlogging. In summer, you need to water more abundantly. It is advisable to defend the water for irrigation for a couple of days, if it is not possible to water with rain or melt.

date transplant

Try to transplant an adult palm tree only in cases of emergency. She doesn't like to be disturbed. If such a need arose, then try to damage the earthen ball around the roots as little as possible. Young plants can be transplanted no more than once a year. It is better not to save on soil for palm trees. Now in every flower shop there are specially prepared soil mixtures for each type of plant.

The date palm reproduces by seed. To do this, take a stone from a date bought at the market or in a store, and carefully break its strong shell so that it is easier for the sprout to germinate. Stick the stone into the substrate (best is peat or, it can be mixed with sand, which hold moisture better) vertically so that the top of the stone is recessed by about 1 cm.

The main condition: the temperature for germination should be high (20-30 degrees) and the soil should not dry out. At the same time, you can not worry about lighting at this time, at this stage it is not necessary. And be patient, the process of seed germination is quite long - from three months to six months. After the sprout appears, put the pot in a bright place.

Plant nutrition

The date palm is very responsive to fertilizing with fertilizers. You can, of course, buy special fertilizer for palm trees in the store, or you can cook it yourself. For example, fertilizing a plant with fertilizer from bird droppings gives a very good result (you can use chicken, and even better pigeon droppings).

To do this, fill 1/3 of the jar with dry litter, and fill the rest with water. Let it brew for at least 10 days, stirring occasionally. When watering, you need to use in the following proportion: 1 part of the finished fertilizer to 10 parts of water. In summer, fertilize 1 time in 10 days, in winter less often - 1 time in 30 days. You can also use potassium nitrate to fertilize palm trees in the summer in the ratio: 1 teaspoon of nitrate (without a slide) per 1 liter of water.

Trying sweet, incredibly tasty fruits - dates, you probably thought more than once about whether a date palm tree can grow from a seed at home? The answer is positive - yes, it can, but it will not bear fruit, since for this the tree must reach a height of 15 meters (at least). That is, a date palm with fruits at home will not grow, this is not possible. But it is quite possible to get a lush tree that will delight the eye and decorate your interior. The date palm is a beautiful, spreading tree with feathery branches.

The trading network offers small seedlings miniature varieties date palms adapted for home breeding. But we are interested in the process itself self-cultivation bone wood? How to grow a palm tree from a date seed? I want to tell you more about this.

It looks like a date tree at home

In your home, such a palm tree can grow up to 2 meters; for harmonious development, it needs space and good lighting.

Date palm, seed preparation, planting

For planting, the very bones extracted from the fruits that were bought to feast on are quite suitable. It is best to use "fresh" pits, freshly removed from healthy dates. Make sure that there is no mold and traces of insects on the bones - the planting material must be perfect. Then the seeds should be placed in wet conditions(capacity with clean water) for about a day, so the remnants of the fruit pulp will swell, they can be easily removed. During the so-called soaking, it is advisable to change the water several times.

Date seeds, photo:

After 24 hours, remove the seeds, dry, lay out on a dry, clean cloth. To speed up the germination process, the bones can be lightly processed sandpaper or just scratch a little with a sharp knife.

Good results are obtained by preliminary germination of grains.

This is how the root of a date sprouts

To do this, they are placed in wet vermiculite, sprinkled on top with a thin layer, put the container next to warm battery, having previously covered polyethylene film. Here you need to make sure that the agrovermiculite remains moist all the time. From time to time it should be sprayed.

Accumulated condensate should be removed in time. For spitting sprouts, sometimes two weeks is enough. After that, the planting material is planted in pots. These temporary containers will be home to young palms until the plant has a single long stem. At the bottom of the pots, as usual, pour drainage (fine expanded clay).

Young palm trees from the stone, photo:

What will grow from a date bone, photo

For sprouted seeds, a special palm substrate (preferably) or a peat-sand mixture is best suited. You can plant 3-5 seeds at the same time, while the soil must be constantly moistened. Watering future palm trees should be very careful and careful, regular airing is also a must. If you do everything right, but sprouts do not appear, do not despair - this plant can “sit” underground for a long time, not be active. Keep watering and providing access fresh air to the pot, there are cases that sprouts appeared even 4-5 months after planting the seeds.

date palm transplant

When wondering how to grow a date palm at home from a seed, you need to know that this exotic plant grows very slowly. Do not be surprised if two or even three years pass before the appearance of the first full-fledged leaves.

Be that as it may, the transplant should be done very carefully, for fear of damaging the delicate roots. As mentioned above, palm trees are transplanted at the stage of the appearance of the first stem. At this stage, the roots do not yet have time to braid the drainage, which makes it possible to transfer the plant along with an earthen clod (by transshipment).

There is an opinion that young palm trees need an annual transplant. Yes it is. And only then, when the plant is about five years old, you can transplant as needed. If you see that your plant is doing better after transplanting, then make sure that each subsequent pot is 3 cm larger (in diameter) than the previous one. Be mindful of drainage, use special substrates for indoor palm crops.

Date palm care at home, photo:

Sometimes it is enough to simply replace the top layer of the soil mixture: the old earth is carefully removed, and a new nutrient soil mixture is poured in its place. This process is best done in the spring.

Date palm, home care

Despite the fact that this representative is characterized by slow growth, he reacts extremely quickly to the lack of proper care. Young palm trees instantly lose their cheerful appearance at the slightest discomfort. In order for a palm tree to feel good at home, it needs to provide adequate lighting. If big trees growing in nature perfectly tolerate heat, scorching sunlight, then the home palm tree must be protected from these factors. Nevertheless indoor palm is a photophilous plant. The best place for it will be a room facing south, or window sills, which are located on the west or east side.

By the end of spring, when the air temperature reaches +12..14°C, you can safely take your palm tree out to outdoor balcony. If you are unable to move the tree to open air- it's okay, it feels comfortable at home, just do not forget to ventilate the room more often. With the onset of heat, do not be too lazy to irrigate the plant with a spray bottle, and also wipe its leaves with a damp cloth. A palm tree grown from a stone loves that the soil does not dry out, but excessive waterlogging is extremely harmful to its roots. In summer, the tree needs to be watered more often, but at the same time make sure that the pan is dry, without stagnant water.

Date palm Robelin

As for care in winter, it is necessary to provide the palm tree with an air temperature of at least + 16..18 ° C. A mercury column of +12°C is considered critical for home palm- She stops growing, starts to hurt.

In winter, the plant is watered less frequently. When upper layer the soil mixture dries out by about 3 cm, then watering should be done.

Do Date Palms Need Drainage? Definitely needed! Make sure the tree has good drainage. Remember, the larger the palm tree and its pot, the thicker drainage layer.

Penumbra, diffuse lighting, air temperature +15..18°C, moderate watering with water at room temperature - ideal conditions to maintain this culture. A palm tree should not be under direct sunlight, the leaves dry, the tree withers.

You should also mention top dressing - this plant loves them very much. Standard additives for palm crops give very good results, but if you decide to feed the tree with diluted chicken droppings (proportions - 1: 3). Then dilute 0.5 liters of infusion with 10 liters of water. Apply 1 time in 12-14 days. The palm tree will thank you with splendor, rich color of foliage. With the onset of winter, such monthly top dressing will be very appropriate.

By by and large indoor palm is unpretentious plant, but diseases and pests can get to her at home. spider mite, mealybug, scale insects - they are all very partial to palm crops, if you notice the first signs of infection, hurry up to process the tree at an early stage soapy water. If the condition is more serious, then you can’t do without chemical preparations - insectoacaricides, such as Aktellik, Dursban, Agravertin, Vertimek, will help you here.

Excessive watering (waterlogging) can provoke the appearance of pink rot, a variety of spots on the leaves. Fungicides, the drug "Mancozeb", "Fitosporin-M" fight these manifestations. The room where the palm tree is located should have a minimum humidity of at least 60%. Practice water irrigation, especially in summer. And with the onset of winter, place a small container filled with water next to the palm pot. As for the slow growth of the tree, here you should pay attention to the level of soil acidity. If the degree of acidity is increased, then palm growth may stop. A neutral pH is optimal for this plant.

Observe the temperature regime, protect the plant from direct sunlight and drafts. To make a date palm from a stone at home become a lush growing tree and a real decoration of your interior, you should observe simple rules described above.

In this article, I experienced gardener, I share the secrets of growing date palms. I will say that this plant is capricious. If you take care of it incorrectly or untimely, it will shed its leaves.

In order for the date palm to grow well at home, it is necessary to create a favorable temperature regime for it. Water should be added on time, but the roots should not rot. Let's take a closer look at decorative culture!

Its second name is Phoenix. The plant belongs to the palm family and has more than 15 species. IN wild nature date palm can be found in Europe and Asia. This culture has been known since antiquity. The first mention of it was before our era.

It is curious to note that the phoenix growing in the wild reaches a height of 28 m. The plant produces delicious useful fruits for which it is greatly appreciated. The date palm is grown in industrial scale. Its juice is used to produce sugar.

Novice gardeners are wondering if it is possible to grow a tree from a seed. Before answering this question, one should study the features of decorative culture.

Under what conditions does the tree survive?

Phoenix growing in the wild is a large tree or shrub with squat leaves. If you grow the crop correctly at home, it will reach a height of 2 m. I advise you to place it in a room where there is almost no furniture. The date tree is often grown from the seed. I note that this method of reproduction is the most reliable.

Gardeners grow phoenix exclusively as an ornamental crop. It does not bear fruit at home. Only those trees that reach a height of 15 m bear fruit. In order for the seeds to quickly germinate in the ground, several pieces must be sown in a pot.

The soil for the plant should be:

  • light;
  • fertile;
  • drained.

For planting, it is better to use the bones of fresh dates. Planting material of candied and dried fruits will do. The main condition is that the dates should not be subjected to heat treatment.

The seed germinates slowly. To get sprouts faster, you need to rub it with sandpaper, so the outer shell is broken. cook soil mix on your own: take fresh sawdust, clean sand, peat, and mix in equal proportions.

Proper bone placement

Plant the seeds vertically, deepen by 1 - 1.5 cm. Locate the container in a dry, lit place. Date finger sprouts well at temperatures from + 21 to + 30 degrees. I recommend watering it as needed.

Make sure that the soil is moist, however, remember that the root system of future plants should not suffer from excess water. To retain moisture longer, cover the soil mixture with sphagnum (moss).

Seedling Care

The date palm is a capricious culture. Sprouts may hatch in 3 or 6 months. As soon as you see them, move them to a darkened room. I note that the planting material does not perceive direct sunlight well. I advise you to regularly spray the soil using soft water.

When your mini-palms grow by 16 cm, perform a pick - transplant into separate containers. Prepare a soil mixture of 40% humus, 10% peat soil, 10% sand, 20% sod land and 20% sheet soil.

In order for the date to grow well at home, 15 g of charcoal must be added to this mixture.

At the bottom of the pot, drainage from expanded clay and sawdust should be laid. If you grow a date palm from seed, be prepared for the fact that it will form leaves by the fourth or fifth year of life. The growth point of this culture is at the top of the trunk, for this reason it cannot be cut off.

I would like to note that the phoenix does not need a haircut that contributes to the formation of the crown. Leaf arrows should receive enough light. I advise you to rotate the container around its axis. Thanks to this, the crown will form evenly.

How to care for a phoenix

Keep the date palm exposed to light in a heated area. Ventilate the room periodically, but avoid drafts. In winter, the plant has a dormant period. At this time, I recommend keeping it at a temperature of + 13 to + 15 degrees. In summer, you need to spray the leaves, the scorching sun can harm them.

Phoenix positively perceives fertilizers. In spring and summer, I advise you to feed it with organic matter and mineral compositions. Apply fertilizer once a week. In autumn, I recommend feeding once every 2 weeks. In winter, fertilize the phoenix as needed. Apply complex compositions 1 time in 30 days.

Watering should be regular, but balanced. I advise you to use boiled or settled water at room temperature. The roots must not be allowed to suffer from excess moisture, otherwise fungal diseases will occur.

In order to protect the root system from waterlogging, it is necessary to put drainage on the bottom of the pot (it can be broken expanded clay). Plants that are not yet 5 years old need to be transplanted. Any indoor culture does not tolerate a pick. Adult phoenixes need to be repotted as needed.

Pick carefully, try not to injure the roots and fragile leaves. I recommend transferring plants from one pot to another along with an earthy clod. The date palm takes root in a deep container, as it has massive roots.

Transplant plants into a pot 4 cm larger than the previous one. Do not forget to lay a drainage layer on the bottom. If you think that the phoenix does not need picking, remove the top layer of soil and replace with a new one.

Pests, possible diseases

If you keep the date palm incorrectly, it will be attacked by pests:

  • spider mites;
  • worms;
  • scale insects.

To overcome these insects, you need to correct your mistakes, and in the future to properly care for the tree. The pests feed on the sap of the leaves. To combat them, use a solution liquid soap and vodka: 30 ml of vodka and 10 ml of liquid soap are added to 1 liter of water.

If such treatment does not give a result, it is necessary to repeat it in a week. I advise you to apply the solution on the trunk and leaves, it is desirable that it does not fall on the soil mixture.

If the lesion is extensive, the plant should be treated with insecticides. Actellik is popular today. Of the diseases, spotting and pink rot. When infected, the leaves become covered with spots. If the tree is sick, spray it with a fungicide, carry out the second treatment after 7 days.

Problems and solutions

It happens that the leaves of the phoenix dry. The problem is related to low humidity. To restore the plant, you need to moisten the air from the spray bottle. Don't forget to spray the phoenix leaves! It is recommended to keep it in a room where the humidity of the air fluctuates within 50%.

Remember that decorative culture requires regular maintenance! If you do not wipe and spray the leaves, they will lose their attractiveness, perhaps the plant is attacked by pests.

Normally, the leaves should not turn yellow. This happens if the owner of the tree does not bring water on time. As I said, you need to dose the phoenix. The soil should not be dry for a long time.

To keep the leaves rich color you have to spray them. It is very useful to humidify the air.
If water is added frequently, the plant will rot. Darkening leaves are a sign of excess water at the roots.

Be careful with your tree, do not overmoisten!

If the root system rots, a specific smell appears, the stem becomes brittle. Noticing such a problem, carefully pull out the plant and inspect the roots, remove dark, soft ones. If you see at least a few healthy roots, cut off the affected ones, and apply crushed coal to the sections.

In winter, the plant has a dormant period. At this time, the air temperature should be kept within + 13 degrees. If you keep the culture in a warm room in winter, it will slow down in growth, as the functions of the root system will be disrupted.

To avoid all these problems, you must also make nutritional components. As we have already noted, Phoenix loves organic and complex compositions. I do not recommend planting a date in acidic soil because he will be deficient in iron. The recommended Ph level for this plant is 7.

As you can see, home care is simple, the main thing is to moderately add water. Do not let the roots suffer from excess moisture. In winter, provide the plant with rest, keep it at a relatively low temperature (about +13 degrees).

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