How to grow an azalea at home and care for a flower? Indoor azalea. How to care for azalea at home. Azalea photo

Azalea, or rhododendron - one of the most beautiful flowers, which is very popular with lovers of indoor plants. The flower is especially valued for its bright, lush flowering, capable of winter cold bring a breath of spring. This article is devoted to room azalea: the rules for planting and caring for it at home, under which the plant will please its owner for a long time amazing color and give a positive vibe.

Indoor azalea: description

Azalea (lat. Azalea) is a group flowering species Plants of the genus Rhododendron, Heather family. The birthplace of the plant Eastern countries China and Japan, but sometimes it is found on the North American continent and in southern Europe. The name "azalea" comes from Greek and means dry. It was nicknamed so because of its appearance, as it is usually a dry shrub. small size. Indoor azalea blooms at the age of 3 - 4 years. Most often, its flowers are bright pink, but there are also specimens with white, rich purple, purple, red, or even two-tone flowers. Flower petals are even, slightly double or double. In nature, there are about 350 representatives of azaleas, of which only two are indoor.

The most common type of home azalea is Indian. It is evergreen, branched, dwarf shrub, whose height is about 50 cm. The leaves are small, dark green in color, on short petioles, covered with reddish hairs. The flowers are bright pink, reaching a diameter of 3 to 5 cm, bloom in winter.

And the second kind japanese azalea, also evergreen shrub, just a little lower. Its main difference from the Indian azalea in flowers is that they are much smaller. This species can be grown not only in the room, but also in the garden.

Did you know? A very popular gift for any celebration is an azalea in a pot, but with improper care at home, it quickly fades and dies. When buying an already blooming azalea, it is important to choose an instance with big amount buds. Such a flower will quickly adapt to a new habitat and will delight with its amazing flowering for a longer time.

Where to place the azalea, choosing a place for a flower

It is worth recognizing that the azalea is a rather capricious plant, therefore, in order for it to please as long as possible abundant flowering, you need to try to find a comfortable place for her to keep.

Choice of location and lighting

Azalea is a photophilous plant, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is ideal to place it on a glazed balcony or on a windowsill that faces east, north or west. The main thing is to provide the plant with diffused light or partial shade.

What should be the temperature and humidity of the air

The azalea flower needs a special temperature regime, which can complicate home care, since the climate of living rooms is not always suitable. The most comfortable temperature for this flower +15...+18 °С. It is not easy to create such conditions in the living room, so it is better to place the azalea on an insulated balcony, an unheated corridor, or in another cool place.

During the period of bud formation, it is recommended to lower the temperature to +10...+12 °С. In summer, the azalea needs to be protected from the heat, so it is advisable to place it in an air-conditioned room to keep the temperature within +18 ° C. In the hot, sultry air of a typical apartment, or on a windowsill under hot battery azalea will die quickly.

The optimum humidity for azalea is the same important condition, as well as the temperature regime, so it will be difficult to take care of her at home with dry air. Solving the problem of too high temperature can help proper misting or home humidifier. Spraying azalea should be finely dispersed and carried out with cool water. You can put containers of water around the plant for evaporation.

Important! It is impossible to spray the azalea during the flowering period - it delicate flowers darken with water.

Features of planting indoor azalea

The room azalea has its own characteristics of planting and further care, which must be observed in order to grow a healthy, lush flowering plant.

What should be the soil for planting

Azalea is one of the few indoor plants that grows in acidic soil. For cultivation, heather soil or a mixture of peat and coniferous soil in a ratio of 2: 1, with the addition of a small amount of sand, is well suited. In specialized stores, you can purchase a soil mixture designed for growing acidophilic plants (loving acidic soil).

Planting tank selection

Azaleas are superficial root system, therefore, a shallow pot should be chosen for planting so that the roots can be as close to the surface of the soil as possible.

How to plant an azalea

Before planting an azalea at home, you need to prepare pots in advance with a layer of drainage from broken bricks or small pebbles. Then place the prepared soil in the container and plant the azalea cuttings, deepening one and a half to two centimeters. If several cuttings are planted in one container, the distance between them should be 4–5 cm. After planting, the cuttings must be covered to provide them with a greenhouse effect and high humidity. At a temperature of +25 ° C and a humidity of at least 80%, azalea seedlings will form strong roots after two months.

Rules for caring for azalea at home

Azalea requires comprehensive home care work that includes watering, fertilizing, pruning, pinching and transplanting.

Watering and feeding the plant

Watering the azalea should be constant, do not allow the soil to dry out. Water for irrigation is suitable only for settled, soft and filtered, it is better if it is a little cool. If the soil is a little dry, you can put the pot of azalea in a container of water for several hours. If the azalea is grown in a greenhouse, then in winter time it is recommended to spread ice or snow on the surface of the soil near the plant. It is undesirable to loosen the soil, the plant has thin, delicate roots that are on the surface and are easily damaged.

Did you know? If you add a few drops of lemon juice to the water for irrigation, flowering will be more abundant. This should not be done with every watering, but twice a month.

Azaleas are fed in spring and summer, once a week. Use superphosphate, ammonium sulfate, potassium sulfite, ammonium nitrate. During the budding period of the plant, it is recommended to add superphosphate at the rate of 15 g per 10 liters of water.

How to prune an azalea

In order for the azalea to bloom beautifully, the plant needs to be cut in time. The purpose of such pruning is to form a voluminous crown and uniform buds. Pruning is carried out no later than March - April for early varieties, and in May–June for late ones. It is very important not to be late with pruning, otherwise the flower buds will not form on time and flowering will be weak. Azaleas form a crown of two types: in the form small tree or bush. To form a tree, one of the strongest branches is selected from a small bush and a trunk is grown from it, the rest of the shoots are cut off.

After the trunk grows, you need to pinch the top. After that, the tree begins to branch, it will need to continue to periodically turn and pinch the side branches to get a spherical crown. If you leave the shape of the bush, then annual pruning comes down to shortening all the shoots of the previous one and removing extra and weak shoots that spoil the shape of the bush.

pinching azalea

After 2 - 2.5 months after planting, young cuttings are pinched in order to activate the growth of new shoots. At the same time, new flowers that could appear are removed, as they inhibit the formation of new shoots. Repeated pinching is carried out after another 3 months, cutting the plants to 4-6 shoots. To form a bush correct form, pinch the tops of the plant 10-12 cm from the ground, also turn the bush and pinch side shoots so that the branches grow evenly.

How and when to transplant an azalea

Care measures, among other things, also include azalea transplantation, which is carried out annually at home. It is best to transplant the plant in winter, after it has faded. Young plants need to be transplanted annually, for adults it will be enough once every two years. For transplantation, shallow pots and a mixture of peat and coniferous soil with the addition of sand are used. They do this very carefully, in the way of transshipment of an earthen clod, since the azalea has very thin and delicate roots that are easy to damage.

The main diseases and pests of azalea

Azalea is often attacked by insect pests, such as azalea moth, greenhouse whitefly, mealybug and others. Azalea moth is a specific plant pest that damages the leaves, which subsequently dry out, crumble and die. Adult caterpillars of the pest crawl onto healthy leaves, fold them into tubes and continue to grow there.

The greenhouse whitefly also harms the leaves of the azalea, sooty fungus settles on its sugary secretions. In addition, the whitefly tolerates some viral diseases dangerous for flower crops. The strawberry mite causes great harm to azaleas, due to which the young leaves of the plant fold inward, instead of a pair of large, healthy buds, numerous small ones are formed that are not able to bloom. Plants slow down in growth and eventually die.

Azalea is awesome ornamental plant but she is very picky. The height of the flower is from 30 cm, up to one and a half meters. It is distinguished by lanceolate, egg-shaped leaves. Flowers varied in color palette, there are specimens with simple or double inflorescences. When the plant blooms, the room is filled with a pleasant aroma.

Before purchasing a flower, you need to find detailed information, type: azalea home care photo. If you choose different varieties, properly care for the azalea, then there is always a real garden on the windowsill from November to May:

  • on early flowering in November-December;
  • mid-flowering in December-February;
  • late flowering in February-May.

If the climate is mild in the region, then the houseplant azalea grows well in the garden

Azalea grows in the expanses of China, Japan, in southeast Asia, in the southern regions of Europe and North America. Indigenous people believe that a flowering plant brings happiness and peace. Azalea bonsai surprise anyone.

Azalea Bonsai

Azaleas are usually given when they are in full bloom. Those people who do not know the characteristics of the plant, after flowering, simply throw away the flower. The reason for shedding leaves is a mismatch of climatic conditions in the apartment. The fact is that the plant is demanding on humidity and temperature in different periods own life. For example, in winter no more than +12 degrees is required.

But the vagaries of the azalea do not repel fans. Indoor flower is becoming more and more popular. But you definitely need to learn how to care for azalea at home.

Azalea varieties

Breeders have bred many varieties of azaleas that differ in size, leaf shape, and petal colors.

But for this they used only two types: Indian and Japanese.

Azalea japonica

Azalea Indian

In nature, these are dwarf shrubs. Their height does not exceed half a meter. A purchased flower can be grown like a tree.

Among the most popular varieties:

  • Azalea japonica Melin
  • Azalea japanese geisha perp
  • Rhododendron Yellow Satan
  • Azalea Chardash
  • Azalea kermezina
  • Azalea hybrid "Slavka"
  • Azalea Japanese Golden Lights

Azalea home - capricious flower, requires special care, only in this case they will delight their owners.

Special attention to lighting

Rhododendrons do not tolerate straight Sun rays, they prefer diffused light. If the weather permits, summer time the flower can be taken out into the street, but in the shade. If it starts to rain, you do not need to carry the plant. Such water treatment will benefit.

Air humidity

Azaleas like moist air, so they need to be watered often and plentifully. If the humidity of the soil and air is not enough, the plant reacts violently to this by yellowing, and then the azalea sheds its leaves. Excessive moisture can destroy the roots of the plant.

It is useful every day to spray the leaves and the whole flower from top to bottom, the space around the azalea. In this way, the air temperature can be lowered. It is convenient to carry out the procedure using a conventional spray gun with a fine spray. If the azalea is grown in a pot, it is usually placed in a tray. You need to put pebbles, moss in it. These two fillers do not allow water to evaporate for a long time, and a comfortable microclimate is created around the flower. You can install a fountain that will drip water.

What you need to know about watering

Water the azalea flower with soft, cool, but not icy, water. You can use rain. If you use tap water, then it must be defended, and then boiled.

When caring for an azalea at home, you should be aware that the flowers require acidified water. A little succinic or citric acid is added to one liter of liquid.

Abundant watering is required in hot weather. summer days. When buds appear on the plant, as well as in the autumn months, you need to water less, only as the clod of earth dries up. Remember, waterlogging for flowers, including for gabdelfat safin azalea, has a detrimental effect on the root system. Some flower growers specifically purchase hygrometers.

Features of temperature support

Azalea rhododendron is demanding on room temperature. At home, in natural conditions, the climate is cool. If an azalea suddenly sheds its leaves, it means that the room is too hot for it.

Azalea buds

When the plant begins to form buds, and this happens in October-November, you need to maintain the temperature within +7 degrees. When it begins to bloom, it is raised to +10 degrees. The rest of the time for azaleas with proper care at home, it is enough to adhere to + 10-15 degrees.

It is clear that such a temperature is insufficient for comfortable living of people. You can achieve a decrease for a flower using dry ice, which is covered with pots, or by spraying azalea cold water.

What kind of soil does azaleas like?

Plants like it better peat soils. But if the soil dries out, it becomes hard and water is not absorbed. Azalea right in the pot should be lowered into a large container and left for a while. Loosening is prohibited, azalea roots are too sensitive to damage.

Azaleas, especially kermesina, are demanding on soil acidity. It is advisable to adhere to a pH of 4-4.5. If there is no peat mixture, heather soil can be used by mixing it with coniferous. And even better for successful cultivation use store-bought hydroponics or an acidophilus flower compound.

Transplant Features

When growing an azalea at home, it needs to be trimmed from time to time. Most often, pruning azaleas is carried out after flowering. Then the flower is transplanted into another container. The procedure must be approached carefully, otherwise the roots are damaged. A cut flower is better to cross.

It is undesirable to be late with a transplant, because the overgrown root system can rot, and the plant itself can throw off the leaves.

Attention A young plant should be transplanted annually, when it reaches the age of three in 2-3 years.

When transplanting, it is better to use ready-made soils purchased in a specialized store.

Caring for an azalea after a transplant is almost no different from the usual procedures. It is necessary to do watering with fertilizers every 10 days.

Pick the Right Fertilizers

After the purchase and in the future, in the spring and summer, once every 10 days, the azalea is fed, choosing the right proportion. There are a number of special fertilizers that can be purchased at flower shops. Rules for use in the instructions.

In the autumn winter period when buds appear, azalea is fertilized with superphosphate.

When Azalea Blooms...

Blooming azalea kermezina

If you want to have a profusely flowering plant, you need to know how to properly care for an indoor azalea flower in different periods of life:

  • First of all, timely pruning (starting in May) and pinching will be required. No more than 5 leaves are left on new shoots. This procedure is carried out constantly: a large number of leaves do not allow a large number of buds to form. And the flowers themselves are shrinking.
  • In order for azaleas, including perpl, to please with a riot of flowers for a long time, they need to be irrigated in a timely manner, to create coolness around them.
  • On each kidney, as a rule, up to 4 buds are formed. Is it possible to remove those flowers that dry out? Not only possible, but also necessary - this prolongs the flowering period, the plant itself does not lose strength.
  • Don't forget to work with the azalea after it blooms. In addition to watering, pruning will be required.
    When the azalea blooms, it can be turned or moved to another place: the buds do not fall off, do not dry out. Proper care of the azalea at home, see photo, allows the plant to bloom more magnificent every year.

How to form a crown

Care and reproduction of azaleas is not possible without the correct formation of the crown. With timely pruning, you need to leave a large number of tops. It is impossible to be late with the procedure, otherwise rose bush geisha ash will not give a lush bloom.

The plant can be formed as a bush or tree:

  1. For a tree, one, healthy twig is chosen, which will subsequently be a stem. I tie it to a support, cut off all the shoots. The pot must be rotated to align the stem. When the azalea reaches the desired height, pinch the top. The emerging shoots are pinched to obtain a spherical shape. Do not forget about removing unnecessary shoots.
  2. Get an azalea in the form of a bush allows you to pinch the side shoots at a height above 12 cm from the soil. The tops are shortened. The bush must be rotated so that the branches have the same length.

Azalea shaped like a tree Azalea shaped like a bush

How can I get a new flower

Azalea is propagated in different ways, each method requires a special approach:

  1. seeds;
  2. cuttings;
  3. plant division;
  4. through vaccination.

The most difficult and time-consuming is the sowing of seeds.

Reproduction by cuttings

  • When cutting use semi-woody shoots no more than 5-8 cm. Green cuttings are not suitable, because they wither and can dry out. planting material they are prepared in spring-summer, and propagated in March-April. But best time May-Aug. Transplanted into acidified soil or ready-made substrate. Freshly cut cuttings must be treated with growth stimulants and placed vertically. Create a greenhouse effect with a can or film. Cuttings root well at +25 degrees. After a month and a half, you can get a new plant.
  • When dividing a bush take a plant, not younger than 3-4 years. You need to work carefully, as damage to thin roots will cause the azalea, not an exception for crimson, to throw off the leaves.

Why do plants get sick

You can recognize a diseased plant by various signs. Signs of the disease and the causes of their occurrence:

  • If the leaves began to dry out on the azalea, then most likely there is not enough moisture or the sun has hit the flower. In this case, to the question, the azalea suddenly withered, how to act in order to save it, the answer is simple: water it and remove it from the sun.
  • If the buds have fallen - pour with high-quality water and feed.
  • Rhododendrons can suffer from powdery mildew, gray rot, rust, various mosaics. In these cases, you need to fight chemicals without waiting for the azalea to shed its leaves.

Azalea pests

Azaleas have many enemies among insects, some may attack flowers. If measures are not taken in time, they can destroy the plant, even a transplant does not help.

  • Leaves can fall off if settled on them spider mite. It is not difficult to notice it: the leaf is shrouded in cobwebs. The reason is dry and warm air in the room. Prepare a soapy chatter and spray the flower, and then give it a warm shower.
  • Tubes appear on young leaves, and the flowers are deformed? The reason is in the settlements of the strawberry mite on all parts of the azalea, the most terrible pest. You can get rid of it only by special means.
  • Affected by azalea moth, plants lose their leaves and slow down growth.
  • A sooty fungus soon settles on leaves damaged by the greenhouse whitefly.
  • Azaleas can turn brown, fall leaves if it is affected by a flat red tick, thrips, aphids, the question of what to do is important. Requires immediate chemical treatment.
  • After purchasing the plant, it is carefully examined. Any insects, including midges, can cause irreparable harm. The fight must begin immediately.

Summing up

Azalea Sims

Rhododendrons of any variety - amazing beautiful plants. Fans of indoor plants leave on the pages a lot of tips on growing, reviews of flower growers about azaleas.

Consider the most popular:

  1. To cut the cuttings, you need to use a sharp tool.
  2. It is not recommended to leave leaves on the bottom of the shoot.
  3. Having planted a stalk, do not forget to compact the soil.
  4. The microclimate around the flower helps to grow lush azaleas.
  5. Pruning azaleas after flowering is a must.

If you want to grow a capricious indoor plant and get a lush hat of flowers, consider the wishes and advice of people who are passionate about growing azaleas. You can get valuable advice from them if leaves begin to fall from the azalea, what to do. The main thing is to love your “brainchild”, to give him attention.

Modern varieties of azaleas amaze the imagination with an abundance of colors and various form petals. Since the plant is a flowering plant, it is popular and is often used to decorate the interior. Some are so captivated by this flower that they make up entire collections. different varieties azaleas and take care of them with pleasure.

Azalea belongs to the flowering shrubs of the Heather family. It is widely distributed in nature South-East Asia, Himalayas, New Guinea, in some countries of Europe and the Caucasus. Initially, some species began to be called azaleas. beautiful rhododendrons. In translation, rhododendron means rosewood. Now both names of this shrub have taken root. Azalea is considered not too whimsical and quite suitable for keeping at home, where it will definitely please you with proper care.

  • Externally, the rhododendron is a compact branched bush. Its young shoots are pubescent in the form of brownish or gray hairs.
  • The lanceolate leaves are also pubescent both above and below. Their size is 2.5-3 centimeters.
  • The flowers are collected in inflorescences of 2-6 pieces and are located in the axils of the leaves. The plant begins to bloom at the age of 3.
  • The flowering period lasts from January to April. At this time, the azalea looks very attractive, almost completely covered with delicate bright flowers.
  • The inflorescences have no smell.

The two main groups of rhododendrons are subdivided into Indian and Japanese azalea. The first variety is often found in room conditions. Azalea japonica is a larger plant and more suitable for keeping in the garden. Various indoor varieties Azaleas differ from each other not only in the color of the petals, but also in the timing of flowering, as well as its duration. The requirements for the conditions for keeping rhododendrons may also differ somewhat.

Variety Lara

This variety is the champion in the number of fans. She is considered the progenitor of all other varieties. In nature, Indian azalea can most often be found in mountainous areas, growing in the shade of trees. This climate is dominated by fogs, drizzling rains, it is quite cool there. Humidity under such conditions is very high. This rhododendron is also called the Sims Azalea. The plant has large flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, which can be of various colors, but most often the pink-red tone of the petals prevails.

At home, the flower adapts easily and pleases with long continuous flowering. Today, there are varieties of Indian azalea with an ampelous and pyramidal shape. Favorite varieties of flower growers are: Madame Petrik, Marie Van Estvelde, Mistral, Lara. The plant is not afraid of the cold, for the summer it can be planted in the garden and kept there until frost.

Azalea Indica (Mix)

Variety Indica Bicolor D12

This variety is also sold under the name "azalea mix". This plant is somewhat capricious in content, but this does not stop flower growers. If you approach the care of this plant correctly, then it will not cause problems. Indica bushes can grow quite large. Its central shoot reaches a height of 50 centimeters and quickly becomes woody.

The color of the leaves of this species is dark green, they are quite small in size. Young shoots have a reddish pubescence. Inflorescences can be red, pink, yellow, white, cream. Petals most often have a non-uniform color, there are transitions of tones and contrasting edging. For this azalea, the composition of the soil is very important. She needs acidic soil and high organic content.

On a note! It is better to make the soil for this type of azaleas with your own hands, using 2 parts of peat and coniferous earth for this, with the addition of 1 part of coarse sand. If this is not possible, choose a special soil with a high acidity index for purchase.

Azalea mix is ​​often grown on a trunk in the form of a spectacular tree. In caring for standard form timely watering is very important. The temperature regime also has great importance. In winter, the standard Indica is kept at a temperature of 10°C, but during the period of bud formation, the temperature must be raised to 20°C. It is mandatory to enter complex fertilizers with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus.

Variety Sakuntala

For those who prefer delicate shades flowers, we can recommend varieties with white petals: Sakuntala, Weisse Sheme, Apollo. Shakuntala flowers are unusually large, up to 7 cm in diameter, terry. There are small greenish specks in the throat, and the petals themselves are dazzling white. Weisse Sheme is a variety with a characteristic tone transition from white to pink. Its flowers are funnel-shaped and have double petals.

Azaleas with pink inflorescences look no less luxurious. Varieties such as Enzett Dagmar, Leopold Astrid, Doberlug, Erie are distinguished by large flowers from 5 to 7 cm. If the variety is tree-like, and not bushy, the plant can be grown as a bonsai. This will take patience and time. The container for growing bonsai should be shallow. The trunk is specially shaped, and a special pruning is used for the crown.

Azalea bonsai tree - very impressive!

Having bought a beautiful azalea in a store or received it as a gift, some are lost and do not know what kind of care to provide at home so as not to destroy the plant. Let's start in order.

Post-Purchase Care

After the purchase, the plant must be transplanted, but not immediately, but after acclimatization. The flower is under stress during transportation and being in the store. It is necessary to give him time to get used to the new conditions and only after that transplant. In addition, it is not recommended to transplant blooming flowers, namely in this form they sell azalea. If you are worried that the plant is cramped in a pot, you can transfer it along with a clod of earth into a slightly larger container without disturbing the roots - such a transplant will be painless for the azalea.

You can relieve transport stress by spraying the plant with Zircon. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to treat the rhododendron with phytosporin so that the plant weakened by the move does not get sick with fungal diseases.

Useful advice: for faster adaptation, professionals recommend cutting off the inflorescences after purchase, then the azalea will direct all its forces to growth in new conditions, but many feel sorry for the beautiful flowers and do not follow this recommendation. Do as you please in this matter.

So that the soil does not alkalize, the azalea must be watered with soft water. Ideally, this should be melt or rain water, but you can soften ordinary tap water by adding a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. A high alkaline index of the soil prevents the absorption of phosphorus ions by the roots, which leads to a deterioration in flowering.

The soil should always be moderately moist. Don't let it dry out, but don't turn it into a swamp either. If the azalea is not watered in a timely manner, and then abundantly saturated with moisture, this will stress the plant and drop buds and leaves.

On a note! It is very convenient to “water” the azalea with cool water from melted ice cubes. They are prepared in advance in a special mold with cells. Before watering, the required number of cubes is taken out of the freezer.

For azalea, high humidity is important, keep this in mind. The moisture content drops especially during the period when central heating. You can correct the situation by placing a pot of azalea on a tray with expanded clay or moss, which is filled with water. It is only necessary to ensure that the water does not reach the bottom of the bowl itself with the plant.

Regular spraying of the flower from a fine spray can also help. During the flowering period, you need to make sure that when spraying moisture does not get on the flowers and buds - this will lead to the appearance of ugly spots on them.

Azaleas prefer bright diffused lighting, in which direct sunlight does not fall on the flower. The ideal location for rhododendrons are the eastern and western window sills. On the northern windows, they will not have enough light, and on the southern ones, it is necessary to organize shading or put a flower a little away from the window.

In winter, azaleas bloom, and natural daylight hours are very short. During this period, additional illumination is organized for flowers in the evenings and in cloudy weather. For this, fluorescent lamps are suitable. Even better if you can buy a phytolamp. These lights are quite expensive, but they are perfect for plants. For all their effectiveness, phytolamps are economical to use, as they consume little electricity.

Everyone knows that azaleas thrive in cooler temperatures. Of course, they will live with you at 20 ° C and above, especially since breeders are constantly working to increase the adaptive abilities of rhododendrons. But the ideal temperature for them can be called indicators from 8 ° C to 18 ° C. It is at such values ​​that the flower buds are laid. Azaleas are good if you have a cold window sill in your house. For an influx of coolness, you can open the window more often or keep it always ajar.

To achieve successful flowering of azalea, experts recommend setting a certain temperature regime:

  • For laying flower buds from October to December, the flower is kept at 6-10 ° C.
  • For long flowering, the temperature is kept in the range of 15-17°C.

If your room is too hot, but there is a glazed balcony or loggia, you can take the pot of azalea there. At the same time, make sure that the temperature of the content does not fall below 5 ° C. If the azalea is left on the window sill, cover the radiator with something to protect the plant from dry hot air. Azalea bloom at low temperatures lasts two months and warm room reduced to two weeks.

In autumn and winter, when buds are forming, it is necessary to add superphosphate to the soil, dissolving 15 g of fertilizer in a 10-liter bucket of water. Faded inflorescences must be removed, preventing the formation of seeds, which takes a lot of strength from the plant.

Prune immediately after flowering. Everything is removed for dried inflorescences, elongated and weak stems. Young shoots need to be pinched to stimulate branching. The bush is given the desired shape and compact size. Cut shoots can be rooted. If you do not engage in formative pruning, the azalea crown will become more spreading, and fewer and fewer flower buds will form.

After flowering, the rhododendron will begin the growing season, so it is fertilized with top dressings with a high nitrogen content.

rest period

Azaleas do not have a pronounced dormant period. Some consider the dormant period to be the time when the plant does not bloom. But this is not entirely true, because the flower continues to grow. After pruning, the azalea is put in a permanent place. Continue to water and feed until it is necessary to start stimulating flowering by lowering the temperature.

Successful cultivation of rhododendrons is impossible without taking into account soil requirements. What do you need to know about this in order to grow a beautiful and flowering plant?

When planting an azalea ready ground it is necessary to choose a specialized substrate specifically for these plants. In addition, you need to pay attention to the expiration date, in the old soil chemical composition may change significantly. The land for seedlings is also not suitable, since it contains a minimum amount nutrients.

The soil must have an acidic reaction, since the symbiont fungi living on the roots of azaleas, which help to absorb trace elements from the soil, die due to the high alkali content, and after them the plant itself dies. Learn what the soil consists of on its packaging.

The composition of the substrate should include coniferous earth, and the required acidity index must correspond to parameters of 3.5-5.5 pH.

If you are composing the soil yourself, then observe correct proportions: 2 parts softwood, 2 parts leaf ground and 1 part each of peat, sand and moorland. For greater friability of the soil, you can add perlite or vermiculite, and for increased moisture capacity - hydrogel.

top dressing

Now there is no need to choose fertilizer yourself. You can buy a specialized one, which is called Azalea. It is produced by different manufacturers. In the summer and spring months, rhododendrons are fertilized 1 time in 7 days, in the autumn and winter - 1 time per month.

To stimulate flowering, fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus are used the day before, for example, Kemira Lux or Uniflor-buton. During the period of growth of new shoots, nitrogen should prevail in the composition of the fertilizer.

As long as the azalea feels good in the old pot, it is not transplanted. If the plant has stopped growing, and the soil in the pot dries out quickly, this is a signal that it is time to transplant. This is best done immediately after flowering. The root system of the azalea is superficial, so taking a deep pot does not make sense - let it be a little wider than the previous one.

A layer of expanded clay 3 centimeters thick is laid on the bottom; clay shards can also be used. A layer of pine bark is laid on the drainage, it increases the acidity of the soil. Then the plant, together with a clod of earth, is taken out of the old pot and briefly soaked in Kornevin's solution. This contributes to the washing out of accumulated salts. After the procedure, the azalea is placed in a new container and the roots are covered with a fresh substrate, slightly crushing it. Deepen when landing root collar it is forbidden.

After transplantation, the plant is watered with the same water in which it was soaked and placed in a slightly shaded place. The first time after transplantation, the flower is periodically sprayed with zircon and in no case fertilized. As soon as the azalea gets stronger and grows, you can return to normal care.

For rhododendrons, there are 3 ways of reproduction:

  • bush division,
  • cuttings,
  • seed way.

The method of propagating azalea with seeds has not gained popularity, the process is inefficient and laborious.

They usually share large bush when transplanting. This must be done in such a way that each part of the plant has its own roots. Slices of roots are sprinkled with crushed coal and a root formation stimulator. In order for the bushes to take root faster, they are cut a little more than with normal pruning. Further care behind these plants is no different from the generally accepted.

You can root cuttings at any time from May to September. The length of the cut shoots should be 10-15 centimeters. Rooting should be carried out in a loose nutrient substrate at a temperature of 25 ° C, seedlings are covered from above glass jar and ventilate periodically. This process is not fast at all. It will be possible to plant young plants in separate pots only after a few months, and they will be able to bloom only next year.

Azalea cuttings: video

With improper care, various rots can develop on the leaves and stems of the azalea. They are caused by a fungus and require the use of fungicides (Fundazol, Fitosporin) for treatment. It is necessary to prepare a working solution according to the instructions and spray the plant. Previously, all affected areas are cut out to healthy tissue.

Azaleas can be attacked by mollusks that gnaw through the leaves, making holes in them. From all these pests it is necessary to apply industrial insecticides at the first sign of infection.

In greenhouses, the plant is kept in comfortable conditions that cannot be achieved at home. To because of the change temperature regime the greenhouse azalea has not lost color, it needs to be provided with a temperature of about 12 ° C. The warmer the room, the shorter the flowering period of the azalea.

Some cover the plant in a pot with snow or pieces of ice to lower the temperature, but this method has its opponents. Keep the soil moist, not letting it dry out - this is another important condition for lush and long flowering. Water for irrigation slightly acidify.

A beginner may encounter various problems in keeping azaleas. What most often worries inexperienced, novice flower growers?

Why is the Azalea not blooming?

Most probable cause this is that the flower was kept at high temperatures, which prevented the laying of buds. In the same way, a lack of nutrients or the fact that the plant is planted in unsuitable soil can affect.

Why do leaves dry and fall?

This is the most common problem with indoor azalea. Most likely, the flower was too dry in a pot or the air in the room is too dry. Azalea does not tolerate excessive dryness or waterlogging.

If the soil in the pot is too dry, soak the plant pot in water for a few minutes. When dry air becomes the cause of leaf fall, the plant is often sprayed and placed on a pallet with wet expanded clay. You can install a household humidifier next to the window.

The plant needs to be given attention at the stage of purchase.

  • The more unopened buds on the flower, the better. Blooming flowers fade quickly, so do not chase after a lush hat of inflorescences that completely covered the azalea.
  • The bush should not be too big or too small. Both those and others do not adapt well in a new place. Choose a medium-sized copy.
  • It is desirable that the soil in the pot is moderately moist. Excessive dryness or overflow has a bad effect on the plant.
  • Leaves should not crumble or contain traces of pests and various damage.

If the care of the azalea is carried out in accordance with all the rules, it will bring you only joy and aesthetic pleasure. At good conditions keeping the flower will live in your home for many years.

Plants come to stores from nurseries. It's no secret that azalea is pretty whimsical flower. Producers prepare plants for flowering and sale artificially.

In nurseries, they are treated with special synthetic substances that put the flower into a state of sleep. The plant has a presentable appearance and is able to bloom for several months thanks to fertilizers introduced in the nursery.

But at this time, the root system of the azalea is in a state of sleep and does not receive any development. As a result, the plant can get sick - the roots will begin to die from a fungal infection. This is one of the reasons why the azalea disappears immediately after it was brought from the store and placed on the windowsill at home.

approximate cost

Azalea prices in Moscow and St. Petersburg range from 250 to 2500 rubles per flower. There are several factors that affect the cost of a plant:

  1. a variety of azalea (home and garden);
  2. the size of the flower and its root system (the higher and more plant, the more expensive it is);
  3. number of buds.

Most online stores have sales assistants who are ready to help not only with the choice of a variety of shrubs, but also tell you in detail about caring for azalea at home after purchase.


What to do after the acquisition and how to save the plant?

Decide on the future place for the flower. Recommended parameters:

  • well-lit space out of direct sunlight (east or north side);
  • temperature from 16 to 18 degrees - cool enough;
  • high level of humidity.

ATTENTION! Inspect the soil of the plant by carefully pulling the flower out of the flowerpot.

Very often, to give a fresh look in stores, azalea is poured with water. If the soil is too wet:

  1. Remove the flower from the pot and wrap the root system with soil with absorbent paper.
  2. Repeat until soil is dry enough.

If the flower is dried:

  1. It should be placed directly with the pot in a container of water for an hour. The liquid should reach the edges of the flowerpot.
  2. After pulling the plant out of the water and allowing excess moisture to drain, placing the pot on a plate or tray, previously laid with expanded clay, so that the soil no longer touches the liquid.

Indoor flower adaptation period

A plant can be considered adapted only when, after moving to the windowsill from the store, the azalea will fade and give new shoots. During this nervous period, the plant should be especially carefully looked after and observed.

Azaleas do not tolerate heat, so do not place the flower on window sills above radiators.

Also, low humidity is detrimental to them. The cooler it is in the room during the adaptation period, the more likely it is that the plant will not die. Do not rush to fertilize the plant. In nurseries, azaleas are planted in overfed soil for further transportation and conservation. Subject to all the rules, it remains only to take a wait-and-see attitude.

Spraying "Epin" will help in adaptation. This is a biostimulant for plants created artificially. It helps to activate the individual protection functions of the plant, raises its resistance to stress and immunity. Breeding instructions can be read on the package, and you can spray once every 10 days.

You can read more about plant nutrition, as an obligatory part of azalea care, about the fertilization procedure and other nuances.

How to care for a purchased plant so that it does not wither?

Azalea must get used to the room in which she was brought after purchase. Due to its capriciousness, the once beautiful flowering plant can drop flowers and leaves in a few days. If the leaves on the branches of the trunk still fell off or the plant wilts, then these are harbingers of the inevitable death of the shrub, so you need to know what to do in such a situation. To enjoy this plant for many years, you must adhere to the basic and important rules care for him and know, for a potted flower bought in a store.

ATTENTION! After the acquisition, the azalea is recommended to be transshipped, but not transplanted.

The transfer process is simple:

  1. carefully remove the earthen lump together with the plant from the purchased flowerpot;
  2. place the flower with soil in a new spacious pot;
  3. fill free space with a special substrate;
  4. do not over-moisten the ground.

How to save an azalea bought in a store? Under such conditions, the azalea tolerates adaptation better. The fragile root system is also preserved. The soil itself also has special requirements. On the roots of the azalea live special symbiont mushrooms that provide nutrition to the flower. Symbionts die in alkaline soil, followed by the plant itself. This is another reason why you should not wash the roots of azaleas.

The substrate must be acidic and pass moisture and air masses well. It is better to purchase a ready-made soil specially prepared for azaleas. young flowers should be annually. Older generation once every 3 years. At the same time, the upper layer of the earth is replaced without touching the delicate roots of the plant.


The ideal temperature for the favorable development of azaleas is 10-15 degrees Celsius. However, in summer heat it is very difficult to provide a flower with such a regime. But in the summer months, azaleas have a period of sleep and rest.

Autumn is the time for budding. During this period, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the azalea content to 6 degrees. As soon as the buds begin to bloom, increase it to 15. We wrote about caring for azalea in the fall.

IMPORTANT! Azalea can't stand the heat. But it is not recommended to water the flower with cold water. This can lead to fungal growth. In summer, put ice around the plant on a saucer. This will save the flower from the heat and moisten the air around it.

Humidity in the pot

This factor is one of the most important. Dry air is detrimental to azaleas. For supporting high level moisture, you need to perform several manipulations:

  1. choose a deep pallet for a flowerpot;
  2. lay pebbles and moss on the bottom of the pallet (sphagnum is ideal);
  3. make sure that liquid is constantly present in the pan;
  4. during the flowering period, the leaves should be sprayed;
  5. avoid large drops when moistening with a spray bottle, drops should be small to prevent spots on the leaves.


This plant loves bright light. But at the same time, it can die under the influence of direct sunlight. The east and north sides are perfect for azaleas. It is possible to put an azalea in the south, but for this it is better not to use a window sill, but to purchase a stand and install it in front of the window.


Another important factor that helps to protect the azalea from death. Big role are playing:

  • water quality;
  • temperature;
  • abundance of watering;
  • periodicity.

It is strictly forbidden to water the azalea with ice or cool water. A sharp temperature drop introduces the plant into a state of stress. It also serves as a kind of signal about the onset of autumn and the azalea can drop flowers and leaves (it says how to care for azalea in the fall). It is best to use a liquid of the same temperature as the azalea.

Use soft water:

  1. boil;
  2. let cool;
  3. use only upper layer liquids;
  4. do not touch the sediment.

When watered with plain water, the soil will turn from acidic to alkaline, as it contains magnesium and calcium salts. And when boiled, they precipitate. Lemon can be used to acidify the soil. 3 drops of juice are dissolved in a liter of liquid. If you transplant an azalea outdoors for the summer, then rain moisture will act favorably on it.

The flower does not tolerate drought. If the leaves and flowers have drooped, water the azalea immediately. It is better to prevent this and maintain a constant substrate moisture. At the same time, excess fluid can also damage the delicate roots of the azalea - they can rot.

What is unacceptable to do?

  • heat;
  • drought;
  • waterlogging;
  • a sharp temperature drop;
  • direct exposure to sunlight.

If the flower begins to fade:

If the azalea sheds leaves, this may be the first sign of the death of the plant. What to do if the leaves have fallen?

  1. Carefully inspect the soil for pests, mold or rot.
  2. Spray the azalea with Epin or zircon. This should be done during the period when the plant does not bloom.
  3. After 2 days, water and spray the azalea with phytosporin (10 drops per 250 ml of liquid).
  4. Alternate procedures within 2-3 weeks. This will help the dying plant survive the stress.

Azalea demands heightened attention and strictly consistent care. Very often, even when performing rescue procedures, the plant cannot be saved and it dies. Therefore, it is better not to bring the flower to a dying state.

With proper and careful care of the azalea, the plant will delight with its magnificent flowers for many years. It may seem to an inexperienced grower that this type of flower will take too much time. However, the rule quickly enough becomes a habit that brings only pleasure.

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Wanna grow decorative flower? Take a closer look at a plant like an azalea. Care at home for him is quite simple. It attracts the attention of flower growers with its luxurious appearance. To avoid problems, read the basic rules for watering and feeding, and also find out which diseases are most dangerous for such a flower.

There are several flowering varieties that are suitable for home use. Here are the types of azaleas:

  • garden;
  • rhododendron.

The first type is characterized by abundant and long flowering. Inflorescences during the flowering period cover the foliage, so it is practically invisible. It is recommended to grow near the paths in the garden. Combines well with shrubs. Feature - frost resistance. Therefore, it is suitable for growing at home in regions with severe winters.

The second type is decorative. This variety is called indoor azalea. There are about 800 subspecies of this plant. Care and cultivation for them is extremely simple. It is only important to know the basic rules. How to care for such an azalea at home is described below.

Growing conditions

First of all, you need to provide the necessary amount of light. At the same time, it is impossible to place an azalea tree where direct sunlight falls. The best option- scattered light. In the spring, it is recommended to take care of the flower as follows: it must be taken out on Fresh air or to the balcony to provide enough oxygen. At the same time, it is important to protect indoor flower azalea from direct exposure to UV radiation.

For this plant, the temperature environment should be about 16 °C. IN warm season you can keep it at a temperature of 20 to 25 ° C. The relative humidity of the air must be high. This should be taken into account especially during the onset of the heating season. To provide such conditions, you can buy a humidifier, which will provide not only right conditions and caring for azalea at home, but will also allow houseplant bloom, and will be a useful acquisition for your health for many years.

Watering and fertilizing

Answering the question “How to care for an azalea at home?”, It must be clarified that for normal long-term flowering of white or pink varieties, it is necessary to keep the ground moist. It is important that the soil does not dry out until the next watering. tap water absolutely not recommended to use. It must be watered with distilled water. Having learned how to water an azalea, it is also worth clarifying what fertilizers are required for normal growth.

Use a fertilizer that is made specifically for azalea. Top dressing "Lux", "Fertika" is suitable. How many times to fertilize? You can feed several times a year - from spring to September, that is, in the warm season.


To transplant into a larger pot, carefully remove the old soil from the roots. Don't do it in winter. It is better to transplant in the warm season, when the plant grows new shoots.

Pre-cut all buds that are. To prevent damage to the root system, experts advise placing it in a container of water that you use for irrigation. After a few seconds of being in the water, the old soil will move away from the roots. We can even change the water. But do it only twice, no more.

It is easy to transplant a plant at home after purchase. It is best to do this as soon as possible, since such plants are commercially available in soil unsuitable for normal growth for a long time. In such soil, the root system will not be able to develop properly.


Several propagation options are available: cuttings, seeds, grafting. Planting and propagation is still best done by cuttings. You can make a mix and several seeds at once. Prepare cuttings only from adult plants that are not susceptible to any diseases. New small cuttings will quickly wither, and the old ones take a long time to take root. If growing in greenhouse conditions, use the grafting method. But for correct execution such a procedure will require special knowledge and skills.

Disease and pest control

Having figured out how to care for an azalea, you will see that home care for a room azalea is extremely simple. However, it is also worth learning about the diseases that can occur in such a plant culture.

If the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off, what should I do? Can be sprayed every 14 days Bordeaux liquid. If mites or other pests have appeared, effective method the fight will become a soapy solution.

Why is the Azalea not blooming? Pests can be the cause. Also, the source of this phenomenon is often improper watering. Excessively dry or wet soil prevents normal and long flowering.

From this video you will learn how to care for azalea at home.

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