When to plant flowers for seedlings. Flower seedlings in February and early March what to plant Plant flowers for seedlings at home

So that the flowers get stronger as quickly as possible and begin to delight their owners beautiful view and fragrance, you should start growing them before the onset of spring. How to properly organize the cultivation of seedlings of flowers, which ones can be grown in this way and in what order to carry out manipulations?

Are all flowers suitable for growing seedlings?

Before we learn how to properly organize the cultivation of flower seedlings, let's figure out which crops are suitable for sowing. From one-year-olds, seedlings are often planted with those whose development is characterized long period growing season, or if the gardener wants the flowers to start blooming as early as possible.

By by and large it is possible to grow any flowers from seeds, with the exception of those that die during transplantation. Among the most common flowering plants experts include:

  • carnation Shabo;
  • mignonette;
  • geranium;
  • lobelia;
  • petunia;
  • phloxes;
  • godetia;
  • verbena;
  • gerbera;
  • viola;
  • cineraria;
  • aster;
  • calendula;
  • Snapdragon;
  • marigolds, etc.

VIDEO: New tricky way grow marigolds

Landing time

Sowing small seeds, as well as bulbs of flowering vegetation is carried out from the second decade of January until the end of April:

  1. Planting seeds for seedlings in January. First of all, plants are planted, the flowering of which occurs after 5-6 months. These include carnation Shabo, begonia, swimsuit, irises, lavender, clematis, arizema, primrose, rutovnik and many others. Therefore, be sure to read the information on the packaging with seedlings and be guided by the planting data regulated by the manufacturer.

  1. Sowing seeds in February. In the second winter month, it's time to sow such crops:
  • fuchsia;
  • balsam;
  • petunia;
  • pelargonium;
  • lobelia;
  • lavender angustifolia;
  • heliotrope.

When preparing seedlings and choosing plants, be sure to consider the length of daylight hours.

Some vegetation needs long-term lighting - more than 8 hours a day, so take care of additional lighting fixtures if you want your seedlings to start growing and developing as quickly as possible.

  1. Sowing in March. This spring month, experts recommend starting seedlings of echinacea, alyssum, verbena, phlox, annual aster, kobei, cleoma, snapdragon. All in all we are talking about vegetation that begins to bloom 3-4 months after planting.
  2. Sowing in April. At this time, daisies, godetia, annual dahlias, perennial delphiniums, and marigolds are planted.

VIDEO: What flowers to sow in February?

Growing seedlings

Growing flowers from seeds is determined by a number of requirements, following which you can get full-fledged and well-flowering plants.

Stage number 1 - selection of pots

Best to grow planting material in pots - put it in a separate cup, and the need for picking seedlings disappears by itself. But at the same time, if you plant not 3-4 dozen seedlings, but much more, and at the same time the cultivation takes place on the balcony, then it is best to give preference to special plastic cassettes.

In addition, do not use cardboard boxes for juice or dairy products as a container for growing seedlings. Inner part such containers are treated with a special solution, which, when evaporated, does not have the best effect on a newly hatched flower.

The most suitable container for this purpose is peat cups, which in the future can be planted together with the grown seedlings directly into the ground, avoiding any damage to the root system of the seedling.

Step #2 - Which soil is best?

To ensure the full development and growth of future flowers, it is necessary to select soil with the following characteristics:

  • looseness;
  • ease;
  • texture porosity.

As soil for planting seedlings flowering crops The following components are best suited:

  • riding peat;
  • low-lying peat that has undergone freezing or weathering;
  • heat-treated soddy soil;
  • broken tree bark conifers;
  • dried needles coniferous trees;
  • dust from grain crops;
  • crushed peanut shells;
  • sand - quartz or river;
  • perite;
  • crushed pumice and expanded clay.

One of the recipes quality soil: 70% sawdust and 30% quartz sand.

You can buy ready-made soil mixture. Eg:

  • soil "Flower";
  • "Flora";
  • « garden land»;
  • "Violet";
  • "Universal".

Flower seeds are best planted in peat cups or peat tablets. The latter are much more interesting, although more expensive (from 30 rubles per tablet). Everything necessary for culture is concentrated here. nutrients, minerals, peat and humus. The tablet is also convenient because 1 seed is placed in it and 1 bush grows. Then it is enough to transplant the tablet into open ground so as not to damage or disturb the still weak roots.

Stage number 3 - lighting question

As mentioned earlier, in the last winter and first spring months, daylight hours are not enough to provide complete care future vegetation. Therefore, it is extremely important to organize artificial lighting for them.

For these purposes the best option will be energy-saving lamps and phytolamps. Such lighting provide quality care to plants and help them get stronger as quickly as possible.

Organization of flower garden care

In order to implement high-quality care for flower crops during their cultivation, it is necessary to follow a number of tips:


The first moistening is organized before planting material is planted in the soil. During the period until shoots appear, there is no need to water the ground. It is enough that it was wet during disembarkation, and after sowing, the container was covered with a film. As soon as the first shoots appear, regular watering should be organized so that the soil is always moist, but not wet.

Humidification is carried out in the morning. And as a liquid for irrigation, it is best to use warm (not lower than 21 ° C), settled water for two to three days. Nasturtium, dahlias and others need frequent moisture. moisture-loving plants. Whereas petunia, phlox, purslane, marigolds, zinnia and aster are watered only when the outer layer of soil is dry.

In no case do not allow waterlogging of the soil. This will lead to rotting of the root system of the seedling.

Organization of temperature conditions for growing seedlings

The purchased flower soil is sterilized and laid out in containers. Next, you need to withstand the seedlings in zircon or epin (we are not talking about purchased seeds that are completely ready for planting), spread them out on the surface of the soil and press them a little into the ground. After that, we cover the seedlings with a layer of earth, the thickness of which is equal to three seedling sizes. The next step is to cover the containers with seeds with a film or glass. If we are talking about hard-to-sprout seeds, then they need to be heated from below by 2-3 ° C higher than the room temperature.

Regardless of the type of crop, it is highly undesirable to grow seedlings on a cold windowsill. After the emergence of shoots, the film is removed. A couple of weeks before transplanting seedlings into open ground, you need to accustom the flowers to the cold, for which once a day open the balcony and organize good ventilation.

Most suitable conditions for growing flower seedlings: 25-30°C for heat-loving species and 18-15°C for cold-resistant species.

Transplanting seedlings

The picking of planting material should be carried out in a timely manner, when the first 2 full-fledged leaves (not cotyledons) appear on the seedlings. This process is necessary in order to increase the nutritional area for future flowers. After all root system is constantly growing. It is best to transplant seedlings into pots made of peat. If transplanting seedlings into a box, then you need to observe a distance of 50-60 mm between them. Moreover, if the initial landing was carried out immediately in separate containers, then there is no need for picking.

For reference. Why peat pots are recommended for plants. The composition of a quality pot includes 70% peat, 10% compressed cellulose and 20% humus with mineral additives. Such pots allow air and moisture to pass through, do not interfere with the development of the root system, and decompose in the ground within 20-24 days.

Poor-quality samples, where the amount of cellulose exceeds 50% (they are more rigid and crunchy to the touch), will destroy the plant, as they do not dissolve in the soil and do not allow the flower to develop.


A couple of weeks after the transplant, you need to make the first complementary food, which is a 1:10 solution of mullein at the rate of 200 ml of fertilizer for 8-10 shoots. The second feeding is carried out after 45 days after the first, but only in this case a mullein solution is used with the addition of 3 g. superphosphate and 1.5 gr. ammonium nitrate. Consumption - 200 ml for 4-5 sprouts. In the absence of mullein, bird droppings will do. Be sure to water the soil before fertilizing.

Transplanting in open soil

Seedlings are transplanted when all spring frosts have already passed and the flowers are not subject to death. That's why best time for transplantation will be May or the first decade of June. It is best to wait for cloudy, but not rainy weather, when the sun does not burn the ground and the roots have time to “grab”.

Even if it starts to rain during transplanting, be sure to water each hole. In this case, it is much better to overfill than underfill.

Before transplanting, the soil is dug up, fertilized (with manure and compost in the fall, and humus and mineral fertilizers- in the spring), loosened and leveled. It remains only to make holes and place the sprouts, sprinkling a little earth.

For convenience, make a small hill around the hole so that the water does not spill out during irrigation, but flows directly to the root system. This practice is also used for tomatoes, cucumbers and other moisture-loving vegetable crops.

We hope these tips will help you grow your land plot beautiful flowering plants.

VIDEO: How to grow seedlings of annual flowers

When you learn how to sow flower seeds, you will have a wide selection of flowers not available for purchase in the form of bulbs or seedlings. On the other hand, planting flower seeds is somewhat more difficult than planting and transplanting. finished plants and requires more diligence in the beginning. And this will bring you a huge opportunity to choose flowers for your garden, but also significant savings in the family budget.

This page will help you understand the ins and outs of growing flowers from seeds and can ensure that your flower seeds germinate, bloom and continue to bloom with lush, beautiful flowers...

When to Plant Flower Seeds

Indoor planting timing is really important...until you realize this: Seedlings can only be planted outdoors when they are strong enough and have a well-established root system. You should also take into account the climate: flowers should not be planted in open ground while there is a possibility of frost.

Perennial bulbs have some special planting requirements. See our page on how, where and when to plant flower bulbs (coming soon) for more information.

Sowing seeds outdoors flower seeds is a different matter and the timing of planting in time depends on whether your flower is an annual or a perennial.

  • perennial flowers
  • annual flowers

Perennial Flowers: When to Plant Perennial Flower Seeds Outdoors

Perennial flowers must be planted from seed in one of two periods: in early spring or late autumn. Planting in early spring will ensure that your plants' roots have enough time to grow big and strong and have the strength to survive the winter.

But wouldn't planting in late fall be detrimental to my plants before they had a chance to grow? Seed cover provides necessary protection plants, and the seeds will remain dormant until spring awakening.

Planting in late fall serves another purpose: many perennial grass seeds need moist cold period to germinate (a process called "Lamination"). After completing spring sowing For perennials with such a vegetative cycle will require more active participation on your part.

Despite the fact that learning to plant flower seeds in spring is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance. You need to be prepared and be patient. You need to first mix your seeds into the vermiculite and evenly moisten the mixture to the point where it has the moisture of a wrung out sponge. Place the mixture in a tightly sealed container or other airtight container and refrigerate for 2 ½ - 3 months. Obviously, spring sowing is not a spontaneous event and is based on the planned planting date.

Annuals: When to Plant Annual Flower Seeds Outdoors

Annual flowers have another very important indicator such as their cold tolerance...

  • frost-resistant flowers can be planted as soon as the soil is sufficiently thawed and can be dug up, and the soil temperature does not fall below -4 ° C.
  • medium hardy flower seeds should not be planted until the ground is warm enough, they can handle a light frost and are likely to be fine.
  • thermophilic should not be planted until the danger of frost has completely passed. Any temperature below 4 C will cause the plants to die.

Landing Indoors

How to Plant Flower Seeds:

When growing flowers from seeds in containers, use new organic blends Every year. Because the nutrients in the old earth were depleted last year.

This is exactly how you need to sow flower seeds for year-round cultivation ...

  1. Choose a container, based on where you want your plants to end up:
    • If you plan to move them to the garden, the simplest option is to use peat pots or cubes from organic earth. peat pots allow you to transplant the flower along with the container to your garden, it's easy for you and the seedlings.

Peat Pots

They are completely biodegradable and actually improve the surrounding soil after transplanting. organic cubes are made from organic material and allow the plant to take root faster. They are also completely biodegradable and can be transferred directly to the soil when transplanted.

  • If you plan to keep flowers indoors and grow them in pots, you have several options. You can start with peat pots(one plant per peat pot) and transfer them to big pot or container later (make sure the pot has good drainage), or you can just sow them in a large pot or container.

(How To Grow Plants Indoors From Seeds / Planting Instructions Below)

What should be the pot or container...

1.If you decide to use a container to sow seeds or transplant your seedlings, here are a few things to keep in mind...

  • Material: plastic, clay, wood or stone (your personal choice)
  • Size: must be appropriate for the task at hand. Determine the size of the future grown plant before choosing a pot.
  • Drainage A: Your plants will die without proper drainage. At a minimum, there should be a few holes in the bottom.
  • Features of moisturizing: saucers placed under the pot with holes in the bottom and self-watering pots serve to water your plants from below. This is much better than watering them by hand, as the plants themselves determine when they need water and how much they need.
  1. Fill the selected container soil mixture that you have previously moistened (should feel like a wrung out sponge), leaving approximately 6.4 mm to 2.5 cm of space between the top of the mixture and the top of the container (depending on container size, for peat pots, leave about 6.4 mm.
  2. Lightly compact the soil, but do not be zealous. Remember the soil must be moisture and breathable.
  3. Create shallow grooves or holes in your soil(For accurate depths, follow the color recommendations in ours or the instructions on the seed packet).
  4. Throw flower seeds into holes or furrows. Do your best to distribute the seeds evenly, but don't worry if it doesn't work out perfectly. You can always thin out the plants later if they start growing too close together.
  5. Coat the seeds based on their individual planting needs.Some of them require a light coat land while others (such as most very small seeds) should not be covered at all.
  6. Create a fine mist over your seeds. With a sprayer
  7. Cover the container with glass or clear plastic
  8. Put the container where it gets indirect sunlight and a temperature of about 21 C.
  9. After the seeds germinate(sprout), remove the plastic bag or glass and move the plant where there is direct sunlight and control the temperature it should be in the range (15.5 to 24 C) - check out our to familiarize yourself with the temperature requirements of specific plants, if any. Germination can be very fast, so keep a close eye on the seedlings.
  10. Your seedlings or seedlings should be well watered, but know when to stop. Use universal rule Allow the soil mixture to dry slightly between waterings. Even better, if the place for seedlings is equipped with a humidifier.
  11. If your flowers will end up (or stay) in a pot or container...
    1. Transplant your seedlings into separate pots after they have grown their first set of true leaves, use earthy mixes instead of soil from the garden, so that the seedlings get the nutrients they badly need during this stage. As you pull out each plant, there is a chance that several seedlings will be tied together. Separate them and transplant each seedling separately - one per peat pot or 5 cm apart in a larger container. In order to correctly transplant each seedling to its new location, use your finger to press down on the soil and make an indentation deep enough to allow the seedling to grow at the same soil level as before.
    2. Gently soak the soil around each seedling.
    3. Temper your flowers(so that they get used to the harsher conditions of their new environment) before permanently leaving them outdoors or planting them in flowerpots outdoors
      1. Day 1 - Leave them outside for 4 hours in the sun that meets each plant's recommendations (direct sunlight, partial shade, full shade)
      2. Day 2 - Leave them outside for 6 hours
      3. Day 3 - Leave them outside for 8 hours
      4. 4th day - Transfer to a garden or flower garden.

How to Plant Flower Seeds: Where to Buy Seeds

When growing flowers from seeds, bulbs, cuttings or transplants, always buy planting material in safe place to ensure the following:

  • Do you know which flower or plant you have planted?
  • Flowers or seeds come from a healthy source (i.e. they are properly matured)

There are several places to buy your seeds both online and offline...

  • your neighbors. Are you impressed by the neighbor's flower garden? Ask them where they get their seeds or seedlings. They may even give you free flowers the next time they visit.
  • Local nurseries or garden centers
  • Seed catalog (offline and online).

16 mar 2018

annual flowers brighten up the garden lush bloom. Annuals are plants that have life cycle from germination to flowering and seed ripening takes place in one season, and this group also includes perennials that are not able to overwinter in our climate. We choose annual flowers not only for the growth rate, but also for the long abundant flowering, unpretentiousness, brightness and variety.

Annual flowers can be selected every year with new species and varieties, every year they can change their location in flower beds, creating new pictures. Annuals will fill the voids between perennials and places where bulbous flowers bloomed in spring, as they disappear by summer. Some types of annual flowers can be planted in flowerpots, balcony boxes, containers, hanging baskets, for landscaping terraces, courtyards, gazebos, verandas, house facades.

If you want the site to turn into a flowering garden as soon as possible, annual flowers need to be grown through seedlings at home . By the end of spring or early summer, you will have plants with buds and the first opened flowers for planting in flower beds. After the flowers take root in a new place with proper care they begin to grow rapidly and bloom magnificently in two weeks.

Sowing calendar for seedlings:

Each culture has its own period of development from sowing to the beginning of flowering, it can be several weeks to several months. Eat annual flowers with a long period of development, they are sown for seedlings in January - February - this is Shabo's carnation, ever-flowering begonia, cineraria, Waller's balsam.

Mass sowing of annual flowers for seedlings occurs in March-April.

In the first decade of March it is recommended to have time to sow verbena, gazania, coleus, calceolaria, snapdragon, pelargonium, petunia, salvia, fragrant tobacco for seedlings.

In the second decade of March from 11 to 20 carry out sowing of the following annual flowers: asters, venidium, adonis, Chinese cloves, gomfrenu, kupena, kufei, mirabilis, pyrethrum, scabiosa, platikadon, navel, primrose, primrose, edelweiss, sage.

In the last days of March sow the seeds of ageratum, carnation grass, helichrysum, godetia, iberis, cleoma, Drumond's phlox, chrysanthemums, echinacea.

In March, most perennials can be sown for seedlings. garden plants . Perennial seedlings will be ready for planting at the beginning of summer, and during the season the plants will grow larger and stronger than when sown with seeds in the ground, respectively, the former will endure the winter better.

Some flowers do not tolerate transplants, as they have a tap root system, so their seedlings can be grown at home only in cups or pots, so that they can be planted in the ground without damaging the roots. Thus, in order to obtain early flowering, godetia, nasturtium, nemesia, lavatera, levkoy, lobularia, schisanthus, dolichos, castor beans, fiery red beans, are sown in separate pots in March, decorative pumpkin, morning glory, quamoclit.

In April, flowers are sown for seedlings with a short seedling period before flowering. These crops can be sown in May immediately into the ground, but when grown through seedlings, the plants will bloom a month earlier. For accelerated flowering in April, amaranths, marigolds, cornflower, annual dahlias, sweet peas, datura, diasia, clarkia, purslane, zinnia are sown.

What is the best way to grow seedlings of flowers:

Plants thrive best when they have enough room for roots and light for leaves, so separate cups or pots are best for growing flower seedlings. When planting in cups, single plants are placed at a sufficient distance from each other, the roots, as in a common box, do not intertwine together, when transplanting a clod of earth by transshipment from cups, the root system is not damaged, so seedlings from cups take root stronger and faster.

For sowing flowers with small and medium seeds, there are perfect option- peat tablets. After moistening, the peat tablets are saturated with moisture and turn into mini cups, they create an ideal bed for seed germination. Peat tablets with seedlings they move into cups with the ground without destruction, the plants continue to develop without feeling such a pick, but having received more nutrition and space for development. Large flower seeds can be sown immediately in cups one at a time.

Land for growing seedlings of flowers:

First of all, the land for sowing seeds for seedlings must be decontaminated, since if a dangerous disease of the "black leg" occurs, there is a risk of losing all seedlings. Store-bought high-quality soil mixtures for seedlings have already been disinfected, but if you prepare the land yourself, then you need to carry out a disinfection procedure. Steaming of the earth is done, moist soil is placed in the oven, it should warm up at a temperature of 50 degrees for an hour.

A universal substrate for seedlings of flowers consists of equal parts of soddy soil, humus, peat and sand.

Sowing flowers for seedlings:

Cups and boxes for sowing are filled with earth and spilled so that the soil is properly saturated with moisture. There must be holes in the bottom of boxes and cups and drainage layer from coarse sand or fine gravel so that excess water drains into the pan.

Very small flower seeds like those of ageratum, petunia, fragrant tobacco, are mixed with dry sand, then scattered in a thin layer on the surface of moist earth.

It is convenient to sow small seeds in a thin layer toilet paper, it clearly shows how dense the seeds are distributed during sowing. After that, the surface of the toilet paper is moistened with a gentle spray so that it gets wet. Small seeds after sowing are not sprinkled with earth, as they germinate under the influence of light.

Medium and large flower seeds are pre-soaked in a damp cloth and kept in a warm place for 24 hours to speed up their germination.

The depth of seed placement depends on their size and is usually equal to three seed sizes in width.

For the appearance of good seedlings, crops should not dry out, so they are covered with a transparent film to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil. For the germination of most seeds, heat from +20 to +28 degrees is necessary, only cold-resistant crops are able to sprout at a temperature of +15 ... +18 degrees.

Immediately after the emergence of seedlings, the seedlings of flowers are transferred to a bright place, the cover is removed with a film, it is recommended to reduce the air temperature to +20 degrees so that the sprouts do not stretch.

Flower seedling care:

After germination, plants are often affected by the "black leg". While the sprouts are small and not strong, the stems literally buckle in places near the surface of the earth and fall. The most susceptible to this fungal disease are small seedlings, which are more common in small seeds.

Infection often occurs due to non-sterile soil, in dense crops and under favorable conditions conducive to the mass reproduction of pathogenic spores. You can reduce the risk of a "black leg" in seedlings using disinfected soil mixtures and spending preventive actions, in which the disease will not massively develop.

In dense crops, plants quickly stretch out, their stems become thin and weak, besides, they are practically not ventilated and can die en masse from the “black leg”. To save the seedlings from death, the crops will have to be thinned out by pulling or diving as quickly as possible.

Spores of the disease do not like coolness, influx fresh air, die when the soil surface dries out. Therefore, preventive measures from the “black leg” consist in keeping the seedlings cool at a temperature of +18 to +20 degrees, in moderate watering after the topsoil has dried, and in airing the room.

The picking of seedlings during the mass hanging of seeds in boxes is carried out when the plants form the first pair of true leaves, cotyledon leaves are not considered. Small seedlings are waiting for the second pair of leaves, as they are too small for transplanting.

It is convenient to use a fork when picking seedlings, taking out the plants from their box with a small clod of earth and transferring them to a glass.

Flowers can be grown from seedlings or sown from seeds directly into open ground. At seedling method going over early flowering cultures, but reckless - less laborious, therefore it is very popular among gardeners.

Perennials are planted immediately in the ground, many types of annuals that have a not too long period of time from planting to flowering, as well as plants that do not tolerate transplantation - poppies, nasturtium, escholzia, morning glory, mattiola, lupine, cornflowers, kosmeya, etc.

Timing spring planting Depend on the climatic zone, on average, seeds are sown from April to the end of May, when the threat of frost has passed.

In mid-April, seeds of alissum, escholcia, sweet pea, flax, calendula, matthiola, poppies, godetia, fragrant mignonette, ornamental grasses can be sown in open ground.

Already in late April - early May, delphiniums are planted, different types carnation, annual phlox, nasturtium, gypsophila, asters, various varieties marigolds, purslane.

At the end of May, crops are planted that germinate when high temperatures- morning glory, daisies, forget-me-nots, pansies.

Seeds of some flowers (asters, cornflowers, lavender, cochia, cosmea, lavater, delphinium, yarrow, etc.) can be planted in the fall, before the first frosts. This method allows you to go through natural hardening and stratification, as well as get earlier flowering.

Soil preparation

Before planting, the soil must be dug up and fertilized. Heavy soil (clay, loam) is dug up just before sowing crops, as it tends to compact very quickly. In such soils, it is good to add compost, peat or sawdust (in autumn) to improve their structure. In loose and light fertile soils seeds germinate well and amicably, due to this, earlier flowering of plants occurs.

Planting seeds in the ground

Flower seeds can be pre-soaked in a solution of special preparations - growth stimulants. Such processing will allow them not only to ascend faster, but also improve resistance to diseases, and also accelerate further development seedlings.

Too small seeds are sown dry. For a more even distribution over the surface, they are sometimes mixed with sand.

Wet soil is pre-leveled with a rake, then the seeds are sown in special grooves, or scattered and sprinkled with a layer of soil. Too large seeds are planted in separate holes (nests). The depth of planting depends on the type of plant, but according to general rules equal to twice the diameter of the seed. Then they are covered with a layer of soil and watered if necessary.

The seeds of some plants - purslane, petunia, etc. tend to germinate only in the light, so they are evenly scattered over the surface and not sprinkled, but only slightly pressed down to the ground.

Before the first shoots sprout, the soil must always be kept moist. To reduce moisture loss, you can cover the surface of the soil, before the first shoots appear, with a film.

Both in spring and autumn. In autumn, the soil for flower seeds is prepared: peat, humus, a little manure and sawdust are introduced. It is loosened and seeds of frost-resistant flowers (cornflower, sage, calendula, chrysanthemum) are planted in small holes. Immediately into the ground in spring, large seeds that are not afraid of temporary cold (chamomile, marigolds, curb asters, hibiscus). Seedlings are often planted with those flowers in which the seeds are small, and the sprouts are weak. Seedlings for flowers are planted from the end of January until May. In January, you can plant carnations and tuberous begonia; at the end of February - flowers that bloom at the beginning of summer (viola); at the end of March, seedlings are planted on most summer plants - annuals; and at the end of April you can plant marigolds, begonias, dahlias, chrysanthemums. The latter are planted so late because they germinate and bloom very quickly.

In order to plant flower seeds, get small pots. Before filling them with soil, rinse under running water. And having filled with earth (sand and peat), pour them with water. Seeds can be planted the next day. Make shallow grooves in the pot with soil, where you scatter large seeds. Then cover these seeds again with a layer of earth. Small seeds of some flowers can be mixed with sand, and then scattered on the surface of the soil. Close up pots with planted seeds plastic bag and put them in a warm and shady place.

Thanks to high humidity under the package and a certain temperature, the seeds will swell and “wake up”. After a while, the first shoots will appear. Cruciferous seeds will germinate faster (4 days), while phlox, snapdragon seeds and many others germinate in 10 to 20 days. You can take into account some of the nuances for the rapid germination of seeds. For example, if pots with petunia or purslane seeds are placed in the light, they will germinate faster, and vervain or phlox like complete darkness.

As soon as the first shoots sprout, open the pots slightly, let the plants “breathe”. After a couple of days, you can completely remove the polyethylene from the pots, and move the seedlings to the windowsill. Make sure they are out of direct sunlight or they will stretch out. Water the seedlings as the soil dries out so that the tender roots do not rot. As soon as the summer weather returns to normal and the soil warms up, take the flowers to the flower bed. Plant them however you like, but make sure the shorter plants don't get covered by the taller ones. Water the flowers sparingly, avoiding it on wet and rainy days.

For the flowering of most annual plants need 80-100 days after they germinate. Add to this time a few days (3-5) for taking root in outdoor conditions. If you calculate the time correctly and plant flowers on the street on time, then by the end of summer you will receive beautiful flower bed. Perennial flowers do not bloom in the first year after planting, so you should not rush with their seedlings. Seedlings for perennials can be planted immediately in open ground in May - July, and in the fall they can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Helpful advice

When buying flower seeds, read their packaging. They indicate all the information when to plant seeds and how long to wait for flowering.

Tip 2: What seeds to plant for seedlings in January 2018

New Year's celebrations are over and, although spring is still far away, gardeners and gardeners are in a hurry to start preparing for the next season. In January, some types of flowers are sown for seedlings, as well as vegetables for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses. Therefore, it is important not to miss the moment and plant the seeds of plants with a long growing season in time.

In January, it is worth hurrying up and sowing seeds for growing seedlings of some garden flowers. For example, petunia is best planted in the first month of the year, because seedlings will have to wait a long time. Also in January 2018, you can sow the seeds of lobelia, begonias, Shabo carnations, eustoma and garden primrose. You can also plant some bulbs (crocuses, hyacinths, daffodils, tulips) to achieve flowering on March 8th. Later in the spring, these bulbs can be planted in a flower bed.

In winter, namely in January, late-ripening varieties can be sown for seedlings. bell pepper, as well as white and cauliflower. Tomatoes for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses also need early planting so that seedlings are strong and healthy in May. Heat-loving eggplants should be planted before February, so you can get good seedlings before landing in the ground. Be sure to sow celery seeds for seedlings in January, otherwise it may simply not ripen in our climate.

Berries also need January sowing. It refers to remontant varieties strawberries and strawberries, the seeds of which need to be planted for growing on the windowsill. With this approach, seedlings can be planted in the soil in May, and the first crop can be harvested in July.

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