Garden bell (campanula): planting and care, species and reproduction. How to properly care for indoor campanula

Half of his species took their place on private land plots. The great popularity of Campanula, which blooms only a couple of months a year, is due to the fact that it is by no means picky and does not need special care.

Features of planting garden campanula on the site

The main feature is the preliminary soil preparation: it must be carefully dug up, removed and the remaining roots, and also brought in.

Depending on the length of the plant, planting is carried out at a distance of 25 to 50 cm between the bushes. After the correct planting of the campanula flowering period arrives exactly on time.

Important! During a flower transplant, you need to leave its roots in the ground: try not to shake the plant so as not to knock the soil off it. Pits for transplantation should be dug in advance.

The optimal time for planting in open ground

Planted in late May or early June. At this time, the soil has already warmed up well, so it will be easier for the seeds to germinate. autumn best time when you can transplant a campanula or land it in is October. Such a time allows the flower to take root and endure the upcoming cold well.

Choosing a place to grow

Despite the fact that the garden campanula is, in order to get a more lush and long flowering, you should adhere to some rules:

  • the place must be exposed to sunlight;
  • drafts have a bad effect on the condition of the plant;
  • the composition should be slightly alkaline or neutral;
  • important, as flowers suffer from moisture stagnation;
  • before planting, you need to dig up the ground, removing all weeds.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Most often, garden campanula is grown from seeds. Having decided to plant flowers in the fall, they are placed immediately in open ground (it is recommended to do this at the end of October). But in the spring (in March) it is better to sow them in. Regardless of the location, it must be well hydrated. For fast and good germination of seedlings, the seeds should be immersed in the ground by 3 cm.

Features of caring for campanula in the garden

Caring for does not require a lot of effort, but still there are some rules, the observance of which after planting the plant will enable it to grow and bloom quickly.

Did you know? In ancient times, bells were considered a powerful love spell. To attract a beloved girl, they plucked a flower at dawn and fastened it near the door of their house. They believed that the scent of the bluebell would attract love.

Watering rules

Many people who decide to fill their backyard with bluebells are interested in how to care for campanula in the garden. The first thing to know is that these flowers love water, but should be seasonal.

  • Active flower growth begins in March and ends in September. At this time, you can water the beauty every day, the soil in the pot should also be wet.
  • After flowering stops, watering is reduced to two times a week.
  • In the cold season, when the plant is resting, two waterings per month are enough.
As mentioned earlier, it is important that the water does not stagnate, as root rot can occur. This will lead to the death of the flower.

Weeding and loosening the soil

Removal of excess vegetation and tillage of the soil are extremely important for growing bluebells. necessary, because after that the roots will receive an additional amount of oxygen, which the plant really needs. Weeds should also be absent so as not to take moisture and other minerals from the soil in which the campanula grows.


Campanula garden during cultivation needs an additional amount of organic elements. It is recommended to carry out such in the spring and summer.
Several rules for fertilization:

  • it is better to exclude fresh, as this leads to rotting of the roots;
  • top dressing is done 1 time in 7 days;
  • it is recommended to fertilize in the spring;
  • before flowering, funds are added to the soil;
  • after the inflorescences have dried, they feed the soil or.

Important! Campanula reaches for the light, so the pot with the plant needs to be rotated occasionally, but you should be aware that a sharp 180-degree turn will only hurt flowering.

Trim off faded flowers

Campanula after planting and seasonal care needs cutting flowers that have already bloomed. Professionals recommend shortening all stems to a length of 10 cm at the end of autumn. In spring, the plant is carefully examined, dried stems are removed and re-cut to a length of 5 cm. After such manipulations, all dormant buds will wake up, new strong shoots will appear.

Rest period and pruning campanula

In order for the flower to winter well and delight in its beauty in the garden next year, you need to make some actions:

  • reduce the number of waterings as much as possible in order to avoid stagnation of water during cold weather;
  • lower the temperature of the content to +12 ° С;
  • hold shoots, leaving no more than two buds on each branch.
If you carry out all these actions with a flower in a pot, the campanula will be able to bloom again for the New Year holidays.

Did you know? The bells always face down, which helps them protect the pollen and nectar from moisture. In dry windy weather, the seeds are scattered on the ground. When the weather changes, the flower closes, creating protection. In addition, bluebells are the most popular when composing bouquets of meadow flowers.

Wintering perennial campanula

Campanula needs additional shelter in winter, despite its frost resistance. In after autumn pruning Plant roots should be covered with peat and fallen leaves.

How to deal with diseases and pests

Campanula when planted on can be exposed when growing conditions are changed.

Campanula or garden bell is a perennial crop that makes it possible to diversify the composition of the flower garden. This plant has many varieties suitable for outdoor cultivation. They have their own characteristics of planting and care.

Description: varieties and varieties of bell

Campanula is herbaceous perennials. It has the following characteristics:

  • stem - erect or creeping, 0.4-1 m long;
  • leaves - carved, heart-shaped, up to 7 cm in length, long cuttings;
  • inflorescences - pyramidal;
  • color - from pale to saturated lilac, pink, white, blue, etc .;
  • flower size - 2-4 cm in diameter;
  • flowering occurs from June to September.

Campanula is undemanding to care and grows in many places: forest thickets, dry steppes and wastelands, even in rocky areas. The plant has about 300 varieties. Photos and descriptions of popular species will help you choose the best one:

  1. Campanula lactiferous. The plant is approximately 90 cm high and has a branched stem. The flowers are small, up to 3 cm in diameter, milky white or purple. Grows well in good light.

    Campanula lactiflora

  2. Campanula Carpathian. A group of low-growing varieties with a stem no higher than 40 cm. It will grow into a bush in the form of a sphere 30 cm wide. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, blue, white or lilac shade. Used to decorate balcony compositions or rock gardens.

    Campanula Carpathian

  3. Campanula peach. The bush reaches 90 cm. The leaves are similar to peach. Flowers - about 3 cm in diameter, white or blue. Varieties are in the Red Book.

    Campanula peach-leaved

  4. Campanula nettle leaf. Tall view with a meter stem. Flowers are collected in groups of 2-3 pieces. Color - white or blue (including shades). Some varieties have terry inflorescences. May thrive in the shade.

    campanula nettle leaf

  5. Bellflower broadleaf. The stem is over a meter high. White or blue flowers in the form of large funnels are arranged in the form of an ear. Suitable for growing in the shade.

    broadleaf bellflower

Campanula garden: planting a plant

Most varieties of bluebell grow well only in intense light or partial shade. Campanula loves light, slightly alkaline or neutral loamy soil.

High soil moisture with poor drainage is undesirable for plants. Therefore, if groundwater in your area lies close to the surface, find some kind of hill for planting and growing a bell or make it artificially.

Advice. Helps reduce soil acidity wood ash. In combination with humus, add it to the sandy soil. Clay soil is best diluted with sand or peat.

The landing site should be dug up in the fall. Get rid of the roots of weeds that greatly depress the bluebell. Then add organic. Plant seedlings, as a rule, require growing. Therefore, in May, determine a temporary place for them in the open field.

At the end of summer, carefully transplant the seedlings to a permanent place. To do this, make holes about 10 cm deep. Pour the soil with a large portion of water and wait until it is absorbed. Leave at least 30 cm between the bushes when planting. Carefully sprinkle the seedling in the hole with soil and trample down the ground.

Campanula Care

At first, the plant needs shading in bright sunshine. The rest of the campanula care is to maintain the minimum conditions for normal growing:

It is very important to regularly loosen the soil around the plant.

  1. The soil should be constantly moist, especially in spring and summer. Gardeners recommend making small amounts of water, but do it 1-2 times a day. Cut back on watering in the fall. use water room temperature.
  2. Loosen the soil constantly. Access to oxygen to the roots is a key factor in successful flowering.
  3. Periodically carry out weeding.
  4. Plants that are too tall should be tied up.
  5. Pruning crops in October. Then cover the root zone with dry foliage or peat for protection. perennial roots from frost.
  6. Remove wilted blooms to maintain the abundance and vibrancy of blooms.

Fertilizer and top dressing of the bell

It is better to feed the culture 1 time in 2 weeks. Fertilizer application technology:

  • in spring, after the activation of vegetative processes, nitrogen-containing mixtures will help the leaves grow large;
  • during budding, add a mineral complex to the soil once;
  • at the beginning of flowering, add phosphate or potash fertilizers.

Attention! Fresh manure has a very bad effect on the bell. Because of it, the roots begin to rot.

Bluebell: plant propagation

Campanula propagation can be done by seedlings, dividing the bush or cuttings. Terry or semi-double varieties are obtained only by vegetative methods, if the task is to preserve the properties mother plant. The beginning of summer is the optimal time for propagation by cuttings. It will take them about 1 month to settle down in a new place. and minimal maintenance

  • cut off an annual flowering shoot from an adult healthy plant;
  • plant in loose soil;
  • shade the cutting.

Even a novice florist will cope with the propagation of campanula

Reproduction by division is planned for the end of spring or summer. The plant is removed, several parts are formed from it. Each should have aboveground and underground parts, as well as several growth buds. After that, the divisions are immediately planted in open ground.

Attention! For annual species of bluebell, only seed propagation is possible.

To properly collect the seeds, wait until the box is ripe to a dark brown color. Then proceed like this:

  • dry the seeds;
  • in October, plant them in open ground and sprinkle with a thin layer of soil;
  • water if the soil is dry.

At proper care in April-May you will see seedlings. They are planted in a permanent place in June or July. Seedlings can also be obtained at home:

  • find a wide container, because the root of the plant is quite large;
  • plant seeds after watering the earth in a pot;
  • don't deepen planting material, and evenly scatter over the surface;
  • build a mini greenhouse;
  • once a day, open it for 15 minutes, ventilate and spray the greens with a spray bottle;
  • For open ground seedlings will get stronger in about 20 days.

Diseases and pests of Campanula

Ailments affect the adult specimen of Campanula little. Factors that undermine the health of the plant are often improper care, lack of fertilizers. For example, excessive moisture and insufficient light increase the risk of developing fungal diseases: powdery mildew, rust, etc. If you have identified these infections from the photo, immediately spray the soil with foundationazole or products containing copper, potassium permanganate.

Of the pests, campanula was chosen by ants, aphids and slugs. In this case, use special insecticides.

Campanula in the flowerbed

The campanula flower looks quite interesting and original. Home care must be especially thorough and competent in order to achieve beautiful and long flowering. It is also called the "Bride and Groom", since the inflorescences of this plant can be blue and white. The unpretentiousness of the flower makes it quite popular, so many people prefer to grow the plant at home.

plant feature

From the very beginning of its appearance, this flower has become very popular with flower growers, as it has an excellent appearance, it is easy to care for it at home. Campanula ("Bride and Groom") appeared a very long time ago, they began to grow it not only at home, but also in flower beds. A little later, they began to plant it on balconies, as it has beautiful hanging shoots. Campanula looks good in drawers fixed on the balcony.

They may have different size and shape, as well as differ in their color. However, at home you can grow only the equal-leaved campanula.

The appearance of the flower

Campanula flower is distinguished by creeping shoots. Their length can reach about half a meter. The shoots are densely dotted with small flowers, the length of which does not even reach 4 cm. Their color is different, as pale pink, white and purple campanulas are found. In addition, there may be plants with purple and lilac color.

The most common are campanulas with white and blue flowers.

Most popular types

For luxury and lush flowering it is important to provide thorough care at home. Types of campanula can be very different, and when creating landscape design pay attention to the height of the plant itself. That is why all varieties are divided into high and short. Regardless of the type of plant, they delight with their luxurious and abundant flowering from early summer and autumn. Among the most common high grades can be distinguished:

  • lactiflora;
  • nettle;
  • peach-leaved;
  • broad-leaved;
  • crowded.

In addition, there are undersized varieties, among which are dotted, gargan, spoon-leaved, portenshlag. You can grow at home only an equal-leaved plant variety. This flower grows to a height of about 30 cm. It is often planted in hanging containers, as it has thin stems hanging down. Campanula care at home has its own subtleties and nuances that must be taken into account when growing.

Where to place the flower pot

In order for the plant to be beautiful, it is important to provide the required care at home. Campanula "Bride" is a light-loving flower, for which a lack of lighting threatens with a lack of inflorescences, so choose a place in an apartment where there is a lot of light.

Batteries are located under the windowsill, so in the season it is best to rearrange the flower on a nightstand or stand near the window.

You can recognize how comfortable the conditions for growing a plant are by its appearance. If the leaves are twisted, and some of them fall off, then they have received sunburn. If the leaves and stems are elongated, there is not enough light.

It is best to place the pot with the plant on special racks next to the windows that face the east side. Campanula looks very nice in a planter hanging on the wall, the main thing is that it should be located near the window.

Flowers turn towards the sun, but do not turn the pot abruptly, as this may adversely affect flowering. In summer, the flower is best placed on a balcony or street. It is best if the temperature is 20 ° C.

IN winter period you need to keep the flower in a cool room. It is desirable that the temperature is not more than 20 ° C. To get beautiful and healthy plant, it is important to know how to grow campanula. Care at home is organized so that it is optimal lighting, temperature and humidity level in the room.

Air humidity

Indoor campanula looks very beautiful and unique, home care for which is quite simple, since the plant is completely unpretentious. It is worth noting that the flower does not need special moisture. It adapts to any conditions, so there is no need to constantly water it, no need to worry about installing additional pallets.

However, in heating season and intense heat requires daily spraying.

Watering the plant

Despite the unpretentiousness of the flower, it is important to provide optimal care at home. Campanula, whose photo demonstrates all its beauty, grows well in an apartment and pleases with its abundant and long flowering. When the plant is in the growth stage and during flowering, and this happens in spring and summer period, then it needs frequent watering.

The soil must be abundantly moistened, but at the same time, water stagnation should not be allowed. The liquid should not fill the pan or remain on the surface of the soil in the pot. In autumn, the plant is watered much less frequently, it is enough to do this once a week. And in winter time reduce watering to 1 time per month.

If you forget to water the plant, it will not dry out. The flower can withstand without water for about 2 weeks, but it is advisable to water in a timely manner. For him, it is best to use settled warm water, but hard water is completely contraindicated, as it leads to the withering of the plant.


Despite the unpretentiousness of the flower, campanula home care requires the observance of certain rules. This applies to flower dressing. Fertilizer should be applied only during the period of growth, bud formation and flowering. From the onset of the resting phase, top dressing is best stopped.

Fertilization in growing season carried out at least 2-3 times a month. For these purposes, you can use organic or complex fertilizers.

flower reproduction

It is not only important to provide competent care at home. Campanula reproduction also plays an important role. There are several various ways carrying out the reproduction of this flower, namely:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings.

by the most the easy way the cutting method is considered, since after pruning the plant there is a lot of material for subsequent planting. It is worth remembering that when planting cuttings of a white and blue flower together, you need to delimit the pot into two parts. This must be done so that the bride does not evict the groom.

When breeding a flower with seeds, keep in mind that they are small and can germinate. long time. Planting work must be carried out in early spring. For planting, you need to take a pot with a wide neck. Literally a month later, the grown plants should be dived into wooden boxes, and after another month, the flowers should be transplanted into pots, where they will grow constantly. The very next year, the plant reaches its decorative effect.

It is possible to carry out the breeding procedure by dividing the bush in spring or early summer. Considering that the rhizome of the flower eventually fills everything completely free space pot, you can divide it with a knife. To do this, you just need to cut the bush into a certain number of parts. In the process of carrying out the division, it is imperative to save the earthen room. To do this, it is recommended to pre-moisten the ground. The resulting parts of the plant should not be too small. No need to deepen the flower too much.

It is allowed to carry out reproduction by a piece of the stem. This procedure is performed in the spring or at the very beginning of summer. For more better rooting you need to take a part of the stem located near the very base, without leaves. Place the cut part horizontally in the prepared soil, sprinkle it on top. Place the container with the shoot in greenhouse conditions. Literally after a while it will begin to grow. It is very important to ensure reliable rooting of the cuttings. by the most the best way treatment with special growth stimulants is considered, which contributes to the faster formation of a powerful rhizome. For this use:

  • aqueous solutions;
  • alcohol solutions;
  • a mixture of stimulants with charcoal or talc.

Processing should be carried out in a semi-shaded room at a temperature of approximately 23 ° C. Then the cuttings are planted and placed in greenhouse conditions. Every day you need to ventilate the container, and after a month put it on the window. When the cuttings reach a height of 10 cm, they can be cut, which will give the flower additional splendor and provide abundant flowering.

Landing Rules

It is important not only to provide care for Campanula at home, but also to organize competent landing plants. The substrate for the flower is prepared in advance from sod and leaf soil, peat and sand. The result should be a breathable, loose, slightly alkaline mixture. You can purchase a ready-made substrate.

A flower pot, even if you plant a small cutting, you need to take a roomy and wide one, since the rhizome grows very quickly. Immediately after planting, do not water the flower too much. It is enough to carry out only spraying in the first days.

plant pruning

At the end of autumn or the beginning of winter, shorten the stems of the plant a little, by about 10-12 cm. After that, the flower may bloom if left for the winter. sunny side. In early spring, the campanula should be carefully inspected, all dried stems and leaves should be removed. After re-pruning the shoots, leaving a length of about 5 cm.

This must be done because there are many buds at the base of the plant, which, with the onset of spring, can give new, strong shoots.

When growing Campanula mix, care at home is provided in accordance with all requirements, especially during the flowering period. The plant begins to bloom in spring and continues almost until the end of autumn. The flowers are collected in beautiful inflorescences, reaching no more than 4 cm in diameter. At the end of the flowering period, fruit-boxes are formed on the campanula. To guarantee good flowering for subsequent years, you must:

  • timely remove dry inflorescences;
  • cut branches;
  • grow a flower in a tight flowerpot.

It is important to ensure correct location plants to get abundant and long flowering.

rest period

Around October, the plant stops growing, which is why it is important to provide competent care for campanula at home in winter. During this period, you must:

  • minimize watering;
  • reduce the temperature to 12-15 ° C;
  • prune shoots.

If during the dormant period the plant is kept at the maximum comfortable conditions, and pruning was performed in early autumn, the flower may bloom again in the middle of winter. In the spring, watering should be gradually increased, and it is also important to remove dry shoots and put the pot in a warm place.

Diseases and pests

If the care of the campanula at home is incorrect, then various kinds of diseases can occur. Often, diseases occur due to violations of the irrigation regime. If the flower is excessively moistened, then the result may be formed gray rot. It affects the campanula stem and rhizome. If the earth is very wet, the flower becomes sluggish and emanates from it bad smell urgently need to take action to save him.

Remove all infected parts of the plant, it is advisable to transplant it into a new pot. At the same time, watering is significantly reduced. In addition, campanula can hit spider mite or shield. In this case, only insecticidal agents are used.

Features of caring for a terry flower variety

This plant is very popular. To make it look simply luxurious, terry care for the Campanula flower at home must be provided with high-quality, despite the fact that it is completely unpretentious. Even the smallest grower mistakes can lead to the death of a flower.

Since in nature the campanula grows on rocky soil, loose soil is required for its cultivation. Any universal substrate suitable for flowering plants is ideal.

To get lush and luxurious inflorescences, you need to follow certain rules for caring for campanula at home, which include:

Terry plant varieties take root well on a balcony or veranda in warm weather. The light should be diffused, as the flower does not survive under direct sunbeams and in the shade. He prefers coolness, so the most the best place be a bedroom or living room.

In the summer, you need to carry out daily watering. warm water, and in winter only spraying is enough. During the planting period, it is best not to carry out any top dressing, and when the plant takes root a little, you can make organic or mineral fertilizers.

Use in the interior

It looks quite interesting in one pot blue and white campanula. Caring for a flower at home is not at all difficult, but a comprehensive, competent approach to this issue is required. This plant is widely used for interior decoration. But it not only attracts the eye with its luxurious flowering but also performs many other functions.

Against a quiet and calm background, the flower looks like a bright spot, creating a unique accent. Care must necessarily include the correct location of the campanula, as this can help the plant fulfill its role decorative element and act as decoration for empty corners of the room. The flower looks just great romantic interiors.

Possible growing errors

Campanula is grown at home for its beautiful flowers, so the biggest disappointment will be their absence or not enough abundant flowering. Among the main reasons for this are:

In addition, with improper care, the campanula withers and dries out. Among the main reasons for this:

  • too dry air;
  • insufficient level of lighting;
  • improper watering;
  • the presence of drafts;
  • damage by infections or insects.

This delicate flower requires careful attitude to itself, which is why it is important to create optimal conditions for it to grow and develop. Growing indoor flowers, maintaining their health is a difficult task. Not all apartments and houses take root even the most unpretentious plants. What to do in this case? Before you buy a flower, study the information about caring for it, its features, preferences (watering, soil, flowering, etc.). Do not forget to transplant the Campanula ("Bride") in time. Home care is the most important step if you want to enjoy the sight of a flower for a long time.

The well-known flower "Bride and Groom" is very popular in home floriculture. The plant received such a romantic name due to its delicate flowers, which can be white, blue, lilac. The second name of the plant is campanula. It is very similar to a bell and is widespread in many parts of southern Europe. To date, a large number of species have been cultivated and are widely used in home floriculture. There is a sign that if you give the newlyweds a campanula with white and blue flowers then there will always be happiness and love in their house.

Flowers "Bride and Groom": description, photo

At home, only the equal-leaved campanula is grown, which belongs to herbaceous plants. Her hallmarks are:

  • thin creeping or hanging shoots 20-25 cm long;
  • light green rounded heart-shaped, alternate leaves on long petioles 3 to 7 cm long;
  • corymbose panicles-inflorescences, formed at the ends of the shoots and consisting of flowers with a diameter of 2-4 cm;
  • flowers are white, lilac, lilac, blue or pale pink.

The most widely used campanula "Alba" with white flowers, and the plant "Maya", blooming with flowers blue tint. It was they who received the name "Bride and Groom".

Campanula: home care

The delicate flower is quite unpretentious, and does not require complex personal care at home.

After the flower has appeared in your house, it needs to be given a few days to adapt and transplanted into another pot with a fresh earthen mixture. The capacity for planting campanula should be wide, as its roots grow rapidly. So that they breathe well the soil used is loose. It is best to prepare the mixture from the following components, which must be taken in equal proportions:

  • humus earth;
  • peat land;
  • leaf land;
  • coarse sand.

At the bottom of the pot, be sure to pour a layer of drainage.

Lighting and air temperature

loves diffused lighting, so you can place them on almost any side of the apartment. However, on the northern windows, they may not have enough light, and the flower shoots will stretch, which will lead to a loss of decorative effect. Campanula will grow and bloom especially well in hanging planters near the western and eastern windows. On the southern windowsills, it will need to be shaded from direct sunlight.

At home, in summer, the flowers "Bride and Groom" are kept at a temperature of + 20- + 22C. In winter, they need to provide more low temperature from +12 to +14C to prepare for future flowering. Campanula does not like heat, but to open air treats very well. In summer, the plant can be taken out to the balcony or garden, where it grows beautifully and quickly.

Watering, fertilizing, pruning

When caring for campanula at home, it is required regular, plentiful watering, especially in the hot season and when the flower is kept in rooms with radiators turned on. However, it must be ensured that the water does not stagnate.

Before a dormant period in a cool room, watering is gradually reduced. In the winter months, the plant is watered very rarely and only so that the earthen ball does not dry out.

To make the flower feel comfortable, in rooms with not very humid air, it is recommended to spray its leaves daily with water at room temperature. Spraying is especially necessary for plants located in winter near the included batteries.

During the period of active growth, the campanula is fed every ten days. liquid fertilizers. For this you can use solution of the drug "Kemira-Lux»or other complex fertilizer for flowering plants.

So that the flower does not lose its decorative effect, its dried flowers and leaves are regularly removed, and the elongated shoots are cut off.

Preparing campanella for a dormant period

autumn growth indoor flower The "bride and groom" stops, and the plant requires preparation for a state of rest. For this you need:

  1. Trim the elongated shoots so that the remaining branches remain 10 cm long.
  2. Provide the plant with a cool but well-lit area.
  3. Water in cool home conditions 1-2 times a month.

In spring, the pot is transferred to a warm place, dried shoots from the flower are removed, and gradually increase watering. It is during this period that the overgrown plant can be transplanted into a new, wider pot.

Campanula: breeding methods

Indoor flower "Bride and Groom" at home reproduces in several ways:

  1. The division of the bush.
  2. cuttings.
  3. Young escapes.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

When transplanting an overgrown plant, it can be divided into several divisions. To do this, the bush is carefully taken out of the pot along with an earthen clod and divided into parts with a knife. Places of cuts are processed crushed charcoal, and delenki landed in new landing tanks. It is not recommended to deeply bury them in the earthen mixture. Planted new bushes are watered with water at room temperature, and for the first time they are placed in a shady place.


Cuttings can be obtained after pruning. For rooting, only segments from the bottom of the shoots are used. Rooting occurs in containers filled with peat-sand mixture.

Caring for the cuttings consists in spraying an earthen sweep around them, and maintaining the temperature in the room within + 20- + 25C. When the segments take root and grow to a height of 10 cm, pinching is necessary. This will provoke the growth of side shoots.

If the cuttings were planted in spring or summer, then by autumn they will grow a little, and in autumn and winter they will rest. In spring, propagated from cuttings, Campanula, with proper care, can bloom.

Reproduction by young shoots

In the spring, young shoots appear on the plant, which can be separated, rooted and plant as a separate bush campanula. For this you need:

Diseases and pests of Campanula

At home, the flowers "Bride and Groom" most often affected by pests or diseases due to improper care.

Excessive moistening of the campanula can lead to damage to the bush with gray rot. In this case, the flower becomes lethargic, the root and stem begin to rot, the moist soil all the time has an unpleasant odor. If the decay process has not yet gone too far, then the flower can be saved. All rotten parts are removed from the plant, the old earth is thrown away, and the flower is planted in new soil. Watering is reduced.

When growing campanula in a too dry room and non-compliance with the irrigation regime, aphids, spider mites or scale insects may appear on the plant. If the leaves of the campanula begin to turn yellow and fall off, then they need to be carefully examined. When pests are found, the plant treated with insecticides.

A tender campanula plant, with proper care at home, will decorate a room with its beautiful flowers, turning it into a garden. With the help of blue and white flowers "Bride and Groom" you can decorate balconies and flower beds in the summer cottage for the summer.

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Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.