What to do with red currant: recipes. Frozen blackcurrant. What to cook? What to do with currant berries

Cucumbers are the favorite crop of most gardeners, so they grow on our vegetable beds everywhere. But quite often, inexperienced summer residents have many questions about their cultivation and, first of all, in open ground. The fact is that cucumbers are very heat-loving plants, and the agricultural technology of this crop in the zones temperate climate has its own characteristics. Everything you need to know about growing cucumbers in the open field, we will tell in this article.

Despite the popularity of the popular nickname “bottle palm”, it is very difficult to confuse the authentic bottle palm giophorba with its relatives. A real indoor giant and enough rare plant, gioforba - it is one of the most elite palms. She became famous not only for her special bottle-like barrel, but also for her very difficult character. Caring for giophorba is no more difficult than for ordinary ones. indoor palm trees. But the conditions will have to be chosen.

Warm salad with funchose, beef and mushrooms - delicious dish for the lazy. Funchoza - rice or glass noodles - is one of the easiest to prepare among its pasta relatives. It is enough to pour glass noodles with boiling water and leave for a few minutes, then drain the water. Funchoza does not stick together, it does not need to be watered with oil. I advise you to cut long noodles into smaller fragments with scissors, so as not to inadvertently catch the entire portion of noodles in one sitting.

Surely, many of you have met this plant, at least as a component of some cosmetic or food products. It is disguised as different names: “jujube”, “unabi”, “jujuba”, “Chinese date”, but all this is one and the same plant. This is the name of a culture that has long been grown in China, moreover, it was grown as a medicinal one. From China, it was brought to the countries of the Mediterranean, and from there, jujube began to slowly spread throughout the world.

May chores in ornamental garden are always connected with the need to use every free minute as productively as possible. This month, seedlings of flowers are planted and begin seasonal decoration. But neither shrubs, nor lianas, nor trees should be forgotten. Due to imbalance lunar calendar this month from ornamental plants it is better to work in the beginning and middle of May. But the weather does not always allow you to follow the recommendations.

Why do people move out of town and buy cottages? For a variety of reasons, of course, including practical and material ones. But the main idea is still - to be closer to nature. long awaited holiday season has already begun, we are waiting for a lot of work in the garden and garden. With this material we want to remind you and ourselves - in order for work to be a joy, you must not forget to rest. And what can be better rest on fresh air? Only rest in the equipped corner of your own garden.

May brings not only long-awaited warmth, but also no less long-awaited opportunities to plant even thermophilic plants to the beds. This month, seedlings begin to be transferred to the soil, and crops reach their peak. For planting and new crops, it is important not to forget about other important chores. Indeed, not only beds, but also plants in greenhouses and seedlings, which this month are beginning to be actively hardened, need enhanced care. It is important to form plants in time.

Pie for Easter - home recipe a simple sponge cake stuffed with nuts, candied fruits, figs, raisins and other goodies. The white icing that decorates the cake is made from white chocolate and butter, it won't crack and tastes like chocolate cream! If you don’t have the time or skills to mess around with yeast dough, then you can make these simple holiday pastries for the Easter table. Such a simple recipe, I think, will be mastered by any novice home pastry chef.

Thyme or thyme? And maybe thyme or bogorodskaya grass? How right? And it’s right in every way, because under these names the same plant “passes”, more precisely, one genus of plants from the Lamiaceae family. There are many other folk names associated with amazing property This semi-shrub emit a large amount of aromatic substances. Growing thyme and its use in garden design and cooking will be discussed in this article.

Favorite Saintpaulias have not only a special appearance, but also a very specific character. Growing this plant bears little resemblance to the classic care of indoor crops. And even relatives of the Uzambara violets from among the Gesnerievs require a slightly different approach. Watering is often called the "weirdest" care item for violets, which prefer non-standard watering to the classic method. But you will have to change the approach in fertilizing with fertilizers.

Savoy Cabbage Gratin - A Vegetarian Recipe for Delicious and healthy dish without meat, which can be cooked in fasting, as no animal products are used in its preparation. savoy cabbage- a close relative of the white cabbage, however, it surpasses the "relative" in taste, so dishes with this vegetable always turn out to be successful. If for some reason you do not like soy milk, then replace it with plain water.

At present, thanks to breeders, more than 2,000 varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries have been created. The very one that we habitually call "strawberries". garden strawberry arose as a result of the hybridization of Chilean and virgin strawberries. Every year, breeders never tire of surprising us with new varieties of this berry. Breeding is aimed at obtaining not only fruitful varieties resistant to diseases and pests, but also those with high taste and transportability.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow marigolds are irreplaceable. These letniki have long moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, adorning beds and potted gardens. Marigolds with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas today are able to pleasantly surprise with their variety. Firstly, among the marigolds there are both tall and miniature plants.

The system of protection of fruit and berry plantations is based on the use of pesticides. However, if pesticides can be used for almost the entire period of protection of seed orchards growing season taking into account the waiting period for each drug, then in protection berry crops they can only be used before the phase of the beginning of flowering and after harvest. In this regard, the question arises which drugs should be used during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.

About useful properties black currant I've heard almost everyone. Jam, jam or tea from these berries must be present in the diet during the period of mass epidemics of SARS and influenza. After all, currants contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is necessary to increase the body's defense against infections. However, in addition to cooking, there is another way to harvest currants for the winter, which preserves the maximum amount of vitamins. We are talking about a fresh berry, grated with granulated sugar.

About the benefits of treats

100 grams (about three-quarters of a cup) of currant berries contain double daily rate vitamin C, almost half the norm of cobalt and molybdenum. Berries are also rich in dietary fiber, potassium, copper, manganese, iron, magnesium and calcium.

In addition to the valuable vitamin and mineral composition, they are famous for other useful properties:

  • antioxidant;
  • restorative;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • diuretic.

Many housewives prefer to cook jam for the winter. However, during heat treatment, most of the vitamins disappear. The cooking technology that allows you to keep them in the maximum concentration is called "cold jam" - while the berries are not boiled, but rubbed with sugar. The process is quite simple, takes a little time and a minimum of effort; even an inexperienced cook can handle it. At the same time, the delicacy turns out to be no less tasty and fragrant than jam or jam.
We invite you to verify this by using one of the recipes described below.

Did you know? In England, in the late 1930s, a blackcurrant drink called Ribena appeared. During the Second World War, it was actively supplied to children's educational institutions and hospitals in order to compensate for vitamin C deficiency. Today, the drink is popular among European drivers who have paid attention to its other useful property- increase in tone.

Preparation of currant berries

First of all, it is necessary to prepare raw materials and containers in which it will be stored.

To begin with, the fruits must be carefully examined and spoiled, damaged, stained, rotten, with musty smell. The process should be given maximum attention, since even one rotten berry can cause damage to the entire dessert.

The next step is the removal of the stalks and twigs.

Then the currants need to be washed under running water preferably twice. This is best done by separating small portions and placing them in a colander. After that, the fruits must be thoroughly dried, spreading out in one layer on a baking sheet, tray or large dish.

Important! It is necessary to start preparing dessert only after the berries are completely dry. Otherwise, the product may ferment.

Jars preparation

Banks must be thoroughly washed with soda and dried. Inspect for chips and cracks, remove damaged containers. Then sterilize the rest.

The fastest and convenient way sterilization is the placement of glass containers in microwave. They are put there for two or three minutes in full power mode. This should be done by pouring a small amount of water into them. It is not necessary to close them during sterilization.

Then the jars must be dried. Covers should be scalded with boiling water and dried.

Video: sterilization of jars in the microwave

Recipe #1

This recipe is very simple - you only need two ingredients, a minimum set of inventory and just one day of time. It is better to start cooking in the evening, as the dessert will need to infuse for 10-12 hours. It is better to leave it to infuse at night, in cooler conditions. Thus, it will be possible to prepare jam that will definitely not ferment or become moldy.

From one kilo of berries you get about three half-liter jars of jam.

Kitchen tools

Make sure you have the necessary utensils and utensils on hand. We will need:

  • a deep bowl for berries and chopped puree (capacity depends on the number of fruits);
  • blender or meat grinder;
  • spoon.


To prepare currant jam without heat treatment, you will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.

Cooking method

Step-by-step cooking technology consists of 10 stages:

Video: cooking grated currants with a blender

Important! Currants should not be consumed regularly and in large quantities people with a history of thrombophlebitis, hyperacidity stomach, an ulcer in the acute stage, hepatitis, heart attack, stroke. Carefullyher should be eaten by pregnant women and children.

Recipe #2

This recipe uses more sugar. A meat grinder is used to grind berries. In the absence of it, the fruits can be rubbed wooden spoon or rolling pin in any non-metallic container or through a sieve. Some housewives claim that upon contact with metal, currants lose some of their valuable substances.

From one kilo of currants, ground, according to this recipe, four half-liter jars of dessert should be obtained.

Kitchen tools

To make jam without cooking according to this recipe, you should have:

  • meat grinder or blender;
  • deep container;
  • wooden spoon.


Dessert is prepared from:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

Cooking method

The cooking technology is as follows:

Video: cooking grated currants with a meat grinder

Where to store the workpiece

The product can be stored until next spring. However, an important condition for long-term and successful storage is compliance necessary conditions. Immediately after placing the dessert in jars, it should be sent to the shelf in the refrigerator, cellar or other cool place with air temperature from 3°С to 8°С. Otherwise, the product will deteriorate and become unusable. The lower the temperature, the longer this dessert can be stored.


Not only very tasty, but also one of the most useful and easy-to-prepare supplies for the winter is currants mashed with sugar. After all, this cold jam, unlike the traditional one, does not need to be boiled for a long time, that is, subjected to heat treatment, during which most of the vitamins are destroyed. Well, and who still prefers a boiled dessert, so that it turns out to be more useful, we recommend preparing five-minute jam, which is cooked for a minimum of time, due to which it has maximum benefit.

How to sort berries, do they need to be dried?

As we have already noted, the main advantage of cooking red and black currants mashed with sugar and five-minute jam is the absence of a long heat treatment. However, this is also a serious drawback of these methods of harvesting berries, especially for long-term storage. Berry grated with sugar remains fresh. If the nuances of preparation and storage are not observed, the workpiece will quickly deteriorate. Therefore, follow all the rules and recommendations below.

Currant berries need to be sorted out and dried

Let's start with the berries. This must be approached very responsibly. It is in no way allowed that at least one rotten or crushed berry, as well as any garbage, gets into the jam being prepared. After all, if a "carrier" of microbes or bacteria gets into the blanks, they may soon deteriorate. Then briefly soak the selected berry. And then first I wash it and only after that we cut off all the tails (stalks) from it. We also remove branches from red currants.

Next, the currant should be dried. Designed for grinding with sugar is especially good. Ideally, it should be completely dry. Moisture in cold-cooked food is completely useless. It will contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for the life and development of microbes in the workpiece. And this will affect the duration of storage.

Then the berry must be crushed, grind. For five-minute jam, it is usually left whole. The best, but also the most time-consuming way to grind currants is using a wooden spoon and a sieve. The resulting mass will be tender, since the skins and seeds of the berries will not fall into it. We throw the currants into a sieve and rub it over an enameled dish with a wooden spoon. More simple and quick ways to grind the berries is to use a meat grinder or blender.

The easiest way to grind currants is with a blender

Next, we prepare jam (cold or five minutes) in an enamel bowl according to the selected recipe. Moreover, we make both black and red currants mashed with sugar according to the same recipes. Five-minute jam from these berries too. If necessary, you only need to take into account that red currants are sourer than black ones, and accordingly adjust the amount of sugar offered in the recipe, up or down. In the general case, further preparation of cold jam consists in adding sugar to the grated berry, which is then thoroughly mixed with it.

Sugar in this type of preparation is not only a sweetener, but also a preservative. Therefore, do not forget that not only taste, but also the duration of storage of jam depends on its quantity.

The recipes below are approximate dates and recommendations for storage (depending on the amount of sugar used). Then we lay out the finished jam (cold or five minutes) in jars (preferably with a capacity of 0.5–1 l), which must be thoroughly washed, sterilized, and then dried beforehand. Lids for closing must also be prepared in the same way. How to clog a berry grated with sugar and what to do with it further is described in the proposed recipes.

Pour the dessert for five minutes and immediately roll it up still hot, just removed from the stove. And then, turning it upside down, we install it on a dense and preferably warm thing spread out in any room on the floor, and wrap the same one on top. Then we transfer the five-minute cooled down to room temperature to a place intended for long-term storage: a cellar, a basement or a refrigerator, if there is room in it. In the recipes proposed below, cold jam and five minutes are prepared only from currants. But you can add other berries. It will also need to be carefully prepared (sorted and washed), and if rubbed, then along with currants. The amount of sugar in the recipe is left the same, and the berries - then it will be common.

Video: Red and black currant jam

The ratio of berries to sugar can be any. It is selected based on how sour the canned currant turned out to be, and according to one's own preferences for the degree of sweetness of the jam. Below are 3 main, one might say basic, options for preparing a cold currant dessert, which practically cover the entire spectrum of sweet tastes. If necessary, they can always be corrected.

The ratio of berries to sugar can be any

A classic recipe. You will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2–1.5 kg.

We grind the prepared currant berries, and then fall asleep with sugar. Then we mix everything thoroughly, after which we cover the currant-sugar mass with something and put it in the refrigerator for one day. During the time the jam is in the refrigerator, it will need to be thoroughly mixed 2-3 times. Why is it necessary? During the day, the sugar will completely dissolve and will be mixed with the secreted juice, and will also soak the grated berries. And this will later avoid fermentation during storage.

Then we lay out the berries grated with sugar in prepared jars, and if we want this jam to stand longer, be sure to cork it with metal rolling lids, and store it only in a place intended for long-term storage, including a refrigerator. In this case, the shelf life of a healthy dessert reaches 6 months or more.

Recipe with a ratio of currants to sugar 1:2. Useful jam it turns out sweet, for some to cloying, but it is stored much longer. This recipe is great for harvesting fresh currants with sugar for the winter. You will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Grind the prepared currants, sprinkle the grated berries with sugar. Then we mix everything thoroughly, after which the currant-sugar mass is immediately laid out in jars. It is enough to cork them with tightly closed plastic or metal screw caps, because there is a lot of sugar in this cold jam. A healthy dessert prepared according to this recipe will not ferment, and it can simply be stored in a cool, dark place. But if we want it to stand for a year or longer, then it is better to close it with rolling lids and send it to be stored in a refrigerator, cellar, basement.

Recipe for an invigorating sour and most healthy cold currant jam with a minimum amount of sugar. You will need:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.2–0.5 kg.

Grind the prepared berries, and then add almost all the sugar (leave a little). Then we mix everything thoroughly, after which we spread the currant-sugar mass along plastic containers. Sprinkle the jam on top with the remaining sugar, close the lids that come with the containers, and set to be stored in freezer. There grated currant will be stored for a very long time, but it is better to eat it within a year.

Jam "Pyatiminutka" currant

Under the name of five minutes, it will take not much more time than preparing the previous options from grated berries. But you get a blank that at the same time differs little from cold jam in terms of the amount of vitamins it contains, and from traditional (long-cooked) - to taste. For the most simple recipe you will need: berries - 1 kg; sugar - 1.5 kg; water - 2/3 cup.

Cooking five-minute jam will take quite a bit of time

Heat water with sugar, stirring, until boiling. Then we throw berries into the resulting syrup. We heat everything until it boils and then cook for exactly 5 minutes. Stir the jam occasionally throughout the cooking time. All is ready! We wish you good luck in the culinary arts!

" Currant

Pruning currants - an agricultural technique that is necessary for the proper development of the fruit bush.

Understanding the goals, rules and subtleties of currant pruning, even novice gardeners will regularly receive good harvests.

Starting to cut should be aware of the purpose of this procedure. The cutting technique will vary depending on the tasks.

Currant pruning is carried out in order to:

  • form correct form bush;
  • clean the shrub from damaged and diseased branches;
  • to create the best conditions for feeding each branch;
  • rejuvenate old bush.

The main formation of the bush falls on the first years of the life of the currant. From trim to young age will depend on its proper development and growth.

Sanitary pruning- removal of branches damaged by infections and pests will improve currants and increase productivity.

Rejuvenation pruning procedure allows you to save mature plant to increase its productivity.

Mistakes made with any type of pruning can lead to disease different nature, one-sided development of the bush and poor fruiting.


During a year allocate several periods for pruning currants. The procedure can be performed in spring, summer, autumn and even winter.

The choice of trimming time should be based not on the convenience of the gardener, but on the period of vegetative development of the plant.

Should I prune in the spring?

In early spring, fruit bushes are dormant. The vegetation has not yet begun, there is no active sap flow in the tissues. This best time for pruning a bush in the spring.

Timing is also affected weather. Spring pruning of currants should be started as soon as a stable positive temperature is established. It is important to pay attention to weather forecasts. If frost is expected, pruning should be postponed.

The gardener has little time to carry out the procedure in the spring. As soon as the buds begin to bloom en masse, the term spring pruning ended.

If you do not follow this rule:

  • slices will abundantly secrete juice, which will not allow wounds to heal quickly;
  • the risk of infection with fungal and bacterial infections increases;
  • the bush will hurt for a long time, instead of increasing the leaf mass and forming fruit inflorescences.

IN spring period any type of pruning can be done. Opportunities are limited by different climatic zones.

Sanitary pruning should be carried out in any type of climate. All broken and cracked branches are cut off. Partially removed shoots that are damaged by frost, sun, diseases.

Shaping and rejuvenating pruning are held during this period only in the northern regions. In all other cases, it is better to postpone these procedures for the fall.

Benefits of spring pruning:

  • the forces of the plant are directed to more promising branches, the amount of the crop increases, the size of the berries increases;
  • lighting is evenly distributed over the vegetative mass, the ripening of berries in the hands occurs almost simultaneously;
  • bush diseases are prevented;
  • stimulates the growth of shoots that will bear fruit next year.

Spring pruning allows you to increase the yield of the current season and lay the foundation for the next year.

How to cut berry bushes in spring:

Is it possible to prune branches in summer?

At the very beginning of summer, especially if the spring was long and cold, you can repeat sanitary pruning currant bushes. At this time, all damaged branches are clearly visible.

In the spring, with dormant buds, it is not always possible to determine which shoot survived the winter well and which did not.

In summer, you need to cut dried shoots, as well as pinch green gains. On the branches that were left without tops, side shoots will begin to develop.

Pinching allows you to increase the number of flower buds. Reception is used on blackcurrant, on red and white is rarely carried out.

Some gardeners carry out thinning and shaping of currants in the summer. This pruning is applied as soon as all the berries are harvested in August.

Cutting a bush after harvest:

  • removal of branches older than five years;
  • pruning deformed, underdeveloped shoots;
  • destruction of diseased and weak branches.

These actions do not have an unambiguous assessment. On the one hand, the illumination and ventilation of fruit branches improves.

There is a place for the free development of annual shoots. Young growth is timely protected from infections and pests.

On the other hand, the load on the bush increases. Pruning stimulates the formation of young shoots, at the same time, when the currant spends all its strength on the maturation of wood and preparation for winter.

The movement of juice during this period is still active, the wounds can remain wet for a long time. This is the gate for infections of a different nature.

Shoots that only begin to grow during this period will hardly have time to mature before the onset of cold weather. Their damage in winter is inevitable.

Clipping in the fall - what is it for?

Start pruning in autumn after the currant sheds the bulk of the leaves. The plant is preparing for winter, the movement of juices slows down. The selection of drops of juice on the cut indicates that it is too early to start autumn pruning.

Pruning should be completed two to three weeks before the cold weather. During this time, the wounds will have time to heal.

Advantages autumn pruning:

  • longer period of work;
  • preparing the plant for winter;
  • assistance to young shoots in nutrition and active development;
  • incentive for the formation of a large number of replacement shoots next spring;
  • bushes get rid of diseases and pests;
  • conditions are created for good fruiting next year.

On autumn period in the central regions carrying out shaping, rejuvenating pruning. At the same time, branches damaged by summer jobs with bushes.

Pruning blackcurrant bushes in autumn:

in winter

Some gardeners are winter work by pruning November to mid February. This is possible subject to year-round access to the site. Sections are carried out on frozen branches.

During this period, the shrub is not threatened by infection and pest damage. Important condition- The currant bush should be strong and healthy.

It is impossible to say unequivocally when it is better to cut currants, in spring or autumn. Unlike gooseberries, whose buds begin to bloom early and complicate spring pruning, currants enter the growing season later.

If it is impossible to get to the site while the snow is lying, all pruning work with gooseberries has to be carried out in the fall. Currant makes it possible to find time for pruning in each season.

Currant pruning should be carried out annually. It is convenient to do the main work in the fall. In the spring, it remains to carry out sanitary pruning, which will correct the consequences of wintering the bush.

Technology and scheme

Depending on the purpose and type of currant applied different technology currant trimmings.

Why prune before planting?

Before cutting currants before planting, it is necessary to study the technique of forming a seedling.

Black currant

The annual currant bush has 2-4 branches. When planting, each branch should be cut strongly: two or three buds are left on the shoot. It is advisable to cut the branches to the outer bud, then next year a wide bush will form.

At the age of two and three years, the fruit shrub forms from 5 to 7 branches. Of these, only 3–5 of the strongest and most promising are left. To promote branching, the tops of the remaining shoots are cut into a pair of buds.

By the fourth year of life the fruit bush will be fully formed. In the future, it will only need maintenance pruning to maintain its shape.

red and white

In the first year of life in white and red currants, three or four buds are left on each shoot. This allows you to increase the number of increments in the next season.

In the second year 3-4 strong branches are left, the rest are removed. Pay attention to the even distribution of branches relative to each other.

Subsequently, cutting is carried out in such a way that so that two or three branches of each age remain on the bush. Pruning the seedling before planting should be carried out in accordance with the age of the plant.

When to rejuvenate an old shrub

Rejuvenation procedures are necessary blackcurrant, starting from the fifth year of growth, and red and white - from the eighth. It is better to carry out work in the fall.

With regular renewal of the bush, it is able to bear fruit for more than 20 years and bring good yields. When rejuvenating pruning, old branches are cut out, the laying of flower buds is stimulated.

There are four ways currant trimmings: on a ring, on a kidney, with translation and pinching.

Trimming on a ring applies when complete removal branches. In the rejuvenation procedure, old, thick branches are cut out in this way. The shoot is cut off at the base. Large wounds from such a cut should be treated with antimicrobials and covered with garden pitch.

Pruning on the kidney allows not only to shorten the shoots, but also to control the development of branching. A method is used for partial pruning of branches. By pruning on a bud facing the center of the bush, you can stimulate its density.

A cut made on the outer kidney, on the contrary, will form shoots from the center. The second option improves the access of light to each kidney and provides ventilation for the currant.

Pinching stimulate the growth of new shoots, regulate the amount of the crop.

One of the main techniques of the anti-aging procedure for red and white species is currant pruning with transfer to strong branching. This is necessary on old, but still fruitful branches. The method is also used if part of the branch is damaged.

They find a strong lateral layer, with good fruiting potential. The entire branch after the fork is deleted. In this way, partial rejuvenation of the bush can be carried out.

If the bush is heavily neglected, anti-aging pruning should not be carried out at a time. The old bush may not survive the loss of a large percentage of the vegetative mass.

Large unproductive branches should be cut in stages with an interval of a year.

Pruning an old and neglected currant bush:

Unusual trimming methods

The simplest - for beginner gardeners

This method does not require the gardener to determine the age of the branches. Any branch that does not reach 15 cm at the end of the season must be removed.

If the bush is very thick, with this method, extra annual branches are removed.

Michurinskaya - for a good harvest

Some gardeners adhere to the principles of pruning "according to Michurin", especially when growing berries for sale. This method is used on large plantations of early-growing blackcurrant varieties.


  • all bushes grow and bear fruit without pruning for the first five years;
  • half of the bushes in planting at the age of 5 - 6 years are cut at the root and well fed;
  • a year later, about 20 of the grown shoots are left, the rest are removed;
  • a year later, the process is repeated with the remaining 50% of the bushes;
  • after mowing, the bushes are completely uprooted after two to three years, young plants take their place.

This is an intensive cultivation technology that allows get a third more yield.

The principle of pruning currants "according to Michurin" is used in large areas for early-growing varieties

Standard forms: how to shape currants in fashion?

Enthusiasm garden design also affected fruit trees. Currant is no exception: its standard forms come into fashion.

Not all currant varieties are suitable for creating a bole. The main criterion in the selection of varieties is the minimum formation of shoots from the bottom of the bush.

Stem formation technology step by step:

  • immediately after planting, a bole is formed, side branches are cut at a height of 20-40 cm from the ground;
  • two or three apical buds are left on the central shoot;
  • during the development of the crown, small tree form with summer pinches;
  • in the first year, the shoots are pinched, leaving two or three lower buds;
  • in the second year, you need to cut that part of each branch that is longer than 10 cm;
  • in the future, the branches are cut annually at a distance of 20 cm from the stem;
  • the stem is cleaned regularly.

The life span of currants in this form is 12-15 years. The plant looks very impressive, especially if red currants are shaped. It forms longer brushes of berries.

How to do autumn pruning

For pruning to be successful, the correct sequence of work is necessary.

In the autumn pruning scheme, two blocks can be distinguished. The first and third are carried out for all types of currants, the second - varies depending on the type of shrub.

Stage one: sanitary

Before cutting any currant, you need to clean the bush:

  • get rid of all broken and dry branches;
  • shoots are cut out, the wood of which has not had time to mature: if such shoots are not removed, in winter they will be damaged by frost;
  • cut off all deformed shoots;
  • remove branches that intertwine or grow towards the center of the bush;
  • destroy diseased branches: shoots affected by infection or pests should be burned;
  • if any branch has grown far from the center or lies on the ground, it must also be removed.

Stage two: anti-aging


When the cleaning is completed, they proceed to the removal of old blackcurrant branches. When cutting, remember that the largest harvest is brought by shoots at the age of two and three years, the bulk of the berries are formed on the central buds.

Based on this:

  • on blackcurrant, branches older than 5 years should be cut;
  • if the bush is well formed and has more than 8 two-year-old shoots, branches older than three years old can be cut;
  • in annual shoots, a third of the length is cut off.

Removal of old low-yielding branches contributes to better development fruitful. Partial pruning promotes branching and more flowering buds in the next season.

In areas with sudden changes in temperature, it is better to postpone partial pruning of branches to spring. If the tops are at risk of frostbite, it is more profitable to leave them untouched for the winter.

red and white

Red and white currants have a longer fruiting period. At the age of five to eight years, the yield of branches is high. Flower buds are massively formed on the tops of these types of currants.

Based on this:

  • all branches older than 8 years must be cut at ground level;
  • no more than 12 shoots are left on a properly formed bush;
  • tops are removed only if there is damage.

Stage three: support

At the end, if the bush is still thick, you can cut off excess branches. Trying to lighten the bush, you should remove extra branches from the center.

If there are enough fruitful branches, the shoots that have grown in the current year can be cut out.

How to care after

Pruning for currants is stressful for the plant. Especially for adult bushes, in which the regeneration process is weaker. After pruning, currants need to be fed.

Depending on the time of pruning, the bushes need different nutrients.

After spring pruning, fertilize the shrub complex. Mineral supplements should contain trace elements of phosphorus, potassium, in equal amounts.

The proportion of nitrogen in spring top dressing increased. Experienced gardeners prepare fertilizers themselves, using superphosphate, potassium chloride, ammophoska, urea.

In autumn, currants do not need a lot of nitrogen; for better maturation of wood, more phosphorus and potassium are required.

In addition to minerals, currant needs organic. Black currant reacts especially well to biofertilizers. When using manure, it is necessary that it be rotted.

Organics will serve productively fruit bushes, if it is not just put in the root zone, but embedded in the soil. Cover with earth. When decomposed, manure and humus release a lot of nitrogen, so they should be applied in the spring.

Properly selected fertilizer contributes to the rapid healing of pruning wounds.

Proper pruning- this is an understanding of the nature of the plant and assistance in its development. A thorough approach to pruning is the key to a healthy, high-quality and large harvest.

Probably, there is not a single area where there would be no currant: black, white, red or pink. And she, as a rule, succeeds well in any area. As for the differences between the species of the currant itself, they are small: red and white, as well as pink currants (this is a variety of red) are more sun-loving and like to grow in higher places, while black currant grows normally in lowlands, loves slopes very much, and in partial shade, its berries will be even larger.

To taste, white and pink currants are the sweetest, further goes black, well, red currant berries traditionally have the most sour taste. By the way, this acid is special and has bactericidal properties. Therefore, it is possible in redcurrant juice.

black currant

Proximity ground water, the composition of the soil is not critical for the currant, although, of course, it prefers loam and loose, fertilized soil best of all. Currant seedlings are planted in the same way as tree seedlings, and they do it in spring or early autumn. Contrary to popular belief, currant bushes can be successfully transplanted at least all year round, in some cases this improves their productivity, only when transplanting, cut the plant significantly. If the bush is very old, cut it completely, so you rejuvenate it.

Proper agricultural technology immediately affects the size, taste of berries and their number. Great importance for currants has soil mulching between the bushes, but make no mistake - do not start doing this in early spring let the earth warm up. - and you are guaranteed to be with the harvest. Currant loves frequent and plentiful watering, fertilizing with organic matter. It is impossible to dig up the earth under the bushes - only carefully loosen it.

white currant

This is pouring bushes hot water in early spring, before bud break, this is usually done in the snow. But during this period it is not easy to approach the bushes, and moreover, they can be partially covered with snow. Therefore, you will get the same result if you carry out this “promotion” at the end of November. For currant bushes, it would be nice to make wooden or metal fences so that branches with ripening berries do not lean towards the ground.

By by and large, the taste of currants depends on the variety, but these are always berries with varying degrees of acidity. There are a limited number of truly sweet blackcurrant varieties. But there is a way to help make the berries sweeter.

Red Ribes

This is top dressing with starch, currants are extremely responsive to starch. Moreover, ordinary powdered starch from the store will not work here - this form is practically indigestible for currants. You can successfully use potato peelings, but this is not the best option, since even thin cleanings can germinate, but not benefit the currants. Then you have to weed out potatoes from under the berry bushes.

That's why most the best option is a special "bread" fertilizer.

It is prepared in the most ordinary barrel for watering, the cooking process goes on by itself, without our participation - you just need to pour a certain amount of water into the barrel and put nettle greens, goutweed and pieces of stale bread into it for some period of time. Bread should prevail, the proportion is approximately the following: 70% of bread and 30% of green mass. You can also put those same potato peelings there. To speed up the process and there was no smell, tie the barrel with oilcloth, like a “lid”. In about three weeks, a wonderful fertilizer will be ready that you can use. If necessary, you can make another batch.

With this fertilizer, the berries will turn out to be larger than usual and much sweeter, even for red currants, not to mention black ones. Enough to fertilize them berry bushes 2-3 times. The first time - when the ovaries are already large, the second time - when the berries begin to ripen, and the third time - shortly before harvesting. By the way, " grain fertilizer» is suitable not only for currants, but also for fertilizing vegetables - it increases productivity. And also - for the autumn "refueling" of the soil - in this case, simply pour the contents of the barrels evenly over all the beds.

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