How to care for a lemon at home in a pot. Room lemon. Lemon tree home care, photo

Plant lovers grow citrus fruits even on the windowsill. What factors are paid attention to in order to see flowering and enjoy exotic fruits?

You can grow a beautiful tree that will delight with fragrant fruits at home. But this plant has a whimsical character, requires attention not only to watering, but also to the temperature regime of the room where it is located. Mandatory element care is top dressing, which is performed in accordance with certain rules. Air humidity, lighting, and timely transplantation are also important. If all elements of care are performed regularly and efficiently, then the plant will bear fruit and delight with ovaries.

A lemon that is grown on its own windowsill may differ slightly from those sold in the markets. This is due to the fact that indoor varieties are chosen for home breeding. Small lemons, which have a very thin skin, are especially valued. In addition, they are very bright and look beautiful on the window. More large fruits will have a dense and thick skin, and will look no less exotic.

The difficulty of caring for this fruit-bearing tree is that it is accustomed to the climate of the subtropics, where it comes from. This causes it to comfortable temperature air should not be more than 17-18 degrees. In an apartment in winter, due to heating, this figure is higher. The presence of batteries also affects humidity. It goes below 70%. And the compliance of the indicators characterizing the air with the standards is very necessary for the tree to grow.

No less important for the growth of lemons and the degree of illumination of the room. Right place for a tree in a room is chosen taking into account the fact that it does not like a straight line sunlight. The most ideal location will have a good degree of illumination throughout the day, but this light will be diffused.

Crockery for the tree also matters. To enter the phase of active growth and the formation of the ovaries of future fruits, it should be placed in a closer pot. If the root system is too spacious, then the flowering phase will be postponed indefinitely. Ideal for planting a plant will be dishes from natural materials. These are clay products or boxes made of wood.

Land for growth does not really matter. But it must correspond to the qualities of air and water permeability. The soil mix may contain peat and sand. Fertility will add humus. The soil should be loosened.

Moisture has a direct effect on growth. Therefore, abundant watering in spring and summer time when the ambient temperature rises. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced. Older trees require more moisture. It is desirable that watering is carried out with prepared water. Suitable pre-collected in a container and standing. You can also use defrosted water, although most perfect option- rain.

In order for the lemon tree to bear fruit, it is fed. Any of the organic or mineral species fertilizers. The frequency of this procedure should not be too intensive. The optimal period of time is after 20 days.

Lemon care at different times of the year

To grow a lemon, home care for a plant must take into account some differences depending on the time of year. In the spring season, it begins a phase of active growth, and then forms buds, which later become fragrant fruits. The temperature regime should be in the range of 14-18 degrees. An excessively warm room will lead to the dropping of buds and ovaries. And such an event can provoke the death of the entire tree.

Contributes well to the natural growth of lemongrass Fresh air. From the moment the air temperature outside the window stabilizes at 13-14 degrees, the plant can be placed on the balcony or terrace for the entire warm period. However, they monitor possible temperature differences due to possible still frost and its decrease by night time. To avoid the death of the plant, it is wrapped.

In summer, the danger for the lemon tree is open sunlight. Therefore, this situation is carefully controlled to avoid burns.

Winter time for lemon is characterized by the stage of final ripening of the fruit. Optimal conditions for this period include moderate temperature regime(16-18 degrees). Be sure to support optimal humidity(about 70%). Another important condition the good condition of the tree in winter is the exclusion of air flows that come from heating sources. A pot of lemon is removed away from heaters and radiators. It is also provided with a light source for at least 12 hours.

Lemon tree care is quite capricious. Too high temperatures are not suitable for him, as well as too low. Watering should be moderate, but very dry soil should be avoided. The plant does not like straight sun rays, but requires prolonged exposure during the day to diffused light. Without taking into account and fulfilling all these conditions, it is impossible to achieve the appearance of ovaries, which will subsequently delight with fragrant fruits. Timely watering and fertilizing, proper soil are also of great importance.

Lemon Growing Mistakes Video

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You bought a young lemon tree in the hope all year round harvest fragrant fruits for tea parties and strengthen immunity.

And it really will give a lot of fruit if you know how to care for a lemon: water it, feed it, replant it, etc. We will learn all the intricacies of caring for home-grown lemon trees, including crown formation and fruit picking.

Lemon care consists in regular watering, sufficient lighting, top dressing, observing the temperature regime and air humidity. It is equally important to know how to transplant a homemade lemon.

Having decided to grow a lemon tree at home, familiarize yourself with the intricacies of care:

Watering a lemon

How to water a lemon? In the cold season, from October until spring, we moderately water the tree once a week, using warm water. In the spring and summer months, as well as in September, we spill the soil well with warm water once a day. Periodically loosen upper layer earth.

The main thing in watering a lemon is to prevent stagnation of water in the soil, leading to rotting of the roots, and not to overdry the earthen ball: this is fraught with twisting of the leaf and falling leaves and lemons.

lighting for lemon

How to care for homemade lemon in terms of lighting? Lemons don't need long daylight hours if you want more fruit than leaves. The tree bears fruit well in bright diffused light: it is better to keep it on windows facing east. If the window is south, in the summer we must protect the plant from direct sunlight.

In order for the crown to grow evenly, 2 times a month we turn the lemon tree in the direction of the sun. And we don't allow low light: in partial shade and shade, the leaf grows slowly, and the fruits are too sour.

Temperature regime

Caring for a homemade lemon involves maintaining a certain air temperature.

  • While the lemon grows and gains green mass, or blooms, we keep it in a room where 17-20 degrees of heat is observed.
  • When the fruits appear and ripen, you need a temperature a couple of degrees higher.
  • In winter, during the dormant period, the temperature is not higher than 14 degrees, or 18 ° C, if the plant is not “sleeping” yet - in this case, we provide it with a 12-hour daylight hours with the help of fitolamps.

Do not keep the lemon in a hot room and do not allow sudden temperature changes.

IN summertime you can take the tree outside - the main thing is to have time to bring it home before evening (if cool weather is expected).

Humidity level for lemon

How to water a lemon, we figured out: we will find out what level of air humidity is suitable for growing it. He needs a fairly high humidity, especially during the hot season - in summer or during the heating season.

When it's hot, we spray the tree every day and give it a warm shower once a week.

To increase the humidity level, place a wide-mouth jar filled with water near the lemon pot so that it evaporates, or put the pot in a tray, placing moisture-evaporating material in it.

The third option: turn on a household air humidifier next to the plant.

Top dressing lemon

indoor lemon needs regular feeding: in summer - every week, in winter - every month (if there are fruits).

What to feed a lemon? Mineral and organic fertilizers, watering the plant 2 hours before the procedure so as not to burn the roots.

  • Fertilizer with minerals. For top dressing, you will need a ready-made product such as a “citrus mixture”, in which the proportions N: P: K are 14:16:18. Dilute it in water according to the attached instructions and water the soil.
  • organic fertilizer. We make an infusion by mixing 1 part water and 1 part mullein ( horse manure) and, after waiting 7 days, dilute it with water: infusion of mullein - 1 to 15, infusion of horse balls - 1 to 10.

Twice a year we water the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate - to enrich and disinfect the soil.

Lemon transplant

Young lemon plants in a pot, which we will learn today, need to be transplanted 1 and 2 years after planting.

In the spring we buy soil for citrus fruits or make it ourselves from humus (1 part), earth from under deciduous trees(4 parts), calcined sand (1 part) and wood ash(1 tablespoon).

We simply transfer the plant, gently shaking off part of the old earth, into another pot with soil. The diameter of the new pot should be 4 cm larger than the diameter of the previous one.

Subsequently, we transplant the plant every two years, when the growing season begins. When transplanting, do not forget to put drainage (expanded clay + charcoal or a layer of sand) with a layer of 2 cm. Thanks to transshipment, you do not have to think about how to root a lemon. The main thing is not to transplant while the lemon is blooming or bearing fruit.

crown formation

As the lemon grows, the crown should be cut off - in the spring, on a low trunk of about 18 cm, before the green mass begins to grow. We cut off the shoots, leaving 5 leaves, so that by the beginning of fruiting the tree has branched.

A tree with a well-formed crown blooms in the second or third year.

Lemon blossom on windowsill and harvest

While the lemon is blooming, you can not leave all the flowers on the plant:

  • At the first flowering, we cut off half of the flowers and leave no more than 4 fruits from the formed ovaries.
  • At the second flowering, only 6 fruits are left.
  • At the third flowering, we leave 8 fruits, etc.

Regulation of flowering is necessary to maintain a strong and healthy lemon tree: extra inflorescences will quickly deplete it. Each ovary should have at least 10 developed leaves.

Flowers do not need pollination and bloom for about 2 months.

Fruiting of lemons is possible up to 4 times a year: it depends on the variety. The development of the fetus and the beginning of maturation takes about 6-8 weeks. The peel of fully ripe lemons acquires a rich golden hue: it means it's time to harvest.

If you tighten it with the collection, the skin will become thicker, the slices will dry out and the juice will lose its characteristic acidity.

Now you know how to care for a lemon at home so that it grows strong and healthy, and gives a lot of fruit. Follow all the rules for keeping a room lemon, and it will delight you with beautiful flowering and abundant fruiting all year round.

Lemon is an evergreen plant, whose homeland is the subtropics, but with appropriate care and creation certain conditions The tree feels great in the apartment.

You can grow it from an ordinary bone, however, you can achieve excellent taste and normal fruit ripening only from seeds purchased in a specialized store. More than X centuries ago, lemons were brought to the Mediterranean countries from India, and only later came to Africa and America. Now in the wild, lemon is not found, all lemon groves are the work of human hands.

Lemon - growing at home

As you know, growing a whimsical lemon at room conditions is not easy. This requires the optimal creation of growing conditions close to tropical, as well as timely, regular care. Great importance when breeding citrus, it has its variety.

In room conditions, the success of growing a tree is guaranteed in a bright, ventilated room and if there are regular top dressings.

Grow today citrus houses, including lemons, has become very fashionable. Appeared in specialized stores great variety of varieties both the lemons themselves and their hybrids.

How to understand such an abundance, how to choose a variety that suits your climatic and room conditions?

Types and varieties of lemon for home growing

The following varieties of lemon are ideal for growing indoors:

  1. Pavlovsky. An old variety popular with gardeners. It begins to bloom in the third year after planting. Fruits with a thin skin, weighing 200-400 gr, very tasty. For a year, a tree can produce from 6 to 15 lemons.
  2. Lunario. It has most widespread in Europe. It blooms for 2-3 years and brings from 8 to 16 fruits weighing 130-180 grams. The taste of lemons is average. The variety is very unpretentious and does not require special care.
  3. Ponderosa. The tree is small (up to one meter), blooms for 1-2 years. The fruits are tasty, weighing up to 300 gr. The only negative is the low yield (3-5 per year). The variety is unpretentious.
  4. Lisbon. The variety is resistant to heat, unpretentious in care, has thorns on the branches. Fruits of 180-200 gr with excellent taste. It bears fruit for 3 years after planting, the yield is from 6 to 16 lemons. The height of the plant can be reduced by properly forming the crown.
  5. Meyer. Thanks to their small size(0.5-1 m) this variety has gained the greatest popularity among lovers of ornamental plants. Blooms for 1-2 years. Fruits 150−190 gr, taste average. The tree produces 6 to 15 lemons per year.

Also suitable for growing at home are varieties such as Novogruzinsky, Villafranca, Maikop(have the highest yields), Genoa and Kursk, variegated Eureka (white streaks are noticeable on the leaves).

Indoor lemon - home care

The lemon tree is bred by grafting, stone or cuttings. However, it is not necessary to plant it yourself.

The finished plant can buy at a flower shop, specialized nursery or botanical garden.

It is necessary to determine in advance a place for the newcomer. In this case, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Keep it away from heating systems, as the heat will adversely affect the plant.
  • Consider the height of the ceilings - indoor lemon grows up to two meters. If the size of your ceilings does not allow you to grow an ordinary tree, you should pay attention to citrofortunella or dwarf varieties(Meyer lemon).
  • Frequent movements have a bad effect on the well-being of the plant, so it is necessary to immediately determine a permanent place for the pet.

Lighting and humidity

Indoor lemon is a photophilous plant. The ideal place for him would be the southeast or South side apartments where there is diffused sunlight.

For some time it can be held in the sun, but not more than two hours a day, otherwise the tree may get burned.

winter lemon needs to additional lighting . Since indoor citrus fruits turn their leaves to follow the light, it is necessary to periodically unfold the flowerpot so that the plant does not look one-sided.

The procedure should be carried out with great care. Lack of light causes various diseases and leads to a slowdown in growth, and vice versa, too long (more than 12 hours a day) and strong lighting slows down fruiting and provokes growth.

The level of humidity plays an important role in the care of indoor lemon. Ideal performance - 60-70% at an air temperature of +18 ° C. If the room is very hot, you need 2 times a day spray the plant and the air around it.


The temperature regime plays an important role at the main stage of plant care (in spring period). At this time, the lemon begins to actively grow and bloom. Citrus trees can tolerate temperatures from 14°C to 27°C.

However, these values should be permanent. Temperature fluctuations negatively affect citrus fruits. During the flowering period, the air temperature in the house should not exceed + 18 ° C, otherwise the buds will dry out and crumble.

In spring (from +12 °C) a container with a tree can be placed on a balcony, loggia or garden plot. This has a beneficial effect on the growth of lemon.

IN winter period the plant needs colder conditions content. An insulated balcony can be an ideal place. In a hot apartment, citrus fruits can get sick and even die. At night, the crown should be wrapped with a natural, lightweight cloth.

The soil

Citrus fruits do not tolerate too acidic soil, the soil should be neutral. The earth must be constantly loosened. The approximate composition of the soil may be as follows:

  • wood ash - ¼ parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • deciduous land - 2 parts;
  • humus - ½ part.

Necessarily need to make drainage(charcoal, small gravel, etc.). A small amount of clay is added to adult plants.

Watering and fertilizing indoor lemon

The lemon tree needs abundant watering. It is better to use natural water: snow, rain or river. If applies tap water, you must first boil, stand and acidify. This will make it softer.

IN summer period plant need to be watered abundantly twice a day. The bottom of the flowerpot should have holes, and the soil should be well-drained, which will avoid stagnant moisture in the root system.

IN autumn period watering should be reduced, and in winter it is enough to water 1-2 times a week. Do not forget about periodic spraying of the trunk, crown and ambient air.

The need for moisture can be determined by the following signs:

  1. A lump of soil from a flowerpot easily crumbles in the hands.
  2. Young borers have a drooping appearance.
  3. Grayish soil.
  4. The leaves of the crown curled into a "tube".
  5. If you click on the flowerpot with your finger, you will hear a ringing sound.

Watering a house tree depends on the following factors:

  • season;
  • air humidity (at low - more often);
  • temperature (the lower, the less often);
  • the age of the tree (the younger, the less often).

Feeding plays an important role in caring for a lemon tree. Nutrients are needed for normal growth and fruiting. Between March and October fertilizer should be applied once every three weeks.

At the same time, mineral additives must be alternated with organic ones. In summer, fertilizers are applied during irrigation, in other periods - 2 hours after soil moistening.

Overfeeding the plant negatively affects growth and development, so it is better to underfertilize. In winter, citrus fruits can not be fed.

Diseases and pests

Like all houseplants, the lemon tree is also susceptible to pest attack and infection.

Shchitovka damages foliage. The leaves are covered with round brownish scales, which are practically not amenable to mechanical separation. The pest is protected by a shell of wax, so chemicals do not have any effect on the scale insect.

After some time, a sticky mass is released from the leaves, and if the necessary measures are not taken - leaves turn yellow and fall off. It is better to start pest control right away. To do this, it is necessary to inspect the sheets daily, especially from the underside.

Ideal conditions for the growth and development of spider mites are dry air and heat. The leaves of the plant are wrapped in a "tube". It takes only a week for the insect to lay eggs.

  • The lemon tree must be placed away from other houseplants.
  • Crown leaves should be inspected daily.
  • Wipe the leaves with soapy water every month.
  • Rinse the crown weekly in the shower.

If aphids or mites are found, spray with solution: 1 tbsp. l. pour tobacco dust with boiling water (1 tbsp), leave for 6 days. Laundry soap grate and add to the resulting infusion. Spray once a week for a month.

You can also use garlic infusion: chop the head of garlic and pour boiling water (1 tbsp), leave for 48 hours in a dark sealed container. Strain. Use the same way as the first option.

To fight spider mite can be applied chemical drug"Omite" in the proportion of 4 ml per liter of water. Spray every week for 21 days. There are other means, but it must be borne in mind that they are toxic and the treatment should be carried out with gloves, ensuring unhindered air access.

The citrus tree is susceptible to various kinds viral, infectious and bacterial diseases. The first ones are not amenable to treatment. Before the first signs appear, the virus can live for 10 years. Therefore, only a specialist can determine its presence.

infectious diseases

root rot. Well visible during mass leaf fall. Treatment: remove the tree from the flowerpot, rinse the roots thoroughly, removing the rotten parts. Transplant the plant into a new container filled with high-quality soil.

Disease Malseco affects young shoots and can lead to death. First, the tips get sick, then the foliage and wood. Patients acquire a brick color. The crown is shedding its leaves. Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment.

Gommosis disease. The trunk is damaged. The lower part begins to crack gradually and acquires a brown tint. Cracks grow, a dark adhesive liquid is released from them. The tree is rotting.

Treatment: damaged areas cover up blue vitriol , transplant the plant into fertilized, fresh soil. First, you should carefully inspect and rinse the roots. IN severe cases gommosis is not treatable.

The main reason for the occurrence infectious diseases is insufficient care behind a house plant. It must be borne in mind that both fruit-bearing and decorative types lemon tree.

Lemon - citrus evergreen from the rue family. IN natural environment habitat is found in South-East Asia. Now lemon is used as an ornamental and fruit tree. At home, in apartments, or greenhouses, a lemon can bear no more than 15-20 fruits.

Medicinal properties of lemon

Known from ancient times medicinal qualities lemon tree and in particular its fruits. From the squeezed peel, get good essential oils. The fruit itself contains vitamin C, a group of vitamins B, E.

In medicine, lemon is used for fever, as a remedy for bronchitis, tonsillitis, stomach diseases.

Juice makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic and strong, reduces arterial pressure. It is also used as a preventive measure as an additive to teas and infusions for colds, improves immunity.

Description: Perennial plant, 1-1.5 m high, in the form of a bush or a miniature tree. Branched stems that become woody over time and become covered with brown bark. Numerous shoots with several periods of growth throughout 1 year.

On the shoots, rather massive leaves are formed in relation to the size of the tree, oval in shape and preferably of a uniform light green color. Along the leaf, a clear vein is visible.

After 2-3 years, the old leaves fall off, and new ones grow in their place. But the leaves are considered an integral part of fruit ripening. They contain and accumulate essential nutrients. Requires up to 15 pcs. for the ripening of one fruit.

Flowering usually takes place in the spring, but at home, this can occur at any time. Flowers white or cream.

Lemon ripening is very slow, in the natural environment for at least half a year, at home it can reach a year, so there can be fruits and new flowers on the bush at the same time. The fruit tastes sour big amount vitamin C. When ripe, they change color to bright yellow and the fruits must be plucked, they themselves do not fall off. A tree can exist and bear fruit for more than 40 years, and up to 60 are found.

Lemon varieties

Lemon care at home

Location: The plant tolerates sunlight quite well, but starting from spring, it is necessary to gradually accustom it to it. In a hot period, especially at lunchtime, it is necessary to shade a room lemon. Like most citrus plants, they are extremely sensitive to sudden changes in light and frequent changes of scenery, leaves and flowers begin to fall off.

In winter, you can artificial lighting extend daylight hours by 10-12 hours. It is better to choose windows facing east, or west, where there is no afternoon sun. Shade-tolerant varieties, able to grow from the north side.

Direct sunlight, leaves burn, appear on the surface brown spots. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, but especially indoor lemon is afraid of drafts.

Temperature: Upon reaching 12-14 degrees, the tree can be taken out into the open. In the spring, the flowering process begins and temperatures over 20 degrees cause the color to fall off. But in early spring, beware of low readings and frost at night. Cover the bush with gauze, or take it indoors. With the onset of autumn and cold snaps, when the temperature drops to 10-12 degrees, the tree is taken into the apartment, but you also need to gradually accustom it to heat. Optimal Performance wintering 14-16 degrees. This mode will ensure optimal ripening of the fruit and save the leaves.

Humidity: Low humidity is very detrimental to the plant, especially during the heating season, where, in addition, the temperature can reach over 22-25 degrees. It is necessary 2-3 times a day to moisten or spray the leaves with warm settled or soft water, and also put the pot on a tray with moistened expanded clay.

Watering: Starting in spring, the tree needs regular and plentiful watering, before the onset of cold weather. In autumn, watering is gradually reduced. All excess water is poured from the pan, otherwise the fragile roots will begin to rot. In the summer-spring period, the earthen ball should always be wet, with the onset of winter, watered only after the top layer has dried. Insufficient watering leads to yellowing of the leaves and their further shedding. Water is used soft, rainy, or settled room temperature. As a rule, it is watered in the early morning, or after sunset, to avoid a lot of evaporation.

Soil: For lemon use purchased soil for citrus ornamental plants, or do it yourself: sod and leaf ground, sand, peat. All components are mixed in equal proportions. At the bottom of the pot, make good drainage beforehand.

Repotting: Up to 4-5 years old, the plant needs to be repotted annually. Mature trees have a branched fragile root system, and transplanting can adversely affect the bush. Only the top layer of the earth is replaced annually, and completely transplanted every 3-4 years. During transshipment, the roots of the plant are transferred to a new pot along with an earthen clod, only I fill up the required amount of earth.

Expanded clay drainage is preliminarily placed at the bottom on ¼ of the part. Planted in a loose substrate, which should pass water and air well. Pots are selected high, preferably clay pots with a hole at the bottom to exit excess water when watering. Large individuals are planted in wooden tubs made of hardwood.

Reproduction: There are several ways to propagate a lemon, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Reproduction can occur: seeds, cuttings, grafting.

Seeds. With seed propagation, lemons produce good and high-quality fruits, the process is less capricious and does not require special care conditions. But one of the significant drawbacks, only after 6-7 years, the first fruiting begins to appear, and the full-fledged phase occurs after 12-15 years. Improper care of the crown with a large number of young shoots further delays the fruiting period. If you graft dormant buds into an escape from a fruit-bearing tree, after 2-4 years, you will see the first fruits of lemons.

Seeds are taken from a ripe lemon exactly adapted to room conditions. Immediately after ripening, the seeds are sown in the ground from sand and humus, taken in equal amounts, deepening no more than 1 cm. The bowls are taken 7-10 cm in diameter. Until the seeds sprout, the temperature is kept at about 25 degrees with regular watering.

After a month, the first shoots will appear, protect them from direct sunlight. 2 times a month, fertilizers are added in the form of a 1% solution of saltpeter and manure slightly diluted with water. As soon as 3-4 leaves appear, young seedlings dive into separate pots.

Inoculation. This is a method of grafting with a bud (eye) on a young shoot taken from a fruiting bush. Cuttings are taken, which have 2-3 years, placed in wet sand. Those shoots from which the cuttings are cut remove all the leaves.

For grafting, take seedlings 2-3 years old, grown in room conditions, pre-preparing for the grafting process. Shoots extending to the sides, at the seedling, where the bud will take root, are cut off in 15-20 days, thereby saving internal juices.

The stem is wiped with a damp cloth and made sharp knife 5 cm from the ground, a transverse cut of the bark, then a longitudinal cut of 2 cm. It is necessary to cut the top layer (bark) without damaging the shoot itself.

They take one eye, from the middle of the handle, where they are better formed and inserted into a T-shaped incision. The place is wrapped with electrical tape, or a cloth. After 2-3 weeks, the kidney should take root. The tape is unwound and slightly loosened. After another 2 weeks, the stock is cut 3-5 cm above the graft and the place is covered with oil paint.

The best period for this is the beginning - the middle of spring, when the highest juice production, although in lemons adapted for room conditions, the period may be at the end of summer.

Cuttings. Perhaps one of the simplest and most reliable ways not only for lemon, but also for other indoor decorative fruit-bearing bushes. 3-4 years after cuttings, the young sprout will begin to bear fruit.

In the middle of summer, the shoot is cut off and placed in a container with moistened sand, constantly keeping the humidity and temperature at 25 degrees. Cut last year's shoots, where the thickness does not exceed 4-5 mm. The length is about 10 cm and the presence of at least 3 kidneys is required. The upper and lower cuts are made from the kidney 3 cm above and below, respectively.

After being placed in the sand, the top is covered with a glass flask for better rooting. Use either pure sand or with the addition of earth. Regularly spray the stalk and protect from direct sunlight. A month later, roots should appear, and the upper kidney will begin to grow. The temperature is lowered to 18-22 degrees.

There is another method of propagation by branches, but this method is used extremely rarely due to a number of inconveniences. Spend it from spring to mid-summer.

Top dressing: Lemon, like any tree, needs fertilizer to ripen the fruit. During the period of active growth, the bush is fed twice a month with organic and mineral fertilizers in liquid state. In winter, feeding is reduced by 4 times, or not added at all while maintaining no higher than 14 degrees.

The external state of the indoor lemon will speak for itself.

  • A lack of nitrogen leads to yellowing of the leaves and a decrease in fruitfulness, the fruit loses its quality and size.
  • Insufficient nitrogen leads to leaf drop, the color becomes pale and dull.
  • Potassium - its lack affects the fruits, the amount decreases and the size decreases, the folding of the leaves increases.
  • A decrease in the amount of iron leads to yellowing, and further falling of the leaves, the upper part of the bush begins to dry.
  • Calcium is the main element for the growth of any plant. Lemon noticeably slows down in growth and ripening, becomes pale and gradually dies off.

Often used complex purchased fertilizers for citrus plants. The consistency is added according to the specified instructions, an excessive amount is detrimental to the plant.

Also fits well organic fertilizers in the form of humus, diluted in water. You can add blood from animal meat to water. When washing meat, water is collected and wood is added.

Pruning: For successful fruiting, it is necessary to cut off excess branches, otherwise the bush will grow randomly.

The first time upon reaching 20-30 cm, the young lemon is cut off the top, thereby giving splendor. This is done at the end of winter. There should be at least 4-6 buds that will release new ones. side shoots. Of these shoots, only 3-4 are left, evenly spaced in all directions.

After growth, the tops of these shoots are also cut off and 3-5 buds are also left. New shoots of the second level will grow from these buds.

Having reached the 4th level of shoots, the formation of the crown ends and the process of fruiting begins. Further, it is constantly necessary to pinch (pruning) new shoots.

Fruiting also has its own characteristics, for uniform ripening, some of the flowers are plucked evenly throughout the bush. Abundant flowering depletes the tree, the fruits become small, and in the second year it may not bear fruit.

Pests and diseases: The main pests that damage the lemon tree are scale insects, spider mites, thrips.

The spider mite appears on the underside of the leaves. To remove, the leaves are treated with Actellic solution.

On new shoots and leaves, a scale insect appears, drinking the juice of the plant. The leaves turn yellow, with prolonged damage, the bush dies.

Thrips appearing on the leaves slow down the growth of the plant and lead to yellowing.

Most pests are washed off with a rag and a soapy solution, or a garlic solution.

Lemon Care Difficulties

  • Leaves wither and curl into a tube- too dry earthen ball, drink lemon with water, increase the humidity of the room, but do not fertilize until the previous shape is restored.
  • Falling leaves - too dry, or wet ground, air humidity is less than 50-60%, the temperature regime is violated, drafts.
  • Leaves fall and branches dry- excessive watering. Wait for the soil to dry completely, then resume watering, but less intensively.
  • Curling and darkening of the tips of the leaves Cause burns from direct sunlight.
  • Falling and wilting of leaves- depletion of the tree. There must be at least 12 leaves per fruit, all other ovaries are removed.
  • Yellowing of the leaves from the middle to the edge- overheating of the pot (earth) in the sun.
  • Leaves fall off sharply- excessive fertilizer burned the roots. Keep the soil constantly moist, and do not fertilize until the lemon has returned to its former appearance.
  • Leaves randomly change their shape, curl, wrinkle- the reason is most likely a change of place, or improper fertilizer (one component is missing, and the other is too much). After adaptation, everything should be restored. Use only store-bought citrus plant food. Fertilizer is diluted according to the instructions, but 2 times lower concentration.

28.09.2016 31 936

How to care for a lemon at home - a cheat sheet for housewives

Growing exotic plant in an apartment, you need to know how to care for a lemon at home. The tree is capricious enough to get a tasty harvest, it takes a lot of time and effort for the long-awaited result. Only compliance with certain rules will make the lemon bear fruit and delight with healthy growth.

What conditions do indoor lemons need?

    Flaw nutrients leads to wilting, yellowing of the leaf apparatus, poor flowering, dropping buds, little or no fruiting. When to fertilize a lemon? Firstly, during the period of budding, fruit setting, and secondly, with visible deficiencies in the plant's nutrients.

When caring for a lemon, you need to remember that the tree has an enhanced growth period 3-4 times a year. To get a crop, you need to regularly feed citrus. Usually, abundant flowering comes from February months to august. In winter, the amount of top dressing is reduced to once a month.

Top dressing of a lemon during the flowering period, exactly, as well as during fruiting, is done once every two weeks. It is better to feed indoor lemon with organic matter. Well suited, for example, Gumi Omi Kuznetsova Lemon, the drug is basically natural, so it can be used for house tree. Dilute 1 tbsp. fertilizer in a liter of water, mix well, pour 0.5 cups per plant (larger volume is required for adult powerful trees). You can use another natural preparation Lemon-Mandarin "Mother Earth".

    Lemon fruiting at home cannot be achieved without fertilizing, neither in spring nor in summer. It is also recommended to spray the underside of the leaves with a fertilizer solution. Top dressing of citrus fruits after transplantation is carried out after 3-4 weeks, the main dose is given before the tree is placed in a new container for 2-3 days. After transplanting a lemon into a new pot, it is recommended to water the plants with Cornesil to improve and restore the root system.

Diseases and pests of lemon, the fight against them

In poor conditions, lemon can be affected by pests, various diseases of an infectious and fungal nature. The main damage is caused by ticks. Red mite and silver mite are most present on lemon, which is grown indoors in the south of the country. known to everyone and most common, both in the middle latitudes and in the north, where plants are year-round in the apartment, without the possibility of being taken out to fresh air.

spider mite - pictured

The spider mite has Brown color, sometimes with a red or yellow tint. With a thorough examination of the plants, the pest is easy to detect. Usually hordes of pests are on the underside of the leaves, braiding the green mass of the tree with the thinnest cobweb. Over the summer, one female can leave up to 10 generations, laying 150 eggs at a time.

The fight against spider mites on a lemon is carried out using soap solution, which processes leaves and branches. Do not forget about washing the crown with ordinary soul(leaves are washed on both sides). Keep the lemon pot away from other plants. Use garlic infusion, 5-6 crushed cloves are poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for 48 hours and sprinkled with lemon. If the plant is severely affected, insecticidal preparations are used (Omayt, etc.).

in the photo - harvest homemade lemon

It can also become an unpleasant guest that damages citrus leaf plates. On the reverse side of the leaves, sometimes on the stems, clusters of small brown scales can be found, which practically do not separate from the plant. It is necessary to deal with the scale insect immediately, otherwise the defeat of the leaf apparatus will lead to, fruiting may slow down. The methods of dealing with scale insects on a lemon are similar to those in the fight against aphids.

In addition to dirty pests, lemon can suffer from diseases such as:

  • root rot, mainly found when the leaves begin to fall en masse. Here it is necessary to transplant into a new pot with a good washing of the roots and removal of rotten ones;
  • gommosis destroys the trunk of homemade lemon. In the lower part, browning of the bark and the formation of cracks are noticeable, from which a dark-colored glue-like liquid is released. The size of the cracks gradually increases, the process of decay begins. Citrus urgently needs to be transplanted into a new soil with the obligatory treatment of the trunk with copper sulphate, in difficult cases, the severely affected bark is first cleaned off, then coated;
  • malsecco known for its defeat of shoots, sometimes to complete death. The disease begins at the tips of the branches, moves to the leaves, the trunk. Damaged parts will be painted in brick color. The disease has various forms, sometimes the lesion begins with the root system, as a result, the citrus dies very quickly. Unfortunately, at present there are no specific drugs and methods that can destroy the strain of the fungus. Observe preventive measures, if signs are found, treat infected areas of the plant with copper sulphate.
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