At what distance to plant strawberries. Video: proper planting of strawberries. Disease prevention before planting strawberries

Planting a strawberry seedling at the end of April.

A place for strawberries is dug up a few weeks before planting, if necessary, top dressing is added, peat or humus is added.

Basic requirements for choosing a place:

  • good access to light;
  • flat terrain;
  • lack of drafts;
  • lack of tuberosity or slope;
  • the presence of green manure;
  • soil disinfection.

Marking the plot for strawberries.

The plot for strawberries should be on south side garden or in such a place that there is constant access to light. The site should be flat, without bumpiness and lowlands, not blown through by drafts. Also, it is impossible to have landings on a slope. It is necessary to choose a place so that it is possible to bring a drip irrigation system.

How far apart should strawberries be planted?

The optimal distance when planting strawberries.

The optimal planting pattern with a moderate compactness of the bushes is from thirty to fifty centimeters between the pits, and forty centimeters between the rows.

In some cases, a longer distance is used. This is due to the size of the shrubs and leafy cap of a particular variety. The pits are pre-fertilized with a nutrient mixture. The composition of the mixture is a bucket of earth, a bucket of manure, a bucket of compost, two hundred grams of ash.

Landing time

Disembarkation time - evening, at worst - a cool day without sun.

It is necessary to pre-prepare the seedlings. Two hours before the event, the bushes are recommended to be soaked in a solution - growth stimulant . If not, just moisten with water. In some cases, they are used folk methods- soaking in garlic tincture - one hundred and fifty milliliters of garlic infusion are dissolved in ten liters of water.

When planting, remember that strawberries will need extra space under the mustache.


A good bush for planting is a seedling that has four developed leaves, a freely hanging root system.

The length of the roots should be no more than ten centimeters. If the roots are longer cut off the excess . Lay in the holes in a standing position - so that the roots do not sag. Press firmly to the ground, fill, tamp. The core should remain on the surface. In this case, you need to pay attention to the point of growth - it should not rise above the surface of the earth.

For planting strawberries use "sleeping" seedlings with open roots or seedlings with a closed root system grown in containers.

New gardens need to be watered every day, and do it in the morning, before the sun has risen. It is better if a drip irrigation system is connected to the garden bed. In this case, watering will be carried out automatically and in sufficient quantity for normal development.

Pine litter mixed with foliage - suitable material for mulching strawberries.

This will help retain moisture in dry weather and prevent the possibility of weeds. Optimal solution for mulch - pine needles . The sharp smell of needles will scare away insects and act as a barrier against diseases. Mulching with straw or leaves, sawdust is allowed.

First dressing of freshly planted strawberries

The first feeding is carried out fourteen days after planting.

Purchased liquid top dressing is used in the form of a working solution prepared by diluting the concentrate.

For this, they are used ready solution biohumus - sold in gardening stores. An infusion is made from bird infusion and water . You can also use complex mixtures - phosphate, nitrogen, potassium chloride. In some cases, they resort to the help of ready-made chemicals however, the best and safer way out is organic. Without fail, the first stepchildren and peduncles must be cut off.

Video on how to quickly plant a row of strawberries

" Strawberry

The most favorite berry of children and adults is, of course, strawberries. The first berry vitamins after a long cold winter enclosed in bright strawberry fruits. She is present in any garden plot and in the spring she is the first to receive the attention of the owner, who wants to get an early harvest. In this review, we will talk about the features of planting strawberry seedlings in open ground and further care.

Often gardeners wonder what month is best to plant strawberry seedlings? Optimal timing spring planting of strawberries depend on the region of cultivation and weather conditions(air temperature and soil warming). in Moscow and Leningrad regions, in the Urals is around the end of April beginning of May. In the south, seedlings are planted earlier.

You can plant seedlings and more early dates having previously covered the area for planting with agrofibre for the fastest warming up of the soil. Having planted seedlings in prepared soil, they are created comfortable conditions for growth, covering with spanbond or film on installed arcs. Step-by-step instructions for choosing seedlings and planting them in open ground are given below.

At spring planting the main thing is not to delay the planting dates and plant strawberry plants before the onset of hot summer days.

Selection of seedlings for a good harvest

Properly selected seedlings are the key to the future strawberry harvest, so the choice of planting material should be taken seriously.

Strawberry seedlings can be purchased in several types:

  • with a closed root system- seedlings grown in pots, plastic cups or cassettes;
  • with an open root system;

  • green seedlings- plants dug up immediately before planting and not subject to long-term storage, it is best if they are with a clod of earth;
  • frigo- these are dug out in the fall annual plants, with a root system cleared from the ground and a completely removed leaf apparatus, stored before planting at a temperature of -2 ÷ 0˚С (frozen seedlings).

Frigo - frozen strawberry seedlings

When choosing any seedlings, you need to pay attention to:

  • root system- it must be well developed. When buying seedlings with a closed root system, well-developed roots germinate through drainage holes, which indicates their good viability;
  • seedlings should have at least 3-4 leaves saturated green color, without signs of wilting, brown spots and dots;
  • "heart"(the central bud of the seedling, in which the flower stalks of the future crop are located) should be large, at least 0.7 cm in diameter.

By choosing correct timing landing and quality seedlings, the survival rate of seedlings during spring planting is up to 80%.

Preparing seedlings for planting in the garden

Seedlings with a closed root system can not be in a hurry to immediately plant in the ground, they can develop painlessly in containers for up to 2 weeks.

Seedlings with an open root system if it is not possible to plant immediately, you can place it in the dark until the moment of disembarkation plastic bag, sprinkle with water and put in a dark cool place where they can be up to 5-7 days. During this time, the plants will release additional white roots and take root well.

Before planting seedlings you need:

  • on every seedling leave no more than 4 leaves, remove the rest, to improve survival;
  • cut the roots, their length should be no more than 10 cm;
  • before boarding it is advisable to soak the seedlings in a growth stimulant solution, if the seedlings with a closed root system, then pour the solution.

Spring planting methods - diagram and step-by-step instructions

There are several ways to plant strawberries, from which each gardener chooses the most suitable for him.

Into the tunnels

For more early harvest berries and prolonging the fruiting period of strawberries in autumn, planting in tunnels is used. Remontant varieties are most suitable for growing in them.

The installation of shelters for strawberry beds can begin almost immediately after the snow melts. Installed from each other through 1 m iron or plastic frames tunnels are covered with a film or covering material. With the onset of steadily warm days and at the beginning of strawberry flowering, the shelter must be raised for airing and pollination of plants by insects.

For covering material

Planting strawberries on black covering material has become very popular, as it has a large number of advantages:

  • weeds don't grow through agrofibre, they stop growing under it due to lack of light;
  • mustaches do not root on it I and they are easy to remove;
  • berries are always clean, because there is no contact with the ground;
  • the roots of plants under the covering material develop normally, because. it is moisture and air permeable;
  • due to reduced contact of plants with the ground, strawberries practically do not get sick and it is not inhabited by pests, which means that it is not treated with pesticides;
  • under cover in winter plant roots are warm and comfortable.


The essence of the method consists in planting plants in nests located from each other in a row after 30 cm, the distance between rows is 40 cm. Plants with this planting method are planted in the shape of a hexagon, with a distance of 10 cm between them., a strawberry seedling is also placed in the center of the figure.

The advantage of the method is to obtain abundant harvests, because in the bush 5 times more plants than with a normal landing.

Flaw is the need for a large number of seedlings, but when using your own planting material, this is not expensive.


The bush method of planting strawberries is planting seedlings after 40-60 cm.

Berries with such a planting grow large, since the plants are not thickened, well ventilated, they are easy to collect, but the plantings must be constantly loosened and the growing mustache removed.


When planting plants in rows, one or two-line planting method is used, the scheme is shown below:

  • With a one-liner plants are planted every 15-20 cm, the distance between rows is 70 cm.
  • With two line method distance between plants no more than 20 cm, between rows 70.

With this method of planting, it is convenient to rejuvenate the plants by directing the growing mustache into the aisles, thus creating new beds, and removing the old rows.

There is still carpet way planting, the most common among summer residents who rarely visit the plots or simply do not have time to care for strawberries.

Plants after planting by any of the above methods are allowed to grow uncontrollably, i.e. the whiskers are not removed and the plantings turn into a beautiful solid strawberry carpet, under which weeds practically do not grow, moisture is retained. Landings do not need loosening, it is simply impossible to do it. The disadvantage of this method is the gradual grinding of berries.

With any method of planting, the root neck of a strawberry seedling should be at the level of the soil.

Proper care of seedlings after planting

After planting the plants, for better survival, they need to be shaded by covering them with spandbond or dry grass.

Care for newly planted plants consists of:

  1. In regular watering, since strawberries are moisture-loving. In dry and hot weather, plants should be sprayed periodically.
  2. If the soil under the strawberries is not mulched, then weeding and loosening the soil required.
  3. At least three times per season (before flowering, during fruiting and after it) strawberries need to be fed.
  4. Prevention and disease control and pests.
  5. Removing excess mustache weakening the plant. You can leave the first mustache extending from the mother bush, which can be used as planting material.

Every 3-4 years, strawberries need to be transplanted to a new place and plantations are updated with young plants in order to avoid the loss of varietal characteristics.

Using the above tips on choosing, planting and growing strawberry seedlings, you can complete the spring planting for the season easily grow a good strawberry plantation, which will begin to bear fruit and enjoy its juicy and large fruits the very next year.

Strawberries are the queen of berries. Like every queen, she is demanding and capricious. Proper planting of strawberries and careful care will help achieve berry abundance.

The harvest will be generous if you know how to properly plant strawberries, satisfy all its requirements for soil composition and lighting, provide good nutrition and watering, and protect against diseases. Let's take a look at her preferences.

The bulk of the roots (80-90%) of strawberries is located at a depth of 10 to 30 cm. The best for this crop are sandy, chernozem and light loamy soils rich in humus and nutrients, with an acidity level of 5-6 units and good air permeability.

In plants planted on sandy soil, the roots overheat and dry out, moreover, the disadvantage nutrients negatively affect the size and number of berries. If your site is dominated by sand, do not despair, you can enrich and compact it by adding organic matter (manure, peat, compost) in the amount of 6-12 kg per 1 m2. If you plant strawberries on heavy clay soils, root system will develop poorly, overcoming the increased density of the soil, lack of oxygen and waterlogging. The soil structure will be improved by applying 8-10 kg per 1 m2 of coarse-grained river sand. Bypassing this shortcoming will help planting strawberries in raised beds, allowing you to create a draining layer of broken bricks and branches. Such structures will also be useful for flooded areas with a close occurrence. ground water. The increase in acidity of strawberries is easier to tolerate than others. berry crops, for example, currants, but up to a certain limit.

When soil pH is below 5.0, most nutrients change their state and are no longer absorbed by plant roots. Acidity inhibits the activity of many beneficial bacteria and fertilizers. For alkalization of soil for strawberries, it is better to use dolomite flour(400-600 g per 1 m2), which is also a source of magnesium. In freshly treated areas, strawberries develop poorly due to the inhibition of the root system. Therefore, it can be planted only after 2-3 years, when dolomite mixes well with the soil and reduces its acidity.

As for lighting, strawberries will grow even in the shade, but they will bear fruit only in well-lit areas. In partial shade, the berries will ripen a little later and taste less sweet. Strawberries planted in the garden between fruit trees, grows well, gives a lot of rosettes, but bears less fruit, and in rainy weather the berries are more affected by gray rot than in beds located in open areas.

The superficial location of the roots explains the exactingness of this plant for well-balanced soil moisture. Excess moisture will lead to the development of fungal diseases and, consequently, to the loss of part of the crop.

The lack of watering during flowering will respond with a decrease in the number of ovaries, during fruiting it will lead to crushing of berries, in autumn period will reduce the laying of flower buds (in some varieties they are not laid at all).

The best watering for strawberries is drip, in which water is delivered directly to the roots, without falling on the leaves and fruits. It allows you to fertilize at the same time as moistening. After all, during its development, strawberries build up a huge mass of greens and fruits, for which a large amount of nutrients is spent. In terms of the removal of nutrients from the soil, it is several times higher than cereals and many vegetable crops. Strawberries, planting and caring for which must be thorough, require top dressing, which is done at least 2 times a year: the first - during spring loosening after the appearance of 3 leaves (ammophos or chicken droppings), the second - during flowering (wood ash).

In autumn, weakened bushes and one-year-old plantings are fertilized. A much larger amount of top dressing is necessary for remontant and continuously fruiting varieties of neutral daylight hours.

To preserve moisture in the soil and to prevent damage to berries by fungal diseases strawberry beds mulch with straw or agrofibre. The dream of every summer resident is strawberries, planting and caring for which will not cause difficulties even for novice gardeners. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right varieties. Firstly, they should bear fruit well in your climate, and secondly, several varieties of strawberries should be planted on the site with different periods maturation. Most often, garden strawberries are propagated by daughter rosettes - mustaches. But varieties that continuously bear fruit do not give a mustache. How to plant strawberries in this case?

Video “Growing in the country”

From the video you will learn how to grow strawberries without spending a lot of effort.

Growing strawberries from seeds

Seeds of large-fruited strawberries germinate very poorly, so they must be soaked before planting. To do this, the seeds are placed between two wet cotton pads, the resulting “sandwich” is placed in a transparent Plastic container with small holes for ventilation and left warm for 2 days. For hardening for the next 2 weeks, the seeds are placed in the refrigerator. Every day, the container must be opened to ventilate and control the moisture content of the cotton pads. When the seeds hatch, they can be sown. Simultaneously with soaking, soil preparation takes place. It should be light and crumbly, but not fertilized. It is better to take garden and forest land and add sand.

For disinfection, the resulting mixture is heated in the oven for 15-20 minutes and left for 2 weeks to wait for the seeds and build up beneficial bacteria. Seeds can be planted in boxes and peat pots, filled with earth and moistened from a spray bottle. It is convenient to use tweezers for disembarkation. From above, the seeds are not sprinkled, but lightly tamped, the boxes are covered with foil. Shoots will appear after 7-14 days. After the onset of stable heat, strawberries are planted in open ground, by which time it will form 3-4 true leaves.

Site preparation

First, you have to choose a good site so that planting and caring for strawberries is not in vain. It should be flat or with a slight (no more than 5 degrees) slope to the south or west. From the north, the chosen place should be protected from the winds by trees or buildings. You can use beds after onions, garlic, carrots, beets, radishes, dill or parsley. Strawberries planted after raspberries, potatoes or tomatoes can be affected by their common enemies - late blight or wireworm. Before planting strawberries, the bed is thoroughly cleaned of weeds. When is the best time to plant strawberries depends on the propagation method you have chosen. In August, reproduction is carried out with a mustache. In spring and early summer - seedlings.

If you decide when to plant strawberries - in spring or autumn, then you need to prepare the garden bed in advance. During spring planting, the earth is dug up in the fall, introducing organic matter (0.5 buckets of humus, 20 g of potassium chloride and 60 g of superphosphate per m2).

If you plan to plant in the fall, then only organic matter should be added to the soil when digging. With a small layer of compost, the bed can be mulched to protect against freezing.

How to plant

Before planting strawberries planting material must be carefully sorted, removing diseased and weak plants. good seedling It has root collar at least 6 mm in diameter and a fibrous root of at least 7 cm. But how to plant strawberries correctly - seedlings fall into a previously prepared hole so that the upper bud (dew point) is located exactly at ground level, after which the hole is filled up and compacted.

Landing methods

How to plant our strawberries correctly - 4 planting methods:

Video “Growing on agrofiber”

From the video you will learn how to grow strawberries on agrofibre.

Strawberries grow in one place for several years in a row. Soil preparation requires special attention, because from the preliminary proper preparation depends on the yield of berries.

First you need to select a site. It should be a level area with good sunlight. Indeed, due to the lack of sufficient sunlight, there will be a poor harvest of strawberries. And one more drawback, in the shade there is often an excess of moisture, various fungal diseases develop on leaves and roots.

The type of soil on the site can be any. However, strawberry bushes will not grow where the soil is sandy or clay. There are reasons for this. Sandy soils are less saturated with useful substances, and plant roots dry faster and overheat. Clay soil is dense, poorly breathable, which saturates the roots with oxygen and suffers from excess moisture. Plants stop growing. To improve the quality of the land, it is necessary to apply fertilizer - humus, which will make the soil loose.

You should pay attention to the acidity of the soil. If the soils are acidic, then they must be fertilized: add organic fertilizer, and for the earth, with big amount alkalis, apply fertilizer containing minerals.

When choosing a place for garden strawberries, you also need to take into account the level of groundwater, whether there are places where water can stagnate. To soften this factor, it is necessary to do drainage, but so that the earth is neither dry nor wet.

It should also be remembered that strawberries cannot be planted twice in the same place. It is not recommended to transplant it to where tomatoes, potatoes, cabbage used to grow. She will feel more comfortable after onions, garlic, carrots, pumpkins, peas.

So, the next step is to prepare the land for seedlings. It is necessary to pull out all weeds and other weeds that grow on your plantation. It is especially necessary to remove sow thistle, reeds, wheatgrass (they take all useful substances from the ground and from plants). To do this, the entire area is dug up several times, and all weeds with roots are manually removed. You can also place a future strawberry, treat with a herbicide, for example, roundup, tornado. After two weeks, the grass should die.

Next, we prepare the soil: we introduce organic fertilizer (gypsum, lime). The site is dug up and leveled as far as possible. After all, loose soil contributes to the rapid adaptation of seedlings to a new place, and their rapid growth.

An important stage is the planning of planting strawberries. For example, single rows or double, ribbons.

To make the row with strawberries even, pegs are hammered at both ends and a rope is pulled.

Now you can start planting seedlings of strawberries.

Rules for planting strawberries

What are the landing methods?

Strawberry seedlings are planted in the ground in several ways. Gardeners use single row and double row.

The principle of planting in a single row is that the distance between the ribbons is 60-70 cm, and the seedling bushes in a row are planted from each other at a distance of about 15-20 cm. Single-line planting is used when the bushes are planted in the ground in spring or autumn. After all, in the first year garden strawberry practically does not bear fruit, but produces a mustache that fills free space in the ranks.

Two-row planting is more efficient, it is great for summer, as as many seedlings as possible are planted on one piece of land, and you can eat berries almost in the year they are planted. The distance between the tapes is 70 cm, between the lines 30 cm, and the seedlings are planted 15-20 cm apart.

Another method that is used is planting seedlings in the beds. It is great for those areas where there is water. The location of the beds is from south to north, two rows of seedlings are planted along the edges, and in the middle of the path (approximately 30 cm wide) remain empty.

Many gardeners use compact planting of strawberry bushes. This is done in order to remove all seedlings in the spring that did not bloom in the first year. After diseased bushes are torn out, there will be room for the normal growth of other plants.

The main thing is to be on time

Strict deadlines planting strawberries does not exist. It can be planted in spring, autumn and summer. But you need to take into account the nuances of a particular season.

Spring. At this time of the year, seedlings are recommended to be planted as early as possible, with the start of work in the field, in early April. The main thing is not to miss this moment. If strawberry bushes are planted later than the scheduled time, in May, then the pace of their development will be slow. It is impossible to delay the landing time. In spring, seedlings are immediately planted in open ground.

Summer. With the right approach to planting strawberries, it will be possible to pick berries in a year. It is better to plant it after rain or in cloudy weather, so it will be easier for her to take. Additional watering is recommended, then it is necessary to mulch the soil, i.e. loosen it in order to avoid the appearance of a crust on the surface.

Autumn is the most positive time of the year for planting seedlings. It is best to do this from August 20 to September 15, but the dates are conditional, it all depends on the climate of the region in which the landing is planned. But it is desirable to be in time before the first frost.

Regardless of the season, before planting strawberries, it is necessary to prepare seedlings: process the root system from different insects(use solution blue vitriol). Immediately, before planting the bushes, the roots are straightened. They sit down in vertical position, long - obviously cut off.

Which growing method to choose?

Usually, strawberries are grown in two ways: in greenhouses and open ground . Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, for starters, it must be prepared. The soil is loosened and compacted for oxygen access. Then watering is needed, and only after that, landing occurs.

Strawberries planted in greenhouses, under a film, ripen earlier than those that grow on the ground. This method is suitable for early. Film tunnels are already assembled in April. They need to be ventilated, loosen the soil, water warm water. You need a thermometer to control the temperature. At temperatures above 25 ° C, the film is removed for a day. In autumn, strawberries are covered with straw or leaves from trees. Fertilize: peat or compost.

In addition, strawberries still grow in vertical rows. This method resembles steps, tiers. It is great for small areas. Special containers resembling a pyramid are placed at a distance of 10 cm from each other. To fill them, use a peat mixture, humus, sod land. In case of frost, the containers are removed and covered with agrofibre, leaves, peat. In frosts, strawberries are also covered with snow.

When growing strawberries under agrofibre, you can harvest a few weeks earlier. Agrofibre keeps the temperature, protects from wind and frost.

Strawberries are also grown in plastic bags. Pre-prepared soil is poured into the bag, and seedlings are planted in the holes. Then they are tied to the ceiling.

Caring for strawberries the right way

Watering strawberries

Watering strawberries directly depends on what the weather dictates to us. The frequency of watering is determined by the dryness of the soil. The best time for watering is early morning. The leaves become dry in the evening. While there are no flowers yet, the plants are watered with a watering can. Watering resembles a little rain, with its help dust is washed off the leaves.

In the heat, strawberries are recommended to be watered once every seven days, water is poured in an amount of 10 to 25 liters per square meter. m. With the advent of fruits, the frequency of watering is reduced. Water for irrigation is used warm, the temperature is approximately 20 degrees. Watering cold water may affect seedling growth.

When the first flowers appear, water is poured onto the ground, avoiding falling on the bushes. Do not pour water on the berries, as they may begin to rot.

We destroy weeds

Weed control still needs to be started before planting seedlings. But there is a weed that continues to clog plants, taking away moisture and nutrients. It is necessary to constantly weed both throughout the entire period of ripening of the crop, and after it. This must be done 8 times. The loosening depth is about 10 cm. It is better to get the weed root system from the ground and throw it away.

In large areas planted with strawberries, herbicides are used to get rid of grass and weeds. It is recommended to spray them 14 days before the intended planting.

Another way to fight is to plant buckwheat, it makes the land more fertile and helps get rid of weeds. Then they sow some of the winter crops, and only the next year they plant strawberries.

We fight pests

There are not so many pests in strawberries, but it requires immediate treatment. Plants are processed before the appearance of flowers or after picking berries.

The main pests include:

  1. The tick is transparent. It affects the leaves, they turn yellow, and the berries themselves are small. Treated with karbofos after harvest.
  2. Nematodes. They live in the leaves, they completely affect the plant: the leaves become dark in color, the strawberries do not grow. Infected bushes are pulled out.
  3. Other pests include the strawberry beetle, weevil, whitefly. Get rid of them with the help of karbofos, aktar.
  4. Snails and slugs. They have a detrimental effect on berries.
  5. So that there are no ants, the soil is sprinkled with soda.

Pest control should begin in the fall, with the treatment and disinfection of the soil. in a great way is mulching with a film of the earth, getting rid of all weeds. It is necessary to remove dry leaves in a timely manner, monitor soil moisture.



From the above list, it can be seen that green crops contribute to better growth strawberries. If you follow all the tips for growing this delicious berry, you can get very juicy and large fruits.

After which crop is it undesirable to plant strawberries? Firstly, these are all species of the Compositae family (for example, sunflower). Second, after some nightshades (tomatoes and potatoes). And, thirdly, all types of ranunculus are not particularly suitable as predecessors.

Selecting a landing site

If strawberries have already grown on the plantation you have chosen for more than three years, then you should not plant it here. Need to change location. After all, there are no more in the earth useful substances for the root system of culture. Each gardener chooses when it is better to plant strawberries: in autumn or spring. It depends on the soil, weather and a number of other factors.

After the seedlings have already been planted, the soil must be mulched. To do this, you can choose sawdust or bulk manure, black film or peat. Then, for the rest of the time, it is constantly worth weeding and trimming the mustache (if there is no need for planting material).

After the first harvest of fruits, mulching and loosening of the soil are carried out. It is also required to water the strawberries, this is done not from a watering can, but under a bush. Growing this delicious berry is a rather laborious process, but the result is worth such an effort.

Landing methods

Now let's figure out at what distance to plant strawberries? If you plan to grow a crop with a one-line method, then first make beds about one meter in size. Between them there should be a distance of seventy centimeters. You need to arrange the bushes from each other not far, somewhere around fifteen to twenty centimeters.

Whether a person knows the answer to the question of how to plant strawberries correctly will depend on how much time he will have to devote to caring for the plant in the future.

In practice, the two-line method is also used. This scheme is quite simple. Ribbons of a meter length are made, the distance between them is about seventy centimeters, between the lines - thirty centimeters. These two methods of planting seedlings are the most common and popular among amateur gardeners.

Planting period

It is also very important to answer the question of when to plant strawberries in the fall. The most suitable time starts on August 20 and ends on September 15. This period of twenty-seven days is the best. It is necessary to choose a time not very hot, preferably rainy. According to gardeners, it is easier for the plant to adapt. But if you plant seedlings later than September 15, then there will be a risk that it will suffer from frost and die.

How to plant strawberries in the fall? Yes, just like in spring or summer. Planting patterns are the same, the only difference is that a bush planted in autumn begins to bear fruit earlier. Better ground fertilize, for example, mix five kilograms of manure, fifty grams of superphosphate and twenty grams of potassium per two square meters.

Plot use

Before planting strawberries, you need to find a suitable place. The main thing is that it should not be darkened and swampy (i.e., too waterlogged). A site with young vineyards would be good. Between their rows, seedling bushes will be comfortable. Until the vineyard grows to large sizes three or four years will pass. Just after this period of time, strawberries will need to be transplanted to a new place.

In the first year of growing this sweet berry there is a lot of empty space between the rows. It can be planted green onion or garlic. This neighborhood is allowed. You need to regularly weed the soil. Weed for strawberries does not pose a big threat, because it is a wild berry. However, the presence of unnecessary grass will affect the size of the fruit. The more it is, the smaller the berries.

What soil is suitable for growing strawberries

It is very important to learn about the soil in your area. The yield of berries will depend on this. If the soil is sod-podzolic or sandy loam, then the result will be good. This is good soil for strawberries.

If on site acidic soil, then you need to make it known in advance. It is advisable to do this two to three years before planting. For one square meter land, you need to make about three hundred grams of dolomitic lime. Strawberries are a crop that does not tolerate salt well, therefore, before planting, you should not fertilize it. It is best to do this in advance and into the dug up earth. You can add rotted compost or manure.

The place where strawberries will grow must be protected from the wind. It is better to plant it on a slope, there is less chance of freezing.

Feeding solution

Every person who grows strawberries wants a rich harvest. Of course, you can try to increase it yourself. worth spending foliar top dressing the following trace elements: zinc and molybdenum, manganese and boron. They contribute not only to the quantity of berries, but also to their quality. The plant also becomes more resistant to drought and disease.

Calculation of a mixture of trace elements for top dressing per ten-liter bucket:

2 grams of ammonium molybdate;

50 grams of potassium permanganate;

Such a solution is suitable for tillage and leaf spraying. Processing should not be done in cloudy weather. If the plant is planted in August, then it must be fertilized. You can also prepare the following solution: for ten liters of water - thirty grams of urea.

Advantages of mulching

IN summer period time, it is especially important not to miss the moment with watering. When there is a drought, you need to moisten the soil almost every day. It is not worth pouring water on the bushes themselves, it is better to put the hose under the bush. The result, that is, the yield for the next year, will depend on how you take care of strawberries in August. It is during this period of time that the plant forms buds. It will be good to mulch the soil; straw, sawdust or film are perfect for this. This method will help to keep moisture on hot days and warm on cold days.

It is also important to trim the whiskers and dry red leaves. An area with strawberries that is not mulched should be regularly weeded and treated for pests and diseases. Red leaves should be removed from the bush, so the plant can turn green again and rejuvenate.

healthy seedlings

To successfully grow strawberries, you need to regularly deal with pests and viral diseases. The main thing is to purchase healthy planting material or grow it yourself. The safest seedling is grown from seeds, but this is a very laborious and long process. Not every gardener is able to devote his priceless time to him.

In the second half of summer (especially in August), you can notice spots that appear on the leaves. This disease usually remains from the winter and ends up on older branches. Such leaves need to be cut off, this is the most effective way fight the virus.

You can also plant seedlings in a film. Thanks to her, the berries will always be clean and without damage. Another plus is that there are no weeds and the tendrils are easy to trim (they have nowhere to put their roots). When the culture ceases to bear fruit, you need to remove the film until the next use.

Choosing a Healthy Outlet

Strawberries are easy to propagate yourself. The main thing is to know a few important steps. When the plant bears abundant fruit, you need to follow which bush is the most healthy and strong. All fruits on it grow approximately the same size.

It is worth choosing the first outlet, it is the strongest, powered by the mother bush. The rest is better to cut. The first outlet is transplanted into a pot. There it is until five or six leaves appear. This will mean that the root system of the plant is fully strengthened and it can be sent to open ground. Then, together with the native land, seedlings can be planted in the intended place. It is necessary to water it by sprinkling, from a small watering can. The transplant process is best done in cloudy weather or in the evening, as discussed earlier.

delicious berry

Strawberries are very rich in nutrients. This juicy and delicious berry not only children, but all adults love it. Allergy sufferers can be an exception.

Strawberries can be eaten without fear, even for people who monitor their weight. The berry contains folic acid and carotene, pectins and fiber, B and C vitamins, fruit sugars and organic acids, calcium, iron, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, manganese and many others.

Strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins. It has a beneficial effect on vision, has anti-cancer properties. Unique healing possibilities strawberries are used to eliminate intestinal disorders and inflammatory processes. For diabetics it is the best remedy to lower blood sugar levels. Jam from these berries is a favorite sweet for children.

Now, perhaps, there is none suburban area on which strawberries would not grow. Delicious and useful berry is to the taste of every person. Therefore, all gardeners and summer residents should know how to plant strawberries correctly.

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