Phloxes are fiery flowers in our garden. Proper planting and care in the fall. Detailed instructions for growing phlox. When and how to transplant phloxes When to transplant phloxes in spring or

This phenomenon is due to the unusually beautiful flowering for a long time. Flowers not only delight the eye with a variety of colors, but are also easy to grow and unpretentious in care.

The frequency of flowering phlox makes it possible to create incredible beautiful compositions in flowerbeds that bloom in early spring, continuing to bloom until late autumn.

Why is a transplant necessary?

Like any garden plant that blooms annually in one place, phloxes degenerate over time. A similar process is characterized by the shrinking of flowers and inflorescences, the loss of elasticity of the leaves during the hot period, and the withering of the shoots. During abundant flowering young bushes, old bushes fade and lose color.

In addition to the degeneration of colors, there is soil depletion, while the application of fertilizers often does not make up for the lack nutrients. Pathogenic flora propagates, contributing to the emergence of diseases and pests.

To avoid these processes, as well as to prevent the degeneration of plants, they should be updated every 4-5 years. Rejuvenation of phlox plantings can be achieved by dividing old, densely overgrown plants into separate parts, followed by planting them in another, previously prepared place.

When to transplant?

Autumn is considered the best period for changing the bush planting zone, at which time plant growth practically stops.

This is due to the beginning of the early growth of the roots of this crop - after snowmelt. Therefore, a spring transplant is fraught with damage to the root system and a decrease in the number flowering bushes. In the spring, it is quite difficult to catch the right moment when the soil has thawed, and the growth of roots has not begun.

It should be noted that in the temperate continental climate zone, it is recommended to transplant in the spring due to the risk of plant death from frost during a winter with little snow due to poorly rooted bushes. In addition, at this time the stems have not yet grown and they will break during seating.

You can also change the place of phlox plantings in summer, when the plant blooms. The work must be carried out with extreme caution so that as much as possible remains on the roots. more land. Divide bushes into summer time undesirable.


Spring transplantation can be started from April to the first half of May.

The plants themselves will act as a reference point, the moment of growth of shoots up to 10 cm long is the optimal period for transplantation.

The spring temperature rise contributes rapid growth phlox, stems are often damaged during transplantation, as a result of which flowering is delayed up to 2 weeks and its duration is reduced.

To make up for losses during transplantation, all broken off shoots, rhizomes can be planted in the soil, covered with a film or agrofiber and periodically moistened well. The result will not keep you waiting, all transplanted sprouts will quickly take root.


When transplanting an adult plant, you can divide the bush into several parts

Transfer to autumn time perform from the third decade of August, after the formation of shoots from the renewal buds, until the first days of October.

Until it comes subzero temperature the plant needs to be well rooted, so mulching is recommended to keep the root zone warm for as long as possible. It is desirable that leaves remain on the stems, this contributes to the rapid adaptation of the plant to a new place.

Autumn transplantation dates are 30-40 days, and spring - 12-14.

Location selection

You can plant plants in open and semi-shaded areas. Areas protected by shrubs or small trees, giving a light shade in the hottest time of the day, especially for dark-colored varieties.

You need to choose a place for phlox calm

So that during the snowmelt or during the rainy season the flowers are not flooded with water, the place for transplantation should be chosen so that the site is located at a slight slope.

Flowerbeds with phloxes can be arranged on any side of the house, except for the north, and in the shade coniferous trees. Flowers will grow in such areas, but they will not bloom magnificently.

In the southern regions of Russia, it is desirable to allocate moist, wind-protected areas for transplantation, near trees, buildings, and also near water bodies.

It is important not only to choose a suitable place for transplantation, but also to properly prepare it. If a change in the place of planting flowers is planned for the spring, then preparatory work should be done in the fall, and vice versa, if in the fall, the preparation is carried out a few months before the next transplant. To do this, dig the soil, remove all weeds and apply organic and mineral fertilizers. The introduced substrates are mixed with the soil at a depth of 12-15 cm due to the fact that root system plants are there.

Transplant rules

The process of transplanting phlox is carried out as follows:

  1. Dig up the selected bush, clean the roots. It is advisable to leave an earthen ball, so the plant takes root better in a new area.
  2. Carefully dismantle the roots located near the stems and separate them from each other. If the bush is old, with densely overgrown roots, they can be divided into several parts with a knife.

    The division must be carried out in such a way that each separated part has roots and rudimentary shoots.

  3. The plant should be planted immediately after division. without allowing the roots to dry out.
  4. The distance between plants should not be less than 45 cm so that phloxes can grow in a new place for more than one year.
  5. The soil is recommended to be mulched, this will help retain moisture in the soil, improve its properties and protect the plant from frost.

If the transplant is performed in the fall, the phlox stems should be cut to a third of their height.

Care after

Growth and lush bloom plants depends on the condition of the soil, therefore, first of all, you should pay attention to its condition. It is necessary to loosen it, increasing air access, and also regularly clean it from weeds.

Flowers need regular abundant watering, especially in summer period. Drying out of the soil leads to a slowdown in growth, weakening of the phlox shoots.

It is equally important to keep the bushes clean, remove dry stems and inflorescences.

Growing phlox is considered one of the easiest. Knowing the timing of transplanting phlox, you can ensure their full development.

Phloxes are a variety of flowers that attract flower growers with their ease of cultivation, unpretentiousness, as well as a variety of shades of their flowers. However, to ensure the maximum flowering of these plants, you should know when to transplant phlox in the fall. Having learned how to transplant phloxes correctly, every grower will be able to skillfully breed these flowers.

flower growers and experienced growers they unanimously assure that phlox seating should only be done in the fall. This should be done after the plants have finally completed the flowering stage. It is necessary to complete the planting of plants in the fall before the end of August.

Reason for choosing autumn planting become features of the development of the root system. After the snow melts, when the temperature is still low, the phlox roots begin to actively develop. At this time, it is very easy to damage them. Thus, the probability of being without flowers at all when transplanting phloxes increases significantly.

Planting phlox bushes

When transplanting, the aerial part is cut off by about a third. This is necessary for better rooting. Nutrients that were intended for the development of the shortened parts will be redirected to the development of the root system. If the root system does not have time to finally strengthen, then the bush may die from the cold.

Selection of a site for transplantation

The condition of the plants may depend not only on the accuracy of the transplant procedure or the weather, but also on the soil in which the flowers were transplanted. Therefore, having decided when to transplant phloxes in the fall in the Moscow region, you should prepare a site for their development.

  • The optimal place for breeding phloxes will be moist and loose soil with a sufficient amount of organic matter.
  • Phlox is very important frequent watering. In hot weather, even surface groundwater does not protect against drying out of the soil. The earth should not be allowed to dry out and crack.
  • A large number of sunlight for growing phlox is not prerequisite. Partial shade will be even preferable, as it can protect the soil from drying out on hot days.
  • The proximity of phlox next to plants that will take a large amount of moisture from them is undesirable. For the same reason, you should constantly remove the weeds next to the flower bushes.
  • Before transplanting phlox, the soil should be fertilized. To do this, organic matter is introduced into the ground, and then mineral fertilizers. For one sq. meter area should be made at least one bucket of compost, 200 gr. wood ash, 30 gr. ammonium nitrate, 30 gr. potassium salt and 50 gr. superphosphate.
  • The depth of the fertilizer should be 15 cm. It is at this depth that the main part of the phlox root system is located.
  • The distance between the bushes should be 30-50 cm. So the phlox will be completely enough useful substances for development.

Spring transplant

Despite the recommendations of experts, spring replanting of phlox bushes is actively practiced. There are often heated discussions on flower growers' forums about when to transplant phloxes - in autumn or spring.

It is believed that transplanting phloxes in the spring in middle lane even better than in autumn. A suitable time for spring transplantation of phlox is the period from the last decade of April to mid-May.

After transplantation, flowering may begin later. If, after transplantation, phloxes began to bloom 2 weeks later, then you should not panic. This is a normal practice when replanting these flowers in the spring.

The need for a transplant

It is believed that phlox should be transplanted every 6 years. With good care, suitable climatic conditions and fertile soil, growth in one place can reach 10 years.

This is how the entire bush is rejuvenated. With long growth in one place, the phlox bush expands and nutrients begin to be insufficient for full flowering. Simultaneously with the impoverishment of the soil, specific organisms and bacteria begin to develop in it. All this leads to a deterioration in the condition and appearance of plants.

Phlox rejuvenation method is to separate one big bush not a few separate ones. They are transplanted to prepared and fertilized places and begin to bloom again, but with renewed vigor.

Flower transplant methods

There are several ways to propagate phlox bushes, but the most effective method is to divide the bush. In this case, you can get maximum germination and preservation unique features phlox.

The rhizome of the bush is dug up and carefully freed from excess earth. The bush is divided into parts. Up to 4 buds and 6 root offspring should be preserved on each part. This procedure is carried out after the end of flowering.

The choice of time for transplanting phlox directly depends on the weather and climatic conditions, as well as on the goals pursued by the grower. Knowing when it is better to transplant phloxes - in spring or autumn, it will be possible to carefully prepare for this procedure.

When to transplant phlox? Phloxes are perennials that bloom luxuriantly for several years, but over the years the flowers become smaller, and the bush requires rejuvenation or transplantation. Many gardeners like to experiment and change appearance site in spring or autumn. But at the end of summer, new ideas just arise: what to change, which plants and color scheme add. Therefore, a transplant of phloxes to another place is organized.
Even though it's pretty unpretentious flower, planting phlox in the fall has its own characteristics and some advantages:
The bush does without additional watering. As a rule, autumn rains are enough for rooting.
In autumn, a longer period that promotes vegetation, rooting and equals 30-40 days. In the spring, flower growers use only two weeks.
Plants planted during this period bloom the following summer. In contrast to this spring breeding delays flowering in the first year.
After flowering, it is easier to determine which varieties will be added or removed to create a consistent image of the site.
Plants obtained from cuttings take root better.
Based on these factors, it becomes clear that plants should be transplanted in autumn in open ground not only possible, but also provides a number of advantages. Subject to certain tips of agricultural technology, better reproduction is obtained.

It is believed that phloxes were brought to our country from North America and today these amazing flowers can be seen in almost any park or suburban area. The plant is distinguished by many unique qualities, thanks to which it takes root so easily in places where the climate is harsh and rainy.

Phloxes are unpretentious, which means they need minimal care. These flowers are enough to plant in Right place, remove weeds and water regularly. The only question that beginner gardeners ask is when can phlox be transplanted? Let's take a closer look at the answer to this question.

To begin with, there are two types of phlox: annual and perennial. It is natural that annual phlox it makes no sense to replant, in nature there are approximately fifty varieties of this type. Such phloxes are rare. Most summer residents are engaged in the "exchange" of perennial plants.

Phloxes are seated by cuttings and dividing the bush. It is advisable to transplant in late autumn. To do this, you need to carefully remove the rhizomes from the ground and divide them so that each root has a pair of stems on which future buds will appear.

When planting, the inflorescences are cut off, and the stems are left, digging the eyes three centimeters into the soil. For transplantation, cloudy weather or late evening is chosen, there should be no wind and frost. It is advisable to transplant under the "rain" or immediately after it, so the plant will be better accepted.

The place must be selected special: there must be a sufficiently large amount of light, the plant must be protected from the wind as much as possible.

After transplantation, one should not forget very much important fact: flowers are afraid severe frosts and therefore for the winter they must be spudded and covered. In early spring you need to start by feeding the plant, for this you can use chicken manure or mullein.

As it was said, phloxes are unpretentious plant and therefore many amateur flower growers transplant them at any time (when they please). Even in a dry and hot summer, these flowers are perfectly accepted and grow, the main thing is not to forget to water them after planting.

It is believed that if flowering phloxes are abundantly watered, then a small part can be carefully “cut off” from the rhizome and transplanted into a well-prepared place. Although the plant will be sick for a while, growth may slow down, it will take over, and even bloom this year. Of course, such flowers at first will be weak and sick.

Phloxes are a popular garden plant, which, thanks to the variety of varieties, can decorate any flower bed or garden. country cottage area. However, for stable and bright flowering they need not only appropriate care, but also timely transplantation. All the features of this process will be discussed in detail in the proposed article, which will allow even beginner gardeners to carry out this procedure in compliance with the technology.

When to transplant phlox

The most favorable period for transplanting these flowers is autumn, but at the same time, phloxes are able to adapt quite well to being transferred to a new place at virtually any time of the year.

All the features of this process, depending on the specific season, are discussed in detail below:

  1. Autumn is the most recommended time for transplanting, as the phlox root system thrives in cold conditions and begins to actively develop immediately after the snow melts, and at the same time it does not need to wait for the ground to warm up. Another advantage of this option is the absence of stems with increased fragility in the plant, which can be accidentally broken during the procedure, which is associated with preliminary seasonal pruning colors.
  2. In the middle lane, phlox transplantation is often practiced in spring period, however, this process will be much more difficult, since you need to be extra careful not to accidentally damage the root processes that have woken up after hibernation. The fact is that this plant does not tolerate even a slight mechanical effect on its root system very well, so the flowering period in the current season may no longer occur.
  3. Transplantation in the summer is extremely rare, but if necessary it can be done, but the process of dividing the bushes will need to be excluded. The procedure must be carried out very carefully so as not to touch the roots; for this, the bush must be dug around the perimeter and transplanted to a new place along with big ball old soil.

Depending on the chosen time of year, phlox transplants are set certain deadlines allocated for this procedure:

  1. IN autumn period transplantation can be done with last week August to early September, then the plant will have enough time to get used to the new place before the first frost.
  2. In the spring, meeting deadlines is most important, you need to perform the procedure at the end of April or the first days of May.
  3. Dates are uncertain during summer., you can transplant during June, July and August.

Transplant goals

Phloxes are actively flowering plants, so transplantation is a mandatory process for them, which is carried out for the following reasons:

Transplant step by step instructions

There is nothing complicated in the implementation of this procedure, detailed algorithm action is given below:

  1. The selected place is pre-cleared from weeds, their roots, stones and other debris; carried out comprehensive training soil for planting flowers.
  2. The places where the bushes will be planted are marked, it is recommended to keep a distance between them of at least 50 cm, since in the absence of urgent need, the next planned transplant will be carried out only after 5-6 years.
  3. A hole is dug, depth and diameter which depend on the size of the root processes of the bushes.
  4. The bush gently sinks into the hole, after which it is covered with garden soil.
  5. The surface of the soil must be immediately carefully mulched, humus is best used for these purposes, since it will help to retain the necessary supply of moisture in the ground, and in winter it will additionally act as a heater.

Choosing a place for transplanting and preparing the soil

Location Requirements

The processes of rooting and adaptation of phloxes in a new place are directly dependent on the correctness of the choice made, as well as the quality, structure and composition of the soil.

For this reason, the place where the plants will be transplanted must meet the following requirements:

  1. The soil should be loosened and abundantly moistened, this is due to the fact that in natural environment phloxes prefer to grow on forest edges or meadows located on floodplains. It is for this reason that, unlike most other garden plants and crops are not afraid of groundwater being too close, even in this case they will require additional watering.
  2. Most good option considered landing in the ground, which contains a large number of various elements and compounds of the organic type.
  3. Phloxes are not too demanding on the degree of illumination, being in partial shade can even, on the contrary, have a positive effect on their condition, since direct contact sun rays can have devastating consequences. In addition, in winter in such places, snow masses usually accumulate, which act as an insulating layer and are able to save root processes from freezing if the temperature drops too much.
  4. In the chosen place, there should be no trees or large shrubs, especially those with a superficial root system. This is due to the fact that phloxes require a large amount of moisture, and they often feel a lack of it, and such neighbors will compete with them for water.

Site preparation

After choosing a suitable place for transplanting phlox, you will need to first prepare the soil on it. To carry out the procedure in the autumn period, it will be necessary to start preparing in the summer, this process will include the following set of activities:

  1. All weeds are removed from the soil surface, after which the future flower bed is carefully dug up. At the same stage, it is recommended to eliminate all the roots preserved in the soil layers.
  2. A large amount of organic fertilizers is necessarily introduced into the soil, and after them fertilizing with mineral mixtures is carried out. To improve the soil, rotten manure, compost, ammonium nitrate, wood ash, superphosphate, potassium salts are well suited. All fertilizer components must be mixed with the soil to a depth of at least 15 cm, since it is in these layers that most of the phlox root processes are located.
  3. The free space around the bush should have a diameter of 35 to 50 cm, depending on its size. This entire site must be fertilized and moistened, it is not allowed to grow any other plants or crops on it. Only if this condition is observed, the flowers will be able to do without another transplant for another 5-6 years.

Below is a recipe for preparing a bait mixture that is most effective in preparing a site for planting phlox. All these dosages are enough to process one square meter:

  1. A standard bucket is taken, which is filled with compost or rotted manure.
  2. About 200 gr. is added to the bucket. wood ash, it is recommended to grind it beforehand.
  3. Potassium salts and ammonium nitrate are added, the optimal dosage of each component is approximately 30 gr.
  4. The last added superphosphate, the volume should be no more than 50 gr.

Follow-up care after transplant

After transplanting the plant, it will be necessary to help it adapt and take root in a new place, for this it must be provided with the following care:

  1. All weeds must be removed from the flower bed in a timely manner, the soil must be kept loose, Special attention this moment is given after irrigation or heavy precipitation.
  2. Watering should be carried out systematically, while each bush will require a large amount of water. In dry and especially hot periods, you can increase both the amount of water used and the frequency of the procedure.
  3. The soil is mulched, for these purposes it is recommended to use a mixture of straw manure, humus and peat, which are mixed in equal proportions. The layer must be at least 5 cm thick.
  4. Feeding should be carried out on a regular basis, it is recommended to give preference to fertilizers in liquid form, as they reach the root system faster.
  5. Dried stems and inflorescences should be cut off in a timely manner, since their preservation will take a significant amount of strength and nutrients from the plant to try to preserve the life of these unnecessary shoots.
  6. Pinching all shoots should be carried out in a timely manner as soon as the need arises.

Preparing for the winter

Phlox are very different high level frost resistance, but prolonged exposure to low temperature conditions it can still adversely affect their condition, so the organization of shelter for the winter is required.

Basic Mistakes

Below are the most common mistakes that do not allow phlox to take root and bloom in full force. Familiarization with them will prevent the likelihood of their repetition in the future:

  1. Too late removal of shelter in the spring. It must be remembered that phloxes are frost-resistant flowers, so they endure small frosts in spring without much difficulty. At the same time, a humid and warm microclimate is formed inside the shelter, with belated dismantling, the plant may be banned under such conditions.
  2. Failure to respect the distances between rows or individual bushes. Depending on the size, it should be 30-60 cm, otherwise the phlox becomes too crowded, a lack of moisture and nutrients begins to be felt, which leads to rather poor flowering.
  3. Failure to comply with the timing of the spring transplant. When carrying out the procedure in the autumn, there are usually no difficulties, but in the spring the dates are often determined incorrectly. You should not be afraid of frosts or delay these processes, since all delays lead to the fact that the plants simply do not have enough time to adapt and root, which is why there is no flowering in the current season.

  1. Despite the absence of viruses that would affect exclusively phloxes, these flowers are very susceptible to infection by any universal fungal or viral infections. Timely application of fertilizers to the soil and preventive treatment chemicals can reduce this risk.
  2. All cut inflorescences, shoots or foliage are recommended to be thrown away from the flower bed, and even better to burn, as they can become sources for the formation of dangerous infections or attract the attention of insects.
  3. In the autumn, liquid fecal top dressing can be carried out, but this practice is not suitable for only transplanted bushes. Conduct similar procedures recommended with bushes that grow in one place for about 2-3 years.

Phlox received wide use a long time ago. IN Soviet time it was hardly possible to find a flower garden near the house in which these unpretentious and diverse flowers would not grow. The emergence of new varieties in last years gave new impetus to their popularity. Moreover, the reproduction and transplantation of phloxes are not very difficult.

Phlox is a flame

This is how the word Phlox is translated from Greek into Russian. Apparently, because of the bright red color of flowers of wild species.

Phlox is perennials cyanide family. They appeared in Europe in the 17th century. Thanks to breeding, today there are about 1,500 varieties of phlox and about 60 of their species. The classification also divides phloxes into groups.

Main groups

The ground cover phloxes are the earliest flowering among them. For example, styloid phlox begins to bloom in May. It is called so because of the leaves, which have a subulate shape. This group also includes phlox Douglas, lovely, Rugelli.

The next group is loose soddy phlox. Their flowering begins a little later than that of ground covers, but also early. These include, for example, splayed phlox. It blooms very luxuriantly, has a violet smell and, depending on the variety, different colors of flowers: white, purple, lilac.

The third group is bush phlox, they are tall and short. The first of them are the most popular with us. Panicled phlox, for example, can be of various colors, and its flowers are collected in lush inflorescences. White phloxes of this variety are especially beautiful.

The spotted phlox also belongs to the tall ones. It is sometimes confused with panicled. However, its inflorescences resemble the shape of a cylinder, the stems are covered with purple speckles, and it blooms much earlier.

Where to plant?

Everyone talks about the unpretentiousness of phloxes, and yet in order for them to please with the beauty and duration of their flowering, it is necessary to create for them good conditions. First of all, planting or transplanting phlox should be carried out on a loose, well-filled organic fertilizers soil. Two more important conditions: maintaining sufficient soil moisture and systematic top dressing during the growing season.

But first, about the landing site. Phlox love good lighting, however, diffused light is preferred to the open sun. It is good when, at the hottest time of the day, shrubs and rare trees shade the flower garden with phloxes. The same plantings will protect the flowers from the cold wind, which is contraindicated for them, maintain soil moisture, and protect phloxes from freezing in winter.

Phlox transplant time

You can plant or transplant these plants in late spring, early autumn and even summer (but not in hot weather).

In autumn, it is impossible to be late with a transplant due to the fact that the plants do not have time to take root well before the onset of frost and die. Phlox transplantation in autumn is most favorable in terms from the last decade of August to mid-September, it is then that renewal buds are laid on the rhizome near the stems. In autumn, phloxes should be planted with stems, but inflorescences and racemes with seeds should be cut off.

Late spring planting fraught with the rapid onset of hot weather, which also will not give the phlox the opportunity to develop well. Therefore, the case should be taken as soon as the land thaws and is suitable for field work.

Finally, if a phlox transplant is still required in the summer, then this should be done on a cloudy day, and the plant should be transplanted with a large clod of earth.

How to plant phlox correctly

When planting, one must not forget that the root system of plants is branched, does not lie deep, which means that fertile land, from which the roots feed, must also be in top layer soil.

The best for phlox are medium loamy, close to neutral, loose and moist soils. If you have to plant phloxes in heavy clay or sandy soil, then you need to initially dig a hole for planting deeper and fill it in to compensate for coarse sand or clay, and then fertile soil, where it is necessary to add a cow or horse manure, ash, leaf ground and mineral fertilizers.

When planting a plant, it is necessary to ensure that the root neck is a few centimeters below ground level.

Having finished with planting, phloxes should be watered, at least one and a half to two liters of water under a bush. Then, for two weeks, regular watering should be continued after 2-3 days. When the plants are well accepted and grow, you can reduce the amount of watering, but you need to mulch the ground around the planted phloxes with humus or sawdust.

Phlox care: fertilizing

Although it is generally accepted that phloxes are unpretentious flowers, however good care behind them significantly improves their decorative qualities: the bush becomes more powerful, the flowers are larger, the flowering period increases. If the annual correct top dressing, maintain the necessary soil moisture, mulch it in a timely manner, then transplanting phlox will not be needed for 5 to 10 years.

During the season, it is necessary to carry out three top dressings of phloxes. The first one is produced in May. Take half a bucket of humus or compost, add one tablespoon of urea there and mix thoroughly. All this is poured under the bush of the plant.

During budding, a second top dressing is done. One to two tablespoons mineral fertilizer, which is designed specifically for flowering plants being bred in a bucket of water. The third top dressing is carried out after the flowering of phloxes, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used for this. In a bucket of water, for example, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are diluted, one tablespoon each.

Maintaining humidity is a must

A powerful root system, a large mass of stems, leaves and phlox flowers require a large amount of moisture. If it is not enough, then the growth of plants is weakened, the leaves turn yellow, and the flowers become smaller and turn pale, cease to be bright.

Of course, the amount of water that needs to be applied under phlox is not always the same, it depends on the soil and the weather. But on average it is recommended for 1 sq. m pour one and a half to two buckets of water. More in dry weather. By the way, if a transplant of phloxes was required in the summer, then the ground at the landing site must be very well moistened.

Phloxes should be watered by sprinkling, i.e. from a watering can, and not from a hose, because a jet of water washes away the earth from the rhizomes. Watering is carried out, as a rule, in the afternoon, in the late afternoon, so that the water soaks into the soil and does not evaporate. After watering, the ground near the phlox must be loosened so that a crust does not form.


Phloxes are propagated by layering, cuttings, seeds, dividing the bush.

The easiest way is by dividing the bush. After all, phlox transplantation is still done every 5-6 years, because the bushes grow and flowering weakens. Therefore, it is easy to combine these two procedures.

As soon as a phlox transplant is needed, its timing must be combined with the time of dividing the bush. However, they do match. The division of the bush is also carried out either in spring (in May) or in autumn (August - September).

Having chosen a bush, carefully dig it out, shake off the ground, clean it root collars. Carefully, so as not to damage, we disassemble the roots that go to the stems, we separate them from each other. Of course, if the bush is old, it is hardly possible to do this. It is necessary to take a knife or a shovel and cut the delenka into several parts. Be sure to make sure that each part has eyes, roots and rudiments of shoots.

It is better to plant the divided parts of the bush immediately so that the roots do not dry out. An earthen ball should also not be shaken off completely. The plant takes root better if it is transplanted with a clod of earth. By the way, transplanting phlox in the fall requires cutting the stems to 2/3 or 1/3 of their height.

Reproduction of phlox by layering is also not a particularly complicated procedure. Even before flowering, the stem of the plant is bent to the ground, fixed and sprinkled with a mixture of peat and humus. In autumn, an independent plant formed from the stem is transplanted to a permanent place.

We decorate the garden plot with phlox

When to transplant phlox and how to do it is now known. Now you should decide how the phlox bushes will fit into landscape design the existing area.

It depends on the variety. For example, styloid phlox is more suitable for alpine slides. But panicled phlox can be used both as single plantings and in a group with other colors. It can be both in the background, shading the planting of annual flowers, and coupled with perennial flowers: carnations, bluebells, rudbeckia and others.

When choosing varieties of phlox better preference give to domestic, which are more adapted to our climatic conditions. Moreover, there is a wide variety of these varieties.

If the selection of varieties is made taking into account the height of the bushes, the color of the flowers and the flowering time of the phloxes, then the garden will delight with its beauty for five months.

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Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.