How to transplant and renew geraniums: choose a pot, soil and time. How to grow beautiful geraniums

blooming geranium on the windowsill in Soviet time was considered petty. Modern man rejects such ideas, so you can meet pelargonium in almost every home. It blooms profusely and beautifully throughout almost the entire year, unpretentious, useful - what more could the owner want? The rules for caring for geraniums are simple, but they exist and must be followed. Experienced flower growers share the tricks of growing healthy pelargonium. For harmonious development, it is important to transplant the plant on time and correctly.

Features of growing a flower at home

There is nothing particularly complicated in the rules for caring for geraniums. But it is necessary to highlight the basic requirements for the conditions of growth and flowering of the plant and observe them. The main thing to remember: geranium is a drought-loving plant. After all, pelargonium is a guest originally from Africa. It copes better with a lack of moisture than with its excess.


You can water geraniums every day, two or three times a week, sometimes one procedure is enough for 7-10 days. It all depends on the air temperature in the room in which pelargonium grows. How to determine what needs to be watered? The answer is simple: dry upper layer soil in a pot. Obvious signs of waterlogging: wilted leaves, lack of flowering, the appearance of mold at the base of the stem and on the ground.

Geranium does not require leaf spraying. It's bad for her. Protect her from such an ordeal.

Air temperature

The ideal temperature ranges from 18 o C to 25 o C. Geranium tolerates strong heat well. 10 o C or slightly higher - optimal in winter period rest when the plant is not flowering.


Pelargonium loves a lot of sun. In the house, the flower should be placed on the south, southwest or southeast window. Geranium will survive in partial shade, but there will be no rapid and long flowering.

Geranium loves loosening the soil. But this must be done carefully, to a depth of no more than five cm.

top dressing

With the right soil, geraniums at home need to be fed once a month. For flowering and a healthy appearance, it needs potash and phosphorus fertilizers. The flower also needs nitrogen. You can purchase special products for geraniums or use universal preparations for flowering indoor plants.

To prolong flowering once a week, feed geraniums with iodine water (a drop of iodine per liter).

Fertilizer is applied after the main watering, after about half an hour. The earth must be moist so as not to burn the roots. In summer, for the time of feeding, it is recommended to remove the plant from the sun and then hold it in partial shade for another 2-3 hours.


In the spring, all shoots are pruned, leaving no more than 5 growth buds. If time is lost, the procedure can be carried out in early autumn.

Pruning a plant allows you to create nice shape bush and stimulate education more buds.

How to plant geraniums: the choice of capacity, requirements for soil composition and other nuances

Geranium, with proper care, can grow and bloom for 10-12 years, while maintaining its decorative effect. How often should it be repotted? It depends on the rate of green mass formation. Fast growth requires an annual plant transplant, slower - every two years. The usual schedule for updating a pelargonium pot is every 10–12 months.

How to choose a pot for geraniums

Geranium does not tolerate a lot of root space. If you plant a pelargonium in a large pot, it may even die. It will definitely not bloom until the roots "master" the entire soil. Therefore, it is better to plant a flower first in a small container, and after a year change it to a large one. For one root, a pot with a diameter of 10–14 cm is suitable, its height should not exceed 15 cm (ideally, 10–12 cm). When changing the container, its diameter is taken into account, the new pot should be 1.5–2 cm larger than the previous one.

The pot should have drainage holes. The appearance of pelargonium roots in them is a signal for transplanting into a large bowl. An unglazed ceramic container is best suited. The bush feels good in it, grows and blooms. But there is one drawback: in earthenware, the soil dries out faster than in plastic. Therefore, frequent watering is required.

Photo gallery: choosing the right pot

A geranium pot must have drainage holes to drain excess water.
For geraniums, it is important that the pot is not “for growth”, in a tight container the plant blooms more abundantly
Each new geranium pot should be 1.5–2 cm larger than the previous one in diameter.
Geranium grows better in ceramic pots - they pass air well, contributing to soil aeration.

Soil for pelargoniums

Geranium is not particularly demanding on the quality of the soil. But for the comfortable development of the bush, loose and well-drained land is needed. The following compositions are optimal:

  • a substrate for indoor flowers or a universal soil mixed with the components necessary for geraniums: perlite, vermiculite, river sand (the first two substances can be changed to peat and humus, taken in approximately equal proportions);
  • the top layer of soil from the garden (it is better to take it under bushes and trees);
  • soddy soil, humus, coarse river sand (8:2:1).

When can you transplant geraniums

Indoor flowers are usually finicky in terms of transplantation. Better and easier plants tolerate such stress in the spring. Geranium in this sense does not make any special claims. Of course, spring transplantation is perceived by pelargonium as a natural process after winter rest and stimulates it to intensively build up green mass and further bloom. This period covers the end of February, the whole of March and the first decade of April. After transplanting at this time, pelargonium will delight with lush flowers until frost.

If the deadlines are missed, you can transplant in the fall, in September-October. But if there are unambiguous signals that the plant needs an appropriate procedure (sticking out of drainage hole roots, mold on the ground, disease), you can transplant at any time of the year. Nevertheless, it is very undesirable to disturb geraniums in winter and at the time of flowering.

Pelargonium transplant features after purchase

Buying a geranium does not mean instantly transplanting it from a transport store soil. Behind recent weeks the plant several times had to hastily adapt to changing temperature and lighting, so you need to take pity on it and let it adapt to new living conditions. As a rule, it takes several weeks to get used to (from two to four). Then they act according to the algorithm:

  1. We take the pot a little more than the previous one.
  2. We prepare a fresh earthen mixture.
  3. We transfer the plant to a new container, after moistening the soil a little.
  4. We fill up the earth to the edges of the pot (do not tamp).
  5. Water carefully.

Before transplanting, carefully inspect the root system of the plant. Healthy roots braid the earthen ball completely. It is necessary to shake off the substrate and wash them only in case of detection of rot, diseases or insects. In other cases, a whole earthen room is moved to a new soil. Young roots will get everything they need from it. nutrients.

Some flower growers violate generally accepted rules purchased geranium transplants. They immediately carry out the above procedures with her, believing that there is no need to wait and it is better to immediately subject the plant to all the tests, and not stretch them out for a month.

How to plant geraniums without roots

You can plant a sprig of geranium without roots. perfect time- spring or early autumn. It's usually done like this:

  1. A sprig of geranium 5–7 centimeters long with two to five leaves is cut off at a right angle.
  2. Warm settled or boiled water is poured into a transparent glass.
  3. A geranium stalk is placed in the water. It needs to be changed every 2-3 days. To speed up the rooting process, dissolve in the liquid succinic acid(250 ml tablet) or add a little biostimulant - Epin, Zircon, Kornevin (2-3 ml per liter).

Long-term maintenance of the future pelargonium bush in water can cause rotting of the part lowered there. To prevent this, you can put an activated charcoal tablet in the container.

Most flower growers do not lower the cutting into the water, but immediately root it in a prepared pot with an earthen mixture. Dry cuttings after pruning room temperature about two hours. Then they are seated in transparent plastic cups filled with universal primer for flowering houseplants or peat chips. The type of geranium affects the method of rooting: zonal geranium gives roots faster in water, fragrant - in the ground, royal also prefers soil, but the process is slow.

Dishes with future bushes are placed in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. Ivy and zonal geraniums are ready to be transplanted into a pot in 10-15 days, the royal one will need a month. Transparent cups are good because the appearance of roots can be quickly noticed - they reach the walls of the dishes in a few days. Another criterion that the procedure was successful is the appearance of a new leaflet.

Is it possible to transplant flowering geraniums

Any plants during flowering spend a lot of energy on the formation of a bud and the ripening of seeds. During such a period, it is better to regret geraniums, increase feeding, and not subject them to additional stress. Otherwise, the flowers will fall first, then the leaves will turn yellow. The plant may even die. It is recommended to wait until the end of flowering and transplant pelargonium in 5–10 days.

If there is an urgent need to transplant geraniums into a new pot at the time of flowering (they dropped or damaged the plant, the bush got sick), then this can still be done. It is necessary to try to transfer the pelargonium into a new container without damaging the roots, without destroying the earthen clod. The flowers will fall, of course, but the geraniums will survive.

Features of plant care after transplantation

A geranium transplanted into a new pot does not need to be fed for the first two to three months. It will take all the nutrients from fresh soil. Therefore, the pelargonium bush requires only timely watering as the soil dries. It is important to ensure optimal temperatures and proper lighting. After the appearance of new leaves and the growth of a rooted cutting, the pelargonium is pinched so that it does not stretch upwards, but bushes.

Step-by-step instructions for planting and transplanting

Before starting work on transplanting or planting geraniums, you need to prepare everything you need: a pot, scissors, earthen mixture, a watering can with warm water. If you decide to use not a new dish, but one in which another flower grew, it must be soaked for a day in bleach for disinfection or boiled. Then rinse thoroughly with running water and dry. Further actions are carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. At the bottom of the pot we lay brick chips, pieces of foam or expanded clay. You can use fragments of broken ceramic dishes, crushed stone and gravel. The thickness of the drainage layer is about 1–2 cm.
  2. We water the geranium, wait for the water to be absorbed. Then we take out the plant along with a clod of earth. To do this, turn the pot upside down, holding the pelargonium by the trunk at the base. Grasp the container with the other hand and pull out the plant. You can gently tap the bottom with your palm.
  3. We examine the roots of the extracted plant. We cut off the areas affected by rot, other damaged tissues with a sharp disinfected knife or scissors.
  4. Carefully place the rhizomes in the prepared pot for drainage layer. The voids are filled with soil and lightly compacted. Two centimeters of empty space must be left to the top of the container so that when watering, the water does not overflow over the edge.
  5. The plant is watered and removed in partial shade for about a week. After seven days, put the geranium in its permanent habitat.

Video: how to transplant geraniums into another pot

How to rejuvenate geraniums with a transplant

Geranium feels good in the same pot for several years. But a three-year-old plant may already need updating. Rejuvenate a pelargonium bush better in spring, in March-April. To do this, geraniums are pruned, leaving about five points of growth on each shoot. This procedure helps to give the bush a beautiful shape and increase the number of buds in the future.

The second way to rejuvenate a geranium is to get seeds and grow them into a new plant. It is important to remember that if a variety of pelargonium belongs to the F1 category (selective hybrid), then the desired result may not be achieved - varietal characteristics mother plant will not be passed on to offspring.

The third way is dividing the bush. To do this, the pelargonium is watered abundantly, after a day they take out a clod of earth from the pot and divide the roots into the required number of copies. Then proceed according to the instructions.

Possible transplant problems and solutions

The transplanted geranium is a big sissy. She is exposed to many dangers. All of them come from improper care for the "newborn" flower. It is necessary to water the plant along the edge of the pot, and not under the root. The earth needs to be loosened especially carefully and shallow. The first week after transplantation for geraniums is dangerously active sun, it needs light partial shade.

Sometimes in pelargonium, the leaves change color, lose their tone. Why does geranium turn yellow after transplanting? This is the plant's reaction to the stress experienced. It is necessary to pinch them off and remove the inflorescences. After two to three weeks, pelargonium will return to normal. For prevention, you can pour a solution of Kornevin, Heteroauxin. They stimulate the formation of roots.

Geranium is a favorite of many flower growers. Growing it is no easy task. At proper care you can breed a whole garden of pelargoniums. They bloom beautifully and profusely, their aroma neutralizes microbes in the room and has a beneficial effect on human vital activity.

Geranium is known to experienced flower growers as pelargonium. This is one of the popular indoor plants that can be found in the apartments of many domestic flower lovers. With the onset of sustained heat, pelargonium can be transplanted to garden plot, however, in the fall she is again returned to the house, where she will be provided with a comfortable temperature regime. There is a version that geranium is a flower of aristocrats.

However, even among ordinary people There are many fans of this indoor plant. IN modern conditions, when you can easily buy a wide variety of exotic plants, geraniums are no longer popular. However, due to its exceptional bright coloring, this houseplant can compete with many modern exotics.

Pelargonium watering regime

Considering that summer is the hottest time of the year, during this period it is necessary to provide the plant with abundant watering. However, they must be moderate to avoid flooding the plant. Otherwise, it will not tolerate an excess of moisture and will die.

When growing geraniums in such conditions, its leaves become lethargic and rot. Subsequently, gray mold can be seen on them, the stem begins to turn black. When these signs appear, it is necessary to reduce watering faster.

Otherwise, the root itself will begin to rot pretty soon, which is very likely if there is rot. Geranium is considered to be a drought-resistant plant, but still it should not be deprived of the required amount of water, otherwise it will be difficult to wait for abundant flowering from it.

To determine the moment when you need to carry out the next watering, you need to monitor the condition of the earthen coma. The beginning of its drying is a good hint for watering.

IN summer season the drying of the earth can occur at different intervals - sometimes every day, and sometimes every other day. IN winter time care for geraniums should be somewhat different: given the cooler growing conditions of geraniums, watering should not be as frequent.

Light requirements

Geranium grows well if it does not lack light. Therefore, it is recommended place it on the south side. However, comfortable conditions cultivation can be provided in partial shade.

It is not recommended that the geranium be constantly under sunlight. Otherwise, it can lead to burns on the leaves. To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended at lunch remove a flower from the window sill.

If you are going to transplant geraniums into the garden in the summer, then you should find a suitable place. It should be well lit by the sun and be protected from wind and drafts.

However, it is undesirable to grow geraniums in conditions of complete shading, since in this case you can only be content with small leaves. She will not be able to please you with flowering, even if you provide her with appropriate care.

Temperature regime

In order for geranium to grow well at home, it needs a temperature of at least + 12 degrees Celsius. Under cooler temperature conditions, she may have problems: the leaves become drooping, and the stems are bare.

If you do not change the temperature regime, then subsequently the pelargonium will die. Pelargonium is also depressingly affected by elevated air temperature. In such conditions, its flowering becomes problematic. This one is best indoor flower feels at normal room temperature.

Air humidity

If you believe experienced flower growers, then geraniums can grow well with any humidity. Therefore, regardless of what kind of air is in the room, this will not affect the development of pelargonium in any way.

While caring for pelargonium spraying is undesirable., since this negatively affects the condition of the flower. You can limit yourself to regular soil moisture in summer period.

For the normal development of geraniums, fresh air is needed, which makes it very hardy. Therefore, in the summer, it is recommended to keep more of it in the fresh air, or at least grow it on the balcony.

Fertilizing indoor geraniums

To provide nutrition to geraniums, it is unacceptable to use fresh organic fertilizers. It is best to add rich nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal amounts of fertilizer.

Feeding geraniums with potassium in sufficient quantities, you are more likely to wait for its abundant flowering. But you need to ensure that these elements of top dressing are present in the composition of fertilizers in small quantities.

Proper care of pelargonium provides for its provision with various trace elements:

  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;

For this purpose, you can use fertilizers for indoor flowers, which can be found in a flower shop. Effective is the drug "Merry Flower Girl" for geraniums. In the absence of it, it can be replaced with fertilizer " For flowering plants».

You should refrain from feeding pelargonium if the weather is hot. Otherwise, after this event, the plant will experience stress. If you have planned top dressing, then it is recommended to carry them out after you transfer the plant to the shade.

It is advisable to refrain from applying to dry soil liquid fertilizer. Need to water the flower first. Otherwise, you will harm the plant, because when applied to dry soil, all fertilizers burn the roots.

Geranium transplant

A houseplant geranium can safely do without a transplant. But still, you need to regularly monitor its condition: a transplant may be required at a time when there is no free space left for the roots in a small pot.

Therefore, adult specimens usually have to be transplanted. In addition, geraniums also have to be transplanted in cases where it is too flooded with water. In any case, it is recommended to select for transplantation not very large capacity.

When choosing a pot, you need to consider that root system matched the size of the pot. Before transplanting, high-quality drainage is laid on the bottom. If you believe the flower growers, then geraniums can grow well in ordinary summer cottage land.

You can also prepare for it special soil mix , which requires the following components:

  • Leaf land.
  • Sod land.
  • Mucky land.
  • Sand.

Be sure to maintain proportions - 1: 1: 1: ½. The most favorable period for transplanting geraniums is spring.

How to propagate geraniums at home

To obtain new pelargonium bushes, two main propagation methods can be used. Way propagation by seeds not so often used by flower growers. It makes sense to resort to it in cases where it is planned to grow new varieties.

A serious problem for the method of propagation by sowing seeds is that the seedlings grown from them usually have decorative qualities different from the chosen variety. Therefore, often young geraniums have different color shade and leaves. It also differs in length, height and bushiness.

In the absence of much experience in growing indoor plants, it is recommended to first use cheap varieties of geranium flowers, since novice flower growers often fail.

For growing geraniums by sowing seeds, it is necessary prepare the ground suitable composition: it must have a loose structure, so be sure to include humus and sand in it.

Usually the sowing of seeds is carried out already in early March. However, it is allowed to do this in more early dates, but in this case, in order to eliminate the lack of lighting, it will be necessary to carry out supplementary lighting with the help of artificial light lamps.

Before sowing the soil needs to be disinfected. To do this, it is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which minimizes the risk of developing a black leg in plants. After sowing, it is not necessary to sprinkle the seeds with a layer of earth.

However, they must be sufficiently buried in the soil. To accelerate the germination of seeds, they need provide a greenhouse effect, for which a film is pulled on top, and the container itself is transferred to a warm place.

Reproduction by cuttings

Also, for propagation of geraniums at home, you can use cuttings that are harvested in the spring. To do this, prepared shoots must be placed in a container of water.

Usually the roots of the cutting are formed quickly, if enough is maintained in the room. heat. After this, the cutting placed in a pot with earth. At the first sign of the beginning of growth, you need to pinch off the top of it.

Before planting the stalk in the ground, it needs to be given a little time to dry from the water. As a rule, when using the cutting method, shoots taken from the top of the plant are used. And they should have at least 3-4 leaves.

Geranium diseases and their treatment

Geranium is unpretentious plant which it confirms by its high resistance to diseases and pests. However, in some cases, it can still be affected by certain ailments:

In order to avoid negative manifestations, the processing of pelargonium is recommended to be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions.

Geranium more than deserves to have a place in the grower's house. Standing out with splendor and bushiness, it will look no worse than many modern ornamental plants.

However, their decorative properties she can only show with proper care, so she needs to provide not only watering, but also lighting. And in the summer it is very useful to take it out into the fresh air.

With the emergence of new garden centers, the fashion for houseplants is changing faster than clothing. More and more appear on the shelves of these stores every year. and more exotic plants that you want to decorate your home with. But there are houseplants, the popularity of which is not affected by fashion. Such indoor plants include geranium, which was grown on the windowsills of our grandmothers. True, recently many plant species belonging to the geranium family have appeared. And pelargonium is one of them. It is this plant that raises the popularity of geranium to a great height today.

The most popular among geraniums are garden pelargoniums, or the so-called "blooming geraniums". They feel great not only in the garden, but also on a sunny windowsill. Among these species there are those that please with their flowering, and those that are bred for the beauty of their leaves. If you see this plant live, you will probably be interested in how to grow geraniums at home.

Thanks to its healing qualities and unpretentiousness in care, geranium has long been one of the most popular indoor plants. In folk medicine, it is used to treat gastrointestinal tract, treatment of nervous disorders, kidney stones. A century and a half ago, this plant gained popularity, and it began to be grown in gardens and greenhouses. Then many new varieties appeared, and geraniums began to be grown at home. Now indoor geranium grows in almost every home. She pleases her owners abundant flowering throughout most of the year and folk beliefs protects the family from evil forces.

How to grow geranium

If you decide to grow geraniums at home on your own, then, unfortunately, there are still few options. You can either buy ready-made flowering plant and learn how to care for it, or grow geraniums yourself. It can be grown from seeds or cuttings. You can try to find pelargonium seeds and grow your future geranium from them. But keep in mind that from the moment the seeds are planted to flowering, about five to six months pass. In addition, pelargonium seeds germinate rather slowly and poorly. And finally, it is not always possible to find pelargonium seeds in a store.

Cuttings for growing geraniums at home are more preferable. To do this, cut apical shoots 7-8 cm high with four to five leaves from an adult plant. Then remove the bottom two leaves and place the cuttings in water. You can simply dip the cuttings in a root stimulant and plant them in the soil, in which they are mixed in equal amounts garden soil, peat and sand. At good lighting and room temperature, the cuttings should root quickly. From one adult plant in this way, you can get from five to fifteen new ones. Such pruning, by the way, also benefits the adult bush.

All types of geraniums are easily propagated by cuttings throughout the year, but the most favorable time for cuttings is the beginning of spring - February-March - or the end of summer - July-August. The cut stalk is slightly dried during grafting, and then, planted in the substrate, it is kept in a dry state, that is, it is not sprayed and rarely watered. After rooting, the sprout is pinched.

Geranium Care

Caring for homemade geraniums is very simple. It does not require much attention, but will delight you with the beauty of its flowering almost throughout the year.

  • Lighting

Geranium is a very light-loving plant and, unlike its counterparts, is not afraid of direct sun rays. If the lighting is not enough, then the geranium loses the brightness of the color of both leaves and flowers.

  • Temperature regime

Geraniums require moderate temperatures to grow. 18-20°C. In winter, it is desirable to provide her with a lower temperature, but not lower than 8-10 ° C.

  • Watering

In summer, geraniums require plentifulwatering and moderate in winter. It is desirable to divert excess water, because stagnant moisture leads to root rot. Geranium accumulates moisture in its leaves, so waterlogging is more dangerous for it than lack of moisture. Spraying geraniums is not required.

  • top dressing

Feed the plant once or twice a month with universal fertilizers. There are special fertilizers for geraniums, so it is preferable to buy them.

  • substrate

For geraniums, an all-purpose potting mix is ​​suitable, but this plant needs good drainage, because stagnant water is very dangerous for it.

  • Transfer

If the pot becomes too small for the plant, then it should be repotted in the spring. Otherwise, it is enough to limit yourself to replacing the topsoil. To do this, remove about two centimeters of earth and add fresh soil mixture.

Geranium diseases

With proper care, geraniums rarely get sick. But even if this happens, the plant is easy to save by giving it time. help you need. Diseases house geranium are the result of poor or improper care - insufficient lighting, high humidity air and roots. But there are also viruses that can infect your geraniums through the soil. Therefore, the soil during transplantation must be sterilized.

The most dangerous diseases for geraniums are nematodes, since when this scourge is damaged, the plant dies. characteristic feature disease is the formation of large nodes on the roots. Such soil becomes generally unsuitable for growing any plants.

They are dangerous for geraniums and fungal diseases such as gray and root rot,rust etc. They are most often the result of poor drainage and waterlogging. Geraniums also have pests - these are aphids, mites and whiteflies. Need to fight them in the usual way. From aphids, washing the plant with a solution is suitable laundry soap. Thoroughly wash the geranium crown from the mite running water.

The whitefly is a serious pest close to aphids, which is not so easy to deal with. The development of this pest is facilitated by dry hot air, and the larvae bring the most significant harm. They, located on the lower surface of the leaves, draw all the juices from the plants. At the same time, they pollute the leaves with sugary secretions, on which soot fungus develops because of this.

This interferes with the normal development of the plant. The leaves turn yellow, dry out and then fall off. The whitefly, when treated with poisons, very quickly adapts to them, therefore, in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to alternate various preparations. For example, Fufanon, Actellik, Confidor and Bison. Read the instructions on the packaging carefully. It is very difficult to fight the whitefly, so you should simply prevent its occurrence.

Possible Problems When Growing Geraniums

  • Turn yellow and then fall off lower leaves plants. Likely Causes there may be a lack of light, insufficient or excessive watering. With a lack of light, the leaves simply turn pale, and their shape and appearance does not change. In this case, you should simply provide additional illumination of the plants. With insufficient watering, the tips of the leaves dry, and with excessive watering, the leaves wither and then rot.
  • The edges of the leaves turn red. This means that the plant is cold and should be moved to a warmer location.
  • Geranium does not bloom. This happens either when there is not enough light, or when the temperature is too low.

Knowing all the secrets, you can easily grow a very beautiful geranium.

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Since the advent of garden centers, gardening has become more and more popular. Moreover, like fashion for clothes, interests in certain plants change very often. Housewives constantly find out about new variety plants, which should immediately be on their green balcony. But this does not apply to all types of plants, because there are those that never go out of fashion. Geranium is one of them.

With its popularity, the plant obliges, first of all, time. The fact is that the cultivation of geraniums has been going on for many years. Our grandmothers also decorated the living room with these wonderful flowers. They also began to use their medicinal properties.

Since the appearance of geraniums (and this happened in the 17th century), there have been many changes and discoveries. For example, the geranium family has been divided into many types of plants, each of which fascinates with its appearance. But among all the species, only a few are truly worthy of the title of "geranium". And this is pelargonium. This species is very popular due to its resistance to climate change. They feel great both on the windowsill and in sunny garden. Seeing such a plant at least once, you will probably want to know how to grow geraniums at home.

How to grow geranium

Pelargonium is able to grow for more than twelve years in one place. Due to their frost resistance, they are able to survive the winter without special shelter and at the same time feel great in terms of growth.

If we talk about the soil, then it should be:

  • drained;
  • loose;
  • with low acid content;
  • rich in humus.

Biological features of geranium

Almost all types of geraniums are considered drought-resistant, so an excessive amount of moisture harms them, unless we are talking about marsh geraniums. Plants are photophilous, so they do not take root in shady places.

Healing properties of geranium

In addition to your beautiful appearance, Pelargonium may also benefit your health.

  1. The fact that the plant is in your home is already healing, because it is able to disinfect the air. This is a well-known moment, so many children's institutions acquire this plant.
  2. Due to its bactericidal properties, medicinal infusions can be prepared from geraniums. Geranium tinctures are excellent for treating a sore throat.
  3. It can be used to treat diarrhea and stop bleeding. This is a proven fact.
  4. Many medicines contain geranium extract. This refers to drugs for the rapid healing of bones after a fracture.
  5. Geranium has a positive effect on the level of pressure, on blood circulation and on the rhythm of the heartbeat.
  6. Pelargonium flowers can improve the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Geranium: medicinal properties

This is not all the medicinal properties of geraniums. They can be listed for a long time, if you delve into folk medicine. In addition, geranium is widely used not only in medicine, but also in cooking.

Video: healing properties of geranium

How to grow geraniums: little tricks

If you decide to grow geraniums at home, then you have two options:

  • buy a plant in a flower shop and continue to care for it;
  • grow it on your own.

Choosing the second option, you will also need to decide on the method of cultivation - cuttings or seeds. You can try to grow the plant by first getting the seeds. But this idea will take you a lot of time and nerves. On average, this process takes six months. In addition, growth will be very slow, which will make you doubt the correctness of your decision a hundred times over.


With cuttings, you should not have serious problems, so many gardeners choose this method. To get a quick and high-quality result, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions.

How to grow geraniums from cuttings
  1. Prepare 7 cm shoots from big plant pelargonium. The shoot should have several leaves.
  2. Put the resulting cuttings in warm water, after getting rid of the bottom sheets.
  3. if you have special agent to stimulate root growth, water is not needed. It is necessary to wet the cuttings with this agent and plant them in the ground.
  4. Observing the required temperature level and lighting level, your cuttings will take root after a while.

When choosing the most favorable period for cuttings, it is worth noting that the most suitable period for this is the end of summer or the beginning of spring. But do not despair if you did not manage to do it within the specified period. Most geranium species are able to reproduce throughout the year. After that, you will have another, no less important, task - proper care.

Video: propagation of geraniums by cuttings

How to care for geraniums

Proper care of geraniums at home is not difficult. You will not need much time or effort, and in return, the plant will delight you with its beauty every day.


Geranium is one of those types of plants that love sunlight. This means that the place for growing must be chosen wisely. Otherwise, due to lack of light, the leaves and stems will lose their color and begin to wither.

Geranium Care

Temperature selection

For full growth, it is necessary to observe optimum temperature. It's about about the range from 17 to 20 degrees Celsius. In winter, this range decreases - 7-10 degrees.


Pelargonium does not apply to plants that need to be watered abundantly every day. It is necessary to control this process by regularly diverting excess water. In this case, the lack of moisture is not as dangerous for the plant as waterlogging.



Used as supplementary food universal fertilizers. They need to be applied to the ground twice a month. Many flower shops sell special fertilizer for geraniums. Many gardeners recommend using it.

flower fertilizer


Geranium transplant

Remove a two-centimeter layer of soil, replacing it with fresh.

Geranium diseases and why it does not bloom

If all the recommendations for care are followed, geraniums will rarely get sick. But even in such cases, the plant can be cured very easily and quickly. To do this, you just need to provide quick help. Among all the causes of geranium disease, there are several of the most common:

  • high level of humidity;
  • bad light;
  • viruses.

Among all geranium diseases, it is nematodes that are considered the most dangerous for geraniums, since it is already impossible to save the plant after the disease. If large nodes were found on the roots, then the plant is infected, and it is no longer possible to grow anything on this soil.

Fungal diseases are also quite dangerous for this type of plant. These include rust, gray rot and so on. The cause of the appearance of the fungus is most often waterlogging.

fungal disease of geranium

Regular rinsing with running water will help you get rid of ticks. Thoroughly wash the crowns of the plant, and the mites will not bother you.

The fight against whiteflies, as well as against aphids, is already a more serious test. The fact is that dry and hot air is an ideal habitat for larvae (as well as for geraniums). The larvae live under the leaves, sucking the life juices from the plant. But that is not all. In the process of eating, the larvae secrete special secretions that contribute to the appearance of soot fungus.

Whitefly - worst enemy geraniums

From this, the plant cannot develop normally. Under the influence of the disease, yellowing and drying of the leaves occurs.

The peculiarity of the whitefly is that it perfectly adapts to the poison with which they are treated. For optimal results, you must constantly alternate different types drugs. The most effective ones are:

  • actellik;
  • bison;
  • confidor;
  • fufanon.

Alternate these drugs regularly, and there will be no chance in whiteflies. The fight against it is difficult, but quite possible.

What problems can you face

When growing geraniums, you may encounter some problems - no one is immune from this. But as the saying goes: "Familiarized means armed."

  1. The tips of the leaves are starting to turn red. It speaks of non-compliance temperature regime. This means that the plant is frozen, so it needs to be moved to a warmer place.
  2. The lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. In this case, several reasons are possible: waterlogging or lack of sunlight. Provide a feed the right amount light and water.
  3. The plant does not bloom. The reason for this may be too low temperature or insufficient lighting.
  4. Plant growth is poor. The reason may be insufficient nitrogen, poor soil acidity, or the appearance of harmful insects.
  5. The leaves were covered in large patches. This indicates one thing - the appearance of the fungus.

Geranium diseases

Popular geranium dishes

This plant is unique, because it can be used to make not only medicines, but also various dishes.

strawberry punch


  • sake - 30 grams;
  • ginger liqueur - 10 grams;
  • Lychee liqueur - 10 grams;
  • geranium gin - 30 grams.

Cooking process

Mix all ingredients in one bowl and add a little crushed ice. After stirring a little, strain the resulting mixture into a glass. Then add some ginger for garnish.

Strawberry Geranium Punch

Ice cream with honey and geranium


  • a glass of milk;
  • a few egg yolks;
  • vanilla;
  • half a cup of honey;
  • cream - 3 cups;
  • a glass of geranium leaves;
  • 1 beet;
  • 20 grams of vodka.

Cooking process

Place honey and milk with cream in a saucepan. Put it on low heat, stirring constantly. When bubbles appear, remove the pot. Add some vanilla and geranium leaves. The resulting mixture should be infused for 30 minutes. After that, you need to pour the contents of the pan into an airtight container and leave it to infuse for 24 hours.

Strawberry ice cream with geranium

At this time, you need to squeeze the juice from the beets. After the mixture in the container is infused, strain it to get rid of the leaves. Add vodka and egg yolks. This should soften the ice cream.

Add beetroot juice, mix and put in the freezer for a couple of hours. After that, you can enjoy wonderful homemade ice cream.

Video: Strawberry Honey Ice Cream Recipe

Growing plants at home is fun and interesting process. But to see the results, you need to know some features and follow the rules. How to grow geranium?

What is this plant?

The first specimens of geraniums appeared in Europe in the 16th-17th centuries. From Greek, this name is translated as "crane". Since 1789, the plant has been called pelargonium, and it is this name that is considered generally accepted, but for many, the name "geranium" is much more familiar.

Geranium refers to annual or perennial (depending on the species) herbaceous rhizomatous plants. The stem can reach a height of 50-70 centimeters, as a rule, it has many branches.

Flowers can be either single or collected in inflorescences. A flowering branch may have a whole umbrella of flowers. The color can vary from white to red and even dark purple. The leaves are covered with small villi and have an interesting bizarre shape, and their shade varies from light green to dark green (sometimes there are purple blotches).

There are many types of geraniums: garden, zonal, unique, royal, fragrant, angelic, ivy, home and many others. Some species feel great at home, while others live in gardens and forests.

How to grow?

How to grow indoor geranium? Several options are possible. First, you can buy a ready-made grown plant in a pot. Secondly, you can grow from cuttings. Thirdly, you can grow geraniums from seed. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Growing from cuttings

So, how to grow geraniums from cuttings? Here are your steps:

  1. Ideal for cuttings will be upper shoots. Their optimal height is 7-9 centimeters. On a branch there should be 5-7 good leaves of medium size.
  2. You need to cut the branches under the kidney, making an oblique cut. It is better to cut off a couple of lower leaves.
  3. Then you can place the cutting in water until the roots appear, or simply dip it in the mixture to stimulate growth. And some dry the place of the cut and immediately place the branch in the ground. The ideal soil is a mixture of sand, earth (for house plants) and peat in equal proportions.
  4. A large amount of land is not required, so it is better to take a small pot. If the capacity is large, then the geranium is unlikely to bloom.
  5. When the plant is rooted, it will be possible to transplant it into a larger (but not too large) pot.

Growing from seed

You can also grow geraniums at home from seeds, it's not so difficult. Here is the algorithm of actions:

  1. No special preparation is required for the seeds, they take root very well. Prepare a container for planting. For example, you can take a plastic shallow container.
  2. Pour the peat mixture into the container, pour the soil.
  3. Place the seeds in the soil at a distance of 5-7 centimeters from each other. Pour a little more earth on top, sprinkle everything with water from a spray bottle.
  4. To create a special microclimate, tighten the container with cling film.
  5. Around 4-5 days you will see the first sprouts. The film can be removed.
  6. When the sprouts become stronger, you can plant them in pots. Select the best sprouts, they will give good shoots.

Bush formation

If nothing is done with the geranium, then it will grow upwards, which is not very beautiful. To form a beautiful bush, you can do the following:

  1. If you want to form a low and dense bush, then cut off the top shoots. Cutting is done with sharp scissors. At the same time, almost the entire branch is cut off, only a stump remains.
  2. To make the stems more branched, cut off young shoots.
  3. Pinching (pruning) should be done on the 8-10th leaf in the upper part and approximately on the 6-8th leaf at the side shoots.
  4. Cut off yellowed leaves immediately so that the plant does not waste nutrients on them.
  5. To keep the geranium beautiful and the leaves growing evenly, turn it over regularly. In this case, each side will receive a sufficient amount of sunlight.

How does a plant reproduce?

Reproduction can be carried out both by seeds and cuttings. The ideal time to sow seeds is January or February. As for cuttings, it is better to produce it in late February or early March, or at the end of summer.

How to care?

Planting is not the most important thing, because if proper care is not carried out, the plant will simply wither. Let's take a closer look at a few important points.


In summer, watering should be done quite often, in winter it should be more moderate. Water the plant quite abundantly, but do not overdo it! Moisture accumulates in the leaves, and an excess of it can harm geraniums. Be sure to organize drainage to remove excess moisture. Spraying the leaves is not necessary, they do not need it.

Temperature conditions

The optimum temperature for growing geraniums is 18-20 degrees. Minimum temperature should not be below 10-12 degrees, geraniums can freeze.


Geranium is a photophilous plant, so lighting should be sufficient. It is best to place the plant on a windowsill with south side. But direct scorching rays can cause the leaves to dry out, so in particular sundial it is better to clean the pot in partial shade. But the geranium will definitely not withstand the constant absence of light.

Fertilizers and soil

  • As for the soil, you can choose a universal mixture, but the earth must certainly be nutritious. Purchase a mixture of peat, sand and garden soil.
  • Be sure to provide drainage, as stagnant water is dangerous and harmful. By the way, so that moisture does not stagnate, the soil must be periodically loosened. Do this carefully so as not to damage the roots.
  • Fertilizers can be both universal (for indoor plants) and special, designed specifically for geraniums. Especially such a plant loves mineral or organic complementary foods. The mixture must contain potassium and phosphorus. Feeding should be done once a month.


  • If the geranium has grown, and the pot has become small for her, then take a container 2-3 centimeters larger and move the plant into it. Don't touch the roots. Surround the clod of earth surrounding them with new soil.
  • Don't choose too much big pot, geraniums can stop blooming and send all substances to the leaves.
  • The best time to transplant is the end of winter or the beginning of spring, that is, before flowering (it is better not to touch the geranium during the flowering period).

Possible diseases and problems

Geranium, like all plants, can get sick. So, the roots can be affected by rot, which often leads to death. The leaves are affected by mold, but it is not so dangerous. Geraniums and various fungal diseases threaten. Among other things, some insects are also dangerous: ticks, whiteflies, nematodes, aphids and some others.

Now we list some alarming symptoms and their causes:

  • If the leaves are dropping or turning yellow, the geranium is most likely not getting enough moisture.
  • The reason for the lack of flowering may be too warm air.
  • If the edges of the leaves have changed color and turned red, the plant is probably freezing.
  • If the leaves have begun to rot, it may be because the watering is too heavy.
  • If there are few leaves, and the stems are almost bare, this may indicate a lack of light.
  • If the base of the stem has turned dark, most likely the roots have been rotted.
  • Gray coating on the leaves - mold.
  • Bubbles on the leaves appear from excess moisture.

Why do you need a geranium?

Geranium is not only bright and beautiful flowers, but also numerous beneficial features. The leaves are used for the preparation of cosmetic and medicinal products. Also, oil is made from this plant, which is incredibly useful. So do not rush to throw out dangling or pruned shoots!

Let the geranium bloom and not get sick and always make you and your household happy!

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