Growing decorative viburnum: how to propagate buldenezh. Recommendations for growing viburnum buldenezh Caring for a viburnum bush buldenezh

Viburnum buldenezh is a decorative variety of viburnum with large, spectacular white inflorescences in the shape of a ball with a diameter of 15-20 cm, thanks to which it got its name. Buldenezh is a lush shrub with abundant flowering, which looks gorgeous on a summer cottage or in the garden. Translated from French “Boulede Neige” means “snow globe”. This plant is highly valued by summer residents, as well as landscape designers who are ready to decorate almost any gardens and summer cottages. The plant is unpretentious. It does not require complex care, so it is often used instead of other plantings. In our article we will talk about planting and caring for viburnum buldenezh.

Varieties of viburnum buldenezh

There is another variety of decorative viburnum buldenezh - Viburnum vulgaris Roseum or a double type of decorative viburnum buldenezh. At the beginning of its flowering, the flowers are white, sometimes with green tint, and at the end they acquire a soft pink color. This is the difference between the Roseum variety and the decorative viburnum. It is a large shrub reaching a height of more than 3 meters. The shrub is used in standard plantings. Conditions of care, planting and characteristics of the variety are similar to those of decorative viburnum.

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Planting viburnum buldenezh

For the Buldenezh viburnum bush, a semi-shaded area with loose and nutritious soil is best suited. On open place If not protected from bright sun, the leaves of the plant may become damaged. And in deep shade, flowering will be sparse and short-lived.

In addition, viburnum loves moisture, so it feels good near a pond. However, water should not stagnate at the planting site, so you need to take care of good drainage in advance.

Viburnum is planted in spring and autumn. Since the bush develops quite a voluminous root system, landing pit should be at least 50 cm deep and about 60 cm in diameter. It is filled with drainage, and then with a mixture of 3-4 buckets of compost, 2 cups of ash, 1 cup of nitrophoska. You can also add a little peat and sand.

The seedling is buried so that root collar was located 3-4 cm below the soil surface level. After planting, the bush is watered abundantly and mulched with humus or peat, and the shoots are shortened by 1/3 so that the plant takes root better.

Fertilizers and fertilizing of viburnum buldenezh

For abundant and long-lasting flowering, Viburnum buldenezh needs to be fed regularly. In the first 2-3 years, the plant has enough nutrients stored in the planting hole. In subsequent years it is fed in the spring nitrogen fertilizers or compost, in the fall - phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizers can be spread in tree trunk circle, loosening it with a rake and watering it abundantly. In order for everything nutrients got straight to the roots, use another method:

  • along the entire circumference of the trunk circle, make holes in the ground 20-30 cm deep using a garden drill, crowbar or wooden stake;
  • pour a little fertilizer into each;
  • the entire norm calculated for the tree is divided by the number of holes;
  • then the tree trunk circle is spilled with water.

The fertilizer rates indicated on the packaging should not be exceeded. The plant will not be able to absorb them. This will lead to the growth of weeds and contamination of the soil with nitrates and other chemicals.

Before flowering, viburnum can be sprayed with a complex fertilizer containing boron. This microelement stimulates abundant flowering.

Pruning viburnum buldenezh

In a year or two, seedlings need to form a crown. Then the bushes will be neat and lush. To do this, leave no more than four pairs of buds located at the base. This is done until the desired type of plant is obtained. Those viburnums that do not bloom well are cut off at the root, leaving the stem at a level of up to 30 cm.

Within 2 years, a shoot about a meter high appears. It is left as the trunk of the plant, and the rest is pruned.

The crown is formed after the bushes have faded and new buds begin to form. You can thin out the branches until autumn.

Pests of viburnum buldenezh

Kalina Buldenezh is not afraid of frost. If the ends of the branches freeze, which is no more than 12 cm, they are simply cut off. This is not reflected in flowering. Bushes and trees can only be covered in the northern regions of mid-latitudes. They wrap only forked, laurel-leaved, black, evergreen. In this way they are protected from freezing. But mainly these varieties are grown in the south.

Some gardeners wonder why this exquisite plant does not decorate so many areas.

At the end of spring, insects settle in the leaves of viburnum. The emerging aphid promotes their curling; the beetles gnaw the plates, leaving only veins. This will not happen if pests are detected in time and begin to fight them.

Sometimes one treatment is not enough to control insects. Then the bushes are sprayed again. For such a purpose would be better suited sprayer with a long boom.

Preparing viburnum buldenezh for winter

Viburnum Buldenezh is a fairly frost-resistant plant and freezes only in very severe winters. To help her transfer them, you need to prepare the plant for winter.

  • Do not feed with nitrogen fertilizers in the second half of summer.
  • Do not allow young shoots to grow starting from the end of August. Pinch them if necessary. Reduce watering starting from the last ten days of August until the end of leaf fall.
  • After leaf fall, carry out water-recharging irrigation.
  • Mulch the tree trunk circle with a layer of mulch of at least 10 cm.
  • Cover additionally young plants in a mini greenhouse.

Proper preparation will mobilize all the forces of the plant, and it will safely survive the winter, showing all the frost resistance given to it by nature.

Any landscape designer sooner or later has the idea to use viburnum of the Buldenezh species in his work. After all, the plant looks luxurious and is considered a win-win option. Viburnum Buldenezh can be grown in landscape design as a standard tree or a single bush. It is used both as an individual object and to create an original composition. A good idea is to plant the plant near a fountain or pond. The reflection of flowers in water creates an interesting picture, adding originality to a park or garden.

If all conditions are met, your garden will be replenished with another beautiful ornamental plant. Kalina Buldenezh can occupy any niche in landscape design. This is a beautiful single planting, a group planting with conifers or lilacs, the center of a composition, a living fence and much more that your imagination tells you.

Viburnum is used to decorate high fences. For this purpose, Buldenezh is planted along the fence as a tree or bush. The standard crown begins to form when the bush is still young.

Having such a beautiful plant in all respects as ornamental viburnum Buldenezh on your site is not only useful. Such a bush will become a real decoration for any park, vegetable garden or flower bed. This bush is a variety of common viburnum. From his relative he took all the most useful qualities. But, besides this, it simply amazes with its beauty and sophistication of flowers.

ABOUT medicinal properties there is no need to talk about viburnum - everyone knows about it. Its fruits and flowers are widely used in folk medicine for preparing various kinds of tinctures and decoctions. And all because its substances contain a huge amount of useful vitamins and microelements.

But a type of viburnum like Buldenezh does not have berries or seeds. Therefore, its main task is to please the eyes. But, besides this, its bark and flowers are widely used to prepare medicinal infusions for cosmetology. There is an opinion that tinctures of Buldenezh flowers make the skin more youthful, tone it and cleanse it.

This type of viburnum grows quite quickly. In height mature plant can reach up to 4 meters. Its crown has a spreading shape, which allows you to hide under it in the shade during the summer heat.

What is the difference between the variety?

Viburnum Buldenezh is a vigorous plant. But in addition to its impressive size, as for an ornamental plant, the bush is also impressive with its large, long leaves. In some cases they can reach up to 12 centimeters. The crown of the bush is very beautiful, even without flowers it has an attractive appearance. It is quite spreading and can reach 4 meters in width.

If you drive for viburnum Buldenezh proper care, then in a year it can grow by 40 centimeters. The most large plant becomes after 10 years of growth.

The bush seems to be covered with snow globes, which, of course, do not melt under the hot sun. The width of such “balls” can reach 15 centimeters. There can be several hundred of them on a bush. And such beauty will delight the eye from mid-May until the third week of June.

This variety of viburnum also has a Latin name - Viburnum Boule de Neige. French scientists gave it to Buldenezh. It translates as “lump of snow.”

Viburnum Buldenezh has several varieties:

  • common viburnum Buldenezh is a variety of viburnum that is similar to simple form and composition of nutrients;
  • decorative viburnum Buldenezh - has more beautiful shape than the common one, but cannot produce berries;
  • viburnum Buldenezh Roseum – has unusual double flowers, which in the final flowering phase acquire a pinkish tint.

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh is a very beautiful one, which, in addition to its beautiful appearance, also has practical applications - in the hottest weather such a bush will always hide from the sun under its branches.

How to plant correctly

This type of decorative viburnum, like Buldenezh, looks very beautiful both in joint plantings with barberry, rowan or hawthorn, and in single ones.

Buldenezh is quite moisture-loving plant, so it is very convenient to plant it near bodies of water. There such a viburnum will grow very strong and have unrivaled appearance. Near bodies of water different shapes and purpose, you can create entire compositions from this plant.

Planting of this kind of plant is carried out according to the 2x2 meter pattern. After planting, you need to compact the soil around a little so that the roots have better contact with the ground.

But first of all, you need to prepare for this. If you need to plant a single bush, then you should prepare a hole in advance, measuring 60 centimeters wide, 60 centimeters long and 80 centimeters deep.

After preparing it, the hole needs to be filled with a large volume of water. This must be done in cases where the landing site is not in a lowland, but on a flat area or even one that is located on a hill.

The bottom of the hole needs to be lined with drainage. This way, water will not constantly linger at the root. As drainage, you can use tree bark, stones, sand and other materials that allow moisture to pass through well.

80 percent of the entire pit needs to be filled with some kind of nutrient mixture. It may include:

  • humus;
  • old leaves;
  • ash;
  • potash-phosphorus fertilizers;
  • garden soil.

After this procedure, the soil in the hole must be watered abundantly again.

The manger pit was prepared efficiently, then long years the plant can feed from there useful substances. As a result, you get a beautifully growing bush that will decorate any corner of the site.

During planting, you need to make a small depression in the mixture, into which the plant is planted.

The neck of the root must be deepened by at least 5 centimeters. After this, you need to dig the plant in with regular soil from the garden and water it again.

The ground around the young planting should be mulched. Old sawdust, leaves or pine needles are usually used as mulch. This action will help the soil remain moist and loose longer, and a hard crust will not form on top.

Which side is better to plant shrubs?

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh loves humidity, so it is better to plant it in areas that will provide it with this component. To do this, you can choose places near or areas below where there is no shortage of moist soil.

If it is impossible to find such a place on the site, then you will have to keep the soil in the right condition yourself. If the shrub is well-watered at the root, it can withstand the heat very easily.

Humidity is the most important point when choosing a place to plant viburnum varieties Buldenezh. In all other respects, it does not show any whimsicality; it grows well on any type of soil.

It is very important to tie up a young plant. It has very delicate and fragile wood, and strong winds can break it very easily.

Buldenezh protects very well from the summer heat, so it is very useful to plant it near benches or other recreation areas on the site (near the gazebo, etc.).

Care and watering

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh is very unpretentious plant, it does not require special care, but it will still require minimal care. Moreover, if you want the bush to grow as quickly as possible and bloom as brightly and abundantly as possible.

Caring for such a plant includes the following points:

Mandatory watering. If the plant is not located near a body of water or in an area with well-moistened soil, then it will need (and often) be watered. Especially if summer is in full swing, which does not please with frequent rains. If the Buldenezh viburnum bush has the required amount of moisture, then it will delight its owners big flowers and good growth rate.

From time to time the bush needs to be fed. You can start applying it no longer than the third year after planting. It all depends on how well the hole for the plant was prepared. The fertilizers that were added there should be enough for the young bush to last two to three years.

The first fertilizing must be applied in early spring when the first leaves appear. The second - in the fall, before the leaves begin to fall.

Cleaning the plant. This procedure for the Buldenezhi bush must be carried out every year. In such cases, the branches will grow much better, and flowering will only improve. Decorative viburnum can be pruned immediately in early spring, or in late autumn, after all the leaves have fallen. You need to start cleaning after two years of plant growth.

Decorative viburnum Buldenezh will help decorate any area, giving it taste and grace. Its snow-white flower balls will only become larger and more beautiful if you properly care for this very unpretentious plant.

What pests can disturb viburnum Buldenezh and how to deal with them

Almost every plant (and viburnum Buldenezh is no exception) has some enemies - pests. If you do not fight them, the bush may die. Owners of viburnum Buldenezh should be prepared to combat the following pests:

  • viburnum leaf beetle - can completely eat the leaves from the bush, leaving only the veins;
  • viburnum aphid - lives on leaves, makes them weak and unhealthy (curl, fall off);
  • viburnum gall midge;
  • lilac hawk moth;
  • barberry moth.

The leaf beetle leaves its eggs under the bark of the viburnum in late spring or early summer. Those larvae that grow from them begin to destroy the leaves immediately.

You can destroy pests and return the plant to a healthy appearance using an aqueous solution. To prepare it you need to take:

  • bitter ;
  • sagebrush;
  • other aromatic herbs or spices.

Leave the components of the solution for several days, add several tens of grams of laundry soap to it. It promotes better adhesion. Take 50 grams of infusion per 10 liters of water.

Spraying should be done in the evening, after the heat has subsided.

You can also purchase special preparations for the plant, which can be found in flower shops.

What diseases should you be wary of?

Healthy viburnum leaves are the key to bush health

Often gardeners, when growing ornamental viburnum Buldenezh, encounter diseases such as rust or powdery mildew.

Powdery mildew appears as a white coating on the leaves. To overcome this problem, you need to dissolve foundationazole in water in a ratio of 20 grams per 10 liters. The plant only needs to be treated once.

If there is a yellow or orange coating on the leaves, then we can say with confidence that the bush has been affected by rust. It will help from this misfortune Bordeaux mixture. She can only help if the disease has not yet advanced.

If the disease has reached a late stage and the bush is completely affected, then it must be completely removed from the site so as not to infect other plants.

How to prune and shape a bush correctly

To make it multi-stemmed, a young viburnum plant needs to be cut at a level of 20 centimeters from the ground. And in order for Buldenezh to bloom profusely with large flowers next year, you need to cut off the first inflorescences before they bloom. And at the end of July you need to pinch off the young shoots.

At further trimmings you need to start shaping the shape of the crown. The shoots need to be trimmed in June, after flowering stops. If you do this procedure during this period, then by the end of the year new buds will have time to sprout and bloom the next year. Pruning is strictly not recommended in the spring - this will only weaken the plant.

In spring, you can only remove branches that are damaged or broken by the wind. All summer you can correct the shape of the crown - shorten some branches, thin out the bush.

Buldenezh is a bush flowering plant from the honeysuckle family. It is an ornamental variety common viburnum, and serves for decoration flower beds. “Chinese snowball” is found in parks, squares, dachas, and areas of country or private houses.

To grow buldenezh on your plot of land, the housewife will need to know: the features of choosing and preparing a planting area, the basics of caring for shrubs, options for their reproduction, methods of feeding and pest control. This article will help you figure it all out.

Description of the variety

The average height of the “Chinese snowball” is 2-4 m. It is planted in flower beds either as one bush or in small groups. During the flowering period (late spring - early summer), decorative viburnum is covered with large spherical inflorescences. At first they have a greenish tint, and then become snow-white. Feature this decorative variety- lack of scent in flowers.

At the beginning of summer, the bush is completely covered with inflorescences

Planting viburnum Buldenezh

The ideal place for planting is partial shade with wet soil. Of course, you can plant buldenezh in the shade or in the sun, but in the first case its flowers will be completely weak and small, and in the second - scorched, with a short flowering period. The choice of location must be taken into account high level responsibility, since the shrub is planted for a long time.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to watering, since the buldenezh loves moisture.

The best time to plant viburnum is autumn or spring. Weather This period contributes to the active adaptation of the plant to new living conditions and rapid rooting in the soil.

Buldenezh feels good in partial shade

Planting shrubs

Before you start planting a seedling in open ground, you will need:

  1. Dig a hole (its diameter should not be less than 60-70 cm, and its depth - 50-60 cm).
  2. Place pieces of broken brick or large crushed stone on the bottom.
  3. Cover the previous layer with sand (layer – 10-15 cm).
  4. Fill the hole with prepared soil (4 buckets of compost mixed with 2-3 glasses wood ash and a glass of nitrophoska).
  5. Then the viburnum is immersed in a hole with soil (3-5 cm below its root collar), watered abundantly, and covered with a layer of humus or sawdust.

Young bush

Caring for decorative viburnum

In order for viburnum to delight with its lush flowering for more than one year, it will need to provide:

  • abundant systematic watering, preferably with rainwater;
  • pruning dry branches;
  • feeding;
  • pest control.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Buldenezh, like any other plant, needs fertilizers. For these purposes you can use:

  • compost;
  • humus;
  • wood ash;
  • special fertilizers that can be purchased in stores.

Feed buldenezh during flowering

Gardeners also recommend using fermented root for gravy. herbal infusion, as well as a liquid mixture of chicken manure and water (1:10), which needs to infuse a little. The period for applying various fertilizers is late spring - early summer.

Reproduction options and methods

Since ornamental viburnum is completely sterile (the inflorescences do not have stamens and pistils), gardeners use vegetative methods of propagation. Among them are:

  • propagation by offshoots;
  • propagation by cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Buldenezh seedlings

Reproduction by branches. Quite simple and easy way propagation of decorative viburnum - sprinkling branches. During the work you will need:

  1. Dig shallow long grooves (depth up to 10 cm).
  2. Bend annual bends to ground level and place them in prepared grooves.
  3. Use metal hooks to secure them in the recesses.
  4. Gently sprinkle with soil (compost) and water generously with rainwater.
  5. Rooted shoots are transplanted into special containers for further germination.

Important! In order for roots to appear on the branches faster, they need to be constantly watered.

Cuttings. This method is used when pruning bushes in summer period. Young shoots with several buds are suitable for propagation. Propagation technology by cuttings:

  • young shoots are carefully cut off;
  • put them in a stimulating solution for 8-10 hours (for example, Kornevin, it will speed up the process of root formation);
  • prepare beds for planting (water, fertilize);

Bulldenezh cuttings

  • the treated cuttings are immersed in the soil by 2-2.5 cm;
  • cover with film or a cap from a plastic bottle (this creates a greenhouse effect).

Pests of viburnum buldenezh

The main enemies of Viburnum buldenezh are aphids and leaf beetles. In order to prevent these pests from completely “eating” the foliage and inflorescences, they need to be fought. There are many options - special mixtures that can be found in the store (Fitoverm, Actelik), or homemade substances.

Fighting aphids

This pest affects not only foliage, but also flowers. To combat it, you can use special ready-made substances - INTA-VIR or Iskra. They are bred according to the instructions, the bush is treated twice (the interval between them is 10-12 days).
Another option is a soap solution ( laundry soap diluted in water to obtain a fairly concentrated mixture). Apply it to the entire bush using a sprayer. After treatment, it cannot be washed off.

A symbol of girlish beauty, love and happiness, viburnum has been revered by our ancestors since time immemorial. It was considered a talisman, valued for its decorative appearance and beneficial features. And today her relatives - welcome guests our garden plots. Viburnum Buldenezh is especially held in high esteem by modern gardeners.

Types of viburnum

The numerous genus of viburnum includes about two hundred species. Their representatives are widespread on at least three continents - Eurasia, North America and Africa. Many people have been familiar with viburnum from childhood. This unpretentious shrub doesn't need special attention, because he feels great without special care in almost every forest. And practically without demanding anything in return, he generously gifts everyone around with his bright flowering, lush foliage and healthy fruits.

Other representatives of this genus are also interesting; looking at their photos, you might not immediately recognize them as viburnum:

  1. Buryat, or black, grows in the form of a spreading shrub up to 3 meters high or a tree with an openwork crown and bare branches. Elongated leaves with a sharp apex are covered with sparse hairs. The flowers are pale yellow, the fruits are black, edible, sweet in taste;
  2. Fork forms shrub thickets on mountain slopes and mixed forests. Has large beautiful leaves reddish-brown in spring and bright purple in autumn. White flowers give way to red fruits;
  3. The Canadian lives on forest edges, rocky hillsides, river banks and swamps. Widely oval, pointed, bright green leaves in summer turn red in autumn. It has creamy white blooms. Fruits with blue-black berries;
  4. Toothed is a densely branched shrub reaching a height of 5 meters. This species is distinguished by its unusual rounded foliage and dark blue small fruits;
  5. Pride grows in broadleaf fruits. Famous for its black edible fruits.

Description of decorative viburnum Buldenezh

Most common ornamental culture Viburnum viburnum - variety Buldenezh. Literally translated from French, this name means Snowball. Thus reflected hallmark plants - large spherical inflorescences about 10-15 cm in diameter bloom with snow-white flowers and resemble a snowball in appearance.

Buldenezh is cultivated as a shrub or small tree. It grows quite quickly, reaching a height of 3-4 meters. The flowers are sterile and do not bear fruit.

Decorative properties of viburnum Buldenezh

Buldenezh blooms its snow-white balls in May. Flowering is long lasting, lasting a month or more. The blossoming buds have a delicate greenish tint, becoming white over time. After blooming, viburnum does not lose its decorative appeal. In autumn, the foliage turns noble crimson tones.

In addition to decoration as garden plant, flowers of this variety are often used by florists to create flower arrangements. They stand well when cut, so bouquets do not lose their freshness for a long time.

Conditions for growth and fruiting

For the most part, viburnums are shade-tolerant. However, ornamental species are recommended to be planted in well-lit areas or partial shade. Planting in the shade is fraught with weakening of the bush, at the same time, excessive sunshine shortens the flowering period.

These plants are moisture-loving, so excessive soil moisture and places near water bodies will be optimal conditions for their growth and fruiting. Prefers loose, moderately acidic soils. If the soil is heavy clay, add humus, wood ash, and peat.

Viburnum propagation

Viburnum is propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering, and dividing the bush. Each method has a number of features:

  1. seed stratification is long-term, lasting at least 6 months;
  2. freshly harvested seeds germinate only after a year;
  3. Decorative forms are more often propagated vegetatively;
  4. green cuttings are harvested during active plant growth;
  5. Root cuttings in conditions of artificially created fog.

Seedlings grow slowly. Their development accelerates in the 3rd year of life. When propagated by seed, fruiting begins after 4-5 years. The vegetative method accelerates the appearance of fruits; berries appear within 2-3 years.

How to plant viburnum seedlings Buldenezh

Since Buldenezh flowers are sterile and do not produce seeds, only vegetative propagation is available to this variety.

Time and site for planting viburnum

The time of year for planting determines the method of propagation:

  1. propagated by layering in spring;
  2. cuttings are carried out in the summer;
  3. Seedlings are planted in early spring and late autumn.

The planting area is prepared in advance. A suitable place would be a corner of the garden shaded at times. If the chosen propagation method involves a planting hole, it is prepared with dimensions of 60x60 cm, about 0.8 meters deep and well watered big amount water. Drainage made from bark, stones and other suitable materials. Viburnum loves moisture, but stagnant water will damage the roots. The pit is filled with a nutrient mixture, which contains potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, peat, humus, ash and garden soil.

Planting viburnum cuttings

If Buldenezh is already growing in your garden, the easiest way to propagate viburnum is by layering:

  1. prepare a hole 12-15 cm deep near the bush;
  2. the lower shoot is bent to the planting site and pinned with a bracket;
  3. sprinkle humus or just earth on top and compact;
  4. keep the soil moist.

Under favorable conditions, the shoots take root by autumn. After 2 years, the cuttings are separated from the mother bush. After this, they can be planted in a permanent place.

Summer cuttings of viburnum

Propagation by cuttings is a more labor-intensive process. Planting material is prepared during summer pruning bush. For rooting, cuttings with one internode are chosen.

Adhere to the following scheme:

  1. in June, annual shoots 7-8 cm long are cut off;
  2. the cuttings are planted in humus soil and left in a greenhouse;
  3. The plantings are covered with film on top and watered moderately.

The greenhouse needs to maintain a warm and humid microclimate. Rooting is facilitated by the creation of artificial fog. The cuttings are sprayed from time to time warm water. These conditions are maintained until next spring. Young rooted bushes are grown in a school. After this they are planted in the ground.

How to plant viburnum seedlings with roots

If you intend to plant several seedlings, you should take into account that Buldenezh takes time large area. The crowns of spreading, broadly ovate-shaped bushes can reach 5 meters in width. The rest of the process is simple:

  1. acceptable landing pattern 2x2 meters;
  2. the root collar is buried 3-5 cm into the soil;
  3. The soil is compacted and well watered.

In the first year, viburnum grows slowly. This is due to the fragile root system. By three years it reaches about 1.5 meters in height. Rarely are 10-year-old specimens taller than 3 meters.

Caring for decorative viburnum

Caring for viburnum is not particularly difficult. To save decorative look plants, it requires formative and rejuvenating pruning, sufficient watering and infrequent feeding. Minor troubles for the gardener can only be caused by preventive measures in the fight against diseases and pests.

Bush formation and pruning

Pruning young viburnum at a level of about 20 cm above the ground helps to achieve a multi-stemmed bush. Buldenezh will bloom magnificently in the future if in the first year the inflorescences of the plants are removed while still unblown. Subsequently, young shoots are pinched at the beginning of August.

Pruning to form the crown is carried out after flowering. This way, new buds will have time to form on the branches. You can correct the shape and thin out the bush throughout the summer. At the end of August, such work is stopped so that the viburnum has time to get stronger before the cold weather.

With age Buldenezh from abundant flowering bends, and the bush may collapse. Therefore, the branches of the old plant are tied up.

Standard form of viburnum

Very original standard form viburnum. Molding pruning Buldenezh allows you to obtain specimens with a wide crown on a high and low trunk. Pruning consists of forming a crown at a height of 1.5-2 meters around one powerful shoot. The branches are left about 30 cm long. Young shoots under the bush are regularly removed, and the crown is thinned out every 7-8 years.

Feeding and watering an ornamental bush

Compared to other plants, viburnum needs more watering. This is especially true for young people developing plants. In the fall, preparing the plant for cold weather, the soil is watered more than usual. This technique will prevent dehydration of viburnum in winter.

Buldenezh is fed twice a year. In the spring, nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus are added when digging under the bush. In mid-August, potassium and phosphorus will be needed from fertilizers. Water the soil once or twice a season complex fertilizers, pour ash under the plant. Once every two years in the fall, rotted manure is added to the soil for digging.

Tatyana Pronina, expert

Pests and diseases of viburnum Buldenezh

Aphids can annoy viburnum. They fight it by treating the leaves soap solution. Spraying is carried out in evening time in calm, dry weather. A thick layer of ash on the soil around the plant also repels the pest.

If on the leaves of viburnum appears white coating, this indicates powdery mildew disease. Spraying Boros liquid will help save Buldenezh at an early stage of the disease. IN severe cases the bush is removed from the site so that it does not become a source of infection spreading to other plants.

Such simple techniques will provide your viburnum with a long, literally blooming life. After all, this long-liver is capable of settling in your garden for 50-60 years. What varieties still grow on your site? What can you say about their care, what tricks do you use in pest control? Share your experiences, finds, inventions in the comments!

Viburnum buldenezh is a profusely flowering shrub plant from the Honeysuckle family. The large spherical inflorescences give the culture a special decorative appearance, which gave rise to the name of the variety “Buldenezh”, which means “snowball” in French. Planting viburnum buldenezh and caring for it require compliance with certain rules that will allow you to enjoy the beauty of the bush for a long period of time.

Viburnum buldenezh is represented in gardens by such a spectacular variety as Viburnum Roseum - a terry variety of shrub. The plant is distinguished by the color of its inflorescences, White color which, characteristic of the beginning of flowering, becomes soft pink towards the end of the phase.

Features of growing Viburnum buldenezh

Ornamental viburnum, like other plants, has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when cultivating the crop:

  • the ability to give the bush a standard shape;
  • duration life cycle about 50 years old;
  • sterility of flowers forming inflorescences with a diameter of up to 15 cm;
  • the duration of the flowering phase is from half a month to a month;
  • reaching a height of 3 m and a diameter of 1.5 m.

Planting ornamental shrubs

To take root young plant was successful and further growth accompanied by regular lush flowering, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to choosing the location and optimal time for planting.

How and when to plant?

The planting time will depend on the method of propagation of shrubs chosen by the gardener.

  • If layering or purchased seedlings are used, the procedure is carried out in early spring, which allows the young specimen to take root well and have time to adapt to new growing conditions.
  • In the case when the bush is divided, the resulting plants are planted in autumn time. However, there is a risk that frosty weather will arrive sooner than planting material will fully take root.

Preparing the site and soil

To grow an ornamental plant, select an area with light shading from direct lines. sun rays which can cause burns. In the absence of such territories, preference is given to shady areas with a large amount of free space, which allows the viburnum to develop unhindered. To ensure full development of the crop, the soil must have a loose structure, a good fertile layer and a slightly acidic reaction.

Landing rules

In order for the landing process to be successful, you should follow a number of rules:

  1. In the selected area, a planting hole with dimensions of 60x60x80 cm is dug, where 80 cm is the depth that allows you not to cause discomfort to the powerful root system of the Viburnum buldenezh.
  2. Placed at the bottom of the pit drainage layer from crushed stone and expanded clay or broken building material.
  3. The drainage layer is covered with sand 15 cm thick.
  4. A nutrient substrate prepared from 35 kg of compost, 500 g of wood ash and 200 g of azofoska is poured on top.
  5. The planting material is lowered into the recess and covered with soil so that the root collar is buried 3 cm.
  6. The tree trunk circle is irrigated abundantly and mulched with sawdust or peat.

Kalina buldenezh: care

Viburnum, which has excellent decorative qualities, requires appropriate comprehensive care.

It includes watering, soil enrichment nutrients, systematic pruning and timely protection of buldenezh from harmful organisms.


Culture blooming large balls snow-white in color, needs systematic and abundant watering, which ensures such splendor of the inflorescences. Do not allow the soil in the tree trunk to dry out for a long time. Even in autumn, before the onset of cold weather, the plant requires a large amount of water, which will make it possible to protect the shrub from winter dehydration.

Top dressing

Systematic feeding begins from the second year of the seedling’s life after planting.

Fertilizers are applied twice per season:

  1. At the beginning of the growing season, the bush is fed with nitrogen-containing minerals or organic fertilizers, which allows the plant to grow thick green mass.
  2. In autumn, the soil under the buldenezh is enriched with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which help the plant prepare for winter and survive it successfully.

Important! After fertilizing, the soil in the tree trunk circle must be moistened.


To create a spectacular, lush crown buldenezh undergoes systematic pruning, which is carried out after flowering by shortening the shoots, removing dry branches and branches growing inwards.

Viburnum buldenezh can be used to form a standard or bush form, at the request of gardeners:

  • To form a standard tree, all side shoots are removed in a timely manner, and the crown begins to form after the plant reaches a height of 1.5 m.
  • To create a bush form, a young specimen is pruned to 20 cm, which stimulates the growth of lateral branches.

Attention! Viburnum buldenezh is not pruned in the fall to allow the plant to properly prepare for the winter season.

Support and pinching

Another measure to achieve abundant flowering is pinching young shoots in mid-summer. Thin shoots of viburnum can break under the weight of large inflorescences, so the crop needs support and garter.

Preparing for winter

Viburnum buldenezh is a frost-resistant crop, so it does not need additional shelter. However, in severe winter conditions, it is better to mulch the soil in the tree trunk area with a thick layer of peat or compost.

Protection from diseases and pests

Decorative crops are often damaged by pests such as aphids, scale insects and viburnum leaf beetles. They should be combated with insecticidal preparations that have good results.

Among the diseases, the most common is powdery mildew, from which the plant can be protected by spraying the crown with a fungicide. At strong development fungal disease processing is carried out in several stages with an interval of 10-12 days.

Viburnum buldenezh: reproduction

Due to the sterility of flowers that do not bear fruit, and therefore seed material, reproduction is carried out only by vegetative methods.

By layering

This method of breeding a crop is carried out in the spring, when:

  1. Grooves 10 cm deep are prepared.
  2. Annual shoots bend to the ground level, fixing themselves metal hooks, and sprinkled with soil.
  3. After the shoots appear, hilling is carried out.
  4. After rooting, the cuttings are separated from the mother specimen and planted in individual containers.
  5. Planting of seedlings in open ground is carried out after 2 years.

Dividing the bush

The simplest method, which is carried out in the autumn:

  1. A sharp instrument is being prepared.
  2. A daughter shoot with part of the developed root system is carefully separated from the mother specimen.
  3. A new plant is planted in a permanent place of growth.


Cuttings are a rather labor-intensive and lengthy process in which:

  1. In summer, during pruning, cuttings are prepared from young shoots with 3 buds.
  2. The cut sites are treated with an antiseptic in the form of crushed activated carbon and kept in a solution of a growth stimulator, which accelerates the root formation process.
  3. With help turf land, humus and sand in equal parts prepare the beds for planting.
  4. The prepared cuttings are buried 2.5 cm into the substrate.
  5. The plantings are well moistened and covered with film to create greenhouse conditions.

With constant ventilation and irrigation, the planting material will take root at the end of August.

Application in landscape design

Thanks to the beauty and grace of the viburnum buldenezh, landscape designers often use it for landscaping a variety of areas:

  • as a single planting against the backdrop of a mowed lawn;
  • as a border plant near conifers;
  • near benches and gazebos;
  • to form a hedge or shady alley;
  • when decorating an artificial reservoir on the territory country house or in a park area.

Thus, an ornamental crop, distinguished by its special tenderness and grace, if the basic requirements for planting and care are met, will not only decorate the site, but will bring the owners a piece of harmony and unique comfort.

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