Mineral fertilizers for the garden. The best fertilizers for garden and house flowers

Houseplants have become constant companions of our life, decorating and brightening it in every sense. For proper growth and development, they need not only the sun, soil and water, but also correct top dressing minerals. However, like all of us, we periodically need replenishment with vitamins and minerals. Of the various fertilizers, you should choose those that should suit your houseplant.

Without proper nutrition, plants will not be able to build up a fairly beautiful above-ground part for a long time, they will start to get sick and eventually completely wither away. Therefore, many of the most various kinds fertilizers and fertilizing, which are necessary for normal growth and development. Their composition, as a rule, includes three main components (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and many micro and macro elements. For different types of plants, optimal proportions of all these substances have been developed.

In a separate article, it was considered how to properly fertilize the garden and vegetable garden, now let's move on to the room.

For plant nutrition use organic and mineral fertilizers. But since it is undesirable to use organic matter in living quarters for various reasons, mineral fertilizers are most often preferred. These fertilizers are balanced in the composition of various nutrients, they are for ornamental and flowering houseplants. It is very simple to introduce them into the soil: you need to dilute the amount of fertilizer indicated in the instructions in the appropriate volume of water, stir and you can water. Such dressings are easily and quickly absorbed by plants. Their only drawback is that they act for a short time and therefore they need to be applied regularly throughout the growing season.

There are more expensive, but very convenient solid fertilizers in the form of granules, tablets, sticks. They are placed in the soil, where they gradually release nutrients over several months. It is very convenient to use such fertilizers, there is no risk of overdose and burning of the roots.

At the time of buying fertilizer First of all, you need to pay attention to the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N-P-K). If the fertilizer contains more nitrogen, it will promote foliage growth. For flowering plants a fertilizer with a high phosphorus content is more suitable, which promotes budding. It is posted about once a month. For general development Plants are suitable for fertilizers with an approximately equal content of all three elements. Such fertilizers are fed according to the instructions, usually about once every 1-2 weeks.

And finally, consider some folk fertilizers, from which for indoor plants sometimes it does more harm than good. Coffee grounds and sleeping tea leaves are not fertilizers, unless they loosen the soil. And the coffee grounds will also acidify it, which is not always and not for everyone useful.

A separate discussion deserves the use eggshell. It is buried in the soil, water is insisted on it for irrigation and at the same time they firmly believe that they give the plants the richest top dressing. Alas, this is absolutely not the case. There is a lot of calcium in the egg shell, which is practically not available for plants and in best case it will only play the role of drainage and baking powder. Moreover, it must be borne in mind that most types of indoor plants do not tolerate calcium at all. This is especially true for representatives of Gesneriaceae (Uzambar violets, gloxinia, streptocarpus, etc.), azaleas, and gardenias. Excess calcium in the soil leads to diseases, in particular to chlorosis. That is why many indoor plants are not recommended to be watered with hard tap water.

Low value of water remaining after flushing raw meat and milk. In warm weather, its protein components will begin to decompose faster in the soil with the release of the corresponding aroma than this water will be absorbed by the roots. In this way, flies can be attracted more quickly to lay eggs on the smallest pieces of meat fibers. It is unlikely that this is included in the plans of the grower.

going to feed indoor plants, you need to remember one unshakable rule forever: it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. The fact is that an excess of nutrients disrupts the uniform development of plants and can even lead to their disease and death.

And a few more tips:
- before watering the plants with a solution of fertilizers, be sure to shed the soil clean water until full saturation;
- plants transplanted into fresh soil do not fertilize for at least two months;
- diseased and weakened plants can only be fed with a very weak solution of fertilizers, and it is better not to fertilize at all, because their roots are not able to absorb the fertilizer and may suffer;
- top dressing is applied only during the growing season (spring-summer), excluding them during the dormant period.

How much fertilizer do you need
The need for each plant nutrients ah is due to many factors: the type of plant and its age, the time of year. Plants that appear to be very hungry should receive high concentrations of fertilizer more often than plants that are moderately hungry. Very young and fairly old plants do not need much fertilization. Ready-made earth mixtures contain fertilizers designed for 2-3 months. In substrates with a high content of peat, the reserves last for a shorter period than in mixtures based on compost or those where there is a significant specific gravity clay. It is difficult to say how large the supply of fertilizers is in the substrate of a newly acquired plant. After all, there is no way to know how long they have been growing in this land. In any case, it is recommended to start fertilizing after six weeks. And further:

*Never fertilize a dry substrate: fine root hairs may be burned.
*It is better to add too little than too much fertilizer.
*For plants, it is more beneficial to receive fertilizers often in a low concentration than rarely, but in a high concentration.
* At the end of the dormant period, gradually increase top dressing, and at the end of summer, gradually reduce as well.;
* Fertilize plants only during the growth period and never during the dormant period.
* Sick plants should not be fertilized.
*For forgetful plant lovers, the best solution to the fertilizer problem is long-acting sticks.

You can learn how to properly plant and grow a lemon at home or grow a pineapple on a windowsill. It will be not only beautiful, but also delicious.

Proper, balanced nutrition will help maintain a healthy look and prolong the life of your flowers.

This article is about fertilizing annuals and perennials with organic and mineral fertilizers: how? When? How many?

The secret of a luxurious flower garden is simple: the plants need to be well fed, otherwise you will not have to wait for either lush foliage or good flowering. There is a difference in the composition of dressings, and in the feeding regimen for annual and perennial plants.

With annual flowers it's easier. It is enough to feed them 2 times per season: the first time - 2 weeks after the seedlings are planted in open ground, the second time - in mid-June, when the plants begin to form buds. Perennials "feed" three times. The first time - in the spring, as soon as the earth dries up, and it can be loosened. The second time is when buds appear on the plants. The third - when the plants have faded. It seems: why feed if they no longer give color? But after flowering, perennials lay buds that will come to life the next year, so this top dressing is very important.

Organic fertilizers for flowers

Most flowers prefer organic as a top dressing. Grow without manure good roses, peonies, clematis, dahlias difficult.

Yes, and annuals from such a "treat" will not refuse. Of course, it is best to use horse or cow dung (these animals eat plant foods). Horse dung you can use fresh. But the cow should be overheated (it usually takes 1 year). It is better to use liquid manure infusion. Its preparation is extremely simple: 1 kg of rotted manure is diluted in 1 bucket of water, closed with a lid and left to infuse for 1 day. After that, the infusion can be diluted with water 1: 2, water the flower garden and immediately loosen the ground. In second place for fertilizing flowers is chicken manure (you can use purchased in granules). The granules are poured into a large container, filled with water, closed with a lid and left for 2 weeks. When fertilizing, the resulting slurry is diluted with water (0.5 l per 10 l bucket) and “poured” under the roots of the plant. Ash solution is a delicacy for all flowers. For its preparation, 1 glass of ash is dissolved in 1 bucket of water.

It's not hard to make your own potash fertilizer from banana peels and potato peels. To do this, put the cleaning and peel in a separate container, pour hot water, close the lid and insist 1 week, then to use for "gravy".

Mineral fertilizers: to whom and when?

But not all flowers tolerate organic fertilizers well.

For example, asters from manure can get sick and die. Nasturtium, marigolds, and many other flowers begin to grow rapidly (go to the tops), and their flowers turn out to be small. They do not like bulbous humus (tulips, daffodils, hyacinths). Here it is desirable to feed them with mineral fertilizers. At the beginning of life, flowers can be fed with nitrogen fertilizer (to increase the green mass), at the stage of bud development - phosphorus-potassium fertilizer (for abundant flowering). Perennials after flowering - potash (for laying full-fledged flower buds next year). If it is difficult to understand the composition of mineral fertilizers, it is better to use a universal mineral fertilizer (complex). Plants that have received a sufficient portion of nutrients will delight you with bright greens and long magnificent flowering and will not be susceptible to most plant diseases.

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Fertilizing garden flowers

For normal growth and development garden plants you need to fertilize the soil. So, asters, dahlias and gladioli are demanding for nitrogen fertilizer. In addition to these flowers, daffodils, tulips and peonies also prefer nitrogen fertilizing.

In particular, nitrogen is absorbed quite intensively by garden flowers during their growth period. In turn, garden plants need not a very large amount of it when seeds ripen on the flower. If you make an excess amount of nitrogen fertilization, this can reduce the frost resistance of perennials. garden flowers.

Like indoor flowers, garden plants need various fertilizers. So, to magnesium supplements used for flower plants, include several types of fertilizers: kalimag, magnesium sulfate, kainite and magnesite.

How to feed indoor flowers at home in spring

Of the listed magnesium fertilizers, magnesite contains the largest amount of magnesium.

When preparing the substrate, you need to apply the full rate of phosphorus fertilizers. Since plants are very demanding on phosphorus at the time of bud development and flowering, you will need to add phosphorus top dressing to the substrate again. The most suitable fertilizers are simple and double superphosphate. Along with these types of fertilizers, garden flowers also need potassium supplements. IN initial stage flower development requires a small amount of potassium. And at the time of bud formation and flowering, add more potassium.

Some garden plants are used to assimilating a lot of this element. They need it throughout their development, which is important. Such flowers include gladiolus, hyacinth, crocus and some other flowers. Often flower growers are advised to feed garden plants with potassium sulfate, potassium magnesia and potassium magnetrate. Along with them, potassium phosphate is a fairly common top dressing.

Flowers such as primrose, alpine poppy, selenium and other garden plants need a lot of calcium.

But at the same time, not all flowers respond well to a large amount of this element. Some flowers cannot tolerate excess calcium. These are rhododendron, heather, primrose and other flowers.

In turn, sulfur is absorbed by those flowers that belong to the Cruciferous, Nasturtium and Lily families. Among the flowers of the Cruciferous family, alissum, ibiris and levkoy are especially in need of this element.

The above items are some of the most essential for your garden pets. But besides them, plant organisms also need molybdenum, selenium and others. chemical elements. Those perennial flowers that overwintered in the garden should be fed with nitrogen in early spring. It must be applied during the snowmelt period. In this case, take 20 - 30 grams of fertilizer per 1 square meter.

Apply potash fertilizers in autumn or early spring. They can be taken as much as nitrogen fertilizing. You can do the second feeding with nitrogen after 3 weeks. The third feeding should be done during the period of bud formation and flowering. To do this, you will need a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizers in a ratio of 1:3:2 per 1 square meter.

Along with this, flower growers are advised to feed garden plants, if they are perennials, every autumn in September or October. In this case, it is best for you to use complex fertilizer. It must necessarily consist of a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium supplements in a ratio of 1:5:2.

The classic crop rotation, which allows the soil to restore the balance of nutrients, cannot be applied either in mixborders or in perennial plots.

Why, you can’t even dig up a long-broken flower garden properly! And at the same time, we want it to please us with lush and abundant flowering from early spring to late autumn? Then it is necessary to add inspiration and strength to the soil in those areas that are vacated after the pilots. TO what kind of fertilizer to apply in the spring for garden flowers, and what kind of fertilizer is applied in the fall and when is the main soil fertilizer done?

In autumn, you need to dig and feed the soil.

Our advice:

Autumn fertilization for garden flowers is not without reason called the main one, because no regular plant nutrition during the growing season can replace it.

What's on the "menu" of garden flowers?

With the main application of fertilizers, the entire dose of organic fertilizers and most of the mineral fertilizers are applied. During the autumn refueling of the soil, fertilizers for garden flowers have time to be included in the biochemical processes taking place in it, due to which garden flowers receive nutrition in an easily digestible form.

If the main fertilization for flower beds has to be transferred to spring, it is carried out as early as possible, at least two weeks (and even better - a month) before planting or sowing.

Mineral nitrogen fertilizers for garden flowers are applied only in spring.

Garden flowers need macroelements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron) and microelements (boron, manganese, copper, zinc, iodine, molybdenum, etc.), which they consume in the form of salt ions:

  • Nitrogen promotes vigorous growth, gives the leaves a dark green color and slows down the aging process in plants. With a lack of nitrogen, garden flowers are stunted, the leaves become small and pale green.
  • Phosphorus increases the frost resistance of plants, normal nutrition with phosphorus accelerates flowering. The lack of this element at the beginning of growth is then difficult to correct even with abundant phosphorus nutrition. With a lack of phosphorus, the leaves turn yellow from the edges and fall off.
  • Potassium also increases the frost resistance of perennials, promotes the absorption of nitrogen, enhances tillering and stem strength. If fungal diseases are spreading in the flower garden, this may be a sign of a potassium deficiency in the soil.
  • Calcium participates in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, with a lack of this element, growth points die off, the roots develop poorly and become brittle, the edges of the leaves turn brown.
  • Sulfur contributes to the powerful growth of the roots of garden flowers.
  • Magnesium is part of chlorophyll, promotes photosynthesis, with prolonged magnesium starvation, plant growth stops.
  • Iron- with its deficiency, growth stimulants (auxins) are destroyed, chlorosis of the apical leaves develops, they become light yellow or whitish and die, and the tops of the shoots also die.
  • Bor with its deficiency, flower buds and apical buds die, the leaves turn red.
  • Copper increases the resistance of plants to drought and disease.

On different stages development, the need for nutrients in garden flowers is changing. Young plants consume a lot of nitrogen, during the flowering period, the need for potassium increases, and after flowering, nitrogen and phosphorus are evenly assimilated throughout the growing season.

An excess of mineral fertilizers leads to inhibition of plants.

A high concentration of one element can interfere with the absorption of another. For example, an excess of potassium and sodium makes it difficult to absorb magnesium, and an excess of phosphorus - iron and nitrate nitrogen. That is why it is important to adhere to the norms for applying fertilizers, including organic ones.

Organic fertilizers for garden flowers

Organic matter stimulates the vital activity of soil microorganisms and loosens the earth.


It is considered the best of organic fertilizers for making under garden flowers.

Advantages: it contains everything necessary for plants nutrients and acts in the soil for several years.

How to use: manure is applied no more than once every 3-4 years. The norm is 2 kg per 1 sq. meter, and on poor podzolic and sandy soils - 4-6 kg per 1 sq. meter.

With fresh manure, flower growers need to be very careful:

  • Firstly, it can only be applied in autumn. Fresh manure is not used before planting, as it serves as a source of development of putrefactive bacteria and fungal diseases;
  • secondly, in no case do manure fertilize areas for bulbs (bulbs are planted in manured soil no earlier than after 3 years) and other plants that prefer light soils.

Our advice:

For flower beds, it is safer to use rotted manure - humus. As the main fertilizer, it is applied annually at 6-10 kg per 1 sq. meter.

Bird droppings for garden flowers

Advantage: fast-acting fertilizer, it is saturated with all the necessary macronutrients, as well as magnesium, and in a form that is easily digestible by plants.

How to use: it is given at 200-400 g per 1 sq. meter, after mixing with peat chips or garden soil.

Peat for garden flowers

Advantage: lowland peat is rich in nitrogen, but poor in other elements, so it is always supplemented with mineral fertilizers. Peat gives the greatest effect in the third year, before that it serves as a baking powder for the soil.

How to use: application rate for garden flowers 8-10 kg per 1 sq. meter. Fresh peat, just extracted from a swamp, cannot be used immediately, it contains a lot of substances harmful to plants, in particular hydrogen sulfide and methane. When making high-moor peat, which has a high acidity, add 2% lime.

More often, peat-mineral fertilizers are used instead of peat; there are several types of them on sale, differing in the content of phosphorus and potassium. When buying peat fertilizers, you need to carefully read the information on the package.

Our advice:

At the dachas effective fertilizer are feces composted with peat with the addition of superphosphate. They are submitted under autumn digging(1.5-4.0 kg per 1 sq. meter).

Plant residue compost for garden flowers

Advantage: good nutrition for a flower garden, it can be applied in large quantities.

How to use: application rate is 10-12 kg 1 sq. meter.

Bone and blood meal, silt, wood ash as a source of potassium are also used as a fertilizer, and birch ash is considered the most valuable.

Perennial garden flowers have a good appetite

Because the perennials planted for a long period, the soil for them is prepared especially carefully. Some reference books recommend making up to 25 kg per 1 sq. meter of rotted organic matter (humus, compost, peat) plus 100-150 g of bone meal, 150-200 g wood ash(potassium) and 50-60 g of superphosphate per 1 sq. meter. If necessary, add 200-400 g of lime material per 1 sq. meter. This recipe is designed for poor and depleted soils.

To bookmark a flower garden:

  • perennials: the classic application rate of the main fertilizer on sufficiently fertile soil is 5 kg of organic matter, per 1 sq. meter and 12-18 g of the active substance of phosphate and potash fertilizers per 1 sq. meter;
  • biennials and annuals: the rate of fertilizer is reduced by 50%;
  • bulbous crops: as the main fertilizer, 40-45 g per 1 sq. meter of complex mineral fertilizer, for irises, the same fertilizer is enough 20-30 g per 1 sq. meter.

Very often in flower beds it is not possible to prepare a significant area of ​​soil in accordance with all the rules. Then the main fertilizer is applied to the planting pits. In a hole 40 cm deep and 50 cm wide, give 5 kg of organic fertilizers, 200 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt (or 200 g of wood ash).

How to calculate the doses of mineral fertilizers for garden flowers?

In some reference books, the norms of mineral fertilizers are indicated in kg or g of the active substance (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), as in the example we have given above.

In this case, the indicated figures (12-18 g per 1 sq. meter in our case) are recalculated according to the percentage formula for the mass of available fertilizer. That is, you need 12 g of phosphorus, and there is a simple superphosphate, on the packaging of which it is indicated that it contains 16% phosphorus. We divide 12 by 16, it will be 0.75, and multiply by 100, we get 75 as a result.

This is the number of grams of our particular superphosphate.

© Magazine "Ogorodnik"
Photo: depositphotos.com

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Perennial Benefits

​The types of work to care for perennial crops change from year to year. The greatest amount of care falls on the first year of their growth. Planting, weeding, fertilizing, watering, loosening - all this must be done regularly, giving the plants the opportunity to get stronger, gain strength and bloom in time.

When caring for peonies, reproduction is done in three ways. The easiest is the propagation of peonies by dividing the bush, in which the rhizome is dug up from mid-August to mid-September, and then divided so that each piece of rhizome has at least 3 buds. At the same time, the old roots are shortened and new plants are planted in a pre-prepared place.


For old peony bushes (8-15 year olds), the amount of mineral fertilizers is increased by 1.5 times compared to young ones. Good results feed with slurry. At the same time, it is important to prevent top dressing from getting on the rhizome of the plant.

Turkish carnation

Before watering your peonies, make sure the soil around the stem is dry. Watering peonies should not be frequent, but regularity must be observed.


For growing peonies in the garden the best soil well-treated slightly alkaline loams are considered, the acidity level of such soils (pH) is -6.5.

The most unpretentious summer flowers

The crops are observed every day, watered or sprinkled if necessary. The topsoil should always be moist (not wet!). How to care for peonies when shoots appear? In this case, the boxes are immediately opened and placed in a bright place.


garden chamomile

The third, last, top dressing is done after the end of flowering. For liquid top dressing, take a large bucket of water, 30 grams of superphosphate, 30 grams of potassium sulfate. Dry top dressing consists of a bucket of peat or compost 60 grams of a phosphorus-potassium mixture or 60 grams of Autumn fertilizer. All components are thoroughly mixed and scattered under the plants. This amount of fertilizer can be fed from 3 to 4 bushes.

Like any other plant, perennials are susceptible to pest attacks. To avoid unwanted guests in your garden, you need to regularly inspect the plants. Most often found on garden plots spider mite, scab, also some fungal diseases.

Organic flower food

Do not forget that phosphorus is the stimulation for flowering. A high nitrogen content stimulates the growth of tops, but delays flowering. For feeding young plants and seedlings, it is useful to add vitamins of group B to the water for irrigation. Both tablets and vitamins from ampoules are suitable. One ampoule per liter of water.

Beautiful summer flowers are a real decoration personal plot. They can be planted along paths, form flower beds or landscape corners. As the practice of many gardeners shows, perennial flowering plants are much more unpretentious in terms of care and maintenance, more resistant to adverse weather and climatic conditions and soil than annuals.

Secret materials

Watering in the first year should be carried out more often than in subsequent years. Young plants need constant and uniform moisture. Watering is best done with small-drop irrigation - this method maintains the desired humidity, while at the same time preventing a crust from forming on the soil surface.

Using the method of propagation of peonies by layering, in the spring they put a box without a bottom measuring 50 X 50 cm, 35 cm high. As the shoots grow, 5 cm soil (humus, peat) is added to the box in layers. The soil in the box must be moist. In the process of development, the peony develops renewal buds and additional roots. From mid-August to mid-September, it is necessary to cut the stems under the new buds and plant them for growing in the nursery.

Mineral fertilizers

In the first year after planting, the most effective are foliar top dressing. It is recommended to carry out three foliar top dressings with an interval of 10-15 days.​

And how to feed and fertilize peonies in order to achieve abundant flowering? If the planting was done correctly, then young plants begin to fertilize from the third year of life. The timing of fertilizer application, their norms and multiplicity depend on how fertile the soil is, as well as on the age and phases of plant development.​

When growing peonies in the country, preparing the soil for planting, small doses of nitrogen and phosphorus mineral fertilizers are first applied. The best fertilizer for peonies is bone meal at the rate of 300 g per 1 m2. After its introduction, the plants do not need to be fed for 2-3 years.

A little about seedlings and planting

In late March - early April, the boxes are placed on a well-lit windowsill. In winter, when many cultures lack natural light, the boxes are illuminated. They are placed on racks equipped with special lamps for lighting.

produced with seeds. Seeds are sown for seedlings in boxes simultaneously with vegetable seedlings, but can be sown in open ground at the end of April. From annual phlox can be recommended for breeding varieties: Twinkling Star, White Phlox, Drummonda, Attractive Mix.​

These top dressings will ensure the lush flowering of phlox next season.

Thickening of plants contributes to the development of rot, fungi, viruses.

In addition to the usual dressings, gardeners also have tricks. For example, that many, both flowering and fruit plants respond very well to watering with a solution of yeast, not everyone knows. And this method of feeding has long been successfully practiced by some gardeners and gardeners.

Summer perennial flowers do not need a seasonal transplant, but grow in the same area from year to year, and caring for them comes down to removing excess shoots that grow by self-sowing, as well as forming a bush, removing faded flowers and dry leaves to maintain a beautiful plant appearance . Perennial flowering plants include cannes, irises, golden ball, Turkish carnation, delphinium, water collector (aquilegia), peonies, spray and climbing roses, rudbeckia, phlox, some types of lupins, asters and dahlias.

Perennial pests

When the surface of the land allocated for planting perennials is completely covered with overgrown plants, it is necessary to loosen the soil between them. Simultaneously with loosening, weeding is carried out, removing, if possible, all weeds.

When peonies are propagated by cuttings, two weeks before the start of flowering of the bush, early in the morning, a leaf stalk is cut off near the ground, the cut is made sharp knife. Take a cutting from the lower or middle part. An oblique cut is made under the bottom sheet after 1.5 cm, an upper cut is also made above the top sheet after 1.5 cm (the top sheet is shortened by 1/3).

First feeding:


Peonies absorb nutrients throughout the entire growing season: at the beginning of growth, plants absorb a lot of nitrogen, during the appearance of buds and flowering - nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and when laying buds - phosphorus and potassium.

soil for phlox

Before caring for peonies in the country, planting pits should be prepared in advance. This is done in July, so that by the time of planting the earth in them has time to settle. When digging holes, the top layer of soil is laid aside, the rest is removed. A mixture of organic fertilizers is introduced into the lower part of the pit. Well, if it is a mixture of rotted manure with compost and peat, 150-200 g of superphosphate or 300-400 g of bone meal and 150-200 g of potassium sulfate.

Phlox fertilizers

When caring for peonies, you need to constantly monitor the seedlings, water them regularly and moderately, avoiding waterlogging the soil or drying it out.

Good luck in growing phlox!

Watering phlox

In perennial phloxes, reproduction occurs by dividing the bush and cuttings. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to spray from a spray bottle with infusion of pyrethrum, garlic, tobacco chips and laundry soap. These products are non-toxic and very effective. If pests have appeared on the plants or you brought them with new plants and home remedies do not help, you can resort to using purchased chemicals, but you need to work with them carefully, carefully observing the indicated dosage.

Phlox feeding

Some people use beer or homemade instead of yeast. bread kvass. For a ten-liter bucket of water, take half a liter of beer or kvass. Such top dressing is carried out once every ten to fourteen days.

Summer flowers, whose names are listed above, can be grown even by a novice gardener. We list the types and features of garden perennials.

An important point in the care of perennials is the mandatory removal of inflorescences after flowering is completed. This preserves the decorative effect of the perennial and, in addition, in some species it can stimulate re-blooming.

No more than 2 cuttings can be cut from one stem. They are placed in water, to which a root stimulator is added and left for one day. Then the cuttings are planted in a greenhouse - these are boxes, where the bottom layer is formed by 30 cm of earth and 10 cm of sand. Plant at an angle of 45°. The leaves should not touch each other. The planted cuttings are closed and shaded for the first few days. For two weeks, they are sprayed twice a day. After rooting the cuttings, the greenhouse is gradually opened. For the winter, the leaves are cut, covered and the plants are left in the greenhouse.

As soon as the aerial part of the plants grows (40-50 g of urea per 10 liters of water).

Phlox breeding

Reproduction by dividing the bush

If the soil in the area is clayey or loamy acidic, then 150-200 g of crushed slaked lime is added. Up to the middle of the pit, soil is poured from the top layer, everything is mixed and rammed. The prepared layer will serve as a reserve of nutrients for future plants. If some plants suddenly get sick, they are removed and watering is reduced. When the surface of the soil dries up (watering is carried out only along the edge of the box), it is sprinkled with fine dry calcined sand, ash or crushed coal. If it is not possible to stop the spread of the disease, then healthy seedlings dive into fresh soil, which is pre-treated with fungicides (chemicals used to combat fungal plant diseases). Fungicides are Bordeaux mixture, sulfur color, etc. They are also used for dressing seeds.

Reproduction of phloxes by cuttings

Growing phlox

Phlox varieties

You can grow phloxes in open and shady places. In a shaded place, phloxes bloom longer.

For example, summer flowers such as peonies do not like organic fertilizing. For them, mineral fertilizers are preferable.

These are bright summer flowers. Many mistakenly consider them annual plant. The fact is that dahlias cannot be left for the winter in open field. Experienced gardeners it is advised to dig up the tubers and store them in boxes with dry sawdust or sand until spring. With the onset of a thaw, when the soil warms up, they are planted in open ground again. Some advise storing tubers wrapped in newspaper, on racks, or in wooden boxes, in a dry place. In this case, you need to make full complex mineral fertilizers in the form of a solution during irrigation. Many plants can get leaf burns when the solution gets on them, so watering should be done carefully, trying not to get on the leaves. However, not all varieties of peonies can be rooted in this way. Second feeding: Needed by peonies for the formation of a large vegetative mass and the formation of buds. In the leaves during the budding period, the nitrogen content is 4.5-6%. It is applied several times in small doses. All top dressing is best done from early spring until the start of flowering (4 times in total). You need to make 10-15 g of the active substance per plant (ammonium nitrate - 60 g).

How to plant and care for peonies in the country (with video)

Picking seedlings.

Always accompanied by their reproduction and more often reproduction occurs by dividing the bush. Bushes aged 4-5 years are divided in spring, but it is also possible in autumn. Bushes need to be divided into several parts and transplanted to a new place every 5 years to rejuvenate. If you don’t transplant, then over time the inflorescences will become smaller. Phloxes should be planted at a distance of half a meter from each other. Phlox transplantation has a positive effect on their flowering - it becomes more generous and lush.

  • Peonies in the garden: growing and caring for flowers
  • Growing rudbeckia perennial and annual
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Peonies: care and cultivation, planting in open ground, peonies fertilizer, flower propagation methods

Phloxes love well-groomed, fertile and moist soil, but they do not tolerate acidic, clayey and damp soils. In the lowlands, where there is an excess of moisture, phloxes will not be able to grow normally.

​Usually, fertilizer packages are marked with three numbers. If you are aiming for abundant flowering, you need to purchase a fertilizer with the highest average number. The numbers indicate the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It's in that order. Therefore, while your plants are in the seedling stage, the main task is to help them gain strength for further flowering. Here you need organic matter and nitrogen-containing fertilizers. And for abundant flowering, phosphorus to help.

Planting and caring for seedlings of peonies (with video)

It blooms only in the second year of life. No matter how hard you try, even if you plant the seedlings very early and feed them abundantly, the carnation does not bloom in the first year. Some are disappointed and say that this flower is not for them. And it's just in the features of this plant. You need to be patient, and after a while, the work will be adequately rewarded. Turkish carnation blooms and propagates by self-sowing. After reaching the age of two, she will delight the owners with abundant and colorful flowering for many more years.

You need to know that undersized perennials come from mountainous or arid regions, where soils are poor in humus, less demanding on soils. Excess fertilizer weakens their flowering, in addition, reduces their winter hardiness.

Flowering plants in the garden, flower beds and flower beds with their own hands, floriculture in the country> Unpretentious flowers for giving. How to decorate a flower bed (for the lazy)

40-50 g of urea per 10 liters of water with the addition of one tablet of trace elements.


Peonies are planted in the ground at a distance of 50 to 90 cm from each other. A pit for planting a bush is prepared 1-2 weeks before planting. A hole is dug at the site with a depth of 60 cm and a diameter of about 50 cm. The bottom of the hole is laid in the following sequence:

When the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves, they dive into special cassettes. The size of the cassettes can be 5-8 cm.​

On the same subject

Cuttings should be cut. To do this, take a non-lignified shoot or part of it. It should have two pairs of leaves and one internode. The lower leaves are removed, and the upper ones are cut in half. You can use leaf cuttings. Fresh manure cannot be brought under phloxes, various rots may occur. The land intended for planting phlox must first be fertilized. If the earth is clayey, then coarse river sand, gravel, wood ash, peat, compost are added.

All fertilizers are applied strictly in accordance with the instructions and no more than once every two to three weeks. An excess of nutrients is just as detrimental as a deficiency, and leads to the formation of elongated shoots, an ugly shape of leaves and flowers, or a lack of flowering.

Peony care: watering and feeding flowers

These summer flowers have many colors, forms of inflorescence and flower. Terry or simple - they are equally beautiful and in addition to bright appearance have a thin pleasant aroma. Care consists in periodic top dressing, and every two or three years it is necessary to divide the bushes so that the flowers do not lose their original appearance and color, do not shrink and the stems do not stretch and become bare. Feeding is also necessary for plants during the growing season. However different types perennials need different feeding. If the planting of perennial crops was carried out in fertile soil, then laying out compost between growing perennials will be enough. Other top dressing in this case is not necessary. With a large amount of fertilizer applied, perennials will begin to develop greenery, and flowering may be less abundant. If the soil under plantings of perennials is low-fertile, plant nutrition is required.

Perennial garden flowers

Third dressing:

Conditions for growing pions in open ground: soil requirements

​This nutrient it is best to apply at the time of planting. For one landing pit contribute 50-70 g of superphosphate. This amount is enough to provide the plant with phosphorus for a year. It should be noted that the effect of phosphorus is manifested only in the presence of nitrogen. On podzolic soils, the availability of phosphorus is 20-30 mg per 100 g of soil.​

​20 cm drainage layer from a mixture of sand and gravel;

Growing peonies in the country: how to fertilize the soil

Watch a video on how to care for pion seedlings in the country:

Peonies are frost-resistant plants, therefore, with the onset of autumn, it is recommended to plant them immediately in open ground. The care and cultivation of peonies is not a very troublesome process, but it requires compliance with certain agrotechnical rules.​

Then we plant the cuttings in a moist substrate. High humidity should be maintained in the substrate, which helps the cuttings to strengthen well. Planted cuttings are shaded and sprayed up to 7 times a day and sometimes aired. As a rule, after a month, the stalk sprouts roots and takes root well, and in the fall a well-developed root system and new shoots are formed. Now it can be planted in a permanent place of growth.​

In order to fertilize 1 square meter of soil, 7 kg of peat is required, about 300 grams of wood ash, about 5 kg of humus or compost. All components are thoroughly mixed, river sand or fine gravel, 30 grams of nitrophoska, 30 grams of potassium sulfate and the same amount of Agricola-7 are added to them. Then the fertilized soil is dug up again. Phloxes also like coniferous compost, however, it is not available to everyone.

First you need to decide how you want to see your flower garden, and loosen the ground for planting. Before planting, it is recommended to make leaf humus, compost, rotted manure and, having shoveled well, leave for two to three days in order to shrink the earth.

  • If you have on the site, in your opinion, bad land, that is, the soil is heavy, clayey, you do not need to despair. Irises, golden balls, rudbeckia are absolutely unpretentious both to the composition of the soil and to watering. The only thing is that golden balls on infertile soils bloom more finely. And on loose soil with top dressing, flowers are up to 12 cm in diameter.
  • Let's talk a little about perennial garden flowers that you want to plant. These are wonderful garden plants too. In autumn, it seems that their life is over, because the stems die off along with the leaves. But it's not. In the spring, as if by a wave magic wand, fresh young shoots appear. If you buy one perennial, in a year you will already have several copies of the same plant. There are plenty of varieties of different perennial garden flowers, so you can always find something suitable for your flower garden in the country. Among these perennial flowers, there are drought-resistant and moisture-loving ones, those that need a lot of sunlight, and those that do well in the shade. You will definitely be lucky to find among them those garden perennial flowers that will please the eye. When planting perennials, adhere to the following rules.​
  • Herbaceous perennials are flower garden favorites. They are beautiful, grow in the same place for years and do not require special care. True, provided that the place for them is chosen correctly.

2 tablets of trace elements dissolved in 10 liters of water.


20-30 cm layer of top dressing mixture (compost, humus, 200 g superphosphate, 100 g lime, 300 g wood ash, 100 g potassium sulfate);

Peonies: how to water, how to feed and fertilize

Feeding and watering seedlings.

How to properly care for peonies in order to achieve their violent June flowering, how to feed and how to properly fertilize the soil, as well as other secrets of agricultural technology are brought to your attention on this page.

Arctic, Thunderstorm, Sunray, Elenka, Yaroslavna, Svyatogor, Prince Igor, Inspiration.​

Growing phlox Seedlings can be purchased ready-made, or you can grow yourself from seeds. When buying seeds in a store, it often happens that instead of the desired variety, something different from what is promised on the package grows, or there is a mixture in a bag of seeds different varieties. Sometimes they come across with low germination. To avoid disappointment, it is better to collect them yourself from healthy and strong plants of the desired variety.

Irises and rudbeckias grow equally well under any conditions. These summer flowers in an amateur's garden will delight the eye as spectacularly as in a professional. Plant 3-5 plants - an odd number always looks better.

When you look at the flower beds in most gardens, it soon becomes clear: flowering perennials dominate here! And this is no coincidence: perennial flowering beauties, in contrast to annuals, retain their colorful splendor even after several years, and sometimes even decades. In addition, they require much less space than ornamental shrubs. Agricultural technology for growing peonies provides for the mandatory molding of a bush. If it is important to ensure long and abundant flowering, then after the central flowers wither, they must be removed immediately, without affecting the leaves. In this case, the new side buds will have the opportunity to develop in full force, and then the bush will bloom for a long time and luxuriantly.

Podzolic soils tend to be deficient in potassium, which is why 1-2 top dressings are needed. Make 25-40 g per adult plant. High supply of podzolic soils with potassium - 25-30 mg per 100 g of soil. The remaining space is filled with a mixture of compost and earth.

When caring for peonies, top dressing is applied 7 days after the pick, once a week in the morning or evening. Seedlings are watered with a solution of complex mineral fertilizers or alternated with watering with solutions of liquid organic fertilizers. If the leaves of plants have a pale light green color (if this is not a feature of the variety), then complex fertilizers several times can be replaced with nitrogen, for example, ammonium nitrate. When caring for flowers, peonies are watered with clean water after fertilizing, especially after using nitrogen fertilizers, to avoid leaf burns.

If peonies are planted in August, then they can be sown directly into the ground. If the seeds are sown for seedlings in winter time, then in this case a two-stage stratification is artificially carried out. For this purpose, you will need an electric heating pad with a thermostat in order to adjust the daily temperature fluctuations by switching.​

Panicled phlox: Festival, Alyonushka, Abundant, Carnival, The Scarlet Flower, Success, New, Masha, Natasha.​

does not do without watering. Phlox just love him. During the growth and development of buds, phlox watering is simply necessary. It must be firmly remembered that phloxes need to be watered under the root, but not over the plants themselves, especially with cold water. This may lead to such widespread fungal disease How " powdery mildew". In hot weather, the irrigation hose can be left under the bush for a while. This method of watering for phlox is the most comfortable. Seeds can be used to propagate such summer flowers as primroses, marigolds, chamomile, rudbeckia. Some types of flowers are planted with part of the rhizome or tubers.

Among the unpretentious perennials, one cannot ignore the garden chamomile. This simple simple flower will decorate any front garden. Chamomile, unpretentious in content, easily take root, multiply by dividing the bush. The only caveat is that when planting part of the bush in a new place, the plant needs to be shaded for the first few days, otherwise these summer wildflowers will die. Do not make the color scheme in your first flower garden too complicated. For starters - no more than two or three shades. It is very good if one of the colors is white. It goes well with any color, and also fits into any composition.​

Your flower bed has already changed: stunted nondescript seedlings have turned into strong green bushes, ready to bloom. From June, the largest group of decorative flowering plants begins to bloom - almost all perennials bloom from summer to late autumn. If peonies are grown for cutting, then side buds should be removed, leaving one central one on the stem. This is necessary in order for the nutrients to come to him. Then the flower will be lush and healthy.

Agricultural technology for growing peonies in the garden: bush formation

If the site has high acidity soil, then before planting peonies it is mixed with lime (1 kg of lime per 1 m2). It is not recommended to plant peonies in wet places.

Watering should be plentiful, but infrequent.

How to plant peony seeds and care for seedlings? Seeds are sown in small containers in moistened sand and placed on a heating pad. During the month, the heating temperature during the day is increased to 30°C, and at night it is reduced to 15°C. The sand in which the seeds germinate is periodically moistened with a spray bottle. As soon as the roots appear, they move on to the "cold" stage.

Methods for propagating peonies by dividing the bush and cuttings

In addition to perennial phlox, there are also annual ones.

Phloxes need to be fed three times during the summer. If the summer turned out to be rainy, then top dressing is done dry, if there is not enough rain, liquid top dressing is carried out.

After landing in open ground, do not rush to feed. The plant needs time to mature. When planting perennials, you should initially pay attention to the natural features of the species. Some plants need bright light. For example, the dahlia loves sunlight. In a shaded area, it will grow and even bloom, but the flowers will be small, and flowering will be very short-lived.

Chamomile flowers live for a long time both on the vine and cut.

After choosing a color scheme, try to stick to it when planting new perennials. If you started with yellow and blue, continue to work with shades of these colors. Then your flower bed will really please the eye, and not tire it with excessive variegation.


Perennial flowers and plants for summer cottages. garden perennials photo

Perennials, like other groups of flowering and decorative leafy plants, require care. Although caring for them is much easier than for annuals. One of the advantages of perennials is that they do not need to be planted annually. Besides, certain types perennials in the process of growth form such densely closed bushes or large curtains that weeds have neither room nor opportunity to develop.

Flowers can only be cut from three-year-old bushes, the first two years all buds are removed, which allows the plant to form a powerful branched root system.

This nutrient also plays a role big role in nitrogen metabolism.

If, on the site where peonies will grow, ground water pass close to the surface or the soil itself high humidity, then for them it is necessary to equip a flower bed on a hill or to carry out drainage ditches on the site. Sandy soil is fertilized with humus before planting.

The soil must be allowed to dry, but not dry out. Also, the surface of the soil must be loosened regularly so that a soil crust does not form.

Perennial Care

At this stage, the hatched seeds are transplanted into boxes with fertile soil(you can use peat cubes). For them, the temperature is reduced to 5-10°C. With the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings are transferred to a warm place (18-20 ° C).


Care in the first year

The first feeding is done when the stems grow. Liquid top dressing consists of 10 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of urea diluted in it. The composition of dry top dressing includes: one bucket of compost or humus and two tablespoons of urea. The components are thoroughly mixed and scattered next to the plants. This amount can feed three phlox bushes.

Plants whimsical to the bay of the soil, it is desirable to allocate plots on a hill.

Summer flowers are very fond of organic fertilizers. As top dressing, you can use compost, leaf humus, horse and cow manure, as well as chicken droppings. Important: manure should not be fresh, but rotted, bird droppings should be used in very small proportions, dissolving it in water at the rate of about a quarter cup per bucket of water.

​If you really like a plant, know that after a few years it can be dug up and then divided into parts. The longer you communicate with your beloved pet, the better you will know his tastes and inclinations. He will definitely reciprocate your worries - in a few years he will give you the opportunity to increase the amount of planting material. And by planting the same flowers around the garden, you can give it a holistic, harmonious look.

However, if you want to have beautiful and profusely flowering perennials, you need to take care of them not only after planting, but throughout the growing season.

When forming a bush, the buds are removed from the plant when they reach the size of a pea. Break off the buds carefully so as not to damage the plant.

Features of feeding and fertilizing perennials

How to fertilize peonies during shoot growth? At this time, they are fed with ammonium nitrate (15 g per 10 liters of water.) During the setting of buds and flowering, the soil is mineralized. Take 5 g of potassium salt, 7.5 g of ammonium nitrate and 10 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. After the flowering period, peonies are fed with 5 g of potassium salt and 10 g of superphosphate per 10 liters of water. To get a greater effect, mineral fertilizers alternate with organic fertilizers or combine them.

The choice of perennial flowers to give

You can watch a video of planting and caring for peonies here:

When growing peonies in open ground, certain soil requirements must be met. Peonies prefer loose, permeable, nutrient-rich soil that is free of weeds. One of necessary conditions growing peonies - softening the soil with peat or humus. Before planting peonies in open ground, if the soil is sandy, clay is added to them. However, before planting, it is not recommended to put fresh manure in the pits, since an excess of nutrients has a bad effect on the growth and development of plants.

Planting and caring for peonies in the open field begins in the second half of August.


The second top dressing is done during the development of buds on phlox. To do this, 60 grams of nitrophoska and 30-35 grams of Rossa and Agricola fertilizers for flowering plants are dissolved in a large bucket of water. This amount is enough to feed three phlox bushes.

Feeding white cabbage

There are several periods in the life of a flower bed when the plants inhabiting it need support. How to "feed" plants so that they can please us luxurious flowering?

east news
blooming flower bed

In a healthy "body" - a healthy color

At certain periods in the tissues of the plant occur active processes. We can say that plants "build" something: in spring - shoots and leaves, in summer - buds, flowers, and then seeds, closer to autumn, perennials lay buds for flowering next year. We can help by providing our pets with "fortified meals" as their own supply of nutrients may be deficient. As they say, they will live, but bloom - this is how it will turn out.

In fact, the preparation of the plant for flowering begins from the moment when the sprout appears from the ground. it is possible only if the aerial part (plant body) is well developed, and this is facilitated by nitrogen. There is a lot of this substance in organic matter: manure, bird droppings, humus. Spring watering with a solution or infusion of one of these fertilizers is worth a lot: the plants immediately grow, begin to grow green mass, and thicken the shoots. But keep in mind that organics are not to the taste of all plants. For example, bulbous plants do not tolerate it, their development with such top dressing slows down in all respects, and there is also a high risk of rotting of the bulbs. Oppressed feel fed up with organic matter. Asters at first can rush to growth, even form lush bushes with many shoots. Therefore, it is very disappointing when they get sick and die. By the way, experienced flower growers never plant asters in areas that were fertilized with manure or bird droppings in the previous year. Tagetes (marigolds) and nasturtium organics are not too "respected". They will not get sick from such a "menu", but the flowers, most likely, form small ones. These flowers are fed only with mineral fertilizer: both in spring and summer. The rest will thank for the organic meal with luxurious flowering.

east news
blooming flower bed

On the eve of flowering

Substances that can help plants prepare for flowering - Phosphorus ensures normal respiration of plant tissues, and potassium helps them absorb water. Without this, if the buds are tied, they will fall off or develop into flowers that are not pleasing with their size and splendor. In addition, flowering will be short-lived. It is difficult for a not very experienced grower to understand the "official" names of fertilizers (phosphate, superphosphate, urea, etc.), so it is better to focus on the manufacturers' tips. For example, if you buy "Bud" or "Ovary" top dressing, you will not be mistaken. In any case, it is better to buy fertilizers in packages, and not in bulk - you can read on the label when and for what purpose it is used.

From folk remedies for abundant flowering, fertilizing with an ash solution is effective (in the ash, not only potassium and calcium, but also 2/3 of the periodic table). To prepare the ash solution, 1 glass of ash is stirred in 10 liters of water. Although it is possible to enhance the effect by feeding the plants not with a solution, but with an infusion of ash: for this, it is infused under a closed lid in the sun for 7-8 days.

Good potash fertilizers are obtained from potato peelings and banana peel. This valuable waste is poured with hot water and left for 1 week, during which useful material contained in them pass into the water. By the way, watering with "banana" infusion is useful not only before flowering, but also during it: the plant continues to form new buds, as a result of which the flowering time is extended.

east news
blooming flower bed

Plants will respond remarkably to watering with eggshell infusion in the period preceding flowering. The shell contains not only calcium, but also potassium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, etc. None of this will be superfluous for the formation of buds and their development into beautiful flowers.

A special conversation about watering flowers in a flower bed " green manure"- fermented herbal infusions. Someone said that weeds are flowers that no one likes. Whatever it was, but the weeds, and cultivated plants in their own way" internal organization"coincide by 99%. Plus, weeds have an advantage: a developed ability to survive. In the process of preparing the infusion, useful substances that the plant is rich in pass into the liquid. And the plant, which is subsequently fed with such an infusion, consumes them selectively: depending on whether , which he currently needs.Therefore, you can water the flower bed with herbal infusions almost all the time - from spring to autumn.But the infusions should not be too concentrated (1 liter of infusion per 10 liters of water is enough).The recipe for preparing this most valuable top dressing is simple: the capacity is half filled with grass, filled to the brim with water, closed with a lid.In the sun, after a few days, the contents begin to ferment, and after a week you can already feed your flowers.

east news
blooming flower bed

I say goodbye to you, but goodbye is not for us...

If annual flowers with the end of flowering gradually die off, they do not even rest: already a month after their last flowers withered, they begin to form flower buds for the next season. And feeding them at this time is very desirable. The best thing you can offer them is potassium. By the way, this substance not only has positive influence for next year's flowering, but also making it less vulnerable to frost.

Feeding your green and blooming garden pets two or three times is not difficult. Be sure that they will pay for the efforts expended a hundredfold, delighting you with their beauty.

Periodic feeding of domestic flowers is very important, as they feed from a small amount of land located in flower pot. Nutrients in it are quickly exhausted. Thanks to this mandatory procedure, How spring dressing flowers, you can count on the proper development of plants at home.

In case of nutrient deficiencies, indoor plants will be weak, and their flowering will not be as lush as expected. You can improve the condition of indoor flowers with the help of. Here is a use for it! You can eat the pulp with a clear conscience, but cut the peel into small pieces and leave it alone until completely dry.

Then add water to the resulting raw material, leave for 2-3 days. Pour the solution over the flowers, and gently dig up the pulp with potting soil.

It is most convenient to carry out this procedure during plant transplantation. Banana flower food is useful because the peel of this fruit contains highly absorbable potassium and phosphorus, which is necessary for flowering plants. Let's open one more secret: even before leaving the peel to dry, they wipe dust from contaminated leaves with it. From this cosmetic procedure The leaves are very shiny.

Gardening affairs

plant nutrition in spring period It has great importance. Beginning growing season requires many minerals. IN natural environment they are obtained from humus, which is a waste product of soil organisms. Humus is made up of decomposing last year's leaves, shoots, and other organic residues.

In the garden, everything is a little different: the leaves are raked, the grass is mowed, dry shoots break out, that is, material that could be reborn into humus is removed. That is why top dressing of garden flowers is required. Of course, you can also use such, it would seem, simple recipe like flower food banana peel, but it’s too troublesome to stock up on raw materials for garden scales. On sale there are several types of fertilizers used in the garden and at home.

So, organic look additives contains all the minerals necessary for plants and recreates humus, improving the properties of the earth. Compost is one of the most popular types of organic matter, which is used in autumn or spring in the amount of 20 kg / m 2 (the additive is distributed on the surface in a 2-cm layer and dug to a depth of 10-15 cm).

Green manure in flowerbeds - top dressing flowers in spring is cheap and effective

Fertilizing flowers in the garden in spring with green fertilizers is practiced if the soil is knocked down or low-yielding. Before breaking a flower bed in a certain area, sow it. The latter grow rapidly and are characterized by a large volume of stems and leaves, which, after digging and decomposition, turn into humus. Siderates are dug up in a month or two, always before flowering, while all the minerals are in the green. Such fertilizer quickly decomposes - already in the second half of summer you can break flower beds.

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