With eyes wide open. How to plant potatoes in order to get a good harvest

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planting material


The best option is to plant potatoes with an indent of 90 cm between rows. In this case, hilling is easier and the tops work better for the harvest. Keep in mind that what planting material the larger, the less often you need to land. Whatever planting pattern you choose, plant potato tubers it is necessary to the same depth, planting should be done in even rows, leaving a layer of loose soil under the tubers. All this contributes to the creation of an optimal regime for plant growth.​

Germination of potatoes should begin about 20-30 days before planting. Before germination, the tubers must be washed in a solution of potassium permanganate. Then the planting material is laid out in one (maximum two) layers in boxes. Boxes must be kept at a temperature of 20–22 ° C in a bright place, avoiding direct sunlight on potato tubers. Usually, potatoes begin to germinate in the dark, so long, weak sprouts appear that can easily break off during planting. Ideally, the sprouts should be green, strong and have a length of no more than one - one and a half centimeters. After two or three weeks, boxes with seed potatoes can be moved to a cooler place with an air temperature of about 10–14 ° C, for example, to a glazed balcony.​

Video "Rational planting potatoes"

Soil preparation and site

It seems that there is nothing easier, and all gardeners and summer residents already know how to plant potatoes. There is a mass about planting potatoes useful information on the Internet, a huge number of magazines and books have devoted an uncountable number of articles to this topic. Nevertheless, starting to plant potatoes on your own, you constantly discover something completely new and unexpected. Experience in planting potatoes is accumulated by summer residents after each successful (or not very successful) harvest. Over time, not only the methods of planting and caring for potatoes are improved, but also the methods of tillage. One of these methods is the use of a walk-behind tractor, which will make it easier to grow potatoes.​

Thirdly, it is important to correctly determine the readiness of the soil. Ideally, if it is warmed up by 10 cm, birch leaves usually bloom at this time. Optimal depth planting - 9-10 cm, the beds should be placed from north to south.
Potatoes should be planted in a sunny and open area. This crop should not be planted in the shade, as well as in lowlands where high probability stagnation of water and the formation of fog.​

A prerequisite for obtaining a good harvest is crop rotation.

​From the video you will learn which methods are most common when planting potatoes, and which ones bring the most profitable results.​
When choosing potato varieties for your backyard, pay attention to the timing of their planting and ripening. Some gardeners believe that planting vegetable crop should be done as early as possible, others insist on more later dates. Even experts are not able to name a specific planting date, since the recommended dates vary depending on the area. But even in the same region, planting potatoes can be different years not carried out on the same day - a lot depends on weather conditions.​

landing technique

It would seem that all experienced and even beginner gardeners know how to plant potatoes correctly. But each time, carrying out this responsible process, you can learn a lot of new things for yourself. To get a high-quality and rich potato crop, you should foresee and take into account all the nuances - take care of the availability of good planting material, prepare the soil and the planting site, and be sure to follow all the points of the vegetable planting technique.

- not big size tubers that are a first year crop grown from super super elite tubers.​

If you wish, when planting potatoes, you can make a separate hole for each tuber and fill it with fertilizer, ash and humus, and only then lower the potato there. After laying the tubers, the holes are covered with earth, leveling it with a rake.

During germination, potato tubers need to be moistened by periodically turning over and spraying them. Tubers need to be sprayed every other day. For spraying alternately used ordinary water, ash solution and solution mineral fertilizers. This alternation of spraying reduces the risk of potato disease, stimulates its growth. The solution must be prepared immediately before spraying.

I think it's no secret to anyone that the fundamental factor excellent harvest potato is what seeds are used when planting it. And you need to start harvesting seeds in the fall, during harvesting. Why in autumn? Autumn for selection

Video "Methods of planting potatoes"

With it, you can greatly facilitate and speed up the laborious process of planting potatoes. Today it is used even in small summer cottages.


How to plant potatoes correctly

And finally. If you have a lot of time left, you can fill each hole with ash and fertilizer. Knowing how to plant potatoes correctly, you may spend a little more time on it, but the harvest will be more plentiful and early.​

When planting potatoes in areas with closely spaced groundwater, tubers should be planted on ridges. If the landing is carried out in a dry area, then it should be planted in trenches.

How to get a rich harvest?

Potatoes are best planted in places where legumes, cucumbers, zucchini or squash, pumpkin, cabbage or onions grew in the previous year. But in place of potatoes next year, it is better to plant pumpkin crops, that is, pumpkin, zucchini or cucumbers.

Any plant requires a thorough study of its growing conditions and care methods. It is logical that by spending effort on its cultivation, we do not want to get wilted sprouts, but strong, strong seedlings, developed plants that can then give a decent harvest.

Folk signs suggest gardeners to plant a vegetable crop when buds appear and bloom on a birch, and leaves on poplars. You can also use the rule of "three tens" - according to it, in middle lane you can plant potatoes when at night the temperature stays at 10 degrees for a couple of days, the soil in the area at a depth of 10 cm will warm up to 10 degrees. Planting dates also depend on the variety of potatoes - there are early ripening varieties (the crop can be harvested after 50 - 65 days), mid-ripening (the harvest should be expected in 80 - 95 days), late-ripening (they will please you with a harvest only after 110 or more days).

So, we have already decided that any summer resident accumulates experience in planting potatoes as each harvest is successfully harvested by him. The first important factor that directly affects the achievement of the result is the choice good material for landing. Seeds should be harvested already when autumn collection harvest. Planting material is advised to take from those bushes that gave the maximum amount of crop. In order to harvest planting material, it is recommended to choose tubers, the size of which is about 4–5 cm, but larger potatoes can be selected for planting. As practice shows, if you plant potatoes from large tubers, then it is able to ripen earlier and produce more root crops in a season.


Many gardeners after a lean year have to cut potatoes before planting in order to reduce seed consumption. Doing this is highly discouraged. By cutting just one diseased tuber, with the same knife you will infect several more potatoes. In this case, do not be surprised why then you will not have a crop. If you still have to cut seed potatoes, then do not forget to at least periodically disinfect the knife by dipping it in a concentrated solution of manganese or in a 5% solution blue vitriol. Another nuance is that the tuber must be cut not across, but along. After all, the highest quality sprouts appear on the so-called top of the tuber. Cutting the potato across, you will get two unequal halves, one of which will give good sprouts, while the second, on which there are no vertex "eyes" at all, can germinate much later.

A good place to grow potatoes is a greenhouse. Spread the potatoes on a straw bed and cover polyethylene film. So you provide him with warmth, light and sufficient humidity - excellent conditions for the appearance of sprouts.

We plant correctly

seed potatoes

Using a walk-behind tractor in the process of planting potatoes is convenient and simple:

  • ​Following simple rules potato care, you will provide yourself with a good harvest.​
  • Should you cut a potato? This is the right of choice for every gardener. Some believe that if the tuber is cut, it will lose a large amount nutrients. In fact, this is not so, because in each potato there is a so-called “top”, in which all the strongest sprouts are concentrated. Therefore, you can save planting material, while saving some of the potatoes for food.​
  • Two weeks before planting, bring the planting material into a warm room with good lighting. So by the time of planting, sprouts will appear on the tubers. Before planting, it is necessary to disinfect the tubers, for which the potatoes should be placed in a solution boric acid. Keep the tubers in the solution for at least half an hour. This will prevent the development of pests that can ruin the crop. You can also increase the yield by soaking the planting material in diluted manure. For getting good result potatoes should be left in this solution for two days.
  • Many gardeners, despite the rather laborious process of caring for potatoes, still prefer to grow it on their own. Purchased potatoes cultivated in industrial scale, in most cases does not taste good, unlike home-grown potatoes.​

​According to the lunar calendar, landing can be planned during the third lunar phase, that is, within 3 - 5 days after the onset of the full moon.

Some gardeners traditionally prefer to plant potatoes that must first be cut, or use germinated eyes for this purpose. Experts say that if you cut the root crop, and then dry it in the sun and powder the cut with ash, you can achieve good effect. But in order to pre-cut the potatoes and then dry them, there must be warm weather. In the event that after planting the weather is cold and with precipitation, it may very well turn out that the potatoes that you decide to pre-cut in order to obtain planting material will simply rot. But experienced gardeners they still prefer to cut the tubers, because most often when planting a crop, they still germinate and give good harvest. In any case, it is up to you to decide whether or not to cut the tubers before planting.

Cut or not?

- These are planting tubers, which are the second year crop obtained from super elite potatoes. They are considered the most productive. It is they who are recommended to be used for landing.

It is best to plant potatoes the size of egg. The smaller the planting material, the weaker the bush will grow out of it, respectively, there will be less harvest on it. So why not plant the largest tubers, because they have a much larger supply of nutrients? Yes, but this will not lead to a significant increase in yield, and the consumption of planting material will increase significantly. So it's best to stop at the golden mean.​

Before planting, potatoes must first be pickled, thereby protecting them from the effects of an aggressive soil environment. At the same time, after processing potatoes with special dressing preparations, a long-term effect is formed on the seed material. protective film. Almost no one, by the way, does this, and then all gardeners unanimously complain about various infectious troubles. There is no need to be afraid of these "chemicals", they are not absorbed into the plants. For pickling, a solution of 20 g of boric acid in 10 liters of water is used. Tubers in baskets or nets are immersed in the solution for a few seconds, and then dried.

Seedling Care

is the most successful period. Potato planting material should be taken from bushes that have given best harvest. The size of tubers for planting material should be at least 4–5 centimeters. It is noticed that what bigger size there will be tubers planting potatoes, the earlier it will ripen, and the yield from each individual bush will be higher.​


Be sure to know how to plant potatoes

To make the first furrow even, draw a line on the ground with a stretched cord and draw a walk-behind tractor along it. If this is not done, both the first and the remaining furrows may turn out to be uneven.

How to plant potatoes

  • A week after planting, start loosening the soil: this will destroy the weeds and give the necessary oxygen access. When the height of the tops reaches 15 cm, you need to spud the bushes for the first time, after another two weeks - the second.
  • The negative point of cutting the tubers is the high probability of infection of healthy potatoes. This can significantly reduce the yield. Therefore, if you cut off a spoiled part of a potato, periodically disinfect the knife in a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.
  • How to plant potatoes:

In order to get a rich harvest of tubers, you need to know how to plant potatoes correctly. Heed the following tips:​


How to plant potatoes? Secrets of growing under straw and using a walk-behind tractor

How to grow potatoes the right way?

Proper planting of potatoes today is not just the process of burying root crops in prepared soil. The depth of planting potatoes depends on the type of soil, humidity, quality of planting material. General requirements for planting are as follows - for marking the beds, markings should be made using a rake with three teeth located every 80 cm - this will be the distance between the beds. The interval between the bushes can be measured by the length of the leg. Potatoes need to be planted at a depth of half a palm. Approximately 20 - 25 kg are planted per 100 meters of square tubers of medium size.

The tubers should be taken out of storage in mid-March, dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate and laid out in boxes for germination. They need to be kept at a temperature of 20 - 22 degrees, and after a couple of weeks they should be transferred to a colder place. The tubers need to be moistened, turned over and sprayed - with water, ash solution and mineral fertilizers, which alternate.

​Next are the categories of seed potatoes grown from elite tubers: first reproduction, second, etc. All these categories also give a good harvest, but they accumulate more and more various diseases from year to year. Potatoes after the third reproduction are only suitable for eating.

Planting potatoes, as we have already said, must be selected in the fall, and from the most powerful bushes marked in advance with pegs. If you heed this advice and choose not the best tubers for planting, but tubers best plants, That long years you won't need to buy seed potatoes and the crop will remain stable. If the yield becomes worse over time, then you need to buy new planting material. It is recommended to renew seed potatoes at least partially every five years.​

Very often summer residents have to deal with a situation where the planting potatoes are already ready, but due to the late spring it is not possible to prepare the soil for planting. In order to save the planting material, in this case, you can put the potatoes in grooves prepared in advance, filling it with humus, sawdust or ordinary earth. For insurance, you can cover the groove with a film. The tubers in such a groove will lie without problems for 1-2 weeks, after which it will be possible to plant them in a permanent place.

Potatoes under the straw

Some summer residents also plant sprouted seed eyes or chopped potatoes. Indeed, cut potatoes after a short drying in the sun and dusting with cut ash can give a very good harvest. Only for this you need ideal wet and warm weather. But if after planting the weather is rainy or cold, then it is likely that the cut potatoes will rot without sprouting, or giving very weak sprouts.

Then manually lay the tubers in the furrow at a distance of about 20 cm from each other, and also with the help of a walk-behind tractor, the furrow with potatoes is filled up. And by connecting a potato planter to the walk-behind tractor, you will completely save yourself from manual labor when landing.​

We use a walk-behind tractor together with shovels

To grow potatoes, achieve at the same time high yield, swipe root dressing. It can be prepared, for example, from nettles: 10 kg of nettles will be needed for 100 liters of water. The mixture is infused for about five days. Before use, the composition must be stirred and used in the amount of 1 liter per bush.

If you plan to cut the tuber and plant both halves, then you should cut along. Otherwise, you will separate the "top" of the potato, which will bring you a harvest in the future, and the second half will either give a small number of tubers or will not bear fruit at all.

Arrange the ridges in the direction from north to south and plant the tubers according to the 80x35 scheme to a depth of about 10 cm;

  • - it is best to plant potatoes at a time when the soil temperature at a depth of about 10 cm will not be lower than +8 ... +9 degrees. Usually, optimal timing for landing are last days April - early May. If you plant potatoes in cold ground, then the culture will spend a lot of energy on germination;
  • When shoots appear, they need to be sprinkled with earth three times as they grow - to get a powerful root system. There are three main options - smooth landing, in ridges and in trenches.​

To plant potatoes, the soil also begins to be prepared in the fall. The tops remaining from the dug out root crops should be removed from the site. To prevent pests from overwintering in it, it is recommended to burn the tops. The soil must be dug up and plowed up, while the depth should be on the bayonet of a shovel.


How to plant potatoes and get the highest harvest potatoes?

You need to plant potatoes correctly - then the result will be!

The same potato variety should not be grown for more than 3-4 years, or it is necessary to update all planting material after this period of time. ​Before you buy potatoes for planting, you should have an idea of ​​what you are buying.​ We have already talked about how to plant potatoes with a walk-behind tractor, so today we will consider some general principles to be followed when planting potatoes.

The best soil for growing potatoes are sandy loam, light and medium loam; cultivated and fertilized soddy-podzolic and gray forest soils, as well as drained peatlands.​

Quality potato seeds are the key to a good harvest!

​Usage modern methods planting potatoes will facilitate your work on the site and allow you to minimal cost grow a delicious crop. You can use an infusion of cow or bird droppings, they should water the ground near the bushes, preventing it from getting on the foliage. Hilling up the bushes is a must in caring for potato seedlings. The change in day and night temperatures can be quite abrupt, which adversely affects the root system of potatoes and may adversely affect the yield. Therefore, ascended potato bushes need to be hilled up so that only the crown of 2-3 cm remains on the surface.

Under each tuber, you can additionally pour fertilizer, wood ash and humus;

Getting ready to plant potatoes

Soil and its preparation

Not every potato is suitable for planting. Planting material should have small eyes, while the potato should be medium in size and should not be soft (sluggish). In order for the crop yield to increase, you need to pay attention to which varieties grow best on specific type soil. Tubers from those bushes that gave the maximum yield this year are best selected for planting next season;

​Smooth or landing traditional method“under a shovel” involves raising a layer of soil with a shovel, laying tubers, which you previously decided to cut or not, into a prepared hole, and then covering it with a layer of earth from above. This planting technique is well suited if the area is flat, the water does not stagnate on it, Sun rays they warm up and illuminate the ground perfectly, and you have helpers - planting alone in this way is quite difficult.

Large clods do not need to be crushed so that the earth can breathe. If the soil has not been fertilized for a long time, they use the well-known cow dung - it is also humus. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers have proven themselves well, which must be scattered over the site before digging it up. If the site is located in a lowland, it is necessary to make drainage grooves so that water leaves the garden.

How to prepare seed potatoes for planting?

Before buying planting potatoes, be sure to ask the seller for quarantine and varietal certificates. In no case do not buy potatoes in the absence of such a document. Buying a pig in a poke, you run the risk of bringing serious pests and dangerous infections to your site. So, for example, to Perm region such a quarantine object as a potato moth comes very close. And the potato moth is many times more serious than the wireworm familiar to all of us, since it eats away the entire tuber, which leads to a complete loss of the crop.

There are the following categories of seed potatoes: super-superelite, superelite, elite, tubers of the first, second and third reproduction. The first three categories of potatoes are grown in nurseries.​

First of all, pay attention to the choice of a place for planting potatoes. The most common mistake most summer residents make is that potatoes are planted for many years in a row in the same beds. But we all know perfectly well that the place needs to be changed periodically. At the same time, in order to obtain a good harvest, it is also necessary to fertilize the soil. If the ground contains a very small amount of sand, then the potatoes will grow poorly. In this case, the earth must be specially loosened with sand in order to ensure the supply of oxygen to the potato tubers.

Not so long ago, people thought that potatoes tolerated hyperacidity soil. It has now been proven that growing on acidic soils potatoes are most susceptible to pests and diseases. Potatoes are in great need of nutrients, especially during tuber formation.

Potato is a very tasty root vegetable grown in all gardens of the country. But before you get a big harvest, you need to spend a lot of time and effort on planting potatoes. It's about that

Potatoes are ready for planting, but the ground has not yet warmed up - what should I do?

The formation of tubers can be accelerated as follows: during the flowering period, if the planting area is large, scatter dry fertilizers over the area or, if the area is small, add a glass of humus under each bush.

It's time to plant potatoes...

How and when to plant potatoes?

Everyone is sure that planting potatoes is the most elementary activity on suburban area. But it is not so. In fact, not everyone knows how to plant potatoes correctly. In this case, as in any other, there are nuances. About them - a little lower.

cover with a layer of earth or sawdust;

- good results can be achieved if you plant potatoes from another region, or at least exchange planting material with a neighbor;

​When high level groundwater and in waterlogged areas, it is better to choose planting in ridges. With the help of a hoe or a tractor, ridges are made about 15 cm high at a distance of 70 cm, into which the tubers are then planted. You can also plant potatoes in trenches - in areas with a hot climate, on sandy and sandy loamy soils. It’s like ridges on the contrary - they need to be deepened into the soil in order to protect them from drying out and overheating.

With the onset of spring, when the soil warms up well, the entire area should be dug up again. Only this time, one should not neglect the grinding of clods of earth, as well as the removal of weed roots. Fertilizers that are on the surface should be dug in. After that, you need to level the soil so that it does not have time to dry out. The presence of sand is necessary in the soil, then the root crop will grow and develop better. The beds should be placed in a north-south direction, and the seeds should not be lowered to a depth of more than 10 cm.

Do not forget to properly fertilize the soil before planting and periodically process potatoes from Colorado potato beetles, since there are plenty of funds for this now!

How to cut potatoes for planting


What should be the planting potatoes?

The most suitable period for planting potatoes is around the time when leaves begin to bloom on birch trees. At this time, the soil should warm up at a depth of about ten centimeters to 9°C. By the way, there is also a popular sign, according to which you need to start planting potatoes when birch leaves become the size of a penny coin.

Start preparing the soil for planting potatoes on next year follows at the end of this summer. Fertilizers are applied for digging: 13 g / m² of ammonium nitrate or 10 g / m² of urea, 10–13 g / m² of 30–40% potassium salt, 15 g / m² of double granulated superphosphate.​

How to choose seed potatoes in retail outlets?

how to plant potatoes

Harvesting requires the owner to invest enough labor in his plot. However, there is another way to grow potatoes: it is suitable for those who do not have enough time for traditional cultivation.​

Firstly, for landing you need to choose right seeds. This is a guarantee of a good harvest in the future. Since autumn, it is recommended to select the highest quality tubers for subsequent planting. Level the soil with a rake.

- Potatoes of different varieties should be planted, while they should have a different ripening period. This contributes to long-term storage of the crop, since early-ripening varieties usually deteriorate quite quickly. So the first thing you need to do is eat. early potatoes, and the later one can be saved for the winter. unusual ways potato planting refers equipment under straw - when the tubers are laid out on the site and covered with straw, and as the tops grow, they add it to the rows and spud as in traditional planting; the technique of planting in boxes on organic matter - they build ridges-containers in which tubers are placed in organic raw materials and planted; landing in barrels - in a container with drainage holes put fertile soil a layer of about 15 - 20 cm, lay potatoes and sprinkle with soil.

When to plant Well, now you know how to choose the right planting material and plant potatoes in your area.

is a seed upper class grown from microtubers. It contains all the characteristics of the variety and is free from all sorts of viral diseases.

Potatoes should be planted at a depth of 8-10cm, while the beds should be located from north to south, the recommended planting pattern is 80x35cm. You can plant potatoes more often according to the 60x60cm scheme, however, in this case, the stems will interfere with each other's growth. Densely planted plants are not blown enough, which increases the likelihood of late blight. In this case, high-quality hilling will not work, so many tubers will turn out to be green, and such potatoes are not suitable for food.

Seed potato tubers selected for planting must be planted in a bright place (under various canopies, in the shade of trees) so that corned beef poison is developed inside the tuber, which allows the potato tuber to survive for a long time. At the same time, direct sunlight should be avoided on the tubers. We have already considered the issue proper cleaning and storage of potatoes, so we will not repeat.​

, We will talk in our today's article.

The “under the straw” method is as follows: sprouted tubers are laid out on undug soil and covered with a layer of straw (about 20-30 cm), cut weeds or leaves are also suitable for this. No more work is required until autumn: a layer of plant residues retains moisture well and protects from heat. The grown crop is harvested in the fall, when the tops begin to dry out: the straw layer is removed and the tubers are harvested.


Secondly, do not forget to prepare the tubers for planting. They must be warmed up after being removed from storage. It is desirable to germinate tubers. The start of preparation should occur in late March - early April. During the germination period, provide the tubers with moisture and light mineralization with ordinary ash and mineral fertilizers.​

The best time to plant potatoes How to plant an aster for seedlings

Whenever you see the prices of potatoes, the thought comes to mind that it's time to start planting them yourself. There are many ways to plant potatoes on personal plot. There are all sorts of gardening secrets that help to harvest a generous harvest, and the best of them are collected in this article.

How to plant potatoes by hand

After you have plowed the field with a cultivator and dismantled the soil, getting rid of large lumps, you can start marking the site. To do this, take wooden stakes and stick them opposite each other, pull the rope between them to make a straight line - this will be your even row for planting potatoes. Delimit the entire area in this way.

Make furrows along the resulting lines with a chopper or dig holes with a shovel: their depth should be 15-20 cm. step.

Potatoes are a staple food in Russia and nearby countries and often replace bread. Thousands of tons of this root crop are sold to our compatriots a year. If your plot of land is large enough, then you can not only provide food for your entire family for a whole year, but also grow potatoes for sale, but this requires additional work force or motoblock.

Planting potatoes with a walk-behind tractor is considered by gardeners more than effective method, requiring much less effort, but more effective: the motor cultivator makes several furrows at a distance of 100 cm from each other, and then seed potatoes are thrown into them. Usually the sower goes along the furrow and places the seed in front of the foot, then another step is taken and the tuber is placed again. Thus, a distance between seedlings of 30-50 cm is observed. Next, the walk-behind tractor passes next to the sown furrow in order to fill it in and make a new one.

How to grow potatoes using non-traditional methods

Also, this method is suitable for those whose garden is not guarded, and thieves remove the crop. Try to collect enough straw before planting potatoes and cover it with at least small plot estates. Be sure that passersby voyagers will bypass this place, which will save your harvest.

Potato is a tasty and very common vegetable that is grown in all gardens of our country. Potatoes are used as food in boiled, fried, baked form. But before you get a crop, you need to spend a lot of time and effort on planting, processing, protecting potatoes from pests, and then digging them up.

planting material

To get a rich harvest, you need to plant high-quality potatoes and start harvesting planting material in the fall. Autumn for the selection of seed potatoes is the most successful period. Potato planting material should be taken from the bushes that gave the best yield. The size of tubers for planting material should be at least 4-5 centimeters. Experienced gardeners advise: the larger the tubers of planting potatoes, the earlier they will ripen, and the yield from each bush will be higher.

Some gardeners germinate potatoes before planting in warm and dark rooms, or planted sprouted cut potatoes (it needs to be dried, and the slices sprinkled with wood ash). Yes, this can be done if the weather is warm and humid, but if frost hits after the early shoots of the potato, or the weather is rainy and cold, then there is a high probability that the cut potatoes will rot without sprouting, and the early shoots of sprouted potatoes will freeze from frost.

Sandy and light, medium loamy soils are considered the best soil for growing potatoes. On acidic soils, potatoes are most susceptible to pests and diseases. For a rich potato crop, you need soil with big amount nutrients, and it is also necessary to observe the annual alternation horticultural crops and part-time in the garden.

Start preparing the soil for planting potatoes next year should be in the fall. Before digging, fertilizers are applied: 13 g / m2 of ammonium nitrate, 15 g / m2 of double granulated superphosphate. In the spring, before planting potatoes, you need to make organic fertilizers, rotted manure or compost and dig or plow the soil. Don't oversaturate the soil nitrogen fertilizers or manure, the result of this is coarse tops, low yields, and the accumulation of nitrates in potatoes.

You can also apply fertilizer during planting potatoes. During planting, you can make a separate hole for each tuber and fill it with fertilizer, wood ash and humus, and only after that put potatoes there. After laying the tubers, the holes are covered with earth, leveling it with a rake.

Note! You will never get a good potato harvest in shady places, under trees, on damp lands, on heavy clay soils.

How to plant a potato

Potatoes should be planted in spring, when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm will be +6 - +8 ° C. Potatoes should be planted at a depth of 8-10 cm, while the beds should be located from north to south, according to the planting pattern - 80 cm between rows and 35 cm between tubers in a row (80X35). You can plant potatoes even thicker according to the 60 × 60 cm scheme, however, in this case, the stems will interfere with each other's growth.

Densely planted plants are not blown enough, which increases the likelihood of late blight. The best option for planting potato tubers is 90 cm between rows. In this case, hilling is easier, and the tops contribute to a greater yield.

Note! The larger the planting material, the less often you need to plant potato tubers.

Whatever planting scheme you choose, you need to plant potato tubers at the same depth, plant in even rows, leaving a layer of loose soil under the tubers. All this contributes to the creation of an optimal regime for the growth and development of the plant.

potato care

Potato care consists in weeding, hilling and protection from pests ( Colorado beetle) and diseases (phytophthora). Hilling potatoes is necessary when the aerial part grows to 10 cm.

When to Harvest Potatoes

Harvesting potatoes is the final step in growing potatoes. From the end of July, you can start collecting potatoes for storage. Used for different varieties of potatoes different dates harvesting, depending on the maturity of the tubers. Early varieties ripen in 55-65 days, mid-early varieties in 65-80 days, mid-ripening varieties in 80-100 days, medium late in 100-110, and late in more than 110 days, so you can approximately calculate the timing of potato harvesting . On the site with early varieties potatoes are usually dug up for storage until August 1. Mid-season varieties are dug up until August 10, and late varieties - in September.

How to dig and harvest potatoes

Before digging up potatoes, dry and flabby tops are mowed 2 weeks before harvest. Then the tubers of potatoes are dug up for storage. The tops affected by phytophthora are burned.

Potatoes are dug up and harvested in dry weather, and potato tubers are aired in the dim sun. If the weather is damp, the tubers are dried under a canopy. It is better to dig potatoes with a pitchfork, because damage to the tubers will be minor. If a rainy period is expected, the potatoes are dug up without waiting for the tops to dry completely. As a rule, after the August rains, the possibility of damage to potato tubers by late blight increases. Such potato tubers are poorly stored and rot. Therefore, the shortfall in the harvest in the case of earlier digging of potatoes is compensated by better storage.

Potato storage

Dug out potatoes, kept for two to four weeks in dark place at a temperature of +15 ° C. Damaged during harvesting and transportation, tubers heal easily at this time. After that, the potatoes are sorted out, diseased tubers are selected and put into storage. During this period, tubers are not touched unnecessarily. Potatoes are stored in ventilated cellars in mesh bags or in bulk at a temperature of + 2- +4 ° C and a relative humidity of 92-95%. Under favorable conditions, potatoes can be stored for up to 9 months.

Almost every person has a cottage. And it doesn't matter whose it is - grandparents, parents or your own. And every year at the same time, everyone is in a hurry to grow a crop of vegetables and berries. One of these crops is potatoes, the cultivation features of which should be known to everyone. We will tell you how to plant potatoes the right way.

The optimal time for planting potatoes in the ground is end of April or beginning of May. Before this period, such an action cannot be done, because the culture can simply disappear in the cold earth. If the climate in your area is cool, then you should wait until the earth warms up. up to 10 degrees.

How to plant in spring - step by step process

To properly plant potatoes, you should follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • A few weeks before landing, keep tubers warm, then cover the boxes with some translucent material and leave in a cool, bright place. When in the spring they release green sprouts, then it's time to plant them in the ground.
  • Disinfection with boric acid or manure solution.
  • Soil preparation for planting.
  • Planting potatoes.
  • Creating an optimal regime for growth.
When green sprouts appear on the tubers - it's time to plant them in the ground

Planting potatoes in May

Potatoes need to be planted according to indications lunar calendar. In May, you can choose such dates 9th, 11th and 13th.

Until what date can you plant potatoes

When determining this date, it should be borne in mind that the vegetative period for this root crop is 90 days.

That is, if you planned to plant on July 1, then at the end of September you can fully harvest.

What days are not allowed

Folk omens say that potatoes cannot be planted in the ground on the following days:

  • On Wednesdays.
  • On Saturdays.
  • During Palm Week.

If you neglect these rules, then the tubers will deteriorate and not give further growth.

Is it possible to plant potatoes in cold ground

You can’t plant potatoes in cold ground, because it can simply freeze in such weather and you will lose the entire crop, it’s worth the time.

If you hurry and still take such a step, then you need to give Special attention warming up and ensure good conditions his life activity to get a harvest.

Which one to use - large or small

It is customary to call small tubers samples weighing up to 30 grams, average - 30-80 gr, and large over 80 gr.

Very often, many gardeners use medium-sized potatoes, believing that this can become the best choice. But it is precisely such specimens that usually grow from weakened plants.

Most the best way there are only 2 landings:

  • Plant small tubers, but immediately throw into the planting hole several pieces.
  • Plant cut from large tubers. But on such objects there must be at least three eyes.

Is it possible to plant fresh tubers

If someone thinks that this method is unacceptable, then he is greatly mistaken. The use of fresh potatoes when re-planting allows you to improve the yield several times and relieve owners of problems with storage seed material until spring.

This method is best used for those countries in which the period without the onset of frost is 180 days. This is observed in Odessa, Kherson, Poltava and other cities. For Irkutsk, this method is not suitable.

A distinctive feature of this type of landing is that a new crop will sprout slowly.

What weather

Potatoes should be planted only when the frost has passed and the air temperature has risen. up to 14-16 degrees. The earth should warm up at this time up to 10 degrees.

Exists folk omen, according to which, the root crop should be planted after the leaves on the birch become the size of a coin.

How often to plant potatoes

Potatoes can be planted several times a year, given that the period full cultivation is 90 days.

How to properly plant in granulated feed

Granulated compound feed finds its application when digging up plots before the onset of winter. It is then that it is introduced into the soil to improve the characteristics of the applied soil.

Landing with manure

If you want to significantly increase the yield, then it is better to use manure for fertilizer.

It can be applied in 2 ways:

  • Fertilizing the soil before winter period. It is applied in the amount of 10 kg per 1 square meter.
  • Fertilizer in the hole. When planting occurs, after laying the tuber, sprinkle it with manure.

Motoblock or shovel

Potatoes can be planted in 2 ways:

  • Manually using a shovel. Among the advantages of this technology, simplicity can be distinguished: one person simply digs a deep hole, and the second throws tubers and fertilizer. When the second one completes the sowing, the first one fills up the prepared hole. After the process is completed, the earth is leveled with a rake, which allows the water to remain in the earth.
  • With the help of a walk-behind tractor. The advantage of this method can be noted the speed and low costs of manual effort. The process begins with cutting furrows, after which germinated seeds are thrown there. The holes can then be dug in manually or with a cultivator.

What are siderates and why are they needed

Siderata are plants that are grown to improve the fertile properties of the soil.

What gives such an approach?

  1. Soil enrichment with nitrogen, which makes up some part in plant nutrition.
  2. Loosening the soil and improving the structure.
  3. erosion exception.
  4. Land enrichment nutrients and organic substances.
  5. Reducing the growth of weeds.
  6. Elimination of pests and diseases.
  7. Protecting the earth from overheating.

Boarding order

Tuber germination and soil preparation

To grow potatoes, you need to germinate tubers 2 weeks while removing white sprouts. Lay out the material for landing in a thin layer on the floor in a bright place. Readiness can be determined by the presence of green sprouts on the potato, but without additional spots.

If speak about detailed preparation soil, it is worth starting with its fertilization even before the onset of winter. When it's time to land, you should ensure the necessary moisture and loosening of the soil. Digging should be replaced with a bayonet using a pitchfork. This allows the earth to be enriched with oxygen.

Features of growing in the country

If you have your own dacha, then when growing potatoes, you first choose its variety.

After all, someone prefers a root crop with yellow crumbly pulp, and someone prefers white. After that you need decide on the method of cultivation, of which there are now many. But do not forget about fertilizing the soil.


Potato hilling should be done after the plant rises 10 cm above the ground. This will allow, with the help of bedding, to provide the root crop with protection from frost. And after the potatoes grow to 40 cm, you need to fully spud the beds, well filling the aisles with earth.

Very often, leaves, twigs or hay-organic materials can be added to the bedding mixture. This will keep moisture in the ground longer, and also prevent weeds from germinating for a long time.

Watering and care

After the potatoes have begun to bloom, the main condition for a good harvest is high-quality watering.

It should be 2-3 times if the summer is very hot, and if vice versa, then 1 time is enough. But weeds need to be removed much more often, as well as monitor the Colorado beetles.


Initially, you need to harvest after 60 days after planting potatoes, but the main part should be waited until the tops are completely dry.

You need to clean the finished culture only with a pitchfork, so as not to damage the mounds. You can only grow crops in one place for 4 years, after which you need to give the earth a rest and move the plant to another place.

How to grow a "two-crop" way

In many southern countries, gardeners use any method to grow as many crops as possible each year. And therefore, today a method for growing potatoes has already been developed. Twice a year, given that only early ripening varieties are used.

The features of the method are:

  • Good samples of potatoes need to be washed and cut, after which keep in a special solution for one and a half hours.
  • Germinate the culture for 10 days in the garden, covering with a small layer of soil.
  • After that, on July 10, you need to land finished material in the ground and waiting for the harvest.

Growing potatoes is a simple process if you follow a few basic rules:

  • Compliance with the process of preparing material for planting and soil.
  • Creation of favorable conditions for germination.
  • Plant nutrition.

If you follow all the above rules, you can achieve a good result even with a minimum of effort.

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