When is the best time to plant bell peppers? Bulgarian pepper - cultivation and care in the open field. Pinching peppers outdoors

" Pepper

Landing on correct distance provides the plant comfortable conditions to get a good harvest. Beginning gardeners plant vegetables under the ruler, experienced gardeners - by eye. Pepper is a capricious culture, some recommendations for its cultivation should be followed. In this review, we will consider how to plant seedlings of this vegetable correctly and at what distance.

Pepper seedlings are a whimsical culture, so it is very important not to lose sight of important points. By the time of planting in the garden, the seedlings should have 8-10 leaves. It is allowed with the formed buds, when the pepper blooms, it cannot be transplanted. This is due to the fact that during the flowering period it will be difficult for the plant to take root in a new place.

Flowers may fall off, and seedlings will not be accepted. There are also time periods when you need to start planting, and when it's too late. These times may vary by region. For landing on open beds the average temperature should be at the level of 15-18 °C heat.

We must wait for the threat to pass. spring frosts, otherwise, due to the low temperature of the soil, the plant will develop poorly. The likelihood of developing diseases will increase. Seedlings of Bulgarian and hot peppers are planted at the end of May. In order not to be afraid of night frosts, be sure to cover with a film or diaper.

It is better to be late than to rush, night frosts can ruin the entire future crop.

Is it possible to plant bitter and sweet peppers two pieces per hole

Gardeners often ask the question, how many peppers to plant in a hole? Planting 2-3 pieces is profitable; many gardeners practice this technique. Having tried this method once, they usually stop there. Pair method gives good yields. The single-hole planting method has many advantages:

  • of the two bushes more likely that one will take root if the second is damaged by a bear;
  • steam seedlings hold on tight, communicating with each other, in the process of growth, does not require a garter;
  • Thus, Plants pollinate better people used to say "pepper loves to whisper";

Planting peppers two or three per hole is great way grow a rich harvest of fruits, especially in hot climates

Growing seedlings in pairs, you need to take into account the fact that growth in one root can give small fruits. If two grow side by side different varieties mutually pollinating, hybrids can be obtained. Both options have their advantages. Gardeners make decisions based on personal considerations.

Landing preparatory work

Any plant in the garden requires nutritious soil, it must contain a sufficient amount of humus. How to understand if home soil is suitable for the garden and where to plant? The earth from the garden must be taken in hand. If it is loose and crumbly, then the plant will be comfortable. Preparatory work provide for the following actions:

  1. Necessary loosen the soil well loot, remove grass and garbage.
  2. Mark the place of the future beds. Measure the desired distance between rows.
  3. Water abundantly trays with seedlings for the night before planting, so it will be easier to separate from containers.

On loam and acidic soil good harvest will not grow, as the roots need moisture and air.

What to put in the hole

In order for the plant to be fed from the root, it is best to put a garden mixture inside each well. It is prepared from ashes, sawdust and organic fertilizer(manure, bird droppings). Manure is taken in autumn. It is necessary that he was lying down and froze several times. If you take fresh fertilizer, it can burn the seedlings. Inside the hole, it is enough to add one press of the garden mixture.

Some simply add ammonium nitrate to the root. Experienced gardeners, to scare away the bear from the root, they lay broken eggs. In addition to the protective function, the shell nourishes the bushes with calcium. So that the roots do not rot, if the soil is not loose, peat or humus is poured.

Before adding the nutrient mixture to the well, it must be watered. If this is done earlier, useful substances can go deep underground.

Rules for planting seedlings in open ground

  1. Better plant out in the evening when the sun goes down. If this is done in the heat, the seedlings will quickly wither, and its restoration will be difficult.
  2. Well, if it rains during this period, then the soil will be wet. vegetable culture will be easier to adapt.
  3. If seedlings own cultivation, before planting, the trays must be taken outside in advance. Let her get used to the open atmosphere.
  4. Peppers should be well watered, then it will be easy to get them out of the pots.
  5. Carefully remove the bushes from the pots. Planting should be carried out together with the soil, in which she grew up. This will help the plant to more easily endure stress.
  6. If the seedlings are purchased, they need store in a cool place. The roots should be wrapped in a wet cloth.
  7. If desired roots can be treated with a growth enhancer. Stimulants will help to quickly take root and develop properly.

At what distance to plant

The distance between rows should be 50-60 cm for undersized varieties, and about 70 cm for voluminous pepper bushes. Between bushes 25-30 cm. If planted densely, the plant will not receive right amount Sveta. It will be difficult to care for the bushes, it will be difficult to loosen the soil and fertilize.

At the right distance, planting will ensure a good harvest and ease of care.

Pepper conditions and care features

From the moment of planting, careful care is required, when the bushes take root, it will be easier. If the bear eats up the bushes, you need to fight it. In place of the missing bushes, plant new ones. IN further care consists of the following points:

  • the soil should not dry out;
  • provide regular loosening;
  • once every 2 weeks do top dressing;
  • water in the morning or in the evening;
  • plant loves the rain but not in the heat;
  • if their illnesses are noticed, need to be treated;
  • pick peppers from the bush carefully, so as not to damage it;
  • large bushes and with an abundance of harvest better tie up.

The basis of care and maintenance in the garden requires a certain skill that comes with age. studying useful advice even a novice gardener can grow this crop from seed and harvest a good harvest from the garden.

A good result depends on planting seedlings, if everything is done correctly, there will be no problems with growing.

If you do not take into account the importance of the distance between rows and plants, it is impossible to achieve rich harvests. Don't plant too close. Bushes planted densely will stretch upwards. Rarely planted peppers, both hot and sweet, are detrimental to drought. In everything, the distances for planting existing among gardeners must be observed.

April 21, 2016

Delicious and healthy vegetable - Bell pepper- came to us from the New World. It is often called bell pepper due to the fact that in this country they love and know how to grow this plant. Pepper contains a lot useful substances, valuable essential oils and vitamins. In addition, it is very tasty, so all gardeners and summer residents want to grow it. How to plant bell peppers in order to get a big harvest of sweet and tasty vegetables?

Varieties of varieties and types of sweet pepper

Pepper is an annual crop, has a long vegetation period and is very thermophilic, therefore, under our conditions, it cannot be successfully grown by direct sowing in the ground. Seedlings need to be grown. In order to obtain high-quality, strong and healthy seedlings, you need to choose the right varieties and prepare the seeds.

The variety of varieties that exists today allows you to choose pepper different shapes, sizes and colors. It can be light, almost white, pinkish, yellow, orange, red, even almost black and striped. The pepper will acquire this color at the stage of full ripeness, while in technical ripeness all pepper fruits are green.
The shape of the pepper can be round, cuboid, rectangular, cone-shaped, and also take a variety of fancy shapes. Doesn't depend on color or shape beneficial features pepper, this can only affect the aesthetic and taste perception. Almost any variety is suitable for processing, and modern F1 hybrids with thick juicy walls are more often used for food, they have less irritating essential oils.
Having dealt with the richest assortment of varieties and choosing the right ones, every summer resident thinks about how to plant bell peppers. To do this, prepare the seeds for growing seedlings.

seed processing

If you want to get a crop of peppers as early as possible, you will have to deal with seeds already in March - April, depending on whether seedlings are planted in open ground, or in a greenhouse, under cover.
Pepper seeds often germinate reluctantly, slowly and unevenly, so their processing is very desirable. Pepper responds well to heating, which can be combined with soaking in biostimulants. Use for pepper warm water within 30˚С. Natural substances can serve as biostimulants, for example, aloe juice or succinic acid, or ready-made preparations of factory production such as Zircon, Intavir and many others modern means. On average, soaking lasts a day, during which time all small, feeble, defective or floating seeds are selected from the solution. They will not be able to give a full harvest and grow into a large healthy bush, so they can be thrown away with a clear conscience and not waste time on them.
Selected pecked seeds are distributed in cups or sown in rows in trays and planting boxes. 2-3 seeds are placed in individual containers, and sown in trays with a distance of 2-3 centimeters. Pepper tolerates picking and transplanting well, so you can not be afraid of dense plantings.

Advice: Do not let the pepper seed grow too long root, when planting it is easy to break - it is very fragile. It is enough to plant a well-swollen seed with a hatched root.
How to plant bell peppers so that the seedlings turn out strong, green and healthy? Special attention will have to be given to the choice of soil for seedlings. Pepper is very picky about the nutritional value of the soil and requires a lot of moisture, while its seedlings and young plants quickly rot and suffer from the "black leg" disease. Therefore, the soil must be "well-fed", fertile and at the same time moisture-permeable. It should retain water well and quickly pass its excess through itself. If pepper is grown in small quantities, you can buy at any horticultural center ready ground for seedlings.

Growing seedlings

When the planted seeds begin to germinate, you need to provide them with timely watering and ventilation. In order for the seedlings to be healthy and strong, on initial stage growth, it is better to water it by spraying. A weak spray jet does not wash out thin roots and does not damage fragile shoots, moistening only the surface layer of the soil. This moisture is enough for plants, but not enough for the formation of mold.

Several times a day, plantings, covered with foil, are opened for ventilation. The grown seedlings from the trays dive for a greater distance, and those that have grown in separate containers are seated or simply removed the weakest plant. Usually leave 1 - 2 seedlings. Picking is necessary in order to get strong, fairly stocky seedlings. If crops are thickened, seedlings grow very tall, pale and weak, as plants compete for light, water and nutrients all the time. Transplanted into open ground, such seedlings are sick for a long time and later enter fruiting.
Pepper is very thermophilic and demanding of light, this also applies to its seedlings. Therefore, seedlings grown at home or in greenhouse conditions will have to be illuminated.

Planting seedlings under shelter or in a greenhouse

Sufficiently grown seedlings with 2-3 pairs of true leaves can be planted in a greenhouse or under film shelters. These works are carried out in different dates, depending on the climatic conditions terrain and type of protection. How to plant bell peppers so that they quickly bear fruit indoors?

IN good greenhouse with heating and high-quality lighting, peppers can be transplanted already in March - early April. More early boarding will require significant costs for electricity and heating. If it is not possible to provide comfortable conditions for pepper seedlings in the greenhouse, it is necessary to sow seeds and plant seedlings later. Optimal time moving to the greenhouse - mid-April.
Under film tunnel shelters, pepper is planted at the very end of April - beginning of May, depending on the region and weather. This plant is afraid of frost, including on the ground, from which it quickly dies. Therefore, they plant it in such a way that the threat of a serious drop in temperature is over.
Pepper is planted most often in pairs, so that if one plant gets sick and dies, the second one remains to grow. Landing root collar buried in the ground, since peppers, like tomatoes, tend to give additional roots on the trunk. This is especially important if the seedlings are small or weak.

After planting, seedlings are plentifully watered and mulched. This operation or destruction of the soil crust the next day preserves the moisture reserve in the soil and allows oxygen to freely enter the soil, to the roots.

Growing pepper in the garden and garden

To get large fruits and a bountiful harvest, you need to know how to grow bell pepper in open ground. This plant from the nightshade family, like tomatoes with eggplant, came to us from warm sunny lands, so it will require similar conditions for cultivation.
Strong hardened seedlings are planted in open ground. To do this, two weeks before planting, they begin to harden it, exposing it to the street or opening a greenhouse. This is done at first for a few minutes, gradually the time is increased to several hours. Harden seedlings during the warmest and quietest time of the day. The wind is very dangerous - it can easily bend or even break fragile seedlings.
Hardened seedlings are more resistant and better prepared for the conditions that await them in the open field. Therefore, it takes root faster, develops a strong root system and begins to bloom and bear fruit earlier.

Peppers are planted in the ground only after the threat of return moves has finally passed. In the southern regions, these are usually the days after May 9, in the northern regions they shift. Plant on a warm day, preferably calm and not too sunny.
Before planting containers with seedlings are well watered. This is necessary for two purposes. Firstly, the seedlings “drunk” with water are stronger and more stable, and secondly, it is easier to remove it from the softened soil without damaging the thin and fragile roots.
How to plant bell pepper in the ground so that it grows well and quickly, bears abundant fruit and gives delicious juicy peppers? Several factors are important for this:
· Ground. Pepper is extremely picky about the fertility of the land, so the beds are preliminarily well seasoned with organic and mineral fertilizers. The soil should not be too dense and clayey, as well as excessively loose sandy. Acidic soils and peatlands are also not suitable.
· The place where the pepper will be planted. He needs open flat places, do not plant pepper in the lowlands, where cold air accumulates, and on the ridges, where he suffers from dry winds and cold winds.

· sunlight. Pepper is a sun worshiper, in the shade you will not get a harvest from it. He needs a lot of sun and even lighting, so place the pepper correctly on the site, preferably on the south side.
· Warm. Pepper's worst enemy is cool, wet weather. Under these conditions, it produces small tasteless fruits and is easily affected by fungal diseases and viruses. Warm sunny weather is ideal for him.
· Water. To actively grow and produce juicy sweet fruits, peppers need a lot of moisture. If there is not enough water for early stages development, seedlings and young plants will grow stunted and flimsy, when fruits are formed, ovaries fall from lack of water, and when ripe, peppers become dry, shriveled, tasteless and bitter.

Compliance with all of the above parameters is the basic rule of how to plant bell peppers in open ground. If he is followed exactly, the harvest promises to be enviable.

How to place pepper plants in the garden?

Depending on the variety, the pepper may be short or tall. In any case, plants should be planted at a distance of about half a meter from each other, so that the plantings are well ventilated and illuminated. This is especially important for large-fruited varieties, as, in contact, the plants can rot.

A distance of about 70 cm - 1 m is left between the rows of pepper, depending on the size and height of the bush. How larger plants, the greater the distance should be in a row and between rows. Thickened plantings will give weak plants with small fruits.
Watering peppers is a matter of paramount importance. If there is not enough water in the flowering phase, some of the flowers and ovaries will disappear and crumble. This will significantly reduce the yield. If water is not supplied during the pouring period of peppers, their taste and appearance will suffer.
Planting should be watered in the evening, after 18 hours, warm water under the root, plentifully. If possible, drip irrigation would be ideal. For these purposes, special hoses with a series of holes are produced. The slow flow of water drops deeply saturates the soil with moisture, as a result, the pepper forms strong deep roots, extracts water from the lower horizons and keeps well in the ground. If watering is poor, weak surface roots are formed, which are prone to drying out and easily die.

Harvest gradually, since on this plant you can simultaneously see both flowers and ripe fruits. Remove peppers in the stage of technical ripeness, that is, green. This must be done carefully, breaking off each pepper so as not to break the entire plant.
Carefully grown bell peppers produce a large amount of delicious glossy fruit.


Pepper is very thermophilic plant. Therefore, it grows only at a temperature of +18...+25 °C. When the thermometer reading falls below +18 ° C, the development of pepper slows down. And at a temperature of +13 ° C, it stops altogether. Also, the vegetable needs a fairly large daylight hours. Gardeners start in January-February, only if it is planned to be transplanted into a greenhouse in the future. The optimal time for sowing peppers is the first week of March. At this time, it is already quite light during the day, and the thermometer is slowly creeping up. Pepper does not tolerate even penumbra, so use fluorescent lamps in low light.

Since the seeds are long, bubbling them before planting. To do this, use an elongated vessel or an aquarium compressor. Keep pepper seeds in oxygenated water for 24-36 hours. After that, put the seeds on a damp cloth, which you place in a very warm place (+ 25 + 30 ° C). Wait until the seeds begin to peck, and sow them in the ground. The soil for choose light and loose. Take 2 parts of the soil from the garden (it should be healthy), add 1 part of peat and 1 part of humus. The depth of sowing should be no more than 1-1.5 cm, otherwise the seedlings will be painful.

Usually bell peppers for a week or more, provided that the seeds have been well processed. Keep the air temperature at 24-25°C until germination. When the seedlings hatch, lower the temperature to + 18 ° C to allow the root system to develop properly. At the same time, this will be a kind of hardening for peppers. Then the temperature must be raised again.

As soon as the pepper has two or three true leaves, transplant it into separate pots or plant it in the same container for more far distance. Growing up, pepper seedlings begin to interfere with each other, their leaves are in contact, while the roots can get mixed up. For transplanting, use the same soil composition in which the peppers grew before. Make holes in a new container, pour water over them. Then carefully remove the seedling from the soil and transfer it to the hole along with a lump of earth on the roots. After transplanting, tamp the earth with your hands so that no voids remain in it. Shade the transplanted pepper for a while, and then put it in a permanent sunny place. Water as needed with settled water.

For transplanting into open ground, the seedling height should be at least 20 cm. And on one pepper bush - at least 8-10 developed side leaves. Plant peppers only when the danger of frost has passed and the soil temperature is at least +15°C. Plant the pepper in the ground at the same level as it grew in the cup. After about a week, fertilizer can be applied along with watering. Pepper is responsive to organic and mineral fertilizers, and especially nitrogen. Before transplanting the plant, pour 1 tbsp into each well. urea and fill with water. It is nitrogen that contributes to an increase in the number of ovaries. However, its excess reduces the resistance of pepper to diseases. The introduction of phosphorus and potash fertilizers affects fruit quality. In addition, fertilize with mullein or chicken manure.

Pepper fruits grow on side shoots. flowering has White color. After that, ovaries form on the shoots. The fruits grow in a downward direction. At first they are quite small, but every day they increase. Harvest fruits in the phase of biological maturity - when they begin to turn slightly red. In this phase, the pepper accumulates the greatest amount of vitamin C, sugars, and other nutrients. After the timely collection of large fruits, new ovaries are formed. Pepper cut sharp knife, but do not cut off, otherwise the plant may rot.

Pepper is one type of vegetable, without which no holiday can do. bell pepper is always present on the table in the form of cuts or a hot dish, and sweet pepper is present on winter table in the form of preparation for the winter. But few people know how grow peppers outdoors on suburban area. Such a vegetable is very picky and requires good care to yourself, but every novice gardener dreams of trying to grow it on his site.

Seedlings of Bulgarian and sweet pepper

Growing such a vegetable has its pros and cons, if there is an error with watering, sudden changes in temperature or if the transplant is incorrect, the yield decreases to almost zero.

Damaged plants will no longer give the desired short summer harvest, since without a tie there will be no pollination, and without this the plant will receive less nutrition and thus will not give the long-awaited harvest in the fall.

But in order for it to grow and please with its harvest, it is necessary to plant it very early and ensure seedlings and development without stress and temperature changes. This the most important rule when growing sweet peppers in open ground.

The most important points in sowing bell peppers are:

  • Preparation of seeds for sowing;
  • soil preparation for sowing peppers;
  • sowing seeds;
  • picking peppers.

It is better to consider each procedure separately, so as not to miss and avoid mistakes.

Preparing seeds for seedlings for growing peppers in open ground

Purchased seeds need to examine the seeds and remove all frail and damaged ones. good seeds must be treated for a fungal infection.

To do this, put the seeds in gauze, as in a bag and place in a thick solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. After this procedure, rinse with warm, running water.

There is one more good way for good shoots of bell pepper, this is Elina's solution. It is necessary to place a bag of gauze in a solution of 1 drop of Elina diluted with 1 liter of water and leave for one day.

After all these procedures, put the seeds on a damp cloth and cover with wet gauze. In this form, the seeds should be put in a warm place for one week, but if the seeds do not swell, then you can wait another week.

The main thing is not to leave the seeds dry, they must be moistened, otherwise the seeds will dry out and disappear.

Soil preparation for planting

For sowing, you can buy ready-made soil in a specialized store and only add one fifth of the washed sand.

You can no longer add anything to the finished soil, because it already has:

Horse soil;

  • deoxidizing additives;
  • mineral fertilizer;
  • hesmine substances;
  • sand;
  • agropermit.

To understand why they need the soil, it is better to find out all the additives in detail.

Horse soil is practically free of microbes and absorbs moisture well; all plants cannot do without this additive.

Deoxidizing additives are needed to remove high acidity from the topsoil.

Mineral fertilizer provides mineral nutrition and promotes plant growth.

Hesmine substances are needed for stimulation and root formation, as well as plant resistance.

Sand reduces soil shrinkage during long-term cultivation of the plant. Usually sand in large quantities is needed for home flowers in pots.

Agropermit saturates the roots with oxygen and promotes their good growth and nourishes the substances necessary for growth.

Experienced gardeners do not buy soil, but do it themselves at home. To do this, you need only two parts of humus, one part of sand and two parts of peat. Mix everything well and heat in the oven for about one hour. In this way, the soil will be ready for planting seeds.

Sowing seeds

Seed ripening occurs 10 or 14 days after germination, and seedlings are best planted when it is 60 days old. Therefore, sowing is best done in mid-February, when the daylight hours are still short.

Before boarding, you need to rinse the plate well in potassium permanganate solution, and then fill it with cooked soil mixture. Lightly compact the soil so that the bowl is two centimeters higher than the soil.

Make a recess and carefully spread the seeds at a distance of 1.5 cm. After filling the seeds with prepared soil and compact.

Pour warm water over, but be careful not to wash the seeds. To prevent moisture from evaporating, you need to close it with a special lid, and if there is no such lid, you can use a regular plastic bag.

Seeds need to be put in a warm place where the air temperature is about 17 degrees. Be sure to water with warm water and not let the soil dry out, but you can’t fill it either.

Be sure to watch the pepper seedlings so that they do not bend over. To avoid this, you need to turn in turn towards the sun. And also it is possible over seedlings

How to bake properly

To reduce the risk of damage to root rot plants, the pepper is transplanted when the plant has two leaves.

But it is better to transplant after 4 weeks, when the seedlings are stronger and more resistant to stressful conditions and the stalks of pepper seedlings are already stronger.

Before transplanting seedlings, you need to shed well and wait for the excess water to drain.

It grows and develops more slowly than tomatoes and therefore it is better to transplant into separate small pots.

Pour pre-prepared soil into half of the pot, make a hole and place pepper seedlings, send with earth and lightly compact. Carefully pour warm water, holding the stems and if the soil has settled, then you need to add the prepared soil, but not too much. Peppers should be half potted, not completely covered.

Place these seedlings in a warm and well-lit room.

How to feed seedlings

Care for seedlings should already begin after the peppers are transplanted open ground in their summer cottage.

First feeding is done after two weeks after diving and two weeks after the first bait. While the plant is young, it is better and very convenient to apply top dressing in liquid form. You can buy it in a flower shop and it is best to choose:

  • Agricola;
  • Strong;
  • Fertik;
  • Suite;
  • Mortar.

How to properly dilute the top dressing for peppers will be written in the instructions for use.

Two weeks before planting bell peppers in ordinary soil in a summer cottage, it is necessary to harden the seedlings in the open fresh air.

But there is one necessary part to consider open air: direct sunlight should not fall on the peppers, but there should not be a cold and strong wind either.

Most the best option suitable for tempering covered balcony with the non-sunny side.

Grow seedlings in peat tablets

There is another great way for seedlings of peppers - these are peat tablets. Peat tablets give excellent results, and a plant that is stressed when diving can no longer be afraid, so like this procedure with a peat tablet do not need to be performed.

The peat tablet contains all the necessary additives for the development of pepper and with the help of such a wonderful tablet to grow good seedlings even for beginner gardeners.

Seedlings still need to be grown in separate pots, so peat tablets can be taken with a diameter of three centimeters.

Place the required amount of peat tablets on the tray and pour warm water over them. When swelling, the tablets increase and take the form of a glass.

As soon as peat tablet swell up to right size and stop absorbing water, you need to drain excess water and make a small hole in the cups

Pepper seeds should be prepared in the same way as when sown in the soil. This must also be done in advance. Seeds should be carefully placed in the holes and sprinkled with prepared soil. Close the tray with a lid or put on a plastic bag.

Pepper planting and care in the open field

Peppers do not like cold and heavy soil, and if there is clay soil on the site, then better cultivation Bulgarian pepper in open ground should be fertilized with peat and humus.

The earth needs to be dug up well on a spade bayonet and rake well so that there are no large lumps. After that, make not very deep holes for planting, but very frequent holes also do not need to be done.

Before planting, you need to put a little bit in each hole mineral fertilizer, which will contain nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Such a composition must be mixed well until a homogeneous mass.

Carefully remove the seedling from the pot, being careful not to damage the root system of the pepper. Place the seedlings in the hole and fall asleep half earth hole. You need to fall asleep so that all root system seedling was closed.

Pour abundantly with warm water and for a year the water will be absorbed to cover the entire hole with dry earth.

If the plant is tall and requires a garter, then it is worth tying the peppers to a special support. If the nights are still cold, then you need to cover sweet peppers in polyethylene meadows, but you can’t cover them with woven covering material.

Outdoor Pepper Care

For outdoor cultivation to be carried out proper care there are four rules:

  1. Top dressing.
  2. Watering.
  3. Prophet.
  4. Garters.

Top dressing. During growth and cultivation, it is necessary to feed three times. The first top dressing after 10 days after planting in ordinary soil can be fed with ordinary manure.

The second dressing is done before flowering. They are fed with a woody hall or supperfastate. To do this, dilute potassium humate with 10 liters of water. Pour peppers with this solution.

The third top dressing should occur two weeks after flowering. Feed with a woody hall. And you can also feed sweet peppers with nettle solution. To do this, cut the nettle into small pieces and pour warm water. Infuse this solution for several days, and then pour over the peppers.

Watering. Sweet peppers are very fond of moisture, but an excess of pepper is very harmful. Therefore, sweet peppers need to be watered as the soil dries.

Prophet. Light and fluffy soil gives good growth to plants. It is imperative to ensure that the peppers are not overgrown with grass, and the soil must be loosened near the peppers.

Caring for bell peppers in the country and in the garden is a favorite pastime of most gardeners. If you choose the right variety, and carefully look after it, then the multi-colored bushes in the garden will generously thank their owner.

Grow a rich crop of bell peppers on personal plot not as simple as it seems at first glance. The main problem that gardeners face when growing this vegetable is the bitterness of the fruit. It's a shame when you are busy with planting seedlings, regularly water and feed the plant, protect it from pests and diseases, and in the end you get beautiful, juicy, but inedible fruits. Quite often, instead of the expected variety, small twisted stumps grow on the bush.
How to deal with such phenomena? Very simple: buy bell pepper seeds from a company with good advice and grow seedlings on your own.

Bell pepper seedlings on the windowsill

High-quality seedlings of Bulgarian pepper are the key to a rich harvest in the future. To make it healthy and strong, you need to take care of high-quality seeds. It is best to purchase them in specialized stores or on the manufacturer's website. You should not buy seeds by weight, it is better to take a few bags of your favorite that are suitable for growing in your area. It is important that the packaging is hermetically sealed and provides full information about the manufacturer, the number of seeds, the percentage of similarity and the expiration date.

Timely and correctly sown seeds will give friendly and strong seedlings. In order for seedlings to please their owners, you need to remember a few rules:

  • The best time for sowing. Pepper seedlings have time to get stronger before planting in open ground and build up a powerful root system.
  • Seeds before sowing must be soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate, stand them for 15 minutes, rinse under running water and process for 12 hours.
  • After treatment with a stimulant, it is advisable to put the seeds on a damp cloth and place in.
  • After swelling, high-quality seeds suitable for planting are clearly visible.
  • Sowing must be done in sterile soil. Don't rely on purchased soil. It can also be contaminated with infectious bacteria. The best proportion of soil for planting bell pepper is a 1:1 mixture of peat, garden soil and sand. ground mixture it is also worth pouring a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Sowing is carried out in moist soil in small furrows no deeper than 1.5 cm. The soil is compacted with a spatula or palm. The container is placed in a mini-greenhouse or covered with a film.
  • Pepper is very thermophilic and seeds need heat and humidity. Until the earth in the container warms up to +25 degrees, shoots will not appear. This is important to know if swollen seeds are planted, which, with less temperature regime may rot in the soil. If the temperature is lower, then the first shoots can be expected for a very long time or not at all.
  • After the first shoots appear, the greenhouse must be ventilated every day for half an hour and the temperature should be reduced to +22 degrees so that the plants do not stretch. Watering seedlings at this time is not recommended. It is better to spray them with a sprayer with warm water. Water procedures can be carried out on cloudy days, or remove the seedling container from the light so as not to burn the tender shoots.
  • At temperatures below +20 degrees, seedlings stop growing. On cloudy days, it is advisable to put the plants under.
  • After the appearance of the second true sheet, you can proceed to. Plants are abundantly watered two hours before the start of the procedure. This technique reduces damage to the root system. Perfect option- transplanting with a small clod of earth. Such seedlings quickly take root and start growing. If the plant has long roots, then it is advisable to shorten them, but only the part that is not covered with soil. After the pick. Seedlings are watered no earlier than five days later.

Bulgarian pepper care

The process of growing bell pepper in open ground is no less important than working with seedlings. If you treat it responsibly, then in the fall small bushes will delight you with a rich multi-colored harvest. Bulgarian pepper care includes regular weeding, loosening the soil, fertilizing and picking fruits to the extent of their ripeness. Pepper is planted according to the scheme 40 cm by 40 cm. Such dense plantings are characteristic of this plant and have a beneficial effect on its growth.

Pepper is not only a heat-loving plant, but big lover have a drink. Water the plant with warm water evening time. On hot days, daily watering will not be superfluous.

Once a week, after abundant watering, the plants are fed. Trace elements can be applied no more than once every two weeks.

Growing sweet bell peppers in a greenhouse is no different than growing them outdoors. The only difference is that fit and tall varieties that require a garter or support. In the greenhouse, the pepper feels more comfortable, as it loves heat and moisture.

The best varieties of bell pepper

Today it is quite difficult to identify bell pepper among a large assortment, which is offered to gardeners by domestic and foreign firms manufacturers.

Among the long-tested varieties, it should be noted:

  • "California Miracle"
  • "Gift of Moldova",
  • "Orange Miracle"

These varieties feel great in open and ground and film shelters.

Among modern varieties, they have adequately shown themselves:

  • "Czardas",
  • "Shorokshars" (improved California Miracle),
  • "Cornet",
  • "Triton",
  • "Marinkin tongue",
  • "Ivanhoe"
  • "Fat Baron"
  • "Italian Boot".

Red bell pepper in modern selection has received many relatives that boast yellow, orange, black, white, purple color and will help create a multi-colored carnival in the garden.

Diseases and pests of bell pepper

A common disease of bell pepper seedlings is the black leg. It appears with dense plantings and in case of non-compliance with agricultural technology:

  • frequent soil overflows;
  • lack of daily ventilation;
  • low room temperature.

When infected with a black leg, 80% of seedlings die, so it is better to follow the rules for preventing the disease:

  • treat seeds before planting in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • destroy problematic seedlings;
  • disinfect the soil.

At the first sign of the disease, the soil is watered with a solution blue vitriol (3%).

Blossom end rot affects young bushes that lack calcium. The reason may also be an excess in the soil, irregular watering, sudden changes in humidity in the air. The disease manifests itself in the form of watery spots on the fruit, which dry out after a few days. The infection can be quickly and effectively overcome. It is worth spraying or feeding the pepper bushes with calcium nitrate or calcium chloride, as the plants quickly bounce back and continue to develop. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to control the amount of nitrogen in the soil and watering.

When the plant wilts, turns yellow and the leaves curl, these are sure signs of Fusarium wilt. If you do not take action, then in a few days the bush will die. The peak of the disease falls at the time of fruit set. There is no cure for this infection. The only way out is to remove the diseased plant and destroy it. So that the disease does not visit vegetable beds, they must be kept clean from weeds, regularly loosen the soil.

Septoria appears as white spots on the leaves of the plant and can destroy half the crop in a few days. Trichodermin, Fitosporin will help to cope with the problem.

by the most dangerous pest bell pepper is a whitefly. The only way to get rid of it is with chemicals. Biological agents effective only if the plants are grown outdoors.

Diseases and pests of bell pepper can be defeated if you follow the rules for growing a plant and observing the vegetation of green pets. Daily observations will help you quickly identify the problem and remove it. But how to grow bell pepper in the country? Urban residents do not have the opportunity to often walk in the beds, and in order not to lose most of the crop, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures starting with the sowing of seeds. It is good if it is possible to grow pepper under a film cover. This will help to avoid many problems during the absence of the owners and protect the plants from hail, hot sun rays, hypothermia and strong winds.

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